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published: 26 May 2022

doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2022.925454

Machine Learning Advances in

Microbiology: A Review of Methods
and Applications
Yiru Jiang , Jing Luo , Danqing Huang , Ya Liu * and Dan-dan Li *

State Key Laboratory of Microbial Technology, Institute of Microbial Technology, Shandong University, Qingdao, China

Microorganisms play an important role in natural material and elemental cycles. Many
common and general biology research techniques rely on microorganisms. Machine
learning has been gradually integrated with multiple fields of study. Machine learning,
including deep learning, aims to use mathematical insights to optimize variational functions
Edited by: to aid microbiology using various types of available data to help humans organize and
Pengfei Ding, apply collective knowledge of various research objects in a systematic and scaled manner.
University of Maryland,
Classification and prediction have become the main achievements in the development of
Baltimore County, United States
microbial community research in the direction of computational biology. This review
Reviewed by:
Changyou Chen, summarizes the application and development of machine learning and deep learning in
Institute of Electrical Engineering the field of microbiology and shows and compares the advantages and disadvantages
Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Bingyao Huang, of different algorithm tools in four fields: microbiome and taxonomy, microbial ecology,
Guangxi University of Chinese pathogen and epidemiology, and drug discovery.
Medicine, China
Qing Zhang, Keywords: microorganisms, machine learning, deep learning, prediction, classification
Shandong Academy of Agricultural
Sciences, China

*Correspondence: INTRODUCTION
Ya Liu
Microbiology focuses on studying the activity law of microorganisms, exploring the characteristics,
Dan-dan Li
culture conditions, and detection methods of microflora, taking its essence (discovering, utilizing,
improving, and protecting beneficial microorganisms), and removing its dross (preventing,
Specialty section: controlling, or transforming harmful microorganisms). Thus, it is available for science and
This article was submitted to benefits mankind (Dworkin, 2012; Hanage, 2014; Ha and Devkota, 2020).
Evolutionary and Genomic Recently, the main research hotspots in microbiology include community classification and
Microbiology, its environmental role (Bulgarelli et al., 2013; Zhang et al., 2021), regulation of gut microbiome
a section of the journal and host interactions (Turnbaugh et al., 2007; Jones et al., 2014; Malla et al., 2018; Ruff et al.,
Frontiers in Microbiology
2020), development of pathogenic microorganisms and drug vaccines (Shahbaaz et al., 2016;
Received: 21 April 2022 Moos et al., 2017; Zhu et al., 2020), and trying to dilute the boundaries between microbiome
Accepted: 09 May 2022 and genome editing, molecular modification, ecology and resource utilization, biocatalysis, and
Published: 26 May 2022
synthesis (Stres and Kronegger, 2019; Galloway-Pena and Hanson, 2020). In addition, microbiology
Citation: and multiomics (including genomics, epigenomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, and metabolomics)
Jiang Y, Luo J, Huang D, Liu Y and
have combined and developed a variety of multiscale emerging fields (Beck et al., 2021; Liang
Li D-d (2022) Machine Learning
Advances in Microbiology: A Review
et al., 2021).
of Methods and Applications. The understanding of microorganisms started from microbial cell morphology and physiological
Front. Microbiol. 13:925454. and biochemical characteristics to microbial genotype identification at the nucleic acid and
doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2022.925454 protein levels, and chemical analysis methods based on cell chemical composition analysis and

Frontiers in Microbiology | www.frontiersin.org 1 May 2022 | Volume 13 | Article 925454

