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b2mml v0401 Common

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Business To Manufacturing Markup Language B2MML - Common

Version 0401 October 2008 Common Schema Documentation

IMPORTANT: While the information, data, and standards provided in this publication were developed and are presented in good faith in accordance with a reasonable process that was subject to intellectual property and antitrust policies to benefit the industry as a whole, the publication is provided as is for information and guidance only, and there is no representation or warranty of any type or kind, including but not limited to warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, and no warranty that use of the information, data, or standards will not infringe patent, copyright, trademark, trade secret, or other intellectual property rights of any party.

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Table of Contents
1 Schema Scope...............................................................................................................................................4 1.1 Key Information Assumptions..................................................................................................................4 1.2 Key Use Assumptions.............................................................................................................................4 1.3 Type Names............................................................................................................................................4 1.4 User Element Extensibility.......................................................................................................................5 1.5 Use of IDs in Schema Definitions............................................................................................................5 1.6 Diagram Convention................................................................................................................................6 1.7 Schema Includes and Imports.................................................................................................................7 2 UN/CEFACT Core Component Types............................................................................................................8 2.1 AmountType............................................................................................................................................8 2.2 BinaryObjectType....................................................................................................................................8 2.3 CodeType................................................................................................................................................9 2.4 DateTimeType.........................................................................................................................................9 2.5 IdentifierType.........................................................................................................................................10 2.6 IndicatorType.........................................................................................................................................10 2.7 MeasureType........................................................................................................................................10 2.8 NumericType.........................................................................................................................................10 2.9 QuantityType.........................................................................................................................................11 2.10 TextType.............................................................................................................................................11 3 Element Definitions......................................................................................................................................12 4 Transaction Definitions.................................................................................................................................22 4.1 Standard Transaction Element Structure...............................................................................................22 4.2 Message Confirmation...........................................................................................................................23 4.3 PULL Transaction Model ......................................................................................................................24 4.4 PUSH Transaction Model......................................................................................................................26 4.4.1 Process Acknowledgment...............................................................................................................27 4.4.2 Change Response..........................................................................................................................27 4.5 PUBLISH Transaction Model.................................................................................................................28 4.6 Common Transaction Elements............................................................................................................30 4.7 B2MML and OAGiS Differences............................................................................................................35 Change History: Change V01 V02 Date 7 April 2002 23 Sept 2003 Person Dennis Brandl Dave Emerson Dennis Brandl Dave Emerson Description Initial release Changed complexTypes that contained simpleContent to be simpleTypes with simpleContent by. Types changed: CapabilityType1Type, DataType1Type, DependencyType. Changed use of ##any to indirect reference through AnyType, to allow parsing using Microsoft XML toolset. Added Common schema to B2MML namespace Added choice of ProductSegmentID or ProcessSegmentID to SegmentDependencyType. Change maxOccurs from "1" to "unbounded" for Result in TestResultType. Removed UnitOfMeasure from TestResultType since it is already in ResultType. Added EnumerationID to DataTypeType to permit Page 2 of 35

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74169397.doc identification an enumeration list when the datatype is Enumeration. ValueString was added to ResultType - previous oversight in that there was no place to put the result values. Removed duplicate UnitOfMeasure from TestResultType. Added substitution groups. One group added just before each Any element. Added dateTime and SVG to datatype enumeration list. Added new element "Key" based on IDType to complexTypes QuantityType, ResultType, ValueType. Added UnitOfMeasure to ResultType as a mandatory element Added enumerations to EquipmentElementLevel1Type: StorageZone, StorageUnit, WorkCenter, and WorkUnit Only changed name to version V0301 Added transaction elements for ISA 95 Part 5 support. Added "cc:" namespace for UN/CEFACT core types. Added the UN/CEFACT core components with optional attributes and made them the base types for the B2MML types. Added subchapter on the include and import structure including BatchML schemas. Added Nillable to QualityValueType, ResultType, and ValueType.

V03 26 Aug 2005 Dennis Brandl Dave Emerson V0301 V04 29 Dec 2005 04 June 2007 Dennis Brandl Dennis Brandl


Oct 2008

Dennis Brandl

Copyright 2008 WBF. All Rights Reserved. http://www.wbf.org This WBF Work (including specifications, documents, software, and related items) referred to as the Business To Manufacturing Markup Language (B2MML) is provided by the copyright holders under the following license. Permission to use, copy, modify, or redistribute this Work and its documentation, with or without modification, for any purpose and without fee or royalty is hereby granted provided the WBF is acknowledged as the originator of this Work using the following statement: "The Business To Manufacturing Markup Language (B2MML) is used courtesy of the WBF." In no event shall the WBF, its members, or any third party be liable for any costs, expenses, losses, damages or injuries incurred by use of the Work or as a result of this agreement.

Material from ANSI/ISA-88 and ANSI/ISA-95 series of standards used with permission of ISA - The Instrumentation, Systems, and Automation Society, www.isa.org

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1 Schema Scope
This document defines the information that is used in common by B2MML personnel, equipment, materials, maintenance, capabilities, product definition, production schedule, and production performance schemas. This information is based on the data models and attributes defined in the ANSI/ISA 95.00.02 Enterprise/Control System Integration standard. Contact ISA (The Instrumentation, System, and Automation Society) for copies of the standard. Additional information on the standard is available at www.isa.org.

1.1 Key Information Assumptions

The data represented in these schemas define information that is common across all of the schemas defined from the ANSI/ISA 95.00.02 standard. The common schema defines data types used in the other schemas.

1.2 Key Use Assumptions

The model only defines the exchanged information and does not define the use of the information or encapsulation of the information in any defining transactions.

1.3 Type Names

The XML schema uses a model that defines simple and complex data types for each element. The data types all follow the convention of a suffix of Type added to the element name. Schema definition: <xsd:element name = "SubmissionDate" type = " SubmissionDateType"/>

<xsd:simpleType name=" SubmissionDateType"> <xsd:restriction base="cc:DateTimeType"> </xsd:restriction> </xsd:simpleType> The method is the Venetian Blind Model, defined in the book Professional XML Schemas, 2001, published by WROX (ISBN 1-861005-47-4). It makes all of the type names global and usable in user derived works, without a loss of context or additional information required to identify the element as of being of the same type as related B2MML elements.

