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ADBMS Board QPaper

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DEC 04 Q1 is compulsory Answer any 4 out of the remaining 6. Answer all sub questions together. 1.

a Explain the following with suitable example : i. Sub-class/super-class. ii. Specialization/Generalization. iii. Inheritance. 15 1.b Explain in brief "Storage of XML data." 5 2.a 2.b Compare the contrast RDBMS, OODBMS, ORDBMS. What are the main reasons for and potential advantages of distributed databases? Explain them in brief. 10 10 3.a Explain ORDBMS with reference toi. Representing multi valued attributes using VARRAY. ii. Nested tables. 12 3.b Discuss how time is represented in temporal databases and compare the differ ent time dimensions. 8 4.a Explain the following w.r.t XMLi. Querying XML data ii. Semi structured data model. 12 4.b Explain in brief w.r.t ORDBMS the implementation issues for Enhanced type systems. 8 5.a What do you mean by data fragmentation? Why is fragmentation a useful concep t in distributed database design? Explain in brief horizontal and vertical fragmentation. 12 5.b Describe in brief, the design and implementation issues for Active databases . 8 6 Consider the university database that keeps track of student and their mayor's , transcripts, registration and the University course. Several sections of each co urse are offered and each section is related to the instructor who is teaching. It al so keeps track of the sponsored research projects of faculty and graduate students of the academic departments of the particular college. The database also keeps trac k of research grants and contracts awarded to the University. A grant is related t o one principle investigator and to all researchers it support. i. Give the EER diagram. ii. Design object oriented Database schemes by EER to OO Mapping. 20 7.a Refer the Q. No.6 to answer the following queries in OQL. i. Retrieve the names of all students who completed the course called "ADBMS".

ii. Retrieve the names of all departments in the college of Engineering. iii. Display the name of the faculty member who is teaching any section of a course that is offered by the Computer Department, Provided that the section is taken by at least one graduate student who is an research associates. 10 7.b What are the software components in a client server DDBMS? Compare the twotier and three-tier client server architecture. 10

MAY 05 Q1 is compulsory Answer any 4 out of the remaining 6. Answer all sub questions together. 1. You have to design and implement a database that manages information about publishers, authors, and books. Some information includes: A publisher has a name and an address for the headquarters. Each publisher also has a set of branches, each branch having an address and two phone numbers. An author has a name and an address; A book is published by n publisher and has a list of authors associated with it. An author can publish several books and a book can be published by at most one publisher. i. Draw an Extended Entity-Relationship diagram. 5 ii. Specify an object-relational database schema that suitably represents the above properties. Use object-relational features (user-defined data types, object tables, references, nested tables) whenever suitable. Use SQL 3. 10 iii. Write a SQL 3 query for the following query: List the name of the author who has published the most books with publisher "McGraw Hill". 5 2.a 2.b Compare and contrast 2 tier and 3 tier client-server architecture. Consider an airline database that keeps track of passenger reservations on different flights. Design Object Oriented schema for the system. 10 10 3 University of Mumbai wants to put up its database of exam results for the past 20 years onto the web. i. Discuss the design such a web database. 10 ii. Describe XML schemas for the database. 10 4.a Consider the global schema: PATIENT (Number, Name, SSN, Amount(_Due, Dept, Doctor, Med_treatment) DEPARTMENT(Dept, Location, Director) STAFF (Staffnumi, Director, Task) i. Show 2 examples of horizontal fragmentation ii. Show 2 examples of vertical fragmentation iii. Show 2 examples of derived fragmentation 15 4.b Describe in brief the design and implementation issues for mobile databases. 5 5.a 5.b Describe with example applications the need for relational object end object relational databases. Compare and contrast the object and the relational data models. 10 10 6 Explain the-following concepts with examples: i. Object Identity (OID) ii. Type constructor iii. Persistent data types iv. Accessor functions (GET and SET) 20

7 Write detailed notes on i. Spatial Databases ii. Mobile Database. 20

DEC 05 Q1 is compulsory Answer any 4 out of the remaining 6. Answer all sub questions together. 1.a Explain the following with suitable example: i. Semi Structured data model ii. Constraints of specialization and generalization. iii. Relationship types of degree higher than two EER model. 10 1.b Explain inverse reference with respect to OODB. 10 2.a 2.b Explain query processing and optimization with respect to object relational databases. Write a detailed note on active databases. 10 10 3.a Draw and explain architecture of parallel database with suitable examples. 1 0 3.b Explain following operations with respect to distributed databases: i. Query evaluation ii. Sorting iii. Joins. 10 4.a Explain the need of temporal databases with a clear design example. 10 4.b Explain following operations with respect to distributed databases: i. Persistence ii. Object Identifier iii. Object Structure 10 5 ABC Engg. College is graded A College, It has five departments. The department s are headed by senior most and qualified faculty. The placement of final year students from all branches is managed by placement center. Placement center is managed by one of the faculty from any department. The teaching load of that faculty is zero. To assist placement center head, there are placement secretarie s (whose teaching load is 13) from each department along with placement assistance from students (selected by placement center) of all five departments. Placement center is responsible for on-campus and off-campus recruitment of students. The placement process requires students resume and relevant documents along with the approval from the placement center. Companies invited on campus conduct tests followed y interviews. The criteria of selection depend on academic performance and interview. For off-campus placements, placement center head must accompany students to the venue. i. Draw EER diagram. ii. Draw Class diagram iii. Write 5 suitable queries in OQL. 20 6.a Differentiate between XML DTD and XML Schema with suitable code example. 10 6.b Write detailed note on i. Special databases. ii. Mobile databases. 10 7.a 7.b Explain deductive database with suitable example.