Jiang et al. Machine Learning Advances in Microbiology

numerical classification methods relying on the level of

computational biology have also been established successively.
The rapid progress in the discipline of microbiology is inseparable
from the update of observation methods or techniques in the
same period (Galloway-Pena and Hanson, 2020). With the
advent of the Big Data era, the pressing questions for researchers
have gradually evolved into how to quickly and efficiently filter/
condense this exponential growth of information to obtain
generalized quality data and how to transform the massive
data of microbiota into easily understood and visualized
knowledge. Compared to traditional research with insufficient
data or purely experimental techniques that cause trouble, such
as cognitive bias, low reproducibility, and long-time span, the
FIGURE 1 | The relationship among artificial intelligence, machine learning,
modern microbiology research process is more likely to
and deep learning.
incorporate new technologies and big data methods to do this
better and right.
Artificial intelligence (AI), first proposed by John McCarthy
at the Dartmouth Conference in the summer of 1956, concentrates research, summarizes the research on ML-based microbial
on the simulation of human intelligence extensions and the prediction and application, and discusses the advantages and
research and development of theoretical methods, techniques, limitations of the methods and tools, demonstrating the
and applied systems. The entry of AI drives the progress of development prospects of computational microbiology from
microbiology and achieves a new paradigm breakthrough the perspective of ML.
(Barredo Arrieta et al., 2020). Combined with the advantages
of big data, automation, modeling, and AI, microbiology has
evolved toward a multiscale and multidimensional direction, MACHINE LEARNING
gradually applying to systems biomedicine, systems ecology, etc.
Machine learning (ML), first proposed by Arthur Samuel An AI system is supposed to be equipped to learn knowledge
(Bell Labs, IBM, Stanford) in 1959, is a special branch/subfield from raw data, which is known as ML. Effective features are
of AI that aims to find features from large-scale heterogeneous extracted from raw data by designing targeted pattern recognition
data. The most basic thing is to use algorithms to parse the algorithms and then using these features with ML algorithms,
data, analyze the patterns in the data automatically, and then i.e., distance functions to represent pairwise relationships between
utilize these patterns to make predictions and decisions on objects. The earliest ML algorithms can be traced back to the
real-world events (Jordan and Mitchell, 2015). Unlike traditional early 20th century, and a large number of classical methods
software programs that are hard-coded to solve specific tasks, have been developed within these 100 years (Figure 2). This
ML takes large amounts of data and trains them using algorithms section summarizes the classical algorithms that have appeared
to learn how to accomplish tasks from the data (Domingos, in history in four directions: supervised learning, unsupervised
2012). With the integration of cross-scale and complex microbial learning, DL, and reinforcement learning (RL). Then, we elaborate
communities and multiomics integration, ML can be used to on the criteria for evaluating the merits of the model and
systematically present interactions between microflora or with algorithmic workflows.
hosts. The workflow of dimensionality reduction and then
extraction of spatial features from high-dimensional datasets Supervised Learning
generated from large data collections is supportive of exploring Supervised learning, including regression analysis and statistical
the functional potential of microorganisms and expanding the classification, refers to a class of methods that use samples
study of microbial technology applications. from known categories as training sets to train models. Before
Deep learning (DL) is a breakthrough ML approach that the concept of ML was introduced, Fisher (1936) invented a
models high-level abstractions of data through a deep network supervised data dimensionality reduction algorithm, linear
with multiple layers of processing units, which are parametric discriminant analysis (LDA). In the 1950s, based on the core
models trained by gradient descent (Lecun et al., 2015). ML idea of Bayes decision theory, which is to select the decision
is a way to implement AI, and DL is a technology to implement with the highest probability, the Bayes classifier was born and
ML (Figure 1). Remarkably, there is no obvious boundary divides the sample into the class with the highest posterior
separating DL from traditional ML and traditional statistical probability. The naive Bayes (NB) model has a simple algorithm
analysis. To handle complex, high-dimensional microbiome with stable classification efficiency, performs well for small-
data, ML algorithms have been applied to the frontiers of scale data, can handle multiple classification tasks and is suitable
combining microbiome and computational science, more for incremental training (Zhang et al., 2009); however, it is
commonly for classification and prediction (Schmidhuber, 2015). required to decide the probability of the posterior by virtue
This paper first briefly introduces the ML methods, data of the prior and data before classification determination. Thus,
processing steps, and algorithms commonly used in microbial there is a certain error rate in the classification decision-making,

Frontiers in Microbiology | www.frontiersin.org 2 May 2022 | Volume 13 | Article 925454

Jiang et al. Machine Learning Advances in Microbiology

FIGURE 2 | Development history of classical machine learning algorithms since the 1930s.

and it is sensitive to the expression of the input data. Logistic solve the multiclassification problem, sensitive to missing data,
regression (LR) directly predicts the probability of a sample and thus challenging to achieve large-scale training samples.
belonging to a positive sample, with a clear model, strong The latter (AdaBoost) can integrate the use of simple weak
parameter interpretability, and simple and efficient for big data classifiers, which does not require either a priori knowledge
scenarios; however, its performance is easily affected by the of weak classifiers or filtering of features, and can significantly
correlation between features and the size of the feature space, improve learning accuracy regardless of whether the data are
and it is prone to underfitting problems, resulting in low artificial or real; nevertheless, it is susceptible to noise interference
accuracy (Cox, 1958). The k-nearest neighbor (kNN) algorithm and has a long training time.
is considered an algorithm based on the idea of template The random forest (RF) and AdaBoost algorithms belong
matching that is simple and efficient and can solve both to integrated learning, with high accuracy, and can effectively
classification and regression problems with high accuracy and run on large datasets and strong resistance to noise (Breiman,
insensitivity to outliers; however, its prediction speed is slower 2001); however, the number of decision trees will lead to a
than that of LR, especially for dealing with high-dimensional very long training time, and overfitting occurs in noisy
data, which is computationally intensive (Cover and Hart, 1967). classification or regression problems. Up until the rise of DL
The year 1980 serves as a transition point in the history in 2012, supervised learning was rapidly developed, and various
of ML algorithms, which gradually developed from fragmented ideas and methods emerged one after another, yet no one ML
and unsystematic enlightenment algorithms into an independent algorithm achieved an overwhelming advantage.
and systematic direction. Various machine learning algorithms
have exploded and developed rapidly. In the 1980s and early Unsupervised Learning
1990s, three typical implementations of decision trees (DT): Unsupervised learning is a method to learn the commonality
ID3 (Quinlan, 1986), CART (Yeh, 1991), and C4.5 (Quinlan, in the input data to determine whether such commonality
1996), had fast computation, high accuracy, and high exists in the new data, and the research thinking can be divided
interpretability, which make DT still used in some problems into two categories: clustering and data dimensionality reduction.
today, but their characteristic of easy-overfitting leads to easy The hierarchical clustering algorithm emerged early (Ward,
neglect of the relevance of attributes in the dataset. Two classical 1963), and some of its implementations are still in use today,
algorithms, support vector machine (SVM) based on statistical including SLINK (Sibson, 1973) and CLINK (Defays, 1977).
learning theory (Cortes and Vapnik, 1995) and AdaBoost The K-means clustering algorithm was then born, and the
(Freund, 1990), were developed in the 1990s. The former (SVM) algorithm is simple and easy to implement (Macqueen, 1965),
uses kernel functions that can be mapped to a high-dimensional whereas there are the following drawbacks: (1) the number
space to solve nonlinear classification problems with of class clusters needs to be specified by the user in advance;
uncomplicated classification ideas (maximizing the interval (2) the clustering results are more sensitive to the selection
between samples and decision surfaces) and presents better of the initial class cluster centers; (3) it is easy to fall into a
classification performance; however, the method is difficult to local optimum; and (4) only spherical class clusters can be found;