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1.4 User Element Extensibility

In order to make the schemas more useful, selected elements include the ability for elements to be extended. The extended elements are not defined in this standard and should not be considered understandable between applications without prior agreement. See the document B2MML-V04-Extensions.doc for a complete explanation of user extensibility. Two alternate methods of user extensions for elements are illustrated in the schema element definitions below. These are AnyType included in complex elements, and the Extended namespace element included in complex types.

1.5 Use of IDs in Schema Definitions

The use of IDs in the schema definition is based on the definition of IDs in the ANSI/ISA-95 Part 2 standard. Many elements in the exchanged information require unique IDs. These IDs should be considered unique only within the scope of the exchanged information. They may have not meaning beyond the scope of exchanged information. This will usually require translation of the element IDs from one systems internal identification into a standard representation. For example, a unit may be identified as resource R100011 in the scheduling system and East Side Reactor in the manufacturing system. A unique identification set must be agreed to in order to exchange information. Often the IDs may be the IDs of one or the other system in an exchange, assuming that the IDs are unique (within the scope of the exchanged information) The element IDs are defined only to identify objects within related exchanged information sets. The element IDs are not intended to act as global object IDs or database index attributes. Generally elements that are elements of aggregations, and are not referenced elsewhere in the model, do not require unique IDs.

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1.6 Diagram Convention

The schema diagrams using the following convention to illustrate the structure of the schema elements, the type of the elements and attributes, and the rules for optional elements and repetition.

Name of an element or element type

Indicates fixed order of elements Indicates elements Indicates 1 instance only Indicates 1 to many instances Indicates 0 or 1 instance only Indicates 0 to many instances Indicates selection of alternatives

Indicates contained elements Indicates no contained elements

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1.7 Schema Includes and Imports

The following diagram illustrates the current and planned WBF schemas and the associated Include and Import structure. The schemas with information common to all of the ISA 88 and ISA 95 schemas are shown in white. The B2MML schemas representing the ISA 95 standard are shown in pink. The BatchML schemas representing the ISA 88 Part 2 standard are shown in green. These schemas use the B2MML common and core components schemas. The BatchML schemas representing the ISA 88 Part 3 General Recipe standard are shown in yellow. These schemas use the B2MML common and core component schemas. The planned BatchML schemas representing the ISA 88 Part 4 Batch Production Record standard are shown in blue. These schemas use the B2MML common and core components schemas.

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2 UN/CEFACT Core Component Types

The base types for most elements are derived from core component types that are compatible with the UN/CEFACT core component types. The UN/CEFACT core component types are a common set of types that define specific terms with semantic meaning (e.g. the meaning of a quantity, currency, amount, identifier, ). The UN/CEFACT core components were defined in a Core Components Technical Specification (CCTS) developed by the ebXML project now organized by UN/CEFACT and ISO TC 154. NOTE: The core components contain optional attributes that may be used to specify the context and source of the associated element value. All attributes are optional in B2MML. The core components use several international standards for the representation of semantic and standardized information: Name Country Code Region Code Language Code Currency Code Date and Time Representation Unit Of Measure Code Unit of Transport or Packaging Code Standard ISO 3166.1 ISO 3166.2 ISO 639: 1988 ISO 4217 ISO 8601 UN/ECE Recommendation 20 UN/ECE Recommendation 21

The core components are defined in the schema file:


2.1 AmountType
AmountType is used to define a number of monetary units specified in a currency where the unit of currency is explicit or implied. It is derived from a decimal. Optional Attribute currencyID currencyCodeListVersionID Base XML Type normalizedString normalizedString Description An identifier specifying the identification of a currency code. Reference UN/ECE Rec 9, using 3-letter alphabetic codes, also available as ISO 4217. An identifier specifying the version of the currency code. The version of the UN/ECE Rec.9 code list.

2.2 BinaryObjectType
BinaryObjectType is used to define a data types representing graphics, pictures, sound, video, or other forms of data that can be represented as a finite length sequence of binary octets. It is derived from base64Binary. Optional Attribute format Base XML Type string Description The format of the binary content. No identifiers for standard formats are defined. Page 8 of 35

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74169397.doc mimeCode encodingCode characterSetCode uri filename normalizedString normalizedString normalizedString anyURI string The mine type of the binary object. See IETF RFC 2045, 2046, and 2047. Specifies the decoding algorithm of the binary object. See IETF RFC 2045, 2046, and 2047. The character set of the binary object if the mime type is text. See IETF RFC 2045, 2046, and 2047. The Uniform Resource Identifier that identifies where the binary object is located. The filename of the binary object. See IETF RFC 2045, 2046, and 2047.

2.3 CodeType
CodeType is used to define a character string that is used to represent a entry from a fixed set of enumerations. It is derived from the type normalizedString. All of the B2MML enumerations are derived from CodeType. Also, B2MML elements that are not identifications of objects or other elements are derived from CodeType. Optional Attribute listID listAgencyID listAgencyName listName listVersionID name languageID listURI listSchemaURI Base XML Type normalizedString normalizedString string string normalizedString string language anyURI anyURI Description An Identifier specifying the identification of a code list that this is registered with at an agency. For example: UN/EDIFACT data element 3055 code list An Identifier specifying the agency that maintains one or more lists of codes. For example: UN/EDIFACT. Text that contains the name of the agency that maintains the list of codes. Text that contains the name of a code list that this is registered with at an agency. An Identifier specifying the version of the code list. Text equivalent of the code content component. An Identifier specifying the language used in the code name. The Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) that identifies where the code list is located. The Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) that identifies where the code list scheme is located.

2.4 DateTimeType
DateTimeType is used to define a particular point in time together with the relevant supplementary information to identify the timezone information. It is derived from the type dateTime. In B2MML this is a specific instance on time using the ISO 8601 CE (Common Era) calendar extended format and abbreviated versions. For example: yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ for UTC as 2002-09-22T13:15:23Z Optional Attribute format Base XML Type string Description Not needed in B2MML, but maintained for compatibility with OAGiS. A string specifying the format of the date time content, however the format of the format attribute is not defined in UN/CEFACT specification. Page 9 of 35

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2.5 IdentifierType
IdentifierType is used to define a character string to identify and distinguish uniquely, one instance of an object in an identification scheme from all other objects in the same scheme. It is derived from the type normalizedString. All of the B2MML ID types are derived from IdentifierType. Optional Attribute schemaID schemaName schemaAgencyID schemaAgencyName schemaVersionID schemaDataURI schemaURI Base XML Type normalizedString string normalizedString string normalizedString anyURI anyURI Description An Identifier specifying the identification of the identification schema. Text that contains the name of the identification scheme. An Identifier specifying the identification of the agency that maintains the schema. Text containing the identification of the agency that maintains the schema. The version (as an Identifier) of the schema. The Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) that identifies where schema data is located. The Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) that identifies where schema is located.

