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What I Know

Activating Prior Knowledge

Let us determine how much you already know about checking functional and
non-functional tools. Take the test.

I. Multiple Choice
Directions: Read each question carefully and choose the letter of the correct
answer. Write your answer in yours SMAW activity notebook.

1. Which of the following method is recommended to identify functional and non-

functional hand tools?
a. Cleaning c. Lubricating
b. Functionality d. Simple repair
2. Which is determined after the operation of a hand tool is tested?
a. Performance c. Repair Maintenance
b. Physical appearance d. Service span
3. What does “urgent repair” refers to?
a. an ordinary routine c. maintenance inspection
b. an immediate repair d. maintenance schedule
4. How to distinguished non-functional tools from the functional ones?
a. Functionality c. Service span
b. Performance d. Visual inspection
5. What does service span of a tool refer to?
a. defectiveness of a tool c. functionality of a tool
b. determines when the tool was acquired d. maintenance schedule

Test II. Matching type
Directions: Match column A with column B. Write only the letter of the correct
answer on your SMAW activity notebook.

Column A Column B

1. Vibration or extra noise from the a. Functionality

operation means problem on parts. b. Functional tools
2. Failure to meet the required power supply, c. Person’s involved
malfunction will occur. d. Power supply
3. It refers to the technical person who has e. Service span
the knowledge and skills about technology. f. Visual inspection
4. A visual observation of an expert on the
appearance of the tools and equipment.
5.Tools that are in good condition.

Test III. True or False

Directions: Write T if the statement is true and F if it is false. Write your answer in
your SMAW activity notebook.

___1. All tools and equipment must be properly maintained so that workers will
be free from danger.
___2. Damaged or non-functional tools/equipment should be tagged and
removed from service.
___3. A hand tool that is too old is safe for both students and workers.
___4. When there is something wrong with the performance of either hand tools
or equipment, they don’t need an immediate repair.
___5. Non-functional tools those that are not able to perform its regular function
because of damage part.


Check Condition of Tools and Equipment


All machinery and other industrial tools should be regularly maintained to

ensure longevity. At the same time, regular care and maintenance will guarantee
that the equipment will function properly every time.

You can opt for welding equipment hire services so you won’t worry too
much about maintaining your own equipment. Nevertheless, welding tools can be
worth thousands of dollars when bought. More so, replacement parts can be hard
to find.

These are only some of the major reasons why you or a welding
equipment rental supplier should take extra care of these tools. However,
welding equipment’s maintenance needs may depend on the welder type. It is
important to stick to your regular schedule on maintenance to ensure its optimum
performance at all times.

What’s In

Activity 1: Find Me!

Directions: Identify the welding tools among the given pictures. Write the letter
of the correct answer in your SMAW activity notebook.

A. B.

C. D.

E. F.

G. H

What’s New

Directions: Put a checkmark (ü) on the pictures that shows the proper storage
of hand tools/equipment and machine and (x) for improper storage.
Use your SMAW activity notebook.

1 2

3 4

What is It


Performance Standard:
Make an inventory of functional and non-functional tools in your shop.

Functional and Non-Functional Hand Tools

Tools are very useful to us in our homes especially to our job. But tools that are
no longer functional may cause harm.

Methods of Identifying Functional and Non-Functional Tools and


1. Visual inspection
It refers to the visual observation of an expert on the appearance of the tools
and equipment. The physical appearance of tools will describe such
characteristics as dullness, sharpness, dismantled parts, and uneven teeth of
the cutting tools.
2. Functionality
Vibration or extra noise from the operation means problem on parts and accessories
started to develop. Is it already susceptible to wear and tear? Has it already
exceeded its service life? Has it passed the manufacturer’s quality control
test? A few pieces of the hand tools issued in the shop can be subjected for
condemnation they are no longer serviceable. Some hand tools issued for
years in shops and few pieces of these can be subjected for condemnation.

3. Performance
Performance of hand tools is determined not only during the actual use but also after
use to find out whether the hand tools are still worth using. When there is something
wrong with the performance of either hand tools or equipment, they need an
immediate repair or maintenance.
4. Service span
Hand tools are issued to shop teacher at one time. However, this must be
recorded to determine when it was received and how long the tools have
been kept in the shop. A hand tool which is too old is unsafe for both the
students and workers. Such tool should be marked defective and segregated
from the good ones.
5. Power Supply (for electrically operated only)
Failure to meet the required power supply, malfunction will occur in
the part of hand tools or equipment.
6. Person’s involved
It refers to the technical person who has the knowledge and skills
about the technology.


