Entrepreneurship Notes (1-8)
Entrepreneurship Notes (1-8)
Entrepreneurship Notes (1-8)
INTRODUCTION ..........................................................................................................5
A COURSE OUTLINE OF BASIC ENTREPRENEURSHIP, NTA 4 ......................................6
AND OPERATING BUSINESS .......................................................................................7
1.1 Definitions of key terms ......................................................................................... 7
1.1.1 Entrepreneurship ............................................................................................ 7
1.1.2 Intrapreneurship ............................................................................................ 7
1.1.3 Risk taking/ bearing........................................................................................ 7
1.1.4 Creativity ....................................................................................................... 8
1.1.5 Innovation ..................................................................................................... 8
1.1.6 An enterprise ................................................................................................. 8
1.1.7 Entrepreneurial behavior ................................................................................. 8
1.1.8 Entrepreneurial competences .......................................................................... 8
1.1.9 Interneural culture ......................................................................................... 8
1.1.10 Business opportunity (bizopp) ......................................................................... 9
1.2 The background of a concept an entrepreneur ........................................................ 9
1.3 Historical development of entrepreneurship in Tanzania ........................................... 9
1.3.1 Before Colonial Era ........................................................................................10
1.3.2 During Colonial Era ........................................................................................10
1.3.3 Post-independence and Socialist Era (1967-1985) ............................................10
1.3.4 Liberalization and Economic restructuring (1986 to date) ..................................11
1.4 Rewards / importance of entrepreneurship in Tanzania ...........................................12
1.5 Possible risks associated entrepreneurship .............................................................13
1.6 Problems facing entrepreneurs in Tanzania ............................................................13
2.0 FEATURES OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP VS. BUSINESS ........................................14
2.1 Characteristics of Entrepreneurs ............................................................................14
2.2 Different between an entrepreneur and businessperson ..........................................16
2.3 Types of entrepreneurship ....................................................................................17
2.3.1 Classification based on business done .............................................................17
2.3.2 Classification based on the use of technology ..................................................18
2.3.3 Classification based on business ownership......................................................18
2.3.4 Classification based on gender ........................................................................18
Notes for basics of entrepreneurship, NTA
Notes for basics of entrepreneurship, NTA
Notes for basics of entrepreneurship, NTA
This is a pamphlet contains some notes prepared for the course of Basic
Therefore, it is my hope that the notes will be used as one of the additional sources of
knowledge to supplement other sources of knowledge. In the totality, the course has
eight sub-enabling learning outcomes (SELOs) with several related tasks (RTs). In this
Notes for basics of entrepreneurship, NTA
Notes for basics of entrepreneurship, NTA
1.1.1 Entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurship has different definitions some of them are as follows;
Entrepreneurship is the process of designing, launching and running a new business,
which is often initially a small business (Wikipedia).
1.1.2 Intrapreneurship
It refers to a system that allows an employee to act like an entrepreneur within a
company or other organization. An intrapreneur therefore, is an employee of a company
who is assigned to work on a special idea or project. He or she is given the time and
freedom to develop the project as an entrepreneur does.
Therefore, risk taking is the act or fact of doing something that involves danger
or risk in order to achieve a goal. Starting a business always involves some risk-taking.
As an entrepreneur, taking risks does not mean going into business blindly and then
expecting great results. However, taking risks in entrepreneurship involves careful
planning and hard work.
Notes for basics of entrepreneurship, NTA
1.1.4 Creativity
Is the act of turning new and imaginative ideas into reality. Creativity is characterized
by the ability to perceive the world in new ways, to find hidden patterns, to make
connections between seemingly unrelated phenomena, and to generate.
1.1.5 Innovation
The process of translating an idea or invention into a good or service that creates value
or for which customers will pay.
Note: the different between creativity and innovation is that; creativity is the novel step
of being the first to identify that something might be possible in the first place.
But innovation is the action of putting things into practical reality, despite challenges
and resistance, rather than just contemplating. In other words. Creativity involves the
generation of novel and useful ideas while innovation entails the implementation of
these ideas into new products and processes.
1.1.6 An enterprise
Is a-profit business or company, most often associated with entrepreneurial ventures.
Notes for basics of entrepreneurship, NTA
Therefore, based on the above definitions, there are key elements of an entrepreneur
which are visionary, innovative, risk bearer, rational decision, leadenness to learn, elf
commitments, passion, establishing business network etc. (will be discussed in chapter
Notes for basics of entrepreneurship, NTA
However, the social and economic context created in various parts of the country during
the colonial period presented different opportunities for the development of
entrepreneurship. For example, European missionaries and farmers settled in some
mountains areas of the country (Kilimanjaro, Tukuyu, Bukoba, Songea etc), where they
introduced Christianity, education and commercial agriculture. They also encouraged
the local population to cultivate commercial crops and to establish cooperatives. This
development not only inspired the local population and exposed to new desires and
opportunities, but it also led to land shortages which forced them to think and act in
non-traditional ways in pursuing of livelihoods and success.
Notes for basics of entrepreneurship, NTA
The government invested heavily in the nationalized entities as well as new ones.
Therefore, the socialist policies discouraged private business entrepreneurship in favor
of government, community-based or co-operative-owned ventures.
Regulations were introduced to bar civil servants and leaders of the ruling party from
engaging in business activities. Since all educated Africans were civil servants, this
means that, business activities were left to Asians and those indigenous people who
had no job opportunities, and these tended to be people who had no substantial
The break-up of East African Community in 1977 coincided with a combination of other
unfortunate events led to a long economic crisis in Tanzania. The events included the
international oil crisis of the early 1970s and a costly war between Tanzania and
Uganda in 1978/79.