2.6 IndicatorType
IndicatorType is used to define a list of two mutually exclusive Boolean values that express the only possible states of a Property. For example True or False. It is derived from the type string. For B2MML purposes the defined values for indicator type is True and False. Optional Attribute format Base XML Type string Description A string specifying whether the indicator is numeric, textual or binary; however the format of the format attribute is not defined in UN/CEFACT specification.

2.7 MeasureType
MeasureType is used to define a numeric value determined by measuring an object along with the specified unit of measure. It is derived form type decimal. Optional Attribute unitCode unitCodeListVersionID Base XML Type normalizedString normalizedString Description The type of unit of measure. See UN/ECE Rec 20. and X12 355. The version of the unit of measure code list.

2.8 NumericType
NumericType is used to define a numeric value determined by measuring an object along with the specified unit of measure. It is derived from the type decimal. Copyright 2008 WBF All Rights Reserved Page 10 of 35


Optional Attribute format

Base XML Type string

Description Specifies if the number is an integer, decimal, real number, or percentage. No standard identifiers defined.

2.9 QuantityType
QuantityType is used to define a counted number of non-monetary units, possibly including fractions. It is derived from the type decimal. Optional Attribute unitCode unitCodeListID unitCodeListAgencyID unitCodeListAgencyName Base XML Type normalizedString normalizedString normalizedString string Description The unit of the quantity. May use UN/ECE Rec. 20. The identification of the code list for the quantity unit of measure. The identification of the agency that maintains the quantity unit code list. The name of the agency that maintains the quantity unit code list.

2.10 TextType
TextType is used to define a character string (i.e. a finite set of characters) generally in the form of words of a language. It is derived from the type string. Optional Attribute languageID languageLocaleID Base XML Type language normalizedString Description An Identifier specifying the the language used in the content component. An Identifier specifying the locale of the language

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3 Element Definitions
cc: Indicates derived from the core component name space type xsd: Indicates derived from an XML type.
Type Name (derived from) ActualEndTimeType (cc;DateTimeType) Description A date/time defining an actual ending time of an element. A specific instance on time using the ISO 8601 CE (Common Era) calendar extended format and abbreviated versions. For example: yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss for local time as 2002-09-22T09:15:23. A date/time defining an actual time an element finished. A specific instance on time using the ISO 8601 CE (Common Era) calendar extended format and abbreviated versions. For example: yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ for UTC as 2002-09-22T13:15:23Z. A date/time defining an actual starting time of an element. A specific instance on time using the ISO 8601 CE (Common Era) calendar extended format and abbreviated versions. A text string that can contain any value from any of the generic data types, but with all optional attributes from the core component types to allow further information on how the value should be interpreted. A type to hold a ##any element for user defined extensions.

ActualFinishType (cc:DateTimeType)

ActualStartTimeType (cc:DateTimeType) AnyGenericDataType (xsd:string) AnyType

BillOfMaterialIDType (cc:IdentifierType) BillOfMaterialsIDType (cc:IdentifierType) BillOfResourcesIDType (cc:IdentifierType) CapabilityTypeType (cc:CodeType)

NOTE: This method for user defined extensions is no longer recommended, but is maintained for compatibility with previous versions of the schemas. A string containing an identification of a material in a bill of material for a product A string containing an identification of a bill of materials for a product. A string containing an identification of a bill of resources for a product. Identifies the type of a capability/capacity definition. This may be either a standard type or an application specific extended type. Standard enumerations are: "Committed", "Available", "Unattainable", and "Other". Committed The portion of a production capacity that is currently in use or is scheduled for use. Available The portion of a production capacity that is currently available for use. Unattainable The portion of a production capacity that is currently not available for use, for example due to scheduled maintenance, unscheduled maintenance, or the current product mix. If Other then the type is an application specific extension and the value is defined in the attribute OtherValue. A string containing the cause description of a maintenance response. A string containing a reference (or ID) of a certification of analysis.

CauseType (cc:CodeType) CertificateOfAnalysisReferenceType (cc:IdentifierType)

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Type Name (derived from) ConsumableType (cc:CodeType) CorrectionType (cc:CodeType) DataTypeType (cc:CodeType) Description A string containing the definition of a consumable resource used in a maintenance element. A string containing the description of the correction of a maintenance element. An identification of the type of a parameter. These types are based on the W3C types defined in the XSD specification, with the addition of Enumeration for user defined enumerations, SVG for graphical representation, and Other for application specific extended types. This may be either a standard type or an application specific extended type. Standard enumerations are 9UNCEFACT Types in Bold Italic): Amount, BinaryObject, Code", DateTime, Identifier", Indicator, "Measure, Numeric", Quantity", Text, string", "byte", "unsignedByte", "binary", "integer", "positiveInteger", "negativeInteger", "nonNegativeInteger", "nonPositiveInteger", "int", "unsignedInt", "long", "unsignedLong", "short", "unsignedShort", "decimal", "float", "double", "boolean", "time", "timeInstant", "timePeriod", "duration", "date", "month", "year", "century", "recurringDay", "recurringDate", "recurringDuration", "Name", "QName", "NCName", "uriReference", "language", "ID", "IDREF", "IDREFS", "ENTITY", "ENTITIES", "NOTATION", "NMTOKEN", "NMTOKENS", dateTime,SVG,"Enumeration", and "Other". If Other then the type is an application specific extension and the value is defined in the attribute OtherValue. If Enumeration then the name of the enumeration is defined in the attribute EnumerationID. A string defining the type of a dependency of segments. There are two segments defined, A and B, this defines the type of the execution or timing dependency between the segments. This may be either a standard type or an application specific extended type. Standard enumerations are: "NotFollow", "PossibleParallel", "NotInParallel", "AtStart", "AfterStart", "AfterEnd", "NoLaterAfterStart", "NoEarlierAfterStart", "NoLaterAfterEnd", "NoEarlierAfterEnd", and "Other" NotFollow == B can not follow A PossibleParallel == B may run in parallel to A NotInParallel == B may not run in parallel to A AtStart == Start B at A start AfterStart == Start B after A start AfterEnd == Start B after A end NoLaterAfterStart == Start B no later than T (Timing Factor) after A start NoEarlierAfterStart == Start B no earlier than T (Timing Factor) after A start NoLaterAfterEnd == Start B no later than T (Timing Factor) after A end NoEarlierAfterEnd == B no earlier than T (Timing Factor) after A end If Other then the type is an application specific extension and the value is defined in the attribute OtherValue. A string containing a description of an element.

