Agency Reviewer - BA Aquino
Agency Reviewer - BA Aquino
Agency Reviewer - BA Aquino
nd Sem; 2003
Essential Elements of Agency:
1.) Consent, express or implied;
Chapter 1. Nature, Form and Kinds of
2.) Object of the contract is the execution of a
Agency juridical act in relation to 3rd persons;
3.) The agent acts as a representative and not for
Art. 1868. By the contract of agency a person 4.) The agent acts within the scope of his authority.
binds himself to render some service or to do
something in representation or on behalf of Acts that cannot be done through an agent:
another, with the consent or authority of the 1.) Personal acts: if personal performance is reqd by
latter. law or public policy or agreement;
2.) Criminal or illegal acts: attempt to delegate
Agency: A relationship which implies a power in an another authority to do an act which, if done by
agent to contract with a 3rd person on behalf of a the principal would be illegal, is void.
Nature of Relation between Principal and Agent:
Kind of Contract: It is a preparatory contract. It is a Fiduciary, based on trust and confidence.
contract entered not for its own end but to be able to
enter into other contracts. Agency v. Lease of Work or Service
Agency Lease of Work/Service
Characteristics: Basis is representation. Basis is employment
1.) Consensual: perfected by mere consent; Agent exercises Lessor only performs
2.) Nominate: it has its own name; discretionary powers. ministerial functions.
3.) Principal: does not depend on another contract
3 persons are involved: Only 2 persons involved:
for its existence and validity;
principal, agent & 3rd lessor and lessee
4.) Preparatory: entered into as a means to an end;
5.) Unilateral/Bilateral:
Commercial or business Matters of mere manual or
a.) Unilateral: if contract is gratuitous, it
transactions. mechanical execution.
creates obligations for only one of the
parties, i.e. agent.
Agency v. Guardianship
b.) Bilateral: if for compensation, it gives
Agency Guardianship
rise to reciprocal rights and obligs.
Agent represents a Guardian represents an
Basis: Representation. capacitated person. incapacitated person.
The acts of the agent on behalf of the principal within Agent appointed by Guardian appointed by
the scope of his authority produce the same legal and principal and can be court and stands in loco
binding effects as if the principal personally did them. removed by him. parentis.
Agent subject to directions Guardian not subject to
Distinguishing Features: of principal. directions of ward but
1.) Representative character; and must act for his benefit.
2.) Derivative authority. Agent can make principal Guardian has no power to
personally liable. impose personal liability on
Purpose: To extend the personality of the principal his ward.
through the facility of the agent.
Agency to Sell v. Sale
1.) Principal; and
2.) Agent.
Classifications of Agency: as to… Between 2 persons who are present, when it acceptance
1.) Manner of Creation: deemed implied?
a.) Express: actually authorized, either When the agent receives a power of atty from the
orally or in writing. principal himself personally without objection.
b.) Implied: implied from acts of principal,
from his silence or lack of action or his Is this presumption conclusive?
failure to repudiate the agency knowing NO, it can be rebutted by contrary proof.
that another person is acting on his
behalf w/o authority. Power of attorney: An instrument in writing by which
2.) Character: one person, as principal, appoints another as his agent
a.) Gratuitous: agent receives no and confers upon him the authority to perform certain
compensation for his services. specified acts or kinds of acts on behalf of the principal.
b.) Onerous: agent does receive Its primary purpose is to evidence the authority of the
compensation. agent to 3rd parties w/ whom the agent deals.
3.) Extent of business covered:
a.) General: comprises all the business of Construction
the principal. A power of atty is strictly construed and strictly
b.) Special: comprises one or more specific pursued. The instrument will be held to grant only those
transactions. powers which are specified, and the agent may neither
4.) Authority conferred: go beyond nor deviate from the power of atty. The only
a.) Couched in general terms: deemed to exception is when strict construction will destroy the
comprise only acts of administration. very purpose of the power.
b.) Couched in specific terms: authorizes
only the performance of a specific act/s. Meaning of “present”
5.) Nature and effects: Not limited to face-to-face encounters. 2 persons
a.) Representative: agent acts in name and conversing on the phone are also considered as both
representation of principal. “present”.
