Exam tip
It can be hard to decide how to classify some countries, e.g. is Russia a
superpower or an emerging power? In the exam, the key is being able to
explain the category in which you place a country using evidence.
Mechanisms of power
Table 14 shows possible ways of measuring power. The USA, EU and
China are at or near the top in all columns. Other countries, such as India
and Russia, do well only in some rankings.
The types of power these rankings suggest can be placed on a spectrum
from hard power to soft power.
• Hard power: using military and economic influence (trade deals,
sanctions) to force another country to act in a particular way.
• Soft power: more subtle persuasion of countries to act in particular ways,
on the basis that the persuader is respected and appealing. Includes
political persuasion (diplomacy) and cultural influence.
The political scientist Joseph Nye coined the term soft power. He argues
that in the twenty-first century the most successful countries are those that
combine hard and soft power into smart power.
Knowledge check 47
In 2017, how many member states made up the EU?
An important question is whether hard or soft power is more effective.
• Hard power (threats of force or direct military action) can get results but
is expensive and risky.
• Others may view military action as unnecessary or illegal, so the
aggressor may lose allies and moral authority (e.g. Russia’s 2014
invasion of the Crimea).
• Soft power relies on a country having respected culture, values and
politics, which may be enough to persuade some countries but not others.
• Soft power, applied well, is low cost and, because it is about creating
alliances and friendly relations, may spread to other countries.
Exam tip
Learn some data, such as in Table 14, because you need to be able to state
some hard facts in the exam to back up your explanations.
International rankings of soft power, such as by Monocle magazine, usually
place the USA, UK, France and Germany top of the annual rankings, i.e.
Western, liberal democracies.
Knowledge check 48
Which country has the most active nuclear warheads?
Changing mechanisms
The relative importance of different forms of power has changed over time.
In the past, military force and hard power were the common mechanisms
for achieving and maintaining power.
In the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries the idea that power came
from controlling vast land areas was important. In 1904 British geographer
Halford Mackinder produced an influential geo-strategic location theory,
called Heartland Theory (Figure 36).
Heartland theory was influential.
• It persuaded the USA, UK and other European countries that Russia
needed to be ‘contained’, i.e. prevented from spreading outward by taking
over new areas close by.
• It reinforced that idea that control of physical resources (land, mineral
wealth) was important.
In the twenty-first century these ideas seem old-fashioned.
• Modern military technology (inter-continental ballistic missiles, drones,
aircraft carriers, strike aircraft) can hit deep inside another country’s
territory — size is no protection.
• Physical resources are traded internationally; there is much less need to
have them domestically.
• War and conflict are generally seen as abnormal, whereas in the past they
were accepted ways of gaining power.
Knowledge check 49
Give an example of a recent use of ‘hard power’.
Soft power has become more common as a way of gaining influence and
maintaining power, by creating economic and political alliances. However,
hard power still exists.
• In 1991 and 2003 the USA and its allies invaded Iraq, partly to secure oil
• Russia invaded Georgia in 2008 and Ukraine/Crimea in 2014, claiming
to be protecting ethnic Russians.
Patterns of power
Imperial power
The period 1500 to 1950 was an imperial era. European powers (Spain,
Portugal, UK, France and Germany) conquered land in the Americas,
Africa and Asia and built empires that directly controlled territories. The
development of empires relied on:
• powerful navies to transport soldiers and equipment to areas of potential
conquest, and then protect sea-routes and coastlines from enemies
• large and advanced armed forces to conquer territory and then control it
• businesses, often government owned, to exploit resources in the
conquered territories by mining (gold, tin) and plantation farming
(rubber, tea, coffee)
• a fleet of merchant ships, protected by a navy, to transport goods back to
the home country
• people from the home country to act as the government and civil service
to run the colonies
Empires were maintained directly by force. Attempts by the conquered
people to rebel against the colonial power were brutally suppressed. Britain
had the largest empire, reaching its peak in 1920 when it controlled 24% of
the world’s land across all continents.
