The Times - 29 February 2024
The Times - 29 February 2024
The Times - 29 February 2024
rule, Sunak
Kate Mansey, David Brown
The Duke of Sussex faces a legal bill of
more than £1 million after losing his
court battle yesterday for guaranteed
taxpayer-funded police security when
tells police
he visits Britain.
Harry claimed that his children
could not “feel at home” in the UK if it
was “not possible to keep them safe”
during visits from their home in Cali-
A High Court judge dismissed the
demands for a review of the decision to
PM orders end to ‘intimidatory’ Gaza protests remove his full police protection after
Harry and Meghan announced they
were “stepping back” as senior mem-
Aubrey Allegretti politicians’ offices or political events bers of the royal family in January 2020.
Chief Political Correspondent should not cause distress to those Mr Justice Lane criticised Harry’s
attending through abusive words or “inappropriate, formalist interpreta-
Rishi Sunak warned last night that Brit- disorderly behaviour, according to a tion” of the rules of the committee that
ain risked descending into “mob rule” new “defending democracy protocol”. decides on security for members of the
as he urged the police to do more to stop Any protest at the home of an MP or royal family. The duke said that he
disruptive protests. councillor should also generally be would appeal against the ruling.
The prime minister said the nation’s considered to be intimidatory under Harry’s arguments that the security
democratic institutions needed better the protocol. The police were told that committee failed to consider the death
protection from “intimidation, disrup- any such demonstrators should be dis- of his mother, Diana, Princess of Wales,
tion [and] subversion” amid a wave of persed using powers contained in sec- or the impact on the UK’s reputation if
Gaza ceasefire protests that has target- tion 42 of the Criminal Justice and he was attacked were rejected.
ed parliament and MPs’ homes. Police Act 2001. An immediate The Home Office has revealed that
Sunak told police chiefs gathered at response would be required. its legal costs in the case had reached
Downing Street that they should shut In the run-up to the general election, £407,000 by October last year. That was
down demonstrations that were ministers are also endeavouring to pro- before a three-day trial in December,
deemed unacceptable. He made clear tect MPs and candidates. Police forces held mainly in secret because of secur-
that police forces would have the full will be required, when notified of a pro- ity matters. Harry, 39, hired the law
backing of ministers in taking tougher test at an election event, to speak to the firm Schillings International to repre-
action within the existing laws. organisers at least 48 hours in advance sent him, along with four barristers,
“There is a growing consensus that and put in place an “appropriate” polic- meaning his legal bills are expected to
mob rule is replacing democratic rule,” ing response. be higher still. The loser in High Court
Sunak said. “And we’ve got to collec- Guidance will also be issued by the cases normally pays both sets of legal
tively, all of us, change that urgently.” Crown Prosecution Service to ensure costs, pushing Harry’s bill in excess of
Ministers have drawn up new gui- that all officers are aware of the powers £1 million.
dance for policing protests after MPs’ they can use. Particular care will be The Home Office said: “We are
homes were targeted and pro-Palestin- taken to ensure that officers policing pleased that the court has found in
ian activists were encouraged to force protests in Parliament Square under- favour of the government’s position.”
parliament to “lock its doors” before stand when they can intervene.
last week’s ceasefire vote. Those attending the meeting at
Sunak said: “We simply cannot allow No 10 included chief constables and
this pattern of increasingly violent and senior figures from Scotland Yard, as
intimidatory behaviour which is, as far well as representatives from the
as anyone can see, intended to shout National Police Chiefs’ Council and the
down free debate and stop elected rep- Association of Police and Crime Com-
resentatives doing their job. That is
simply undemocratic.” Protests at
missioners. After thanking police chiefs Holding court Julianne Moore at a screening in central London last night of Mary
& George, a drama set during the reign of James VI and I to be broadcast by Sky
y(7HB7E2*OTSNOT( |||+"!}'
2 2GM Thursday February 29 2024 | the times
THE WEATHER continued from page 1 the Financial Times, would most likely “steal Labour’s clothes” by scrapping
Non-dom tax break may end lead to a two percentage point cut in the the non-dom regime.
