Mélanie MOIGN
Polytech’Lab – Université Côte d’Azur 7498
Analysis, modelling, and reduction of the simultaneous switching noise generated by the high
data rate IOs of a STM32 microcontroller
This thesis has been accomplished in the frame of a “Cifre convention” between the laboratory
Polytech’lab and the company STMicroelectronics and is centered on the domain of electromagnetic
compatibility (EMC). The rapid and constant evolution of microcontrollers (MCU) and the increase of
their performance has led to an important degradation of their behavior regarding the EMC. For
example, the Simultaneous Switching Noise (SSN) is a subject known since the 80s but that became a
source of failure through the years because of, among other things, the increase of communication
signals frequency. This thesis is focused on the study of this SSN effect in the constrained environment
of the STM32. A modeling methodology of a complete system defined by the die, the package, and the
Printed Circuit Board (PCB) has been validated thru a vast campaign of comparison between simulations
and measurements. These simulations allow, on one hand, to investigate the root cause of a product
failure and on the other hand, to observe the SSN effect to points that are physically unreachable in
This work allowed the definition of the main design rules to be applied to the chip, the package,
and the PCB in order to improve the MCU robustness regarding the SSN effect. To conclude, this thesis
presents a new development approach for designers with the use of a predictive model. This predictive
model allows the anticipation of the future MCU behavior regarding EMC problematic and this, directly
at the design stage. Considering the very fast evolution of the CMOS technology and therefore of the
MCU, being able to anticipate these issues is a real advantage in the objective of being more competitive
on the market with more robust and reliable products.
Keys words: Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC), Input/Output interface (IO), Simultaneous Switching Noise (SSN), Auto-
susceptibility, Power distribution network (PDN), ICEM model, microcontroller modeling
Analyse, modélisation et réduction du bruit de commutation simultanée généré par les interfaces
d’Entrées/Sorties haute vitesse en technologie CMOS dans les microcontrôleurs STM32
Cette thèse réalisée dans le cadre d’une convention Cifre entre le laboratoire Polytech’Lab et la
société STMicroelectronics, porte sur le domaine de la compatibilité électromagnétique (CEM).
L’évolution continue et très rapide des microcontrôleurs (MCU) en vue de l’accroissement de leurs
performances a malheureusement entrainé une dégradation importante de leur comportement vis-à-vis
de la CEM. Par exemple, le bruit de commutation simultanée (BCS), connu depuis les années 80, est
devenu une source de défaillance du MCU en raison notamment de l’augmentation des fréquences des
signaux de communication. Cette thèse s’inscrit dans l’étude de ce phénomène au sein de
l’environnement très contraint du microcontrôleur STM32. Une méthode de modélisation d’un système
complet puce/boitier/circuit imprimé a été élaborée et validée par une importante campagne de
comparaison entre mesures et simulations. Ces dernières permettent de pouvoir, d’étudier les principales
défaillances d’un produit, et d’autre part observer l’effet du BCS à des endroits physiquement
inatteignables en mesure.
Ce travail a permis de définir les principales règles de conception a appliquer sur la puce, le boitier
et le circuit imprimé pour améliorer la robustesse du MCU au bruit BCS. Pour conclure, nous avons
présenté une nouvelle approche de travail avec le développement d’un modèle prédictif permettant
l’anticipation du comportement d’un futur MCU face aux problèmes de CEM, et cela, dès la phase de
conception. Compte tenu de l’évolution très rapide de la technologie CMOS et des MCU, réussir à
anticiper ces problèmes est un réel avantage pour pouvoir rester compétitif sur le marché avec des
produits plus robustes et fiables.
Mots clés : Compatibilité électromagnétique, Auto-susceptibilité, Périphérique d’entrée/sortie, Bruit à commutation simultanée, Réseau
de distribution d’alimentation, Model ICEM, modélisation
This thesis work presented in this manuscript was carried out under a CIFRE agreement
between the STMicroelectronics company and the laboratory Polytech’lab between 2017 and
2022. These years were incredibly enriching, both from a technical and a human point of view.
Firstly, I would like to express my gratitude to M. Gilles Jacquemod, director of the
laboratory Polytech’lab for allowing me to carry out this thesis in his laboratory. I want to thank
him for his perpetual support, his availability when I needed help -like for the redaction of this
manuscript-. From the laboratory, I also thank M. Yves Leduc and M. Henri Braquet who
helped me during this thesis.
I thank M. Jean-Pierre Leca, engineer evolving within the IO team of the MCD division
of STMicroelectronics in Rousset, who supervised, helped and supported me during all this
thesis. I also thanks M. Nicolas Froidevaux, manager of the IO team for having trusted me and
allowing me to join his team.
I express all my gratitude to, M. Luc Hebrard and M. Pascal Nouet who kindly agreed
to be the “rapporteurs” of my thesis. I also express my gratitude to M. Luc Fresquet and M.
Yves Leduc who accepted to be members of my jury.
It was a real pleasure to work in contact with all the people of the IO team. I warmly
thank you all for the discussions exchanged, all the advice you gave me which made me grow
whether in a technical than a human point of view. Moreover, I would like to have my sincere
thoughts towards all people I met during my thesis and who helped me to achieve this work.
Finally, I cannot end these acknowledgements without expressing all my gratitude to
my family and friends who supported me from the beginning.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS.................................................................................................................... V
1. INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................................... 5
2. MICROCONTROLLER (MCU)...................................................................................................................... 5
2.1. MCU overview ....................................................................................................................................... 5
2.2. STMicroelectronics microcontroller family ........................................................................................... 7
2.2.1. Input/Output interfaces (IOs) ............................................................................................................................ 8
2.3. MCU Packages overview ....................................................................................................................... 9
2.4. MCU evolution ..................................................................................................................................... 11
3. MOS TRANSISTOR ................................................................................................................................... 12
3.1. MOSFET history .................................................................................................................................. 13
3.2. MOSFET Structure ............................................................................................................................... 14
3.3. CMOS model and behavior .................................................................................................................. 15
3.4. Conclusion ............................................................................................................................................ 18
4. UNDERSTANDING ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY ........................................................................... 18
4.1. Introduction and EMC definition .................................................................................................. 18
4.2. The physics behind EMC .............................................................................................................. 20
4.3. Electromagnetic susceptibility and coupling path ......................................................................... 21
4.4. Electromagnetic interference (EMI) .............................................................................................. 23
4.5. Conclusion .................................................................................................................................... 24
5. FROM THE CMOS INVERTER TO THE SIMULTANEOUS SWITCHING NOISE ............................................... 25
5.1. CMOS Inverter ..................................................................................................................................... 25
5.1.1. Inverter principle ............................................................................................................................................ 25
5.1.2. Voltage transfer characteristic ........................................................................................................................ 26
5.1.3. Dynamic properties of the inverter ................................................................................................................. 27
5.2. Simultaneous Switching Noise (SSN) effect ........................................................................................ 30
5.3. Simultaneous Switching Noise (SSN) at the MCU level ...................................................................... 31
6. CONCLUSION ........................................................................................................................................... 36
1. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................ 37
2. THE INTEGRATED CIRCUIT EMISSION MODEL (ICEM) STANDARD .......................................................... 38
2.1. Standards provided by IEC organization .............................................................................................. 38
2.2. ICEM-CE standard ............................................................................................................................... 40
3. MODEL OF AN EXISTING MICROCONTROLLER .......................................................................................... 41
3.1. IO model ............................................................................................................................................... 41
3.2. Die’s power supplies line model........................................................................................................... 44
3.3. Package’s PDN ..................................................................................................................................... 47
3.3.1. Hand calculation of PDN package .................................................................................................................. 48
3.3.2. PDN’s extraction by software ......................................................................................................................... 51
3.4. PCB model ........................................................................................................................................... 53
3.4.1. Hand calculation of the PCB model................................................................................................................ 54
3.4.2. PCB modeling by software ............................................................................................................................. 55
3.5. Final model for simulation ................................................................................................................... 56
4. MODEL VALIDATION................................................................................................................................ 58
4.1. Device under Test ................................................................................................................................. 59
4.2. Power observation for power integrity measurement ........................................................................... 61
4.3. Signal observation through signal integrity .......................................................................................... 62
4.4. Model refinement in case of a non-validation ...................................................................................... 63
4.4.1. Load capacitor ................................................................................................................................................ 63
4.4.2. Skin effect....................................................................................................................................................... 65
4.4.3. Other paths for refinement .............................................................................................................................. 66
5. CONCLUSION ........................................................................................................................................... 66
1. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................ 69
2. WORK ON A MANUFACTURED MCU ........................................................................................................ 69
2.1. 1st Device under test ............................................................................................................................. 70
2.1.1. TFT-LCD communication .............................................................................................................................. 70
2.1.2. DUT board ...................................................................................................................................................... 71
2.1.3. STM32 of the DUT......................................................................................................................................... 71
2.2. DUT modeling and validation .............................................................................................................. 73
2.3. Bypass capacitor placement .................................................................................................................. 75
2.3.1. At PCB level with via influence ..................................................................................................................... 75
2.3.2. At package level with SiP ............................................................................................................................... 77
2.4. Conclusion ............................................................................................................................................ 81
3. PREDICTIVE MODEL FOR FUTURE MCU ................................................................................................... 82
3.1. HexaSPI communication protocol ........................................................................................................ 82
3.2. Predictive model development ............................................................................................................. 84
3.2.1. Die predictive model ...................................................................................................................................... 84
3.2.2. Package predictive model ............................................................................................................................... 85
3.2.3. Board predictive model .................................................................................................................................. 86
3.2.4. Issue with coupling factor............................................................................................................................... 86
3.2.5. Issue with Transmission line .......................................................................................................................... 87
3.3. Study at board level .............................................................................................................................. 89
3.4. Study at package level .......................................................................................................................... 92
3.5. Study at die level .................................................................................................................................. 94
3.6. STM32 produced and predictive model refinement ............................................................................. 95
3.7. Conclusion ............................................................................................................................................ 97
List of figures
FIGURE 1-1: SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM OF AN MCU ...................................................................................................... 6
FIGURE 1-2: STM32 FAMILY ................................................................................................................................... 7
FIGURE 1-3: EXAMPLE OF IO'S LAYOUT ................................................................................................................... 8
FIGURE 1-4: QFP PACKAGE ILLUSTRATION .............................................................................................................. 9
FIGURE 1-5: BGA LAYOUT .................................................................................................................................... 10
FIGURE 1-6: ROUTING EXAMPLE FOR CSP PACKAGE ............................................................................................. 10
FIGURE 1-7: 50 YEARS OF MICROPROCESSOR TRENDS ........................................................................................... 12
FIGURE 1-8: SIMPLE STRUCTURE OF MOS TRANSISTOR ......................................................................................... 13
FIGURE 1-9: FIRST SEMICONDUCTOR CREATED ...................................................................................................... 14
FIGURE 1-10: MOS STRUCTURE............................................................................................................................. 15
FIGURE 1-11: NMOS AND PMOS MODEL ............................................................................................................. 16
FIGURE 1-13: EMC ISSUES GRAVITY ..................................................................................................................... 19
FIGURE 1-14: RELATION BETWEEN VARIOUS EMC TERMS .................................................................................... 20
FIGURE 1-15: AUTO-SUSCEPTIBILITY OF AN INTEGRATED CIRCUIT ....................................................................... 22
FIGURE 1-16: EMI CLASSIFICATION OVERVIEW ..................................................................................................... 23
