Booklet Quantum Science 2023
Booklet Quantum Science 2023
Booklet Quantum Science 2023
ne century ago, scientists like Niels Bohr, dispensable in most industrialized countries. Even
Luis de Broglie, Erwin Schrödinger, Werner our standards of measurement—our modern met-
Heisenberg, and others created the theory ric system—is based upon quantum principles.
of Quantum Mechanics (QM). This Workshop of
the Pontifical Academy of Sciences is convened in Many have identified a second quantum revolution,
part to recognize that historic achievement, espe- one in whose midst we now see amazing new de-
cially in view of the fact that some of the founders velopments in science and technology. This second
of Quantum Mechanics were members of the PAS. revolution has elevated the strangest aspects of QM,
More importantly, we gather to examine the current superposition and entanglement, to technological
state of QM and the prospects for its future in sci- status. Quantum information, with its promise of
ence and technology. QM gave birth to a revolution quantum computers able to perform calculations
in both science and technology. It gave us a theoret- beyond the capabilities of any imaginable classical
ical framework for understanding the physical world computer; quantum communication whose security
at the sub-microscopic level of atoms, molecules, is guaranteed by the laws of physics; quantum mea-
and their constituents. And, QM changed the way surement with sensitivity that defies the usual limits
we think about reality, introducing fundamental lim- to precision; and quantum simulations that prom-
its on what can be known, even in principle, about ise new understanding and design opportunities
a physical system, limits that were inconceivable to for materials and medicines are part of the second
pre-quantum thinkers. quantum revolution.
Through its influence on science and technology, We welcome you to this Workshop on Quantum
the quantum revolution has touched nearly all as- Science and Technology: Recent Advances and New
pects of modern life. Quantum-based electronics Perspectives, where we will remember the past, ex-
have progressed to the point that consumer devices plore the present, and imagine the future.
like computers, watches, and mobile phones are in-
DAY 0 | WEDNESDAY 29 NOVEMBER 2023 (Reception – Extra Activity – Casina Pio IV)
18.00-19.30 Welcoming Session: Special presentation about the PAS, history and goals. Followed by reception
Speakers: Chancellor Card. Peter K.A. Turkson and Organizing Academicians
19:30-21:00 Dinner
10.20-10.40 Marlan O. Scully Director in Institute for Quantum Science and Engineering; Texas A&M University
Unruh and Hawking Radiation from a Quantum Optical Perspective
12.10-12.30 Immanuel Bloch Scientific Director - Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics
Large Scale Quantum Simulations Using Ultracold Atoms
13.10-14.30 Lunch
14.30-14.50 Kees Joosse Taiwan Semiconductor Manfacturing Company, Director Business Development EMEA
TSMC and it’s Role in the Semiconductor Industry
17.40-18.00 Philippe Bouyer Professor - Univ. of Amsterdam and Technical Univ. Eindhoven
Quantum Sensors from Fundamental Physics to Applications
13.00-14.30 Lunch
15.10-15.30 Peter Zoller Professor/Group Leader - University of Innsbruck and IQOQI (Austrian Academy of Sciences)
Programmable Quantum Simulators and Quantum Sensors with Atomic Platforms
15.30-15.50 Robert Sutor Vice President and Chief Quantum Advocate - Infleqtion
Crossing the Quantum Chasm: Moving from Little Quantum Computers to Practical Networked Quantum Systems
17.40-18.00 Ignacio Cirac Director of Theory Division - Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics
Quantum Computing and Simulation
18:00-18:20 Celso Jorge Villas Boas Full Professor, Federal University of São Carlos
Development of Second Generation Quantum Solutions for Industries and Services Segments in Brazil
19.00-20.30 Dinner
09.40-10.00 Tommaso Calarco Director of the Institute of Quantum Control, Forschungszentrum Jülich
Quantum Control and Quantum Technology
10.00-10.20 Luca Galantucci Researcher - Istituto per le Applicazioni del Calcolo; Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (IAC-CNR Roma)
Active Quantum Tutbulence
10.20-10.40 Steven M. Girvin Eugene Higgins Professor of Physics - Yale Quantum Institute
Control of Oscillators for Hardware-Efficient Quantum Simulations and Error Correction
10.40-11.00 Cristiane Morais Smith Full Professor (Chair Condensed-Matter Physics) Utrecht University, ITP
Quantum Fractals
11.50-12.10 Wolf J. Singer Senior Fellow - Ernst Struengmann Institute for Neuroscience
Computational Strategies Exploited by Natural Neuronal Networks: Similarities with Quantum Computing?
12.30-12.50 Vladislav Yakovlev Full Professor - Texas A&M University, TX, USA
Quantum Mechanics for Biology and Medicine
13.50-15.00 Lunch
16.20-16.40 Eric Lutz University of Stuttgart - Director of the Institute for Theoretical Physics I
Converting Quantum Statistics Into Work
17.00-17.20 Klaus von Klitzing Director Emeritus - Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research
Quantum Standards in Metrology
General information
f Dress code is business attire.
f Invites are strictly personal, but accompanying persons are invited to the lunch and dinner everyday (from 29
November evening to 2 December).
f Please remember to bring a valid ID.
f In case of any problems, please call the Academy on +39 0669883195 or +39 0669883451. On the travel days,
the mobile phone number +393420026216 will be available.
f Please refer to for further information on the Academy, the Academicians, and current and past
f WI-FI network: academy-guest
f Password: G@rdens1936
VERS. 11 | 29 NOV. 2023 Quantum Science and Technology: Recent Advances and New Perspectives 11
Chiesa di Santo Stefano degli Abissini Sede della Pontificia Accademia delle Scienze
St Stephen of the Abyssinians Church Seat of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences
(Casina Pio IV)
Ingresso Sant’Uffizio
The ‘Sant’Uffizio’ gate
Ingresso Sant’Anna
The ‘Sant’Anna’ gate