Presented by –
Feeble , emaciated
Sensitive, cold skin
Pale, waxy, cachexic, debilitated
With perspiration on least exertion.
Haemorrhagic tendency
course of
Mind : China.
malaria Sexual
(esp by AILMENTS FROM, excess.
Chilled from
Wind, draft
Motion and touch. of air, cold
Cold air
Motion Touch
Odours of flowers,
cooking, toboacco
& other strong Cold
odours. Drafts
A patient named Mr. XYZ, 72yrs/M, got sudden infection in right lung on 24th July 2013.
Fever with congestion, associated with UTI. C/O Fatigue, loss of appetite. Was
hospitalized and kept in ICU for 5days. Later he was kept on antibiotics cortisones (
inhaler) – thrice a day.
Clinical tests like USG Abdomen, 2D Echo, CT and Urine routine are normal study. H/O
knee surgery ( bilateral ). Platelets normal, but leucocytes are increased.
5/8/13 – China 200 – 1d.
11/8/13 – Bacillinum 200 – 1d, Ant Tart 6 (N), KM 6X (M)
1/2/14 – China 200 – 1d
15/2/14 – Sodium 200 – 2d
4/4/14 – China 200 – 2d (repeat for 60 days)
3/10/14 – Bacillinum 200 – 2d, China 200 – 2d
11/7/23 – Hypericum 200 – 4d
6/5/24 – China 200 – 2d
Treated cases with CHINA
A patient named Mr. ABC, 32 yrs/M, patient had H/O Malaria twice a year. He was kept on
Tab. Trisul (Antibiotic). He had symptoms of boils on finger, took allopathy, got fever. He
gradually developed red patches on body (petichiae). Clinical investigation revealed very
low platelet count. He was then Hospitalized very low platelet count.
He was then hospitalized. Once they started treatment he became very weak. Prior to the
treatment he was pretty well, was doing his daily chores actively. After petichiae, he also
got bleeding from gums profusely. He was on steroids, cortisones, antibiotics. Platelets
infusions were also given 7 times with a gap of 4 days.
These medications landed him into diabetes and for that he was kept on insulin. Later
stopped steroids and insulin. Due to this treatment he got psychologically disturbed,
scared, felt exhausted, weak, legs feeling very weak.
Master prescribed:
12/10/08 – China 1M – 1d.
22/12/08 – China 1M – 1d.
15/06/09 – China 1M – 1d.
21/08/09 – Lycopodium 30 – 2d
Treated cases with CHINA
A patient named Mrs. XYZ, 38 yrs/F has come with menstrual issue, menorrhagia past 1
Took hormonal treatment for 3-4 months. She was fine, again it relapsed. Took Ayurvedic
treatment, had temporary relief. Agg < tension, strain. Diagnosed as PCOD.
Arthritis started at right wrist, started spreading to all joints, has craving for ice creams,
sweets. H/O Dengue, malaria when she was pregnant. H/O HTN during pregnancy.
Mind sensitive, angered easily, uncontrollable anger. Should vent out. Very upset when hurt.
Workkoholic. Weeping tendency. Versatile. Uncontrollable emotions. Perfectionist.
8/3/23 – K.M. 200 – 1d
26/4/23 – Puls 200 – 1d ( amenorrhoea)
2/7/23 – got cycle but menorrhagia. Sabina 200 – 1d. Later China 30 -2d were given.
11/9/23 – USG of hands, diagnosed as Synovitis. Hb – 10.5, pain +++, weakness ++,
stressed due to pain. China 30 once a week for the next 4 months was given.
Hb – 11.5, pains reduced, weakness better, rest all good.
Treated cases with CHINA
A patient name Mrs. ABC, 40yrs/F was diagnosed with final stage of Leukaemia. Inspite of
many treatments she couldn’t get better. They approached Master EAK in Belgium.
Master prescribed China 30 and Acetic Acid 30 for alternate weeks. After few months,
she got better and she survived for 18 years without any suffering. In 2005, she passed
away due to some cerebral issue.
Since China is indicated in many life threatening cases, as one of the life saving
remedies, it is hence called as the “Nector of homoeopathy”.
Treatment of Hypochondriac cases with application
of Homoeopathic medicines
Presented by –
Sri G.Ravichandra
Why Treatment May Plateau in Chronic Cases:
Generally, while commencing the treatment in chronic diseases the case particulars are noted in
detail. All the hereditary factors and miasmatical base are studied carefully.
• Initial Improvement:
Some patients show good improvement initially, but it does not continue. Remedies like
Sulphur and Tuberculinum may not help.
• Underlying Reasons:
Oversensitive patients and those with overcritical nature often face treatment stagnation.
Hypochondriasis is another contributing factor.
• Impact on Healing:
Negative thought currents hinder recovery.
Patients frequently suffer from various illnesses due to their negative mindset. Such
patients can influence others, including healers, with their negativity.
• Healer's Caution:
Healers must remain vigilant to avoid being influenced by the patient's negativity.
Hypochondriacs – how the name
came (Hypochondriac – గ భమ గ ).
The original Greek hypochondriakos referred to
the region of the abdomen, an area that ancient
doctors believed to be the seat of misery or
It stands to reason, then, that hypochondriacs
are usually unhappy, simply because they always
imagine they're sick.