Empires ended in the period 1950–1970. European countries gave
independence to their colonies. This was because the cost of maintaining
empires was too high as Europe rebuilt after the Second World War. Since
1950, China has effectively acted as a colonial ruler of Tibet, brutally
suppressing dissent during rebellions by Tibetans in 1959 and 2008.
Indirect control
Even during the imperial era, there was a limited attempt to control colonies
using power mechanisms other than military. In British India, English
culture was encouraged at least among wealthier Indians. This included
English schools and language, competitive sport (cricket) and dress.
Today, no superpower or emerging power has a significant empire —
although Russian-controlled parts of Georgia, Ukraine and Moldova are a
mini-empire — so control of other places and people has to be indirect.
These indirect mechanisms are summarised in Table 15.
Table 15 Indirect mechanisms of power
Political Military
Dominance in international The threat of large, powerful armed
decision-making within the forces with global reach
United Nations, G7, World Trade Selective arms trading that provides
Organisation and others weapons to key allies, but not enemies
Some countries have
disproportionate influence
Economic Cultural
The use of trade deals and trade The use of global media (TV, film,
blocs to create economic music) arts, culture and global TNC
alliances that create brands to spread the ideology and
interdependence between like- values of a country through consumer
minded countries culture
Exam tip
Political, military, economic and cultural power are sometimes called the
‘pillars’ of superpower status. These pillars provide a useful structure for
evaluating power in essay questions.
Indirect power became important during the Cold War era. The USA and
USSR sought allies among other countries as part of the USA-led ‘West’ or
USSR-led ‘East’. This included:
• military alliances, e.g. USA (NATO) and the USSR (Warsaw Pact)
• foreign aid as a way to ‘buy’ support from emerging and developing
• support for corrupt and undemocratic regimes in the developing world, in
return for their support for the superpower
Some geographers have argued that Western nations continue to control
their ex-colonies in the developing world through an indirect mechanism
called neo-colonialism, which includes:
• a debt–aid relationship: developing countries owe money for past loans
to developed countries, but their poverty means they also depend on
hand-outs of foreign aid
• poor terms of trade: developing countries export low value commodities
(tea, copper, cocoa) but have to import expensive manufactured goods
from developed countries
• the loss of their brightest and most productive people: who tend to
migrate to developed countries if they can
The rise of China as an emerging power since 2000 has led to it being
accused of neo-colonial actions in Africa. In addition, it is challenging the
hegemony of the USA and former colonial powers (France and the UK) in
Knowledge check 50
When was the Cold War between the USSR and USA?
Exam tip
Make sure you have a clear historical timeline about how the polarity of
power has changed over time, with dates.
This has implications for the future. After 2030 the world could be bi-polar
(USA and China) or it might be more multi-polar (USA, China, India, EU).
This will have big implications for the sort of world we live in.
The emerging powers
Emerging powers
The global consensus is that some emerging powers will be increasingly
important to global economic and political systems in the twenty-first
century and the dominance of the USA will decline. The most likely rival to
the USA’s current hegemony is China, because:
• it has huge human resources
• its economy has grown massively since 1990, and shows few signs of
slowing down
• it increasingly engages with other parts of the world, notably by
investing in Africa in terms of mineral resources
• it has military ambitions to build a blue water navy, operating beyond
its coastline
Other BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India and China) and G20 countries could
become significantly more powerful in the future. Figure 37 shows that
Europe’s and the USA’s share of world GDP has been in decline for some
time. Having declined up to 1960, China and India are now becoming
increasingly significant to the global economy and that is likely to continue.
It is likely that emerging powers in the near future will:
• demand more say in global organisations such as the United Nations:
there is a case for India having a permanent seat on the UN Security
• have more influence over global financial decision-making at the World
Bank, International Monetary Fund and World Trade Organization
• play a greater role in international peacekeeping missions and disaster
response, as their military capacities grow
The BRIC countries account for 42% of global carbon dioxide emissions.
This means a global environmental governance agreement to tackle
global warming has to involve these countries. At the UN Climate Change
Conference in Paris in 2015 the BRIC countries were involved in the
agreement in a way they had not been when the 1997 Kyoto Protocol was
signed, which only involved developed countries.
Strengths and weaknesses
Emerging countries have contrasting strengths and weakness as summarised
in Table 17. Several points are worth stressing.
