Mapeh PRC Let Reviewer
Mapeh PRC Let Reviewer
Mapeh PRC Let Reviewer
2. Unlike adults and older children, children up 6. Physical Education traces its origins in.
to the age of 7 are unable to understand
coaching instructions, rules or strategies, or to a. ancient Greek belief in a sound mind in a
contemplate doing two things at the same sound body
time. Which theory explains this?
b. ancient Olympic Games
a. Kolb’s learning style
c. PE movement in Europe (end of
b. Bandura’s social cognitive theory (self- Renaissance era) that centered around
efficacy) gymnastics and calisthenics
c. Piaget’s theory of cognitive development d. military training and preparation for war.
(preoperational stage of thinking)
7. In the attribution motivation theory
d. Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences (Weiner), teachers would most prefer their
(bodily-kinesthetic intelligence) students to ____.
a. Improving the cognitive, affective (socio- b. body management, locomotor and non-
emotional) and psychomotor capacities of locomotor and object control or manipulative
students through physical activities. skills that enable students to perform a variety
pf physical activities
b. Teaching the knowledge, skills and values
for students to live a healthy lifestyle now and c. games, sports, rhythms and dance that lead
in the future to improved fitness and maintenance of good
c. Improving the physical fitness of all
students, regardless of individual differences d. fundamental movement, motor and activity
in abilities and backgrounds. specific skills and equip students for an active
d. Promote physical fitness and health that
complements the rest of the school 9. Perseverance is most likely to be
curriculum encouraged by physical education activities
that ______.
5. What is the most important factor that
contributes to the decline of PE recently? a. are challenging, yet within the reach of
students’ capabilities
b. allow students to experience both success a. Definitely yes
and failure so they strive to do their best
every time b. Definitely no
c. extremely challenging, requiring a high c. Maybe
degree of skill
d. No. The curriculum has nothing to do with
d. extremely easy in order to obtain many food services.
opportunities for positive feedback
15. Read the following.
10. After completing their personal fitness
assessments, the teacher asks each student to Our vocational high school students, with the
write down an individual fitness goal and support of staff members, organize the clean-
three possible ways to achieve this, Which is up of the barangay, as well as beautifying our
the primary benefit of this activity? school grounds. The Home Economics
curriculum devotes several hours to heath,
a. It allows the student the opportunity to including safety, personal curriculum devotes
focus either on an area of strength or several hours to health, including safety,
weakness. personal hygiene, sanitation, food-borne
illnesses, menu planning, and nutrition. Our
b. It minimize student resistance to participate newest endeavor is an attempt to bridge the
in efforts to improve fitness. gap between our students and the elderly by
inviting several senior citizens to lunch at our
c. It gives the student greater individual student-operated restaurant each month.
responsibility for his/her own learning and They are accompanied by students and
fitness. welcomed to tour our facilities.
18. The skill is the first demonstrated and then c. Spatial d. Interpersonal
practiced from start to finish. It helps the
learner to get a feel for the skill, timings and 4. When do the PE students need their bodily-
end product. Which practice method is kinesthetic intelligence? When they
a. run, kick, throw, and catch
a. Progressive part method
b. anticipate trajectories of flying balls
b. Part method
c. discuss game strategy
c. Whole method
d. keep score and calculate angles
d. Whole-part-whole method
5. Which of the multiple intelligences is
19. Which is best used for fast skills which needed when the PE students orients himself
cannot easily be separated into sub-parts, to the playing field?
such as a javelin throw?
a. Interpersonal intelligence
a. Whole method
b. Spatial intelligence
b. Part method
c. Intrapersonal intelligence
c. Progressive part method
d. Existential intelligence
d. Whole-part-whole method
6. A PE student uses his linguistic intelligence
20. The parts of the skill are practiced in when
isolation which is useful for complicated and
serial skills and is good for maintaining a. discusses game strategy, read rule
motivation and focusing on specific elements
of the skill. Which practice method is b. calculates angles of release for throwing
described? and kicking
a. Whole-part-whole method c. uses rhythm when running
b. Whole method d. works with teammates
c. Progressive part method 7. Which intelligence of the MAPEH student is
challenged when he works with others of
d. Part method varying skills levels and abilities?
a. Intrapersonal intelligence
Record your food intake over a period of three b. The students answer written test on
days (at least one of the days needs to be a theories and principles.
Saturday or Sunday). Record what you eat,
how much, when, and where. Evaluate your c. The students conduct research and presents
food intake by comparing it to the Dietary research report.
