WEEK 2 Nov 13-17, 2023
WEEK 2 Nov 13-17, 2023
WEEK 2 Nov 13-17, 2023
DAILY Teacher DELSON C. PEREZ Learning Area Discipline and Ideas in the Social Sciences
LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and Time November 13-17, 2023 (Week 2) Quarter 2nd
D. Discussing new Class Brainstorming: After 1.Show to the learners the 1. Pakikisangkot Group Activity: Perform a creative
concepts and practicing giving them time to read the specific contribution of the 2. Pakikipagkaisa presentation showing that you value
new skills # 1 text again. Ask the learners to given Filipino thinkers in the the role of interpersonal relations in
give the gist of the material’s society through pictures. (e.g. Philippine culture. You may choose
content about the social ideas El Filibusterismo, El Folk-lore from the following for your
of each Filipino thinker. Filipino, etc.) presentation:
2.Ask: What is/ are the A. role playing
relations of their social ideas to B. talk show
their contributions? (Recitation) C. panel discussion
D. tableau
E. drawing
F. song/rap
G. poem
E. Discussing new
concepts and practicing
new skills # 2
F. Developing mastery Group Activity Differentiated Task How do interpersonal
(leads to Formative 1.Group the learners into 3 (or relations affect Philippine
Assessment 3) 6 if the time permits). Assign 1.Group the learners into 3 (or culture?
two Filipino thinkers for each six if the time is still sufficient)
group. Ask them to complete a and assign each with 2 Filipino OR
graphic organizer that thinkers.
summarizes their ideologies How were interpersonal
2.Instruct the learners to make
and the social ideas. (10 relations practiced in
an analysis or examination of
minutes) Philippine culture?
the practicality and acceptability
2.Ask the learners to present (5minutes)
of the social ideas of these
their work in front (3 mins. per
thinkers in the past and in the
group) present community. The
following will be the
assignment.Group 1: (Rizal &
Bonifacio) Present through a
Group 2: (Reyes & Paterno)
Share the details through a talk
Group 3: (Salazar & Enriquez)
Present through a panel
discussion. (simulation)
(Give them 7 mins. prep. Time
and 3 mins. for their
3. Provide a scoring rubric for
the activity.
G. Finding practical Processing Question: Ask: How Processing Questions: How will you apply the domains
application of concepts can these social ideas affect Ask: How will you apply some of of pakikipagkapwa in your daily
and skills in daily living your perspectives in life? the striking social ideas of our life? Cite instances wherein
Filipino thinkers in your life? each domain of pakikipagkapwa
should be applied.
H. Making generalizations Wrapping Up: Wrapping Up: What are the roles of
and abstractions about Ask: Why is there a need for us Ask: Why do we need to interpersonal relations in
the lesson to determine the social ideas of examine the social ideas of our Philippine Culture?
our own thinkers? own thinkers?
I. Evaluating learning 1.Reflection Paper/Learning Log 1. Essay Explain the meaning of the Individual Activity: Journal Writing
Write: Compose a reflection paper. Write: Choose one among the 6 domains of pakikipagkapwa with Why is there a need to value the role of
Highlight the Filipino thinker you Filipino thinkers. Enumerate at its appropriate translation in the interpersonal relations in Philippine
like the most and justify at least 2 least 3 social ideas and examine English language. culture?
of his social ideas you agree with. their significance based on the 1.Pakikitungo
(5 minutes) practicality and acceptability of the 2.Pakikisalamuha
2.Provide a scoring rubric. social ideas of these thinkers in the 3.Pakikilahok
past and in the present community. 4.Pakikibagay
(15 minutes) 5.pakikisama
2. Provide a scoring rubric. 6.pakikipagpalagayang- loob
J. Additional activities for
application or remediation
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did this work?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish
to share with other