Knowledge check 51
Roughly, what percentage of global GDP did China account for by 2010?
Development theory
Theories can help explain changing patterns of power, i.e. why some
countries become powerful, whereas others do not. Three theories are worth
1 WW Rostow’s Modernisation Theory. Sometimes known as the ‘Take-
Off model’. It suggests that economic development only begins when
certain pre-conditions are met: modern infrastructure, education, banking
and effective government.
2 AG Frank’s Dependency Theory. Argues that the relationship between
developed and developing countries is one of dependency: this prevents
developing countries from making economic progress. Neo-colonial
mechanisms and a net transfer of wealth from developing to developed
world are responsible.
3 Immanuel Wallerstein’s World Systems Theory. Does not see the world
in Frank’s developed versus developing world terms, but rather as a
global system of core, semi-periphery and periphery nations. The semi-
periphery countries are the emerging economies, some of which are
emerging superpowers.
Exam tip
You need to know a range of strengths and weaknesses for the BRICs and
the existing superpowers (EU, USA) and be able to judge which are the
most/least powerful.
Knowledge check 52
Name an emerging power with an ageing population.
World Systems Theory is a good ‘fit’ for the current pattern of developed,
emerging and developing countries. Modernisation Theory is useful in
explaining how some countries manage to become wealthy. None of the
theories are very good at identifying why some countries, but not others,
become superpowers.
Key drivers of the Western capitalist economic system and economic
globalisation are big companies known as trans-national corporations
(TNCs). These come in two flavours:
1 public TNCs: owned by shareholders; examples include Apple, Tesco,
Shell and Zara
2 state-led TNCs: owned by governments; examples include Bank of
China, EDF and Petronas
Knowledge check 53
Name the global IGO that promotes global free trade.
Exam tip
You can use acronyms such as WTO and IMF, but write out in full the first
time you use them.
State-led TNCs are found in countries which do not follow the Western
capitalism model, such as China and Russia. They are less democratic, and
governments want the profits from business for themselves. These TNCs
are often within strategic industries such as banking, oil and gas, vehicle
manufacturing and the steel industry. Table 19 shows that the world’s
biggest TNCs are dominated by companies from the USA and EU, and
state-owned companies from China. The latter tend to be much less global,
operating mainly in China and a few other developing and emerging
Knowledge check 54
Who owns many of China’s largest companies?
Exam tip
Learn some data on the size and revenue of TNCs, as this will add depth to
your answers.
Even hyperpowers such as the USA, or Britain in the Imperial era, seek
allies. Having like-minded friends adds to a superpower’s strength.
• Allies can be ‘eyes and ears’ in distant parts of the world, spotting
trouble as it develops.
• Allies increase the network of military assets spread around the world.
• Political and economic allies can form a large bloc, to force their agenda
on the wider world.
Knowledge check 55
Today, which country is expected to act as the ‘world’s policeman’?
The USA has a broad global military alliance, which its emerging power
challengers (China, Russia and India) cannot match (Figure 38). These
alliances allow the USA to position powerful air and naval assets around
the world.
The USA and its military allies spent US$966 billion on their militaries in
2015, or 58% of global military spending.
As well as being tied together economically, superpowers are tied by
economic alliances. This is achieved by free-trade agreements.
These include:
• the EU: between 28 member states
• NAFTA: between the USA, Mexico and Canada
• ASEAN: between 10 south-east Asian countries including Taiwan, the
Philippines and Indonesia
The overlap between economic and military alliances creates
interdependence in terms of geostrategy. Economic prosperity requires
geopolitical stability (wars are bad for trade), which is ensured by military
Knowledge check 56
Which is the largest military alliance the USA is part of?
Synoptic themes
Most of the world’s powerful inter-governmental organisations (IGOs) such
as the United Nations, World Trade Organization and EU were set up by
Western countries in the 1940s and 1950s. Their actions frequently reflect
Western attitudes to trade, capitalism, political freedom and the
environment. They may not reflect the attitudes of emerging powers such as
China or Russia.