Guidelines for Filipinos and Food Guide
Pyramid. Determine what nutritional goals d. The students take a test on research.
you should set based on your evaluation of
your food intake and make plan for reaching 18. MAPEH as a subject is focused on skills.
those goals. You will expect assessment to have ________.
Which type of assessment task is this? a. more performance tests and product
a. Constructed response b. less performance tests and more product
b. Performance task c. more product and less performance tests
c. Product d. no written tests
d. Traditional 19. Is the written test form part of assessment
a. Yes 7. In which of the following cases is the batter
b. No.
a. The call against the batter is strike 2 and he
c. Yes, if MAPEH teacher is highly traditional hits and misses the next ball which is caught
by the catcher.
d. It depends on how the MAPEH teacher
teaches. b. The call against the batter is strike 1 and he
tips the next ball which goes straight to the
20. An effective assessment practice is catcher at shoulder height and he holds the
multidimensional. How is this applied in ball.
c. There is no runner on base 1 and when the
a. Assessment sticks to authentic tests. ball is hit, a runner on base 2 runs to Base 3
where he arrives after the ball has been
b. The written test combines objective and received by third baseman who does not tag
essay tests. him.
c. Assessment is done withe the use of varied d. The call against the batter is ball 3, Strike 2
tools and tasks. and he hits the next ball into the infield and it
rolls onto foul territory between home and
d. Assessment excludes traditional tests. first base.
8. When does batter receive a free base of
(MAPEH Part 4) a. After 3 strikes
1. Which is the most important throws in b. After 4 balls
c. after hitting 2 fouls
a. Overarm b. Sidearm
d. When he hits an infield fly
c. Underarm d. Pitch
9. Before pitching, a pitcher must _______.
2. Which of the following players usually
covers a play to first base? a. have both feet on the plate
a. Left fielder b. Short stop b. have one foot touching the plate
c. Right fielder. d. Pitcher c. hold the ball in front in one hand
3. Which player usually covers home plate d. have both feet together on the plate
when the catcher leaves it to field a ball?
10. Which of the following be called “ball”?
a. The pitcher b. 1st baseman
a. The ball passes over the home plate level
c. 3rd baseman d. short stop with the batter’s waist.
4. A ball that is not swung at, but which is b. The ball is struck at by the batter and
purposely tapped slow into the infield is called missed.
c. The ball passes over the home plate level
a. strike b. a ball with the batter’s knee.
c. a foul d. a bunt d. The ball passes over the home plate level
with the batter’s armpit
5. What is the most important in batting?
11. What is the formula used to determine the
a. To keep eyes on the ball number of games for single elimination?
b. To swing hard a. G=N-1 b. N(N-1)
c. To swing bat on a level plane c. G=2(N-1) d. G=2(1-N)
d. To swing only at good pitches 12. How many byes are there in a tournament
with (9) participating teams using single
6. To which base is a runner always forced? elimination?
a. Home base b. 2nd Base a. 3 b. 1
c. 1st Base d. 3rd base c. 2 d. 0
13. Which is TRUE of the deep catch stroke? II. Involves frog kicking alternates with a
simultaneous movement of the arms from a
I. More efficient and effective than the sculling point in front of a head to shoulder level.
III. When swimming competitively, the
II. Has the deep catch freestyle of a paddle swimmer’s head must be kept above the
surface of the water at all times.
III. The arm action resembles that of the
paddle a. I, II and III b. II and III
c. I only d. II and III 19. Which is swimming that uses any stroke?
II. The arm action resembles that of a paddle 20. Which is NOT TRUE of backstroke?
III. More efficient and effective than the deep a. Done in a prone position
catch stroke
b. Done in a supine position
a. I only b. I, II and III
c. Involves alternate over-the-head arm
c. II only d. I and II strokes and a flutter kick Dog Paddle
7. At the end of a quarter, you give an end-of- III. Ensure that his/her preferred team
the-quarter culminating activity. What kind of performs best
assessment is this?
a. I and II b. II only
a. Direct b. Summative test
c. III only d. I only
c. Formative test d. Indirect
16. Which is/ are preventive forms of
8. For Art Subject, a culminating activity in the officiating? takes two forms.
form of art exhibits is the most appropriate.
Under which type of assessment is do exhibits I. One is helping players avoid technical
fall? violations.
a. Performance b. Summative II. Notifying a player not to commit a foul.
c. Product d. Formative III. Resolving a fight between the teams.
9. Assessment for learning in MAPEH refers to a. I and II b. I only
________ assessment.
c. III only d. II only
a. product b. formative
17. What skills are included in sports
c. Summative d. performance management?