The economic crisis was manifested by a serious shortage of foreign exchange and
consumer products, industrial capacity under-utilization, inflation and decline in real
purchasing power among wage earners, forcing them to undertake petty business
activities to supplement their meager earnings. Similarly, real crop prices dropped
compelling peasants and their dependents to diversify income sources by engaging in
small ventures within the rural areas or in urban centers.
Again, there were others established informal agricultural activities, animal husbandry,
retail and other projects to supplement the dwindling formal incomes and take
advantage of the failure of state companies to meet the basic needs.
However, this “second economy” met strong resistance from the state which only saw
its dysfunctional role. The informal private business activities were seen as being in
conflict with country’s resolve to build an egalitarian society, as it created a class which
owned no allegiance to the goals of the society (Maliyamkono and Bagachwa, 1990).
programme with the urging and support of the World Bank and the International
Monetary Fund (IMF) from 1986.
The reforms did not fully ease the problem of low salaries. On the contrary, the
retrenchments, freezing of employment, privatization of state enterprises and
disengagement of the government from some activities led to substantial job losses and
limited openings for school and college graduates. Most of those who could not find
jobs as well as salaried workers, started micro and informal businesses to enable them
to eke out a living. The government started encouraging workers to do so. For example,
in 1992, the government deliberately reduced the working week by half a day to give
employees more time to engage in income generating projects to supplement their
official incomes. This played a significant role in enhancing the legitimacy of
entrepreneurship activities.
Notes for basics of entrepreneurship, NTA
NOTE: as an entrepreneur to defeat several risks, you must plan wisely in terms of
budgeting and show investors that they are considering risks by creating a realistic
business plan
• Finding Customers.
i. Define the following terms as used in in the industry of entrepreneurship
(Entrepreneurship, an Entrepreneur, Intrapreneurship, an Intrapreneur, Risk,
Innovation, Creativity, enterprise, Entrepreneurial behaviour, Entrepreneurial
competences, Entrepreneurial culture, Business opportunity).
ii. Explain the status of entrepreneurship development in Tanzania based on before,
during the colonial era, post-independence and Socialist Era (1967-1985) and
liberalization and Economic restructuring era (1986 to date).
iii. Among four eras in the development of entrepreneurship in Tanzania, which one
had greater contribution to the development of entrepreneurship in Tanzania and
iv. With examples from the Tanzanian context, discuss the importance of
v. An entrepreneur in Tanzania is not free from various problems that might hinder
his/her activities. With examples, identify those problems.
At the end of this chapter, each student is expected to familiarize the following
i. Identifying characteristics of entrepreneurs
ii. Differentiating entrepreneur vs. businessperson
iii. Identifying types of entrepreneurs
iv. Understanding personal enterprising tendency
2.1 Characteristics of Entrepreneurs
Many entrepreneurs would like to succeed in their businesses. However, most of them
fail to achieve it. The following hints describe characteristics of successful
i. Self-Motivation
One of the most important traits of entrepreneurs is self-motivation. When you
want to succeed, you need to be able to push yourself. You aren’t answerable to
anyone else as an entrepreneur, and that sometimes means that it’s hard to get
moving without anyone to make you. You need to be dedicated to your plan and
keep moving forward — even if you aren’t receiving an immediate paycheck.
ii. Having basic money management skills and knowledge
If you want to be successful, you should still have basic money management
skills and knowledge. Understand how money works so that you know where you
stand, and so that you run your business on sound principles.
iii. Readiness to adapt changes in business/ flexibility
To a certain degree, you need to be flexible as an entrepreneur. Be willing to
change as needed. Stay on top of your industry and be ready to adopt changes
in processes and product as they are needed. Sometimes, you also need
Notes for basics of entrepreneurship, NTA
Notes for basics of entrepreneurship, NTA
Not everyone is going to be jumping at the chance to use a new product and
service, and some still won’t adopt even after a lot of compelling information. So
entrepreneurs network; not only to find clients, but also to meet others who
share their passion and desire and who can help them go even further.
Businesspeople and entrepreneurs have many similarities. They both provide jobs for
the unemployed, give solutions to the consumers, and help in developing the economy
of a certain nation. However, they are not the same kind of people. The following are
differences between a businessman and an entrepreneur
Notes for basics of entrepreneurship, NTA
Entrepreneurs are people who have a passion for creating change in the world. They
need a certain set of skills to be effective leaders and innovators. Since there are so
many types of businesses, there are also many kinds of entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs
are classified based on different classifications. The following are some of them.
i. Trading Entrepreneur
As the name itself suggests, the trading entrepreneur undertake the trading
activities. They procure the finished products from the manufacturers and sell
these to the customers directly or through a retailer. These serve as the
Notes for basics of entrepreneurship, NTA
i. Technical Entrepreneur
The entrepreneurs who establish and run science and technology-based
industries are called ‘technical entrepreneurs.’ Speaking alternatively, these are
the entrepreneurs who make use of science and technology in their enterprises.
Expectedly, they use new and innovative methods of production in their
ii. Non-Technical Entrepreneur
They are concerned with the use of alternative and imitative methods of
marketing and distribution strategies to make their business survive and thrive in
the competitive market
i. Private Entrepreneur
A private entrepreneur is one who as an individual sets up a business enterprise.
He / she it’s the sole owner of the enterprise and bears the entire risk involved in
ii. State entrepreneur
When the trading or industrial venture is undertaken by the State or the
Government, it is called ‘state entrepreneur.
i. Men Entrepreneurs
When business enterprises are owned, managed, and controlled by men, these
are called ‘men entrepreneurs.’