rate of national insurance contribu- He told his Political Currency podcast:
the change could raise £3.2 billion a tions, repeating the reduction that “If I was the chancellor I would defi-
5 year. However, the party has since Hunt announced in the autumn state- nitely be looking to do something on
changed its position. Labour has con- ment in November. This measure the non-dom regime that hopefully
cluded that it will form its calculations would cost about £10 billion a year. didn’t kill the golden goose that lays the
6 27 on revenue on the basis that individuals The chancellor is also expected to golden egg of having international visi-
will be able to live non-dom in Britain announce a specific tax on vapes to tors to Britain that invest in this coun-
and avoid tax on foreign earnings for up raise revenues, with a corresponding try, but nevertheless takes money off
to four years before paying full UK tax. rise in tobacco duty. The two measures the table and puts the ball back into
Under the calculations from LSE that would together raise more than Labour’s court.”
10 would raise £2 billion a year. This, £500 million a year by 2028-29. Ed Balls, the former shadow chancel-
sources said, would avoid penalising His approach will depend on fore- lor who co-presents the podcast, said:
25 people who were genuine temporary casts from the Office for Budget “We’ve been saying again and again
residents. Responsibility. The final forecast before they should do it. All Labour’s promises
Hunt will put significant pressure on the budget is due tomorrow. around more operations, scanners or
Cloud and rain in the southeast. Rachel Reeves, the shadow chancellor, George Osborne, the former chan- dentistry or the stuff they’re saying
Brighter with showers further north if he pushes ahead with scrapping non- cellor, said this week that if he were in around schools and breakfast clubs all
and west. dom status. The move, first reported by government he would be looking to relies on getting that money.”
the times | Thursday February 29 2024 2GM 3
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Traditions Five statues from Nek Chand’s rock garden in Chandigarh, India, are part of the V&A’s new exhibition Tropical Modernism: Architecture and Independence
Calories on menus will save lives, say scientists uptake for these vaccinations and this is
important because if we don’t hit those
targets, we don’t have those immunity
levels in the population, we will see
More than 9,000 heart disease-related current policy would reduce obesity in four adults in England are living with as part its national obesity strategy. cases and outbreaks occurring and
deaths could be prevented in England prevalence in England by 0.31 percent- obesity, with trends suggesting this is set Similar legislation is being considered children becoming unwell, hospitalised
over the next two decades if all restau- age points in the next 20 years, whereas to increase. Our research estimates that in Wales and Scotland. and suffering needlessly because these
rants, fast-food outlets, cafés, pubs and a full implementation of the policy — the current calorie labelling legislation Duane Mellor, a dietitian and senior are all preventable infections,” she said.
takeaways put calories on their menus, across all food businesses — would will prevent hundreds of deaths from lecturer at Aston Medical School in Bir- Asked why uptake had declined,
a modelling study suggests. reduce this by 2.65 percentage points. cardiovascular disease over the next 20 mingham, said it was vital that potential Mary Ramsay, head of immunisation at
Scientists said under the current Researchers said the results “empha- years. A much larger impact is possible public health policies were thoroughly the agency, said: “We think most of the
government policy, which covers only sise the need for the government to con- if the government were more ambitious tested through modelling before con- problem relates to complacency and
large food businesses with 250 or more sider extending this policy to all food in their aims to tackle the obesity sidering implementation. “It is impor- [parents] are very busy and not getting
employees, about 730 deaths from businesses to maximise public health epidemic and extended the policy to all tant to look at the overall nutritional around to it.”
cardiovascular diseases might be pre- benefits as part of a broader England out-of-home food businesses.” balance of meals and how they fit into The agency said it had recorded 650
vented between 2022 and 2041. obesity strategy”. Martin O’Flaherty, In April 2022, the government imple- an overall dietary pattern. It is not sens- cases of measles since October and that
The findings, published in the journal professor in epidemiology at the mented mandatory calorie labelling in ible to focus on foods solely on energy they were spreading from the West
Lancet Public Health, also suggest the University of Liverpool, said: “Over one England for businesses that serve food content to assess how healthy they are.” Midlands to other areas.
the times | Thursday February 29 2024 5
Harry: I won’t
accept defeat
in fight for
police guards
Duke will appeal to Wales, had been because of racism and
extremism. In a statement issued
‘obtain justice’ after shortly after the verdict, a legal spokes-
man for the duke confirmed that he
High Court ruling, would fight the ruling.
