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Suggested Refresher Activities

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Grades 1 to 3
Reading Profile Suggested Refresher Activities
References: Leveled Reader, Primer I
Grade Ready
Demonstrates reading ability aligned
with end of kindergarten standards
Light Refresher Hidden Pick
Needs practice with letter sounds On a sheet of paper, write 10 letters that need to be practiced. Duplicate of some
letters are fine. Cover the learners’ eyes and ask them to put their finger
anywhere on the surface. Have the learner open their eyes and tell you the letter
sound that was picked.
Guess my letter
Put letters that the learner needs to practice in a pile. Select one letter, but do
not show it to the learner. Then, ask the learner to identify what letter it is (by
saying its name or pointing to it from a list). If there are multiple incorrect
guesses, show the letter and review its sound and name. if the learner is correct,
they can select the next letter’s sound and to guess the name of the letter.

Simon Says
Give the learner small letter cards that correspond to the letters they need to
practice. Use Simon Says commands such as: “Simon Says, touch the sound
/f/ with your thumb.” “Simon Says, place sounds /s/ on the floor.” Ask the
child to follow each command using the letter cards and then ask the learner to
give a word that has that sound in it.
Moderate Refresher Letter Hunt
Needs direct instruction of letter Ask the learner, open to a page in a Grade 1 leveled reader of the Grade 1 primer.
sounds From letters that need to be learned, tell the learner to find and point to the letter
on the page. Tell the learner the sound of the letter. Then ask the learner to
repeat the sound, then say, “We are going on a hunt to see how many times we
can find this letter in this page.” Each time the learner sees that letter, they
should make its sound. Together, count the number of times the learner found
the letter and made the letter sound correctly. Then you can ask the learner to
find a new page and you can choose a new letter for the learner to hunt and
practice making its sound.
Letter Sort
First, you will need multiple letter cards in various sizes and different fonts. You
can write them or cut them from old newspapers, magazines of food packaging.
Have the learner sort them by letter (for example, all letter m’s in a group next to
each other). Then give the learner feedback, if the letters were sorted and
grouped correctly. Next, practice saying the sound for each card with the
learner. Then, ask the learner to write the letters on a piece of paper.
Full Refresher Rhyme Movement
Needs Phonological awareness and To begin, you and the learner extend your arms flat. Together chant a known
letter sound instruction poem or song that has rhyming words. When a word is said that rhymes with an
earlier word, make a dramatic gesture, such as lowering your arms, indicating
that is the rhyming word. The learner should do the gesture too (for example,
Hickory, dickory, dock, the mouse ran up the clock. The word “Clock” is the
rhyming word so lower your arms while emphasizing the rhyming word).
Word Rhyming
Start by saying a word (for example, dog). Then give a word that rhymes with it
(for example, hog). Ask the learner to think of another word that ends with the
same sound (-og). The learner may provide a nonsense word (e.g. kog) which is
fine because the focus is on the ending sound, not the meaning of the word.
Syllable Awareness
Begin by putting your hand lightly under your chin as you say a word and ask
the learner to do the same. The goal will be to count how many times you feel
your mouth drop down when you say a word (for example, for the word
yesterday, you should feel your mouth drop down three times). Think of short
and long words to practice this.

Reading Profile Suggested Activities
References: Leveled Reader, Primer 2
Grade Ready – Demonstrates reading ability
aligned with end of Grade 1 standards
Light Refresher Paired Reading
Needs practice with Grade 1 texts to improve You and the learner read grade 1 text aloud together. Provide a cue
accuracy (e.g. head nod) when you want the learner to read alone. Read together
again. The learner uses the cue to indicate she/he is ready to read
Reread and Graph
Learner reads a page from grade 1 text. You, the teacher, count the
errors made. Provide informal, corrective feedback. The learner graphs
the number on a simple bar chart. The learner rereads; you count the
errors again. Graph. The learner should see a decrease in errors
between the first read and the reread.
Personal Feedback
Try to find a c-shaped piece of plastic pipe (check with a plumber or a
hardware store). They resemble old telephones. The learner puts the
two ends between their mouth and ear as they read aloud. The
feedback helps them to hear their errors.
Moderate Refresher Word Hunt
Needs practice with Grade 1 phonics patterns Use a page from a leveled reader or text from the second half of grade 1.
From a pile of word cards that have common phonics patterns from the
second half of grade 1, have the learner select a card. Say, “We are
going on a hunt to see how many times we can find words with this
pattern on this page.” Each time the learner sees a word with that
pattern, he/she should decode it and write it.
Word Sort
Make about 10 cards representing two phonics patterns from grade 1
(e.g., cat, hat/ big, wig). Have the learner sort them by phonics
patterns, say what each pile has in common, and how they are different
from the other pile. Give feedback. Have the learner write the words.
Dictate and Self-Check
Say a word with a phonics patterns from the second half of grade 1 for
the learner to write. After writing each word, the learner self-checks
spelling by blending each letter to decode the word. Some learners may
find errors, next, review the spelling attempt and write a number next to
the word for the number of errors made. The learner aims to correct
that many errors. Provide feedback.
Full Refresher Word Hunt
Needs direct instruction of Grade 1 phonics Use a page from a leveled reader or text from the second half of grade 1.
patterns From a pile of word cards that have common phonics patterns from the
second half of grade 1, have the learner select a card. Say, “We are
going on a hunt to see how many times we can find words with this
pattern on this page.” Each time the learner sees a word with that
pattern, he/she should decode it and write it.
Word Sort
Make about 10 cards representing two phonics patterns from grade 1
(e.g., cat, hat/ big, wig). Have the learner sort them by phonics
patterns, say what each pile has in common, and how they are different
from the other pile. Give feedback. Have the learner write the words.

