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Article - Beam Forming

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ISSN (Print) : 0974-6846

Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 9(36), DOI: 10.17485/ijst/2016/v9i36/86223, September 2016 ISSN (Online) : 0974-5645

Design and Fabrication of 430MHz Unequal

Amplitude Hybrid Coupler for T-Radar
Beam Forming Unit
Venkata Kishore Kothapudi*, Vijay Kumar, Dangeti Anu Preetham and Mukundala Sai Rohit
School of Electronics Engineering, VIT University, Vellore - 632014, Tamil Nadu, India;
kothapudi@gmail.com, vijaykumar@vit.ac.in, anupreetham2@gmail.com, rohit22244@gmail.com

Background/Objectives: This letter describes the design simulation and fabrication the design, simulation and fabrication of
an P-band frequency band unequal amplitude 900 hybrid coupler. This hybrid coupler is used to design a feeder network with
4 output ports for T-Radar Wind Profiler Operating at 430MHz is achieved with a frequency bandwidth exceeding 50MHz.
Methods/Statistical Analysis: The hybrid coupler is designed with the help of conventional microstrip technology. Measured
and simulation results has been provided for the components (Equal amplitude hybrid couplers, Unequal amplitude hybrid
coupler) used to implement the feeder network. The microstrip hybrid coupler with unequal amplitudes with 900 phase
difference is achieved with varying impedances of the one of the arms in a hybrid coupler. Findings: The proposed coupler
is easily fabricated on the glass epoxy PCB without any lumped element. There is a good agreement between measured,
simulated and theoretical prediction validated the feasible configuration of the proposed coupler and amplitude weights
are designed based on array synthesis so called Taylors 1-parameter method for side lobe level -17 dB down from the main
beam. A full wave EM simulator zeland IE3D V12.02 and Ansoft designer is used for designing hybrid coupler. Applications/
Improvements: The fabricated coupler is best suited for shared aperture antenna beam forming network and Feeder network
using hybrid coupler for 430 MHz Radar applications. To demonstrate our design theory, a practical unequal power hybrid
coupler is designed, simulated and fabricated. The measured results shows that the Return losses are larger than 25dB. The
power couplings S21 and S31 is -4.38 dB and -3.17 dB and the output phase difference is 88.3180 at the operating frequency.

Keywords: Coupling and Returnloss, IE3D, Troposphere, Unequal Hybrid Coupler

1. Introduction at 430 MHz frequency band. Backscattering of the

power/energy from the irregularities in the atmosphere
T-Radar Wind Profiler system provides wind speed and is the basic principle behind the Radar wind profiler
direction as a function of height and also weather obser- operation. Energy reflection occurs preferentially from
vation and forecasting however, other applications have
irregularities of a size on the order of one half wavelength
been identified, including severe wind condition warn-
of the incident wave. These irregularities are primarily
ings, flight planning, space shuttle support, and pollution
due to the variations in the temperature and humidity of
studies. Some of the other methods to measure wind
the air, which are carried out with the wind in the form of
speed and direction are smoke trail, balloon technique
etc. Measurement of wind velocity using Radar was found turbulent eddies. These irregularities exist in a size range
to eliminate the disadvantages of the smoke trail, balloon of a few centimetres to meters5,6. A small portion of the
technique methods. Such radars are also known as WIND scattered beam is returned to the radar location where it
PROFILERS1. WPR also play a part in making air travel is received in the form of Doppler shift and analyzed. The
safer. WPRs are used for wind profiling in operational principle involved in these radars is the same as that of
meteorological networks2–4. Tropospheric-Radar ­operates the MST Radar.

*Author for correspondence

Design and Fabrication of 430MHz Unequal Amplitude Hybrid Coupler for T-Radar Beam Forming Unit