“The Duke of Sussex will appeal
report Kate Mansey today’s judgment which refuses his
judicial review claim against the
and David Brown decision-making body Ravec, which
includes the Home Office, the royal
The Duke of Sussex will launch an household and the Met Police,” the
appeal to “obtain justice” after losing a spokesman said.
High Court attempt to have his full, “The duke is not asking for preferen-
armed police protection reinstated tial treatment, but for a fair and lawful
whenever he visits Britain. application of Ravec’s own rules,
The duke took legal action over a ensuring that he receives the same con-
Home Office decision to reduce his sideration as others in accordance with
security provision after he stepped Ravec’s own written policy.”
down from official royal duties. His The High Court was shown a copy of
legal team said that Prince Harry a letter from the chief of intelligence in
should not be treated differently to any the New York Police Department
other VIP who would receive specialist regarding a “security incident” when
police protection and argued that any the Duke and Duchess of Sussex visited
attack on him would damage the the city in May last year. It concluded
nation’s reputation. there was sufficient evidence to arrest The Duke and safety and security,” she added. “There
Mr Justice Lane yesterday dismissed two individuals for reckless endanger- Duchess of could not be a right of greater import-
the duke’s application for a judicial ment following reports that the couple Sussex made ance to any of us.”
review, saying the “evidence shows no were followed by press photographers. their last public Harry and Meghan, 42, returned to
irrationality or other unlawfulness” in The duke and duchess announced in appearance as the UK to attend the funeral of Queen
the decision-making. January 2020 that they were “stepping working Elizabeth in 2022. The duke also made
The executive committee for the pro- back” from their roles as senior mem- members of the a short visit this month to see his father
tection of royalty and VIPs (Ravec), bers of the royal family because they royal family at following the news that the King had
which acts on behalf of the home secre- planned to split their time between the Westminster been diagnosed with cancer.
tary, ruled that it was not in the public UK and America. Abbey in 2020. The duke said in a Netflix docu-
interest for the duke to continue to The duke’s lawyers argued that he Prince Harry mentary that he received just three
receive the “same degree” of police was “singled out” and treated “less issued a video weeks’ notice that his British police
security. His security provision, it said, favourably” than other VIPs when his yesterday in his security was being withdrawn after the
would instead be assessed on a case-by- police protection was removed. role as patron of family moved to Vancouver Island in
case basis. Shaheed Fatima KC, representing the WellChild Canada. The duchess complained:
Lane ruled that the “bespoke” Harry, told the court that the risk he charity “Our location was exposed. We knew
process for the duke’s security entitle- faced “arises from his birth and ongoing our security was being pulled. Every-
ment “was, and is, legally sound”. status as the son of HM the King”. one in the world knew where we were.”
Harry, 39, complained that he and his The barrister said that the case was The couple and their children, Prince
wife were at a greater security risk than about the “unlawful” treatment of the Archie, four, and Princess Lilibet, two,
his mother, the late Diana, Princess of duke. “This case is about the right to moved to California in June 2020.
section of the text. She
did so neatly, yet so
offensive was it to her
sight that she pinned a
piece of paper over it.
fear for half
She would abandon
the text after her
father’s death in 1805
of councils
but did not throw
it away. Ali Mitib
The show also
presents journals, and More than half of England’s council
Percy Bysshe Shelley’s leaders believe their authorities will be
Geneva notebook bankrupt in the next five years unless
contains descriptions they receive extra funding, a report has
that he wrote while found.
preparing his poem A study by the Local Government
Mont Blanc. His wife, Information Unit, which provides
Mary, liberally support to councils, said residents
borrowed from one of would face the consequences of a wor-
them, taking bits sening situation unless more cash was
Bodleian exhibition verbatim for
made available in next week’s budget.
Since 2020 seven councils, including
on edits lifts lid on A section is devoted
to the Lord
Birmingham, have issued a section 114
notice, in effect declaring bankruptcy.