The following tools are in good condition and can perform its regular functions.

www.stanleytools.com www.grainger.com
1 1

Hacksaw Combination square

www.amazon.com www.gigatools.ph
1 1

Machinist vise Pipe wrench


Screw Driver


The following tools considered impaired and damage.

Hammer with a broken handle Screw driver with a broken handle

1 www.instructables.com

A broken wrench Plier with a damage jaw

tle.weebly.com 1

Electrical equipment with damage cord

Procedures in Segregating and Labeling Functional and Non-Functional

Tools and Equipment

1. Conduct an inventory of tools and equipment.

2. Record the number of non-functional tools and equipment.
3. Segregate tools that are serviceable or unserviceable.
4. Report the number of tools and equipment that are non-functional but
subject for repair.
5. Label tools and equipment which are condemnable.
6. Return tools and equipment in the tool cabinet as per operating

What’s More

Directions: Write the word Functional if the tool is considered functional and
write Non-Functional if it is not. Place your answer beside the
picture. Use your SMAW activity notebook.

__________ 6. ________

2. __________ 7. ________

3. ___________ 8. _________

4. __________ 9. _________

5. __________ 10. _________

What I Have Learned

Directions: Fill in the blanks with the appropriate word in each statement below.

Choose your answers from the given pool of words inside the box.

Place your answer in your SMAW activity notebook.

Problem Tools Performance Label Unsafe

Functional Inventory Visual inspection Technical person
Non-functional tool

1. __________are very useful to us in our homes especially to our job.

2. Vibration or extra noise from the operation means__________ on parts and
accessories started to develop.
3. __________ refers to the visual observation of an expert on the appearance of
the tools and equipment.
4.__________ are those that are not able to perform to its regular function
because of impaired and damage part.
5. __________ of hand tools is determined not only during the actual use but
also after use to find out whether the hand tools are still worth using.
6. A hand tool which is too old is __________ for both students and workers.
7. It refers to the __________who has the knowledge and skills about the

8.__________ tools that are in good condition and can perform its regular
9. __________ tools and equipment which are condemnable.
10. Conduct an __________ of tools and equipment.

What I Can Do

Activity 1
Directions: Perform the following steps in segregating and labeling Non-
functional and functional tools and equipment in the shop. Use your
SMAW activity notebook for your answer.

Find out by accomplishing the Scoring Rubric honestly and sincerely.

Remember it is your learning at stake

Scoring Rubric
Steps Performed
6-Very Satisfactory
4- Needs Improvement
Performed Not Performed
1.Conducted inventory of tools and equipment
2.Segregated non-functional tools and
3. Recorded non-functional tools and
4. Reported non-functional tools and

5. Labeled condemnable tools and equipment
6. Returned tools and equipment in the cabinet


GENERAL INSTRUCTION: Read and understand specific instructions. Analyze

carefully each question and give the best answer.

Test I. Multiple Choice

Direction: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write your answer on your
activity notebook.

1. Which of the following practices is recommended to identify defective

and non- defective hand tools?
a. Cleaning c. Lubricating
b. Functionality d. Simple repair
2. How to distinguished defective tools from the functional ones?
a. Functionality c. Service span
b. Performance d. Visual inspection
3. Which is determined after the operation of a hand tool is tested?
a. Performance c. Repair Maintenance
b. Physical appearance d. Service span
4. What does service span of a tool refer to?
a. defectiveness of a tool c. functionality of a tool
b. determines when the tool is acquired d. maintenance schedule
5. What does “urgent repair” refers to?

a. an immediate repair c. maintenance inspection
b. an ordinary routine d. maintenance schedule

Test II. Identification

Directions: Identify the Non-functional tools among the given pictures. Write
the letter of the correct answer in your SMAW activity notebook.

A. B. C.

D. E. F.

G. H. I.

J. K. L.

Test II. True or False

Direction: Draw a happy smiley if the statement is true and sad emoji if the
statement is false.

____ 1. Non-functional tools can easily be distinguished from the functional ones
through visual inspection.

_____2. Performance of hand tools is determined not only during the actual use
but also after use to find out whether the hand tools are still worth using.

_____3. A hand tool which is too old is safe for both the students and workers.
Such tool should be marked defective and segregated from the good ones.

_____4. A hammer with a broken handle can perform its regular functions.

_____5. When there is something wrong with the performance of either hand
tools or equipment, they need an immediate repair or maintenance.

Additional Activities

Direction: Listing of Functional and Non-functional Hand Tools and Equipment

the shop. Use your SMAW activity notebook for your answer.

Name of Hand Tools Descriptive Status

and Equipment Non-Functional functional


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