2. Atmospheric Radar Feeder an antenna. The metal usually copper is very thin, about
some micrometers. The dielectric material, termed sub-
Network Mechanism strate is the mechanical backbone of the microstrip
In an Antenna array each element must be fed with circuit. The substrate is made of low-loss material, and
proper amplitude and phase such that the array will its thickness, height, permittivity and permeability
performs desired functions. The feeder network that determine the electrical characteristics of the RF passive
distributes the proper amplitude and phase excitation component7–9. The complete copper layer on the other
to each element. The microwave power to the radiating side of the substrate is grounded (SS) and hence called
antenna is feeding through a coaxial cable like RG214. ground plane.
The feeder network consists of coaxial cables, power
combiners/dividers and hybrid couplers with equal or 3.2 Substrate Information
unequal amplitude 900 phase difference. The RF signal The design is based on Fire Retaurdant–4 substrate
to the TRMs or Antennas through a chain of let us say (εr = 4.4, tan δ = 0.02, and h = 1.6 mm) as shown in
in this article 1:4 Power Dividers/Combiners (PDC) or Figure 1(b). A low permittivity is essential for good
equal amplitude splitter with unequal amplitude hybrid radiation efficiency and satisfying the bandwidth of
coupler. The position of feeder network (i.e.,) before TRM the antennas at the cost of an increased radiation of
(or) after TRM is depends on configuration of the radar the feed network. The other specifications of substrate
system. The designed unequal amplitude hybrid coupler information and electrical characteristics are shown in
is for the SLL reduction of -17dB low level from the main Table 210–14.
lobe. The amplitude weighting coefficients are derived Another influencing parameter is substrate selection
from the array synthesis technique Taylors 1-parameter which is less cost and the dimensions of transmission line
method. The design specifications for feeder network are length/width and the losses15,16. These results are derived
shown in Table 1. using the MOM based zeland IE3D V12.02 Momentum
and its optimization engine. The transmission line length
3. Theory and Design and widths and substrate for this design given in Case 1
of the Table 2.
3.1 System Realization by Microstrip
A microstrip structure consists of a copper layer of
metal on one side (CS side) of a thin sheet of dielec-
tric material and is fully covered with copper material
on the Second Side (SS). The shaped metal layer on the
front side is often printed, and could act as a circuit or

Table 1. Specifications
Sl No. Parameter Value
1 Frequency 430MHz
Unequal amplitude quadrature
2 Feeder type hybrid coupler and Equal power (a)
3 No of input ports 1[1,46816 W]
No of output 4[0.30777,0.42631,0.30777,0.42
ports 631W]
5 Side lobe level -17dB (b)
6 Amplitude taper Taylor 1-parameter
Figure 1. (a) Configuration of t-radar system. (b)
7 Bandwidth 40MHz Microstrip structure.

2 Vol 9 (36) | September 2016 | www.indjst.org Indian Journal of Science and Technology
Venkata Kishore Kothapudi , Vijay Kumar, Dangeti Anu Preetham and Mukundala Sai Rohit

3.3 Quadrature Hybrid Coupler with Equal 3.4 Design Equations of hybrid Coupler

(or) Unequal Amplitude with Equal and Unequal Amplitude
The hybrid coupler is a mirowave passive component in The characteristic impedances can be calculated by using
microstrip technique used for to generate RF signals 900 the following design equations shown below
out of phase with respect to output port and coupled port. Case 1:- For equal amplitude
It consists, of a main line that is coupled to a secondary line
by two quarter-wavelength transmission lines parted one Z0
Z 01 =  (1)
quarter wavelength apart as shown in Figure 2. When a 2
signal is introduced at port-1, the signals at the two output
arms (2, 3) are equal in power and 90 degrees phase dif- Z 02 = Z 0  (2)
ference between the output ports. The port located on the
same side as the input port is isolated port since there is Case 2:-For unequal amplitude
no power reaching it. The power applied at a input port is 0.5
  P1  
equally or unequally distributed between the ports located
Z 01 = Z 0 
 P2    (3)
on the other side of the coupler called output port and
  P1 +1 
coupled port. There is a 900 phase difference between these   P2  
output port and coupled ports, the port closer to the input
port is leading in phase by 900 . In the same way by varying 0.5

the impedances of the quite opposite arms in a branch line Z 02 = Z 0  P1   (4)

coupler, unequal power splits can be obtained.  P2 
The widths and lengths of each section of the hybrid
Table 2. Substrate details couplers for the above impedances in the coupler has been
Parameter Notation Unit Case-1 calculated by using design Equations8.
ResonantFrequency MHz 430