Notes for basics of entrepreneurship, NTA
i. Small-Scale Entrepreneur
An entrepreneur who has made investment in plant and machinery up to Rs 1.00
crore is called ‘small-scale entrepreneur.’
ii. Medium-Scale Entrepreneur
The entrepreneur who has made investment in plant and machinery above Rs
1.00 crore but below Rs 5.00 crore is called ‘medium-scale entrepreneur.’
iii. Large- Scale Entrepreneur
The entrepreneur who has made investment in plant and machinery more than
Rs 5.00 crore is called ‘large-scale entrepreneur.
Clarence Danhof (1949), on the basis of his study of the American Agriculture, classified
entrepreneurs in the manner that at the initial stage of economic development,
entrepreneurs have less initiative and drive and as economic development proceeds,
they become more innovating and enthusiastic. According to him, there are four types
of entrepreneurs as follows;
1.Innovating Entrepreneurs
Innovating entrepreneurs are one who introduce new goods, inaugurate new method of
production, discover new market and reorganize the enterprise. It is important to note
that such entrepreneurs can work only when a certain level of development is already
achieved, and people look forward to change and improvement.
2. Imitative Entrepreneurs
Imitative entrepreneurs do not innovate the changes themselves; they only imitate
techniques and technology innovated by others. Such types of entrepreneurs are
particularly suitable for the underdeveloped regions for bringing a mushroom drive of
imitation of new combinations of factors of production already available in developed
3. Fabian Entrepreneurs
perfectly clear that failure to do so would result in a loss of the relative position in the
4. Drone Entrepreneurs
1. Solo Operators
These are the entrepreneurs who essentially work alone and, if needed at all, employ a
few employees. In the beginning, most of the entrepreneurs start their enterprises like
2. Active Partners
Active partners are those entrepreneurs who start/ carry on an enterprise as a joint
venture. It is important that all of them actively participate in the operations of the
business. Entrepreneurs who only contribute funds to the enterprise but do not actively
participate in business activity are called simply ‘partners’.
Such entrepreneurs with their competence and inventiveness invent new products.
Their basic interest lies in research and innovative activities.
4. Challengers
These are the entrepreneurs who plunge into industry because of the challenges it
presents. When one challenge seems to be met, they begin to look for new challenges.
These are those entrepreneurs who do not like to bear much risk. Hence, in order to
reduce risk involved in setting up a new enterprise, they like to buy the ongoing one.
6. Life-Timers:
These entrepreneurs take business as an integral part to their life. Usually, the family
enterprise and businesses which mainly depend on exercise of personal skill fall in this
type/category of entrepreneurs.
Notes for basics of entrepreneurship, NTA
This kind of entrepreneurship is when entrepreneurs believe that their company can
change the world. They often receive funding from venture capitalists and hire
specialized employees. Scalable startups look for things that are missing in the market
and create solutions for them. Many of these types of businesses start are technology-
focused. They seek rapid expansion and big profit returns. Examples of scalable
startups are Facebook, Instagram and Uber.
An entrepreneur who wants to solve social problems with their products and services is
in this category of entrepreneurship. Their main goal is to make the world a better
place. They don't work to make big profits or wealth. Instead, these kinds of
entrepreneurs tend to start nonprofits or companies that dedicate themselves to
working toward social good.
People who are willing to work hard and put in constant effort are considered hustler
entrepreneurs. They often start small and work toward growing a bigger business with
hard work rather than capital. Their aspirations are what motivates them, and they are
willing to do what it takes to achieve their goals. They do not give up easily and are
willing to experience challenges to get what they want. A perfect example of a hustler is
Mark Cuban. He started in business very young selling trash bags, newspapers and
even postage stamps and this hustle later created a goldmine which was acquired by
internet giant Yahoo.
Researchers take their time when starting their own business. They want to do as much
research as possible before offering a product or service. They believe that with the
right preparation and information, they have a higher chance of being successful.
Therefore, based on above types of entrepreneurship, we can get the following types of
entrepreneurs, innovators, hustlers, imitators, researchers, buyers etc.
An enterprising tendency is defined as the tendency to start up and manage your own
projects/ business venture. In other words, personal enterprising tendency refers to the
combinations of attributes/ characteristics that help someone to become a successful
Notes for basics of entrepreneurship, NTA
This is measured by the General Measure of Enterprising Tendency test (GET2). The
test was first developed in 1987-1988 by Sally Caird and Mr Cliff Johnson at Durham
University Business School with funding from the University Grants Council.
The basic premise of the test is that the enterprising person shares entrepreneurial
characteristics (attributes), and that these characteristics may be nurtured via
educational and training and assessed.
The attributes are need for achievement, need for autonomy, need for achievement,
need for autonomy, creative tendency, calculated risk taking and locus of control,
providing interpretation for these enterprising attributes.
Notes for basics of entrepreneurship, NTA
● Determination to ensure your objectives are met even when difficulties arise,
● Self expressive, feeling a strongly need to do their own thing their way,
● Opinionated, having to say what they think and make up their own mind
about issues,
Creative tendency
If people have a creative tendency, they have the following qualities,
● Intuition, being able to synthesis ideas and knowledge, and make good guesses when
● Versatile and able to draw on personal resources for projects or problem solving,
Notes for basics of entrepreneurship, NTA
● Analytical, being good at evaluating the likely benefits against the likely
costs of actions,
If people have an internal locus of control, they have the following qualities:
● Self-confidence with the belief that they have control over their destiny and make
their own luck, rather than being controlled by fate;
Notes for basics of entrepreneurship, NTA
For example;
Four steps
i. Identification and evaluation of the opportunity,
ii. Development of the business plan,
iii. Determination and evaluation of resource requirements
iv. Harvesting- an entrepreneur decides on the future prospects of the business
based on the profit made and customers’ satisfactions. It is in this stage wherein;
improvements are needed or terminate it.
Five steps
i. Discovery of an Idea
ii. Concept Development (development of a business plan).
iii. Seeking Resources
iv. Actualization of Operations (implementation of your business plan)
v. Harvesting- an entrepreneur decides on the future prospects of the business
based on the profit made and customers’ satisfactions. It is in this stage wherein;
improvements are needed or terminate it.
Six steps
i. Deciding to Become an Entrepreneur-It refers to the first step of the
entrepreneurial process in which an individual decides to start his/her own
enterprise. There are various sources of business ideas as discussed in SELO 4.
ii. Identifying and Evaluating the Opportunity- In this process, the entrepreneur
recognizes potential opportunities. Sometimes, the set mechanisms, such as
entrepreneurship development training programs and government policies to
promote entrepreneurs, help potential entrepreneurs in identifying the
Notes for basics of entrepreneurship, NTA
Eleven steps
i. Search for a New Idea
ii. Preliminary Assessment of Idea – evaluating the quality of idea.
iii. Detailed Analysis of Promising Idea
iv. Selection of the Most Promising Idea
v. Assembling the Resource and Personnel
vi. Determining Size of Unit
vii. Deciding on Location of Business and Plan Layout
viii. Sound Financial Planning- this is based on available financial resource in order to
put it to optimum use.
ix. Launching the Enterprise
x. Managing the Company
xi. Harvesting- an entrepreneur decides on the future prospects of the business
based on the profit made and customers’ satisfactions. It is in this stage wherein;
improvements are needed or terminate it.
NB: Based on above presented steps of entrepreneurship process, one would notice
that, despite their differences in numbers, there are similar ideas among them.
Therefore, it is the matter of choice about what steps to be followed.
Notes for basics of entrepreneurship, NTA
high at this stage and the production costs are also not fully recovered due to
low volume of sales.
ii. Growth Stage- There is a rapid expansion in sales as the cumulative impact of
the promotional expenditure helps in the market acceptance of the product as
well as the reputation of the product gains around. But this rapid expansion can
be sustained only by the maintenance of product quality.
iii. Maturity Stage- When the product enters the maturity stage the rate of growth
of its sales declines, though the volume of sales keeps on increasing. This is so
because most of the persons needing the product-had; already adopted it during
the growth stage and now when the product enters its maturity stage, it faces a
small and declining number of potential buyers. Consequently, the firm has to
spend relatively increasing amount of sales promotion.
iv. Saturation Stage- At this stage, the sales volume of the product ceases to grow.
The only additional demand for the product happens to be its replacement
v. Decline Stage- Ultimately the product enters a stage of decline where its sale
volume starts shifting down. The competitors have by then entered the market
with substitutes and imitations and the product distinctiveness starts diminishing.
Consequently, the sale of the product also starts declining. So, in order to save
itself from the stage of saturation and decline, the firm makes a fresh innovation
just at a time when the existing product is about to enter the saturation stage. In
this manner, the firm marks a new product line.
3.3 Forms of business and implications
The most common forms of business are the sole proprietorship, partnership,
corporation, and S corporation, a Limited Liability Company (LLC). More discussion
about advantages and disadvantages of each form will be done intensively in chapter
five which is all about categories of business firms. Please visit and read it.
Notes for basics of entrepreneurship, NTA
i. Write short notes on the concept entrepreneurship process
ii. Each venture-life cycle has its associated activities to be undertaken. With
examples, explain five main stages of venture cycles and associated activities of
an entrepreneur for venture’s survival.
iii. Every business conducted is either of a certain form. With examples, Identify
forms of business and their implications
At the end of this chapter, each student is expected to demonstrate knowledge and
skills about the following contents:-
Notes for basics of entrepreneurship, NTA
According Walle (2017), the following procedures can be implemented while screening
for the best business idea.
Notes for basics of entrepreneurship, NTA
iii. Apply for company incorporation and obtain the certificate of incorporation
A subscriber, secretary, or a person named in the articles of association as a
director must submit the following to the Registrar of Companies:
a) 14a (First Directors and Secretary and Intended situation of Registered Office).
Click here to see Form 14a
b) 14b (Declaration of Compliance on Application for the Registration of a
Company). Click here to see form 14 b (1)
NB: The Memorandum and Articles of Association are also filed with the forms.
After the forms are filed, the certificate of incorporation is usually processed
within 2-3 days. Registration forms are free, and applicable registration fees
(according to the New Companies Act 2002).
iv. Apply for taxpayer identification number (TIN) at the Tanzania Revenue
TIN registration is free of charge. It takes a minimum of 1- 2 days to obtain a
TIN number, depending on the number of requests made to the Revenue
Authority (TRA) at the time. The Certificate of incorporation shall be attached to
the TIN application enclosed with Memorandum and Articles of Associations
when a person makes application to TRA.
v. Apply a business license
The business license is either issued by the Ministry of Industry and Trade or the
Local Authorities depending on the nature of the business. Together with the
application, the following documents must be submitted:
a) Certificate of incorporation
b) Memorandum and Articles of Association
c) Proof of Tanzanian Citizenship
Notes for basics of entrepreneurship, NTA
4.5 Requirement for opening a business account for any type of business
In the previous lesson we have seen legal requirement for starting a business.