10. Assessment of learning in MAPEH refers to I. Planning
________ assessment.
II. Organizing
a. formative b. product
III. Directing
c. Summative d. performance
IV. Controlling
11. To ensure objectivity of scoring in MAPEH,
which is necessary? a. I, II, III and IV b. I and II
a. Scoring rubric c. II and III d. I, II and III
b. Scope of the test 18. Which type of tournament format is the
easiest and fastest way to declare a winner?
c. Table of Specifications
a. Single Elimination b. Double Elimination
d. Right minus wrong policy
c. Round Robin d. Double Round
12. Which of the practical test that we used to Robin
do in Physical Education classes?
19. If length of practice is inversely
a. Performance test b. Drill test proportional to number of mistakes
committed in a choral rendition, this means
c. Product assessment d. exhibit that the practice was ______.
13. You want to know if your students in a. neutral in impact b. quite long
Music can now read notes? Which should you
use? c. ineffective d. effective
a. Performance test b. Indirect test 20. You want to study how much importance
schools give to MAPEH as a subject. How will
c. Product d. Traditional test you gather data?
14. You want to test your Health students’ I. Study documents that bear time allotment
mastery of the Basic food Groups. Which of subjects
should you use?
a. Authentic test b. Summative test
II. Interview teachers and school heads on hands, with the arms straight and the body
their perceptions on the importance of vertical.
MAPEH as a subject
a. Head Stand b. Shoulder Stand
III. Gather data on how many MAPEH related
activities are organized c. Arm Stand d. Hand Stand
a. II and III b. I, II and III 8. It is a body position, in which the back is
curved backwards, the chest is open and the
c. I and II d. I and III body takes on a convex shape.
a. Arch Back b. Eagle Jump
2. What is the most popular recreational style 10. Dance term in which both arms at sides
and thought to be the oldest of all swimming and bent at the elbows so that the forearms
strokes? are parallel to the head, palms facing inwards.
16. The following are paintings of Victorio C. 2. What should you use to ensure a more
Edades EXCEPT ______. objective assessment of performance?
19. Which is considered the most beautiful c. Yes for skill-based items.
and amazing paint that Fernando Amorsolo
did? d. No, always authentic assessment.
a. Rice Plating 7. At the end of a quarter, you give an end of
the quarter culminating activity, What kind of
b. Corner of the Hell assessment is this?
20. Fernando Amorsolo painted the following. 8. For art subject, a culminating activity in the
Afternoon Meal of the Workers (Noonday form of art exhibits falls?
Meal of the Rice Workers) (1939), Dalagang
Bukid (1936), Early Filipino State Wedding and a. Performance b. Summative
the First Baptism in the Philippines. These
prove that Amorsolo was a paint _____. c. Product d. Formative
a. children b. rural landscape 9. Assessment for learning in MAPEH refers to
______ assessment.
c. men d. the exploited
a. productive b. formative
c. summative d. perfomance
(MAPEH Part 9)
10. Assessment of learning in MAPEH refers to I. Planning
_____ assessment.
II. Organizing
a. formative b. product
III. Directing
c. Summative d. performance
IV. Controlling
11. To ensure objectivity of scoring in MAPEH,
which is necessary? a. I, II, III and IV b. I and II
a, Scoring rubric c. II and III d. I, II and III
b. Scope of the test 18. Which type of tournament format is the
easiest and fastest way to declare winner?
c. Table of specification
a. Single Elimination
d. Right minus wrong policy
b. Double Elimination
12. Which of the practical test that we used to
do in Physical Education classes? c. Round Robin
a. Performance b. Drill test d. Double Round Robin
c. Product assessment d. exhibit 19. If the practices is inversely proportional to
number of mistakes committed in choral
13. You want to know if your students in rendition, this means that the practice was
music can now read notes? Which should you ______.
a. neutral impact b. quite long
a. Performance test b. Indirect test
c. ineffective d. effective
c. Product d. Traditional test
20. You want to study how much important
14. You want test your Health student’s schools give to MAPEH as a subject. How will
mastery of the Basic Food Groups. Which you gather data?
should you use?
I. Study documents that bear time allotment
a. Authentic test b. Summative test of subjects
c. Formative test d. Written test II. Interview teachers and schools heads on
their perceptions on the importance of the
15. Which are the responsibilities of a coach? MAPEH Subjects.
I. Developing participants’ physical and III. Gather data on how many MAPEH related
psychological fitness of athletes activities are organized
II. Providing the best possible practical a. III only b. I, II and III
conditions in order to maximize athletes
performance c. I and II d. II only
III. Ensure that his/ her preferred team
perform best.