They believe their concerns about their health
are legitimate. They have a rock-solid belief in
Hypochondrium: Either of two
organic causes of disorder. regions of the abdomen, situated on
Generally Hypochondriasis, anxiety and each side of the epigastrium and
above the lumbar regions, overlying
Depression commonly coexists. the costal cartilages.(Hypochondria
is the plural form of hypochondrium.)
Normal Vs Hypochondria
Normal Concern: It's common to worry
about health occasionally.
• Excessive worry about being seriously ill,
even with No or Mild symptoms.
Mistaking normal sensations for serious
illness symptoms.
• Some people with hypochondria are
healthy, but have an overwhelming fear
about their health in the future. For
example, they might think: “What if I get
• People with hypochondria can become
so distressed and so anxious that they
have trouble doing everyday things,
which impacts their Daily Life.
Excessive Self diagnosis and research:
Hypochondriacs has a persistent
preoccupation of fear or belief of
having one or more serious disease or
diseases, based on person’s own
interpretation they may
misinterpret typical normal body
functions as signs of illness.
Excessive Self diagnosis and
research.When hypochondriacs
see a new story or some article
or information on the net about
a new disease, they think they
have it.
Doctor Shopping – due to unrealistic fear
Frequent doctor visits (Doctor
Shopping) to make sure because he truly
thinks that he is surely sick but the
previous doctors missing something.
The defect in educating the people about the health. When a disease is
explained in detail then it will be education in disease science but not health
• Watching something related on television.
• It is more common to become hypochondriac the people who:
• have had major stress, illness or a death in the family
• were neglected or abused as a child
• have a serious physical illness
• have a mental health issue such as anxiety, depression, a compulsive
disorder etc..
• Knowing someone with a serious medical conditions
• Epidemics (corona) etc..
• Sometimes after a serious accident to their dear ones or to themselves.
• If any elders in the family are hypochondriac, there are fair chances
that their family members inculcate this as a habit.
Obsession with normal body functions, such as heart rate.
Can a headache lead to a brain tumour? What's with the shooting pain in
my leg? It's not gone, even though I popped a few Panadols. Jeez, I don't
think I am able to breathe properly. Someone take me to the doctor right
now! I think my end is near!!
Solution is with Homoeopathy
• Homoeopathy comes into rescue. It explains that these psychological
problems are due to the presence of the chronic miasms. In many
polychrest remedies provings also we come across these mental
• In this remedy the intellectual feature predominates, as in the
metal; that the affections are disturbed only in a limited way.
There is a predominance of mental symptoms.
• In this drug the disturbances in the intellectual faculties
predominates, with a result of disturbance in the
memory, disturbance of reason, he becomes most irrational
in his explanations of his actions and does strange things and
comes to strange conclusions; foolish things.
• He has all sorts of imaginations, illusions, hallucinations. He is
tormented in his mind by the inflowing of troublesome thoughts,
and especially at night his thoughts torment him. to the extent
that he is extremely anxious and this puts him in a hurry and in a
fidget and he goes out and walks and walks, and the faster he
walks the faster he thinks he must walk, and he walks till fatigued.
• Strange notions and ideas and fears come into his mind. He avoids going past
that corner for fear he will do something strange, He is so reduced in his mental
state that he admits into the mind all sorts of impulses.
• There is inflowing of strange thoughts into his mind, and when crossing a
bridge or high place the thought that he might kill himself, or perhaps he might
jump off, or what if he should jump off, and sometimes the actual impulse
comes to jump off the bridge into the water.
• When looking out of a window the thought comes to his mind what an awful
thing it would be to jump out of the window.
• If he is about to take a railroad journey he is anxious.
• If he is about to meet a certain person on the street corner he is anxious and
breaks out often in a sweat from anxiety until it is over with.
• "Patient cannot lie on the right -side because it brings on so much palpitations."
• We have plenty of remedies with palpitation worse lying on the right side
are rare (Alumen, Badiaga, Kalmia, Kali n., Lil. t., Platina, Spongia).
• Anxiety can be accompanied by diarrhea and sweet cravings.
• This anxiety in general that what he has, also exhibited during his ill health. He
repeatedly asks for the correctness of the symptoms he narrated he wants to
confirm that doctor understood it properly.
Arsenic album:
• People who are deeply anxious about their health, and extremely concerned with
order and security.
• Obsessive about small details and very neat, they may feel a desperate need to be in
control of everything.
• Panic attacks often occur around midnight or the very early hours of the morning.
• The person may feel exhausted yet still be restless—fidgeting (repetitive behaviours
that are unrelated to the task at hand – such as touching the face frequently, tapping
fingers, smoothing clothing, rocking back and forth, pacing, etc. )pacing(walking slow
with regular steps), and anxiously moving from place to place.
• Unknown type of fear accompanied by weakness. Restlessness.
• Despair of recovery like many other drugs, however, importance is how it is exhibited
• Doctor emi pharavaledu meeku tagutundi ante, doctor edo ala cheppadu kaani anta
pedda baadha nakela taggutundi antaadu, valla vallatho.
• On 22nd August 1983, one of the student of Dr. O.R.Rao, came to for treatment.
