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Tendernotice 2

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Government ot India
Ministry of Road Transport & Highways
(Planning Zone)
Transport Bhawan, 1, Parliament Street, New Delhi - 110001
Dated zr: October, 2023.

1. The Principal Secretaries/ Secretaries of all States/UTs Public Works Department dealing
with National Highways, other centrally sponsoredschemes.
2. All Engineers-in-Chief and Chief Engineers of Public Works Departments of States/ UTs
dealing with National Highways and other centrally sponsored schemes.
3. The Chairman, National HighwaysAuthority of India, G-5&6, Sector-10, Dwarka, New Delhi-
4. The Managing Director, NHIDCL,PTI Building, New Delhi-110001
5. The Director General (Border Roads),SeemaSadakBhawan, Ring Road, New Delhi-110010.

Sub: Short Term Maintenance Contract of NHs- SOPReg.

Ref: (i). Circular No. RWINH-24035/4/2008-P&M/PIC Vol. II dated 23.02.2018

(ii) Ministry's Letter of even no. dt 23.11.2020 - SOPfor M&R of NHs
(iii). Ministry's letter of even no. dated 06.07.2023

To achieve the goal of zero complain on account of maintenance, Ministry has evolved a
fool proof maintenance mechanism. For this, it has been decided that all the sections of NHsmust
have an accountable maintenance agency. For stretches developed under private sector
participation, this responsibility lies with the concessionaire for the concession period. Similarly
stretches developed under EPC, contractor will be responsible for its maintenance during the
defect liability period. For stretches which are yet to be developed or under operation and
maintenance period, Ministry has brought out Performance BasedMaintenance Contract PBMCfor
long term maintenance contract and short term maintenance contract (STMC). Both these
documents have been circulated. All the executing agencies are expected to plan accordingly and
ensure availability of an agency for maintenance.

2. During the meeting held on 04.09.2023, it was agreed that goal of zero complain on account
of maintenance should be achieved by December. For this, it is important that all maintenance

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contracts should be in place by end of November for all section of NHs which are not covered
either under any sort of ongoing development / maintenance work. Contract period (maximum
one year) should be kept in such a way that by the end of existing contract, new contract
should be in place.

3. Accordingly, to achieve above objective, following guidelines may be adopted for taking
up maintenance on eligible NHs stretches through the Short Term maintenance contract.

I. All Regional Officers in consultation with Chief Engineer (NH) of the State Government shall
prepare the single Abstract Particular Estimate (APE), consisting of the many selected
stretches (each costing<Rs 5Cr) as per field condition on which STMCworks are required to
be taken up. This APE for the succeeding financial year shall be submitted to the Planning
Zone though Project Zone by the December every year as per the attached format (APE).
STMCworks costing more than Rs. 5 cr shall be submitted to Ministry for sanction.
However for the year 2023-24, since sanction ceiling has already been conveyed, it is
requested that single APEof the selected stretches within the approved sanction ceiling
be submitted directly to the Planning Zone for obtaining the concurrence of Finance Wing
and approval of Competent Authority.
II. Planning Zone will convey the sanction ceiling under STMCalong with the approved APE
basedon list submitted by ROin consultation with CE(NH).The approval shall be conveyed
to the project zone, Regional Offices and concerned State Governments.
Ill. After receipt of the approved APEfor the state from the Ministry, Regional Officers will
issue the individual sanction order (Administrative Approval and Financial sanction) for the
APEof STMCworks out of approved APElists, along with the technical note for each of the
individual STMCworks with a copy to Project Zone HQ.
However for the year 2023-24, after conveying the AA8:FSof APE of a state,
concerned ROwill issue the technical note of each individual work.
IV. Tenders will be called simultaneously as a parallel activity once the APEis finalised by RO
8: CE(NH) and submitted to HQ. Invitation and acceptance of the bids shall be as per
Ministry's circular dated 23.2.2018. However LOAshall only be issued after the approval of
sanction ceiling and APE,in any case during 1st week of March for succeeding financial year.
However, In casetenders are not concluded or finalised within three months
from the approval conveyed by Ministry, in such casesSTMCbids shall be invited /
re-tnvitea 8: finalised by the Regional Officers themseies. Regional officer will

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issue the LOA in such case and redirect concerned executive engineer to enter into
an agreement and start the work immediately.
V. All Extension of time proposal within the sanctioned cost of STMCestimates shall be given
by the Regional Officer under intimation to Zonal office HQ. All COSin STMCshall be
governed as per para 11 of Delegation of Power Circular No. RW/NH-24035/4/2008-
P8:M/PICVol. II dated 23.02.2018.
VI. The acceptance of technological outputs from modern equipment's like i.e Tatpar
app/video analytics etc. by maintenance agencies shall be made part of STMCcontract for
efficient monitoring.
VII. Executing agencies and contractor shall carry out quantification of works as per MB
and based on time stamped geotag images of items of works before & after work is
done. These evidences shall be part of bills submitted for IPC payments.
VIII. Time period of all these small contracts is expected to be generally 12 months. It
may also be ensured that new contract should be in place at the time of completion of
existing contract
4. NHAIand NHIDCLare also requested to issue similar delegation for their field officers.