FIGURE 1-17: EXTERNAL EMI USUAL SOURCES [3] ............................................................................................... 23
FIGURE 1-18: WORKFLOW FOR EMC PROBLEM ..................................................................................................... 24
FIGURE 1-19: BASIC INVERTER SCHEMATIC ........................................................................................................... 25
FIGURE 1-20: I-V CURVE FOR PMOS AND NMOS ................................................................................................. 26
FIGURE 1-21: I-V CURVE OF NMOS AND PMOS SUPERPOSITION .......................................................................... 26
FIGURE 1-22: VOLTAGE TRANSFER CHARACTERISTICS OF AN INVERTER .............................................................. 27
FIGURE 1-24: INVERTER TRANSIENT BEHAVIOR ..................................................................................................... 28
FIGURE 1-23: INVERTER SCHEMATIC WITH CLOAD ................................................................................................ 28
FIGURE 1-25: CURRENT FLOW FOR THE CAPACITOR CHARGE AND DISCHARGE ...................................................... 29
FIGURE 1-27: INVERTER SCHEMATIC WITH PDN'S PARASITIC ELEMENTS............................................................... 31
FIGURE 1-29: IO'S OUTPUT BUFFER SCHEMATIC .................................................................................................... 32
FIGURE 1-30: SSN EFFECT ON VDDIO IN FUNCTION OF THE NUMBER OF SWITCHING IOS ...................................... 33
FIGURE 1-32: EXAMPLE OF THE CURRENT PEAK DEPENDING ON THE IO SPEED MODE............................................ 35
FIGURE 2-1: THE THREE TYPES OF EMISSIONS DEFINED BY THE STANDARD IEC 62014 [49] .................................. 39
FIGURE 2-3: ICEM-CE SCHEMATIC ....................................................................................................................... 41
FIGURE 2-4 : IO’S SCHEMATIC MODEL ................................................................................................................... 42
FIGURE 2-5: SMALL-SIGNAL AC SIMULATION SHOWING AN IO'S IMPEDANCE ........................................................ 42
FIGURE 2-6: CURRENT PEAK NOTATION ................................................................................................................. 44
FIGURE 2-7: FINAL IO MODEL................................................................................................................................ 44
FIGURE 2-8: DIE METALLIC RAILS GEOMETRY ....................................................................................................... 45
FIGURE 2-9: DIE MODEL WITH ACTIVE/INACTIVE IO AND PDN.............................................................................. 46
FIGURE 2-10: REPRESENTATION OF THE DIE MODEL .............................................................................................. 46
FIGURE 2-11: SECTIONAL VIEW OF PACKAGE WELDED ON A BOARD ...................................................................... 47
FIGURE 2-12: SCHEMA OF BONDING WIRE AND ASSOCIATED PARAMETER ............................................................. 48
FIGURE 2-13: LEAD FRAME AND BONDING GEOMETRY .......................................................................................... 49
FIGURE 2-14: MODEL OF THE PACKAGE OVERVIEW ............................................................................................... 51
FIGURE 2-15: SIWAVE SOLVER WORKFLOW ........................................................................................................... 52
FIGURE 2-17: MODEL OF PCB TO CREATE ............................................................................................................. 53
FIGURE 2-18: MODEL OF TWO VIAS WITH A BYPASS CAPACITOR ............................................................................ 54
FIGURE 2-19: ICEM-CE MODELING OF A COMPLETE SYSTEM ................................................................................ 56
FIGURE 2-20: REPRESENTATION OF A FINAL MODEL OBTAINED FOR SIMULATION .................................................. 57
FIGURE 2-24: ABACUS OF RISING/FALLING TIME IN FUNCTION OF LOAD CAPACITANCE ......................................... 64
FIGURE 2-25: ILLUSTRATION OF THE SKIN EFFECT ................................................................................................. 65
FIGURE 3-1: LTDC COMMUNICATION .................................................................................................................... 69
FIGURE 3-2: CMOS MATRIX PRINCIPLE FOR LTDC DRIVER .................................................................................. 70
FIGURE 3-3: DISCOVERY BOARD OVERVIEW .......................................................................................................... 71
FIGURE 3-4: 1ST DUT PADRING SCHEMATIC ........................................................................................................... 72
FIGURE 3-5: OVERVIEW OF THE BOARD EXTRACTED.............................................................................................. 74
FIGURE 3-6: REMINDER OF THE ICEM FOR THE 1ST DUT MODEL ........................................................................... 74
FIGURE 3-7: SIMULATION VS MEASUREMENT COMPARISON FOR MODEL VALIDATION ........................................... 75
FIGURE 3-8: BYPASS CAPACITORS ILLUSTRATION FOR CASE 1 AND CASE 2............................................................ 76
FIGURE 3-9: SIMULATIONS WITH AND WITHOUT VIAS ............................................................................................ 77
FIGURE 3-10: LAYOUT OF THE BGA N°2 WITH SIP CAPACITORS ........................................................................... 78
FIGURE 3-11: AC SIMULATIONS FOR PACKAGE COMPARISON ................................................................................ 79
FIGURE 3-13: HEXASPI OVERVIEW ........................................................................................................................ 82
FIGURE 3-14: HEXASPI TIMING CONSTRAINT ........................................................................................................ 83
FIGURE 3-15: PADRING DISTRIBUTION FOR THE HEXASPI ..................................................................................... 84
FIGURE 3-16: COUPLING FACTOR ILLUSTRATION ................................................................................................... 85
FIGURE 3-17: COUPLING FACTOR EFFECT SIMULATED ........................................................................................... 87
FIGURE 3-18: ISSUE OBSERVED ON CLOCKS CROSSING WITHOUT TRANSMISSION LINE ........................................... 88
FIGURE 3-19: SIMULATION WITH TRANSMISSION LINE TO COMPARE WITH FIGURE 3-18 ....................................... 88
FIGURE 3-20: 1ST BOARD DESIGN FOR THE HEXASPI POWER AND GROUND ........................................................... 89
FIGURE 3-21: CAPACITOR CUT-OFF COMPARISON BETWEEN 0402 AND 0201 ......................................................... 90
FIGURE 3-22: FINAL PROPOSED BOARD DESIGN ..................................................................................................... 91
FIGURE 3-23: CSP DESIGN WITH 1 LAYER .............................................................................................................. 92
FIGURE 3-24: CSP DESIGN WITH 2 LAYERS ............................................................................................................ 92
List of tables
Acronyms List
General Introduction
General Introduction
Over the last few decades, the electronics industry has undergone a major evolution,
particularly in the field of embedded systems. Designers have thus developed circuits with high
integration density that allow multiple functionalities to coexist, while minimizing production
costs. However, this increase of electrical performance has a negative repercussion on its
reliability and in particular for its electromagnetic compatibility (EMC). EMC problems remain
today one of the main causes of re-design of Integrated Circuits (ICs) [1]. Due to the lack of
possibilities for internal measurement and reliable prediction, the IC design is frequently
modified after the EMC qualification phases because their operation is not guaranteed in several
conditions. In order to avoid additional production costs, designers have recently been trying to
study and anticipate this problem.
Microcontrollers (MCUs) are considered as versatile IC used in many different
applications of embedded system. Due to this strong presence of MCUs in everyday connected
objects, the market has become ultra-competitive, resulting in a frantic race for performance.
Thus, it becomes essential for a company to ensure MCU robustness and reliability especially
in terms of EMC issues. It is in this framework that this research was carried out within the IO
team (Input/Output interface) of the STMicroelectronics microcontroller division, one of the
world leaders in the MCU market and in collaboration with Polytech’lab, a microelectronic
laboratory attached to the University Côte d’Azur. EMC problems have already been studied
in this team. The emission aspect (EMI) was studied by J.P Leca [2] who defended his thesis in
2012 and susceptibility aspect (EMS) against external aggressions was studied by Y. Bacher
2017 and L. Quazzo in 2022 [3].
This thesis is focused on another type of EMC problem, the susceptibility of the chip
face to an internal aggression. Due to the complex evolution of MCU, they are more and more
General Introduction
General Introduction
of a predictive model used to anticipate the MCU behavior for a specific high-data rate
communication. The implementation of modeling methods that allows the prediction of the
susceptibility of an internal block is an effective approach to analyze the behavior of an IC with
respect to a disturbance. Nevertheless, these methods require a real expertise because there is
no modeling and/or simulation procedure integrated in Computer Aided Design tools to
understand the effect induced by electromagnetic disturbances through the IC.
Finally, this manuscript will be concluded with a summary of the work carried out in
this study and some perspectives are presented.
Chapter 1: Background knowledge to understand the SSN effect
Chapter 1: Background knowledge to understand the SSN effect
1. Introduction
Nowadays, Integrated Circuits (IC) play an important role in modern society, being used
in most electronic appliances. Any electronic component created as one flat and small piece of
semiconductor technology could be considered as an IC. This is the case for microcontrollers
(MCU), microprocessors (MPU), several types of memories or sensors, etc. The development
of IC is mainly based on the CMOS technology (Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor)
and MOS transistors continue to follow Moore’s Law: their size is divided by two every 18
months. This rapid and constant evolution of technology and MCU performance has led to an
important degradation of MCU behavior in terms of Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) and
it must be considered in order to stay competitive on the market. In this context, we propose to
study an EMC problematic defined by the Simultaneous Switching Noise (SSN) generated by
high-speed data rate Input/Output interfaces (IOs).
This chapter is dedicated to the definition of the thesis context with a first section that
introduces 32-bits STM32 microcontroller defined as the device under test (DUT). Then, the
second section details the semiconductor technology used for MCU development with a
reminder of the MOS transistor origin and of its basic behavior in strong inversion. A third
section briefly details Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) at MCU level. Finally, a fourth
section details the SSN effect based on all knowledge acquired through this chapter.
2. Microcontroller (MCU)
Chapter 1: Background knowledge to understand the SSN effect
defined as a tiny System on Chip (SoC) composed of different blocks. Figure 1-1 schematizes
this IC which incorporates:
- A Central Process Unit (CPU) or processor defined as the MCU core. The CPU could
be seen as the “device brain”.
- Several analog peripherals like ADC (Analog to Digital Converter) and DAC (Digital
to Analog converter) which allows the communication between analog devices and the
processor. Analog peripherals also include among other functionalities the power
management of the MCU.
- Different types of memories as Flash, RAM or ROM used by the processor to store data
and program instructions.
- Inputs/Outputs peripherals (IOs) that can be defined as an interface between the
processor and the “outside world”. Figure 1-1 depicts the IOs distribution all around the
MCU, creating a ring of pads commonly named “Padring”.
In the next section the STM32 family, which are 32-bits microcontrollers manufactured
by the STMicroelectronics company, is presented as the Device Under Test (DUT). In order to
help the understanding of this thesis problematic, particular attention is given to the padring
definition and to the MCU’s package because they are important contributors to the SSN effect.
Finally, the origin of SSN is explained thanks to the definition of the MOS transistor.
Chapter 1: Background knowledge to understand the SSN effect
Chapter 1: Background knowledge to understand the SSN effect
Chapter 1: Background knowledge to understand the SSN effect
▪ BGA (Ball grid array): This package is based on the same principle as QFP, the only
difference is regarding external leadframes, replaced by balls for this package. Figure 1-5
shows an example of a BGA layout where only a few connections appear. IOs pads are
represented in orange, then bonding in blue, leadframe in pink, and balls in green.
Chapter 1: Background knowledge to understand the SSN effect
▪ CSP (Chip Scale Package): This is one of the new packages, where optimization is the
corner stone of its design. For this one, there is no bonding but only “fan-in” routing. The
“fan-in” routing describes the development of the connection from the padring to the
package center. Reversely, the “fan-out” will be the connection development from the
padring to the outside in the principle of QFP or BGA. Thanks to this fan-in routing, the
size of a CSP package is limited to the die size as illustrated in Figure 1-6. Then, its external
connections are done via balls, in the same way as with the BGA.
For the purpose of illustrating the MCU packaging evolution, Table 1-1 summarizes the
main packages used for MCU, their main connection characteristics and the maximum IOs
connection allowed by each package [5].
Chapter 1: Background knowledge to understand the SSN effect
We can see that there are two categories of packages concerning the way they are
connected to the PCB as presented in Table 1-1. The first category is the “through hole”
package. Connection to the PCB is achieved by pins that are inserted and soldered into holes,
predrilled into the PCB. The second category is the “surface mounted” package which is the
most widespread nowadays. In this case, the lead pins or leadframe are soldered directly on the
top layer of the PCB thanks to its flat structure. The use of surface mounted package technology
became dominant because of the gain of space on PCBs. Indeed, because there is no need to
drill holes into the PCB, it is possible to optimize the space by soldering different packages on
both sides of the board.
Chapter 1: Background knowledge to understand the SSN effect
the same time, increasing IOs connections and decreasing the supplies connections. In parallel,
the die performance was increased as well as its operating frequency and its size, and its power
supplies values were reduced. Moore’s Law could be used to illustrate this MCU evolution: In
1965, Gordon Moore, using three points on the graph, extrapolated the trend predicting that the
component number per IC would double every 18 months. When he outlined the IC future, he
predicted it for the next 10 years. Finally, he presented a brilliant analysis of the IC future with
the famous “Moore’s Law” which already predicted the spread of electronics. Moreover, this
rule even became a challenge in the semiconductor industry with a time slot reduction - the
component number per IC would double every 18 months, the every 12 month, ect- [6]. To
illustrate this IC evolution, a graph has been drawn in Figure 1-7, which illustrates 50 years of
evolution for three specific points [7], [8], [9]. The first notable evolution is the size decrease
of the CMOS technology with a transistor of 10 µm in 1970 and a transistor of 5 nm in 2022.
The second main evolution is the number of transistors counted per thousand, illustrated in the
same way with Moore’s law. The third parameter is the CPU frequency evolution. Nowadays,
we even speaking of the more than Moore law where the goal is a specific application instead
of the new technology developments [10].
Frequency (GHz)
4000 20000
3500 2 um
800 nm
3000 2000
2500 470
130 nm
2000 65 nm 45 nm
1500 22 nm
1000 17 5 nm
1970 1980 1990 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020
Transistor count per thousand 10 17 40 100 470 2000 5500 20000
MOSFET technology (nm) 10000 2000 800 130 65 45 22 5
Clock frequency (GHz) 10 90 380 800 1800 2800 3900 5000
3. MOS Transistor
The MCU evolution is mostly due to the decrease in size of the MOS transistor. Indeed,
the semiconductor technology is in constant evolution whether for its miniaturization or for its
Chapter 1: Background knowledge to understand the SSN effect
manufacture and performance. Before going deeper into details of its creation, its structure
definition and other specifications, a simplistic model of a MOS can be introduced in Figure 1-8.
Gate (G)
This structure reveals four terminals with the source (S), the drain (D), the bulk (B) and the
gate (G) where source and drain could be interchangeable because of the device symmetry.
From a basic point of view, the transistor operation can be considered as a switch. When the
voltage at the gate (VG) is “high” and upper than the threshold voltage (VT), the transistor
establishes a “connection” between the source and the drain. Otherwise, the transistor isolates
the source and the drain from each other in the case of a “low” VG [11]. This section introduces
the MOS behavior to help the understanding of the IO switching and SSN origin for later.
The explanation of transistor technology and semiconductor effect began in 1833 with
Michael Faraday when he described the “extraordinary case” of the electrical conduction that
increases with the temperature of silver sulfide crystals and defined as the first semiconductor
effect [12]. In 1938, B. Davydov, N. Mott and W. Schottky defined the semiconductor effect
by the setup of an asymmetric barrier to current flow created by the electrons’ concentration on
the surface of the semiconductor. This is considered as the first demonstration of the
semiconductor effect [13].