DependencyType (cc:CodeType)

DescriptionType (cc:TextType)

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Type Name (derived from) DurationType (xsd:duration) Description A duration datatype used to define the time duration (expected or actual) of a segment. "duration" is defined as a duration of time, as specified in ISO 8601, Section Its lexical representation is the ISO 8601 extended format: "PnYnMnDTnHnMnS". The "P" (period) is required; "n" represents a positive number, years is (Y), months is (M), days is (D), (T) is required if time is specified, hours is (H), minutes is (M), and seconds is (S). An optional preceding minus sign ("-") is also allowed to indicate a negative duration; if the sign is omitted then a positive duration is assumed. For example: <an_element duration="PT2H5M2.37S" /> is a 2 hour, 5 minute, and 2.37 second duration. A date/time defining the earliest start date and time of a segment. A specific instance on time using the ISO 8601 CE (Common Era) calendar extended format and abbreviated versions. A date/time defining an ending time of a capability, production performance, or other element. A specific instance on time using the ISO 8601 CE (Common Era) calendar extended format and abbreviated versions. A string containing an identification of a capability test specification. A string containing an identification of a class of equipment. An identification of the level of an equipment element. This may be either a standard type (ANSI/ISA-95.03) or an application specific extended type. Standard enumerations are: Enterprise, Site, Area, ProcessCell, Unit, ProductionUnit, ProductionLine, WorkCell, StorageZone, StorageUnit, WorkCenter, WorkUnit, and Other If Other then the type is an application specific extension and the value is defined in the attribute OtherValue. A string containing an identification of an equipment element. A date/time containing the expiration date/time of a test result. A specific instance on time using the ISO 8601 CE (Common Era) calendar extended format and abbreviated versions. A date/time containing the latest end time of an element. A specific instance on time using the ISO 8601 CE (Common Era) calendar extended format and abbreviated versions.

EarliestStartTimeType (cc:DateTimeType) EndTimeType (cc:DateTimeType)


(cc:IdentifierType) EquipmentClassIDType (cc:IdentifierType) EquipmentElementLevelType (cc:CodeType)

EquipmentIDType (cc:IdentifierType) ExpirationTimeType (cc:DateTimeType) LatestEndTimeType (cc:DateTimeType)

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Type Name (derived from) LocationType Description A complex type identifying the associated elements of the equipment hierarchy model. LocationType is recursive so that it can contain the definition of a complete path in the equipment hierarchy. For example, a top level could be the name of the enterprise, with EquipmentElementLevel of Enterprise, which contains the name of the site, with EquipmentElementLevel of Site, which contains an area name, with EquipmentElementLevel of Area. The scope of the location must be agreed to by communicating components. For example, there may be an agreement to only supply the Area name, because the site and enterprise are implicitly defined through the messaging system.

MaintenanceRequestIDType (cc:IdentifierType) MaintenanceResponseIDType (cc:IdentifierType) MaintenanceWorkOrderIDType (cc:IdentifierType) MaterialClassIDType (cc:IdentifierType) MaterialDefinitionIDType (cc:IdentifierType) MaterialLotIDType (cc:IdentifierType) MaterialSubLotIDType (cc:IdentifierType) MaterialUseType (cc:CodeType)

A string containing an identification of a maintenance request. A string containing an identification of a maintenance response. A string containing an identification of a maintenance work order. A string containing an identification of a material class A string containing an identification of a material definition. A string containing an identification of a material lot. A string containing an identification of a material sublot An identification of the type of material use. This may be either a standard type (ANSI/ISA-95) or an application specific extended type. Standard enumerations are: Consumed, Produced, Consumable, and Other If Other then the type is an application specific extension and the value is defined in the attribute OtherValue. A string identifying the name of an element. A string containing the name of a non-standard dependency type. A string containing an identification of parameter.

NameType (cc:IdentifierType) OtherDependencyType (cc:CodeType) ParameterIDType (cc:IdentifierType)

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Type Name (derived from) ParameterType Description A complex type defining a parameter, with an ID and a value. Parameters may also be nested.

PersonIDType (cc:IdentifierType) PersonNameType (cc:IdentifierType) PersonnelClassIDType (cc:IdentifierType) PlannedFinishType (cc:DateTimeType) PlannedStartType (cc:DateTimeType) PriorityType (cc:NumericType) ProblemType (cc:CodeType) ProcessSegmentIDType (cc:IdentifierType) ProductionRequestIDType (cc:IdentifierType) ProductionScheduleIDType (cc:IdentifierType) ProductProductionRuleIDType (cc:IdentifierType) ProductProductionRuleType (cc:IdentifierType) ProductSegmentIDType (cc:IdentifierType) PropertyIDType (cc:IdentifierType)

A string containing the identification of a person. A string containing the name of a person. A string containing the identification of a personnel class. A date/time containing a planned finishing time. A specific instance on time using the ISO 8601 CE (Common Era) calendar extended format and abbreviated versions. A date/time containing a planned starting time. A specific instance on time using the ISO 8601 CE (Common Era) calendar extended format and abbreviated versions. An integer that specifies a priority of a request. Lower numbers have higher priority (e.g., Priority 1 is more important than Priority 7). A string containing a description of a problem in a maintenance request. A string containing an identification of a process segment. A string containing an identification of a production request. A string containing an identification of a production schedule. A string containing an identification of a product production rule. A string containing a reference to an external product production rule (e.g. a recipe) A string containing an identification of a product segment. A string containing the ID of a property.