5. This issueswith the concurrence of Finance Wing and approval of the Secretary (RT8:H).

End: Format of APE

(Kamal Prakas
Under Secretary to the Government of India
Telephone No. 011-23710454

Copy to:

1. All CEsin the Ministry of RoadTransport 8: Highways

2. All ROsof the Ministry of RoadTransport 8: Highways
3. The Secretary General, Indian RoadsCongress
5. Technical circular file of S8:RSection
6. NIC-for uploading on Ministry's website under "What's New"

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Copy for information to:

1. PS to Hon'ble Minister (RT&H)

2. PS to Hon'ble MOS (RT&H)
3. Sr. PPS to Secretary (RT&H)
4. Sr. PPS to DG (RD) & 55
5. PPS to AS&FA
6. Sr. PPS to AS (Highways)
7. Sr. PPS to AS (NHIDCL)
8. Sr. PPS / PPS / PS to ADGs
9. Sr. PPS / PPS / PS to JS (EAP) / JS (Logistics)

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Format for Abstract Particular Estimate

Name of State
__ Name
Length with State Govt & PIU
Length under construction
Length under DLP
Length under maintenance
Remaining Length
Length proposed to be covered under STMC ---
Length proposed to be covered under PBMC ---

NH Terra Stretch Name Lane Broad Lengt Amou Time

No. in / Chainage Phasing of Name of
configurati scope of h (km) nt period of exp 23-24 NH
on works (Rs. completi and 24-25 division
Cror~ on


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Fite No. RW,/c-23012I01 IZOtg-WeA(pt.Iil )
Government of lndia
Ministry of Road Transport & Highways
(Planning Zone)
Transport Bhawan, 1, Partiament Street, New Dethi - 110001
Dated the 15th January, 2021.
1. The Principa[ secretaries/ secretaries of att states/urs pubtic works Department
deating with NationaI Highways, other centratty sponsored schemes.
2. A[[ Engineers-in-chief and chief Engineers of pubtic works Departments of states/
UTs deating with National Highways and other centratty sponsored schemes.
3. The Chairman, National Highways Authority of lndia, G-5&6, Sector-10, Dwarka,
New Dethi-'l '10075.
4. The Managing Director, NHIDCL, PTt Buitding, New Dethi-t lOOO1

5. The Director General (Border Roads), Seema Sadak Bhawan, Ring Road, New Dethi-
1 1 0010.

Subject: - Contract Document for Short Term maintenance of NHs - Reg.

Ref: - Ministry's letter of even no. dated 23.11.2020.

Please refer to the Standard Operating Procedure (SOp) for pR lRep works and OR /
works for Maintenance & Repair (M&R) of NHs issued vide tetter under reference.
2. The Contract Document for Short Term maintenance of NHs for one year shatt be
based on the modifications to IRC:sP:124-2019 (Modet contract for Maintenance of Roads
(Based on single Percentage Rate)) enctosed herewith with immediate effect and untiI
further orders. The short term maintenance contracts shatt be awarded on NH stretches
requiring onty minor repairs (such as pothote and patch repairs, etc.) and on which
improvement / PR / IRQP works may be done within next two (2) year period.
3. lmptementation of immediate restoration works for Flood Damages, etc., on the
stretches of NHs, on which maintenance contracts have already been assigned, may be
got executed as a variation to such ongoing contracts under OR (Dpp) as per inter-se
priority and avaitabitity of allocations subject to prior approval of overau enhancement
of such ceitings of works and annual phasing of expenditures for the state. Attocations for
such works may not be made under FDR(N).

4. This issues with the concurrence of Finance Wing vide U.O. No. Note #17, dated
31 .12.7020 and approval of Competent Authority.

Enclosure: As above
Executive Engineer (Ptanning)
ptanninqmorth@qmait. com

Copy to:
'1. Att CEs in the Ministry of Road Transport & Highways
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2. Att ROs of the Ministry of Road Transport & Highways
3. The Secretary Genera[, lndian Roads Congress
4. Technical circular fite of S&R (P&B) Section
5. NIC-for uptoading on Ministry's website under "What's new"
Copy for information and necessary action to:
1. PS to Hon'ble Minister (RT&H)
2. PS to Hon'bte MOS (RT&H)
3. Sr. PPS to Secretary (RT&H)
4. Sr. PPS to DG (RD) & SS
5. Sr. PPS to AS&FA
6. Sr. PPS to Pr. CCA, MoRT&H
7. Sr. PPS / PPS / PS to ADG-l/lli llli lV
8. Sr. PPS / PPS / PS to JS (H)i JS (NHIDCL)/ JS (Tott) / JS (LA&C)

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Enclosure to Ministry's letter no. No. RW,/G-23012/01/2019-W&A(pt. ilt) dated

Contract Document for Short Term maintenance (One year) of NHs - Reg.