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Jiang et al. Machine Learning Advances in Microbiology

since then, it has been continuously improved and grows into the Perceptron model, was launched (Rosenblatt, 1958), but
the clustering algorithm with the most variants and it was not of practical value because it was too simple and
improvements. The expectation-maximum (EM) algorithm could only handle linear classification problems, not even
(Dempster et al., 1977) has been used to solve various extreme solving the XOR problem. Therefore, it does not have practical
likelihood estimation problems in ML with missing data and value but mainly lays the ideological foundation for the
is commonly used to learn the variational inference of LDA later algorithms. Research on neural networks entered a
topic models, parameters of the Gaussian mixture model (GMM), bottleneck until the 1980s, for instance, the back propagation
and hidden Markov model (HMM). Other density-based (BP) algorithm for training multilayer neural networks/
clustering algorithms in the 1990s include mean shift (Cheng, multilayer perceptrons using sigmoid functions for nonlinear
1995), density-based spatial clustering of applications with noise mapping (Rumelhart et al., 1986). Based on the forward
(DBSCAN) algorithm (Ester et al., 1996), and ordering points propagation of traditional neural networks, the BP algorithm
to identify the clustering structure (OPTICS) algorithm (Ankerst adds a backward propagation process of errors, continuously
et al., 1999). They are not based on various distances but adjusting the weights and thresholds between neurons until
on density. the output error reaches a reduction to within the allowed
A new idea of clustering was born in the early 21st century: range or reaches a predetermined number of training times.
transforming the clustering problem into the graph cutting It effectively solves the problem of nonlinear classification
problem, and the representative algorithm covering this new and learning and is the basis for improving and applying
idea is spectral clustering. The data dimension reduction neural networks.
algorithm originated very early, and the advantages of the However, as the scale of the neural network increases, the
classic principal component analysis (PCA) algorithm are the BP algorithm suffers from the problem of “gradient
complete absence of parameter restrictions, the removal of disappearance.” Meanwhile, the limited hardware level of
data redundancy and noise, the compression and preprocessing computers led to poor computing power, which could not
of the data to make the dataset easier to use, and the results help the further development of BP algorithm, plus the effect
easier to understand (Pearson, 1901). PCA can eliminate the of classification and regression application of shallow ML such
correlation between variables, but the nonlinear dependence as SVM in the same period was continuously proved, and DL
between samples may be lost if linear dimensionality reduction thus entered the second winter period. Even during the winter
is performed via PCA. The heavyweight result innovation, period, algorithms such as convolutional neural networks (CNN)
kernel PCA (Scholkopf et al., 1998), was based on the kernel and long short-term memory (LSTM) were developed and are
technique, combined with PCA and transforming PCA into a still adopted today to process vision tasks (Lecun et al., 1989).
nonlinear dimensionality reduction algorithm. Since then, a Among them, LeNet-5 was proposed by Lecun et al. (1998)
wave of nonlinear methods has been set in motion, e.g., locally and has become the prototype of most deep convolutional
linear embedding (LLE), Laplacian eigenmaps, locality preserving neural networks (DCNNs).
projections, and isometric mapping (Roweis and Saul, 2000; Until Hinton and Salakhutdinov (2006) proposed the concept
Tenenbaum et al., 2000; Belkin and Niyogi, 2003; He and of DL, the problem of “gradient disappearance” was solved,
Niyogi, 2003). Then, t-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding i.e., the algorithm was trained layer by layer by unsupervised
(t-SNE) was developed (Van Der Maaten and Hinton, 2008), learning and then tuned using a supervised back-propagation
mainly for visualizing and exploring high-dimensional data, algorithm. Hinton and his student Alex Krizhevsky used
which follows nonlinearity and has the best visualization effect AlexNet to win the ImageNet competition (Smirnov et al.,
compared with other dimensionality reduction algorithms. The 2013), which became the pioneer of the current wave of deep
relative similarity of the original data at the time of dimensionality learning. Its top 5 accuracy rate of 84.6% has an error rate
reduction is excellent; however, the results of each run will of only 15.3%, and the network is characterized by (1) the
change slightly for each run due to its random nature. use of the ReLU method to speed up training; (2) the use
Unsupervised learning, although relatively slow in development of dropout to prevent overfitting; and (3) GPU parallel
and with few breakthroughs, has occupied a dominant role computing technology to solve the problem of long optimization
in human and animal learning and is a necessary path to time for deep networks with many parameters. Moreover,
explore strong artificial intelligence. some neural network architectures, such as variational
autoencoders (VAEs) and generative adversarial networks
Deep Learning (GANs), have recently attracted much attention in the DL
Deep learning, compared to traditional ML, is more highly community. The bidirectional encoder representation from
dimensional and targeted to capture as many/complete transformers (BERT) model proposed by Devlin et al. (2019)
relationships as possible in the raw data. DL can be classified has built a transformer network structure with a self-attention
into supervised, unsupervised and hybrid DL models according mechanism as the core. Excellent performance is presented
to whether labeled data are required or not, where hybrid in many tasks in natural language processing (NLP) due to
models usually refer to the use of unsupervised model results its versatility. Essentially, DL is a statistical technique with
as input data or important auxiliary to supervised models. advantages and limitations that are maturing in the areas of
The predecessor and technical essence of DL is artificial computer vision, natural language processing, and speech
neural networks (ANNs). In 1958, the predecessor of ANN, recognition.