(MAPEH Part 10)
a. I and II b. II only
1. In teaching contemporary art you draw
c. III only d. I only connection between art and other subject and
important issues in society. Which approach in
16. Which is/ are preventive forms of teaching art is applied?
officiating? Takes two forms.
a. Collaborative b. Interdisciplinary
I. One is helping players to avoid violations.
c. Contemporary d. Reflective
II. Notifying a player not to be continued a
foul. 2. If in you Art class you are occupied with
philosophical discussion such as creating art
III. Resolving a fight between the teams. that questions life and reality, discussion on
religion, discussion of good and evil, creating
a. I and III b. I only religious art with which of the multiple
intelligences are you occupied?
c. III only d. II only
a. Spatial b. Interpersonal
17. What skills are include in sport
management? c. Existential d. Intrapersonal
3. In your ART class your encourage children a. When he makes use of different teaching
to tell you how they feel before the end of the activities
period by sketching smiley or lonely face or
whatever is appropriate. You practice cater to b. When he allows students to do their own
which of the multiple intelligence? thing
a. Existential b. Intrapersonal c. When he proposes for homogenous
c. Spatial d. Interpersonal
d. When he gives attention to the most
4. When do the PE students need their bodily- dominant MI group
kinesthetic intelligence? when they
10. Health teachers make use of art and music
a. run kick, throw and catch to impart health care messages, Which
approach do they?
b. anticipate trajectories of flying balls
a. Inquiry-based b. Integrated
c. discuss game strategy
c. Collaboration d. Problem-based
d. keep score and calculate
11. Which practices goes with authentic
5. Which of the multiple intelligence I needed assessment?
when the PE student orients himself to the
playing field? a. Make student play volleyball to determine if
they learned how play volleyball
a. Interpersonal Intelligence
b. Make student recite the do’s and don’ts of
b. Spatial Intelligence player volleyball
d. No. The curriculum has nothing to do with c. Follow up children’s eating habit at home.
food service.
d. Inspect packed lunch to ensure that
children eat healthy food.
Our vocational high school, with the support 19. Teacher A make it a point to give the song
of the staff members organize the clean-up of its historical background before teaching it to
the barangay, as well as beautifying our school the class. On which principle of the music
grounds. The Home Economics curriculum education is her practice based?
devotes several hours to health, including
safety, personal hygiene, sanitation, food- a. Music is an opportunity to each moral and
borne illness, menu planning and nutrition. spiritual values.
Our newest endeavor is an attempt to bridge
the gap between our students and the elderly b. Music is an opportunity for self-expression
by inviting several senior citizen to lunch at through a group activity.
our student-operated restaurant each month.
The are accompanied by the students and c. Music offers an opportunity for
welcome to tour our facilities. understanding other people and their
15. What does this prove?
d. Music is a means to teach the duties of
I. Health can be taught and learned in many citizenship.
different class rooms and discipline
20. It is said that when Filipinos abroad sing
II. An Effective health education is integrative “Bayan ko” the feeling to come home and
in approach. serve the country is heightened. What does
this tell about music?
III. An effective health education is integrative
in approach. a. Music is an opportunity for self-expression.
b. apply inhale and exhale technique 16. Strep throat is commonly found in the
school setting. Which is the best way to
c. provide medication prevent the spread of disease?
11. Joe is being selected as a class officer in his b. Student with sore throat should be
school and being an officer he has so many excluded from school until fever and soar
responsibilities to do. Although anxiety is throat are gone for twenty-four to forty eight
produced, it helps him become more effective hours.
c. Allow the students to drink plenty of fluids d. How to personal health care promote
overall wellness
d. Complete bed rest and good condition
2. Which of the following statements is the
17. Which of the following statement should a best strategy for teacher to explain how
teacher keep in mind about a child having proper care of the body can influence growth
sickle cell anemia in the classroom? and development?
a. Provide some activity such as games, a. Prepare a handout that list each body
handicrafts, and music in which the child can system and three health practices that affect
excel to gain acceptance with the peer group. it.
b. Do not allow the students to participate in b. Divide the class into six groups, each
physical exercises and other strenuous representing a different body system with the
activity. exception of the reproductive system.
c. Teacher should be aware of the emotional c. Provide students with poster board, and ask
and social need of the student. the students to make a collage of people with
diverse body types and habits that may
d. Let the student understand his condition influence body functioning.
18. Which of the following is not a statute of d. Provide students with handouts containing
Republic Act 9288 or Newborn Screening incomplete statements.