Substrate material
FR4 GLASS 4. Simulation Results
Relativepermittivity εr 4.4 To characterize the coupler, a full-wave numerical simula-
tions were performed using Method of Moments zealand
tangent Loss tanδ 0.02
IE3D software and Ansys Ansoft Designer.
Height of substrate H mm 1.6
Impedance Z0 Ω 50
4.1 Quadrature Hybrid Coupler
Wavelength λ m 0.6976
The coupler has been designed in the both layout and
Line Width W mm 3.06
circuit environment of the ansoft designer and MOM zea-
Electrical length degrees 900 land IE3D. The proper dimensioning has been made with
design steps8. As expected, the phase difference between
port 2 and port 3 is 90 degrees. Insertion loss bandwidth
of 50MHz is around 0.4 dB at for each branch, which is
typical for this type of transmission at UHF/P-band fre-
quencies. The designed equal and unequal ampliude
quadrature hybrid coupler schematic and layout at center
frequency of 430 MHz in ansoft designer and IE3D simu-
lation software is shown below. The electrical length of the
line is chosen to be 900 and the corresponding width and
length of the lines are calculated by using equations8.
The Tables 3 and 4 shows that the characteristic
Figure 2. Quadrature hybrid built around transmission impedances of the series and shunt arms for a given
lines. All arms are λ/4 in length. power divisions and power division ratio for both equal

Vol 9 (36) | September 2016 | www.indjst.org Indian Journal of Science and Technology 3
Design and Fabrication of 430MHz Unequal Amplitude Hybrid Coupler for T-Radar Beam Forming Unit

and unequal amplitude division which can be obtained

from Equations (1) to (4).

4.2 Design of Equal Amplitude Hybrid

Coupler Schematic in Ansoft Designer
Figure 3 shows the calculated S-parameters for the equal
amplitude hybrid coupler has a characteristic imped-
ance with widths and lengths with 50 ohms matchings
designed at the resonant frequency of 430MHz. Now the
Figure 5. Simulated power divisions.
circuit computed S-parameters of the proposed coupler
are illustrated in Figures 4, 5, 6 and 7 and Table 5.

Table 3. Power levels

Hybrid[equal hybrid[unequal
Parameter Unit
amplitude] amplitude]
P total W 0.73408 0.73408
P1 W 0.36704 0.42631
P2 W 0.36704 0.30777
k sq --- 1 1.38515

Table 4. Impedance lengths and widths Figure 6. Simulated phase angle.

S.no Parameter Impedacnes[Ω] Length[mm]
For equal amplitude hybrid coupler
1. Z0 50 95.56 3.06
2. Z01 35.35 93.4 5.223
3. Z02 50 95.56 3.06
For unequal amplitude hybrid coupler
1. Z0 50 95.56 3.06
2. Z01 38.104 93.85 4.683
3. Z02 58.84 96.64 2.301
Figure 7. Simulated return loss.

Table 5. Simulation results

Equal amplitude hybrid coupler design simulation results
in ansoft designer
IL or Return
Phase Isolation
Parameter coupling loss
[degrees] [dB]
[dB] [dB]
Figure 3. Equal amplitude quadrature hybrid coupler. S(1,1) _____ -179.1 _____ -33.73
S(2,1) -3.36db -90.04 _____ _____
S(3,1) -3.35db 179.9 _____ _____
S(4,1) _____ -88.08 -35.05 _____
S(2,3) _____ -35.05 _____

4.3 Design of Equal Amplitude Hybrid

Coupler Layout in IE3D Simulation
Figure 8 shows the calculated S-parameters for the equal
Figure 4. Simulated isolation. amplitude hybrid coupler has a characteristic ­impedance

4 Vol 9 (36) | September 2016 | www.indjst.org Indian Journal of Science and Technology
Venkata Kishore Kothapudi , Vijay Kumar, Dangeti Anu Preetham and Mukundala Sai Rohit

with appropriate widths and lengths with 50 ohms

­matching designed at the center frequency of 430MHz.
Now the full wave and circuit computed S-parameters of
the proposed coupler are illustrated in Figures 9, 10, 11,
12, 13 and 14 and Table 6.

Figure 12. Simulated VSWR.

Figure 8. Equal amplitude hybrid coupler.

Figure 13. Simulated isolation.

Figure 9. Simulated power divisions.

Figure 14. Simulated impedance.

Table 6. Simulation results

Un equal amplitude hybrid coupler design simulation
results in ansoft designer
Isolation Return
Parameter division Phase[degrees]
[dB] loss[dB]
S(1,1) _____ -176 _____ -28.49
Figure 10. Simulated phase angle. S(2,1) -2.65 -90.37 _____ _____
S(3,1) -4.13 179.6 _____ _____
S(4,1) _____ 25.80 -49.10 _____
S(1,4) _____ _____ -49.10 _____
S(2,3) _____ _____ -49.10 _____

4.4 Design of unequal amplitude hybrid

coupler schematic in ansoft designer
Figure 15 shows the computed S-parameters for the
unequal amplitude hybrid coupler has a characteris-
Figure 11. Simulated return loss. tic impedance with appropriate width and lengths with

Vol 9 (36) | September 2016 | www.indjst.org Indian Journal of Science and Technology 5
Design and Fabrication of 430MHz Unequal Amplitude Hybrid Coupler for T-Radar Beam Forming Unit

50 ohms matching designed at the center frequency of

430MHz.Now the circuit computed S-parameters of the
proposed coupler are illustrated in Figures 16, 17, 18 and
19 and Table 7.

Figure 19. Simulated phase angle.

Table 7. Simulation results

Equal amplitude hybrid coupler layout design simulation results in IE3D
Figure 15. Unequal amplitude quadrature hybrid coupler.
IL or Return
Parameter coupling Phase[degrees] Isolation[dB] loss VSWR
[dB] [dB]
S(1,1) _____ 151.3 _____ -45.85 1.0102
S(2,2) _____ _____ -46.9 1.009
S(3,3) _____ _____ -45.58 1.0105
S(4,4) _____ _____ -45.48 1.0107
S(2,1) -3.0 -101.62 _____ _____ _____
S(3,1) -3.23 168.377 _____ _____ _____
S(4,1) _____ -132.155 -48.11 _____ _____
S(1,4) _____ -48.21 _____ _____
Figure 16. Simulated isolation. S(2,3) _____ -48.21 _____ _____
S(3,2) _____ -48.11 _____ _____

4.5 Design of Unequal Amplitude Hybrid

Coupler Layout in IE3D Simulation
Figure 20 shows the computed S-parameters for the
unequal amplitude hybrid coupler has a characteristic
impedance of width and lengths with 50 ohms matching
terminations designed at the center frequency of 430MHz.
Now the full wave and circuit computed S-parameters of
Figure 17. Simulated return loss.
the proposed coupler are illustrated in Figures 21, 22, 23,
24, 25 and 26 and Table 8.

4.6 1:4 Feeder Network using Equal

Amplitude Power Splitter and Unequal
Amplitude Quadrature Hybrid
Figure 27 shows the feeder network composed of equal
power splitter and unequal amplitude hybrid coupler
has a characteristic impedance transmission lines with
widths and lengths with 50 ohms matchings designed at
Figure 18. Simulated power divisions and matchings. the frequency of 430 MHz. Now the full wave and ­circuit

6 Vol 9 (36) | September 2016 | www.indjst.org Indian Journal of Science and Technology
Venkata Kishore Kothapudi , Vijay Kumar, Dangeti Anu Preetham and Mukundala Sai Rohit

Figure 20. Proposed microstrip unequal amplitude Figure 24. Simulated magnitude for all ports.
quadrature hybrid coupler.

Figure 21. Simulated power divisions. Figure 25. Simulated isolation loss for all ports.

Figure 26. Simulated VSWR.

Figure 22. Simulated phase angle.
computed S-parameters of the proposed coupler are
­illustrated in Figures 28, 29, 30 and 31 and Table 9.

5. Fabrication of Unequal
Amplitude Quadrature Hybrid
The unequal hybrid coupler layout has been designed in
MOM based IE3D EM simulation software1. Practically,
the unequal hybrid coupler has been fabricated based
Figure 23. Simulated return loss for all ports. characteristic impedances with proper lengths and widths

Vol 9 (36) | September 2016 | www.indjst.org Indian Journal of Science and Technology 7
Design and Fabrication of 430MHz Unequal Amplitude Hybrid Coupler for T-Radar Beam Forming Unit

Table 8. Simulation results

Unequal amplitude hybrid coupler design simulation results in IE3D software
IL or coupling Magnitude
Parameter Phase[degrees] Isolation[dB] Return loss[dB] VSWR
[dB] [v]
S(1,1) _____ 22.24 _____ -66.59 1.00094 0.000468232
S(2,2) _____ _____ _____ -54.67 1.0037 _____
S(3,3) _____ _____ _____ -84.75 1.00012 _____
S(4,4) _____ _____ _____ -56.26 1.00308 _____
S(2,1) -2.31 -100.1 _____ _____ _____ 0.767398
S(3,1) -4.13 169.8 _____ _____ 0.627732
S(4,1) _____ -106.0 -42.42 _____ _____ 0.00674065
S(1,4) _____ _____ -43.42 _____ _____ _____
S(2,3) _____ _____ -43.66 _____ _____ _____

Figure 30. Simulated phase angle.

Figure 27. 1:4 feeder network. of required amplitudes are given in Table 3 and Table 4
and component realization on FR4 substrate with thick-
ness or substrate height, Relative Permittivity, electrical
length and Loss tangent are given in Table 2. The fabri-
cated coupler and measured graphs are shown in Figures
32-35. The measured and simulated comparision results of
S-parameters are given. The Measurement has been taken
from Network Analyzer (300 KHz-6 GHz) Agilent make.

6. Results and Discussions

Figure 28. Simulated isolation.
The proposed unequal hybrid coupler has been ­fabricated
on a FR-4 (Fire Retardant) substrate with height of 1.6
mm relative Dk of 4.4. The unequal hybrid coupler has
been designed for center frequency 430 MHz. The design
parameters are calculated first. According to Equations
(1) and (2), the line impedance values are Z0 = 50Ω,
Z01 = 38.104 and Z02 = 58.84 Ω based on these impedance
values the widths and lengths of characteristics impedances
can be calculated Z0 = 50Ω (L = 95.65 mm, W = 3.06 mm)
Z01 = 38.104 (L = 93.85 mm, W = 4.68 mm) and Z02 = 58.84
Figure 29. Simulated power divisions and matchings. Ω (L = 96.64 mm, W = 2.301 mm). Figure 4 shows the

8 Vol 9 (36) | September 2016 | www.indjst.org Indian Journal of Science and Technology
Venkata Kishore Kothapudi , Vijay Kumar, Dangeti Anu Preetham and Mukundala Sai Rohit

Table 9. Simulation results

1:4 unequal amplitude feeder network design simulation results in IE3D software
Parameter Coupling [dB] Phase [degrees] Isolation[dB] Return loss[dB] VSWR
S(1,1) _____ 53.93 _____ -22.8484 1.15527
S(2,2) _____ _____ _____ -10.5432 1.84518
S(3,3) _____ _____ _____ -10.4559 1.85738
S(4,4) _____ _____ _____ -13.703 1.52038
S(5,5) _____ _____ _____ -13.6375 1.52535
S(6,6) _____ _____ _____ -41.2473 1.01748
S(7,7) _____ _____ _____ -42.4957 1.01512
S(2,1) -5.4599 134.232 _____ _____ _____
S(3,1) -5.4584 134.364 _____ _____ _____
S(4,1) -7.082 44.5017 _____ _____ _____
S(5,1) -7.1128 44.5516 _____ _____ _____
S(6,1) _____ 169.814 -50.238 _____ _____
S(7,1) _____ -169.48 -53.055 _____ _____

Figure 33. S21, S31 Simulated & Measured.

Figure 31. simulated VSWR for all ports


Figure 34. (S11 Simulated & Measured.

photo of the fabricated unequal power hybrid coupler.

The measured S-parameter data collected from Network
Analyzer (300KHz-6GHz) Agilent make along with
simulated results using IE3D are presented in Figure 34.

(b) The measured and simulated results with the unequal

Figure 32. (a) Fabricated unequal hybrid coupler. (b) Both power division and good impedance matching at 430MHz
conducting and ground plane. for all ports matched. The Return loss is –64 dB @P1 and

Vol 9 (36) | September 2016 | www.indjst.org Indian Journal of Science and Technology 9
Design and Fabrication of 430MHz Unequal Amplitude Hybrid Coupler for T-Radar Beam Forming Unit

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10 Vol 9 (36) | September 2016 | www.indjst.org Indian Journal of Science and Technology

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