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Type Name (derived from) PublishedDateType (cc:DateTimeType) QAMaterialTestSpecificationIDType (cc:IdentifierType) QualificationTestSpecificationIDType (cc:IdentifierType) QuantityStringType (xsd:string) QuantityValueType Description A date/time defining the published date/time of an element. A specific instance on time using the ISO 8601 CE (Common Era) calendar extended format and abbreviated versions. A string containing an identification of a QA Material Test Specification. A sting containing an identification of a qualification test specification. A string containing the value of a quantity, encoded as a string type. A complex type defining the quantity of a resource (e.g. 15 KG). It contains a value, a data type of the value and the unit of measure of the value. In some cases multiple quantities are allowed. This supports the concept of catch weight where there may be multiple measures of quantity, such as a count and a weight. For example, a catch weight quantity for lobsters may include a count of the number of lobsters as one quantity and the total weight of lobsters as another quantity. The Key element may be used to differentiate between the different quantity values. QualityString, DataType, and UnitOfMeasure may be NULL (using xsi:nil="true" in place of the element string

ReasonType (cc:CodeType) RequestedCompletionDateType (cc:DateTimeType) RequestedPriorityType (cc:NumericType) RequestorType (cc:IdentifierType)

A string containing the reason for a maintenance request. A date/time containing the requested completion date of an element. A specific instance on time using the ISO 8601 CE (Common Era) calendar extended format and abbreviated versions. An integer that specifies the requested priority of a request. Lower numbers have higher priority (e.g., Priority 1 is more important than Priority 7). A string containing an identification of the requestor for maintenance request.

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Type Name (derived from)


ResourcesType (cc:CodeType) ResponseStateType

Description A string used by the production schedule, in a ProductionRequest/SegmentResponse to indicate if an element in a in the segment response should be returned in a ProductionResponse. The value must be one of the following standard enumerations: Required, Optional, or Other Required The SegmentResponse element is required to be returned in a ProductionResponse. Optional The SegmentResponse element , with the associated ProductionSchedule/SegmentResponse structure may be returned in a ProductionResponse. If Other then the type is an application specific extension and the value is defined in the attribute OtherValue. A string used by the ProductionSchedule, ProductionRequirement, and SegmentRequirement types to indicate the state of the requirement when the document was created. If not specified, then the value of Released is the default. The value must be one of the following standard enumerations: Forecast, Released, or Other Forecast The requirements have not been released for use. (For example, this may be a schedule which is an estimate of a future schedule to allow long-term planning by the receiver, with a later Released schedule when the schedule has been approved and released to production.) Released The requirements have been released for use. If Other then the type is an application specific extension and the value is defined in the attribute OtherValue. A description of the resources required for a maintenance element. A string used by the ProductionPerformance, ProductionResponse, and SegmentResponse types to indicate the state of the segment(s) when the document was created. If not specified, then the value of Completed is the default. The value must be one of the following standard enumerations: Ready, Running, Completed, Aborted, Holding, or Other Ready The segments were ready to run, but is not yet running. Running The segments were running. Completed The segments were completed. Aborted The segments were aborted. Holding The segments were holding. If Other then the type is an application specific extension and the value is defined in the attribute OtherValue. A string containing the identification of the person responsible for a maintenance element.

ResponsiblePersonType (cc:IdentifierType)

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Type Name (derived from) ResultType Description A complex type containing the result of a test, including a data type, unit of measure and key. When multiple results are stored the Key element may be used to differentiate between the different result values. For example there may be multiple tests performed at different times and each result is recorded, the key value would contain the time in production (0:10.00, 0:20.00, 0:30.00). ValueString, DataType, and UnitOfMeasure may be NULL (using xsi:nil="true" in place of the element string

ReviewerType (cc:IdentifierType) SegmentDependencyType

A string containing an identification of a reviewer of an element. A complex type defining a dependency between segments.

StartTimeType (cc:DateTimeType) StatusTimeType (cc:DateTimeType) StatusType (cc:CodeType) StorageLocationType (cc:IdentifierType)

A date/time containing the start time for an element. A specific instance on time using the ISO 8601 CE (Common Era) calendar extended format and abbreviated versions. A date/time containing the time of a status for an element. A specific instance on time using the ISO 8601 CE (Common Era) calendar extended format and abbreviated versions. A string containing the status of an element. A string containing an identification of a storage location.

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Type Name (derived from) SubmissionDateType (cc:DateTimeType) Description A date/time containing the time of a submission of a maintenance element. A specific instance on time using the ISO 8601 CE (Common Era) calendar extended format and abbreviated versions. A date/time type used in a test result. A specific instance on time using the ISO 8601 CE (Common Era) calendar extended format and abbreviated versions. A complex type containing test results, including the list of results, expiration time of the test, the data and time of the test.

TestDateTimeType (cc:DateTimeType) TestResultType

UnitOfMeasureType (cc:CodeType) ValueStringType (xsd:string) ValueType

A string containing a unit of measure. The value for a value, encoded as a string. A complex type containing a value, the type of the data, the unit of measure of the value, and key. When multiple values are stored the Key element may be used to differentiate between the different values. For example a value may be a series of numbers, such as a series of peak values from spectrometer. ValueString, DataType, and UnitOfMeasure may be NULL (using xsi:nil="true" in place of the element string).

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Type Name (derived from) VersionType (cc:IdentifierType) Description A string containing an identification of a version.