(NBS)act of 2004:
3. Pimples, white heads, blackheads, and acne
a. Every baby born in the Philippines must are the result of _____.
undergo NBS
a. germ found in the layer of the epidermis
b. A sustainable NBS system within the public
health delivery system must be established b. overly active secretion of oil glands in the
c. All health practitioners must be aware of
NBS c. overexposure to the sun
1. The most positive way health teacher can d. Desk should be appropriate in height to
help students see the importance of personal allow both feet to touch the floor
health care as a desirable choice is to increase
their awareness of _____. 6. Children who continually pull on their ears
or seem to have NO balance and equilibrium
a. The negative consequences of not should be referred to an ______.
practicing good habits
a. otologist b. ophalmologist
b. Ways to take care of their senses
c. dermatologist d. orthodontist
c. The enormous responsibility of parents
7. Teaching students how to soak his her
hands or feet in warm water for at least 5
minutes is very important because soaking a. to wash your face twice a day with a gentle
_____. non-foaming cleanser and warm water.
a. soaking helps remove bacteria b. to use toner to help with that tight and
flaky feeling
b. softens their skins
c. not to use moisturizer
c. softens the nail and make them easier to
trim d. to exfoliate
d. relax both his hands or feet 14. A neighbor complains that his children
often have diarrhea. What is the best advise
8. The use of cucumber in your eyelids before you can give him?
going to sleep at night will help _____.
a. Clean the house regularly with
a. pupils dilate disinfectants.
b. enhance sleeping habits b. Do not give the children food bought from
street vendors.
c. prevent puffiness
c. Tell the children to was their hands properly
d. prevent eye damage and regularly
9. If a person has a seizure while bathing d. Throw the garbage in the proper bins
which of the following procedures should immediately
come first?
15. The “ossicles” are found in _____.
a. Follow the first aid steps for the seizure.
a. throat b. ear
b. Start the water draining from the tub.
c. vertebral column d. ankle
c. Call other staff for assistance
16. Which is TRUE od tinea flava?
d. Immediately protect and support the head.
a. Tincture of iodine
10. Ears are special part of our body and like
any other organs, we should take care good of b. Kind of intestinal parasite
them. Which of the following is the safest way
to clean your ears? c. Loss of taste
a. Use cotton swabs. d. A fungal skin infection
b. Clean your ears once a week. 17. Which eye defect is most common
associated with aging?
c. be gentle in cleaning your ears.
a. Myopia b. Presbyopia
d. Clean your ears with wash clothes using
finger c. Astigmatism d. Conjunctivitis
11. A person who able to see more than one 18. Green leafy vegetables belong to which
side of an issue and exhibits good time- group?
management skill is said to posses _____
wellness. a. Go foods b. Grow foods
a. Occupational b. Social c. Glow foods d. Body-building foods
c. Intellectual d. Emotional 19. Which among the following has the
highest dietary fiber content?
12. What healthy alternative can one do avoid
smoking? a. 1 cup of cooked sweet corn
a. Hangout with smoking groups b. 1 medium-sized raw carrot
b. Try one puff to be part of the group c. 1 medium-sized banana
c. Join sports club and organizations d. 1 cup of lentils (“patani”)
d. Be friendly to smokers 20. Which is the best way to manage
diabetes? Help the patient by _____.
13. If your skin is oily then you are prone to
pimples, blackheads and white heads. The a. motivating him/her to look for experimental
best way to treat oily skin is _____. options
b. recognize his/her situation as one shared by 1. Check the pulse for signs of life
many of his/her peers
2. Begin mouth-to-mouth resuscitation on
c. allowing him/her to anticipate the dietary land, if possible, o in the water if injured
effects and exercise choices of his/her health persons needs immediate life-and-death
d. by assisting him/her in understanding why
he/she develop the disease 3. Strongly breathe four times into the mouth
of the injured persons as you pinch his or her
nose. This helps get past any water that is
clogging the breathing passageways and the
(MAPEH Part 17)
1. Which is/are a general rule/s for safety 4. Turn the drowning person’s head to the
when swimming in the beach? side, allowing any water to her mouth or nose.
Turn the head back to the center.
I. Warm up before you swim. 5. After four strong breaths, put your ear near
the mouth and watch the chest for any
II. Stay out of water during thunderstorm. breathing movement.
III. It is more exciting to swim during a a. 423561 b. 234652
c. 123456 d. 423516
a. I, II and III b. III only
6. What is executed by moving the hand from
c. I and II d. I only the wrist either clockwise of counter
2. Which is rule for safety when swimming in
the beach? a. Kulintang b. Kumintang
a. Don’t rely on swimming aids c. Cross arm d. Outside arm
b. Swim immediately after a meal 7. With the weight of the body on one foot,
hit the floor with the balls of the other food
c. Do not jump from a beach raft or dive after which the lift foot from the floor. This is
underneath. a dance term call _____ step.
