Tinea Faciei Case Series Published
Tinea Faciei Case Series Published
Tinea Faciei Case Series Published
E-ISSN: 2616-4493
P-ISSN: 2616-4485
www.homoeopathicjournal.com Usefulness of Homeopathic treatment in Tinea faciei:
IJHS 2023; 7(2): 492-498
Received: 15-05-2023 A case series
Accepted: 10-06-2023
Dr. Nagar Neha Dr. Nagar Neha, Dr. Poswal Ravi K, Dr. Kumar Ajay and Singhal
Assistant Professor,
Department of Repertory, Kanak
Bakson Homoeopathic Medical
College & Hospital, Greater DOI: https://doi.org/10.33545/26164485.2023.v7.i2h.872
Noida, Colony Mayur Vihar,
Phase- 3, Delhi, India Abstract
Tinea faciei is a common fungal infection that mimics many other annular lesions. By this case report
Dr. Poswal Ravi K aimed to show the “Usefulness of Homeopathic treatment in tinea faciei. Case Summary: Three cases
Associate Professor, of ring worm i.e tinea faciei successfully treated with individualized homeopathic medicine. All three
Department of Materia cases were reported at Vedika Homoeo & Yoga clinic. The first case was of 38 year old female patient
Medica, Bakson Homoeopathic
complaints of ring worm on Left side of cheek since 1 year with remarkable redness with burning
Medical College & Hospital,
Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh,
sensation .The second case was of 10 year old boy complaints of lesions on right side of face since 6
India months. In the third case, 5 year old boy complaints of ring worm on face since 1 year. All three cases
were treated with individualised homoeopathic medicineafter case taking and repertorization. All these
Dr. Kumar Ajay cases were followed up regularly and they get cured within 3 months of regular treatment. Common
Assistant Professor, remedies include calcarea carbonica, Arsenic album and Sulphur. This case series shows positive
Department of Paediatrics, results of homoeopathy in the treatment of Tinea faciei.
Bakson Homoeopathic Medical
College & Hospital, Greater Keywords: Tinea faciei, ring worm, homoeopathy, dermatophytes, repertorization
Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India
Singhal Kanak
Intern, Bakson Homoeopathic Tinea corporis, also known as ‘ringworm, ’is a superficial dermatophyte infection of the
Medical College & Hospital, skin, other than on the hands (tinea manuum), feet (tinea pedis), scalp (tinea capitis), bearded
Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh, areas (tine-a barbae), face (tinea faciei), groin (tinea cruris), and nails (onychomycosis or
India tinea unguium) [1].
Tinea faciei accounts for 3 to 4% of all cases of tinea corporis. It occurs worldwide but has a
predilection for tropical humid climates [2]. It may occur at any age, but two peaks may be
observed: in childhood with a male prevalence, and in adults with a female prevalence [3, 4].
Females are affected more frequently than males because dermatophyte infections on the
bearded areas of males are often diagnosed as tinea barbae, whereas in females they are more
likely to be diagnosed as tinea faciei [2]. Many lesions progress over more than 6 months and
even up to 2 years before they are diagnosed [4]. The incubation period is 1–3 weeks [5].
Clinical Presentation
A round lesion that may be expanding is discovered by a caretaker or the patient. The area
may be mildly pruritic [6]. Infection typically occurs from direct contact of the healthy
individual with an infected person. Excessive heat, high relative humidity and usage of
tightly fitting clothes as well as synthetic garments have high correlations to more severe and
frequent disease [7].
Case 1
A 38 years old female patient with fair complexion having complaint of ring worm on left
side of cheek with intolerable itching and burning sensation since 1 year. Complaint
aggravate by warmth of bed. She also complaints of white discharge per vaginum, profuse
Corresponding Author: acrid with offensive smell since six months, amelioration by washing it by cold water. She
Dr. Nagar Neha has pain in her lower extremities.