The modifications to lRc:sP:124-201g (Modet contract for Maintenance of Roads (Based

on Singte Percentage Rate)) shatt be:-
(i) Section-1, Notice lnviting Tender:-

For Read

(1) ,..,..Cost of Bid Documents (Non- (1).. .Cost of Bid ,r*r"-a 0*

Refundable): Rs Refundable): Rs.

E-Tender Processing Fee (Non-Refundable): E-Tendering Processing Fee (Non-Refundable):

Rs.- (through e-payment gateway of NIL
Bank using Credit Card/ Debit Card
Master Card and Visa Card only).
(4) To participate in the bidding, it is mandatory
(4) To participate in the e-Bid submission, it is
for the Bidders to get registered their firm with
mandatory for the bidders to have user lD & e-procurement portal https//
password which has to be obtained by submitting eorocure.qov.in/eorocure/aoo to have user
an annual registration charges of lD & password which has to be obtained free
Rs. +GST@ to M/s _ through e- of cost. Following may kindly be noted:
payment gateway of Bank using Credit
Card/ Debit Card - lvaster Card and Visa Card (a) Registration with e-procurement portal
should be valid at least up to the date of
only. The registration obtained, as mentioned
submission of BlD.
above shall be valid for one year from date of its
issuance and be subsequently renewed. The (b) BlDs can be submitted only during the
bidder shall be able to pa(icipate in e{endering validity of registration.
of any project of _. Bidder shall obtain such
user lD and password in its own name. The Brdders shall update therr project and other
detarls on the portal on a regular basis and apply
to the tenders via the portal.

Bidders are also required to get registered their

firm with Bidder lnformation l\ilanagement System
(BIMS) Portal.

(5) The complete BID document can be viewed /

(5) .,.....T0 participate in bidding, biddershall pay
cost of Bid Document (Non+efundable) in the downloaded from official portal of the CPPP
form of Demand Draft favouring "__"payable website (eprocure.gov.in/eprocure/app) and
at _ and Tender Processing fee (Non- BIIVS portal (bims.gov.in) from
to _
refundable) in favour of M/s_, through e- (upto 17.00 Hrs. IST). The amendments/
payment gateway of Bank using Credit Card/
clariflcations to the Bid Document, if any, will be

Debit Card - lVaster Card and Visa Card only. hosted on the above website.

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For Read

The bidder is required to submit, along with its

BlD, the cost of BID/RFP document, i.e. Rs.
(Rupees only), -
to Employe/s account
through Bharat Kosh, as mentioned below:

S. Particulars Details

1. Link of Bharat bharatkosh.gov.in


2. Pay and
Accounts Officer

3. Drawing and
Officer (DDO)

(8) The last date for online submission of the Bid (8) The last date for online submission of the Bid

is -------- upto ......... hrs (as mentioned on is -------- upto ......... hrs (as mentioned on
the e-portal only) ("Bid Due Date"). The bids the e-portal only) ("Bid Due Date"). Bidder must
would be opened on ----:- at......... hrs. submit its Financial Bid and Technical Bid on
online at -*- , representatives of the CPPP e-procurement portal within the above
bidders (maximum of two) who choose to attend, deadline. Bidder must also submit Technical Bid
may attend the online opening of the bids at --- on BIMS Portal within the specified deadline.

- on the date and time as mentioned above. The bids would be opened on ------ at .........
However, such representatives shall be allowed hrs. online at , representatives
to attend the opening of the bids only if they of the bidders (maximum of two) who choose to
produce letter of authority on the letterhead of the
attend, may attend the online opening of the bids
bidder, at the time of opening of bids as
at ---- on the date and time as mentioned
mentioned above. above. However, such representatives shall be
allowed to attend the opening of the bids only if
they produce letter of authority on the letterhead
of the bidder, at the time of opening of bids as
mentioned above.