d. Swim in the dark a. close b. brush
3. What does this mean? c. touch d. slide
a. Swim at your own risk. 8. Which is done when one crosses the right
foot or left food in front of the left (R), bends
b. Don’t feed the sharks. the body slightly forward and crosses the
hands down in front with the right (L) hand
c. There is report of sharks in the activity. over the left (R)?
d. Should you spots sharks in the area, call a. Saludo b. Sarok
c. Arms in Lateral position d. Set
4. Which are safety advice on how to avoid
shark? 9. Which one referred to when one place the
foot in a certain desired position without
I. Do not swim at dawn, at dust or at night. putting weight on it and make sole of the foot
rest flat on the floor.
II. Do not swim if you are bleeding or have any
open wound, a. Point b. Place
III. If schooling fish start to behave erratically c. Saludo d. Set
or start to congregate in unusually large
numbers, leave the water. 10. What position is described when arms are
at side, horizontal, elbows bent at the right
IV. If a large fish is sighted in the area, leave angle, forearms parallel to the head and
the water as quickly and quickly and calmly as palms facing inward?
a. Arms in T position
a. I, II, III and IV b. I, II and III
b. Arms in reverse T position
c. I and II d. II, III and IV
c. Arms in lateral Position
5. Arrange the steps in mouth-to-mouth
resuscitation. d. Arms in oblique upward position
11. Whose is known as the “Mother, Dean and 19. Which field event is won by the athlete
Champion of Philippine folk Dance”? who achieved the greatest height in the
a. Francisca Reyes Aquino
a. Jumping Event b. Throwing Event
b. Tessy Alfonso
c. Running Event d. Combined Event
c. Fabia de la Rosa
20. In which track event to teams of athletes
d. Fely Franquello run and pass on a baton to their team
12. Which dance is based on music played at
bullfight during bullfight’ entrance (paseo) or a. Hurdles b. Relay
during the passes (faena) just before the kill?
c. Pole vault d. Long jump
a. Rumba b. Pasadoble
c. Salsa d. Samba
(MAPEH Part 18)
13. This consist of the basic movement of
stepping forward or backward and shifting 1. Which is the most important throws in
weight between feet, then additional quick set outfield?
of these steps, Which is described.
a. Overwarm b. Sidearm
a. Cha cha cha. b. Salsa
c. Underarm d. Pitch
c. Rumba d. Pasadoble
2. Which of the following players usually
14. Which dance is consist of two quick steps covers home plate when that catcher leaves it
and then a third slower step that takes two to the field ball?
beats to execute? Dancers use a box-like
pattern to their movements. a. Left fielder b. Short stop
a. Cha cha cha b. Salsa c. Right fielder d. Pitcher
c. Rumba d. Pasadoble 3. Which player usually cover home plate
when catcher leaves it to field ball?
15. This dance Originated in the Caribbean,
although it also has a strong African influence. a. The pitcher b. 1st baseman
Couples typically perform this dance together
and it centers on a four-beat combination of
two quicks steps and a slow step with a pause c. 3rd baseman d. short stop
or tap. Which dance is described?
4. A ball that is not swug at, but which is
purposely tapped slowly into the infield is
a. Cha cha cha b. Salsa called _______.
c. Rumba d. Pasadoble a. strike b. a ball
16. Which is one of the most well known Latin c. a foul d. a bunt
dances especially for it’s role Carnival events,
where individually dancers perform? some of
which are for dancing couple and others of 5. What is the most important in batting?
which are dancers for individuals.
a. To keep eyes on the ball
a. Cha cha cha b. Samba
b. To swing hard
c. Rumba d. Pasadoble
c. To swing bat on a level plane
17. Which is a lively dance patterned after the
drama of the Spanish bullfight? d. Two swing only a good pitches
18. Which track event is won by the athlete c. 1st Base d. 3rd Base
with the fastest time?
7. In which of the following cases is the batter
a. Jumping Event b. Throwing Event “out??
c. Running Events d. Combined Event a, The call against the batter is strike 2 and he
hits and misses the next ball which is caught
by the catcher
b. The call against the batter strike 1 and he a. I, II and III b. II only
tips the next ball which goes straight to the
catcher at shoulder height and he holds the c. I only d. II and III
14. Which of TRUE of sculling stroke?
c. There is not runner on base 1 and when the
ball is hit, a runner on base 2 runs to base 3 I. Has bent-arm, propeller-inspired motion
where he arrives after the ball has received by
third baseman who does not tag him. II. The arm action resembles that of paddle
d. The call against the batter is ball 3, Strike 2 III. More efficient and effective than the deep
ad hits the next ball into the infield and rolls catch stroke
onto foul territory between home and first
base. a. I only b. II only
8. When does a batter receive a free base of c. I only d. II and III
15. Which characterize /s an effective
a. After 3 strikes swimming stroke?