Dictate and Self-Check

Say a word with a phonics patterns from the second half of grade 1 for
the learner to write. After writing each word, the learner self-checks
spelling by blending each letter to decode the word. Some learners may
find errors, next, review the spelling attempt and write a number next to
the word for the number of errors made. The learner aims to correct
that many errors. Provide feedback.

Reading Profile Suggested Activities
References: Leveled Reader, Primer 3
Grade Ready – Demonstrates reading ability
aligned with end of Grade 2 standards
Light Refresher Paired Reading
Needs practice with Grade 2 texts to improve You and the learner read grade 2 text aloud together. Provide a cue
accuracy (e.g., head nod) when you want the learner to read alone. Read together
again. The learner uses the cue to indicate she/he is ready to read
Reread and Graph
Learner reads a page from grade 2 text. You, the teacher, count the
errors made. Provide informal, corrective feedback. The learner graphs
the number on a simple bar chart. The learner rereads; you count the
errors again. Graph. The learner should see a decrease in errors
between the first read and the reread.
Personal Feedback
Try to find a c-shaped piece of plastic pipe (check with a plumber or a
hardware store). They resemble old telephones. The learner puts the
two ends between their mouth and ear as they read aloud. The
feedback helps them to hear their errors.
Moderate Refresher Word Hunt
Needs practice with Grade 2 phonics patterns Use a page from a leveled reader or text from the second half of grade 2.
From a pile of word cards that have common phonics patterns from the
second half of grade 2, have the learner select a card. Say, “We are
going on a hunt to see how many times we can find words with this
pattern on this page.” Each time the learner sees a word with that
pattern, he/she should decode it and write it.
Word Sort
Make about 10 cards representing two phonics patterns from grade 2
(e.g., cat, hat/ big, wig). Have the learner sort them by phonics
patterns, say what each pile has in common, and how they are different
from the other pile. Give feedback. Have the learner write the words.
Dictate and Self-Check
Say a word with a phonics patterns from the second half of grade 2 for
the learner to write. After writing each word, the learner self-checks
spelling by blending each letter to decode the word. Some learners may
find errors, next, review the spelling attempt and write a number next to
the word for the number of errors made. The learner aims to correct
that many errors. Provide feedback.
Full Refresher Word Hunt
Needs direct instruction of Grade 2 phonics Use a page from a leveled reader or text from the second half of grade 2.
patterns From a pile of word cards that have common phonics patterns from the
second half of grade 2, have the learner select a card. Say, “We are
going on a hunt to see how many times we can find words with this
pattern on this page.” Each time the learner sees a word with that
pattern, he/she should decode it and write it.
Word Sort
Make about 10 cards representing two phonics patterns from grade 2
(e.g., cat, hat/ big, wig). Have the learner sort them by phonics
patterns, say what each pile has in common, and how they are different
from the other pile. Give feedback. Have the learner write the words.

Dictate and Self-Check

Say a word with a phonics patterns from the second half of grade 2 for
the learner to write. After writing each word, the learner self-checks
spelling by blending each letter to decode the word. Some learners may
find errors, next, review the spelling attempt and write a number next to
the word for the number of errors made. The learner aims to correct
that many errors. Provide feedback.

Prepared by: Noted:


EPS, MTB-MLE Regional Focal Chief, CLMD

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