b.) Simple/Commission: agent acts in his
own name but for the account of the Art. 1872. Between persons who are absent,
principal. the acceptance of the agency cannot be implied
from the silence of the agent, except:
Can agency be presumed? 1.) When the principal transmits his power
Generally NO because the relationship between the of attorney to the agent, who receives it
principal and agent must exist as a fact. The only without any objection;
exceptions to this rule are when agency arises by 2.) When the principal entrusts to him by
operation of law or agency is presumed to prevent letter or telegram a power of attorney
unjust enrichment. with respect to the business in which he
is habitually engaged as an agent, and he
Form: Generally, NO formal requirements. Agent’s did not reply to the letter or telegram.
authority may be oral or written, it may be in public or
private writings. The only exception is when the law 2 Ways of Giving Notice of Agency
requires a specific form (e.g. sale of real property or any 1.) By special information; or
interest therein by an agent.) 2.) By public advertisement.
Art. 1895. If solidarity has been agreed upon, Art. 1898. If the agent contracts in the name of
each of the agents is responsible for the non- the principal, exceeding the scope of his authority,
fulfillment of the agency, and for the fault or and the principal does not ratify the contract, it
negligence of his fellow agents, except in the shall be void if the party with whom the agent
latter case when the fellow agents acted beyond contracted is aware of the limits of the powers
the scope of their authority. granted by the principal. In this case, however,
the agent is liable if he undertook to secure the
What happens if solidarity has been agreed upon? principal’s ratification.
Then each of the agents becomes solidarily liable for:
1.) The non-fulfillment of the agency; or Art. 1899. If a duly authorized agent acts in
2.) The fault or negligence of the fellow agent accordance with the orders of the principal, the
provided the latter acted within the scope of his latter cannot set up the ignorance of the agent as
authority. to circumstances whereof he himself was, or ought
But the innocent agent has a right later on to recover to have been aware.
from the guilty or negligent agent.
This article refers to the liability of the principal
What happens if the fellow agent acted beyond the towards 3rd persons.
scope of his authority?
Then the innocent agent cannot be liable at all to the What happens if the principal appoints an agent who is
principal even if solidarity had been agreed upon. ignorant?
Then the fault is the principal’s alone. Equity
Art. 1896. The agent owes interest on the sums demands that the principal should be bound by the acts
he has applied to his own use from the day on of the agent if the latter acts within the scope of his
which he did so, and on those which he still owes authority and in accordance with the instructions of the
after the extinguishment of the agency. former.
Art. 1897. The agent who acts as such is not Art. 1900. So far as third persons are
personally liable to the party with whom he concerned, an act is deemed to have been
contracts, unless he expressly binds himself or performed within the scope of the agent’s
exceeds the limits of his authority without giving authority, is such act is within the terms of the
such party sufficient notice of his powers. power of attorney, as written, even if the agent
has in fact exceeded the limits of his authority
Principal Agent 3rd Party (wrong party to complain if according to an understanding between the
the principal doesn’t complain principal and the agent.
of the agent’s acts)
Requisite for article to apply:
General rule: “an agent who acts as such is not Authority to agent must be in writing.
personally liable to the party with whom he contracts.”
“Scope of agent’s authority” includes:
What happens when the object or the purpose of the What happens if the principal’s authority terminates?
agency is accomplished? A position which flows from a trust relationship
As between the parties, the principal and the agent, whether directly or indirectly, terminates as a matter of
the fulfillment of the purpose for which the agency was law with the destruction of the trust. Consequently, a
created ipso facto terminates the agency. sub-agent’s authority terminates with the termination of
the principal’s authority.
What happens when the term for which the agency was
supposed to continue expires? In case of loss of the subject matter, does the principal
When an agency is created for a fixed period, the incur any liability?
expiration of such period ends the agency, even though It depends. If the loss was brought about by the
the purpose for which the agency was created has not principal as in the case where the principal sells the
been accomplished. subject matter to another party notwithstanding that an
agency had been constituted in reference to it, then he
What happens if no time is specified? may be liable for damages for his wrongful terminating
The agency terminates at the end of a reasonable act. But if the subject matter is lost without the fault of
period of time. the principal, no liability is assumed by him.
Can the period be implied? Yes, from… Will a change of conditions affect the agency?
1.) The terms of the agreement; General rule: When there is a basic change in the
2.) Purpose of the agency; and circumstances surrounding the transaction not
3.) The circumstances of the parties. contemplated by the parties which would reasonably
lead the agent to believe that the principal would not
What happens if the subject matter of the agency is lost desire him to act, authority of agent is terminated.
or destroyed? Exceptions: