For each delivery you must specify Purchase Order No, Material code/Service in all challans/ invoices/ correspondence. Receiving inspection at our site.
Each delivery should accompany material certificate analysis.
SNo Item Description/Item Code HSN/SAC No UoM Qty Price IGST Basic Value
. No. DEL.DATE Tax
1 10 4 Core 1.5 sq. mm 1.1KV XLPE insulated C 8544 60 90 M 2500 76.85 18.00% 192125.00
CP4RSQMM1KVXLP 23.12.2023
2 20 3 Core 1.5 sq. mm 1.1KV XLPE 8544 M 2500 62.35 18.00% 155875.00
CP3CORE1X5XLPE 23.12.2023
3 30 3 Core 2.5 sq. mm 1.1KV XLPE insulated C 8544 60 90 M 1000 91.35 18.00% 91350.00
CP3RSQMM1KVXLP 23.12.2023
4 40 3 Core 4 sq. mm 1.1KV XLPE 8544 M 1000 128.18 18.00% 128180.00
5 50 6 Sqr MMX3 Core#copper Armured XLPE Cabl 8544 60 90 M 500 177.19 18.00% 88595.00
CP6SMMX3CORECA 23.12.2023
6 60 10 Sqr MMX3 Core#copper Armured XLPE Cab 8544 60 90 M 500 284.78 18.00% 142390.00
CP16SQRMMX3COR 23.12.2023
7 70 1 Sqr single core Copper Flexible cable 7212 10 10 M 100 8.54 18.00% 854.00
8 80 1.5 sqmm Flexible Green color Cable for 8544 60 90 M 300 12.34 18.00% 3702.00
CP1.5SFLGRCCFE 23.12.2023
9 90 2.5 sqmm Flexible Green color Cable for 8544 60 90 M 200 20.31 18.00% 4062.00
10 100 Earthing Cable/# 1C x 4 Sqmm 7212 10 10 M 200 31.75 18.00% 6350.00
CPEARTHINGC1X4 23.12.2023
11 110 Hot dip G.I strip of size 25 X 3 mm 7308 M 300 53.00 18.00% 15900.00
12 120 Hot dip G.I strip of size 50x6 mm 7308 M 500 205.00 18.00% 102500.00
13 130 50 MM X75 MM Hot Dip GI Propred cable Tr 8544 20 10 M 100 306.00 18.00% 30600.00
CP50MMX75HOTDI 23.12.2023
14 140 100 MM X75 MM Hot Dip GI Propfred#cable 8544 20 10 M 100 378.00 18.00% 37800.00
CP100MMX75HOTD 23.12.2023
Remarks :
Payment terms # 20% advance and balance against delivery
Freight # FOR for Nagpur, Extra as actual for Dahej
P&F # NIL, Delivery # with in 2 weeks
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