In 1947, W. Shockley, J. Bardeen and W. Brattain presented their “magnificent
Christmas present” which they named the “transistor” at a press conference. This first solid-
state device was created with two gold contacts placed close to each other. They were held with
a plastic wedge on a small slab of germanium with high purity [14]. Figure 1-9 is the picture of
this first transistor known as the bipolar point-contact transistor [14]. In 1948, W. Shockley
introduced the bipolar junction transistor (BJT) where both electron and electron holes could
carrier charge. The BJT required 3 years of process development in order to be manufactured
in quantity but became the first device used for the next three decades. In 1952, the first
“transistorized consumer product” appeared on the market with the hearing aid from Sonotone.
It was developed with one transistor which operated with two vacuum tubes and each transistor
Chapter 1: Background knowledge to understand the SSN effect
cost $229.50 USD. In 1956, the discovery of the transistor point-contact transistor was
rewarded with the Nobel Prize for physics for “their research on semiconductors and their
discovery of the transistor effect” [15]. Less than thirteen years later, J. Atalla and D. Kahng
demonstrated the first field-effect transistor (FET) and developed the MOSFET.
From this first bipolar transistor (BJT) in 1947 to the CMOS design (complementary
metal oxide Semiconductor) today, the evolution never stopped from all points of view: the
manufacturing process and the tests procedure [16], [17], the materials of the transistor and its
technology [18], [19] as well as theories, equations, and demonstrations for semiconductor
effect [20], [21]. All of this leading to the electronics proliferation that we now take for granted
in our everyday. Indeed, if the last few decades are analyzed, each generation could see the
arrival of electronic devices in its daily life like home-computers, mobile phones, smart
watches, virtual reality headsets, and so on. This change of common life and, more generally
of the electronics world originated from the transistor discovery and evolution as it became the
first technology used for the development of ICs.
The purpose of this subsection is a reminder of the physical transistor structure through
a simplified n-type MOS (NMOS) shown in Figure 1-10. The connection with the transistor’s
terminals is made by metallic contacts. The NMOS transistor is manufactured on a p-type bulk
also named substrate or well. The source and the gate are defined with two doped n regions.
The gate is defined by a conductive piece of polysilicon or metal, isolated from the bulk with a
silicon dioxide (SiO2 or High-K dielectric). Another element to point out within this simplified
structure, is the definition of L, the length of the gate which is the “source-drain path”, and W
its width. The principal action of the device occurs under the gate oxide in the substrate region
with electron movement from the source to the drain depending on the VG voltage [22]. The
Chapter 1: Background knowledge to understand the SSN effect
last and forth terminal is the bulk (B) used to set the bulk potential. The potential of the bulk
has an important influence on the device characteristics even if generally, this bulk is directly
connected to the minimum or the maximum potential of the circuit -for the NMOS, the bulk is
connected to the minimum one-.
Finally, this CMOS technology embeds NMOS and PMOS transistors where PMOS is
basically obtained by inverting all doping types including the bulk one [22], [23]. Hence, the
two of them have an “opposite” behavior which permits a wide range of possibilities in CMOS
design. The procedure required to manufacture this transistor and by consequence an IC is
complex and involves different steps such as : Oxide growth, thermal diffusion, Ion
implantation, definition of active area, photolithography, metallization, etc.[23]. Because this
is not the main subject of this thesis this subsection didn’t detail all of those steps. Nevertheless,
should you like to know more, there are many books available on the market with all
explanations [22], [23].
For IC design, models are used to facilitate work and comprehension of a schematic.
Maybe the best known example is the plan for a house construction where walls, stairs and so
on are modeled with different geometrical forms. In electronic design, a model is used to
represent a component or an object in a schematic. In CMOS technology there are different
levels of complexity and accuracy for a model, going from the simplest one drawn by hand to
a more complex one, as close as possible to the real structure, and used for computer
simulations. For a transistor, standards are available to define the model that can be used for
electronic simulations such as SPICE. One of these models is the BSIM (Berkeley Short-
Channel IGFET Model) that provides a physical-based, accurate and predictive model of the
transistor for SPICE [24], [25]. Another model to be mentioned is the EKV MOS model
Chapter 1: Background knowledge to understand the SSN effect
developed by C. Enz, F. Krummenacher and E. Vittoz who named their model from their family
name [26]. The EKV model is one of the most used by analog designers because it is an accurate
and predictive model without discontinuity between operational regions [27]. Finally, symbols
used for NMOS and PMOS are introduced in Figure 1-11 as well as useful voltages and currents
For a first approach, the transistor behavior has been simplified by a controllable switch
depending on the voltage applied to the gate. In reality, this is more complex and will be defined
by several parameters listed below:
- Size of W and L, the channel width and length defining the “source-drain path size”
- Value of VDS and VGS respectively, the voltage between source/drain and source/gate
for a polarization mode in weak, moderate, and strong inversion
- Value of VT: the threshold voltage defined by the transistor characteristics
- Technology characteristics as µn or µp and Cox. Respectively the electron average
mobility in the channel and the oxide capacitance. To note, the factor µn* Cox is defined
as the device transconductance parameter.
Then, the transistor’s behavior could be characterized by the current IDS because its
equation is taking into account the characteristics listed above. From that, the transistor’s
behavior could be summarized with four different regions of operation [2], [23], [29]. Here we
will only introduce the transistor behavior for a strong inversion because these explanations
will be sufficient to study the IO behavior and in particular the SSN. A complete study of the
transistor in weak, moderate and strong inversion can be found in the book of C. Enz [27].
The first region is the cut-off one also named subthreshold voltage. The transistor
behavior is defined as “blocked”, and the switch is open. In that case, there is no current flow
which means the IDS is equal to zero, only the leakage current can be measured. The transistor
is in this region when VGS<VT.
Chapter 1: Background knowledge to understand the SSN effect
The second region, named the linear, Ohmic or triode region, represents the region
where the transistor operates like a resistor. The transistor operates in linear when VGS>VT and
VDS<VGS-VT with the IDS calculation defined by the Equation 1-1. Moreover, when VDS<<VGS-
VT the associated resistance is defined by the Equation 1-2.
W 1 2
IDS = µn Cox [(VGS − VTH )VDS − VDS ]
L 2
Equation 1-1: IDS current in linear region and a strong inversion
R ON =
µn Cox L (VGS − VTH )
Third region is the saturation one and occurs with VGS>VT and VDS>VGS-VT. A saturated
transistor basically operates as a current source and is relatively independent of VDS. Equation
1-3 provides the associated formula for the IDS calculation.
µn Cox W
IDS = ∗ ∗ (VGS − VTH )2
2 L
Equation 1-3: IDS current in saturation region and a strong inversion
The fourth and last region is the avalanche one. This region is reached when VDS become
superior to the maximum VDS handled by the transistor and could lead to the transistor
These four regions are summarized in Figure 1-12, where IDS is defined in function of
VGS in the right figure and in function of VDS in the left figure [29]. It is to be noted that,
equations are defined here for the NMOS but can also be used for the PMOS with an opposite
sign and µp instead of µn.
Figure 1-12: MOS Behavior with, Left: IDS in function of VDS and Right: IDS in function of VGS
Chapter 1: Background knowledge to understand the SSN effect
3.4. Conclusion
This section summarized the CMOS technology with the basic behavior of the MOS
transistor in strong inversion. These details of MOS model and behavior are useful to
understand the origin of SSN effect that will be introduced later in this chapter. The sections 1
and 2 were used to describe the general evolution of MCU performance thanks to the MOS
technology. One example can be cited from Intel website to illustrate this evolution [30]: “The
original transistor built by Bell Labs in 1947 was large enough that it was pieced together by
hand. By contrast, more than 100 million 22 nm tri-gate transistors could fit onto the head of a
pin [and this, less than 60 years later]”
Such performance evolution always implies some drawbacks. Indeed, when the MCU increases
its operating frequency, decreases its size and its power supply values -as well as the amount
of power supply pins for package- this creates new MCU constraints in terms of electromagnetic
compatibility (EMC) like the problem of SSN. If these constraints are neglected, this could
lead to an MCU failure, so they must be considered and anticipated in order to stay competitive
on the market. Section 4 will go through the definition of EMC from a general point of view
and regarding the SSN in particular. Then, section 5 will provide explanation about the SSN
origin and its impact inside an MCU, based on the knowledge acquired with the MCU and the
CMOS technology presentation.
Chapter 1: Background knowledge to understand the SSN effect
The second point to be noted is the difference between the susceptibility of a system to
an electromagnetic interference and the generation of this interference by a system, dividing
the EMC problematic in two parts. On one hand, the electromagnetic susceptibility (EMS)
studies the immunity of the device in the presence of an interference. In that case, the
electronic device is considered as the victim of its electronic environment. On the other hand,
the electromagnetic interference (EMI) defines the device as an aggressor and studies its
perturbation generation. Finally, the dissociation between intra-system and inter-system
perturbation should be highlighted. In the case of inter-system, the electronic device is the
victim of an external EMI generated in its electromagnetic environment as this is the case
Chapter 1: Background knowledge to understand the SSN effect
with the example of aircraft and cellphone. In the case of intra-system, the victim is disturbed
by an internal EMI, generated by the system itself leading to an auto-susceptibility problem.
This is summarized with a diagram in Figure 1-14 [32].
Electromagnetic Compatibility (capability to function)
Electromagnetic Emission (causing interference) Electromagnetic Susceptibility (affected by interference)
Inter-system compatibility
Intra-system compatibility
In this section, the EMC origin is explained with the Maxwell equations. Then,
additional explanation regarding EMI and EMS are given as well as the propagation path
between them. Finally, this section explains how the SSN is part of the EMC consideration into
an MCU.
The base of electromagnetic theory is given with Maxwell’s equations which give the
possibility to define the electromagnetic state of an environment in any point and at any instant.
Even if electromagnetic principles were highlighted by many physicists such as Faraday,
Ampere and Gauss, it was James C. Maxwell in 1860, who determined the equations that define
⃗ (in V.m-1) and
the Electromagnetic Field (EM), composed of the electric field intensity vector E
⃗ (in Wb.m-2) [33], [34]. Some approximations are generally
the magnetic flux density vector B
made such as lumped-circuit model, initial and limit conditions -as long as the problem is
electrically small- because being able to find a solution to those equations is not a simple
process. Whatever equation’s complexity as mentioned by C.R. Paul in his book [35]:
“Maxwell’s equations form the cornerstones of electromagnetic phenomena […]. We should
always be cognizant of the fact that Maxwell’s equations govern all electromagnetic
phenomena and their [the equations] complexity does not change this fact”.
Chapter 1: Background knowledge to understand the SSN effect
∂B d
Faraday Law ∇E = − ∮ E . dl = − ∯ B. dS
∂t ∂Σ dt Σ
∂E d
Ampere’s Law ∇B = µ0 (J + ε0 ) ∮ B. dl = µ0 (∬ J. dS + ε0 ∬ E. dS
∂t ∂Σ Σ dt Σ
ρ 1
Gauss’s Law ∇E = ∯ E. dS = ∭ ρ dV
ε0 ∂Ω ε0 Ω
Level Observations
A Normal performance
Chapter 1: Background knowledge to understand the SSN effect
Chapter 1: Background knowledge to understand the SSN effect
There are many different possible sources for an EMI and an overview of them is
depicted in Figure 1-16. External EMI is the best known as it can be encountered by everyone
in modern life as illustrated in Figure 1-17 [3]. It is mainly classified in two categories: natural
or industrial. For natural noise, the source could be an atmospheric noise, a magnetic storm, a
thunderstorm, etc. …. In contrary, any perturbation that emanate from a manmade object will
be considered as an industrial EMI. This is the case with radio and wireless communications,
motors, powerlines, Electrostatic discharge (ESD), but also from another integrated circuit
close enough to the MCU on a PCB [3].
Chapter 1: Background knowledge to understand the SSN effect
Secondly, an internal EMI is a type of noise sometimes neglected but which can
significantly affect an electronic device [3]. Any perturbation that is generated by the device
itself and disturbs its functionalities will be defined as an internal EMI. Internal EMI could have
different origins such as a perturbation generated by the core, perturbation generated by the
internal memory or simultaneous switching IOs with the SSN explained at the end of this
chapter. An EMI could be critical for an STM32 as detailed J.P Leca in his thesis with the study
of MCU auto-susceptibility from a radiated EMI generated by the internal memory [2].
4.5. Conclusion
This section introduced the EMC from a general point of view through the definition of
EMI, EMS and coupling path. It allowed to properly understand how an MCU is susceptible to
generate interference but also how this interference is propagated to the victim. It is important
to note that EMC is a constant problematic for designers. It appears in 1895 with the creation
of the radio where intentional or unintentional interferences could disturb a transmission.
Unfortunately, it never stopped increasing and forced designers to have a new methodology of
work in terms of EMC as illustrated in Figure 1-18. Typically, when designers understood that
the product had an EMC failure this was at the validation stage, so after the MCU design and
manufacture. When such problem appears at a late stage, finding a solution requires time and
money for research, re-design and manufacture, but this also delays the product release on the
market. So, designers changed their working methodology in terms of EMC and tried to
anticipate the MCU compliance at the design stage to ensure the system good performance and
remain competitive on the market. Finally, as it will be explained in the next section, the SSN
effect is defined as a problem of MCU auto-susceptibility because an IO is at the same time,
the aggressor and the victim. So, the SSN is part of the EMC compliance for STM32 and must
be anticipated ensuring the STM32 robustness.
