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Grade 8 LP6

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Immaculate Heart of Mary School LEARNING PLAN

of La Trinidad, Inc. CLF 8

S.Y. 2023-2024 Second Term


Content Standard Performance Standard Formation Standard

The learners demonstrate The learners shall be able to: The learners will:
understanding of this truth:  Strive to manifest the
Jesus as the Eternal High Priest  Pray that priest will strength and commitment
Priesthood has its origin in the Old remain faithful to their that priest in the OT
Testaments calling exemplify
Priestly Ministry of Jesus

Knowledge Skills/Competencies IHMS CORE VALUES

The learners will know… The learners shall be skilled At the end of the unit, the students
at… will be able to witness:
The nature and roles/functions of  Explain the nature of
priesthood in the Old Testament priesthood in the OT IHMS Values:
Church teachings about priesthood  Citing the roles of a 1. FAITH
priest in the OT 2. OBEDIENCE
 Express one’s 3. EXCELLENCE
commitment by doing 4. INCLUSIVITY
concrete ways in
following the examples
of the Old Testament

Duration: 2 hours Date Implementation: Week2 - November 7-8, 2023

Learning Targets:
The learners can…
 Doctrine: Explain the nature and roles/functions of priesthood in the OT
 Moral : Strive to manifest the strength and commitment that priest in the OT exemplify
 Worship: Pray that priest will remain faithful to their calling
FOCUS: The nature and roles of priesthood in the OT
VALUE STATEMENT: An IHMS Students asking grace to manifest manifest the strength and commitment
that priest in the OT exemplify
 Prayer:
 Checking of attendance
 Quick review from past lessons
 Motivation: story reading: “The Parable of the Mediator” pg.(54)
 Recitation:
1. What was the problem between the creditor and the debtor?
2. Who helped them solve the problem? How was he able to solve the problem?
3. How was justice and mercy served in the proposal of the mediator?
4. Will you agree to the proposal of the mediator? Justify your answer
5. Do you think a priest or a bishop must get involved in the task of working for peace and
justice in society? Why yes, why no?
Link: The mediator in the story solved the problem of the debtor who can’t pay his debt and demand for
mercy and the creditor who demand for justice. Because there was a mediator, both laws were fulfilled ,
justice and mercy fully satisfied.
Now, let us discover the nature and roles/duties do priest in the OT and how vocation of priesthood is
described in the passage from the book of Leviticus.
A. Reading: Lv.8:1-13
B. Read: CFC 1950
Activity] (Biblical Catechesis approach)
 They are called by God GOD
 They are ordained
 They are the “Kingdom of Priest” or “Holy Nation”
 They are representatives or act as mediator before God
 They do not possess the power to bring the salvation of humankind ISRAELITE PEOPLE
 They are constant source of hope for the people of God
 They are blessed, protected and cared by God
1. To offer:
A) Gifts (their first fruits of the earth) for thanksgiving
B) Sacrifice (blood of bulls and goats) for atoning their sins and the sins of the people
C) Prayer (worship) for the petitions/needs of the people
2. Proclaim the Word of God
These 2 roles/functions restore communion between God and the people BUT these 2 however do not prevent
priest from engaging in other important duties. They help make better the life of the people whom they serve
and promote justice and peace in society like the mediator.
What does the Catholic Church Teaches us about Priesthood?
They based from the Bible and it was quoted from the OT.
CFC 1950
In the OT, through Moses God called all Israelite to be “a kingdom of priest, a “holy nation” (Ex.19:6), while
consecrating one of the 12 tribes, Aaron and his descendants, the tribe of Levi, for priestly ministry(Lv.8:1-
12, Ex. 28-30, CCC1539). Now a priest is someone appointed to act in our behalf of the people “as their
representative before God, to offer gifts and sacrifices for sins”(Heb.5:1). but this OT Priesthood was
powerless to effect definitive salvation since the law had only a shadow of the good things to come and no
real image of them, it6 was never able to perfect the worshipers by the same sacrifices offered continually
year after year for it is impossible that the blood of bulls and goats take away sins(Heb.10:1-4).
Priesthood has its origin in the OT as early as the Time of Abraham, the King of Salem, Melchizedek is
describe as a priest-king. He was described in the NT from the letter of Paul to the Hebrews as the
prefiguration or foreshadows of Jesus the Messiah, the Eternal High Priest. Messiah means “Lord or King”.
We are also called to be a source of hope to others by our firm faith in God’s loving presence. We are to help
make others strong by our strong faith in God. Just as God blessed, protect and cared for the priest He called,
He will also bless, protect and care for us as witnesses to His great love. St. Gaetano Errico also was an
example in doing the mission of Jesus. The mission he did was Proclamation of the Word, ministry of
reconciliation and selfless charity to the needy.
Priest need our prayer for them to remain faithful to their vocation. Let us have a moment of silence to pray
the Priest Prayer. (give the class the copy)
Link: unlike the priest in the OT, we do not offer animal sacrifices to beg for God’s forgiveness. We do have
our share of sacrifices and like the priests, we can transform them into pathways that leads to God.
Activity: Journal Writing:
As a grade 8 student, what sacrifices will you undertake each day to show your commitment to love God and
others? (List at least 10)
Assignment: answer the activity in your book “reaping the fruits of Jesus’ Message (PG.62-63)
Loving Father, we humbly ask you to give us the courage to fulfill our mission according to your Will.
May we respond to your call, “here I am! Send me” may the Holy Spirit inspire us to be like your son, Jesus
Christ, in accomplishing our prophetic task. Amen.

Prepared by: Remarks by the Principal:


CLF Teacher School Principal
a. looking back: show pictures of the following: aswang, superhero, magic,satan, angels. Ask the class if they
believe in them and call for some volunteers to give their reason for their belief or unbelief. Then, facilitate a
debate on whether to believe in something that is visible or deny something invisible. Afterwards, emphasize
that there are a lot of invisible realities that are objects of faith. Lastly lead the class to reflect on the question:
journal writing.
1. do you see to believe or do you believe to see?
2.What are the things that you don’t see but you continue to believe in them?
3. how do these invisible principles help you to become a person of hope and faith?
b. looking around: Direct the class to watch “may the force be with you”.
May the force be with you is an expression of good luck and wishing someone “May the Spirit be with you” is
construed as a prayer for others to be wrapped with the Spirit of God. Tell the students to wish their classmates
on their right side this “ May the Spirit of the Lord be with you always”.
Journal writing: how do you wish others good luck? Is good luck divinely inspired?
c. looking inside: call a volunteer to demonstrate how to do the sign of the cross. Ask the class to identify
situations where they do the sign of the cross besides praying. Tell the class that this is a Filipino Tradition
called “pag-aantanda”. Antanda is an act of doing sign of the cross among the Filipino Catholics. The Filipino
do this for many reasons: as a show of respect when passing by a Church, as a sign of awe when something
mysterious is taking place, as a sign of shock when something frightening happens. For many, they o antanda to
recognize that there is Spiritual Reality that dwells in the material Church, or there is an unseen Spirit
responsible for all those unexplored by human intelligence. Through antanda, we allow our physical eyes to
recognize a reality that is spiritual in nature.

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