However, requirements for opening of an account for business is determined by a type
of business you what to engage with. The Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA) has
issued a guide for business startup ranging from individual to a company.
4.5.1 Individual
i. Application of TIN number
An individual whether resident or nonresident is required to visit TRA regional or
district office and fill TIN application form to apply for Taxpayer Identification
Number. The application can also be made online, however the applicant must
physically visit TRA offices for biometric scanning which involves taking
photograph, finger prints and signature.
ii. Application of business license
Notes for basics of entrepreneurship, NTA
After obtaining TIN certificate the applicant will be required to apply for business
license from the Trade office in District, Municipal, City and the Ministry of Trade
and Industry depending on the type of business.
iii. Certificate of Registration
An individual may opt to register the business name to the agency commissioned
by Ministry of Trade and Industry known as Business Registration and Licensing
Authority (BRELA). The registered name can be obtained before or after
application for TIN. The registered business name shall be indicated on the TIN
certificate together with an individuals’ name showing the owners name trading
as (T/A).
4.5.3 Partnership
The partners have to register for the firm at BRELA and acquire the certificate of
registration which shows the number and names of partners with their respective
distribution ratio. In applying for TIN the partnership firm shall apply for its certificate
by submitting the copy of certificate of registration obtained from BRELA. Each
individual partner shall apply for TIN, in case any partner has already issued with TIN
certificate for other purpose he/she cannot make another application. The same TIN
will be used.
4.5.4 Trust
Trust is an arrangement under which the trustees hold assets but excludes partnership
and a company. A trust has to register for the firm at BRELA and acquire the certificate
of registration which shows the names and addresses of trustees. Each trustee shall
apply for TIN, in case any trustee has already been issued with TIN certificate for other
purpose he/she cannot make another application. The same TIN will be used.
Notes for basics of entrepreneurship, NTA
4.6 A summary of requirements for opening a business account for any type
of business
In Tanzania, the following are common requirements for sole proprietors, partnerships
and limited companies account opening:
i. Business license
ii. Passport photos. The of passport photos depends on bank requirements.
iii. TIN/VAT certificate and letter of introduction
iv. Address verification document (e.g. utility bills or title deed)
v. ID documents (passport, voter’s ID, driver’s license, or national ID)
For specific and limited companies, the following are additional requirements
Notes for basics of entrepreneurship, NTA
• The owner makes all the decisions. The owner is not obligated to confer with
anyone when it comes to deciding the location of the business, who to hire, what
to sell, etc.
• All profits are subject to the owner
• There is very little regulation for proprietorships
• Owners have total flexibility when running the business
Drawbacks/ disadvantages
• Owner is 100% liable for business debts. Personal liability means if the person or
entity wins the lawsuit, the court can make the owner sell business and personal
assets to satisfy the debt.
• If the owner dies, the business will become defunct or terminate
5.2.2 Partnership
A partnership is a business owned by two or more people. These come in two types:
general and limited.
➢ In general partnerships, both owners invest their money, property, labor, etc. to
the business and are both 100% liable for business debts. In other words, even
if you invest a little into a general partnership, you are still potentially responsible
for all its debt. General partnerships do not require a formal agreement—
partnerships can be verbal or even implied between the two business owners.
➢ Limited partnerships require a formal agreement between the partners. They
must also file a certificate of partnership with the state. Limited partnerships
allow partners to limit their own liability for business debts according to their
portion of ownership or investment.
Notes for basics of entrepreneurship, NTA
• One major advantage of a partnership is funding. Each owner can help with
financing, start-up costs, or ongoing business expenses.
• Another advantage is shared knowledge and experience.
• Shared resources provides more capital for the business
• Each partner shares the total profits of the company
• Similar flexibility and simple design of a proprietorship
• Sharing any profit with his partner.
• There is sometimes conflict of interest among members.
5.2.3 Corporation
It is a large company or group of companies authorized to act as a single entity and
recognized as such in law. Corporations are, for tax purposes, separate entities and are
considered a legal person. This means, among other things, that the profits generated
by a corporation are taxed as the “personal income” of the company. Then, any income
distributed to the shareholders as dividends or profits are taxed again as the personal
income of the owners.
➢ S and C Corporations
Most major corporations are C corps, most smaller firms are S corps. The
big difference between the two is that C corporation shareholders are
subject to double taxation. That means the government taxes the C
company’s income at corporate rates, and taxes the dividends after the
corporation distributes them to the shareholders. Dividends in this case
serve the same purpose that wages and salaries do for ordinary
employees in ordinary jobs.
Notes for basics of entrepreneurship, NTA
➢ Regular Corporation
The Regular Corporation is one with which most people are familiar. It is owned by
stockholder(s). These stockholder(s) elect a Board of Directors which elects officers and
hires employees to handle the day-to-day operations. There must be an annual meeting
of the stockholders to be held after proper notice is given.
A Statutory Close Corporation may operate without a Board of Directors and without
annual meetings. There are also other normal corporate requirements which do not
have to be met. The law does provide for restrictive "default" positions on many issues,
such as who may purchase stock from an existing stockholder.
➢ Quasi-Closed Corporation
➢ Professional Corporation
➢ Non-Profit Corporation
A Limited Liability Company (LLC) is, like a corporation, a creature of statutory law
which provides limited liability to its owners. It was originally created to give limited
liability protection to owners while affording owners pass-through tax treatment like a
partnership. LLCs are very flexible. In fact, almost all of the statutory provisions
governing interrelationships between individual members (as owners of an LLC are
called), and between individual members and the LLC itself can be changed by an
operating agreement.