Exam tip
Make sure you can weigh up the importance of both military and
economic alliances in terms of influencing global decision making.
Environmental governance
Just as the world looks to superpowers to act as ‘global policemen’, many
people would look to the same countries to show leadership on
environmental issues such as carbon emissions. Opinion on this issue is
very divided, with some superpowers more willing to act to try and reach
global agreements than others (Figure 41).
• China’s focus is largely on economic development not environmental
• In the USA concern is quite low, at 45%. There is a long-standing
‘climate scepticism’ in the USA.
• Europeans are more concerned. Europe has been the most willing to act
to try and reduce emissions since 1990.
Exam tip
Be careful when discussing China. With per capita income in 2017 of
around US$8,000, it is still an emerging economy not a fully developed
The very high level of concern in Africa and Latin America is interesting.
Both regions have little impact on global warming as their emissions are
low. They could be severely affected by climate change as both have many
farmers that depend directly on rainfall for water supply, and crops for food.
Exam tip
You need to know a range of reasons why attitudes to environmental
issues vary around the world.
Emerging demand
Over the next 30 or 40 years resource demand in the USA and EU is likely
to remain static. Most people are already wealthy and their demand for
additional resources will be met by increasingly efficient use of existing
In emerging powers, this is not the case. Pressure on resources has a
number of causes:
• increasing population, especially in India, Indonesia and Brazil
• increased wealth: the global middle class (people earning US$10–100
per day) is expected to increase from 2 billion in 2012 to a staggering 5
billion by 2030
These people will need more ‘stuff’ and that may be problematic (Table
Table 22 Resource demands
Rare earths Oil
80–90% of global rare earth In 2015 the USA used 19 million
production is in China barrels of oil per day, China 12
This raises the possibility of million and India 4 million
shortages due to resource What if Indian and Chinese demand
nationalism reached USA levels?
Food Water
As China and India develop there In the USA and EU washing
will be increased demand for staple machines, dishwashers, a daily
grains (wheat, rice) bath/shower and swimming pools are
Demand for meat, dairy products common
and sugar will also rise as these This is not of true emerging
countries transition to ‘Western’ countries, but vast additional water
diets supplies will be needed if it becomes
Increased demand is likely to have two consequences:
1 the price of key resources rises as higher demand puts pressure on
2 availability of resources, especially non-renewable ones, falls as some
supplies are used up
In addition the rise of middle-class consumption will affect the physical
• more mining, oil drilling and deforestation in the quest to access raw
• increased carbon emissions from higher energy consumption and more
• problems disposing of consumer waste in landfill sites and incinerators
• more use of water, and therefore more polluted waste water
Knowledge check 58
What is the range of daily earnings in US$ that defines ‘middle class’?
Exam tip
Make sure you can accurately locate the superpowers and emerging
powers on a world map.
Synoptic themes
Currently no natural resources are exploited in Antarctica, and few in the
Arctic, but in the future this may change if some countries believe they
should be exploited. The attitudes of countries may change if resources are
depleted elsewhere leaving only these protected places as sources of
minerals and fossil fuels.
Intellectual property
Human resources are a key element of power. This is especially the case
with regard to new inventions and discoveries such as:
• new military technology, used for defence or attack
• inventions and new products that could bring riches
Most inventions are made by government organisations or TNCs through
research and development (R&D).
To prevent new inventions being copied illegally, they are protected by an
international system of intellectual property (IP). Without this:
• TNCs would be reluctant to invest in R&D, because they would gain
little profit from inventions that were immediately copied
• countries would be reluctant to trade, because their IP would fall into the
hands of others who would steal it
IP has economic value. Royalty fees alone amount to US$150–200 billion
annually, with 80% going to the USA, Japan and western Europe.
Intellectual property theft, counterfeiting and industrial espionage can strain
trade relationships, causing problems. It has been estimated that counterfeit
goods sales account for 5–8% of China’s GDP. Chinese car companies have
copied car designs from BMW and Mercedes, and iPhones are widely
• TNCs may limit investment in China if they fear IP theft.
• Total losses worldwide are probably US$400–600 billion annually.
• Trade deals with countries such as China are made much harder by its
failure to tackle IP theft.
