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UNIDAD10 Sources of Energy

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UNIT 10 Forms and sources of energy

1 Energy
Physics and chemistry are sciences that study the changes in nature. The
capacity to produce changes is called energy. An object can produce
surroundings: everything that’s
changes in itself, in another object or in its surroundings1.
around you.
Energy is measured in joules (J = kg m2/s2 = N m) equilibrium position: point at which

Energy can be divided into two broad categories: the energy of moving no force is acting on an object.
objects and the energy that is stored. The different types of energy include: 3
nuclear fission: process of splitting
the nucleus of an atom, when a
 P
otential energy: This is the energy that a body possesses due to its large amount of energy is released.
position with respect to its equilibrium position2. A body located at
a certain height or a compressed or stretched spring has this type of
 K
inetic energy: This is the energy that bodies have due to being in
 T
hermal energy: This is energy that is produced by the movement of Other units of
particles that make up matter. It’s released as heat. energy that we use
in daily life are the
 E
lectrical energy: This is energy due to the movement of the electric calorie (cal) and the
charges inside conductive materials. kilowatt hour (Kwh).
 C
hemical energy: This is the energy stored in the bonds of atoms and 1 cal = 4.19 J
1 kWh = 3.6 × 106 J
 N
uclear energy: This is the energy stored in the nucleus of atoms. This
energy is released in nuclear fission3 and fusion reactions.
 E
 lectromagnetic energy: This is the energy transported by
electromagnetic waves, such as X-rays and microwaves. Visible light is
referred to as light energy.
Energy can be transformed from one type to another or transferred from
one body to another. When the transferred energy becomes unavailable and
irrecoverable, we say the energy dissipates.
The water in a waterfall transforms potential energy into kinetic energy
through movement. When a plane lands, the kinetic energy of the plane
heats the plane’s tyres. This thermal energy is then transferred to the
molecules in the air and dissipates.
However, despite all these possible transformations, energy is never lost.
Energy is always conserved.


10. Forms and sources of energy 63

2 Thermal energy: heat and temperature
Kinetic theory states that matter is made up of particles (atoms, molecules
or ions) that are in motion and possess kinetic energy.
Body temperature is
When a body is at a high temperature, its particles move very quickly and
measured with a
have a lot of kinetic energy, while at low temperatures they move more
slowly, with less kinetic energy.
In SI, temperature is
The thermal energy of a body is due to the movement of its particles and is
measured in kelvin, K.
proportional to its temperature in kelvin.
Temperature is also
Heat is the transfer of energy from a body with a higher temperature
measured in degrees
to a body with a lower temperature when the two bodies are in contact.
Over time, the two bodies will reach the same temperature. This final
T(K) = 273.15 + t(°C) temperature will be between their two initial temperatures. We call this
state thermal equilibrium.
When an object is heated, the heat transferred is proportional to the change
in temperature and the mass of the body. The proportionality constant
depends on the material involved and this property of a material is called its
specific heat capacity. Good thermal conductors usually have low specific
heat capacities, while insulators generally have high specific heat capacities.

Changes of state Thermometer

When we melt ice cubes, their temperature

rises until it reaches 0 ºC. This temperature
remains constant until all the ice has
changed state from solid to liquid. This is
because the heat supplied is used to break
the bonds between the particles in the
solid, not to increase their kinetic energy.
The same thing occurs when liquid water
changes into steam (a gas). Ice

A body that receives heat may experience Water

thermal dilation: an increase in volume
caused by a rise in temperature. This occurs
because as a body is heated, its particles
vibrate more and occupy more space.
Dilation can occur in all three states of


64 10. Forms and sources of energy

Transmission of thermal energy
Thermal energy appears only when it’s transferred from a body at a higher
temperature to another at a lower temperature. This occurs via one of three
mechanisms: conduction, convection and radiation. fluid: a substance with no fixed

shape that is able to flow easily

Conduction is the process by which thermal energy propagates through a
solid whose parts are at different temperatures. For example, if we heat one
end of a metal bar, the whole bar will get warmer, even though not all of the
bar is in contact with the heat source.
Convection is the way thermal energy is propagated in fluids1. For example,
if you heat water in a saucepan, the water at the bottom increases in
temperature and expands, becoming less dense and floating upwards.
The colder water on top sinks down. Convection generates continuous
movement in the fluid. The same process is used to heat the air in our
houses using radiators.

Radiation is the continuous emission of energy from the surface of a body

where no medium is necessary between the emitting and receiving bodies.
The greater the temperature difference between the two bodies, the
greater the energy transferred.


10. Forms and sources of energy 65

3 Electrical power and energy consumption
Electric power (P) is the rate at which electrical energy is converted into
other types of energy, that is, the energy consumed per unit of time. The SI
unit of power is the watt (W).
electrical energy E
power = ;P=
time t
The potential difference, or voltage, (V) is the energy provided by a
generator (or consumed by electrons) per unit of charge. Electrons only
flow between two points if there’s a potential difference.
energy consumed E
potential difference = ;V= ⇒E=V×q
charge q
Substituting in the expression of power, you get:

P= V×q⇒P=V×I
The kilowatt hour  T
he greater the potential difference, the more energy is transported by
On electricity bills, the energy each electron and, therefore, the greater the power delivered.
consumed is indicated in  T
he higher the current intensity, the greater the number of electrons
kilowatt hours (kWh): that pass through a component per second, therefore the power also
1 kWh = 1 000 W × 3 600 s = 3.6 × 106 J
For example, a 2 400 W hairdryer
turned on for one hour consumes
2.4 kWh of energy.
Energy efficiency
An electrical device has an energy efficiency value (ε) that indicates how
much of the energy it receives is transformed in a useful way while it’s in use:
Useful power output
ε= ×100
Total power input
For example, the energy that a bulb receives becomes light and heat, but
only the part that’s transformed into light is useful. The heat is
dissipates into the air.


66 10. Forms and sources of energy

The heating effect of electrical energy
Thanks to the effects of electric currents, it’s possible to obtain other types
of useful energy, for example, heat.
short circuit: failure in a circuit

Transformation into heat: A hair dryer or an iron transforms electrical causing excessive current or
energy into thermal energy. The thermal energy produced in an electric current flowing the wrong way.
circuit depends on: surge: sudden increase.

 the intensity of current flowing through it I; exceed: be greater than


a number or amount.
 the resistance of the conductor, R;
 the time the circuit is working for, t.
The energy transferred is explained by Joule’s first law and is expressed by
the equation:
Joule’s law: E = I2 × R × t

Elements of domestic circuits

Every home has a distribution
board to protect the entire
installation from possible
short circuits1 and sudden
surges2 in voltage or current.
In this panel, we can find:
 a
utomatic general switch
(AGS): controls the power
used, so that it doesn’t
exceed3 the power you
 r
esidual-current device
(RCD): disconnects the
electrical system in case of
installation problems.
 m
iniature circuit breaker (MCB): each MCB controls a certain circuit in
the home, such as the lights in certain rooms.


10. Forms and sources of energy 67

4 What are energy sources?
An energy source is a natural
resource from which it’s
inexhaustible: can’t be used up or
possible to obtain energy
finished. that can be transformed into
biomass: natural materials (plants,
other forms. Energy sources
trees and animals), used as fuel and are classified as renewable or
in industrial production. non-renewable, depending on
geothermal: connected with the
3 whether their original sources
natural heat of rock deep in the are replaceable in practical
ground. timeframes.

Renewables Non-renewables
The speed of regeneration of renewable The regeneration rate is much
energy sources is equal to the speed of their lower than that of consumption.
consumption, so it can be said that they’re So in the future, these sources will
inexhaustible1. be depleted.
 Hydroelectric  Wind power  Fossil fuels: coal, oil and natural
 Biomass
 Solar 2 gas

 Geothermal3  Marine  Nuclear energy

 Energy from municipal solid waste (MSW)

The most widely consumed energy sources

These graphics show the consumption of different sources of energy in the world, in Europe and in Spain.
World energy consumption Energy consumption in Europe Energy consumption in Spain
20 by type of energy source (2020) by type of energy source (2020)
1.5% 1.0%
Energy (× 1000 TWh)

15 9.0%
16.6% Hydro
10 30.3%
34.7% Solar
Other renewables 27.3%
5 Nuclear
Traditional power
4.5% stations
O 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 24.2% Pumped storage 21.6% 8.0%
Year 3.7%
Oil Coal Natural gas
Hydroelectric Nuclear Other renewables


68 10. Forms and sources of energy

Power stations
In almost all power stations, huge turbines1 linked to a generator transform
kinetic energy into electrical energy through electromagnetic induction.
turbine: a set of blades on a wheel
Power stations can be classified according to how much of the energy they that is turned by a fast-moving flow
use can be regenerated. of a liquid or gas.
Power stations using non-renewable sources/non-renewable power stations treat: to use a process to clean,

protect or preserve.
1. Fossil fuel thermal power stations: convert chemical energy → thermal
energy → mechanical energy → electrical energy.

gases water vapour

turbine pylon




pump condenser hot water

cold water tower
coal gas petroleum

Energy source: coal, oil and natural gas are sources of energy known as
fossil fuels. When burned, chemical energy is released in the form of heat,
producing water vapour that moves the turbine attached to the generator.
Advantages: can be installed anywhere; fuel is easy to transport.
Disadvantages: burning fossil fuels produces highly toxic emissions and
harmful greenhouse gases; the extraction of coal, oil and gas deposits
seriously alters the landscape.
2. Nuclear power stations: convert chemical energy → kinetic energy →
electrical energy.
Energy source: nuclear energy involves the splitting of uranium atoms in a
process called fission. This generates heat to produce steam, which is used
by a turbine generator to generate electricity.
Advantages: because nuclear power stations don’t burn fuel, they don’t
produce greenhouse gas emissions.
Disadvantages: generates radioactive waste that’s difficult to treat2; danger
of nuclear accidents.


10. Forms and sources of energy 69

Power stations that use renewable sources

dam: wall built across a river to

1 3. Hydroelectric power stations: convert potential energy → kinetic energy
stop its flow and collect water to → electrical energy.
generate electricity. Energy source: comes from the potential energy of water, stored in a dam1.
riverbed: ground under the water
As it falls, it moves turbines attached to a generator.
of river.
Advantages: don’t pollute; high performance; help regulate riverbeds2.
converge: come together to meet

at the same point. Disadvantages: large dams modify the landscape considerably; dams disturb
a river’s ecosystem.
disposal: act of getting rid of or
destroying something, especially 4. Wind power stations: convert kinetic energy → electrical energy.
Energy source: provided by the movement of the wind, which drives a wind
turbine where electric current is produced.
Advantages: wind is an inexhaustible source and doesn’t pollute the
environment; construction costs of wind farms are low.
Disadvantages: an intermittent source. Wind farms must be located
in places with regular winds. The blades only move if the wind speed is
between 5 m/s and 20 m/s. They’re visible in the landscape and the blades
may be dangerous for birds.
5. Solar power stations: convert solar energy → electrical energy.
Energy source: provided by solar radiation. There are two types:
1. Photovoltaic plants, which directly transform light into electric current.
2. Concentrating power plants, which converge3 the Sun’s energy at a single
point. The concentrated heat sets in motion a water circuit that activates
a turbine.
Advantages: don’t pollute. The Sun is an inexhaustible source of energy.
Disadvantages: depend on the weather, so they can be intermittent;
visibly alter the natural landscape; disposal4 of damaged panels may create
barrage tidal basin environmental contamination.
tide 6. Tidal power stations: convert kinetic energy → electrical energy.
Energy source: provided by the alternating sea levels produced by the tides.
Art CRX Water moves the turbines, which are attached to a generator that produces
Advantages: an inexhaustible source of energy; low cost; don’t pollute.
tide turbine Disadvantages: difficult to find suitable places to build these types of
stations; transform the coastal landscape.


70 10. Forms and sources of energy

How electrical energy is transmitted
Electrical energy, produced by a power station, is difficult to store and
therefore it must be transported directly to the places where it’s consumed,
such as industrial and urban centres. pylon: tall metal tower used for

carrying electricity cables high

The electric current produced by a power station has a much higher voltage, above the ground.
or potential difference, than what we use at home, so it has to be reduced
through various processes during transmission.

To reduce losses caused by Joule’s first

Electric current law, and to be able to use thinner cables Electric current
produced by a for long-distance transmission, electrical is transported
typical power engineers increase the potential difference by power lines
station is (220 000 V – 400 000 V) and lower the held up by large
25 000 V. current to transmit the same power. pylons1.

It reaches homes, offices, industries, educational

During its journey to
centres and urban lighting fixtures via pylons or
consumers, transformers
underground cables, up to the connection outside
(or substations) decrease
the home. At this stage, the potential difference is
the potential difference.
reduced to values between 230 V and 400 V.


10. Forms and sources of energy 71

5 The greenhouse effect and global warming
As the Earth’s surface warms by day and cools by night, some of the heat
ecosystem: biological community
1 is trapped in the atmosphere by greenhouse gases, keeping the Earth
of interacting organisms and their warm (average 14 °C). However, human activity is changing the Earth’s
physical environment. natural greenhouse effect. Burning fossil fuels adds carbon dioxide to
drought: long period of time when
2 the atmosphere, causing more warming. The consequences aren’t just
there is little or no rain. temperature increases, but also changes to the Earth’s ecosystems1.
displacement: forcing someone or
3 Climate change refers to the global variation of the Earth’s climate
something away from their home. patterns. It’s causing significant and long-lasting changes to the climate,
including temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure, wind and rainfall.
Some of the consequences of climate change are:
 rising sea levels as ice at the poles and in glaciers melts.
 i
ncreased frequency of extreme weather events, such as intense
heatwaves, prolonged droughts2, torrential rains and hurricanes. In some
areas of the planet, access to fresh water can lead to political tension
between regions and countries.
 a
n increase in the temperature of seas and oceans, which results in a loss
of biodiversity and can reduce their capacity to capture CO2, further
intensifying the effects of climate change.
 f
ewer areas of the planet covered with snow and ice.
 c
hanges in precipitation patterns. Drought is affecting more and more
territories and at the same time, more frequent floods occur in wetlands.
 t
ransformation of ecosystems due to the halting of migration of certain
species or the massive displacement3 of others.
 o
cean acidification caused by increased levels of CO2.

6 The Sustainable Development Goals

Sustainable Development Goals

On September 25, 2015, 193 countries, including Spain, committed to meeting the 17 United Nations Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030. The SDGs cover three fields of action: environmental, social and economic.


72 10. Forms and sources of energy

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