b. After 4 balls I. Should create the least possible water
c. After hitting twi fouls
II. There should be a minimum of splashing
d. have both feet together on the plate
III. Forward motion is smooth and not jerky.
9. Before pitching, a pitcher must ______.
a. I, II and III b. I only
a. have both feet on the plate
c. I and II d. II and III
b. have one foot touching the plate
16. Which do/ es NOT characterize butterfly
c. hold the ball in front in one hand swimming stroke?
d. have both feet together on the plate I. The body is in a supine position
10. Which of the following would be “ball”? II. The body is in supine position
a. The ball passes over the home plate level III. Involves the dolphin kick with a wind a
with the batter’s waist. windmill-like movement of both arms in
b. The ball is struck at by the batter and
missed. a. I only b. I and II
c. The ball passes over the home plate level c. II d. I, II and III
with the batter’s knee.
17. When a swimming competitively, what
d. The ball passes over the home plate level should a swimmer do?
with the batter’s armpit.
I. Must not swim underwater
11. What is the formula used to determine the
number of games for single elimination? II. The only time a swimmer can swim
underwater is the stoke after the start and
a. G=N-1 b. G=2 (N-1) each turn.
c. G=2 (1-N) III. Use deep catch stroke
12. How many byers are there in tournament a. I, II and III b. III only
with nine (9) participating teams using single
elimination? c. I and II d. I only
a. 3 b. 1 18. Which characterize breast stroke?
c. 2 d. 0 I. The body is a prone position.
13. Which is TRUE of the deep catch stroke? II. Involves frog kicking alternates with
simultaneous movement of the arms from a
I. More effective than the sculling stroke? point in front of the head to shoulder level.
II. Has the deep catch freestyle stroke III. When swimming competitively, the
swimmer’s head must be kept above the
III. The arm action resembles that of the surface of the water at all times.
a. I, II and III b. III only 5. Which is the art of passing the ball fairly
high and close to the net so that the spiker
c. I and II d. I only can spring into the air and smash it into
opponent’s court?
19. Which is swimming that uses any stroke?
a. Overhead Volley b. Spiking
a. Freestyle b. Breast Stroke
c. Setting d. Tossing
c. Dog paddle d. Back stroke
6. When the serving team fail to serve the ball
20. Which is NOT TRUE of backstroke? legally into the opponent’s court or return the
ball into the opponent’s court, the referee
a. Done in a prone position gives the decision. Which is referred to?
16. In basketball game, how long can a player d. of the same level as
be on his opponent’s restricted area when his
team has a possession of ball without being 3. Which gymnastic position of often used to
penalized? complete a back extension and cartwheel?
The weight is supported on one leg while the
other leg is extended at the rear. The
a. Three Seconds b. Five Seconds extended leg is kept straight with the toe
pointed and chest is kept erect.
c. Thirty Seconds d. Ten Seconds
a. Lunge b. Pli or Plie
17. Which of the following is against the rules?
c. Arabesque d. Relev or Releve
a. A player bounces ball to another player.
4. In the Filipino Pyramid Guide, gymnastics
b. A player takes the ball from the hands of particularly sports aerobics, can be classified
opposing player. as moderate to vigorous activity. How often
should and individual engage in this type of
c. A player dribbling towards goal knocks over activity to achieve the desired level of fitness.
an opponents who has is in path.
a. 30 minutes, three to five times a week
d. A player rolls the ball along the ground.
b. 35 minutes everyday
18. How many is steps is player permitted to
take between bounces in a dribble? c. 50 minutes a day, three to five times a week
a. Two b. As many as s/he wish d. 120 minutes three times a day
c. One d. Five 5. Which movements include all movements
that the body is able to execute whole the
19. When a penalty shot is taken, when are feet remain stationary?
the players to move into the restraining area?
a. Locomotion Movements c. Rigodon d. pandanggo sa Ilaw
b. Non Locomotion Movements 12. Which is dance, commonly performed in
moderate waltz style during festivals in Bohol
c. Locomotor Movements and and other Visayan Towns, portrays a
young playful couple’s attempt to get each
d. Non Locomotor Movements other’s attention.
a. It can be performed both by children and 14. This was originally performed in Binan,
adults. Laguna as a mock-war dance that
demonstrates a fight between the Moros and
b. It is simple and inexpensive recreation. the Christians over the prized latik or coconut
meat during the spanish rule.