(ii) Section-2, lnstructions to Bidders (lTB) and Appendix to ITB:-

For Read

(12.2).....Though, the scanned copies of (12.2).....Though, the scanned copies of

following documents is required to be uploaded following documents is required to be uploaded
during submission of e-bid on the e-tendering during submission of e-bid on the e{endering
portal, as per Clause 12.1 above, however, portal and BIMS Portal, as per Clause 12.1

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following original documents in physical form above, however, following original documents in
shall be submitted in a sealed envelope on or physical form shall be submitted in a sealed
before the Bid Due Date and before the time of envelope on or before the Bid Due Date and
submission as specified in NIT at the address before the time of submission as specified in NIT
indicated in Clause 20, duly superscribed "Name at the address indicated in Clause 20, duly
of Work, Bid Due Date and time". Name and superscribed "Name of Work, Bid Due Date and
address of the bidder should also be indicated on time". Name and address of the bidder should
the envelope. also be indicated on the envelope.

i) Copy of Acknowledgement for Copy of Acknowledgement for

Tender Submission and EMD/Bid Tender Submission and Bid
Security Securing Declaration
ii) Bid Document Fee ii) Bid Document Fee
iii) Tender Processing Fee iii) Deleted
iv) Written Power of Attorney of the iv) Written Power of Attorney of the
signatory (whose digital signature signatory (whose digital signature
certificate is used during e{ender certificate is used during e-tender
submission) of the bidder to commit submission) of the bidder to commit
the Bid. the Bid.
v) Affidavit duly notarized (as per the v) Affidavit duly notarized (as per the
format provided in Section-3) format provided in Section-3)

(iii ) Section-2, Instructions to Bidders (lTB) and Appendix to ITB:

For Read

(15.1) Bids shall remain valid for a period of g0 (15.1) Bids shall remarn valid for a period of 120
days after the deadline date for bid submission days after the deadline date for bid submission
specified in Clause 20. A bid valid for a shorter specified in Clause 20. A bid valid for a shorter
period shall be rejected by the Employer as non- period shall be rejected by the Employer as non-
responsive. responsive.

(iv) Section-2, lnstructions to Bidders (lTB) and Appendix to ITB:

For Read

(15) Earnest Money/ Bid Security/ Forfeiture/ (16) Bid Securing Declaration
(16.1) A Bidder is required to submit, along with
(16.1) The bidder shall furnish, as part of the Bid, its BlD, a Bid Securing Declaration.
Earnest Money/ Bid Security, in the amount as
(16.2) The Bldder has to sign a Bid Securing
specified in the NlT. (Bank guarantee/ demand
Declaration accepting that if the Bidderwithdraws
draft must be in favour of the Employer).
or modifies its bid during the period of validity i.e.
(16.2) The Earnest Money shall, at the Bidde/s not less than 180 (one hundred eighty) days from
option, be in the form of Bank Guarantee/ the bid due date or if the bidder is awarded the
Demand Draft only (the other forms will not be contract and fails to sign the contract or to submit

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acceptable) of any scheduled commercial bank a performance security before the-?eadline
approved by RBI having a net worth of not less defined in the request for bid documents, the
than Rs.500 crore as per the latest annual report bidder will be suspended from participation in the
of the bank and must be in the name of tendering process for the works of MoRTH/ NHAI/
Employer. .It shall be valid for 45 days beyond
NHIDCL and works under Centrally Sponsored
the validity of the bid. Any bid having bid security Schemes, for a period of one year from the bid
for lesser value and shorter validity period shall due date of this work. The Bid Securing
be treated as non-responsive.......... Declaration shall be submitted as per the format
(16.3).......... at Section 4 (Format for Bid Securing

(16 5)


(16.7)ln case of forfeiture of bid security, the

bidder shall also be debarred from participation in
the works of [---] for a period as decided by

(v) section- 2, Instructions to Bidders (lrB) and Appendix to lrB:-

(28.2) tt tfre gid of the successfut Bldder b (28.2) lf the Bid offie successful Bidder is
seriously unbalanced in relation to the Employe/s seriously unbalanced in relation to the
estimate of the cost of work to be performed Employe/s estimate of the cost of work to be
under the contract, the Employer may require the performed under the contract, the Employer may
Bidder to produce detailed price analyses for any require the Bidder to produce detailed price
or all items of the Bill of euantities, to analyses for any or all items of the Bill of
demonstrate the internal consistency
of those
prices with the construction methods and
Quantities, to demonstrate the internal
consistency of those prices with the construction
schedule proposed. After evaluation of the price methods and schedule proposed.
analyses, the Employer may require that the
lf, after
evaluation of the price analyses, the Employer
amount of the Performance Security set forth in determines that the bidder has substantiallyfaiied
Clause 33 be increased and an additional to its
Performance Security may be obtained at the
demonstrate capability to deliver the
contract at the offered price, the Employer may
expense of the successful Bidder to a level reject the bid/proposal.
sufficient to protect the Employer against financial
loss in the event of default of the successful
Bidder under the Contract. The amount of the
additional increased performance Security as
decided by the Employer shall be final, OinOing
and conclusive on the bidder.