Advantages of a corporation
• Limits liability of the owner to debts or losses
• Profits and losses belong to the corporation
• Can be transferred to new owners fairly easily
• Personal assets cannot be seized to pay for business debts
Notes for basics of entrepreneurship, NTA
In other books, corporations are of two categories ie. C corporation and s corporation.
The biggest difference between C and S corporations is taxes. C
corporations pay tax on their income, plus you pay tax on whatever income you
receive as an owner or employee. S corporation doesn't pay tax. Instead, you and
the other owners report the company revenue as personal income. This is when
shareholders report business income and losses on a personal tax return. So the only
taxes they face are the ones on their personal tax return. There’s no corporate tax.
Advantages of an LLC
• Limits liability to the company owners for debts or losses
• The profits of the LLC are shared by the owners without double-taxation
• Ownership is limited by certain state laws
• Agreements must be comprehensive and complex
• Beginning an LLC has high costs due to legal and filing fees
Note: In the first chapter we discussed about different ways of classifying business.
One among them, is the classification based on the size of the business in items of
capital, number of employees etc. Therefore, based on this classification, there small,
medium and large business. For example, in terms of a number of employees, in a
small and a medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) employ fewer than 250 people. SMEs are
Notes for basics of entrepreneurship, NTA
further subdivided into micro enterprises (fewer than 10 employees), small enterprises
(10 to 49 employees), medium-sized enterprises (50 to 249 employees). Large
enterprises employ 250 or more people. In the context of Tanzania, SMEs are defined
as micro, small and medium size enterprises in non-farm activities which include
manufacturing, mining, commerce and services. A micro enterprise is defined as a firm
with fewer than five employees whereas a small firm is a firm with 5 to 49 employees, a
medium enterprise is a firm with 50 to 99 employees. Any firm with 100 employees or
more is regarded as a large enterprise.
Notes for basics of entrepreneurship, NTA
• More nimble and flexible: Small businesses are more flexible and less bound by
policies and procedures.
• Quick to react to changing market conditions: Being flexible also relates to the
ability to react quickly to changing market conditions.
• Can work more closely with customers to correct the company’s shortcomings
than a large business/company.
5.4.1 Problems faced by small business in Tanzania
There are many problems faced by small business sector in Tanzania. Some of
the are as follows;
• Financial Problem: Small scale industries usually do not have sufficient funds to
meet their fixed capital and working capital requirements. Institutional lenders
are generally reluctant to advance money to small industries since.
• Faulty Planning: Faulty planning is a major problem of the small business since
no proper viability studies-technical or economic-are carried out by the small
firms before they are sponsored
• Shortage of Raw-Material and other Infrastructural Facilities: In most of the
cases, when raw materials are in short supply, large scale business enterprises
grab the entire supply, because of their stronger bargaining position. Small scale
enterprises also face lack of other infrastructural facilities like water, power
connections etc.
• Poor technology of production: Most of the small firms use old or outdated
techniques of production. They cannot afford new machines and equipment
based on latest technology; mainly because of financial crunch.
• Marketing Problems: Small firms face severe problems in the sphere of marketing
of their products.
• Lack of Appropriate Knowledge and Skills: For example, Small Medium
Enterprises (SMEs) in Tanzania have limited formal education and limited
training. About half of the population of entrepreneurs has completed primary
school; one-third secondary school; less than 10% obtained technical 17 training
after secondary school or pursued higher education. Some 70% did not receive
training before the start of the business.
• Taxation: In most developing countries, there are still complexity and/or
ambiguity of the tax laws, high tax rates, and the lack of an integrated fiscal
strategy that takes social taxes, and local taxes and fees into account when
determining the overall tax burden placed on the business community
• Innovation and Creativity: Tanzanian SMEs capacity to innovate and create is
limited to knowledge and available facilities. They lack market knowledge of
product life cycle, for that reason when the product reach the stage of maturity,
it decline indefinitely with no effort of changing strategies so as to make the
product continue to exist in the market.
Notes for basics of entrepreneurship, NTA
Generally, some of the contributions of small business firms in the Tanzania economy
are as follows:-
Notes for basics of entrepreneurship, NTA
This was established in 1973 by the Act of Parliament to plan, coordinate, promote and
offer every form of service to small industries. This is a main government arm for
promoting SMEs in Tanzania. Some of the things SIDO have achieved include situations
which aimed at supporting the development of SME sector, these include:-
Recently, the Ministry of Industry and Trade established the SMEs Department; this
department focuses on promoting the growth of SMEs in Tanzania.
Notes for basics of entrepreneurship, NTA
➢ Private organisations
Apart from organisations mentioned above, institutions in the private sector such as
Tanzania Chamber of Commerce Industry and Agriculture (TCCIA) and Confederation of
Tanzanian Industry (CTI) are also supporting SME development
The Faculty of Commerce of the University of Dar es Salaam established UDEC in 2001.
The Centre provides consultancy and training in SME related issues. Currently, the
centre has established the incubator whereby graduate entrepreneurs and other
managers/owner of businesses can be trained on entrepreneurship and related issues.
Joint Government and donors support institutions have been established also to support
enterprise development in Tanzania.
i. Running a business firm needs the owner to be conversant enough with it. In
your group discussion,
a) Define a business firm
b) Categorizing business firms in Tanzania and source of funding
ii. Small businesses are of paramount importance for both individual and
national development in in Tanzania. With five points each side, explain
advantages of operating small business and problems faced by small business
sector in Tanzania.
Notes for basics of entrepreneurship, NTA
Increased productivity
For example, statistics from UK Trade and Investment (UKTI) state that companies
involved in overseas trade can improve their productivity by 34%.