Chapter 1: Background knowledge to understand the SSN effect
In the bibliography, demonstration of SSN effect can be found in scientific papers from
1985 and even earlier [37]. In this section, we will explain the origin of this phenomenon, based
on MOS transistor knowledge introduced in previous paragraphs. Then, the SSN effect at the
MCU level will be defined, justifying in the same way the purpose of this thesis.
Vin Vout
Figure 1-19: Basic inverter schematic
Chapter 1: Background knowledge to understand the SSN effect
Finally, it is then possible to superpose the two curves, as depicted in Figure 1-21 [39].
Chapter 1: Background knowledge to understand the SSN effect
Once this waveform is obtained, we can extract the VTC waveform by identifying the
value of VIN and VOUT at each crossing point -defined with a black dot in Figure 1-21-. Figure
1-22 illustrates the final VTC waveform obtained and Table 1-4 summarizes this waveform in
terms of input and output values and transistor operation.
Output (V) VIN - VTHP
1 2
4 5
Input (V)
Region Input Voltage VIN Output Voltage VOUT NMOS Transistor PMOS Transistor
4 VOUT + VTHN ≤ VIN ≤ VDD + VTHP VOUT < VDD/2 Linear Saturation
This demonstration has been done with the specific purpose of highlighting the three specific
regions 2, 3 and 4. In these ones, PMOS and NMOS could be simultaneously in saturation mode
or in saturation/linear mode. In other words, there are states where both of the transistors are
conducting at the same time leading to a resistive current path between the power and the
Chapter 1: Background knowledge to understand the SSN effect
load capacitor where its value is defined by the circuit complexity. Figure 1-24 illustrates the
transient response of the inverter.
Figure 1-23: Inverter Schematic with Cload Figure 1-24: Inverter transient behavior
This dynamic study is divided into two points. The first one is the propagation delay
which appears between the input and the output state change. This delay can be calculated with
the Equation 1-4 where Reqn and Reqp are the equivalent resistance of NMOS and PMOS and
Cload the load capacitor connected to the output inverter [40]. This propagation delay can be
improved by reducing the load capacitor value or by increasing transistor size. In the same way,
these parameters will have an effect on inverter rising and falling time.
R eqp + R eqn
t pg = 0.69 ∗ Cload ( )
Equation 1-4: Inverter propagation delay
The second point to be studied is the transient current of the inverter defined on one
hand, by the overlap current and on the other hand, by the charging and discharging current.
The overlap current also named through current appears when both transistors are conducting.
From the VTC waveform we know that both transistors are conducting in region 2, 3 and 4 with
the current which is flowing directly from VDD to VSS. The maximum through current IT (max)
is given by Equation 1-5 [40].
IT (max) = (VDD − VTHP − VTHN )2
2(√K N + √K P )
Equation 1-5: Through current formula
Wn Wp
K N = µn Cox and K P = µp Cox
Ln Lp
Chapter 1: Background knowledge to understand the SSN effect
Then, the discharging current is created by the load capacitor. Figure 1-25 illustrates
this phenomenon with the schematization of the current flow at the specific moment of state
change. On the left schematic, the low input implies the output to switch from a logical 0 to a
logical 1. At this moment, the discharged capacitor requires to be quickly charged thanks to the
PMOS conduction, creating a current consumption on the VDD. Reversely, for a high input and
an output from high to low, the capacitor will be discharged through the NMOS transistor to
the ground. So, during the charge or the discharge, a current consumption appears on the power
or on ground defined as the “discharging current” ID and calculated with Equation 1-7. Where
CLoad is the load capacitor and TF/R the inverter falling or rising time.
ID = CLoad ≈ CLoad
dt TF/R
Equation 1-7: Discharging current formula
Figure 1-25: Current flow for the capacitor charge and discharge
To complete this inverter dynamic study, a simulation has been done with a standard
CMOS inverter with different Cload values as illustrated in Figure 1-26. Then the conclusions
- The rising edge of the current peak -also named switching current or di/dt- is defined
by the through current.
- The falling edge of the switching current is defined by the charging/discharging current
required by the load capacitor. We can conclude that: the smaller the capacitor is, the
smaller the di/dt duration will be.
- This simulation also depicts the effect of the load capacitor on the output where the
output rising time increases proportionally to the load capacitor. Of course, if the rising
time increases, then the propagation delay increases in the same way.
Chapter 1: Background knowledge to understand the SSN effect
Figure 1-26: Impact of the Cload on rising time and current peak for a basic inverter
Chapter 1: Background knowledge to understand the SSN effect
peak generated will flow through these parasitic elements, leading to a voltage variation defined
by the Equation 1-8.
∆V = LVDD/VSS ∗ + R VDD/VSS ∗ i
Equation 1-8: Simultaneous Switching Noise basic equation
Figure 1-28: Schematic representation of a general purpose Input/Output interface black box
Chapter 1: Background knowledge to understand the SSN effect
So, each time this output buffer switches to transmit information from the core to the
IOPAD and the outside, the switching current will be generated on the IO power supplies. The
parasitic inductance and resistance of the PDN are defined by the connection made by the die,
the package, and the PCB. The physical PCB characteristics will bring parasitic elements for
any connection and their values will depend on the connection geometry. For example, a ground
plane will have a small inductance of only 1 or 2 nH whereas the tracks for IO connections are
defined by a 10 nH inductance or even more. Similarly, the package connections will be defined
by parasitic elements in function of the package definition. Table 1-5 provides an example of
typical values according to the package geometry. This table doesn’t include balls parasitic
elements as they are considered negligeable [43]. Finally, concerning the parasitic elements of
the die, they are mainly associated to rails that distribute the VDDIO and VSSIO to all IOs around
the padring. The padring has been introduced in the MCU section, but for a quick reminder,
this term defines IOs that are spread all around the die. Because each IOs has its own pad
connection, the whole thing is commonly named the padring.
Chapter 1: Background knowledge to understand the SSN effect
To summarize, any time an IO is switching, it will disturb its own supplies as well as
the supplies of IOs around it. For MCUs this generally involves several switching IOs leading
to the modification of the SSN formula with Equation 1-9 where N is the number of switching
IOs [44]. To illustrate the number of switching IOs impact on the di/dt and on the ΔV a
simulation is shown in Figure 1-30, with LVDD/VSS = 1nH, RVDD/VSS = 0.1Ω, CLoad = 10pF and a
SPICE netlist used for IOs developed in 40nm technology.
∆V = N ∗ [LVDD/VSS ∗ + R VDD/VSS ∗ i]
Equation 1-9: SSN equation for N switching IOs
Figure 1-30: SSN effect on VDDIO in function of the number of switching IOs
Nevertheless, the Equation 1-9 is used for a given number of N but, a “saturation effect”
can be observed for a large number of SSO. This phenomenon is explained by IOs specifications
degradation. Indeed, from a certain level of noise there will be a degradation of IOs
specifications and especially for rising or falling times. As a consequence, for a large number
of SSO, rising/falling time are slower than expected, leading to a smaller di/dt generated by an
IO and leading to this phenomenon of “saturation effect” observable Figure 1-31. This figure
shows a simulation done in the same condition as Figure 1-30 but in this case, the plot represents
Chapter 1: Background knowledge to understand the SSN effect
the noise ΔVNoise in function of the number of switching IOs (N). ΔVNoise is the peak-peak
observed on VDDIO -VSSIO and it could be approximated with Equation 1-10. This equation is
obtained by observation on the waveform -as drawn with green lines- , with E the maximum
value reached by the curve, N the number of switching IOs.
ΔVNoise = E (1 − e 14 )
Equation 1-10: First order approximation of the ΔVNoise in function of the number of switching IOs
E = 3.0
Figure 1-31: Simulation extraction of the overshoot noise amplitude in function of the number of SSO
MCU performance can be degraded by the voltage drop created by the SSN and
especially IO’s specification. Indeed, with too much power variation the IO’s rising and falling
time, the propagation delay, and the duty cycle will be deteriorated. Unfortunately, these same
parameters are key when defining a communication protocol; For example, a given protocol
may require that the duty cycle is comprised between 45% and 55% to ensure the
communication-. In conclusion, the SSN effect, could lead to a communication failure or even
more if it is not properly anticipated. Of course, as the SSN is a problem known for a few
decades now, solutions already exist to reduce the SSN impact like defining a skew between
the P-channel and the N-channel in order to limit the through current. The most important
design optimization to highlight here, is the application of the CMOS controlled slew rate
solution on the output buffer [45], [46], [47]. Thanks to this solution, IOs specifications can be
“controllable” in order to reduce the di/dt generated. Obviously, the use of this solution will
limits the operating frequency. An example is shown in Table 1-6 where we can see the
specification of an IO designed by STMicroelectronics where there are 4 speed modes in
function of the IO usage. Depending on the operating frequency needed by the communication,
the IO could be settled in the associate mode and this affects rising and falling time as well as
the switching current generated. From a more technical point of view, the IO is also controlled
Chapter 1: Background knowledge to understand the SSN effect
by a block named compensation block which provides 8 signals in function of the full PVT
range (Process, Voltage, Temperature) in order to optimize the di/dt based on the CMOS
controlled slew rate solution. This is also illustrated with the Figure 1-32 where a simulation is
settled at 3.3V and ambient temperature, for a switching IO at 1MHz and load capacitor of 20pF
-ground and power connection assumed ideal-. On it, we can see the difference of the four di/dt
depending on the IO speed mode.
Figure 1-32: Example of the current peak depending on the IO speed mode
0 20 8.5 5.5
1 50 3 8
2 100 1.7 27
3 166 1.2 57
Chapter 1: Background knowledge to understand the SSN effect
6. Conclusion
This chapter provides all the necessary knowledge to properly understand the SSN
effect. It started with the MCU definition, regarding the die composition and its enclosure into
a package. Then it defined the MOS transistor, the main semiconductor technology used in all
integrated circuits. The SSN effect was also explained, based on the understanding of the basic
behavior of a CMOS analog inverter. With this chapter we now better understand the MCU
auto-susceptibility created by the SSN.
Through this chapter a focus was put on the MCU general evolution in terms of die,
package, and performance in relation with the CMOS technology evolution. The highlight of
this evolution is the common thread of the chapter to justify the purpose of this thesis. Indeed,
we came at a point where the SSN effect is becoming a real problem leading to many MCU
failures nowadays when it was only a minor drawback a few decades ago. The SSN problematic
must then be anticipated at the design stage thanks to simulations. For that, chapter 2 details a
methodology to model and validate a complete system and chapter III will introduce the main
design rules created thanks to simulations with a modeled STM32. We will conclude this
chapter with a highlight regarding the constraints added by the STM32, as it is a mass-market
device, it must respect several constraints to be competitive on the market. For example, it must
stay cheap and small, and the package pin distribution are restrained by the rule : The most IOs
pins possible and the fewest supply pins possible. This implies that any solution found to limit
the SSN effect and guarantee the STM32 robustness must fit in this restrained environment.
Chapter 2: Modeling and validation
1. Introduction
This chapter is focused on the principle of a model development for a complete system,
which is defined by a die embedded in a package and implemented on a PCB (Printed Circuit
Board). The development of this model opens a lot of research possibilities. Firstly, in
simulation, it is possible to access specific points that would not be reachable in practice. For
example, unless we have a specifically manufactured package, it is not possible to observe the
power supply directly in the die or at ball level for a BGA or a CSP package when the package
is welded on the board. Secondly, in simulation it is possible to evaluate different topologies
faster than with a physical implementation that requires a manufacturing process. For example,
the modification of a bypass capacitor value and placement that is simple in simulation but
would require a new board design and manufacturing for a physical implementation. Thus, the
aim of such a model is to be able to work only in simulation and to allow a wider range of
research than with real measurements meanwhile saving time and money. With this model we
can determine which parameters are the biggest contributors to the Simultaneous Switching
Noise (SSN) effect and which parts of the die are the most sensitive to it. In addition to this, it
is also possible to propose new solutions to limit the SSN effect and to improve microcontroller
robustness. Of course, this model has to be developed with a particular attention regarding the
choice of the parameters used for its development and the values extractions methodology.
Moreover, an important part of the development is the model refinement thanks to a solid
validation where measurements and simulations are compared. So, this chapter details the
model development for an existing microcontroller based on specific standards provided by
IEC (the International Electrotechnical Committee). It also details all the steps for this
development, from the padring of the die to all the different connections of the board and
encompassing the package connections. After that, a section is dedicated to the correlation
procedure developed during this thesis.
Chapter 2: Modeling and validation
Chapter 2: Modeling and validation
Figure 2-1: The three types of emissions defined by the standard IEC 62014 [49]
The SSN generated by the switching of an IO can be classified in the first point listed
here which is the conducted emission through power supply lines. For conducted emission only,
the standard 62433-2 [50] provides additional details to the ICEM with the ICEM-CE
(Integrated Circuit Emission Model – Conducted Emission). IEC details this ICEM-CE as the
standard that can be used for the EMI observation of conducted emission regarding an MCU
soldered on a PCB. As it is explained in this document, a conducted emission can have two
different origins which are reminded below [50]:
- Conducted emissions through power and ground lines
- Conducted emissions trough IOs terminals
Figure 2-2: Example of Conducted Emission detailed by the standard IEC 62433-2
Chapter 2: Modeling and validation
Figure 2-2 above extracted from the standard IEC 62433 [50] shows an example of the
conducted emissions for an active Integrated Circuit (IC). As we can see, electromagnetic noise
is created by any active switching devices which can be IOs or the core. The EMI is then
propagated through a coupling path to external terminals defined by pins or pads. Coupling
paths can be IOs lines but also the power distribution network (PDN). Finally, depending on
the circuit definition and especially the PDN characteristics -including decoupling elements-,
some of the EMI generated by the core can propagate to the IOs PDN through the Inter Block
Coupling (IBC) Path.