• Previously he was taking treatment from some other local homoeo doctor, but could not find any
improvement. So he started criticising that doctor. In my mind I thought that he will criticise me
also if I will not tackle carefully.
• In that first conversation I could understand his nature. In the end he said that the previous
doctor could not understand his case properly.
• In allopathy he met many doctors but no one could understand his disease, he said.
• I advised to bring the case sheet from the previous doctor. He expressed his doubt whether that
doctor will give it. Then I asked him to try. He could succeed in bringing the sheet.
• The symptoms recorded by the previous doctor were:
10. Frequently she was getting severe headache and wanted to shout during the pain.
11. Since one and half years she was suffering from burning micturition.
12. Rheumatic pains in many joints. Due to the pains she was getting irritation.
13. (H) At childhood once she had injury and glass piece was left inside for six
months, later it was removed.
14. White coating of tongue by eating sweets and roots.
15. Peevishness. Whatever she wanted to do she should finish it otherwise felt much
16. White discharge was like flour.
17. Suspicion over small things.
She was highly restless and inconsistent and had no belief in doctors. So she was
frequently changing the doctors. It is natural to change the doctors when there is no
change in any condition. But when there is relief there is no point in changing the
doctor. It indicates the mental weakness of the patient. Here this lady changed the
homoeo doctors where she got good relief. Unless this tendency is cured first she
cannot be cured from her diseases. Many of her symptoms were her imaginations and
due to her fear. She had the habit of exaggerating things out of fear. This was with an
impression that the doctor should understand her disease well. This is again due to
the suspicion upon the doctor that he might fail to understand her. These were the
main mental symptoms in her case. Basing upon these things, on 24-10-81 I gave her
Arnica CM one dose. She started getting improvement in slow manner in the urinary
symptoms. But mentally she improved. She was given no medicine.
• On 12-6-84 she came and said that she used allopathy again for urinary infection.
Urine was tested and found that phosphates and albumin were present. So she tried
allopathy and again came to me. She was much worried that urine report was bad.
Repeated Arnica CM. On 1-8-85 she reported pain the pelvis, nasal coryza, headache,
breathlessness. Burning micturition was still present. Then I gave NS6x daily twice.
On 18-9-86 I gave Medorrhinum 1M one dose as intercurrent.
• On 23-6-86 she reported that she was better in many respects. Many of her
complications were permanently cured. But sore mouth was frequent, new symptom.
She used allopathy for it once. Cramps in the limbs and coldness of limbs were cured.
But she was getting frequent dreams of snakes. (H) Before marriage she was brought
up at step mother and experienced many difficulties whenever she thought about it
or when she met her later also she felt much nervous about past events.
• (H) In 1976 she had forced abortion during second pregnancy. She used homoeo for
abortion but failed. But later she could succeed with allopathy. Since then she did not
get pregnancy. To her second sister also second pregnancy was delayed for ten years.
Throat pain and infection were relapsing new and then but the frequency was much
• New symptom was that she started getting pain before menses. In heredity her
second sister was heart patient. I repeated Arnica CM on 23-6-86.
1. Pain in anus, shooting to left hip upwards. Once in 15 days she was getting
this trouble sinceone and half years. Before that also she was having mild
pain. The pain was in spasms, sometimes each spasm lasted for long time.
Nature of pain was drawing type. It was aggravated by sitting and
ameliorated by standing and by passing flatus.
2. She had to pass urine many times during the pain.
3. Burning sensation in upper abdomen four days before she was getting this
pain. This burning was only in the early hours of the day. Nausea followed
this sensation.
4. Stuffing up of nose by least change in the weather, after returning from
college or coming from outside and aggravated at night (she was straining
much. Daytime she was going to music college and nights to some other
5. During the pain bowel movement was not normal, could pass small
quantities of stool for long time. She was suffering from diarrhoea once in
fifteen days with bad odour.
6. (H) White discharge since puberty.
7. (H) Menses was once in two or three months and the flow was scanty.
Since eight months periods regularised and flow also improved. Suffered
from pain in the left side of abdomen (hip area and pelvis) during all the
three days of menses. She also reported intense body pains and pains in
the limbs three days before getting periods, which were ameliorated by
8. (H) Suffered from bronchitis in 1977. Then she was getting cough with
phlegm and emaciation.
9. (H) Chicken pox in 1976. After this due to irregular food she got
malarial fever and later bronchitis attacked.
10. She could not eat large quantities of food, which caused vomitings
and frequent stool sensation. So she was habituated to eat only small
quantities. She had great aversion of milk.
11. She was highly sensitive. Felt much annoyed even by little sounds
and little things. When she dropped any article from the hands then
she brooded over it much, wept for long time and used to become
12. Absent mindedness. Memory was also poor. She forgot very
easily. She used to forget even sing medicines. But at the same time
could remember educational subjects.
13. Dry, vesicular eruptions on the neck with stiffness of skin. It
resulted in itching and powder used to come out after scratching.
This complaint was aggravated by wearing rolled gold ornaments.
14.) Thickness of skin between thumbs and index fingers of hands.
15.) Itching in left ear one year before she used to suffer from earache and
oozing of pus.
16.) She was sensitive to loud sounds and loud talking, resulted into shaking
of limbs. This shaking was aggravated early in the morning.
