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Mahatma Gandhi “A nation's culture 5. Motivate and enlighten the students in the
resides in the hearts and in the soul of its literature class
CULTURAL MODEL : a traditional
approach of teaching literature LANGUAGE BASED APPROACH
Historical context : info about the period,
place, and events that created, influenced, : Detailed analysis of the language of the
or formed the backdrop to the historic literary text will help students to make
resources. meaningful interpretations or informed
evaluations of it.
Social context : reflection of how the
characters' actions and attitudes are : students will increase their general
affected by events awareness and understanding of English.

Political context : concerns the political : Literary texts are seen as means to
climate and political views held at a certain helping students’ improve language
time proficiency

Literary context : background information : focused on the learner mainly on their

or circumstances you provide to inform why reading processes and how they created
something is taking place language awareness among themselves.


paraphrasing and rewording the text to
: outlined by Carter and Long (1991) simpler language or use other languages to
who attempts to bridge the cultural and translate it.
language model
Evans and Robert (2009) promoted 2
: focus on particular language in a text ways to promote the use of paraphrastic
that give benefit to the students :
: placing in a specific cultural context
1. Paraphrasing may encourage rapport.
CHARACTERISTICS : 2. Transferring control to children / students.

1. context and informal schemata MORAL PHILOSOPHICAL LITERARY

2. different themes and topics APPROACH
3. Seek the opportunity for the students to
relate & respond to the themes issues by Moral philosophical critics believe that
making a connection to their personal lives the larger purpose of literature is to teach
4. Relates theories of reading emphasize morality and to probe philosophical issues
the interaction of the reader with the text.

“Works must have high seriousness.” 3. Style as a Situation

(Matthew Arnold) 4. Style as a Temporal Phenomenon
5. Style as an Individual
“Literature must exhibit moralism and
utilitarianism.” (Plato) 14 ELEMENTS OF STYLE :

“Literature should be delightful and 1. Character development : How a

instructive.” (Horace) character changes throughout the story
2. Dialogue: lines spoken/ internal thoughts
The moral/philosophical literary 3. Foreshadowing: Hints dropped about
approach, concerned with content and what's going to happen later
values. 4. Form: Whether something is poetry,
prose, drama, a short story, a sonnet, etc.
Strengths: 5. Imagery: Scenes set or items shown
1. Useful in evaluating works which present with descriptive words
moral philosophy 6. Irony: An occurrence that's the opposite
2. Useful when considering themes of what's expected
3. It recognizes that literature can affect 7. Juxtaposition: Putting two elements
readers. together to compare or contrast them
8. Mood: The atmosphere of a work, the
Weaknesses: attitude of the narrator
1. The approach can be too judgemental 9. Pacing: How quickly narration unfolds
2. Literature should be judged primarily on 10. POV: The narrator's perspective
its artistic merits, not its moral or 11. Structure: How a story is told
philosophical content 12.Symbolism: element of story to
represent something else
13.Theme: message delivered
STYLISTIC APPROACH by or shown in a work
14.Tone: The writer's attitude toward the
Style : person’s distinctive language habits subject or manner


: method of textual interpretation in which 1. Alliteration: close repetition of consonants

primacy of place is assigned to language. 2. Assonance: Close repetition of vowels
3. Colloquialisms: Informal words
: deals with the significance of the literary 4. Diction: correctness of overall grammar
style, language of writers, literary devices 5. Jargon: terms specific to a certain field
and techniques 6. Metaphor: compare two elements
7. Repetition: Using the same words
REASONS WHY STYLE DIFFERS : 8. Rhyme: same sounds in 2 or more words
9. Rhythm: having a musicality to writing
1. Style as a Choice 10. Sentence variety: variation in structure
2. Style as a Deviation 11. Syntax: word arrangements in sentence


QUESTIONS : we use these questions to
guide us which depends on what info we’re 1. Assessment: act of gathering info daily
seeking. 2. Testing: procedures based on tests.
3. Language testing: practical and study of
1. Literal : comprehending based on stated evaluating
facts in text such as data, specifics, dates, 4. Measurement: broadly includes testing
traits and setting and other types of measurement.
5. Evaluation: culminating act of
2. Inferential : comprehension that builds interpreting the information
upon prediction using facts from text,
sequence, traits and setting. ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES:

3. Appreciative : comprehending based on 1. quizzes, tests, state-administered

response to text like personal reaction and standardized tests, and essays.
reflection 2. Alternative assessment like portfolio,
performance, and exhibitions.
4. Critique : comprehending based on how 3. Self-evaluation and peer-evaluation.
the author uses language
Terms :
5. Evaluative : comprehending based on
judging text based on facts, opinions, Assessment : appraisal or evaluation
validity Self-evaluation: allowing students to
evaluate their own performance
6. Essential : comprehending based on Peer-evaluation: students evaluate the
what is drawn from the entire text performance of their peers on assignment


Literary information test:Assess student’s
1. Cultural value: Cultures are built around. knowledge of particular pieces of literature.
2. Expanding Horizon: Exposing them to Literary interpretation test: Ability to read,
ideas from other cultures. prose, poetry, drama with understanding.
3. Building Vocabulary: Enhance
writing and reading abilities. GENRES OF POETRY:
4. Improve writing skills: Intimate 1. Narrative Poetry : tells a story and
knowledge makes use of the voices of narrator and
5. Teaching critical thinking: Analyze on character. Usually written in metered verse.
their own Ex: “The Raven” by Edgar Allan Poe
6. Enhances writing skills:
develop writing skills. 2. Lyric Poetry: tends to be shorter,
melodic, contemplative & portrays poet’s
own feelings, states of mind, perceptions.
Ex: “Sonnet 18” by William Shakespeare

3. Epic Poetry: lengthy poems celebrating Fun poetry/ funny poetry: has style of its
great deeds of legendary heroes own,differs from other types of poetry cause
Ex: “Beowulf” by John Lesslie Hall adds some spice making poem interesting.

4. Dramatic Poetry: category of verse Haiku : 5-7-5 syllables & first emerged in
composition for theatrical performance. Japanese literature during the 17th century.
Ex: “My last duchess” by Robert Browning
Limerick : humorous poem, have five lines.
5. Satirical Poetry: expose, criticize
foolishness, corruption of individual/society. Limerick poetry: unique form of verse has
Ex: “The rape of the lock” playful nature, distinct structure. Five lines,
AABBA rhyme scheme & often feature
LITERARY DEVICES: special tools used to humorous, playful, or nonsensical content.
make poetry more interesting
C - capitalization of first line.
: helps to spark emotions and paint vivid RS - rhyme scheme
pictures in a reader's mind. M - meter
H - humorous / nonsensical content
Simile : Compare things using "like" or "as" P - punchline / twist

Metaphor : direct comparison between two

unrelated things without using “like” or”as”. Riddle : statement, question, or phrase that
has a double meaning.
Personification : Giving non-living things
human qualities

Hyperbole : Uses exaggeration for

emphasis or humor

Oxymoron : Putting two contradictory

words together

Imagery : vivid and descriptive language

that appeals to the senses

Alliteration : repetition of the initial

consonant sound of a series of words,

Onomatopoeia : words that imitate the

sound they are describing

POETRY : one of the forms of literature that

makes people more creative and artistic
expressing ideas.

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