Engl 113
Engl 113
Engl 113
Teaching Learning Activities (TLAs) Role Playing Dialogue Interactive Activity Writing Application Review & Drill Inquiry Learning Writing Application Topic Appreciation Simulation Interview & Simulation Collaborative Learning
Integrate communication skills with different communicative situations. Demonstrate ones ability in using the different parts of speech through effective communication. Categorize phrases, clauses, and sentences according to their kinds and uses. Have a sensible judgment to the importance of acquiring effective communication skills to ones success in life. Show a higher level of social interaction with others through the application of the learned skills.
Oral Presentation Communicative Activities Written Exercises Mastery Tests Written Exercises Mastery Tests Inquiry & Interview Personal /Self Assessment Oral Presentation Mastery Tests
T I P - V P A A - 0 0 1 Revision Status/Date:
T I P - V P A A - 0 0 1 Revision Status/Date:
No. of hours
18 hrs.
18 hrs.
T I P - V P A A - 0 0 1 Revision Status/Date:
18 hrs
Javier, Deborah A. and Balcoba, Alexander C. (2011). English Grammar, the Easier Way (Work text) Celce-Murcia, Marianne. (2008) An ESL/EFL Teachers Guide Ed Swick. (2009). English Sentence Builder; Mark Lester. (2009). English Grammar Drills De los Reyes, Rodolfo. (2008). Watch Your English Grammar At Your Fingertips
T I P - V P A A - 0 0 1 Revision Status/Date:
Grading Sy ste The following are components of the Class Standing m whenever applicable:
Attendance is a requirement. Try to be in class every meeting and on time as much as possible. Your grade will be affected if poor attendance is made. All papers/assignments/projects must be handed in at the beginning of the class session, or on the date agreed upon. No late assignments/projects will be accepted unless prior arrangements have been made with the instructor/professor. The classroom is a place of civility. There will be presentations of lectures by the instructor/professor and by the students. Your active participation is highly encouraged. Material from presentations, and issues brought up in class will be covered on the exam. You will get more out of the course if you consistently keep up with the readings. Waiting to do the readings before exams invariably results in poor exam grades. Being unprepared to discuss the issues of the class meeting also results in poor participation grades. Academic integrity standards will be strictly enforced. Plagiarism or cheating on exams will result in a failing grade for the course. Time Management and Getting through This Course. Please devote enough time to your studies to do quality work. Classroom Behavior and a Positive Learning Environment. The classroom is a place of discoverytrying out new ways of learning about the world. Any behavior that detracts from that process will not be tolerated.
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