17.) Since four years she was prone to watery diarrhoea, once in a year. Then
she needed saline supplementation also.
18.) Frequent attacks of headache, pain only in on forehead and bridge of the
nose. Pain in the eyes was there with headache. Headache was aggravated by
exertion, by exposing to the heat of sun, by going to cinema and by mental
19.) The discharge from the nose was very hard and offensive smell emitted
from the nose.
20.) (H) In between menses she used to suffer from brown, white discharge
like clots. Since two months she was getting it again.
21) Dandruff and fall of hair since long time.
22) She could not mix with group of people.
Had no attitude to develop new
acquaintances. Only going to college and
returning home were her routine.
23) Suffered from skin allergy to feet with pain by
wearing cheppals except leather ones.
24) Worried much and though much over trifles.
25) Surface of the skin was very hot. Felt flushes
of heat also. Without taking cold water bath at
night she could not get sleep due to this heat.
26) She was fond of cool weather on empty stomach.
She had to fill it up immediately.
27) Felt much uneasy and weak on empty stomach. She
had to fill it up immediately.
28) She was irritable but did not express it out. At that
time she did not talk to anyone
29) Swelling near left lower wisdom tooth,
swelling of gum was also there and
frequently she was suffering from these
30) Family history: Sister was hypochondriac,
suffering from urinary infection and was in our
treatment. Father suffered from chyluria and bone
T.B; Mother suffered from jaundice and arthritic
complaints. Fraternal grand mother was blind and
lived for 84 years. Fraternal grand father died at
early age.
31) (H) Pain in sternum at childhood, extended to
scapular region every time.
32) (H) Suffered from frequent fever. Also suffered
from double typhoid.
33) (H) She was good and plumpy till her fifth year but
later emaciated.
34) (H) She had vaccination on right shoulder.
The cicatrix was contracted and a depression
was formed.
35) Dryness of lips with pealing of skin. This was the
long history of that lady.
All these symptoms do not indicate the drug but we
have noted them to know her nature to exaggerate
and report imaginary symptoms. On 19-6-84 I
started the treatment with Pulsatilla 200 and
repeated it after fifteen days. This was given
depending upon her mentals partially. But these was
no improvement. On 23-7-84 I tried with Arnica
10M one dose, as it cured her sister and sister’s
daughter. To my surprise she reported much
betterment in all respects on 1-9-84. Arnica 50M
was given on 23-2-85 and 18-3-86. Miraculously she
was cured.
It is a great surprise that all the three were cured
with the same drug. In certain cases the whole
family will be cured with the same drug though their
mentals differ to some extent.
Importance of physical generals
in the selection of remedy and
how and why they became so
Presented By:
Treatment of complex miasmatic
and complicated chronic cases
with example cases treated by
Dr.E.Ananta Krishna.
Presented By:-
Case no.1:-
A lady aged about 43 years came to our dispensary with the following
complaints :¬
1)Since 23.12.1993 she had a fear of fear. She used Ludiomil 75, Huafrauil 10.
She started using these pills since June 1994 because of fear attacks. In last
March she tried to stop using those medicines, but she could not do it.
2)She had problems in her relationship and sexual problems.
3)She gained weight and cholesterol level increased.
4)She could not express her anger. From 1970 to 1975 she took sedatives and
during the day time she took pills to pickup energy.
5)Took the birth control pills for 4 years.
6)From 1980 to 1990 she took antibiotics for bronchitis. She stopped using
them when started to make psychotherapy.
7)Underwent surgery for thyroid problem in 1974 and 1993. Since 1993 she
used everyday Novothyral (hormones for the glands in the throat area).
8)From 1974 to 1977 also she used hormones for glands in the throat area.
9)In 1964 underwent surgery for polypi. In 1967 underwent appendisectomy.
Around 1980 -82 the doctors thought that she had mental stress. She felt
dizziness and she could not see. She was very nervous. Her eyes were infected.
In childhood she suffered from measles, chicken pox, mumps and scarlet fever.
10)She was suspicious and had hard time to make decisions. She likes to be
neat and clean. Likes company. Memory was not good. Had fear of death and
depression. She never shares her feelings with anybody.
11)She was chilly. She likes warm weather, warm covering. Her bedroom door
closed with open windows. Because of therapy she did not suffer with cold
often. She likes sweets, fried things. She likes to eat warm meals and uses lot
of salt.
12)Her fear started in 1993 at night. She used to get this fear one hour before
going to sleep. She dreams a lot, but could not remember most of the time.
13)Sometimes the skin inside the nose was swollen. Appetite was good.
Sometimes her heart beats out of rhythm. Bowels were constipated. Palms
were dry and feet were burning. Underwent surgery for anal fistula in 1992. A
fistula was something like large pimple. Her teeth were filled with amalgam.
14)There was a melanocytic dysplasia. She had an allergy for paper and
15)She was married and had two children.
16)Her parents were alive. Mother had asthma and father was born with club
foot. He had hypertension, lung functions at around 50%. He had T.B. in lungs
during his childhood. 17)She took homoeopathic medicine like meditosin for
18)She had much misplaced affections and emotions. She had no harmony
with her husband. Although she was married, since 17 years she had no hearty
relationship with him. She got into emotional contact with another man.