Chapter 2: Modeling and validation
3.1. IO model
First of all, the modeling of the complete system can be started from the inside of the
die with the IO description. This model is done in two steps with, on one hand the model of the
design itself and on the other hand, the model of the IO’s activity. For the IO design, it is
Chapter 2: Modeling and validation
considered and modeled as a bypass capacitor and a resistance in parallel between the rail of
VDDIO and the rail of VSSIO [2]. These capacitance and resistance are determined by the intrinsic
characteristics of MOSFET transistors used in the design but also sometimes by a capacitor
added by the designer himself. Figure 2-4 illustrates the model for an IO design.
For a better understanding of this model, a small-signal AC simulation can be done. This
simulation shows the total impedance of an IO and demonstrates that its behavior is similar to
a first order RC low-pass filter. An example of this simulation is shown in Figure 2-5. To be
noted, the vertical axis defines the magnitude in decibel-Ohm (dBΩ), to convert the value in
Ohm, the Equation 2-1 must be used.
y [dBΩ] = 20 ∗ log(x)
Equation 2-1: Conversion Ohm in decibel
x [Ω] = 1020
Equation 2-2: Conversion decibel in Ohm
Magnitude( dBΩ )
0 10 1,000 100,000 10,000,0001,000,000,000
fc=5,42 Frequency ( Hz )
Chapter 2: Modeling and validation
Because the IO has a RC low pass filter behavior, the basic equations of this filter can
be used to compute the resistance and the capacitance value with Equation 2-3 and Equation
2-4 [29]. In these equations, the first parameter GdBMAX defines the maximum magnitude that
can be found directly by simulation. The second parameter is the cut-off frequency fc reached
when the waveform is equal to GdBfc -calculated using the Equation 2-5-.
R IO = 10 20
2 ∗ π ∗ R ∗ fc
Equation 2-4: Formula for the IO's capacitor model
With the example of Figure 2-5, the measured values on the waveform are fc = 5,42Hz,
GdBmax=192dB and Gdbfc=189dB. Then, the resistance and capacitor values are RIO=5GΩ and
CIO = 7,6pF. We can note that the resistance is equal to 5 GΩ. Most of the time, this resistance
is always upper 1GΩ minimum and in this case, it can be considered as an open circuitry which
means, it is possible to remove the resistance of the model without modifying the IC behavior.
The second step to complete and finish this IO model, is to represent the IO activity. To
remind an ICEM definition, the source of electromagnetic noise is modeled by the internal
activity modeled by a current source or a voltage source. Based on the state of the art chapter,
the IO can be considered as the source of the electromagnetic noise because it generates a
current peak on power and ground supply lines at each IO’s transition or switching. That is
why, a source of current is added between the die’s rail of VDDIO and the die’s rail of VSSIO. For
an active IO, this source will be equal to the di/dt generated by the switching IO. For an inactive
IO, this source will simply be equal to 0. To determine the di/dt generated by an IO, the first
possibility is to compute a slope calculation where ΔI and ΔT are extracted thanks to a transient
simulation. Nevertheless, if the simulation is not possible the di/dt can be approximated as a
basic triangle as depicted in Figure 2-6 where IMAX and the Peak duration are computed with
Equation 2-6, where Cload is the load capacitor value, Vdd the power supply and TR/F the IO
rising or falling time and TR/F determines the peak duration. Of course, this solution is an
approximation based on capacitor formula and simulations observation. This formula can be
Chapter 2: Modeling and validation
used when absolutely no information is available from the design, as transistors size in order to
calculate the trough current -cf. State of the art chapter-.
Then, the final IO model is obtained as represented in Figure 2-7 where there is the current
source in parallel with the capacitance.
Chapter 2: Modeling and validation
based on Vrignon’s paper which provides equations 2-7 and 2-8 for calculation [29]. These
equations use the rail characteristics and geometry. Most of the parameters defined in these
equations can be directly extracted from the rail measurement as illustrated in Figure 2-8. For
other parameters -such as square resistance- and as detailed under equations, this kind of
information are directly provided by the manufacturer with the PDK (Process Design Kit).
Finally, because the distribution of P&G is made on different levels of metal, the calculation
has to be done for each level of metals and by considering the impedance parallelization.
l ρ l
R DIE = R square ∗ = ∗
w t w
Equation 2-7: Formula for parasitic resistance of a die’s rail: RDIE
µ0 ∗ µR 4∗h
LDIE = ∗ l ∗ [ln ( ) + 1]
2∗π w
Equation 2-8 : Formula for parasitic inductance of a die’s rail: LDIE
• RSQUARE = Square resistance also named sheet resistance (per square). This is a
measurement of resistance of thin film that is nominally uniform in thickness. This
parameter depends on the metal characteristics = 𝑡 [Ω/□]
• ρ = electrical resistivity of the material. ρCu = 1.72 10-8 - ρAu = 1.72 10-8 [Ω.m]
Chapter 2: Modeling and validation
Finally, Figure 2-9 represents the equivalent model for one IO with its associate PDN
where the IO can be active -Current source which generates the peak current & the bypass
capacitor- or inactive -Current source equal to zero plus the same bypass capacitor-. In this
model, the PDN of the die is represented by parasitic elements with the inductance and the
resistance of the power and the ground.
It is important to highlight that the illustration above represents only a part of the
padring, as there is only one IO with its associated portion of supplies. Indeed, parasitic
elements are brought by the characteristics of the metallic rails which means these parasites are
distributed all around the padring almost uniformly. However, in order to be closer to the
physical layout, it is preferable to define parasitic elements of the PDN per IO instead of one
big value for the whole padring. In this way, each IO has its own parasites for P&G and it allows
small values of resistance and inductance. Figure 2-10 depicts the final model of the padring
with several IOs which can be active or not and their own parasitic elements for P&G rails.
Chapter 2: Modeling and validation
Another interesting point from this Figure 2-11 is the difference of size between the die
and the package. For example, with a die of 5x5mm2, the size of a BGA package can reach
more than 13x13mm2 and a QFP more than 24x24mm2. This difference of size can be explained
by package constraints such as bonding length, separation distance between two bondings,
cavity for the die, ect. Because of its size, the package is an important contributor to the SSN
level due to the parasitic elements brought by the PDN connection [2] [29]. Indeed, in a basic
point of view, we could consider a parasitic inductance of 1nH/mm for bonding and for
leadframe. With the example of a 24x24mm2 QFP, the length of a wire bonding is around
3.5mm when the length of a lead frame is equal to 9mm which represents a total of 12.5nH of
parasitic inductance added by connection for this package. This example demonstrates the
package’s influence on the parasitic values of the PDN.
The purpose here is to establish the model of the entire package still by following the
ICEM-CE. This model needs to include the RLC passive components for each connection from
the IT to the ET. In other words, the bonding and the lead frame have to be modeled. For that,
two methodologies exist, both of them are presented in the following subsections.
Chapter 2: Modeling and validation
µ0 ∗ µR h
LBONDING = ∗ l ∗ ln (4 ∗ )
2∗π d
Equation 2-9: Formula for parasite inductance of a bonding: LBOND
π ∗ d2
Equation 2-10: Formula for parasite resistance of a bonding: RBOND
2(l1 + l2 ) s s 2 K
MBOND = 5 ∗ d [ ln ( )−1+ ∗ ( ∗ (l1 + l2 )) ] =
s 2 ∗ (l1 + l2 ) 2 √L1 ∗ L2
Equation 2-11: Formula of the mutual inductance between two bonding: K BOND
2 ∗ π ∗ ε0 ∗ εr
ln ( r )
Equation 2-12: Formula of the capacitance between a bonding and the bulk: CBOND/BULK
π ∗ ε0 ∗ εr
s 2∗r 2
ln (2 ∗ r + √1 − ( s ) )
Chapter 2: Modeling and validation
• l = Length of the bonding [m] (l1 / l2 Respectively the length of bonding 1 and bonding
2 for mutual calculation)
• d = Bonding’s diameter [m]
• h = Height of the bonding from the bulk [m]
• ρ = electrical resistivity of the material. ρCu = 1.72 10-8 - ρAu = 1.72 10-8 [Ω.m]
• µ0 = Constant of Vacuum permeability = 4π10-7 [H.m-1]
• µR = Relative permeability = 1 for Al, Cu, Air, Si [H.m-1]
• r = Bonding’s radius [m]
• s = distance between the two bonding (from the center of each bonding) [m]
Because leadframe and bonding don’t have the same geometry, equations are not the
same regarding parasite calculations. For a leadframe, the value of parasitic inductance and
resistance can be defined by calculation with Equations 2-14 and 2-15 based on the thesis of
M. Leca [2]. The Equation 2-16 allows calculation of the parasitic capacitance which appears
between a leadframe and the ground where the Equation 2-17 is used to calculate the parasitic
capacitor value between two lines [5], [52]. Finally, the Equation 2-18 gives the possibility to
calculate the mutual inductance between two different leadframe which also provide K, the
coefficient of magnetic coupling between the conductor 1 and 2. Most of the equations
parameters which are defined here can be measured directly on the leadframe geometry as
depicted in Figure 2-13.
Chapter 2: Modeling and validation
µ0 ∗ µR 2∗l 0.447(w + t)
LLEAD FRAME = ∗ l ∗ [ln ( ) + 0.5 + ]
2∗π w∗t 2∗l
𝛒 𝐥 𝐥
𝐭 𝐰 𝐰
Equation 2-15: Formula for parasite inductance of a lead frame: R LEAD
µ0 ∗ µr 2∗ l K
M= ∗ l ∗ [ ln ( ) − 1] =
2∗ π w+e √L1 ∗ L2
Equation 2-18: Formula for the Mutual inductance between two leads: K LEAD1/LEAD2
• RSQUARE = Square resistance depends on the metal characteristics = 𝑡 [Ω/□]
At the end and after formula computation, the model of the package can be schematized
as depicted in Figure 2-14 with parasitic inductance and resistance of bonding and lead frame
as well as the different capacitors and the coefficient of coupling K.
Chapter 2: Modeling and validation
It is to be noted that, this method is a first order approximation, that allows anyone to
develop a package model quite quickly. However, as it is a first order, it is not the most accurate
compared to the second method that uses specific software. This second method is introduced
in the next subsection.
Chapter 2: Modeling and validation
This software offers two possibilities for the extraction of the package’s model. The first
one is the extraction of the S-parameter model. It is a broadband model which defines the entire
package with all parasitic components including all coupling factors. The advantage of this
model is that it is accurate at each frequency of work including DC but, the simulation time will
be adversely impacted. The second one is the extraction of an RLC netlist. This is a spice netlist,
still for the entire package, which include all passive parasites as well as mutual terms, extracted
at a specific frequency of work for the purpose of taking into account skin effect. This second
method has the advantage that it is faster for simulation, but it will be less accurate than the S-
parameter method because the extraction is done at a given frequency [55].
This second method for the development of the package model is more complex and
more accurate than the first one. Of course, with the calculation method some approximations
are generally done. For example, the calculation is done for one or two bonding or leadframes
and the same value is used all around the package but, this value can change by more than 20%
depending if it is calculated in the middle of the package or in a corner [29]. By doing the
extraction with AnsysTM a complete model is obtained but, the set-up of the software can be
really complex. It is also important to note that similar and free software developed by Etienne
Sicard is available [56]. Finally, Figure 2-16 schematizes the model obtained by software
Chapter 2: Modeling and validation
Figure 2-16: Model of the package and parameters extraction using Siwave TM
A PCB is a more complex circuit than a package. Whereas a package generally includes
only bonding and leadframe in an almost uniform distribution -ex: leadframe and bonding are
distributed uniformly all around the MCU with a difference around 20% between the smaller
and the longer one- this is not the case with a PCB. A PCB can be small with only few
connections, but it can also be really complex with different planes for power and ground,
Chapter 2: Modeling and validation
different types and numbers of vias, different lengths and types of connections, ect. As a matter
of fact, it is up to the designer to determine where the model can be approximated in function
of the parameters observed. The example of a board named Discovery board, designed by
STMicroelectronics, can be used. This board embeds a lot of communication connections as an
USB-C, an LCD driver, memories, an ethernet connection, ect. Generally, all of these
communications are not used at the same time, which means, it is up to the designer to erase all
unused communications -including all the connections between the MCU and the
communication connector-.
6 Layers PCB
Chapter 2: Modeling and validation
Then, Equations 2-19 and 2-20 are used to compute the via inductance and resistance
from the work of Goldfarb and Pucel [57] with h the heigh, r the radius, t the thickness, µ0 the
free-space permeability and σ the metal conductivity. It is also possible to find a calculator on
the internet for via parameter extraction [58]. Finally, in order to determine the mutual
inductance between two vias, the Equation 2-11 can be reused -equation for mutual inductance
between two bonding-.
µ0 h + √(r 2 + h2 ) 3
LVIA = [h ∗ ln ( ) + ∗ (r − √(r 2 + h2 )) ]
2∗π r 2
R VIA = R dc √1 +
fδ =
π ∗ µ0 ∗ σ ∗ t 2
Equation 2-21: 𝐟𝛅 definition for the via resistance
For a plane model, this is a more complex problematic. Many books and articles propose
different methods and points of view for plane impedance extraction. As this is a first order
model, we will represent the model of a plane as an impedance per square in function of the
frequency defined by Equation 2-22 [5]. In reality, a plane modeling is more complex as, this
formula is for an ideal plane without any hole due to vias or any splits due to different traces.
