Syllabus ESOL 0352 Grammar 3
Syllabus ESOL 0352 Grammar 3
Syllabus ESOL 0352 Grammar 3
Northwest College
Office location and hours: Alief-Bissonnet Campus, 11.00-1.30pm, Tuesday and Thursday.
A passing grade in ESOL 0348 or, for incoming students, placement exam cut-offs
Course Description
A continuation of ESOL 0348, this course provides a review of essential grammatical and structural
features while introducing their finer points. Emphasis is placed on compound and complex sentence
structures and is designed to lead students toward active mastery of the patterns and principles of formal
written English.
Instructional Methods
Readings with a grammar focus
Listening activities to hear the grammar in spoken English
Writing whose purpose is to use the grammar
Student-produced dialogs using the language (pairs or groups)
Activities for spoken practice of grammar
In lab, grammar computer programs, writing activities using the grammar
In lab, grammar book exercises
Error correction exercises
Discovering or recalling the grammar from example sentences
Exercises in the textbook or on handouts
Written exercises in the textbook or on handouts
Listening exercises for grammar and pronunciation of grammar
Dialogs and written work using the grammar
Homework exercises which include on-line assignments
Instructional Materials
Grammar Sense 3 Second Edition (w/Access Code) by Susan Bland (red);
ISBN-13: 978-0-19-448916-4; Oxford (Req.)
16-Week Course
Grammar Sense 3, 2 edition 978-0-19-448916-4
(includes Online Practice Access Code)
Note: This outline may change. If it changes, you will be notified and given an updated copy.
* Exercises that are not covered in class may/may not be assigned to students to complete in the lab or
as homework. It is your responsibility to cover all exercises.
Note: Phrasal Verbs are in Appendices A-12 to A-15.
Specify assessment items and percentage breakdown. Should include unit tests, quizzes, midterm,
and final (20%).
Specify “other” items and percentage breakdown. Could include homework, Eagle Online
assignments, Computer Lab, and other specified grammar activities.
Chapter tests
Quizzes (some unannounced) on work covered in class and on homework or topics we have been
A final examination
Dictionaries and electronic devices are not allowed in tests and quizzes.
Homework is due on the next class day unless otherwise stated by the instructor.
Homework one day late will receive a grade of 50%.
Homework two days late will receive a grade of 0%.
If you are absent, you are still responsible for the homework: work missed while absent has to be
completed on your return.
Please get a classmate’s phone number, email me, or check the calendar in Engrade to find out
what you missed so that you can be prepared for class.
Missed examinations or quizzes: Please do not be absent on testing days.
Only ONE missed exam/quiz can be made up.
Students must make an appointment in the Testing Center Room 140.
Students must make up a missed exam/quiz within 72 hours of the test date to receive a grade.
Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 requires that institutions have policies and procedures that
protect students’ rights with regard to sex/gender discrimination. Information regarding these rights are on
the HCC website under Students-Anti-discrimination. Students who are pregnant and require
accommodations should contact any of the ADA Counselors for assistance. It is important that every
student understand and conform to respectful behavior while at HCC. Sexual misconduct is not condoned
Treat your classmates and teacher with respect. Use English. Make the most of your class time by
actively participating in discussions and activities. Do not use your cell phone to text during class. Turn
your cell phone to vibrate and keep it in your pocket if you are expecting an emergency call.
Use of Camera and/or Recording Devices
Use of recording devices, including camera phones and tape recorders, is prohibited in classrooms,
laboratories, faculty offices, and other locations where instruction, tutoring, or testing occurs. Students
with disabilities who need to use a recording device as a reasonable accommodation should contact the
Office for Students with Disabilities for information regarding reasonable accommodations.
Misuse of Electronic Devices in the Classroom
The use of electronic devices by students in the classroom is up to the discretion of the instructor. Any
use of such devices for purposes other than student learning is strictly prohibited. If an instructor
perceives such use as disruptive and/or inappropriate, the instructor has the right to terminate such use.
If the behavior continues, the student may be subject to disciplinary action to include removal from the
classroom or referral to the Dean of Student Services. (Please see the Attendance Policy for this class.)
Disruptive Behavior: Students who conduct themselves in a manner that significantly interferes with
college teaching, research, administration, disciplinary procedures or other authorized college activities
(including its public service functions) on the college premises will be subject to disciplinary action.
The teacher needs to:
Create a rich environment for learning and student interaction.
Give students extra learning resources in class and in lab on topics connected to the course
Make classes, projects, tests, assignments, policies, dates, and regulations clear.
Tell students about important HCC policies such as attendance and academic honesty (no
Make arrangements to be available to students when they need help or have questions.
Give help when needed
Provide grading scales and assessment.
Make a class calendar available.
To succeed in college the students need to:
Work hard, attend all classes, and be on time. Good attendance + hard work = SUCCESS
If you are absent for all or part of a class, you are responsible for contacting the instructor as
soon as possible to find out what you missed and to find out if the work can be made up.
Pay attention, listen carefully and ask questions. Listen and be respectful to other students’
Create a good learning environment. Turn off cell phones or use vibrate mode for emergencies.
No Texting in class.
Concentrate. Use English only in class time and sit next to someone who doesn’t speak your
Eat well for energy. The brain needs good food. Eat breakfast at home and lunch in break times.
Do homework. The brain learns by seeing new words and ideas many times in different ways.
Do your own work and learn. Copying from the Internet and other sources is not learning.
Have fun with English.