F:\ABtt\Ptonning zone Hq\h1&R\one yeor Maintenance controct

(vi) Section-2 lnstructions to Bidders (lTB) and Appendix to ITB:

For Read

(32) Performance Security (32) Performance Security

(32.1) Within 10 (ten) days after receipt of the (32.1) Within '10 (ten) days of receipt of Letter of
Letter of Acceptance, the successful Bidder shall Acceptance, the selected Bidder shall furnish to
deliver to the Employer, a Performance Security the Employer an irrevocable and unconditional
of Five percent of the Contract Price plus any guarantee from a Bank in the form set forth in
additional security for unbalanced Bids in Section 4(Form of Bank Guarantee for
accordance with ITB Clause 28.2, valid for the Performance Security)for an amount equalto 5%
period of 28 days after the expiry of defect liability (five percent) of the Bid Price.
period and sign the contract. The validity shall
A. Bank Guarantee, in the name of the Employer,
account for additional 3 months' time for Bank
from following banks would be accepted: -
Guarantee verification, signing of contract and i) State Bank of lndia or its subsidiaries,
start date. ii) Any lndian Nationalised Bank
iii)lDBl/lClCl Bank
(32.2)The performance security shall be either in
iv) A Foreign Bank (issued by a branch outside
the form of a Bank Guarantee or fixed deposit lndia) with a counter guarantee from SBI or its
Receipts, in the name of the Employer, from a subsidiaries or any lndian Nationalised Bank.
Bank as specified in case of Earnest Money/Bid v)Any Scheduled Commercial Bank approved by
Security. RBI having a net worth of not less than Rs. 500
crore as per the latest Annual Report of the Bank.
(32.3) Failure of the successful bidder to comply ln the case of a Foreign Bank (issued by a branch
with the requirement of ITB Clause 32.1 shall in lndia), the net worth in respect of the lndian
constitute sufficient ground for cancellation of the operations shall only be taken into account.
award and forfeiture of the Bid Security and B. The acceptance of the guarantees shall also
debarment for a period as specified in ITB Clause
be subject to the conditions that the capital
adequacy of the Bank shall not be less than the
latest norms prescribed by RBl.

C. The bank guarantee issued by a Cooperative

Bank shall not be accepted.

(32.2) The Performance Security shall be valid

until 60 (sixty) days after the Defects Liability

(32.3) For avoidance of any doubt, in case of

failure of submission of Performance Security
within the stipulated time period, the award shall
be deemed to be cancelled/ withdrawn.
Thereupon all rights, privileges, claims and
entitlements of the Contractor under or arising out
of the Award shall be deemed to have been
waived by, and to have ceased with the
concurrence of the Contractor, and the Award
shall be deemed to have been withdrawn by the

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(32.4) The agreement will be executed within 10

days of receipt of Performance Security.

(32.5) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary

contained in this RFP, Performance Security for
an amount equal to 3% (three percent) of the Bid
Price shall be applicable for all tenders/contracts
issued till 31.12.2021, in accordance with DoE's
OM No. F.91412020-PPD dated 12.11.2020.Ra1e
of Performance Security to be adopted for
Contracts finalized after 31 .12.2021 shall be
governed by applicable policies at that period.

(vii) Section-2, lnstructions to Bidders (lTB) and Appendix to ITB:-

For Read

Appendix to ITB Appendix to ITB

t(4.3. B(b) (i). I The key equipment to be t(4.3. B(b) (i). I The key equipment to be
deployed on contract work. deployed on contract work.
Name of the Equipment Quantity Name of the Equipment Quantity
(For bituminous pavement and earthwork) (For bituminous pavement and earthwork)
1. Mobile Maintenance Unit with necessary 1. Deleted
2. Deleted
S. Project Length for No, of 3. Deleted
No. maintenance Mobile 4. T)
Static Roller (8/10 1

Units* 5. Small Roller/Compactor 1

6. Bitumen/emulsion sprayer 1

1 Up to 50 km 1 7. Mechanical Broom (1250 sqm per hour)1

2 More than 50 km and up 2 8. Air compressor 2
to 150 km 9. Grade/Backhoe loader 1

3 More than 150 km and up ? 10. Water Tanker 2

to 300 km 11. Dewatering Pumps 2
** 2.
Tipper/dumper Truck 2
2. Sensor Paver 1

* *Vibratory 13. Mini hot mix plant

3. Roller (8/10 T) 1

4. Static Roller (8/10 T) 1

(6/10 T/Hr capacity) with indirect heating
5. Small Roller/Compactor 1
14. Deleted
6. Bitumen/emulsion sprayer 15. Deleted
7. Mechanical Broom (1250 sqm per hour)
8. Air compressor 2
9. Grader/Backhoe loader 1