If the plane has too many slots, another approach needs to be considered such as modeling with
π-method [59].
in DC
R = {eρ
∗ √f in AC
Equation 2-22: Impedance of a plane
Chapter 2: Modeling and validation
Ansys SiwaveTM. Moreover, the model constituted by software has additional advantages in
this case. The first one is the possibility, in an easy way, to erase all components and
connections that are not useful for the model. The second one is the possibility to import in the
same project the board and the package from two different data bases for the purpose of working
on a single circuit. Indeed, the software can recreate the solder connection between the package
and the board based on the package footprint in a really quick and easy way. Finally, if the
package and the PCB are in a same project, the extraction can be done directly from the die pad
to the external terminal of the board which means that potential coupling between package and
board will be taken into account. The only drawback of this method is the time of setup and
simulations. Because the board merges different types of traces and planes, the setup of the
extraction has to be done with a particular attention. Also because of all coupling calculation
the extraction could take more than a week. That is why it is up to the designer to define which
parameters are useful for his work of modeling.
Chapter 2: Modeling and validation
Once all of these steps are done, the final model will be implemented in Cadence Software by
the merge of different spice netlists in a simulation file. Figure 2-20 represents this final model
obtained for simulation. Concerning the die model there is on one hand, IO that can be ON or
OFF and, on the other hand, rails’ PDN. Then, each of them is connected to the PDN of the
package which is then connected to PDN of the PCB. Package and PCB model include all
couplings and capacitors.
Before moving on to the next steps of validation and refinement of the model, there is a
last point to evoke. Here, we detailed the system modelling based on the ICEM standard.
Nevertheless, other modelling principles exist. Most known might be the three below :
- The IBIS (Input/Output Buffer Information Specification) was developed by Intel in the
90s [60]. It is defined by an ASCII file used to describe the IO behavior which reduces
a lot the time simulation. Nevertheless, the IBIS standard is more focused on signal
Chapter 2: Modeling and validation
integrity and does not take into account the influence of the internal activity on the
power supply and then, the repercussion this will have on the IO behavior.
- The IMIC (Input/Output model for Integrated Circuit) was developed in 2001 by the
Japan Electronics and Information Technology Industries Association (JEITA) [61]. It
is similar to the IBIS standard but defined with a SPICE format with tabulated transistor
models in order to hide the technology used. It also overcomes some IBIS drawbacks.
For example, the RLC network can be added to the power supply.
- The LECCS (Linear Equivalent Circuit and a Current Source model) was developed by
the Osaka University in Japan in 2004 [62]. This standard is the closest to the ICEM
standard but it was developed to study RF products and therefore allows modeling only
in the frequency domain.
In order to not complicate the reading of this manuscript, these three standards are only cited
and introduced here. However, more information can be found in M. Vrignon thesis [29] or M.
Sicard book [5]. The final choice for the model development was to use the ICEM standard
because it is the one that takes into account both signal and power integrity. Moreover, it is also
the only one which permits to study the Internal Activity impact on the power supply as well
as the IO’s behavior face to this disturbance.
4. Model validation
In this chapter II we have detailed all steps needed to go through a model development
of an existing microcontroller based on the ICEM-CE. The aim of such a model is to be able to
study a complete system -a die with its associated package and PCB- regarding the SSN effect.
Before going through this phase of research it is important to validate the developed model and,
if necessary, to refine parameter’s values. This validation step is necessary to ensure that what
it is seen in simulation is as close as possible of the real MCU’s behavior especially in terms of
SSN. This section will details the correlation procedure established to validate this model. For
a better understanding, the first Device Under Test (DUT) used for the definition of the
correlation procedure will be briefly explained in the next subsection. Then the subsequent
sections will detail a methodology of comparison for power and signal observations. Finally,
we will give some axes of research to modify the model should it appear not to be well
correlated with measurement.
Chapter 2: Modeling and validation
Chapter 2: Modeling and validation
The testbench used for validation needs to explore different tests in order to cover all
possibilities. For that, several parameters need to be changed and, each time, observations
regarding power and signal needs to be done for the correlation. Below all parameters modified
during measurement are listed. Obviously, only one parameter can be changed at a time in order
to be accurate.
- Load capacitor value connected to IO’s output: 0nF, 5nF, 20pF.
- Number of simultaneous switching IOs: 1IOs, 2IOs, 4IOs, 8IOs, 16IOs, …
- Position of this switching IOs versus P&Gs: Close as possible to the ideal power vs as
far as possible.
- Position of switching IOs versus others IOs: All grouped in the same location vs
distributed to the maximum on the boards.
- IOs speeds: IOs are always designed with 4 possible speeds. The di/dt -the current peak
generated by the switch- is defined by the design and will grow proportionally to the
IO’s speeds.
As a matter of fact, in the test cases listed here, all of the possibilities can not be applied
because of the board design, as this is the case with the generic board used for this validation
development and introduced in the DUT section. Nevertheless, it is up to the designer to do as
many of these tests as possible depending on the board possibilities.
Chapter 2: Modeling and validation
Chapter 2: Modeling and validation
We can see thanks to Table 2-1 or in Figure 2-22 that the difference between
measurement and simulation is less than 10%, validating the model regarding power behavior.
The model could be validated if the difference between measurement and simulation is less
than 15%. Of course, this is only one example introduced here to illustrate the validation
Figure 2-23: Comparison between measurement and simulation for signal observation
Chapter 2: Modeling and validation
Table 2-2: Comparison of simulations and measurements values for signal observation
We can see thanks to Table 2-2 or in Figure 2-23 that the difference between
measurement and simulation is less than 10% of error, thereby validating the model regarding
the signal behavior. With these comparisons of power and signal correlation we can confirm
that the model created has the expected behavior, similar to the physical MCU.
Chapter 2: Modeling and validation
- The capacitor of the probe which must be considered in the model, at the same place as
the measurement
- The capacitor of the PCB’s line
If the rising or falling time aren’t correlated, the first thing to do is to determine the
difference of this capacitor value between simulation and measurement. In that way, an
additional simulation could be done. This simulation is an abacus of rising/falling edge in
function of the total output capacitor. An example of an abacus is defined in Figure 2-24, still
based on the IO of our DUT where the rising and falling time are not identical due to IO’s
Thanks to this abacus it is possible to observe the value expected in our model for the
output capacitor and to modify the proper parameter. For the probe, especially if it is a passive
one, it has to be considered in the model. For the load capacitor used to emulate an external
component, its value can generally be checked in the datasheet. Finally, if it is not one of those
two possibilities then, the problem is certainly from the model development itself. In that case,
other comparisons might be wrong such as resonance frequency and another path of research
should be followed.
Chapter 2: Modeling and validation
In this study, the frequency of the alternating current defines the signal propagation and
it is 1/TR/F where TR/F is the average of rising/falling time. For example, for a communication
protocol where IO have a rising/falling time of 2ns, the equivalent frequency is 500MHz. So,
this skin effect also named skin depth needs to be considered if the signal propagation will have
an impact. The software extraction directly provides this option with an extraction at a specific
frequency. For the hand extraction, the skin factor δ is calculated with Equation 2-23 and should
be added in the computations as illustrated in Figure 2-25. There are also calculators available
on the internet [66].
δ= √
Chapter 2: Modeling and validation
5. Conclusion
Chapter 2: Modeling and validation
- Secondly, it allows some observations that would not be feasible in measurement except
with specific and expensive package or PCB. For example, the SSN can be directly
examined at die level.
In conclusion, these steps of modeling and validation are mandatory in order to modify
the EMC approach by anticipating the SSN effects at the design stage as mentioned in chapter
1. The next chapter is focused on this, with firstly, the simulation study of an STM32 failure
leading to the proposal of first design rules. The second part of the chapter is focused on the
predictive model development, in order to anticipate the MCU behavior for a specific
communication protocol.
Chapter 2: Modeling and validation
Chapter 3. Simulations and results
1. Introduction
This final chapter is dedicated to the presentation of the design rules developed during
this thesis. This chapter is divided into two parts. The first one introduces the model developed
for a complete system defined as the 1st DUT and composed of an STM32 and a board designed
by STMicroelectronics. After the model validation, simulations will show the comparison of
this model with different test cases to study the parameters that influence the SSN. The main
simulation results will be introduced and used to conclude about design rules recommended to
ensure the MCU robustness against SSN effects. Then, the second part of this chapter is
dedicated to a 2nd DUT defined by MCU in the design process and for the specific HexaSPI
communication. This second part will firstly present the HexaSPI communication to allow a
better understanding of constraints linked to the protocol. Then, the predictive model achieved
and the main issues met during its development is detailed. We will use simulations of this
model to justify guidelines and design modifications in order to guarantee the MCU robustness
and the communication efficiency. Finally, the predictive model developed is compared
through the validation procedure and is refined, based on these measurement comparisons.
This product is the best example to demonstrate the EMC workflow explained in
chapter 1. Indeed, during the design stage, this communication was not considered and after the
MCU manufacture, it appears that this communication was leading to MCU’s performance
degradation resulting in an important delay in terms of release on the market in order to resolve
this problem. Then the purpose of the study is to find a solution to this issue and also to
understand which parameters have influenced the SSN impacts. Finally, simulations will be
used to justify new design rules to apply on this product.
Chapter 3. Simulations and results
4 x USB type A
USB Type C
LTCD Driver
The STM32 package is a 361 balls BGA which we will name BGA n°1 for a better
understanding in this chapter. BGA n°1 has on one hand, 7 VDDIO balls and 49 VSS balls for
external supply connection and on the other hand, 35 VDDIO and 49 VSS connections between
package and padring. The die’s padring is composed of 354 IPs (Intellectual Properties) defined
by several functional blocks as power management and distribution, 324 IOs with different
specificities as I2C or analog switch option, the crystal clock management, etc. The particularity
Chapter 3. Simulations and results
of this padring is the “shunt” done on the left side of the padring, allocated to the external
memory communication which has its own and isolated supplies. This part of the padring is not
considered in the study as it is isolated from all others IOs. Figure 3-4 schematize this padring
with the IOs distribution and IOs used for the LTCD communication but also the highlight of
power and ground connection.
Finally, IOs have been designed in a 40 nm CMOS technology and can be supplied at
3.3V or 1.8V. Table 3-1 summarizes their specifications in terms of operating frequency, rising
and falling time and the associated di/dt.
0 20 11 22 6
1 50 5.5 12 25
2 100 3.3 6.2 33
Chapter 3. Simulations and results
0 25 6.7 14 4
1 50 4.2 8 12
2 100 3.0 5.4 20
The model of the complete system was done following software modeling methods for
the package and the PCB. One of the problems met during the board modeling was its
complexity due to the large number of connections as already depicted in Figure 3-3. For the
complete board modeling, parameter extraction took more than 1 week, and simulations based
on this model as well. Then, the decision was made to shunt the board extraction to only useful
connections with the points listed below and as illustrated in Figure 3-5:
- tracks used for the communication between the MCU and the LTCD driver.
- All power and ground connections including ground plane and bypass capacitor
- The test point used for power measurement.
Two Spice netlists including all parasitic elements coupling have been extracted at
450MHz for the board and the package. Note that, the extraction has been made at 450MHz,
based on the IO’s rising time at 90MHz and supplied at 3.3V in order to consider the skin effect.
Die’s parameters are extracted based on computation method and the IO is defined with its
SPICE netlist.
Finally, a complete model is obtained as illustrated in Figure 3-6 and Table 3-2
summarizes the associated values. This table is a model overview so only an average is provided
for a better understanding and coupling value are not added because this factor changes a lot in
depending on the track observed. The final model also considered the probe used for
measurement and the load capacitor assimilated to the LTDC driver.
Chapter 3. Simulations and results
Figure 3-6: Reminder of the ICEM for the 1st DUT model
In function of the
IO speed mode
CLOAD / / / 5pF
Chapter 3. Simulations and results
When the model development for the complete system was finished, its validation was
made through the comparison methodology explained in chapter II with a final error less than
15%, confirming the model accuracy. An example is shown in Figure 3-7 where the LTDC
communication is settled with IO in speed 3, a 3.3V power supply, at ambient temperature and
in typical process. For this figure, peak-peak voltage and the first resonance frequency are
compared, and results are :
- Measurement : VPP = 510 mV & Fresonance = 225 MHz
- Simulation : VPP = 480 mV & Fresonance = 200 MHz
Simulation Measurement
3.6 3.6
3.5 3.5
Voltage (V)
3.4 3.4
3.3 3.3
3.2 3.2
3.1 3.1
Once the model is developed and validated through comparison procedure, it is then
possible to study by simulations the MCU behavior in terms of SSN and to understand which
parameter is influencing it. The next two sections summarize the main points highlighted with
this first DUT.
This section studies the influence of bypass capacitor placement on PCB with the
highlight of via influence and on package with the use of SiP capacitors. For all simulations
and measurements presented here, the communication LTDC was settled to 90MHz, ambient
temperature, with a 3.3V supply and IO in speed 3 in order to recreate the observed failure.
The first parameter observed with these simulations has been the impact of vias. As a
reminder, a via is used to connect the package with bypass capacitors both of them soldered on
Chapter 3. Simulations and results
each PCB top and bottom. Vias are generally used because there is not enough space between
balls of a package for capacitor routing or, if it is possible this solution is generally too
expensive for the consumer. In order to study the vias influence on the SSN, two simulations
were settled. The first one is the simulation of the complete system introduced in the previous
section 3.2. The second one is also the complete system with only one difference: vias are
removed and bypass capacitors are directly connected to balls. These two cases are illustrated
in Figure 3-8.