Explain Geographical Information System. 10 10

MAY 06 Q1 is compulsory Answer any 4 out of the remaining 6. Answer all sub questions together. 1.a 1.b What are the software components in a client-server architecture DDBMS. Compare and contrast 2 tier and 3 tier client-server architecture. What do you mean by data fragmentation? Why is fragmentation a useful concept in distributed database design? Explain in brief horizontal, hybrid and vertical fragmentation. 10 10 2.a 2.b Differentiate between CSS, DTD and schema w.r.t XML. How internationalization support is provided in XML. Explain XPATH. University of Mumbai wants to put up its centralized database of engineering admission results of the last 5 years on the web. Describe the XML schema design of the database. 10 10 3.a 3.b Consider an airline database that keeps track of passenger reservations on different flights. Design Object Oriented schema for the system. Explain ORDBMS with reference toiii. Representing multi valued attributes using VARRAY. iv. Nested tables. 10 10 4.a 4.b Explain the design and implementation issues in mobile databases. Comment on their limitations. Discuss how time is represented in temporal databases and compare the different time dimensions. 10 10 5.a 5.b Explain deductive databases w.r.t need, storage, optimization and querying. Explain GIS w.r.t need, storage, optimization and querying. 10 10 6.a 6.b Write a detailed note on active databases. Write a short note on SQL-3 specification. 10 10 7.a 7.b Explain concurrency control and recovery in distributed databases. Write a detailed note on persistent programming languages. 10 10

DEC 06 Q1 is compulsory Answer any 4 out of the remaining 6. Answer all sub questions together. 1 Consider the University database that keeps track of students and their majors , transcripts, registration and University courses. Several sections of each cours e are offered and each section is related to an instructor who is teaching. It als o keeps track of the sponsored research projects of faculty and graduate students of academic departments of a particular college. The database also keeps track of the research grants and contracts awarded to the university. A grant is related to one principal investigator and all researchers it supports. Draw EER diagram. 5 Design Object Oriented Database by EER to OO mapping. 5 Write OQL for the following queries: i. Retrieve the name of all students who have completed the course ADBMS . ii. Retrieve the name of all departments in the college of engineering. iii. Display the name of the faculty member who is teaching any 10

section of a course that is offered by the IT department provided that the section is taken by at least one graduate student who is a research associate. iv. Name the research group which has secured the highest grant. v. List the research projects along with the principal investigator and other researchers. 2.a What is the difference between structured, semi-structured and unstructured data? Write about self describing data. 5 2.b Write XML schema for MU exam results. Consider all branches of engineering. Also consider all colleges of engineering. Clearly show the relations and constraints in database schema. 15 3.a 3.b Clearly explain temporal database with suitable design example. Also show explicitly how OO concepts are implemented in temporal databases. Write 5 queries in TSQL 2 with suitable example. 10 10 4.a 4.b Explain important concepts related to spatial databases. Show how GIS is developed from spatial data. Write 5 questions using spatial concepts with suitable design example. 10 10 5.a 5.b Explain object structure in detail. Explain with suitable examples OO concepts related to complex objects. 10 10 6.a Explain different types of transparencies in distributed databases. Also lis t advantages and disadvantages of distributed databases. 10 6.b Consider the following relations: BOOKS(book#, primary author, topic, total stock, $ price) BOOKSTORE(store#, city, state, zip, inventory value) STOCK(store#, book#, quantity) i. Give 2 simple examples of predicates that would be meaningful for the horizontal partitioning of the BOOKSTORE relation. ii. How would a horizontal derived partitioning of STORE be defined based on the partitioning of BOOKSTORE? iii. Show predicates by which BOOKS may be horizontally partitioned by topic. iv. Show how STOCKS may be further partitioned from the partition in (ii) by adding the predicates in (iii). 10 7 Write short notes on: i. SQL 3 standard ii. XPATH iii. XQUERY iv. Concepts related to pointers in object oriented databases. 20 MAY 07

1. Q1 is compulsory 2. Answer any 4 out of the remaining 6. 3. Answer all sub questions together. 1. Explain with example i. Object identity ii. Persistent data type iii. Subclass/super class iv. Complex objects 20 2.a What is the difference between structured, semi structured and unstructured data? What do you understand by the term self describing data? 10