c. It is performed while singing.
a. La Jota Manilena b. Sakuting
d. It depicts the culture and traditions of the
people c. Pantomina d. maglalatik
8. Which was originally an all – male dance 15. Which is TRUE of the dance, Maglalatik?
performance of Abra presenting mock fight
between Ilocano Christians and Non-Christians I. It has a four-part performance such as the
using sticks. palipasan and the baligtaran showing the
intense battle, the paseo and the escaramusa
a. Sakuting – the reconciliation.
a. Unity and harmony among the Ibalois c. I and III d. I, II and III
20. When the player on the back row jumps to a. Harmstrings b. Triceps
spike the ball, he/she may ______.
c. Quadriceps d. Gluteus maximus
a. spike from any position
6. Which of the following statements does
b. spike the ball form the back row and never NOT describe the benefits of physical activity?
cross the attack line
a. Reduced risk of heart attack and blood
c. spike the ball as long as he/she takes off in pressure
front of the attack line
b. Good sense of body image
d. Spike the ball as long as he/she takes off
from behind the attack line. c. Good chance of winning in a sport
d. Meeting new friends
(MAPEH Part 21)
7. Goal setting is a mechanism that helps one
1. Goal settings is a mechanism that helps one to understand his/ her potential and to feel
to understand his/her potential and to feel satisfied with its results. Thus, in goal – setting
satisfied with its results. Thus, in goal – setting to enhance personal fitness, the first step to
to enhance personal fitness, the first step is to assess current level of ______.
assess current level of _____.
a. motivation
a. motivation
b. fitness
b. fitness
c. readiness to affect change
c. readiness
d. current level of understanding about fitness
d. current level of understanding
8. If you want to determine your fitness
2. What will happen to muscles when exposed program parameters which should you do
to more stress such as resistance training? first?
a. Muscles get weaker and increase in size. a. Get a physical examination to identify any
physical limitations
b. Muscles get weaker and decrease in size.
b. Construct your fitness plan
c. Muscles get stronger and decrease in size.
c. Commit yourself to your fitness plan
d. Muscles get stronger and decrease in size.
d. Figure out how much time you can have to
work outs.
3. Which among the functions of the skeletal
system is responsible for improved
performance? 9. If you want to have personalized fitness
training program, which should you do first?
a. Skeleton provides framework and shape to
the body. a. Determine your fitness program parameters
b. Skeleton protects the internal organs of the b. Select specific physical activities for your
body. fitness program
c. Bone marrow produces red blood cells and c. Record your Fitness Training Plan
d. Evaluate your faithfulness to your fitness
d. Skeleton acts as lever. program.
4. How do muscles work to produce 10. How much time should you devote to
movement? work outs?
a. Depends on your fitness goals and current 16. Which type of gymnastics event combines
level of physical fitness gymnastics, dance, ballet and apparatus
b. About 150 minutes total of physical activity
per week a. Men’s Artistic Gymnastics
c. About 200 minutes total of physical activity b. Rhythmic Gymnastics
per week
c. Women Artistic Gymnastics
d. Depends on your age
d. None of the above
11. Should you include dietary changes in you
personal fitness plan? 17. In gymnastics, safety is of primary
concern. What should a performer fo when
a. Yes, no more salty foods. he/she loses balance in a a stunt?
b. Yes, no more meat a. Land with bended knees
c. Depends on your fitness goals b. Land on both feet
d. No, the work out will overcome affect of c. Stand straight
poor diet.
d. Roll out
12. Why is it necessary to established your
specific goals for personal fitness? Because 18. Spotting has a twofold purpose. First is the
you goal determine the ______. performer’s safety and prevention of injury
and second, is the guiding performer to help
I. types of exercise you should build into your develop body awareness. Which among the
plan roles of a spotter is the most difficult to
II. amount of time you will need to exercise
a. To prevent a hazardous fall
III. significant dietary changes, if necessary
b. To help develop self confidence
a. II and III b. I and II
c. To help support the body weight
c. I only d. I, II and III
d. To assist performer carry out the stunts
13. For strength training which are convenient
tools? 19, In a spike position, the body is fully bent
forward at the hips while legs are kept
I. Weight machine straight. Pike can be performed in three
positions. What are they?
II. Dumbbells
1. Walking Position
III. Exercise balls
2. Lying Position
IV. Resistance bands
3. Sitting Position
a. I, II and III and IV b. I, II and III
4. Standing Position
c. II and III d. I and II
a. 1, 2 and 3 b. 2, 3 and 4
14. Which are strength routines that do not
require equipments? c. 1, 3 and 4 d. 1, 2 and 4