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Reinforcement Learning k-fold validation with disrupted data, and bootstrapping. (2)
Reinforcement learning is a special class of ML algorithms, Build the model. Develop models that are more optimized
the most important feature of which is learning from interaction than the benchmark, with the ultimate goal of balancing the
(Keerthi and Ravindran, 1994; Kaelbling et al., 1996). On the dichotomy between optimization and generalization: find the
basis of interaction, we constantly judge whether the action line between underfitting and overfitting and maximize
is related to the goal, corresponding to the generation of rewards generalization capabilities. (3) Validating the model. Models
or penalties, and repeatedly execute it to finally maximize the with statistical efficacy tend to require scaling up the model
expected benefits, an “automatic scoring and escalation” process. first, and a threshold of overfitting for monitoring training
Deep reinforcement learning (DRL), a new research hotspot, losses and validation losses will be required. (4) Testing the
combines the perceptual capability of deep learning with the model. The goal is to evaluate the predictive capability of the
decision-making capability of reinforcement learning to achieve model in completely new data, as opposed to validating the
direct control from raw input to output through end-to-end data. It is essential to evaluate all aspects of the model, for
learning for applications in robot control, computer vision, instance, to check whether the output of the program meets
natural language processing, and medical care (Erev and Roth, the expected correct values and whether the model results
1998; Frank et al., 2004; Kober et al., 2013; Mnih et al., 2015). meet the expected evaluation requirements (accuracy or error).
(5) Tuning the model. Boosting the performance of the algorithm
with more data, different features, or tuned parameters. The
Evaluation Criteria and Algorithmic previous steps are repeated continuously, with model
Workflows regularization and tuning of hyperparameters (parameters to
Different algorithms have their own advantages and disadvantages, control the behavior of the algorithm when building the model)
and there is no superiority or inferiority. What needs to be done depending on the performance of the model on the validation
is to fully interpret the input data based on different demand set until the desired performance is achieved.
scenarios and then build suitable models to continuously adjust Machine learning methods tend to require a combination
to achieve the best performance. Moreover, the belief that “as of mathematical knowledge concerning statistical probability
long as the most advanced and complex model is used, the theory, linear algebra, and algorithmic complexity theory,
scientific problem will be solved” is not objective. In essence, combined with the diversity of microbial data, which makes
computer technology only assists people in making decisions it intractable for researchers in the field of microbiology to
or automates the human decision-making process and improves construct and utilize complex ML models independently. In
efficiency. Therefore, the choice of model should be the most response to the nature and volume of experimental data specific
suitable one, rather than pursuing the most complex one. There to various research directions, experts in big data science
are four criteria used to judge the merits of machine learning propose ideas and technical support on approaches to leveraging
algorithms (Greener et al., 2022). (1) Correctness, the most existing data for effective ML, facilitating the emergence of
important criterion for judging the merits of an algorithm. new cross-cutting areas. With the widespread adoption of ML
(2) Robustness, i.e., fault tolerance, representing the algorithm’s and DL algorithms, humans have been presented with a whole
ability to respond to and address illegal data input. (3) Readability, new world of microorganisms, especially in the fields of
easy-to-understand algorithms means a less time-consuming classification and prediction.
process of debugging, modification, and expansion. (4)
Temporality, i.e., time complexity and space complexity, represent
the computational effort and memory space required to execute CLASSIFICATION AND PREDICTION
the algorithm, respectively.
The use of ML as a technical tool to solve scientific problems Next, we will characterize the impact of ML on the microbiology
can generally comply with the following five steps in Figure 3 field and specific application cases. The application of ML in
(Greener et al., 2022). (1) Define the problem, prepare and microbial species and community classification and prediction
process the data, and determine the assessment method. The mainly includes microbiome and taxonomy, microbial ecology,
data were split into three groups: training set, validation set, pathogen and epidemiology, and drug discovery (with a particular
and test set. The training set is given to build the model, the focus on antibiotics/antimicrobial peptides).
validation set and the test set both refer to the data samples
retained when training the model, and the ability of the model Microbiome and Taxonomy
to use the training data should be evaluated successively. The The microbiome refers to an ecological community of
data also undergo targeted preprocessing before use, such as microorganisms with different characteristics and functions that
vectorization, value normalization, and feature engineering coexist in a given environment, including the genomes and
needed for non-DL. Then, we select the most representative environmental/habitat conditions of the members (Lederberg
evaluation metrics and validate the evaluation method for the and McCray, 2001; Berg et al., 2020). The application usually
problem. Commonly used performance metrics are confusion combines one or more of the multiomics techniques, which
matrix, precision, recall, specificity, F1 score, precision-recall to some extent is more accurate and precise in classification
curve, ROC, AUC, etc. Common evaluation methods include than single-omics data studies and facilitates the exploration
simple leave-out validation, k-fold cross-validation, repeated of the influential factors in microbiomics network mechanisms.