'10. Water Tanker 2

11. Dewatering Pumps 2
12. Tippe/dumper Truck 2
13. Mini hot mix plant 1

(6/10 T/Hr capacity)with indirect heating

14. Hot Mix Plant 1

15. Strinq line set 1

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(viii) ln the section-4, "Forms of Bank Guarantees, Letter of Acceptance (LoA)
and Agreement", Form of Bank Guarantee for Bid Security shatt be reptaced with
Format for Bid Securing Dectaration, as detaited betow:-


I hereby submit a declorotion thot the bid submitted by the undersigned,

on beholf of the bidder, [Name of the bidder], either sole or in JV, shail
not be withdrawn or modified during the period of validity i.e. not less
thon 180 (one hundred eighty) days from the bid due date.

l, on behalf of the bidder, [Name of the bidder], also accept that in case
the bid is withdrawn or modified during the period of its varidity or if
we fail to sign the contract in case the work is aworded to us or we fait
to submit a performonce security before the deodtine defined in section
2 of the Request for Proposal (RFP), then [Name of the bidder] will be
suspended for participation in the tendering process for the works of
\AoRTH|NHAI/NHIDCL and works under other centrally sponsored
schemes, for a period of one year from the bid due date of this work.

(Signature of the Authorised Signatory)


(ix) section-4, Forms of Bank Guarantees, Letter of Acceptance (LoA) and


For Read



..........This guarantee shallbe valid until2S days Thiq nttarentoo chall ho valid r rntil AO r,lcrrc
from the date of expiry of the Defects Liability from the date of expiry of the Defects Liability
Peri0d........... Peri0d...........

(x) Section-5, General Condition of Contract (GCC), A-Generat, 1-Definitions:

For Read

Road Maintenance Works and Activities to be Road Maintenance Works and Activities to be
carried out by Contractor shall include: carried out by Contractor shall include:

Maintenance of the road assets and incident Maintenance of the road specified in the BOQ
management specified in the BOQ and executing and executing other items of road maintenance
other items of road maintenance works as works as ordered by the Engineer.
ordered by the Engineer.

(xi) section-5, General condition of contract (GCC), A-Generat, 1-Definitions:-

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For Read

Rectification Standard : Rectification Standard :

The Contractor shall maintain the Road Assets in The Contractor shall maintain the specific parts of
proper condition that comply with the Road the road aspects as specified in BOQ or as
Maintenance Standards and ensure road users ordered by Engineer in charge and ensure road
safety and comfort. The maintenance activities users safety and comfort. The maintenance
shall be so planned that the defects are repaired activities shall be so planned that the defects are
well before they reach maximum condition as per repaired well before they reach maximum
the permissible tolerance. condition as per the permissible tolerance.

(xii) section-5, General condition of contract (GCC), c-euatity controt:

For Read

(31.a) The Defects Liability Period shall be as (31.4) The Defects Liability Period is not
given in the Contract Data, counted from the Date applicable for works of routine maintenance such
of Completion stated in the Certificate of as pot holes/ patch repairs/ ruts repairs/ cleaning
Completion issued in pursuance of Clause 47. and clearing, etc. under performance based BOQ
The defect liability period is not applicable for item.
works of routine maintenance such as pot holes/
However, for other specific items of works (if any),
patch repairs/ ruts repairs under performance
got executed as ordered by Engineer (if any), the
based BOQ item.
Defects Liability Period shall be 36 months,
counted from the Date of Completion stated in the
Certificate of Completion issued in pursuance of
Clause 47.

(xiii) Section-5, Contract Data, ltem No. 8:

For Read

The limit of subcontracting is 50% of initial The limit of subcontracting is NIL of initial contract
conhact price. price.

(xiv) Section-5, Contract Data, ltem No. '16:

For Read

The Defect Liability Period will be 36 months for

periodic renewal and other improvement works. The Defect Liability Period will be 36 months for
periodic renewal and other improvement works
executed (if any)

(xv) Section-7, "Road Maintenance Standards and Specifications for Road

Maintenance Works, Part-l and Part-|1", Ctause No. 2.1 under part-l:-
The entire row in the table, corresponding to "ltem No. 3.2 of Bitt no. 3 (providing
road patrots and surveittance, automobile assistance, tow away cranes and
ambutance services as per maintenance standard Ctause 7.2)", shatl. be deteted.