Assistant Professor,
Department of Repertory, Past history
Bakson Homoeopathic Medical
Typhoid at the age of 12 year treated With Allopathic treatment.
College & Hospital, Greater
Noida, Colony Mayur Vihar,
Phase- 3, Delhi, India
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Result Case 3
The skin lesions on right side of face with itching and other A 4 year old boy visited to clinic on 02/02/2023 with
symptoms like watery stool showed improvement by complaint of ring worm on both cheeks, with marked
Arsenic album 200c. Ring worm completely disappeared burning sensation, intense itching, scratch until it bleeds.
within a period of 1.3 months of constitutional Amelioration by scratching. Grinding of teeth especially at
Homoeopathic treatment. night. Saliva falls down from mouth during sleep. He also
complaint of pain in abdomen off and on.
Past history
Recurrent coryza took Allopathic treatment
Family history
Father- Migraine
Mother - Diabetes
Physical generals
Appetite-Ravenous Hunger
Thirst- Decreased
Desire- Undigestable things (chalk, mud)
Stool- Hard, dry
Mental generals
Fig 5: (Before Treatment) His mother shared an incident last year her husband loudly
shout on her in front of both kids, although he was 3 years
old at that time but he still remembered that incident, hatred
feeling for his father with marked irritability.
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Repertorial sheet
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Itching better
Bleeding - better
Burning- better
Over all symptoms are better now
5 22/03/2023 No itching Placebo 200/TDS /for 1month
No burning
Lesions completely cured
No burning
6 24/04/2023 No itching Placebo 200/TDS /for 15 days
All general complaints are better now
Deeply acknowledge the all patients for allowing us to
collect the data.
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3. Romano C, Ghilardi A, Massai L. Eighty-four
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retrospective study (1989-2003). Mycoses.
4. Jorquera E, Moreno JC, Camacho F. Tinea faciei:
epidemiology. Ann Dermatol Venereol. 1992;119:101-
5. Leung AKC. Tinea corporis. In: Leung AKC, ed.
Common Problems in Ambulatory Pediatrics: Specific
Clinical Problems, volume 2. New York: Nova Science
Publishers, Inc.; c2011. p. 19-22.
Fig 9: After Treatment 6. Lynn C. Garfunkel, Jeffrey M. Kaczorowski and
Cynthia Christy, Pediatric Clinical Advisor
Discussion Instant Diagnosis and Treatment, Second Edition •
This case series describes the importance of single 2007, ISBN978-0-323-03506-
individualized constitutional homoeopathic treatment in 7. Marks R, Motley R. Roxburgh’s common skin diseases.
obstinate condition called Tinea faciei. The task of treating 18th edition. Boca Raton: CRC Press. 2015. p. 40-44.
ringworm by conventional oral medicine, external 8. Software. RADAR OPUS PRO1.41.16 version
application was unsatisfactory. After entire failure patients 9. http://www.homeoint.org/books/boericmm/l/lyc.htm
choose homoeopathic treatment to get permanent cure. The
remedies calcarea carbonica 200c, Arsenic album 200c, How to Cite This Article
Neha N, Ravi KP, Ajay K, Kanak S. Usefulness of Homeopathic
Sulphur 200c was selected after proper repertorization of treatment in Tinea faciei: A case series. International Journal of
case, eruptions over face completely cured after Homoeopathic Sciences. 2023;7(2):492-498.
homoeopathic treatment with regular follow -ups.
Creative Commons (CC) License
Conclusion This is an open access journal, and articles are distributed under the
A complete disappearing of skin eruptions with complaints terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-
without any recurrence with photographic evidence. ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) License, which
Homeopathic medicines help control fungal growth, reduce allows others to remix, tweak, and build upon the work non-
commercially, as long as appropriate credit is given and the new
the inflammation, redness and itching and help restore creations are licensed under the identical terms.
normal healthy skin. They also prevent future recurrences of
the condition. These cases showed positive role of
homoeopathy in treating the pathology of Tinea faciei.
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