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Jiang et al. Machine Learning Advances in Microbiology

FIGURE 3 | Machine learning workflow.

The strategy of microbial taxonomy is to distribute target than a single classifier (Wang et al., 2007; Wu and Zhang,
sequences to microbial communities at different taxonomic 2008). Subsequent studies have targeted the oral microbiota
levels utilizing various tools (Marchesi and Ravel, 2015). ML, in saliva and classified them with the algorithm of SVM, ANN,
especially classification and clustering algorithms, allows and DT (Nakano et al., 2014). Xu et al. (2020) constructed
classification based on data representing the characteristics/ classifiers and classified new samples using LR, SVM and DT
functionality of the target community, reflecting similar based on the dimensionality reduction space generated by
relationships. With upgrades in sequencing technology, hundreds t-SNE with Aitchison distance, compared the classification
of millions of short sequencing reads have been generated performance of the same classifiers in the original dimension
from merely a single sample, which consequently generates and the dimensionality reduction space, and demonstrated that
high-dimensional microbiome data (Luz Calle, 2019). Therefore, compared with the t-SNE dimensionality reduction technique
linear or nonlinear dimensionality reduction algorithms are using Euclidean distance, Aitchison distance increases the
advantageous in handling complex and multivariate sparse classification accuracy (ACC) of the classifier in general.
microbiome data to achieve dimensionality reduction (Kostic Unsupervised learning relies on the strategy of sequencing
et al., 2015) and visualization (Song et al., 2019) of the data space. depth information or OTU clustering of sample data instead
Common supervised classification algorithms are particularly of known information (Sangwan et al., 2016). MetaBAT quantifies
valuable in identifying highly complex datasets, as in the case the similarity of sequences using sequence similarity and
of human microbiota surveys (Knights et al., 2011). ML and information about the sequencing depth of the sample data,
statistical techniques are in place to build predictive models using the calculation of the distance between overlapping
of taxonomic units (Knights et al., 2011) or functions (White clusters, and then clustering (Kang et al., 2015). COmposition,
et al., 2009) to distinguish between distinct sample groups. read CoverAge, CO-alignment, and paired-end read LinkAge
The selection of classification techniques requires considering (COCACOLA) calculates the distance with L distance instead
the characteristics of different microbial communities and of the traditional Euclidean distance (Lu et al., 2017). Strategies
extracting the data with different features, encoding the extracted for OTU-based clustering inevitably take into account the
data with labels, and rendering them available for model training setting of thresholds, feature extraction, and the choice of
(Knights et al., 2011). A study as early as 2012 demonstrated specific clustering methods. Cai and Sun (2011) proposed a
that random forests enable effective and accurate classification hierarchical clustering method, i.e., first filtering a large number
of human microbial community samples and allow the of unnecessary sequence comparisons with k-mers and then
identification of key components (OTUs or species) that launching the hcluster algorithm in the clustering process to
differentiate between groups (Knights et al., 2011; Yatsunenko achieve similar accuracy as the standard hierarchical
et al., 2012). A series of base classifiers are trained separately clustering algorithm.
and independently, and the results of each base classifier training The design of sequence classification methods based on deep
are integrated by adopting a certain rule. This is the idea of learning is not rare. A study proposed a sequence classification
ensemble learning, which will obtain better classification results technique based on k-mer and two DL architectures—CNN