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(xvi) Section-7, "Road Maintenance Standards and Specifications for Road
Maintenance Works, Part-l and Part-11", Ctause No. 2.2 under part-l:

For Read

(2.2) Providing road patrols and surveillance,

(2.2). Deleted
automobile assistance, tow away cranes and
ambulance services (lncident

(xvii) Section-9, Financial Bid Form and Bitt of Quantities, Bit[ of Quantities

For Read


(xviii) Section-9, Financial Bid Form and Bit[ of Quantities, Bit[ of Quantities
The suggestive BoQ shoutd be broadty as mentioned below, the item nos.
mentioned here are of IRC:SP:124-2019:-


Item Description of ltems Unit Quantit Rate Amo Remarks
No. v (in unt in
Rs.) Rs.
1.1 Providing spot Cum
reconstruction and
regravelling to repair
specific erosion or other
damages for restoring the
eroded area to originally
constructed cross section on
cuts and fills slopes/
shoulders conforming to
Technical Specifications
Clause no. 3002. Fill
material should be brought
from borrow areas located
outside ROW conforming to
Technical Specification
no, 305. Watered and well
compacted with plate
compactor or power
rammer with all leads and
lifts as directed by the
Engineer (Quantity of
compacted Fill material to
F:\A&tl\Plonning Zone HQ\lt&R\One yeor Maintenonce Contract Document_l 50121 .docx
Item Description of ltems Unit Quantit Rate Amo Remarks
No. v (in unt in
Rs.l Rs.
be measured on cross
sectional area basis)
1.2 Providing repair to stone
pitching/ apron over the
filter media/ drainage layer
at scattered locations over
the slopes of guide bunds,
river training works, and
road embankments as per
Technical Specifications
Clause no. 2504 complete
in all respects as directed by
Engineer involving the
below given operations
however as per its actual

i) Providing and laying 200 Cum

mm granular material filter
conforming to MoRTH
Specifications Clause'no.
2504 complete in all
respects as per directions of

ii) Providing repair to

damaged stone pitching/
apron over the prepared
surface as per technical
Specifications Clause no,
2504 complete in all
respects as per directions of