Gradually she started to have secret sex relationship with him for a few years.
But now since two years she had no connection with him, this was making her
19)Two years ago her husband went for a therapy for a few weeks, but
returned one week earlier. Since then she started to get into haunting fear.
Now when questioned about these facts she was bursting into tears. Still she
had emotional feeling for that man with whom she had relationship without
the knowledge of her husband.
20)She had strong connection and affection with her daughter. Often she gets
dreams that she missed her daughter or something happened to her daughter.
She was screaming in dreams when she gets such dreams.
21)She was an anxious person. She was plethoric. Very easily she gets
disturbed emotionally.
22)At the age of 13 she attained menarche. She suffered always from pain and
took pills. But now it was not there. She was wearing spiral since 13 years. She
gained 10 kgs of weight more when she came to know that her boyfriend got
into relationship with some other woman.
Case I – History:
• A girl of about 20 years brought to our clinic who
was suffering from weisting of muscles.
• It started at the age of 10 years.
• She used to fall while walking, running, and
playing. The strength in the lower extremities
was gradually decreasing.
• At first there was weakness in foot along with
cramps. Gradually it started spreading upwards
in ascending direction.
• Now this weakness has spread up to waist.
• She has craving for non-Vegetarian food. She
has irritable temperament. There was
alternation of constipation and diarrhea.
She developed eczema on skin. It started in
armpits and slowly spread to chest and back.
There was sticky and offensive discharge from
• She was under treatment for many years in
Allopathy and Ayurveda.
• On further enquiry it was revealed that she had
attacks of fever frequently in childhood. Every
time she used to take Antibiotics and
• Her paternal grandfather and maternal
grandfather both suffered and died with
pulmonary tuberculosis. Her paternal aunty has
suffered with intestinal TB.
• She has as sister and brother who are healthy.
She is second child.
• Mother had some menstrual disorders and
underwent hysterectomy. Father is suffering
from diabetes.
• She is very keen in observation, but she has less
confidence to mingle with new people.
• She has complaints of adenoids which are
aggravated by panning and exposure to cold
• Sometimes she used to get nightmares.
She has menarche at her 13th year. Now she has
a scanty bleeding with severe colic. She has
history of using hormonal tablets..
Case I – Treatment:
Case II – History:
• This is a unique case. There was a boy in our
• He takes money from the members of our
brotherhood and from other in village by telling
• His father was pious disciple of Master E.K. He
used to enquire people and repay.
• He was very worried and approached Dr. E.V.M.
Acharya for his treatment
• Dr. E.V.M. Acharya know this boy from his birth.
Case II – Symptoms:
• The boy is very lean
• Frequent attack of bronchitis and fever
• He exhibits great anger on his family members.
• Submissive only to Sriman E. Anantakrishna &
Dr. E.V.M. Acharya (Generally in my childhood,
most of fellow children used to be in control by
one look of Dr. E.V.M. Acharya)
• He has craving to eat variety of outside food.
Craving for very spicy food and cold items
• Frequent bronchitis. Never listens regarding
food restrictions and rest
• He tells lies instantaneously and convince others
to help him
• Paternal grandfather died of Tuberculosis.
Case II – Treatment:
• The boy was brought to our house.
• Put into dispensary work for few days
• With fear of Dr. E.V.M. Acharya he was
apparently normal in his behavior
• Opium 10M, Opium 50M, Tuberculinum all
potencies were used
• He was thus cured completely.
• It was possible because he did not had option to
reject, restrict the administration of medicine
• He was kept in presence of pious healers like Sri.
Kotta Ramakottaiah garu and Dr. E.V.M.
Discriminative and comparative
observation of homoeopathic
remedies in treating cases of
Presented By:
Dr. V.Sri Geetha.
• What is suspicion
Presented By:-
Human Respiratory System
Exchange of Respiratory Gases
DIFFUSION PROCESS depends on partial pressure and diffusion distance
•Oxygen (O₂) from the inhaled air diffuses across the thin walls of the alveoli and into the bloodstream in the capillaries
surrounding them.
•This diffusion happens because there's a higher concentration of oxygen in the alveoli compared to the blood in the
•Similarly, carbon dioxide (CO₂) diffuses from the bloodstream in the capillaries into the air spaces in the alveoli.
•The diffusion of these gases is facilitated by the large surface area of the alveoli and the thinness of the blood-gas barrier
Pulmonary Surfactant
Pulmonary surfactant is a fascinating and vital component of lungs
•Primarily made of phospholipids (fats) and proteins
•Surfactant allows the alveoli to remain inflated by lowering surface tension in the alveoli ensuring efficient gas exchange and
preventing collapsing of lungs.
•Deficiency or malfunction of surfactant can lead to respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) in newborns and acute respiratory
distress syndrome (ARDS) in adults.
It's a testament to the body's ingenious design and the delicate balance needed for efficient breathing.
Pulmonary Hypertension
Pulmonary hypertension (PH) is a condition of high blood pressure in the arteries of the lungs. The arteries that carry
blood from the right side of your heart to your lungs (pulmonary arteries) become narrowed, blocked, or destroyed.
