Physics Investigatory Project
Physics Investigatory Project
Physics Investigatory Project
A security system protects our homes, offices, banks, lockers etc. from
intrusion and unauthorized access. There are different types of
security systems available and laser based security systems are an
important and efficient type.
The production of lasers is based on the fact that when atoms are in
excited state, they lose their energy and come back to ground state.For
this process a system is chosen in which a metastable state is there.
However to keep the photons inside the systems, 2 mirrors are used to
reflect back the photons to multiply their number. But one of the
mirrors should be partially transmitting so as to allow the beam to
emerge out of the system.
This system for security uses the combination of LASER light and
LDR. The LDR module has an onboard potentiometer to adjust the
sensitivity of LDR, so that it only senses laser light falling onto it. The
concept is quite simple and similar to what we see in movies where
antique, priceless ornaments are protected under laser lights.
As someone crosses these lights, an alarm runs on to indicate
unauthorized presence. This project works similarly. In normal
conditions, where there is always laser light falling on the LDR, the
LDR module always gives a high signal to the microcontroller. When
someone crosses this laser light, it will behave as an obstruction
between the LDR module and laser light, resulting in no light falling
on LDR. In such cases the LDR module gives a low signal to the
microcontroller, which indicates it to switch on an alarm.
Materials Required
Materials Required
2. Breadboard.
A breadboard consists of a plastic block
holding a matrix of electrical sockets of
a size suitable for gripping thin connecting
wire, component wires or the pins of
transistors and integrated circuits (ICs).
The sockets are connected inside the board,
usually in rows of five sockets.
5. Laser.
laser, a device that stimulates atoms or
molecules to emit light at particular
wavelengths and amplifies that light, typically
producing a very narrow beam of radiation.
6. Connecting Wire.
A wire is a flexible strand of metal, usually
cylindrical. Wires are used for establishing
electrical conductivity between two devices of
an electrical circuit.
7. Transistor.
A transistor is a semiconductor device used to
amplify or switch electrical signals and power.
It is one of the basic building blocks of modern
electronics. It is composed of semiconductor
material, usually with at least three terminals
for connection to an electronic circuit.
8. Small Buzzer
An audio signaling device like a beeper or
buzzer may be electromechanical or
piezoelectric or mechanical. The main function
of this is to convert the signal from audio to
sound. Generally, it is powered through DC
voltage and used in timers, alarm devices,
printers, alarms, computers, etc. Based on the various designs, it
can generate different sounds like alarm, music, bell & siren.
9. LED.
A light-emitting diode (LED) is a semiconductor
device that emits light when an electric current
flows through it.
Circuit Diagram
Circuit Design
The design of the laser security system circuit is very simple. We will
see the design of the circuit in this section and in the working
explanation we will see the working of the individual component.
Connect the LDR to the negative end of the resistor and to the base of
the transistor. Connect another end of LDR to the ammeter of the
transistor and negative terminal of the battery.
Connect the negative end of the LED to the negative end of the buzzer.
When we point the laser on the LDR the connection will break and
hence the buzzer will stop making a sound and the LED will be turned
1. Take the breadboard and mark its two extreme sides , any one as
positive and other as negative.
4. Connect the emitter of the translator with the negative side of the
breadboard using a wire.
5. Connect the LDR with the base of the transistor and the negative
side of the breadboard.
6. Connect the buzzer with the collector of the transistor and the
positive side of the breadboard.
7. Now connect the 10K ohm resistor with the base of the transistor
and the positive side of the breadboard.
8. Now connect the battery and at this time the buzzer would be
9. Now drop the laser light upon the receptive surface of the LDR
and the buzzer stops ringing.
A simple, cheap, and effective laser-based security system is developed
in this project. Let us see the workings of this project.
First, construct the circuit as per the given steps in the procedure. The
breadboard here acts as the connection board for all of the
components and I have used connecting wires (male to male and
Female to male) for all the connections in the circuit.
Assume, the laser pointer is placed directly in the line of sight of the
and the light from the laser is continuously being incident on the LDR.
In this situation, the current will gradually flow down ohm by ohm and
the transistor will send this signal to the base and emitter, it will
further propagate the signal and break the connection of the LED and
the buzzer.
The resistor will be directly connected to LDR and the battery further
it will cut down the flow accordingly.
Lasers also have proved a boon to the growth of the modern scientific
world. It is used in many modes.
1. In measuring long distances : Being highly coherent These can
travel long distances without any loss of their intensity.
Laser security systems are a high tech technology that used to be a part
of home security only available to the wealthy. It manually switches
dependent sensors and a basic alarm unit.
Laser security system a person moves in front of the sensor, that
person triggers the system's alarm by cutting the laser. And the alarm
signals the security monitoring company and local law enforcement.
The basic alarm unit will also sound a loud alarm. Both analysis and
experiment indicate that rather stringent requirements must be met in
order to obtain efficient optical heterodyne detection. At some
wavelengths it may provide the only means of overcoming noise and
detect noise problems. The operation of LDR depends upon the
photoconductivity process.