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Oliver Koh (10:15 A.M.

Hi, Aaron and Denise. Do you know if a package has arrived for me? I was supposed to get a
delivery of some documents today, but maybe they were sent to someone else by mistake. It's
from Schrantz Farm Organics and should be labeled urgent.

Aaron Koskinen (10:17 A.M.)

There's nothing for you here at the front desk. You might want to check with the print shop on
the ground floor.

Denise Matova (10:18 A.M.)

There's a package from Schrantz Farm Organics here in the mail room, but there's no name on

Oliver Koh (10:18 A.M.)

That must be the one for me. Could you please look at the delivery slip again?

Denise Matova (10:19 A.M.)

Sorry, it does have your name on it. It was so small I didn't notice it.

Oliver Koh (10:20 A.M.)

Great! Could you have the package sent up to my office please?

Denise Matova (10:20 A.M.)

No problem. I'm going upstairs in a minute anyway.

Oliver Koh (10:21 A.M.)

OK, thanks for your help.

Why did Mr. Koh start the online chat discussion?
A. He received a damaged package.
B. He has a meeting with a client soon.
C. He is expecting some important documents.
D. He delivered a shipment to the wrong person.
What does Mr. Koskinen recommend doing?
A. Calling Schrantz Farm Organics
B. Changing a meeting place
C. Going to the front desk
D. Checking a different location
At 10:19 A.M., what does Ms. Matova most likely mean when she writes, "Sorry"?
A. She misplaced a delivery slip.
B. She arrived late to work today.
C. She would like Mr. Koh to repeat his instructions.
D. She made a mistake reading a label.
What will Ms. Matova probably do with the package?
A. Take it to Mr. Koh
B. Send it out by express mail
C. Leave it at the front desk
D. Remove the items from it
From: Won Ho Kim
To: Management Team
Date: 12 August
Subject: Improving employee satisfaction

Management Team:

-[1]-. Over the next few months, the Human Resources department will be engaging with the
Management Team in a variety of conversations about increasing productivity and employee
satisfaction. -[2]-.

Telecommuting, in which employees are permitted to work from home all or part of the time,
is an approach that many companies are using because it allows employees to work on tasks
that may be difficult to complete in an office full of disruptions. With the building
reconfiguration project coming up in January, we would like to take the opportunity to
consider whether telecommuting would be a good solution for our company. Our final
decision on this matter will influence the way in which the work space is reorganized.

I am writing to ask for your feedback. -[3]-. At this point, Human Resources is simply
gathering information. Please complete the telecommuting survey, which is found on the
Human Resources Web site. -[4]-. Just look for the link on the left side of the home page.

Thank you in advance, and please let me know if you have any questions.

Won Ho Kim

Human Resources Manager

GHTY Engineering, Inc.

Why was the e-mail sent?
A. To remind employees about a policy
B. To request participation in a survey
C. To discuss upcoming meetings
D. To encourage employees to attend an event
What is mentioned as a benefit of telecommuting?
A. It helps employees work without interruptions
B. It frees up space in the building for new workers.
C. It is good for the environment.
D. It saves the company money.
What is the company planning to do in the new year?
A. Hire a new human resources manager
B. Reorganize the management team
C. Change the layout of its building
D. Introduce a new Web site
In which of the positions marked [1], [2], [3], and [4] does the following sentence best
belong? "It should be noted that no decisions about telecommuting have been made."
A. [1]
B. [2]
C. [3]
D. [4]
The Uppsala International Book Fair

22-24 September • Berglund Conference Hall • Uppsala, Sweden

Schedule for Friday, 22 September

Outthinking Public Opinion 12:00 noon-1:00 P.M., Salon A

Touring to promote his latest book, Outthinking Public Opinion, author Damian Schnauz
makes a stop at the Uppsala International Book Fair to discuss his latest subject, take
questions, and sign his books.

Introductory Course in Graphic Design 1:30-2:30 P.M., Visual Media Centre

Professional digital designers Allen Doubek and Ivanette Lacasse will present useful
techniques and provide attendees with hands-on practice opportunities.

Seminar on Online Publishing 3:00-4:30 P.M., Lindqvist Auditorium

Releasing and promoting e-books and audiobooks on the Internet. Speakers: Kenneth Pulaski,
editor-in-chief of Vendler Publishing, and Tina Savona, marketing manager at Vendler
Publishing. All accompanying materials will be sold at the venue immediately before and
after the seminar.

Readership in the Digital Age 5:00-6:30 P.M., Room 210

Is literacy promoted or inhibited by digital media? Debate moderated by Greg Gunnarson.

• To attend these or any other sessions, purchase a daily admission ticket for 100 kr.

• Note that reservations are not required for any session, but seating is limited, so please
arrive a few minutes before the scheduled time to ensure a seat. Also note that while photos
are permitted, no video recordings may be made of any presentation.

• Meals are available for purchase at locations throughout Berglund Conference Hall.
Information about accommodations may be obtained on our Web site at uibf.se/hotels.•

What is suggested about the first day of the Uppsala International Book Fair?
A. It is being organized by a team of publishers.
B. No sessions are scheduled for the morning hours.
C. Attendance is expected to be the highest on that day.
D. Mr. Schnauz will announce the subject of his next book.
Where will book fair attendees be able to participate in interactive activities?
A. In Salon
B. In the Visual Media Centre
C. In Lindqvist Auditorium
D. In Room 210
What is mentioned about the accompanying materials for the seminar?
A. They can be purchased on-site.
B. They can be downloaded online.
C. They are available in limited numbers.
D. They should be ordered from the presenters.
What are book fair attendees encouraged to do?
A. Ask questions after sessions
B. Post photos on social media
C. Rearrange seats as necessary
D. Arrive early for sessions

Clothing | Gear | Customer Service | About Us

Mountain and Forest Company

The Leader in Quality Camping and Hiking Gear

Please note that most regular electronic or phone orders can be processed and made ready for
shipping almost immediately. Custom and personalized orders may take up to five days for
processing before they are shipped.

Please direct any questions or concerns to our customer service department

at service@mountainandforest.ca. We will respond within 24 hours.

Our shipping rates:

Order cost with tax Overnight shipping (1 day) Express shipping (3 days) Standard (6-8 days)
Under $25 $8 $5 $3
$25 to $100 $13 $7 $5
Over $100 $18 $15 FREE
To: service@mountainandforest.ca
From: jinheeshin@sharemail.ca
Date: 10 January
Subject: Order B75022

I recently placed an order for $135 for hiking boots and a thermal jacket intended for a
camping trip this weekend. According to the confirmation I received at the time of my
purchase, my order should have arrived yesterday. Since I paid an additional fee for three-day
shipping, I was expecting that my order would arrive in a timely fashion. As it has not, I am
requesting a refund of the shipping cost. Additionally, if my order has not been delivered by
tomorrow, please cancel my order as I will have to purchase similar items at a local shop.

Jin-Hee Shin

In the Web page, what is indicated about Mountain and Forest's shipping?
A. Standard shipping is free for orders under $25.
B. Some shipped orders may take up to eight days to arrive.
C. The shipping cost depends on the total weight of an order.
D. Custom orders are not eligible for standard delivery.
In the Web page, the word "direct" is closest in meaning to
A. address
B. supervise
C. prescribe
D. handle
What is the purpose of the e-mail?
A. To suggest a new service policy
B. To inquire about an order packing error
C. To request a personalized item
D. To report a delivery problem
How much did Ms. Shin pay for shipping?
A. $5
B. $8
C. $15
D. $18
According to the e-mail, why might Ms. Shin decide to visit a local shop?
A. She expects to purchase her items for a lower price.
B. She wants to support businesses in her town.
C. She needs to have her items before a certain date.
D. She hopes to find a greater selection of sportswear.
Society for Trade and Industry (STI)

"The Role of Distance Education in Professional Training"

City University of Abu Dhabi, 11-13 October

DRAFT: Schedule for Wednesday, 11 October

7:30 A.M.-9:00 A.M. Conference Registration
9:00 A.M.-9:10 A.M. Welcome and Opening Remarks: Yasmin Al Gaood, Conferenc
9:15 A.M.-10:00 A.M. Opening Keynote Address: Ayumi Murakami, STI President
10:05 A.M.-10:50 A.M. Title of presentation unknown: representative to be selected,
Yaoundé College of Agriculture, Cameroon
10:55 A.M.-11:40 A.M. Innovative Online Resources: Chia Po Cheng, Taipei Business
Management Institute, Taiwan
11:45 A.M.-1:20 P.M. Lunch (Turquoise Center, central campus)
1:30 P.M.-2:15 P.M. Distance Education in the Film Industry: representative from
Scotland to be selected
2:20 P.M.-3:05 P.M. Improving Course Content Quality: Andrei Durchenko, Moscow
Journalism Academy, Russia
3:10 P.M.-4:00 P.M. Learner Support Systems: Marcel Peralta, School of Pediatric
Dentistry, Asuncion, Paraguay
From: Ayumi Murakami (amurakami@sti.org)
To: Yasmin Al Gaood (yasmin.algaood@cuad.ac.ae)
Subject: Re: Draft conference schedule for Wednesday
Date: 25 August

Hello, Yasmin,

As per your request, I have filled the slots that were listed as still available on the tentative
conference schedule for Wednesday. Dr. Alban Buchanan in Scotland says that he is eager to
talk about distance education as it is practiced within the film academies in his country. Also,
my contact in Yaoundé wrote to let me know that Ms. Marie-Thérèse Tchangou will be the
school's representative.

Mr. Andrei Durchenko has informed me that he is withdrawing from the conference. His
replacement from the same school, Ms. Melina Vakhitova, will submit the title of her
presentation shortly.

I also wanted to add that I will be arriving in Abu Dhabi at 6:00 A.M. on Wednesday. That
should give me plenty of time to set up for my presentation.



What is indicated about Ms. Murakami?
A. She will speak on the first day of the conference.
B. She was recently elected STI president.
C. She will be available to answer questions.
D. She is scheduled to present in the afternoon.
When will a specialist in business management be speaking?
A. At 10:05 A.M.
B. At 10:55 A.M.
C. At 2:20 P.M.
D. At 3:10 P.M.
In the e-mail, the word "slots" is closest in meaning to
A. reservations
B. machines
C. openings
D. buildings
What presentation will have to be canceled?
A. Innovative Online Resources
B. Distance Education in the Film Industry
C. Improving Course Content Quality
D. Learner Support Systems
According to the e-mail, what information is Ms. Murakami expecting to receive?
A. The title of a presentation
B. The name of a replacement speaker
C. The conference schedule for Thursday
D. The contact information for Mr. Buchanan

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