This makes it harder for blood to flow through your lungs and pick up oxygen.
Heart has to work harder to pump blood through the narrowed arteries. Over time, this can weaken the heart muscle
and lead to heart failure.
Symptoms of pulmonary hypertension can include:
•Shortness of breath, especially during exercise, shopping
groceries, climbing stairs, etc.
•Chest pain
•Dizziness or fainting
•Swelling of the ankles, feet, or abdomen
•Rapid heartbeats
•Bluish tint to the skin or lips (cyanosis)
•RISK FACTORS – 30 to 60 years of age, women, family history,
smoking, obesity, hiv, scleroderma, etc.
Symptoms and Signs of Respiratory Disorders
Dyspnea ,shortness of breath, air hunger ,harder to breathe
Respiratory – copd, asthma, tb, etc.
Cardiac – heart failure, arrythmias, septal defects etc Circulatory
– anemia
Renal – uremia ,ketoacidosis etc
Emotional – anxiety, fear, grief, etc
• Cough
• Wheezing - copd, asthma
• Chest tightness
• Chest pain
• Fatigue
• Fever
• Nail clubbing - lung cancer, cystic fibrosis, copd, cardiac diseases, anemic malabsorption diseases like crohns
• Bluish tint to the skin or lips (cyanosis)
• Rapid breathing
• Retractions of ribcage muscles and accessory muscles
Diagnosis of Respiratory Disorders
1. Medical History and Physical Examination:
• Doctor's Discussion: Your doctor will ask you detailed questions about your symptoms, including:
• When they started and how severe they are
• Any triggers that worsen your symptoms (e.g., allergens, exercise)
• Your smoking history and exposure to environmental irritants
• Past medical conditions and medications
• Physical Examination using stethoscope, observing muscle retractions
2. Diagnostic Tests:
• Chest X-ray: pneumonia, tumors, fluid filled cavities, consolidation
• Spirometry: COPD and asthma.
• Pulse Oximetry: percentage of oxygen
• Arterial Blood Gas (ABG) Test: blood's oxygen and carbon dioxide levels, along with its acidity.
• Sputum Test signs of infection or inflammation.
• Allergy Skin Test: To identify if allergies are contributing to your respiratory symptoms.
• Lung Function Tests: tests like lung volumes or diffusion capacity to assess the overall function of your lungs.
• Imaging Tests: CT scans or MRI
• Bronchoscopy: A thin, flexible tube with a camera is inserted through your airways to directly visualize the inside
your lungs and potentially collect tissue samples.
•Blood Tests: These may check for specific markers of autoimmune diseases or infections that can
affect the respiratory system.
Causes of Diseases
• Exciting causes.
• Maintaining causes.
• Fundamental causes.
• Causes or risk factors for respiratory diseases
• Smoking, by second hand smoking, smoke, fumes, air
pollutants, radon, infections
Exciting causes
• It excites a disease condition either
• Acute diseases
• Overeating, overheating, over cooling,etc.
• Acute exacerbation in chronic diseases
• War, flood, famine etc
• It may also produce indisposition.
• Mimicking sickness means slight alteration of health manifested by one or
more trivial symptoms observed only a short time previously due to some
exciting cause.
• A slight alteration in the diet and regimen is usually sufficient to remove such
indisposition or removal of exciting cause.
Pollution effecting respiratory organs
Types of Pollutants
•Outdoor air pollution consists of various harmful substances like particulate matter (PM), ozone, nitrogen dioxide,
and sulfur dioxide, vehicle fumes, factory gases etc
Effects on the Lungs:
• Inflammation and Irritation: coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath.
• Reduced Lung Function:
• Increased Susceptibility to Infections:
• Aggravated Pre-existing Conditions: asthma, copd
• Long-Term Damage: chronic respiratory diseases and even lung cancer.
Protective Measures:
• Limiting outdoor activity during peak pollution hours.
• Wearing air-purifying masks when venturing outside in polluted areas.
• Investing in air purifiers for your home and work place
• Advocating for stricter air quality regulations.
• The severity of the effects depends on factors like the type and amount of pollutant, duration of exposure, and
Occupational Diseases
Occupational diseases are illnesses caused by exposure to hazardous substances or conditions at work. These can
include long-term exposure to chemicals, dust, fumes, radiation, or ergonomic hazards that cause musculoskeletal
Here are some of the most common occupational diseases(Respiratory diseases):
a. Coal miners' pneumoconiosis (black lung)
b. Silicosis
c. Asbestosis
d. Occupational asthma
e. Byssinosis
f. Hypersensitivity pneumonitis
• Identifying and evaluating workplace hazards
• Implementing controls: ventilation systems, personal protective equipment (PPE).
• Providing education and training
• Regular medical monitoring
Coal miners' pneumoconiosis (black lung) Silicosis Asbestosis
• Tuberculosis (TB) is a potentially serious infectious disease that mainly affects the lungs. It's
caused by bacteria called Mycobacterium tuberculosis. TB can spread from person to person
through the air when someone who is sick with TB coughs, sneezes, speaks, or sings.
• People with TB infection but not TB disease don't have any symptoms and can't spread the disease to others.