• Counterfeit goods are often unsafe, putting consumers at risk.
Political spheres
The concept of a sphere of influence is useful in terms of tensions between
superpowers and emerging powers over territory and physical resources.
Table 24 shows the USA and its global allies. It includes a summary of
regions where emerging power spheres of influence overlap with traditional
US spheres.
Table 24 Overlapping spheres of influence
1 Eastern Eastern European countries joining the EU, and moves by
Europe Georgia and Ukraine to do so, angered Russia, leading to the
Russian invasions of parts of Georgia in 2008 and Ukraine
in 2014, as well as a build-up of NATO armed forces in the
Baltic States
2 Middle Since 2011, Russia has been an active ally of Syria, helping
East & the Syrian government fight rebel forces and ISIS. Russia
Central supports Iran, an enemy of US allies Israel and Saudi
Asia Arabia. Russia’s increasing involvement in the Middle East
makes an already difficult region even more complex
3 East Strained relations between North Korea (a Chinese ally) and
China South Korea (a US ally), as North Korea works to become a
Sea nuclear power. China sees South Korea and Japan (US
allies) as economic competitors. All countries have ongoing
disputes over islands in the sea
4 South Numerous disputed islands, claimed by China and US allies
China the Philippines and Taiwan. China has aggressively pursued
Sea a policy of island settlement and artificial island building —
then adding military facilities
5 Central China has shown increasing interest in funding alternative
America routes to the Panama Canal between the Atlantic and Pacific.
This is an area of traditional US hegemony
The South China Sea is a very tense region. China’s ‘Nine-Dashed Line’
and ‘First and Second Island Chain’ policies force it to try and control a
large area of the ocean south and east of China. The USA has considered
this its sphere since the end of the Second World War. The situations in
Ukraine, Georgia and Syria have created refugee crises — in Syria on a
huge scale from 2011 to 2017. This shows there are implications for people
of contested spheres.
Knowledge check 60
Where did Russia invade and occupy in 2014?
Changing relationships
Developing countries
Low-income countries could have new relationships with emerging powers.
An example is China’s interest in Sub-Saharan Africa, the world’s least
developed region. China’s interest is based on exploiting Africa’s abundant
and undeveloped physical resources:
• copper ore in Zambia
• crude oil in Angola, Sudan and Chad
• coltan (the ore of niobium and tantalum used in mobile phones) from the
Exam tip
You need a range of examples to illustrate different geographical locations
contested by powerful countries.
This new relationship has pros and cons (Table 25).
Table 25 China in Africa: opportunities and challenges
Opportunities Challenges
China–Africa relations are based on trade, Countries without natural
not ex-colonial ties resources China wants are
Chinese mines and factories bring jobs and left out
raise incomes and GDP Many jobs are actually done
In order to develop mining and factory by Chinese migrant labour
investment, China has invested huge sums in who number over 1 million
HEP, railways, ports and roads — which can Mining and oil exploitation
be used more widely risks causing deforestation,
China–Africa trade was worth US$200 oil spills and water pollution
billion in 2016, a huge sum for a developing Cheap Chinese imported
region goods have undercut some
local African producers,
especially of textiles
Africa’s economic model is
still cheap raw material
exports, and expensive
manufactured imports
Exam tip
Make sure you can evaluate the costs and benefits of Chinese investment
in Africa.
China and India relations are interesting.
• They are ideological rivals: India is the world’s largest democracy,
whereas China is a communist dictatorship.
• They share a border, but parts are disputed (Arunachal Pradesh, Tawang,
Aksai Chin), which led to conflict in 1962, 1967 and 1987.
• China has created a strong economic alliance with Pakistan focused on
the US$54 billion Chinese investment in CPEC (China–Pakistan
Economic Corridor), but Pakistan and India have tense, often antagonistic
• China has the upper-hand in terms of economics, as India has a large
trade deficit with China.
Increasingly, India and China are rivals in outer space. Both have advanced
space programmes. The rocket technology from this also helps develop
their nuclear missile technology. Both have an aircraft carrier, and both are
building more — demonstrating they have regional if not global, naval
Knowledge check 61
Which opposing political systems exist in India and China?
