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Q3w7d1 - Wedge

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Grade 6 School Cabugao ES Grade Section Six

Teacher Michelle M. Mendeja Subject Science 6
Daily Lesson Log
Date/Time March 2023 Quarter Third

A.Content Standards The learners demonstrate understanding of how energy is transformed in simple machines

B.Performance Standards The learners should be able to create a marketing strategy for a new product on electrical
or light efficiency
C.Learning Competencies Manipulate simple machines to describe their characteristics and uses.
 Describe the characteristics and functions of a wedge
 Demonstrate the use of wedge
III.CONTENT Describing the characteristics and functions of a wedge



IV. Learning Activities

A. Reviewing previous lesson 1. Warm-up song

or presenting the new lesson 2. Drill

3. Review


B. Establishing a purpose for

the lesson motivation

C. Presenting examples/ *Setting the standards in doing the activity

instances of the new lesson
Values Infusion: What should you observe in handling tools?

Each group will visit different station to perform various activities

Examine each tool and look for its observable characteristic that enable
to perform such task. Note down each uses. Enter your observation in a
table like this.
Tool Observable Uses

Station I : Axe
A wedge is a piece of material that narrows to a thin edge.
Wedges are used to split things. Axe is an example of wedge used
Split a log.
What you need: axe
Use the axe to divide the log into two.

Station II: Nail

Nails are wedges. They usually pushed through one object and
into another to hold objects together.

What you need?

Hammer and nail, piece of wood


Hammer the nail to make two woods hold together.


Scissors are both wedges (the edge of the blade) and a compound
What you need: scissors, colored paper


Use the scissor to cut different shapes of colored paper.

Station IV: KNIFE

Knife is one of the familiar wedges commonly used at home.

Knife is use to slice different fruits and vegetables into desired size and

What you need:

Local fruit, kitchen knife


Using your knife, slice or cut the fruits into desired size and shape.

D. Discussion of new concepts 1. Group reporting

and practicing new skills #1
2. Discussion

What are the different tools used in the activity? What are their observable
characteristics? How do we use/manipulate each tool?
E. Discussion of new concepts Additional information from the teacher.
and practicing new skills #2

F. Developing mastery of the Identify the different kind of wedges. Give its characteristics.

G. Finding practical Engagement activities:

applications of concepts and
skills in daily living Activity 1: Fix Me: Use the different wedges learned today to fix the loose/broken arm of
chairs in the classroom.

Activity 2: Decorate Me: Decorate a Christmas lantern using the appropriate wedges.

Activity III: Build- Me: Create a simple miniature of your dream house.

H. Making generalizations and Wedge is a simple machine which is made up of two inclined planes fastened back to back
abstractions about the lesson to produce a sharp pointed edge.

A wedge can be used in many ways.

 To cut (knife)
 To split (axe)
 To tighten and to hold back (doorstopper)
 To hold together (nail)


 To scrape (blades on the plough or farm grader)

I.Evaluating learning Display group output for evaluation.Used the prepared rubrics for the activity.

4 3 1
Criteria Needs Points
Excellent Good Poor
KNOWLEDGE The student was The student The student The student
OF THE TOOL independent in seldom needed needed frequent needed help with
USED the use of the help with the tool help with the tool tool used in the
tool used in the used in the used in the activity.
activity. activity activity.

Workmanship Followed the Followed the Followed the Did not follow the
steps, finished on steps, work is steps, finished on steps, did not
time and work is properly done time but work is finished on time,
properly done. but did not not properly done. and work is not
finished on time. properly done.
Work Habits Good work Good work Poor work habits, Poor work habits,
habits actively habits pupils not so active but did not participate,
participated and actively kept the work area and left the work
kept the work participated but clean. area dirty.
area clean. did not kept the
work area clean.

J. additional Learning List at least 5 common wedges you use at home. Give its uses.



A. No of learners who earned

80% in the evaluation
B. No of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored below
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who continue
to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why


did these work?

F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?


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