Symptoms and Risk factors
Acute Chronic
Diseases Diseases
Differences: Similarities:
• Location: Adenoids are located • Both adenoids and polyps can
in the upper part of the throat, cause similar symptoms of nasal
while polyps can develop in the congestion, facial pressure, and
nose, sinuses, or voice box. trouble sleeping.
• Age: Enlarged adenoids are
more common in children,
while polyps can occur at any
• Function: Adenoids are part of
the immune system, while
polyps are not.
Tonsillitis is an inflammation or infection of the tonsils, the two soft tissues located at the back of your throat, one
on either side. These tissues help trap germs and bacteria entering your body through the mouth and nose.
•Viral tonsillitis: caused by viruses similar to those that cause the common cold or flu.
•Bacterial tonsillitis caused by group A streptococcus bacteria.
•Sore throat, often severe
•Painful swallowing (odynophagia)
•Swollen lymph nodes in the neck
•Difficulty swallowing
•Bad breath (halitosis)
Complications (rare):
•Peritonsillar abscess: A collection of pus that forms behind the tonsil
•Sleep Apnea: Enlarged tonsils can obstruct airways during sleep
•Strep throat complications: Untreated strep throat can lead to rheumatic fever (affecting the heart, joints, skin,
and nervous system) or kidney inflammation (glomerulonephritis).
•Therapeutics – belladonna, baryta carb, calcarean carb, Phytolacca, calcarean flour, merc sol, merc bin iodide
Allergic Rhinitis
Allergic rhinitis, also commonly called hay fever, is a condition that triggers inflammation in your nose due to allergens you inhale.
Causes: airborne allergens, such as Pollen from trees, grasses, and weeds ,dust, pet dander, mold spores, cockroach
droppings When you inhale an allergen, if you have allergic rhinitis, your immune system mistakenly
identifies it as a harmful substance. This triggers the release of chemicals like histamine, which
cause inflammation in your nose leading to symptoms.
•Runny or stuffy nose, itchy nose.
•Sneezing (often in bursts)
•Itchy, watery eyes
•Postnasal drip (drainage of mucus down the back of the throat)
•Facial pressure or pain
•Reduced sense of smell or taste
•Difficulty sleeping (due to congestion or coughing)
•Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis: Also known as hay fever, this type is triggered by seasonal allergens like pollen.
•Perennial Allergic Rhinitis: This type can occur year-round and is often caused by indoor allergens like
dust mites or pet dander.
•Therapeutics – allium cepa, Euphrasia, arsenic album, pothos, sabadilla, belladonna, ipecac, kali bich
Whooping cough is highly contagious respiratory tract infection
Cause - by Bordetella pertussis
Spread - by air borne, saliva, skin contact
Symptoms - running nose, violent paroxysmal cough,
fever commonly called 100 day cough
Fit of cough is followed by high pitched whooping sound or gasp
occurs during inhalation
Vaccination is mandatory in infants
Therapeutics – aconite, belladonna, merc sol, merc bin iodide, conium,
Phytolacca, kali bich, china, sulphur, lachesis
Diphtheria is a serious contagious bacterial infection of the nose and
throat. Cause - corny bacterium diphtheriae
Spread – airborne respiratory droplets either by sneezing or cough,
touch, saliva
Symptoms - upper respiratory tract infections, sore throat, fever,
chills, weakness, swollen cervical glands
Pseudomembrane is formed in the nose, throat, larynx, pharynx
making it very hard to breathe and swallow.
If neglected or untreated toxins enter the blood stream and chances
of heart, kidney and nerve damage occur.
Vaccination is mandatory.
Therapeutics – tuberculinum, bacillinum, belladonna, merc sol,
conium, Lachesis, Phytolacca, merc bin iodide, kali bich
Emphysema is a chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) that damages the lungs making it difficult to breathe.
• Smoking, which irritates and inflames the lungs weakening walls of alveoli henceforth gaseous exchange.
•Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency is a protein and deficiency genetically make them more susceptible to the effects of
smoking or
other irritants.
Symptoms typically develop slowly and worsen over time:
•Shortness of breath, especially during exertion
•Chest tightness
•Chronic cough that may produce mucus
•Frequent respiratory infections
•Rapid, shallow breathing (in later stages)
•Barrel chest (appearance of the chest wall expanding due to trapped air)
•Unintentional weight loss (in later stages)
While emphysema is a progressive disease, early diagnosis, proper treatment, and lifestyle changes, protein replacement therapy
can significantly improve your quality of life.
Chronic Bronchitis
Chronic bronchitis is a type of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) that inflames the airways in your lungs. This
inflammation leads to excessive mucus production, making it difficult to breathe.
•smoking, which irritates and inflames the airways and mucus production.
secondhand smoke, air pollution, and dusts or fumes in the workplace can also contribute.
•A persistent cough, often productive (bringing up mucus)
• Shortness of breath, especially during exertion
•Chest tightness
•Frequent respiratory infections
Many persons are affected with very similar sufferings from the
same source which is highly communicable and contagious due to
calamities like war, flood, famine etc.
Examples – covid, tuberculosis, etc.