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Jiang et al. Machine Learning Advances in Microbiology

to discriminate and deep belief network (DBN) to generate—for networks, higher-order interactions involving three or more
the bacterial taxonomy of macrogenomic data (Fiannaca et al., taxonomic units increase the variability and stochasticity in
2018). The ANN classifier can optimize the classification the study of community composition, on which the prediction
effectiveness and confidence of the target community after of microbiota-associated biological phenotypes is based (De'ath
feature analysis. A study developed a pipeline (cell type and Fabricius, 2000).
recognition and CellCognize) based on multidimensional flow It is necessary to simplify scientific problems by switching
cytometry (FCM) data via ANN to enable quantification of predictive strategies based on species characteristics when
cell type diversity and subsequent differentiation and classification predicting relationships (natural diversity, life cycles, interactions,
of microbiota of known composition (Duygan et al., 2020). and coevolution) across species or with their environment.
Composed of a feed-forward back-propagation algorithm, an Leite et al. (2018) explored several machine learning techniques
input layer, a hidden layer, and an output layer, ANNs have (kNN, RF, SVM, and ANN) to predict/identify the presence
been trained to classify either five or 32 standard multiparameter of a given phage–bacterial pair interaction after 10-fold cross-
FCM datasets and forecast cell type attribution of FCM data validation based on accuracy, F-score, specificity, and sensitivity
from poorly trained microbial samples of known or criteria to filter the most predictive algorithms and their
unknown composition. parameter values. The theoretical basis of its prediction lays
Given the characteristics of high dimensionality, multinoise, in the interaction between a given phage–bacterial pair of
data sparsity, and heterogeneity of histological data, as well encoded proteins, allowing the work to be converted into
as the problem of unbalanced datasets in experiments, the protein–protein interaction (PPI) prediction (Cusick et al.,
integration of complex and large-scale histological data imposes 2009). Accordingly, two features, the domain–domain interaction
high demands on the analysis capability of algorithmic models score and protein-level structural information, were selected
and computing platforms. Currently, the main methods are in the feature extraction phase.
dimensionality reduction and noise reduction through PCA The intersection of genetics and ecology is established on
or autoencoder and transformation of sparse and heterogeneous the basis of the population concept. Stupp et al. (2021) proposed
data through regression methods. However, all of these methods supervised ML-based phylogenetic profiling (MLPP) to predict
have their drawbacks, and a substantial amount of research functional interactions between human genes and the interaction
on these issues will be necessary in the future. environment in which they occur (i.e., biological functions)
and established a web server containing functional interaction
Microbial Ecology predictions for all human genes. They predicted the probability
Microbial ecology, with its origins in environmental microbiome of all possible gene pairs in each tag using the lightGBM
studies, takes as its starting point the study of target microbiota, model, which is related to RF after comparing it with the DT,
with the long-term goal of capturing the diversity of multiple LR, and NB algorithms. Based on simulations and real data,
species interactions (competition, predation, facilitation, and Pichler et al. (2020) compared generalized linear models (GLM)
symbiosis), as well as uncovering their distribution patterns/ with ML models (RF, boosted regression trees, deep neural
networks and maintenance mechanisms. Mechanisms of networks, CNN, SVM, NB, and kNN) to measure their capability
microbiota–microbiota and host–microbiota interactions are to predict species interactions based on traits and to extrapolate
critical to our understanding of microbial network structure trait combinations that are causally relevant to species interactions.
and function of homeostasis in a given habitat (Broberg et al., In a global crop–pollination database, they found that RF had
2018; Hassani et al., 2018; Van De Guchte et al., 2018). Advances the best predictive performance, predicting species interactions
and applications of new experimental and computational methods in plant-pollinator networks remarkably well.
will drive the integration of microbial ecology research with However, the reality that most microbial species within
leading technologies in integrated multiomics, computational communities are not culturable makes the prediction of
biology, and other fields. interspecies interactions in natural microbial communities
The purpose of constructing ecological networks is to challenging. This comes from the fact that the accuracy of
model all interactions between species and their environment. deep learning (especially deep neural networks) depends on
Faisal et al. (2010) used four widely used statistical/ML the reliability of the training database. Moreover, there is still
methods, graphical Gaussian models (GGMs), L1-regularized space for investigators to design joint experimental and modeling
regression with the least absolute shrinkage and selection studies to uncover interaction mechanisms that have not yet
operator (LASSO), sparse Bayesian regression (SBR), and been fully investigated (Lee et al., 2020).
Bayesian networks (BNs), to validate their usefulness in
identifying community interactions in microecological networks. Pathogen and Epidemiology
These methods enable simulated restoration of food web Epidemics have the characteristics of being contagious, epidemic,
structure and contribute to modeling and predicting the effects and recurrent. Infestations of previously unknown pathogenic
of bioclimatic variables. However, since the complete ecological microorganisms pose a continuous threat to food security and
knowledge of the true interaction network between species human health. To address the medical challenges of epidemiology,
is hardly visible, assessing the success of the modeling solely the identification, and characterization of pathogens, and the
relies on known or possible relationships. Although pairwise screening and prediction of diseases have emerged as major
interactions are the basis for the study of complex ecological concerns for professional biomedical scientists. ML, as well as