Foreign currency
International trade is one of the means of income generation in the state. Some
international currency like dollars, pounds etc. are very important in the development of
the nation.
Notes for basics of entrepreneurship, NTA
Notes for basics of entrepreneurship, NTA
• Tariffs are fees paid on imported goods. As previously presented that tariffs
increase the price that consumers pay for the good, thus reducing the quantity
of the good demanded and making the price more in line with the price charged
by domestic producers.
• Subsidies are grants given to domestic industries to help them develop and
compete with foreign producers. Through subsidies, domestic producers can
charge less for their goods without losing money due to outside grants
Trade Deficit
The difference between exports and imports is referred to as the trade deficit or the
trade surplus. When exports exceed imports, a trade surplus exists. When imports
exceed exports, a trade deficit exists.
Air Waybills
Air Waybills make sure that goods have been received for shipment by air. A typical air
waybill sample consists of of three originals and nine copies. The first original is for the
carrier and is signed by a export agent; the second original, the consignee's copy, is
signed by an export agent; the third original is signed by the carrier and is handed to
the export agent as a receipt for the goods.
Commercial Invoice
Commercial Invoice document is provided by the seller to the buyer. Also known as
export invoice or import invoice, commercial invoice is finally used by the custom
authorities of the importer's country to evaluate the good for the purpose of taxation.
Notes for basics of entrepreneurship, NTA
Bill of Exchange
A Bill of Exchange is a special type of written document under which an exporter ask
importer a certain amount of money in future and the importer also agrees to pay the
importer that amount of money on or before the future date.
Insurance Certificate
Also known as Insurance Policy, it certifies that goods transported have been insured
under an open policy and is not actionable with little details about the risk covered. It is
necessary that the date on which the insurance becomes effective is same or earlier
than the date of issuance of the transport documents.
Packing List
Also known as packing specification, it contains details about the packing materials used
in the shipping of goods. It also includes details like measurement and weight of goods.
Inspection Certificate
Certificate of Inspection is a document prepared on the request of seller when he wants
the consignment to be checked by a third party at the port of shipment before the
goods are sealed for final transportation.
Goods on approval
This is an arrangement under which items of durable nature (such as appliances, books,
equipment) are provided to a prospective customer for a pre-purchase trial. These
items are returnable after a specified period in re-saleable condition if not accepted for
Main documents
Notes for basics of entrepreneurship, NTA
i. In recent time, the international purchasing is very common among businessmen. With
at least five points per each discussed part,
a) Explain reasons for and against international purchasing.
b) Identify documents used in international purchasing.
At the end of the following chapter, each student will be able to familiarize the following
i. Defining INCOTERMS
ii. Explaining grouping INCOTERMS as used in international trade.
iii. Identifying the limitation of Incoterms
7.1 Meaning of INCOTERMS
INCOTERMS are a set of 11 internationally recognized rules which define the
responsibilities of sellers and buyers. They are a globally-recognised set of standards,
used worldwide in international and domestic contracts for the delivery of goods. The
rules have been developed and maintained by experts and practitioners brought
together by the International Chamber for Commerce (ICC). They have become the
standard in international business rules setting
Incoterms specifies who is responsible for paying for and managing the shipment,
insurance, documentation, customs clearance, and other logistical activities.
The main purpose of INCOTEMS is to provide common interpretation for the different
trade terms used in international trade. In international business, parties are from
diverse nations due to different trade practices followed in those countries. Therefore,
INCOTERMS tries to harmonize them.
Notes for basics of entrepreneurship, NTA
NB: With Free on Board, the seller is responsible for the goods until they are loaded on
a shipping vessel, then other costs later on are for the buyer him/herself. Group C: Shipment terms - Main carriage paid
Where the seller has to contract for carriage, but without assuming the risk of loss of or
damage to the goods or additional costs due to events occurring after shipment and
dispatch, (CFR, CIF, CPT and CIP). These are shipment contracts with the destination
point named, and carriage paid by the seller.
CIF and CIP are the only Incoterms related directly to insurance cover. In these the
seller arranges the contract of carriage and payment of cargo and is regarded as being
in a better position than the buyer to arrange insurance.
Notes for basics of entrepreneurship, NTA
the goods, as well as any additional costs due to events occurring after the time the
goods have been delivered on board the vessel, is transferred from the seller to the
buyer when the goods pass the ship's rail in the port of shipment.
Notes for basics of entrepreneurship, NTA
destination, cleared for importation. The seller has to bear all risks and costs including
duties, taxes and other charges of delivering the goods thereto.
• Provides for demonstrated market need in relation to bills of lading (BL) with an
on-board notation and the Free Carrier (FCA) Incoterms rule.
• Aligns different levels of insurance coverage in Cost Insurance and Freight (CIF)
and Carriage and Insurance Paid To (CIP).
• Includes arrangements for carriage with own means of transport in FCA,
Delivered at Place (DAP), Delivered at Place Unloaded (DPU), and Delivered Duty
Paid (DDP).
• There is a change in the three-letter name for Delivered at Terminal (DAT) to
• Includes security-related requirements within carriage obligations and costs
The substance of Incoterms 2020 has not changed considerably, but the small subtle
changes are absolutely crucial for trade specialists. Here are the key differences
between Incoterms 2010 and Incoterms 2020:
Notes for basics of entrepreneurship, NTA
Why? Because Clause A covers a more comprehensive higher level of insurance (e.g.
for the manufactured goods), whereas a lower level of cover from Clause C would
probably apply to the commodities world. Therefore, the main difference is that CIF
means Cost Insurance and Freight (followed by a destination) which means, the value
of goods sold includes cost of goods, insurance and freight up to destination
mentioned. CIP means, Carriage and Insurance paid (up to named destination)
3. The Listing of Costs
All costs are now listed in the ‘Allocation of Costs’ sections for each rule, to avoid
confusions. Because the ordering of articles within the Incoterms 2020 rules have also
changed, these now appear in the A9/B9 section of each rule.