2.b Assume your College wants to display the results of all four years of engg. Of all depts. Along with the percentage of passing. Write XML schema design for the database. 10 3.a Consider a banking system where each bank has multiple branches and each branch can have multiple accounts and loans. i. Draw an EER diagram ii. Design Object Oriented Database schema for same. iii. Using OQL retrieve the names of all customers having a loan amount more than 2 lakh. 12 3.b Explain with respect to ORDBMS representation of multi valued attributes usi ng VARRAY. 8 4.a Explain what are the main reasons for and potential advantages of distribute d databases. 10 4.b What do you mean by data fragmentation? Why is fragmentation useful in distributed database? Explain in brief different types of fragmentation. 10 5.a 5.b Explain in brief the design and implementation issues for mobile databases. Discuss how time is represented in temporal databases and compare different time dimensions. 10 10 6.a Explain the differences in brief i. Row level and statement level active rules ii. Immediate. deferred and detached consideration of active rules condition iii. Taking the example of company database write an active rule which deletes all. Project tuples from the project database once the name of employees deleted from the employee database. 12 6.b Differentiate between XML, XML schema and DTD with an example. 8 7 Short notes on any 2: i. Deductive databases, ii. Mobile databases iii. Spatial databases iv. Persistent programming languages. 20 DEC 07 1. Q1 is compulsory 2. Answer any 4 out of the remaining 6. 3. Answer all sub questions together. 1. Blood bank is a critical entity in providing required type of blood to the pa tient at critical time. Their data base keeps the track of the inventory of the blood, to gether with relevant information like blood group , date received, location, date of ex piry donor etc. The database keeps information such as name address and telephone number of

other blood bank in the area. The reason for doing so is to get blood of a parti cular type from other banks in case of emergency. Information about donor is recorded as well. Donors are classified in to occasional and regular donors. For the regu lar donors, the database keeps information such as identification number, blood type and history of blood donation. A list of health care provider in the area along with the information such as ad dress telephone number etc is kept. The health care providers are the customers of the 20

blood bank. They keep track of the blood transaction performed. These transactions are classified into normal transaction and unexpected transactions (for e.g. motor accident during the holiday season). The reason for keeping the track of unexpected transaction is to use this information in estimating the ext ra amount of blood to keep in the inventory for each age group during the upcoming holiday season. i. Draw an extended E-R diagram for the system. ii. Draw an object oriented schema iii. Take two typical Queries and write them in OQL 2.a 2.b Explain the concept of nested relation in ORDBMS with example. Compare and contrast RDBMS, OOBMS & ORDBMS. 10 10 3.a 3.b Describe different architecture for parallel database. Explain the different type of transparencies in distributed databases and also l ist the advantages and disadvantages of distributed database. 10 10 4.a Consider the global schema: Patient (number, name ssn, amount due date, doctor, med treatment) Department (dept, location, doctor) Staff (staff no., director, and task) i. Show 2 examples of horizontal fragmentation ii. show 2 examples of vertical fragmentation 10 4.b Write XML schema for Mumbai university exam results. Assume few colleges and few branches of engineering. 10 5.a 5.b Explain in brief deductive database schema Geographical information system detailed note 10 10 6 Explain with example i. object identity ii. transient and persistent object iii. specialization and generalization iv. sub class and super class 20 7 Short notes on (any 4) i. XPATH ii. XQUERY iii. Persistent programming language iv. SQL3 standard v. Mobile database 20 MAY 08 1. Q1 is compulsory 2. Answer any 4 out of the remaining 6. 3. Answer all sub questions together.

1.a 1.b Explain the following terms i. Data ii. Database iii. Database management system iv. SQL v. OQL Consider a banking system where each bank has multiple branches and each branch can have multiple accounts and loans. i. Draw an EER diagram ii. Design Object Oriented Database schema for same. 5 15

iii. Using OQL retrieve the names of all customers having a loan amount more than 2 lakh. 2.a 2.b What is the difference between structured, semi structured and unstructured data ? What do you understand by the term self describing data? Differentiate between XML, DTD, and XML schema with an example. 10 10 3.a What do you mean by data fragmentation? Why is fragmentation useful in distributed database? Explain in brief different types of fragmentation. 10 3.b Explain various types of transparencies in distributed databases and also ex plain concurrency control and recovery in distributed databases. 10 4.a 4.b Explain design and implementation issues in mobile databases. Comment on limitations Explain need of temporal databases with a clear design example. 10 10 5.a Compare and contrast the object and relational data models 10 5.b Explain ORDBMS with reference to i. Representing multi valued attributes using VARRAY ii. Nested tables 10 6.a Explain deductive databases with respect to need, storage, optimization and queries. 10 6.b University of Mumbai wants to put up its database of central admissions resu lts of engg. For the past 5 yrs on the web. Describe the XML schema design for the database. 10 7 Short notes on any four:i. Object identity ii. Persistent data type iii. Sub class/super class iv. Complex objects v. Spatial databases vi. GIS (Geographical Information System) 20

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