a) Using boulders available Cum

at site
(The job includes removal
and stacking of boulders

b) Using material procured Cum

1.6 Clearing cleaning, Limited quantity to be

deepening and reshaping of operated as per the
roadside unlined/ kaccha actual site
drains and making shallow requirement and
kaccha Iateral drains on availability of funds as
shoulders wherever decided by
required, including removal Engineer.
and disposal of sediments,
extraneous debris and
vegetation groMh blocking
the free flow from site
outside ROW with all leads
and lifts complete in all
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Item Description of Items Unit Quantit Rate Amo Remarks
No. v (in unt in
Rs.) Rs.
respects as directed by the
Engineer- ln-Charge and as
per Maintenance Standard
Clause no. 3.1 (Frequency
of cleaning in urban areas
will be quarterly whereas in
rural areas, it will be twice in
a year i.e. before and after
a) Drains having depth upto RM
0.6 meter
b)Drains having depth more RM
than 0.6 meter
17(A) Clearing road side/Median Limited quantity to be
open lined/ pucca drains to operated as per the
bring them to original shape, actual site
drainage capacity requirement and
including disposal of availability of funds as
sediments, extraneous decided by the
debris and vegetation Engineer.
growth blocking the free
flow from site outside
ROW with all leads and
lifts complete in all
respects as directed by
the Engineer.ln-Charge
and as per Maintenance
Standards Cause no.
3.1(Frequency of cleaning in
urban areas will be quarterly
whereas in rural areas, it will
be twice in a year i.e. before
and after monsoon).
a) Drains having cross- RM
sectional area upto 0.3 Sqm
b) Drains having cross- RM
sectional area more than 0.3
Li(B) Clearing longitudinal and RM Limited quantity to be
transverse covered drains operated as per the
and pipe drains including actual site
manholes, gratings, requirement and
channels and gullies etc. availability of funds as
and bringing them to original decided by the
drainage capacity, including Engineer.
disposal of sediments,
extraneous debris and
vegetation growth
blocking the free flowfrom
site outside ROW with all
leads and lifts complete in
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Item Description of ltems Unit Quantit Rate Amo Remarks
No. v (in unt in
Rs.) Rs.
all respects as directed by
the Engineer and as per
Maintenance Standards
Clause no. 3.1. The job
also includes removing and
refixing of precast slab in
original position, (Frequency
of cleaning will be as per site
requi rement however limited
to twice in a vead.
1.8 Clearing slab/ box type
culverts and pipe culverts
including clearing, cleaning
and reshaping of upstream
and downstream faces of
these culverts within right of
way. The job includes
disposal of excess material
recovered from site
including vegetation outside
ROW with all leads and lifts
complete in all respects as
per direction of Engineer-ln-
Charge and as per
Maintenance Standards
Clause 3.1 (Frequency of
cleaning will be one time in a
year i.e. before start of
a) Slab/ Box Tvpe Culverts No.
b) Pipe Culverts No.
1.10 Removal of rank vegetation/ Limited quantity to be
weeds and undesirable operated as per the
vegetation from shoulders, actual site
embankment slopes upto requirement and
ROW (both sides) complete availability of funds as
in all respects including decided by the
breaking of clods, rough Engineer.
dressing and disposal of
waste material and
vegetation at a place outside
ROW as per direction of
Engineer- ln-Charge and as
per Maintenance Standards
Clause 3.3 (Frequency will
be once in a quarted.
a) Shoulders including side sqm
slopes of embankment upto
toe line on both sides of the
carriageway. (Frequency of
cleaninq will be four times in
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Item Description of ltems Unit Quantit Rate Amo Remarks
No. v (in unt in
Rs.) Rs.
a year; however limited to
only areas prone to growth
of ranU undesirable
veqetation and weeds).
b) From Toe line of sqm
embankment slopes of
ROW on both sides of the
carriageway (Frequency of
cleaning will be two times in
a year; however limited to
only areas prone to growth
of rank/ undesirable
vegetation and weeds).
1.1 1( Providing slurry seal for
A) filling of hair cracks, surface
cracks and preventive/
renewal treatment as per
MoRTH Specification
Clause 512.
a) Fillinq hair cracks Sqm
b) Filling of Surface cracks sqm
1-3 mm and preventing/
renewal treatment.
c) Filling of surface cracks 1- sqm
3 mm and preventing/
renewal treatment.
1.11( Providing and applying low Sqm
B) viscosity bitumen emulsion
for sealing cracks less then
3 mm wide or incipient
fretting or disintegration in
an existing bituminous
surfacing complete as per
MoRTH Specifications
Clause 3004.3.2 and as per
direction of the Engineer-in-
Charqe (Foq seal).
1.11( Providing sealing to cracks sqm
c) wider than 3 m complete as
per Technical Specifications
Clause no. 3004.3.3 and as
per satisfaction of the
1.12 Providing treatment to sqm
bleedlng bituminous surface
by uniform spreading of
crusher dusU other fine
graded material as per
Clause 3004.4 of Technical
Specifications complete in
all respects and as Der
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Item Description of ltems Unit Quantit Rate Amo Remarks
No. v (in unt in
Rs.) Rs.
direction of Engineer-ln-
1.17 Applying Epoxy mortar over sqm Limited quantity to be
leached honey combed and operated as per the
spalled concrete surface actual site
and exposed steel requirement and
reinforcement complete as availability of funds as
per Technical Specifi cations decidedby the
Clause 2804 and as per Engineer. Any
approval of the Engineer. variation in quantity
for taking care of
Special Repair (SR)
requirements may be
included through a
separate sanction/
approval as per the
extant policy
Item Description of ltems Unit Quantit Rate Amo Remark
No. v (in unt in
Rs.) Rs.
2.7 Cleaning, removing, RM
clearing of dust and dirt from
the existrng metal crash
barrier ad pedestrian guard
rail by washing with water
and detergent etc. complete
as directed bv the Enqineer.
2.14 Strengthening and repairing Per
of partially damaged M.S. RM
pedestrian Railing/ pipe of full
railing complete including height
welding, repairing/ of
replacement ofdamaged railing
parts/portions (salvage
material will be Contractor's
property) as per existing
pattern complete in all
respects including painting
of the damaged portions to
match with the existing
railing and as per direction of
the Enqineer in-charqe.


Item Description of ltems Unit Quantity Rate Amount Remarks
No. in Rs. in Rs.
3.1 Providing treatment and Per
reoair to pot holes/ ruts and month
F:\A1il\Ptanning Zone Hq\M&R\One yeor Maintenonce Contract Document-150121.docx
Item Description of ltems Unit Quantity Rate Amount Remarks
No. in Rs. in Rs,
any depth/ patch repair of
all types of bitumen
pavement complete as per
Technical Specification
Clause 3004.2 and as per
direction of Engineer by
using paving grade
bitumen/ emulsion/ cold
ready mix material. The
job includes removal of all
failed material, trimming of
completed excavation to
providing firm vertical
faces, cleaning of surface,
painting of tack coat on the
sides and base of
excavation as per Clause
no. 503 back filling the
patch with bituminous
material as per clause no.
509. Compacting trimming
and finishing the surface to
form a smooth continuous
surface all as per Clause
no. 3004.2 of Technical

Note: ln case of any error of Ctause of MoRTH Specifications, the appropriate correct
ctause of the MoRTH Specifications sha[[ prevai[, as per the decision of Engineer-ln-
Charge/ Employer.

Signature Not Verified

Digitally signed by AADESH KUMAR
Date: 2024.01.26 Page 17 ofIST
14:51:56 17
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yeor liointenance eProcure-EPROC
Contract Document_l 50121 .docx

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