3Q Semi LP 9
3Q Semi LP 9
3Q Semi LP 9
Division of Iligan City
North I District
A. Daily Routine
1. Greetings
2. Prayer
3. Checking of Attendance
B. Review
The teacher recalls the past lesson
C. Motivation
1. Identifying difficult terms
a. Querulous - complaining in a petulant or whining manner
b. Imperious - marked by arrogant assurance
c. Bland - smooth and soothing in manner or quality
d. Unnerved - to cause to become nervous : UPSET
e. Highhanded - having or showing no regard for the rights, concerns, or feelings of
2. (Who Am I)
The teacher will ask each student, “If you are a technology, what are you?” Explain.
3. What to be consider!!
4. The teacher will show an empty box, and the students will fill in the boxes with what to
5. be consider before getting married.
6. The teacher will show an empty box, and the students will fill in the boxes with what to
7. be consider before getting married
8. The teacher will show an empty box, and the students will fill in the boxes with what to
9. be consider before getting married
10. The teacher will show an empty box, and the students will fill in the boxes with what to
11. be consider before getting marr
12. What to be consider!!
13. The teacher will show an empty box, and the students will fill in the boxes with what to
14. be consider before getting married
D. Presentation
As Lucille Fletche once explained in an interview, Sorry, Wrong Number was partially
inspired by an incident from someone else's life. While Herrmann was sick at home, Lucille
went down to the corner drug store for medicine. Innocently striking up a conversation with
her pharmacist, a longtime friend, she raised the ire of an elderly woman who had apparently
been waiting first. The woman interrupted and approached the druggist, complaining about
poor service and demanding to "know who this interloper is!", referring to Fletcher. Ms.
Fletcher, finding the woman's shrill voice and demeanor particularly irritating, went home with
the intention of writing a script based around a character with those traits who becomes
embroiled in a precarious situation.
The radio drama premiered in 1943 and became one of the most legendary radio plays of
all time. Agnes Moorehead created the role in the first performance and again in several later
radio productions. Barbara Stanwyck starred in the 1948 film version and, in 1952, performed
the original radio play over the airwaves. A 1959 version produced for the CBS radio series
Suspense received a 1960 Edgar Award for Best Radio Drama.
Footnote to youth is all about Dodong, a boy who wants to marry the love of his life Teang at
the age of 17 without knowing what might challenges may come being a couple at a young age.
story repeats the past when Dodong and Teang eldest son Blas, wants to marry his girl Tona at
age of 18
without knowing what life may bring.
The author of the story is Jose Garcia Villa (1908-1997). He is a poet, critic, short story
writer and
a painter. Jose Villa was born in Singalong, Manila on August 05 1908. He finished his Highschool
years at
UP in the year 1925. His work Footnote to youth was published at the year of 1933 and it goes
because it tackles the situation of every Filipino who suffers from getting married at a younger age.
pen name is DOVEGLION (derive from Dove, Eagle, and Lion)
Footnote to youth is all about Dodong, a boy who wants to marry the love of his life Teang at
the age of 17 without knowing what might challenges may come being a couple at a young age.
story repeats the past when Dodong and Teang eldest son Blas, wants to marry his girl Tona at
age of 18
without knowing what life may bring.
The author of the story is Jose Garcia Villa (1908-1997). He is a poet, critic, short story
writer and
a painter. Jose Villa was born in Singalong, Manila on August 05 1908. He finished his Highschool
years at
UP in the year 1925. His work Footnote to youth was published at the year of 1933 and it goes
because it tackles the situation of every Filipino who suffers from getting married at a younger age.
pen name is DOVEGLION (derive from Dove, Eagle, and Lion)
Footnote to youth is all about Dodong, a boy who wants to marry the love of his life Teang at
the age of 17 without knowing what might challenges may come being a couple at a young age.
story repeats the past when Dodong and Teang eldest son Blas, wants to marry his girl Tona at
age of 18
without knowing what life may bring.
The author of the story is Jose Garcia Villa (1908-1997). He is a poet, critic, short story
writer and
a painter. Jose Villa was born in Singalong, Manila on August 05 1908. He finished his Highschool
years at
UP in the year 1925. His work Footnote to youth was published at the year of 1933 and it goes
because it tackles the situation of every Filipino who suffers from getting married at a younger age.
pen name is DOVEGLION (derive from Dove, Eagle, and Lion)
Footnote to youth is all about Dodong, a boy who wants to marry the love of his life Teang at
the age of 17 without knowing what might challenges may come being a couple at a young age.
story repeats the past when Dodong and Teang eldest son Blas, wants to marry his girl Tona at
age of 18
without knowing what life may bring.
The author of the story is Jose Garcia Villa (1908-1997). He is a poet, critic, short story
writer and
a painter. Jose Villa was born in Singalong, Manila on August 05 1908. He finished his Highschool
years at
UP in the year 1925. His work Footnote to youth was published at the year of 1933 and it goes
because it tackles the situation of every Filipino who suffers from getting married at a younger age.
pen name is DOVEGLION (derive from Dove, Eagle, and Lion)
E. Discussion
F. Generalization
1. Which part of the story can you find heightened tension and suspension?
2. Was Mrs. Stevenson able to connect to get help? How?
3. Would you be willing to face danger just to help somebody in trouble?
G. Application
Students will be grouped into to 5 then within a group, they will as to do the following:
Write another scene of the play that includes Sergeant Duffy's investigation into the murder
and the arrest of a suspect.