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4 Transaction Definitions
The B2MML-Vxx-common.xsd contains a set of elements used to support the transactions as defined in the ISA 95 Part 5 Business-to-Manufacturing Transaction standard. Transactions define sets of messages that are exchanged between applications according to a specific set of rules. The transaction model follows the OAGiS model for transaction messages using the OAGiS XML schema structure, but using data objects (nouns) that are B2MML elements (relating to the ISA 95 data objects). Transaction messages are based on the concept of VERBS and NOUNS. Verbs define the action to be taken or the response to an action. Nouns define the data objects the actions are taken on. The top level element of a XML document (the message) is named as the combination of the verb and the noun. For example, a Get verb on a ProductionSchedule nouns would have an element named GetProductionSchedule. Three different transaction models are defined: 1. A PULL model where a user of data requests the data from a provider using a GET verb, and where the provider of the data responds with a SHOW verb. 2. A PUSH model where a provider of data requests an action (processing, changing, or canceling) on the data by another user. a) A request to process the attached data is sent using the PROCESS verb and an optional response to the processing is returned using the ACKNOWLEDGE verb. Note: The definition of word process as meaning deal with or handle. A PROCESS verb is often the equivalent of a command to add the data, but usually the receiving entity performs further actions as a result of receiving the data. b) A request to change information is sent using a CHANGE verb and an optional response to the change is returned using the RESPOND verb. c) A request to cancel the attached data is sent using the CANCEL verb. Note: The request to cancel indicates that the sender no longer needs the data. Because the CANCEL is not sent by the owner of the data, the data are not necessarily deleted. 3. A PUBLISH model where the publisher of data sends to users (subscribers) of the data. a) A notification of new data is sent using a SYNC verb and the ADD option. b) A notification of changed data is sent using a SYNC verb and the CHANGE option. c) A notification of deleted data is sent using a SYNC verb and the DELETE option.

4.1 Standard Transaction Element Structure

The standard structure used for all transaction elements is an element with the verb name prefixed to the element name. For example, the element used to contain a Get message for a PersonnelInformation element would be GetPersonnelInformation. Each transaction element contains two elements, an ApplicationArea and a DataArea, as shown in the figure and partial XML sample below.

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<GetPersonnelInformation releaseID="B2MML-V04RC01"> <ApplicationArea> </ApplicationArea> <DataArea> <Get> </Get> <PersonnelInformation> </PersonnelInformation> <DataArea> All transaction elements contain the same ApplicationArea element (see definition in Section 4.6). Each DataArea is unique to the specific element type being exchanged. The DataArea contains two elements, an element that is specific to the verb (Get, Show, Process, Confirm, Acknowledge, ) and an element that defines the specific exchanged element (PersonnelInformation, Equipment, MaterialLot, ProductionSchedule, ProcessSegment, ).

All common transaction element types are prefixed with Trans and postfixed with Type. For example the ApplicationArea is defined in the type TransApplicationAreaType, and the Get is defined in the type TransGetType.

4.2 Message Confirmation

Any message may request confirmation of receipt of the message using a CONFIRM option that is defined in the messages ApplicationArea. The confirmation indicates successful processing of the message and returns error conditions if the initiating message could not be processed. The CONFIRM option may specify the following options: Copyright 2008 WBF All Rights Reserved Page 23 of 35

< eb < b c Vr > Oj t e


Option Never OnError Always

Option Description No confirmation requested. (Note: Default value if option not defined.) Send back a confirmation only if an error has occurred. Always send a confirmation regardless of the local processing.

All confirmations are returned in a single message (XML element) type of ConfirmBOD. (Note: This follows the OAGiS definitions, where BOD is short for Business Object Document.) NOTE: While any message may request confirmation (including a ConfirmBOD message), the recommended use is to only request confirmations for critical messages and only on CANCEL messages. (Confirmation on SYNC messages may lead to a large number of messages that the publisher could take no effective action on, GET messages have SHOW responses, PROCESS messages have ACKNOWLEDGE responses, and CHANGE messages have RESPOND responses.)

4.3 PULL Transaction Model

The PULL transaction model is used when a user of data requests information from a provider of the data. The request is defined in a message that contains a GET verb and an empty or partially defined element. For example the following diagram indicates a GET/SHOW transaction.

Information Requestor

GetEquipmentClass ShowEquipmentClass

Information Provider

See the ISA 95 Enterprise-Control System Integration, Part 5, Business to Manufacturing Transaction standard for a complete specification of the empty and partially defined element rules on the GET. For example, the GetEquipmentClass message would contain a partially defined EquipmentClass element, as shown in the following text from the ISA 95 Part 5 standard1. Value of Equipment Class ID IDs specified IDs specified

Value of Equipment Class Property ID not specified IDs specified

Equipment Class Property Value not specified

Action on Object(s) Specified for the GET verb Defines a request that the receiver is to return, in a SHOW message, all attributes about the specified Equipment Classes, all properties and their attributes, and the IDs of Equipment that are members of each Equipment Class. Defines a request that the receiver is to return, in a SHOW message, all attributes about the specified Equipment Classes, all of the specified Equipment Class Properties,

not specified

Reprinted with permission of ISA, Research Triangle Park, NC, from the ISA 95 Enterprise-Control System Integration, Part 5, Business to Manufacturing Transaction standard. Copyright 2008 WBF All Rights Reserved Page 24 of 35

74169397.doc Value of Equipment Class ID Value of Equipment Class Property ID Equipment Class Property Value

Action on Object(s) Specified for the GET verb and the IDs of Equipment that are members of each Equipment Class. Defines a request that the receiver is to return, in a SHOW message, all attributes about the specified Equipment Classes where the Equipment Class Property value matches the specified property value, all of the specified Equipment Class Properties, and the IDs of Equipment that are members of each Equipment Class. Defines a request that the receiver is to return, in a SHOW message, all attributes and properties about the Equipment Classes that match the wildcard ID and the IDs of Equipment that are members of each Equipment Class. To return all Equipment Classes, specify a * as the wildcard. Defines a request that the receiver is to return, in a SHOW message, all attributes of the Equipment Classes that match the wildcard IDs, and for each class return all Equipment Class Properties that match the property ID wildcards, and the IDs of Equipment that are members of each Equipment Class. To return a single property, specify the Equipment Class Property ID in the property ID wildcard. To return all Equipment Class Properties, specify a * as the property ID wildcard. To return a single Equipment Class, specify the ID in the wildcard ID. To return all Equipment Classes, specify a * as the ID wildcard.

IDs specified

IDs specified

Property Values Specified

Wildcard specified

not specified

not specified

Wildcard specified

Wildcard specified

not specified

The SHOW message contains a required response status attribute of either Accepted or Rejected in the Show/ResponseCriteria/ResponseExpression element as shown in the figure below.
Contains required actionCode attribute of Accepted or Rejected

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4.4 PUSH Transaction Model

The PUSH model uses PROCESS/ACKNOWLEDGE, CHANGE/RESPOND, and CANCEL messages for an application that is not the owner of data to request processing, changing, or canceling data to the data owner. For example, the following diagram indicates a Process/Acknowledge transaction for a ProductionSchedule element. The PROCESS message may contain a CONFIRM option and a ACKNOWLEDGE option, but normally only the ACKNOWLEDGE would be specified (not both). The PROCESS Acknowledgement option may specify the following options: Option Never Always Option Description No acknowledge requested. (Note: Default value if option not defined.) Always send an acknowledge.