The two simulations are compared with the observation of noise level and this at two
different points: directly at supply balls named “outside noise” and the second point is an in-
die extract, reflecting the padring IO supplies and named “inside noise”. Figure 3-9 shows the
simulation result. To be noted, the noise level is the voltage variation measured on VDDIO -
VSSIO. As we can see, this figure highlights the vias influence on the SSN with a noise reduction
of 70% at balls level and a reduction of 36% at die level. Moreover, to have an idea of the via
parasitic elements, an extract has been done on the DUT for two vias -one for VDDIO and one
for VSS- from the ball package to the bypass capacitor pin, so it includes the via and the capacitor
routing. It appears that the whole connection is defined by an inductance of 2nH and a coupling
between the two vias of k=0.35.
Finally, observations of these power supplies were done in test points that would not be
accessible with a probe for this DUT. Indeed, the package balls are soldered on the PCB without
access for physical measurement. In the same way, the package is not a specific manufactured
one which means the die is totally enclosed without probe access. But, as this model was
validated with measurements/simulations comparisons, we know its accuracy regarding the
MCU behavior in terms of SSN.
Chapter 3. Simulations and results
0 20 40 60 80 100
Time (ns)
Figure 3-9: Simulations with and without vias
Chapter 3. Simulations and results
This new package was modeled through software extraction to obtain the SPICE netlist.
Then, the first observation was to compare the two BGA designs with a simulation in the
frequency domain as follows:
- Simulation 1 : The first and complete DUT with BGA n°1 modeled and introduced in
the beginning.
- Simulation 2 : The same padring and PCB as the one simulated, with this BGA n°2
and the 7 SiP capacitors connected.
- Simulation 3 : The same padring and PCB than simulation one, with this BGA n°2 and
the 7 SiP disconnected.
Once again, the possibility to disconnect the SiP capacitor is a real advantage of the
simulation because it could be complicated to open the package and physically unsolder them.
Chapter 3. Simulations and results
The final AC comparison is shown in Figure 3-11. Moreover, it is important to highlight that
the padring and the PCB are exactly the same, only the package changed with BGA n°1 vs
BGA n°2. To be noted, the vertical axis defines the magnitude in decibel-Ohm (dBΩ), to
convert the value in Ohm, the Equation 2-1 must be used.
Chapter 3. Simulations and results
Figure 3-12: Noise level (VDDIO – VSSIO) measured with BGA without SiP (left) and BGA with SiP (right)
The same observations are also done in simulations, allowing at the same time to
measure the noise reduction at padring level. Table 3-3 summarizes all of this work, for IOs in
speed mode 2 and 3 and for measurement and simulation.
BGA n°2 with SiP 320 mV 370 mV 290 mV 365 mV 180 mV 220mV
Noise reduction 25 % 29 % 34 % 27 % 57 % 54 %
The impact of SiP capacitors clearly seen with this study and shown in Table 3-3 with
a noise reduction of more 50 % at padring level which also shows the influence of bypass
capacitors placement on the SSN.
Chapter 3. Simulations and results
2.4. Conclusion
A summary of all studies made in this section is provided in Table 3-4 :
With simulations and measurements of this 1st DUT, we demonstrated the influence of
bypass capacitor placement at PCB and package level. The conclusion of this work is :
- Vias is a major influencer of the SSN effect by adding parasitic elements on the PDN.
- The bypass capacitor placement must be considered with attention and put as close as
possible to the SSN origin as illustrated with SiP capacitor.
To conclude this study of an existing MCU, we need to remember that this DUT was
chosen because an issue appears due to the SSN generated by an LTDC communication. To
resolve the problem and based on the conclusion of this work, the board was optimized with
vias parallelization, and the decrease of bypass capacitor routing and board design
recommendations were written for consumer. The SiP package wasn’t keep because it was
considered too expensive for the market. Finally, IOs design have been changed to reduce the
Chapter 3. Simulations and results
The second part of this chapter III is dedicated to the anticipation of future MCU
behavior regarding the specific HexaSPI communication protocol. This section is divided into
several parts. Firstly, we will introduce the HexaSPI communication and all specifications
required to ensure the correct behavior of this high-data rate communication. Then the
methodology to develop such a model as well as the main predictive model in order to study
the MCU behavior and ensure its robustness against SSN will be defined. This part also includes
the two main issues encountered during the development. From this model simulations were
settled to work in cooperation with board and package designer. For the package, the predictive
model helped to define the CSP layout by observing the difference between 1 layer and 2 layers
CSP. For the board, the previous work was applied with vias optimization and bypass capacitor
placement. Finally, this predictive model helped to justify the addition of in-die bypass
capacitor placement in order to decouple the noise as close as possible to the EMI.
The xSPI (eXpanded Serial Peripheral Interface) is a protocol used to communicate with
a Non Volatile Memory defined by the JESD 251 standard [71]. This standard provides
specification and minimum requirements for the communication compliance. The HexaSPI is
characterized as a Double Data Rate (DDR) communication to write or read information with
one or two external memories as illustrated in Figure 3-13.
Chapter 3. Simulations and results
This communication can operates up to 133MHz for a 3.3V power supply and up to 200MHz
for a 1.8V power supply and it requires :
- 16 Simultaneous Switching IOs for an Hexa communication
- 1 Clock (CLK) at 3.3V or 1 Clock (CLK) plus 1 Clock (nCLK) in opposition phase at
- 2 Chip Select (CS) in case of double memory connection.
- 2 signals named RWDS (Read Write Data Strobe) to define if the MCU will read or
write data to or from the memory.
It is also characterized with specific timing constraints as illustrated in Figure 3-14.
Finally, in addition to these timing constraints, the communication must respect the
specifications listed in the Table 3-5. These constraints are a summary of the one extracted from
the JESD and ones from STMicroelectronics.
Parameter Constraint
ΔV on padring (VDDIO – VSSIO) ΔV < 0.2*VDDIO
Duty Cycle (DTC) for Clock and IOs 45% ≤ DTC ≤ 55%
IO < VIL = 0.3*VDDIO
IO > VIH = 0.7*VDDIO
nCLK & CLK crossing (only for 1.8V) 0.4*VDDIO = 0.72V < Crossing < 0.6*VDDIO = 1.08V
The aim is to develop a predictive model to anticipate the MCU behavior for this
HexaSPI (HSPI) communication in order to guarantee the product robustness regarding all
Chapter 3. Simulations and results
Chapter 3. Simulations and results
Finally, the predictive model of the BGA package is defined with 4 VDD_Hexa balls and
4 VSS_Hexa balls and is summarized as follow:
- Data connection : RIO = 0.5 Ω & LIO = 2.8nH
- CLK and nCLK connection : RCLK = 0.3 Ω & LCLK = 2nH
- Power and ground connection : RPG = 0.2 Ω & LPG = 1.4nH
- Coupling factor : k12 = 0.35 & k13 = 0.25 & k14 = 0.2
Chapter 3. Simulations and results
This BGA model is the main package used for simulation but, the HexaSPI study also
leads to the use of different packages such as the CSP and the QFP. For a better readability of
this chapter, the other package models will be detailed later (cf. sections 3.4 and 3.5).
Chapter 3. Simulations and results
In this list, the index number represents the distance between two signals. For example, based
on the padring distribution of the HexaSPI, if the observed signal 1 is the clock, then, the
coupling between the clock and data 7 or the clock and ground 4 is assimilate to k14. The
coupling effect for different k factor is shown in Figure 3-17.
The aim of this simulation was to observe the impact of coupling factor and as we can
see, there is a difference between no coupling at all and the use of coupling factor. However,
an approximation needs to be made in order to lighten the simulation files. From this simulation,
we can conclude that only coupling factors k12 and k13 could be used in the model hypothesis
because only a slight difference is observed between the blue and the pink curve. Moreover, it
also leads to a PCB recommendation to isolate the CLK and nCLK from other IOs with a
“ground shield” in order to protect them of a coupling disturbance because they are the main
sensitive signals.
Chapter 3. Simulations and results
This phenomenon was observable even when tracks for IOs connections were
considered as ideal. The solution to add transmission line was decided after different tries such
- Board optimization for supplies with the decrease of parasitic elements values.
- Isolation of CLK and nCLK by removing all coupling factors.
- The addition of a delay between all IOs.
None of these solutions resolved the problem, even if the padring noise level was smaller than
10%. The only working solution found was the use of transmission line (TL) for the PCB. Then,
the PCB tracks were refined with a model of a TL provided by Eldo which includes skin effect
[72], [73]. Parameters of the TL were defined with an impedance Z0 = 50 Ω and a time
propagation of 350 ps, based on the recommendation found in the JESD 251standard [71]. The
results obtained with the modified model and transmission lines added are shown in Figure
3-19. From this issue, a PCB guideline was added regarding transmission line for IOs
Figure 3-19: Simulation with transmission line to compare with Figure 3-18
Chapter 3. Simulations and results
Once this predictive model is finished, the first study was done at board level with a
focus on bypass capacitors placement and vias influences. This work was done in cooperation
with a PCB designer who provided a first design developed only for power and ground routing,
as illustrated in Figure 3-20. We can see on it, 4 VSS_Hexa balls with 7 associated vias and 4
VDD_Hexa balls with 4 associated vias. Then there are four 0402 bypass capacitors of 100nF. To
be noted, Figure 3-20 didn’t show the different board layers for a better readability, the board
is defined by 6 layers with two ground planes on level 2 and 5 and a power trace on level 4.
Figure 3-20: 1st board design for the HexaSPI power and ground
The simulation test bench was based on the die and BGA package detailed in the
predictive model introduced in sections 3.2.1 and 3.2.2. Then, the PCB model is divided into
two parts:
- the power and ground connections are extracted by software from the provided design
- The TL model provided by Eldo is used for all IOs connections.
Moreover, the study was carried on for the full PVT (Process Voltage Temperature)
range guaranteed for this MCU and the corner cases are given in Table 3-6.
Voltage (V)
PVT case Transistor Process Temperature (°C)
3.3V 1.8V
Chapter 3. Simulations and results
With this test bench, we were able to analyze if the communication fit the specifications
requirement of the protocol. Table 3-7 summarized the three PVT cases, for a 3.3V supply and
a 133MHz communication. In this table ΔV = VDD_Hexa – VSS_Hexa represents the noise level
observed. Values out of specification are highlighted in red.
Table 3-7: Summary of specification observed in simulation for the three PVT cases
The noise measured on padring was at the upper limit of the specification, but thanks to
simulation we were able to justify the board optimization and especially for vias and bypass
capacitors placement. Firstly, capacitors were changed from 0402 to 0201 where 0402 is
capacitor of 0.4x0.2mm and 0201 is a capacitor of 0.2x0.1 mm. Their specifications are as
- C 0402 = 98.7 nF & L0402 = 0.276 nH & R0402 = 19.6 mΩ
- C 0201 = 74.5 nF & L0201 = 0.2 nH & R0201 = 35.8 mΩ
From these specifications, we can see that the capacitor value of 0201 is not equal to 100nF but
it is due to its design. However, the impedances profile of the two capacitors are equivalent
with approximately the same cut-off frequency as illustrated in Figure 3-21.
Capacitor 0402
Capacitor 0201
Chapter 3. Simulations and results
The gain of space thanks to this capacitor modification allowed them to be put them
closer to balls and to reduce the associated connection routing. In addition, a vias parallelization
has been recommended with 9 VSS_Hexa vias and 9 VDD_Hexa. The final modification concerned
the board’s layers with a power plane on level 5 and a ground plane on level 2 when before
there were two ground planes on level 2 and 5 and only a power trace. The final proposed
solution is illustrated in Figure 3-22 with five 0201 bypass capacitors of 100nF.
Table 3-8 summarizes the final values in the three PVT cases for a 3.3V supply and a
communication operating at 133MHz in order to compare with Table 3-7. We can see that all
parameters respect the specifications and the noise at padring level is reduced more than 26%.
Table 3-8: Summary of final values obtained with the board re-designed
Chapter 3. Simulations and results
The second work completed with this predictive model was at package level with a study
of two CSP design. The purpose here was to determine if the package might be designed with
a package of one or two layers. A one layer package is cheaper than a 2-layer one but implies
more constraints on the package routing and reduces the balls capability. This study was done
in cooperation with a package designer who provided the two package layout shown in Figures
3-23 and 3-24. The first picture shows the 1 layer package with, in blue the VSS_Hexa, in orange
the VDD_Hexa, in yellow CLK/nCLK and in pink all other data connections. The second picture
shows the 2 layers package with, in blue the VSS_Hexa, in pink the VDD_Hexa, in yellow
CLK/nCLK and in purple all other data connections. As we can see on these two figures, the 2-
layer package allows a better connection for power and ground but also to allows smaller
routing for the clocks, as recommended in the predictive model development.
Chapter 3. Simulations and results
In order to compare these two packages, the simulations were mainly focused on the
number of balls. For that, parameters defined in the predictive models are used for the die,
transmission lines and vias model and the two packages are modeled with software extraction.
Moreover, to have a better idea of the package influence, the board power supply is assumed
ideal – no parasitic elements for VDD_Hexa and VSS_Hexa on the board-. Finally, two setups are
- Setup 1: Vias are added identically on both packages:
- 4 via from VDD_Hexa_Ball to an ideal 3v15
- 3 via from VSS_Hexa_Ball L to an ideal 0
- Setup 2: Via are added following ball numbers :
- 4 VDD_Hexa_Ball via and 3 VSS_Hexa_Ball via for the 1 layer
- 6 VDD_Hexa_Ball via and 11 VSS_Hexa_Ball via for the 2 layers
Simulations are settled for these two setups and on both packages. Tables 3-9 and 3-10
summarized the communication specification from these two setups with a communication
established at 3.3V, in typical process and ambient temperature and operating at 133MHz.