Frontiers in Microbiology | www.frontiersin.org 7 May 2022 | Volume 13 | Article 925454

Jiang et al. Machine Learning Advances in Microbiology

DL, which dominates in batch image classification, has led to comparing the performance of MARVEL, VirFinder, and
a significant reduction in the time and computational cost VirSorter, all three performed comparably in terms of
spent on dataset analysis due to its extremely efficient, cost- specificity, with MARVEL outperforming in terms of sensitivity
effective, accurate and high-throughput advantages (Ghosh (Amgarten et al., 2018). VIBRANT, the first computational
et al., 2022). tool to utilize neural networks and protein similarity methods,
Disease epidemiology studies examine the patterns of had a particularly strong performance score (94%) in the
temporal and spatial dynamics of diseases at the population automatic recovery of microbial viruses, which was stronger
level under different environmental conditions. Research on than the first three (Kieft et al., 2020). Luo et al. (2022)
issues such as diseases caused by plant and animal viruses filtered ≥ 1 kb contigs to identify viral contigs and related
provides a large dataset on gene expression, chromosome reads via VIBRANT. We summarize the available data and
conformation, genetic variation, traits, and diseases. The materials, which are shown in Table 1.
relevance of the viral genome allows for screening with the To date, most of the results generated from the intersection
help of macrogenomics. The application of ML enables the of pathogen research and machine learning in epidemiology
integration of multiomics data and significantly improves have been prospective and feasible. Comparing different stages
macrogenomic data analysis. ML assists in classifying these of classifier innovation, we found that feature extraction and
viral sequences and thus deepens our understanding of virus ranking that include multiple layers of information enhance
evolution. VirFinder is a k-mer-based platform to identify the prediction accuracy of the model. The embedding of DL
prokaryotic virus sequences from mixed macrogenomic data, refreshes our knowledge of pathogen features.
accelerating the screening of pathogens at the genetic level
in plant and animal virome studies (Ren et al., 2017). The Drug Discovery (With a Particular Focus
synergistic application of ML and hyperspectral imaging (HSI) on Antibiotics/Antimicrobial Peptides)
provides a new methodological idea for image detection of The abuse of antibiotics has led to a worsening problem of
viral diseases. While the high-dimensional data generated by drug resistance in pathogenic bacteria, which has been an
HSI contain redundant information, ML reduces the enormous threat to human health. Screening for secondary
dimensionality of HSI data by determining the effective specific metabolites in soil microorganisms that inhibit the growth of
wavelength range through data preprocessing. For instance, pathogenic bacteria is regarded as the traditional primary means
multilayer perceptrons (MLPs), ANNs, and CNNs enable the of antibiotic discovery (Wright, 2017). The current dilemma
detection and classification of color images by hidden image of decreasing the rate of discovery of new antibiotics urgently
features with high accuracy of >96.00% (Lowe et al., 2017). needs to be addressed. In addition, the administrative costs
Compared to traditional ML, which requires feature extraction of screening approaches based on large synthetic chemical
techniques tailored to the nature of the data and model, DL libraries and the high rate of antibiotic design attrition have
supports automatic feature extraction, reducing computational increased the necessity for new antibiotic discovery methods
time, and the burden of reliance on professional expertise. to improve the rate of new antibiotic discovery. Modern drug
Training a model (classifier) with live images is a case in discovery has entered the era of big data. AI modeling of the
point (Ferentinos, 2018). This implies that determining the dynamic, heterogeneous, and large-scale nature of drug datasets
reliability of the classification relies to some extent on the continues to drive paradigm innovation in drug discovery
abundance of available images based on the scene. For example, (Zhu, 2020).
VGGNet, obtained by Chen et al. (2020), achieved an average Techniques to identify and predict new antibiotic structural
accuracy of 92.00% for predicting rice plant image categories classes with the help of ML are largely mature and widely
based on ImageNet and Inception module pre-training. adopted (Camacho et al., 2018). DL accelerates the screening
Phages are the most abundant organisms on Earth and process of compounds with antibiotic properties from existing
have been considered as natural enemies of bacteria. Several chemical libraries (Dimasi et al., 2016). Antimicrobial peptides
ML algorithm models aiming to improve the automatic
recovery and prediction of phages already exist. For instance,
VirSorter searches the database of expected proteins up front TABLE 1 | The available data and materials for prediction of pathogens and
using probabilistic similarity and reference homology to epidemiology.
identify viral signals, but the disadvantage is that it does
not fully distinguish between virus and nonvirus Pfam Tools Availability of data and materials References
annotations (Roux et al., 2015). Kaelin et al. (2022) employed
VirSorter https://github.com/simroux/VirSorter Roux et al., 2015
VirSorter v.1.0.5 to identify circular contigs of candidate VirSorter2 https://bitbucket.org/MAVERICLab/ Guo et al., 2021
viruses. Another tool, Meta-genomic Analysis and Retrieval VirSorter2
of Viral Elements (MARVEL), which aggregates annotation VirFinder https://github.com/jessieren/VirFinder Ren et al., 2017
and sequence signature information of previously identified DeepVirFinder https://github.com/jessieren/ Ren et al., 2020
phages, was developed to identify and predict double-stranded DeepVirFinder
MARVEL https://github.com/ Amgarten et al.,
DNA phage sequences in macrogenomic boxes. Given the LaboratorioBioinformatica/MARVEL 2018
excellent recall, Braga et al. (2020) used MARVEL to identify VIBRANT https://github.com/AnantharamanLab/ Kieft et al., 2020
phage bins for prediction. According to the authors’ statement, VIBRANT/

