Case Presentation
Case Presentation
Case Presentation
Respiratory System
Heredity: Mother:
Predisposing Factors
Allergic Rhinitis
Hahnemannian Classification of Disease: Chronic
• Miasm
• Fundamental Miasm: Tubercular
• Past History: Febrile convulsions
• Family History: Mother had history of allergic
• Dominant Miasm: Tubercular
• Sensitivity at mental and physical level
• Mental and physical exertion leading to
• Susceptibility: Moderate
• Potency: 200 (Considering the moderate
intensity of symptoms, level of susceptibility
and miasmatic understanding)
• Repetition: Infrequent- Chronic case having
hypersensitivity at mind and body level.
• Selection of Repertory: This case has qualified
mental and physical generals hence Kent’s
repertorial approach has been selected.
Repertorial Totality with Classification and
Evaluation of Symptoms:
Mind, A/F Mental Exertion Modality Mental Causative
Mind, A/F Exposure to Cold Modality Causative
Characteristic Mental
Mind, Fearsome
Emotional Symptom
Characteristic Mental
Mind, Indolent
Behavioural Symptom
Characteristic Mental
Mind, Desires to Travel
Emotional Symptom
Phos 20/8 18/7
Patient reported
after 3 months. In
these 3 months
(20/06/23 –
17/09/23) patient
had no coryza,
sneezing or any Follow up Sabadilla 200 3 pills
other complaint.
Qds x 3 days
Now since 4 days Afebrile
(After 3 days of
due to exposure to Pulse- 88/min
completion of acute
cold for 3-4 hrs, she Nose- Congestion of
17/09/23 treatment)
has coryza- watery Mucous Membrane
Followed by
discharge1+, Throat- NAD
sneezing2+ paroxysm S/E: R/S- Clear
phosphorica 200
al. Mild throat
1Dose HS
Once she had mild
fever; she took Tab
(Antihis-taminic) 1
tablet which gave
temporary relief.
Appetite and thirst is
Disease: Acute
exacerbation of chronic
Prescription: Acute
Totality for Acute
A/F Exposure to Cold
Inflammation of nasal
mucous membrane
Placebo Pills TDS x 7 Days
Watery nasal discharge
Paroxysmal sneezing
On repertorisation:
Sulphur: 9/4(Hot), Calcarea
carbonica: 8/4, Natrum
muri-aticum: 8/4 (Deep
Acting), Nux vomica: 8/4,
Phos-phorus: 8/4 Rhus Tox:
8/4, Sabadilla: 8/4 –
Considering its functional
pathology and the
expression of disease.