See the ISA 95 Part 5 standard for a complete definition of the action to be performed as the result of receiving a PROCESS message for each object (element) type.

Information Sender


Information Receiver

The following diagram illustrates a CHANGE/RESPOND transaction for a ProductDefinition element. The CHANGE message may contain a CONFIRM option and a RESPOND option, but normally only one or neither would be specified (not both). The CHANGE respond option may specify the following options: Option Never Always Option Description No response requested. (Note: Default value if option not defined.) Always send a response.

See the ISA 95 Part 5 standard for a complete definition of the action to be performed as the result of receiving a CHANGE message for each object (element) type.

Information Sender

ChangeProductDefinition RespondProductDefinition

Information Receiver

The following diagram illustrates a CANCEL transaction for a MaterialLot element. The CANCEL message may contain a confirmation option. Copyright 2008 WBF All Rights Reserved Page 26 of 35


See the ISA 95 Part 5 standard for a complete definition of the action to be performed as the result of receiving a CANCEL message for each object (element) type.

Information Sender

CancelMaterialLot ConfirmBOD

Information Receiver

4.4.1 Process Acknowledgment

The acknowledge option is defined using optional attributes in PROCESS messages. The PROCESS verb contains an optional acknowledgeCode attribute, as shown below in the Process element.
Contains optional acknowledgeCode attribute

For consistency with OAGiS verb definitions, the PROCESS verb also contains an ActionCode element with ActionExpression elements. This element is not used in the B2MML transactions. The ACKNOWLEDGE message contains a required status attribute in the Acknowledge/ResposeCriteria/ResponseExpression element, as shown below.

Contains required actionCode attribute

4.4.2 Change Response

The CHANGE verb contains an optional responseCode attribute, as shown below in the Change element.

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Contains optional responseCode attribute

For consistency with OAGiS verb definitions, the CHANGE verb also contains an ActionCode element with ActionExpression elements. This element is not used in the B2MML transactions. The RESPOND message contains a required status attribute in the Respond/ResponseCriteria/ResponseExpression element.

Contains required actionCode attribute

4.5 PUBLISH Transaction Model

The PUBLISH model uses SYNC messages with ADD, CHANGE, or DELETE options to indicate the action to be taken on the published data. The following diagram illustrates a SYNC ADD transaction for a Person element. The SyncPerson (Add) message may be sent to multiple information subscribers when a new Person object is defined, but only one is shown in the example. The SYNC message may contain a confirmation option, but this is not normally used in PUBLISH transactions. See the ISA 95 Part 5 standard for a complete definition of the action to be performed as the result of receiving a SYNC ADD message for each object (element) type.

Information Publisher SyncPerson (Add) ConfirmBOD

Information Subscriber

The following diagram illustrates a SYNC CHANGE transaction for a ProcessSegment element. The SyncPerson (Change) message may be sent to multiple information subscribers when a ProcessSegment object is changed, but only one is shown in the example. The SYNC message may contain a confirmation option, but this is not normally used in PUBLISH transactions. See the ISA 95 Part 5 standard for a complete definition of the action to be performed as the result of receiving a SYNC CHANGE message for each object (element) type. Copyright 2008 WBF All Rights Reserved Page 28 of 35


Information Publisher SyncProcessSegment (Change) ConfirmBOD

Information Subscriber

The following diagram illustrates a SYNC DELETE transaction for a MaintenanceInformation element. The SyncPerson (Change) message may be sent to multiple information subscribers when MaintenanceInformation is deleted, but only one is shown in the example. The SYNC message may contain a confirmation option, but this is not normally used in PUBLISH transactions. See the ISA 95 Part 5 standard for a complete definition of the action to be performed as the result of receiving a SYNC DELETE message for each object (element) type.

Information Publisher ConfirmBOD

Information Subscriber SyncMaintainceInformation (Delete)

The SYNC options are specified in the required attribute of the Sync/ActionCriteria/ActionExpression element. There are multiple ActionCriteria elements allowed by the schema, but only one is used in the B2MML transactions.
Contains required actionCode attribute of Add, Change, or Delete

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4.6 Common Transaction Elements

Type Name Element Name TransAcknowledgeType Acknowledge Description Complex data type for an ACKNOWLEDGE verb in an Acknowledge<Object> message. A complex type that contains two elements: OriginalApplicationArea: An optional copy of the ApplicationArea from the requesting Process message (see TransApplicationAreaType). This is included to assist in error handling by the requesting application. ResponseCriteria: Zero or more elements (See TransResponseCriteriaType) that contain additional acknowledge information (including an action code). o If no ResponseCriteria is present, then the action code of Accepted is the default. o The first ResponseCriteria element defines the acknowledgement option. The meanings of any additional ResponseCriteria are not defined in B2MML.

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TransActionCodeEnumerationType A string that contains an identification of the action to be performed as part of a verb. The action codes are used for SYNC messages and as responses in CHANGE, CONFIRM, ACKNOWLEDGE and RESPOND messages. The following enumerations are defined: Enumeration Add Change Delete Replaced Accepted Action Meaning Used in a SYNC message to indicate a SYNC ADD action to be performed. Used in a SYNC message to indicate a SYNC CHANGE action to be performed. Used in a SYNC message to indicate a SYNC DELETE action to be performed. Used in a RESPOND message to indicate that the change was performed Used in an ACKNOWLEDGE message to indicate that the PROCESS was performed Used in a CONFIRM message to indicate that the action was performed. Used in a SHOW message to indicate that the GET was performed and all data was returned. This may include a SHOW message with no data elements, if the section criteria identified no data to be returned. Used in an ACKNOWLEDGE message to indicate that the PROCESS was performed but that the information was modified. Used in a RESPOND message to indicate that the CHANGE was performed but that the information was modified. Not used in a SHOW message. Used in an ACKNOWLEDGE message to indicate that the PROCESS was rejected. Used in a RESPOND message to indicate that the CHANGE was rejected. Used in a CONFIRM message to indicate that the action was rejected. Used in a SHOW message to indicate that the GET was not performed and that not data was returned.




A union type of an enumeration (see TransActionCodeEnumerationType) and a normalizedString. This allows either a defined enumeration value (see above) or a user defined string. The meanings of any user defined action code strings are not defined in B2MML. Data Type for a SYNC, PROCESS, CHANGE, and CANCEL message. It contains one optional element ActionExpression (see TransExpressionType) that contains an action code for SYNC messages. If no ActionExpression is defined for a SYNC message, then the action code of Add is the default.

TransActionCriteriaType ActionCriteria

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TransApplicationAreaType ApplicationArea OriginalApplicationArea A complex type that contains: An optional identification of the sender of the message (see TransSenderType) A required element with the creation date & time of the message. An optional electronic signature that can be used to sign the transaction message An optional ID (BODID) to be applied to exchanged data object. This should be a GUID (Globally Unique Identifier) that uniquely identifies the data object. An optional user area for user extended data.


Data type for a CANCEL verb in a Cancel<Object> message. Contains an optional attribute responseCode of type TransResponseCodeType. The responseCode specifies if a response is required. The complex type also that contains an optional ActionCriteria (see TransActionCriteriaType) element for compatibility with OAGiS, however the ActionCriteria elements are not defined in a TransCancelType element in B2MML.


Data type for a CHANGE verb in a Change<Object> message. Contains an optional attribute responseCode of type TransResponseCodeType. The responseCode specifies if a response is required. The complex type also that contains an optional ActionCriteria (see TransActionCriteriaType) element for compatibility with OAGiS, however the ActionCriteria elements are not defined in a TransChangeType element in B2MML.


A string used to indicate a confirmation, acknowledge, or respond code option in a message. The value must be one of the following standard enumerations: Always, Never, OnError Always Always return a confirm, acknowledge, or respond message. Never Never return a confirm, acknowledge, or respond message. OnError Only return a confirm, acknowledge, or respond message if an error occurred during processing of the messages action.

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TransConfirmType TransExpressionType ActionExpression ResponseExpression Data type for a CONFIRM verb in a ConfirmBOD message. See the ConfirmBOD documentation for the full description of the confirm message A complex type with: A simple type of token A required attributed of actionCode (see TransActionCodeType) An optional expressionLanguage attribute that specifies the language that may be used to interpret the tokens in the expression. The meaning of any text included in the token in a TransExpressionType is not defined in B2MML. Data type for a GET verb in a Get<Object> message. There are no attributes.

TransGetType Get

TransProcessType Process

Data type for a PROCESS verb in a Process<Object> message. Contains an optional attribute acknowledgeCode of type TransResponseCodeType. The responseCode specifies if a response is required.

TransRespondType Respond

Data type for a RESPOND verb in a Respond<Object> message.


TransResponseCriteriaType ResponseCriteria

A string used to indicate if response is requested for the sent. The value must be one of the following standard enumerations: Always, Never Always Always return a response message. Never Never return a response message. Data Type for an ACKNOWLEDGE, CONFIRM, SHOW, and RESPOND response. It contains one optional element ResponseExpression (see TransExpressionType) that contains an action code. If no ResponseExpression is defined, then the action code of Accepted is the default.

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TransSenderType A complex type that identifies characteristics and control identifiers that relate to the application that created the transaction message. The sender area can indicate the logical location of the application and/or database server, the application, and the task that was executing to create the data object. The format for the LogicalID is not defined in B2MML. May contain a logical (not physical) identification of the sending task. The format for the ComponentID is not defined in B2MML. May contain additional detail for the LogicalID. The format for the TaskID is not defined in B2MML. It may describe the business event that initiated the need for the Business Object Document to be created. The format for the ReferenceID is not defined in B2MML. It may contain additional information that enables the sending application to indicate the instance identifier of the event or task that caused the data to be created. The format for ConfirmationCode is defined in TransConfirmationCodeType. The format for the AuthorizationID is not defined in B2MML. It may identify the authorization level of the user or application that is sending the data. This authorization level may indicate to the receiving system indicates what can be done on request.


Data type for a SHOW messages.


A ##any type that is used if the message is to be signed. It supports any digital signature that maybe used by an implementation. The optional qualifyingAgencyID attribute identifies the agency that provided the format for the signature. In order to support digital signature specifications that are currently available today or will be developed in the future. The Signature element is defined to have any content from any other namespace. The choice of which digital signature to use is left up to the specific implementation.

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TransSyncType Data type for SYNC messages.


A ##any type that is used to contain user data in the application area.

4.7 B2MML and OAGiS Differences

B2MML is designed to implement a subset of the OAGiS 9.0 message rules that are consistent with the ISA 95 Part 5 definitions. Specifically the B2MML ApplicationArea and verb elements are subsets of the full OAGiS 9.0 specifications, with the differences listed in the following table. Element Show Differences The OAGiS 9.0 Show specification includes a set of optional attributes (recordSetStartNumber, recordSetCount, recordSetTotal, recordSetCompleteIndicator, and recordSetReferenceId) that are used by the responding task to indicate the status of the request and to define the scope of the information returned. These attributes are not defined for B2MML. The Show message should return all elements of the Get request. The OAGiS Get specification includes a set of optional attributes (uniqueIndicator, maxItems, recordSetSaveIndicator, recordSetStartNumber, and recordSetReferenceId) that are used by the requesting application to control how many elements are returned. These attributes are not defined for B2MML. The Show message should return all elements of the Get request. B2MML only contains an optional ResponseExpression element. OAGiS 9.0 also contains an optional ChangeStatus element. In B2MML this contains a required attribute that contains an actionCode. B2MML contains only the Original Application Area, a free form text group, and user data. OAGiS 9.0 also contains BOD Failure Message, BOD Success Message, and Partial BOD Failure Message areas. B2MML has the DateTimeType derived from the xsd:dateTime type. OAGiS 9.0 has the DataTimeType derived from xsd:string. B2MML is more restrictive than OAGiS, but OAGiS recommends the use of ISO 8601 CE format.


ResponseCriteria ActionExpression ResponseExpression ConfirmBOD


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