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(AMPs) are candidates for coping with antibiotic resistance. TABLE 2 | The code availability for prediction of antimicrobial peptide (AMP)
Researchers have successively established several antimicrobial
peptide databases containing data on various types of AMPs Tools Code availability References
from various sources, such as APD, CAMP, and AVPDB,
which greatly facilitate mining and forecasting of AMPs. ACEP https://github.com/Fuhaoyi/ Fu et al., 2020
Fu et al. (2020) designed a DL model for high-throughput ACEP
RNN https://github.com/reymond- Capecchi et al., 2021
antibacterial peptide recognition (ACEP), which is innovative
in that it introduces an amino acid embedding tensor to CLaSS https://github.com/IBM/ Das et al., 2021
capture the similarity between amino acids, constructed a controlled-peptide-generation
“convolution and concatenation” (CVCA) layer using the AMP prediction https://github.com/ Wang, 2022
attention mechanism of natural language processing (NLP) pipeline with NNMs mayuefine/c_AMPs-prediction
to fuse various heterogeneous information or features, and
quantified the contribution of different components of the
model to the final prediction using the attention scores of
different parts of the peptide sequence. Capecchi et al. (2021) CONCLUSION
trained recurrent neural networks (RNNs) using sequence
Research in machine learning and deep learning is evolving
information from DBAASP v.2 (Database of Antimicrobial
rapidly, with architectures, algorithm combinations, and
Activity and Structure of Peptides, now updated to DBAASP
computational strategies changing rapidly. The ultimate goal
v.3; Pirtskhalava et al., 2021), including AMP and non-AMP
is not only to predict the accuracy of the task but also
datasets, and hemolytic and non-hemolytic data, mixing the
to uncover the underlying biological processes in the
use of supervised and unsupervised learning for the first
scientific problem. The perception that “deep learning may
time, maximizing the utilization of highly selected posterior
eventually eliminate all other machine learning algorithms”
data. The study also synthesized and tested 28 sequences
is limited and one-sided. Deep learning modeling requires
generated and selected, yielding 12 new active AMPs, eight
a large amount of training data to demonstrate fantastic
of which were also non-hemolytic. Das et al. (2021) designed
performance, but realistic colony research frequently
a fully automated computational framework for molecular
encounters problems with small sample datasets. At this
targeting and screening, in which conditional latent (attribute)
point, deep learning methods fail to attack them, but
space sampling (CLaSS) was designed for target generation,
traditional machine learning methods are capable of handling
which is more efficient and easily reusable than other ML
them. The development of effective analytical tools, including
methods. The framework generates a potential space of
software for data mining and machine learning, ensures
molecular information via deep generative autoencoder
data validity, proper annotation, and open sharing, allowing
modeling, utilizes a classifier for training guidance, and
most studies arising from the intersection of microbiology
filters the generated molecules through deep learning classifiers
and machine learning to show promising findings. After
based on the physicochemical features obtained in high-
bioinformatics and multiomics integration, ML and DL will
throughput molecular dynamics simulations. This study
lead the next wave of technologies to uncover biological
reported 20 CLaSS-generated AMP sequences and 11 non-AMP
sequences obtained via the above screening method, which
was shown to be less prone to false negatives. Wang (2022)
combined various NLP neural network models (NNMs),
built a pipeline containing LSTM, attention, and BERT, and AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS
established a DL method that adapts to learn AMP sequence
features to mine and identify novel AMPs. Among a total YJ drafted the manuscript. JL and DH modified the English
of 2,349 sequences identified as candidate AMPs, 216 were content of this manuscript. YL and D-dL conceived the idea.
chemically synthesized, including 181 indicative of All authors contributed to the article and approved the
antibacterial activity (>83% positivity). The code availability submitted version.
is shown in Table 2.
Overall, the time is ripe for modern ML/DL applications
for antibiotic discovery (Cardoso et al., 2020). Their effective FUNDING
contribution to the bulk filtering and prediction of antimicrobial
peptides is alleviating concerns about the high risks and low The work was financially supported by the China Postdoctoral
returns associated with antibiotic development. Notably, the Science Foundation (2021M701987; D-dL) and (2021M700084; YL).
high success rate of deep neural network model-guided antibiotic
development is heavily dependent on the combination of model
prediction and appropriate experimental design, and this wet-dry ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
combination strategy is a scientific idea that has started to
be popularized after the discovery of complementary information We thank Zhuo Pan and Yiran Cheng for advice on the
and experimental practices. technical basis in a draft of this manuscript.

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