Genus Epidemics – Indicated remedy acts as curative as well
as preventive
Lung cancer often doesn't cause any symptoms in the early stages. However, as the cancer grows, it can cause a number of symptoms, including:
• A cough that doesn't go away or gets worse over time
• Chest pain
• Shortness of breath
• Wheezing
• Coughing up blood
• Weight loss without trying
• Loss of appetite
• Fatigue
Some risk factors for lung cancer:
• Smoking
• Exposure to secondhand smoke
• Exposure to radon
• Exposure to asbestos
• Air pollution
• Family history
• Suppressed emotions
Cystic Fibrosis
Cystic Fibrosis (CF) is a serious genetic disorder that affects many organs, primarily the lungs and digestive system. It's caused by a
mutated cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene, leading to thick, sticky mucus buildup in various
•Inherited faulty gene: Cystic fibrosis is caused by inheriting two copies (one from each parent) of a mutated CFTR
gene. This gene normally instructs the body to produce a protein that helps regulate the flow of fluids in and out of
•Thick mucus buildup: The mutation disrupts this process, resulting in the production of thick, sticky mucus that
clogs airways in the lungs and pancreatic ducts in the digestive system.
•Difficulty breathing
•Persistent cough, often productive (bringing up mucus)
•Chest tightness
Frequent respiratory infections
Digestive System:
•Fatty, bulky stools (due to malabsorption of nutrients)
•Poor growth and development in children
•Intestinal blockage
•Delayed puberty
•Chronic sinus infections
Diagnosing CF involves a combination of tests:
•Sweat test: This is the most common test, measuring the amount of salt (electrolytes) in sweat. High levels can
indicate CF.
•Genetic testing: Confirms the presence of CFTR gene mutations.
•Newborn screening: Many countries include CF screening in newborn testing programs.
There's no cure for cystic fibrosis, but treatments can significantly improve quality of life and lifespan. These include:
•Airway clearance techniques: Techniques like chest physiotherapy help loosen and remove mucus from the lungs.
•Bronchodilators: Medications to relax airway muscles and ease breathing.
•Medications: Regularly used to fight lung infections.
•Pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy: Replaces digestive enzymes missing due to blocked pancreatic ducts,
aiding nutrient
•Nutritional support: May include dietary changes and supplements to ensure proper growth and development.
•Lung transplant: In severe cases, a lung transplant may be an option.
• Due to prolonged use of violent heroic medicines
artificial suppression
• Suppression – temporary relief of symptoms at the cost of
new suffering involving more vital organ of the body.
• Examples – suppression of skin complaints using topical
ointments lead to involvment of lungs mostly
• Natural suppression includes shell shock, prolonged grief,
offspring etc
CLINICALS Pneumonia with consolidation of the lungs. Ulcerative sore throat. Pleurisy
Bronchitis (psora-tubercular). Emphysema COPD COPD
Pharyngitis Fibrosis of the the lungs. Quinsy. Pulmonary tuberculosis.
Laryngitis Vocal cord nodules. Lung abscesses Tonsillitis, especially recurrent.
rhinitis adenoids emphysema
Pertussis or whoophing cough
Functional diseases of the respiratory system.
A weaker dynamic affection is permanently extinguished in the living organism by a stronger
one, if the latter is very similar to the former in its manifestations.
In the reversal order of their appearance .the first to appear being last to disappear
Discriminative and
comparative observation
of homoeopathic
remedies in treating cases
of FEAR.
Presented By:-
Sri G. Tarakeswara rao
When to give X-Ray and when to give
Carcinosin as per guidelines of Master
Presented By:-
Dr. D. Kodandaram reddy
-Fears of-
Health – cancer - Exams – crowds
-Mental retardation
-Aversion to reprimands or contradiction.
-Artistic people.
How To Use
• 1.Prolonged aggravation and final
decline of
the patient. Antipsoric - deep
• Destruction—Established
• Case— incurable
• Prognosis—unfavourable
• Don’t give a deep remedy when
organic diseases are present. In
incurable and doubtful case give
30th or 200th potency.
Constitutional rectification should
not be attempted at this stage as
the vitality of the patient is
completely exhausted. The
response to medicine is also low.
2nd case
• Chy. Prasad, aged 5 years was brought to
our dispensary on 8-7-73. We found that
the right ear was ulcerated discharging
offensive pus and blood. Worms were also
coming out from it. This ulceration was
congenital. It was diagnosed as cancer. The
boy was mentally dull. We found that the
whole family was suffering from psoric and
syphillitic miasms. They were effected upto
physical plane. We understood it as a
complicated case. There were no other
symptoms. We tried a few doses of
Causticum 200 for a period of 3 months. No
marked improvement. Bleeding was
profuse. Crotalus 200 was given by our
•The offensive smell increased and the
tendency to produce worms also continued.
Tarentula 200 two doses were given. No
change. On 16-3-74 and 31-3-74 Kulapathi
used Psorinum 10M two doses. Again on 26-
5-74 and 21-7-74 two doses of Syphillinum
10M were given. Gradually the mental activity
increased in the boy. He became very keen.
The ulceration was also better. No worms.
Maintained on Placebo (ofcourse 1 or 2 acute
remedies were used for seasonal ailments).
On 4-1-75 the symptoms repeated. Master
E.K. adminstered Syphillinum CM one dose.
Gradually the ulcer started healing.
•Mentally he turned obstinate, cross and