VIL & VIH at TSETUP & THOLD VIL = 0.02 V & VIH = 3.1 V VIL = 0 V & VIH =3.1 V
VIL & VIH at TSETUP & THOLD VIL = 0.02 V & VIH = 3.1V VIL = 0 V & VIH = 3.1 V
Table 3-10: Specification comparison of the two packages for setup 2
Chapter 3. Simulations and results
Table 3-9 demonstrates the utility to have a 2-layers CSP in order to optimize power
and ground connections and Table 3-10 demonstrated again the via influence. Based on these
simulations, the final choice for the CSP package was to choose the 2 layers one, in order to
optimize the internal routing and to allocate more balls to supply with a guideline for customer;
one via per ball because this recommendation is easier and cheaper to apply than vias
The board optimization was done for the Discovery board designed by
STMicroelectronics but we have to reminder that an STM32 is a mass-market product. This
means it is up for the customer to do the board design and, even if we give recommendations,
all PDN could not be anticipated. Then this final solution proposed is to add a bypass capacitor
directly at die level to decouple as close as possible to the noise origin. Nevertheless, solution
this requires more space in the die so it must be strongly justified. This capacitor was designed
with MOS transistors for a total area of 3000x49um. Its maximum value is reach for 700pF.
Moreover, three control bits are used to allow customer to program this capacitor in function of
its board PDN as follows :
- Capacitor OFF
- Capacitor ON with 1/3 of its value (233 pF)
- Capacitor ON with 2/3 of its value (466 pF)
- Capacitor ON with its full value (700 pF)
To observe this capacitor effect, a simulation was done in frequency and time domain, still with
the predictive model introduced in section 3.2 for die, package, and board. To be noted, the
vertical axis defines the magnitude in decibel-Ohm (dBΩ), to convert the value in Ohm, the
Equation 2-1 must be used.
Figure 3-25: Simulation in frequency and time domain, with in-die capacitor OFF and ON
Chapter 3. Simulations and results
The AC simulation shows the improvement of the power supply network with an
important decrease of its impedance after 300MHz. This simulation also shows a slight increase
in impedance between 100MHz and 300MHz which corresponds to the operating range of the
HSPI communication. These observations are confirmed with transient simulation where noise
at padring level is only reduced by approximately 60 mV. However, 60 mV represents a 10%
decrease in the noise level, and this, with a predictive model where the communication is
already guaranteed and the board optimized.
In order to confirm the impact that this capacitor could have, the same simulations were
done in frequency and time domain but this time, the predictive model is modified with a QFP
package instead of BGA. For that, from the BGA model, we modified parasitic elements of all
connections with L = 5 nH & R=0.3 Ω.
Figure 3-26: Observations of the in-die bypass capacitor effect with simulations in the frequency and the
time domain
This time, the in-die capacitor has an important impact on the circuit PDN. From the
AC simulation, we can see an important decrease from 100MHz and this correlates with the
transient simulation where the noise at padring level is reduced by 3 with a peak-peak of 1.95V
with the capacitor OFF and a peak-peak of 0.62V for a capacitor ON so a noise reduction of
almost 70%.
Once the product was manufactured, it provided the opportunity to confirm the
predictive model by comparing the simulations with measurements, still by following the same
validation process introduced in chapter 2. The only product available for measurement was a
discovery board developed for this STM32 with a BGA package. Once the validation
methodology applied, it appears that the model needs to be refined for the five points as
developed below.
Chapter 3. Simulations and results
Firstly, a simulation extraction with Siwave of parasitic elements for package and board
was made simultaneously in order to have a better model of the 50Ω transmission line. For that,
the package was virtually mounted on the PCB and only one extraction was done to model the
whole PDN from the die’s pad to the external component such as the external memory and the
ideal power supply. The advantage of this simulation is to include the package connection in
the transmission line where, in the predictive model, the transmission line was directly defined
at PCB level without taking into account the package impedance.
Secondly, and as reminder, we decided to shunt the HexaSPI power supply lines from
the rest of the padring to isolate both of them from the SSN effect. Then, these supplies had
their own ball connections also isolated. The unexpected case, due mainly to a lack of
communication between teams was the merging of all supplies at board level. Indeed, the PCB
didn’t dissociate the different supplies but merged all of them with one ground plane and one
power trace. This had two consequences.
- We had to do an extraction of the complete board -still with the package virtually
mounted on it-. This model took into account all supplies with their associated bypass
- The die model had to be refined with the extraction of the padring capacitance
computation connected to its own metallic rails and balls but merged at ball level.
Thirdly, a problem was encountered during measurement because it was an optimized
board. Indeed, there is no measurement points for signal or power observation. The validation
process was done by scratching IOs tracks on the PCB, modifying at the same time the adapted
line. Consequently, we modified the board model and recreated these measurement points for
its extraction.
Fourthly, another modification applied on the predictive model was regarding the
communication protocol itself. In the predictive model, the communication was settled with the
16 synchronous switching IOs but it was not the case with the external memory connected to
this board.
Finally, the abacus of load capacitance in function of the IOs rising and falling time was
done in simulation to figure out that the load capacitor was equal to 3pF instead of the 6pF
defined in the predictive model, also due to this external memory.
Once the model was refined, the final comparison between simulation and measurement
is presented in Figure 3-27 where a switching IO for a 1.8V supply, operating at 160MHz is
Chapter 3. Simulations and results
Figure 3-27: Comparison between simulation and measurement of the refined model
These results demonstrate a good agreement between the final simulations and the
measurement and validate the global methodology proposed (model development, comparison,
and refinement).
3.7. Conclusion
We can start the conclusion of this chapter by resuming solutions applied thanks to the
predictive model. These solutions are:
- The guideline for the customer to develop their PCB with a 50Ω adapted line on each
IO’s output. Obviously, these adapted lines were also added to the board developed by
- The board studied with this predictive model, in cooperation with the board designer
(i.e. the discovery board), was modified regarding the optimization of vias and bypass
capacitors placement. To note, this solution was not applied on the first version of the
Chapter 3. Simulations and results
discovery board because it was not compatible with the use of a socket. A socket is
necessary for first tests because it allows to insert and remove the chip without the use
of a soldering iron. This solution might be applied on the next board revision.
- The CSP with 2 layers has been characterized by the company and is now the “official”
package used for this product but also for all the future ones -instead of the package
CSP 1 layer-.
- The in-die bypass capacitor was added as explained previously.
Regarding this in-die bypass capacitor, once the product was manufactured, it offered the
possibility to measure the impact of this capacitor. The conclusion observed from
measurements is there was no difference -or only a few mV- observed in the noise amplitude
whether the capacitor was OFF or ON and equal to 1/3 or 2/3 or 3/3 of its total value. To remind,
from firsts simulations, we expected only a slight noise reduction -around 50mV- with the BGA
package thanks to this capacitor. However, with all parameters refined, the noise level is smaller
than predicted, due to different parameters. In first, the communication was modified which
decreases the noise generated. Secondly, the board was much more optimized than predicted,
due to the merging of all power supplies at board level. Nevertheless, this “no difference”
observed in measurement is also found in simulation and justified by these refined parameters
and this noise smaller than expected.
To conclude this chapter, this predictive work was really useful to anticipate the MCU
behavior directly at the design stage and helped to modify package and board design, to add an
in-die bypass capacitor but also to develop some guidelines in order to improve the MCU
robustness. This model had to be refined regarding a few points as the board modification or
the communication established but we can say that more of these refinements were due to a
lack of communication with other teams than due to a wrong hypothesis. Then, procedure to
develop such model can be kept and reused for future products. Finally, it must be highlighted
that absolutely no issues were found at the qualification stage of the MCU and especially for
this communication that has never been done by our team. It is now a product which is released
on the market. This product is highly competitive, without any feedback issues from customers.
General conclusion and perspectives
Despite the many advantages of the MCU, they have become more and more sensitive
in terms of electromagnetic compatibility. The evolution of CMOS technology, the systems
miniaturization, the increase in the number of transistors, the operating frequency and the
general MCU complexity are at the origin of a higher electromagnetic emission and a lower
susceptibility threshold. It is now essential to study and predict the EMI propagation and the
EMS of a device, in order to anticipate a failure and avoid costly redesign phases. In this
context, we tried to contribute, from the design phase of MCU to the best consideration of the
auto-susceptibility problem created by the Simultaneous Switching Noise. This study is part of
a CIFRE thesis between Polytech’lab and STMicroelectronics and was developed through three
chapters in this manuscript.
The first chapter was focused on the SSN origin. For that, an attention was given to the
CMOS technology and MCU evolution aiming to justify the study of this auto-susceptibility
problem. Then, this chapter defined the EMC problematic in the MCU domain in order to better
understand how the SSN effect is contributing to it. We also examined the state of the art on
the SSN subject itself, starting with the origin and the CMOS inverter behavior and finishing
with the highlight of SSN phenomenon at the MCU level.
The second chapter is dedicated to a modeling methodology in order to study the SSN
effect only by simulation. The model creation is based on the ICEM-CE standard provided by
the IEC company and considerers a complete system with the die and the IOs padring, the
package and the associate PCB. To remind, there are other standards developed for the system
modelling as the IBIS IMIC. We decided to work with the ICEM standard because it takes into
account signal integrity as well as power integrity. Moreover, this standard considers the power
supply degradation due to the internal activity as well as the effect of this degradation on the
IO’s behavior which is not the case with other ones as the IBIS standard. To resume, this
standard is the most complete solution to study the SSN effect. For an accurate understanding
of this standard, we detailed all steps to create an electrical model either by hand calculation or
by software extraction. Finally, this chapter explains a validation process based on comparison
between measurements and simulations in order to guarantee the model behavior accuracy in
terms of SSN effect.
General conclusion and perspectives
The third chapter is dedicated to results and conclusions achieved throughout this thesis
and is divided into two main parts. The first part was dedicated to a 1st DUT studied because an
MCU issue appeared at the qualification stage due to the TFT-LCD communication. For that,
the methodology detailed in chapter 2 was applied in order to investigate the problem in
simulation. So, after the model development and validation, we understood which parameters
were influencing the SSN with the highlight of vias impact and the advantages of SiP capacitors
embedded in a package. To remind, the solution of the BGA package that embeds SiP bypass
capacitors was not kept due to the price of this solution being judged too expensive. Despite the
advantage of these SiP capacitors, the fact that we didn’t use it, reminds us that this thesis was
carried out in the constrained environment of the STM32. This MCU is a mass-market product
and because of this, the product must remain small and cheap to be competitive on the market.
Nevertheless, this work helped to find other solutions with the re-design of IOs in order to
reduce the generated noise and the board optimization based on our simulation conclusions.
Nowadays, this MCU was qualified and commercialized and no issues due to the SSN effect
are observed anymore.
The second part was dedicated to the development of a predictive model for a high-data
rate communication with an external memory named HexaSPI. The purpose of this work was
to ensure the MCU robustness by anticipating its behavior. The model was developed based on
specific knowledge acquired during this thesis and methodology of chapter 2. Through its
development, first guidelines were introduced with the transmission line and the coupling
isolation of the two clocks. This model was then used to optimize board and package design
directly at the design stage with a cooperative work with designers . Finally, simulation from
this model was used to justify the addition of an in-die capacitor to decouple the disturbance as
close as possible to the EMI generation. This controllable capacitor is an added value to the
product robustness because, the STM32 is a mass market product and it allows adaption of the
power supply network according to the board characteristics designed by the customer. This
model was validated through the validation process developed in chapter 2 and some
refinements were applied to it, mainly due to a lack of communication between different teams.
Nevertheless, the product qualification demonstrated a strong robustness of the product
regarding the HexaSPI communication and it is now one of the market leader products used in
smart-watches. This work then answered to the original problematic; be able to predict the
MCU behavior directly at the design stage in order to find the solution that will suit the
environmental constraints of the SM32.
General conclusion and perspectives
As a matter of fact, new research perspectives can be developed from this work. The
first one is to compete the already created and functional package by reducing the power and
ground balls thus allowing more connections for IOs or reducing the package size thanks to in-
die bypass capacitor and leading to improve market competitiveness. The second area of
research concerns the use of QFP packages for high-speed communications in particular for the
HSPI communication. For the moment, the performance of the HSPI is not guaranteed on the
QFP due to its large value of parasitic elements. However, we have demonstrated in chapter 3
the impact that the in-die capacitor could have on the SSN for this type of package. Thanks to
these simulations, future proposed products will incorporate HSPI communication in QFPs and
we will be able to observe the capacitor effect in measurement but for sure, its robustness will
be improved.
We will conclude this manuscript with some “gold rules” observed during this thesis to
limit the SSN effect and improve the MCU robustness.
First, at the die level the di/dt defined the current variation generated by a switching IO might
be reduced to a maximum with an optimization of the design. Then, an in-die bypass capacitor
might be used for high data rate communication to have this decoupling effect as close as
possible to the source of the interference.
Secondly, at the package level, an optimized package should always be favored. Indeed, CSP
package involves smaller parasitic values than QFP or even BGA for example.
Thirdly, at the board level, a transmission line must be used for high data rate communication.
Obviously, planes for power and ground plane will have a positive impact on noise reduction.
Finally, we demonstrate the importance of the bypass capacitor placement as well as the
influence of vias on the noise level. These are two rules that must be strongly emphasized
because they are too often neglected.
General conclusion and perspectives
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