Costs were a big issue in the 2010 Incoterms. Carriers often changed their pricing
structure to deal with add ons and sellers were often surprised by being back charged
terminal handling charges. The A9 sections in the Incoterms rules guide now collects
together the costs, with the principle aim of clearly stating the costs to each party.
4. Security Requirements
Cargo security has been particularly important since 9/11, and the 2020 rules now
address many of the security-related requirements that became so prevalent in the
early part of this century. From a carriage requirements perspective, security related
allocations have been added to A4 and A7 of each Incoterms rule, and the necessary
costs associated have been added to A9/B9 (see 3).
5. Own transport
Notes for basics of entrepreneurship, NTA
Incoterms 2010 rules assumed that goods carried from the seller to the buyer were via
a 3rd party. Incoterms 2020 allows for own means of transport by the buyer in the FCA
rules and by the seller in the D rules.
Note : Free Carrier" means that the seller fulfils his obligation to deliver when he has
handed over the goods, cleared for export, into the charge of the carrier named by the
buyer at the named place or point.
According to FCA part B4, ‘The buyer must contract or arrange at its own cost for the
carriage of the goods’. There is a gap in delivery between FCA and FOB. If you’re selling
FCA, your delivery point is different to FOB. The difference between FCA and FOB to the
seller is a significant cost and risk. In the 2010 Incoterms rules, exporters of goods in
containers were encouraged to use FCA, which seemed best for both parties. However,
many people were using FOB when they should’ve really been using FCA.
The Incoterms 2020 FCA extra provision now states that if the parties have so agreed,
the buyer must instruct the carrier to issue to the seller, at the buyers cost and risk, a
transport document stating that the goods have been loaded (such as a Bill of Lading
with an on board notation)’
Mistakenly considering that incoterms constitute an entire contract of sale rather than
being a part of it.
Notes for basics of entrepreneurship, NTA
Four of the incoterms used under the Incoterms 2010 rules relate only to transportation
by water (FAS, FOB, CFR and CIF) and yet there are occasions when an airport is
named as the destination for such incoterms.
Additionally, whilst the FAS and FOB incoterms should state the port of shipment as
being relevant to the purported transportation risks agreed between the parties but
occasionally the port of destination is erroneously given instead.
Inconsistency between the chosen incoterm and the provisions of a sales contract. Such
inconsistency was one of the issues in the Euro-Asian Oil case. There the title transfer
provision of the contract and the stated documentary requirements for title delivery or
the period of time for payment did not conform to the relevant incoterm. Whilst the
court sought to be flexible to interpret the contract and look beyond what a “classic CIF
contract” was by applying custom and practice of oil trading contracts to assess if the
parties had special terms in mind. At some point during the series of transactions, the
court could not continue to square the circle.
Notes for basics of entrepreneurship, NTA
depends on the method of payment you use. There are plenty of international paying methods
for importers and exporters across the globe.
The main international payment methods used around the world today include: Cash in
Advance, Letters of Credit, Documentary Collections, Open Account Consignment.
Advantage Disadvantages
Buyer → Guarantee of cargo being shipped before payment → Reliance on seller to
→ Obligation by seller to fulfill stated and negotiated ship goods as specified
Seller → Reliable proof of foreign buyers’ credit prior to → Minima
shipment of goods
→ Obligation by buyer to fulfill stated and negotiated
→ Payment by buyer’s bank in the event of a default
→ Low risk
Notes for basics of entrepreneurship, NTA
With documentary collections, also known as Bills of Exchange, the seller is basically handing
over the responsibility of payment collection to his bank.
With this payment option, the seller ships the goods to the buyers with a credit period attached.
This is usually in 30-, 60-, or 90-day periods, during which the buyer must carry out full
Open Accounts are usually only recommended for trustworthy and reputable buyers, for buyers
and sellers who have an established and trusting relationship, and/or for exports with relatively
lower value to minimize risk.
Notes for basics of entrepreneurship, NTA
been sold. In exchange, the buyer is responsible for the management and sale of the
merchandise to the end customer.
✓ Take the time to get to know the other party: Before trusting foreign clients or
commercial partners, take the time to really get to know them. Many disputes are the
result of bad faith dealings by the other party.
✓ Testing is important before a serious investment (Start slow): Test the waters before
investing in big international transactions. Start with small transactions to see if
everything goes smoothly and the other party is dependable.
✓ Always use secure payment methods: Unless you’ve enjoyed a long relationship with a
foreign partner, you’ll have to protect yourself. National Bank can help you choose the
most appropriate and secure method for your situation. You can request advance
payment or get a confirmed letter of credit.
Notes for basics of entrepreneurship, NTA
i. International payment can be done using different methods. Briefly explain pros and
cons of four common methods used in International payment.
ii. While using various methods for international payment, there are might be some
associated methods. With examples identify risks and Measures for protecting
international payment methods.
Notes for basics of entrepreneurship, NTA
Gillham, J. (2019). Differences between a Businessman and Entrepreneur. Online
Journal. Retrieved from https://authoritywebsiteincome.com/10-differences-
Caird, Sally (2013). General measure of Enterprising Tendency test. Retrieved from
Walle,S.N. (2017). Simple steps to choose the right business idea. Retrieved from