Knowledge check 62
Which two Middle Eastern countries are rivals for regional leadership
High debt levels, economic restructuring and high social costs represent
an opportunity for India and China. The two emerging powers have a
chance to pull level with the USA and EU because of the ongoing and long-
term nature of these economic and social problems.
Knowledge check 63
Why are social care and pensions costs rising rapidly in the EU?
Exam tip
The EU and USA both have problems, but be careful not to dismiss them.
China has a lot of catching up to do despite these problems!
Superpower costs
The USA spends 3.3% of its GDP (US$596 billion in 2015) on defence, i.e.
hard power. The UK spends 0.7% of its GDP (US$18.7 billion in 2015) on
development assistance (foreign aid), seeing this is a key part of its soft
Faced with rising healthcare and ageing costs, it is easy to question this
spending on military power and space exploration. Figure 42 shows the
USA’s government budget for 2016:
• defence takes up a very large slice, at about 15% of all spending
• intelligence services alone cost about US$80 billion annually
• spending by NASA on space exploration totalled US$18.5 billion in
• each of the USA’s ten planned Gerald R Ford-class aircraft carriers will
cost US$10.4 billion
• simply to test-fire an unarmed Tomahawk cruise missile costs US$1.5
The UK, France and USA also spend large sums of money on nuclear
missile technology and civilian nuclear power research. Both of these can
be questioned.
In order to be a truly global superpower, the USA must spend these sums of
money. However, the money could be spent in other ways:
• about 13% of Americans live in poverty (living on less than US$12,000
per year)
• about 60,000 road and rail bridges in the USA need to be repaired
• the over 65s in the USA made up 15% of the population in 2016, this
will rise to 20% by 2030
In the EU, the consequences of the Global Financial Crisis in 2007–2008
have meant government budget cut-backs, especially to defence. Russian
aggression in Ukraine, the Islamic State in the Middle East and China’s
increasing militarisation have not so far been met with increased EU or
USA military spending.
Knowledge check 64
Which type of government spending amounts to 0.7% of UK GDP?
By 2030:
• A similar world to today, but the Chinese economy is likely to be similar
in size to that of the USA.
• Per capita incomes in China will be lower than the USA, and China will
still be in the process of becoming a fully developed country.
• China is unlikely to be a global political leader by 2030.
By 2050:
• Potentially a very different world with China and India both powerful
economically and militarily (and potential rivals).
• The USA could have similar levels of power and influence to India and
Synoptic themes
There are many unknown quantities that increase uncertainty over future
superpower structures.
• Post-Brexit, and faced with a sluggish economy and huge debts, what is
the future of the EU? It may stagnate as the Japanese economy has done
since the mid-1990s, or renew itself and grow.
• Russia, with its oil and gas reserves and huge military arsenal (including
nuclear weapons), will remain important, but is an unlikely global leader.
• The EU, Russia and even China all face the prospects of rapidly ageing
populations that may diminish their status.
Exam tip
You need to be able to discuss a number of future scenarios, but always
include a judgement about their uncertainty.
• Superpowers can be defined using a range of criteria to judge their
status, including military, political, economic, demographic and cultural
• Superpowers and emerging powers use both hard- and soft-power
mechanisms to influence others, with soft power usually being seen as
more important today.
• Patterns of power change over time, between uni-, bi- and multi-polar.
The current uni-polar situation with the USA as hegemon replaced the
bi-polar Cold War in 1990.
• There are half a dozen emerging powers, including the BRICs, but all
have different strengths and weaknesses and do not yet rival the USA.
• The global economy, globalisation and TNCs are all important to
superpower status and have been shaped by superpowers.
• Superpowers play a crucial role in global governance and international
action, responding to disasters and sometimes working to protect the
global environment — but they also have huge demand for natural
• Political tensions, and even conflict, can arise when the spheres of
influence of superpowers overlap.
• Emerging powers, such as China, may forge a different relationship
with the developing world that contrasts with the colonial and
neocolonial relationship of the past.
• The near future represents a challenge to the USA and EU as both have
economic problems, but the future pattern of superpowers is very