Waiting for Godot. respond to the survey, said they were
f you have a novel Kafka, James Joyce They have sections likely to go under this year.
inside you that and Ian Fleming. marked in a red line Almost 70 per cent of councils said
will not come out, “The editorial and a comment: “The they expected to make savings by cut-
or have gone into process, an integral lines as marked about ting services in at least one area, such as
battle with the step in the creation of a known secondary waste collection, road repairs and
blank page and lost, great works of effect of hanging must library and leisure services.
take comfort: Jane literature, is invisible come out.” In that Of the councils responsible for social
Austen knew exactly to the reader when section, Vladimir tells care, three quarters said they would
how you feel (Jack they are enjoying a Estragon that hanging have to reduce costs in adult care bud-
Blackburn writes). favourite novel or can cause erections. gets and three in five said they would do
The novelist’s poem,” said Richard Estragon resolves that the same with children’s care budgets.
unfinished manuscript Ovenden, the library’s they must “hang Ministers recently put aside £500 mil-
entitled The Watsons head. “Our ourselves lion in emergency funding for these
is going on display at exhibition immediately”. support services.
the Bodleian Library, attempts to bring In Chitty-Chitty- Shaun Davies, chairman of the Local
in Oxford, complete these cuts and Bang-Bang, Fleming Government Association and Labour
with the place where rewrites back changed the Pough leader of Telford & Wrekin council, said
she crossed out an from Jane Austen’s abandoned novel is on show as family into the Pott authorities were being forced to make
offending paragraph obscurity.” are cuts by Franz Kafka and Samuel Beckett family, while John le stark choices about what services to
and covered it up with The Carré learnt a lesson cut. He added: “It means less potholes
a sheet of paper. exhibition, and even came in a in brevity as his filled, more street lights dimmed or
The manuscript is which is abandon their conversation in The opening to Tinker turned off, and fewer library or leisure
part of an exhibition curated by works. Some Watsons where her Tailor Soldier Spy was services.”
that opens today, professors Dirk are tiny heroine, Emma edited from eight lines The communities department said:
Write, Cut, Rewrite, van Hulle and tweaks that Watson, is having a down to two. “We recognise councils are facing chal-
bringing together a Mark Nixon give an insight chat about the Write Cut Rewrite: The lenges and that is why we recently
rare collection of the and runs until into the weather with the Cutting Room Floor of announced an additional £600 million
great edits in English January next author’s young Lord Osborne. Modern Literature support package for councils across
literary history. year, shows process. Others Austen struggled to (Bodleian Library £40) England, increasing their overall pro-
Other writers in the the ways in are howls of form it in her mind. by Dirk van Hulle posed funding for the upcoming finan-
exhibition include which writers frustration. After some effort, she and Mark Nixon is cial year to £64.7 billion — a 7.5 per cent
Samuel Beckett, Franz change, trim For Austen, this crossed out an entire out today increase in cash terms. We remain
ready to talk to any concerned council.”
News Politics
to the marches, which began after
Hamas’s attack on Israel on October 7 t this point in the
when more than 1,200 Israelis were electoral cycle, prime
killed, and the subsequent Israeli mili- minister’s questions tends
tary response that has resulted in tens to turn into one of those
of thousands being killed in Gaza. unadvertised
Chris Nineham, from the Stop the experimental “new material” gigs
War Coalition, said that per person that stand-up comics sometimes do
there had been fewer average arrests at before a major tour. Try a few things
the pro-Palestinian marches than at out, see what hits, see what misses.
Glastonbury Festival or at a Premier And on this particular occasion, we
League football match. He accused must hope that both men will have
Scotland Yard of “extraordinary hyste- been wise enough to have gone away
ria” and “over-policing”. and crossed a very thick line
Chris Philp, the policing minister, through all of it.
said there had been 600 arrests at the You have to hope that Rishi Sunak
marches since they began. He empha- and Sir Keir Starmer know
sised that free speech and the right to something’s gone a bit wrong when
protest were the cornerstone of a they’re shouting over the dispatch
democratic society. boxes at one another and the main
Barclays was asked for comment. thing they are arguing about is who
kicks racists out of their party the
fastest. In even faintly normal times,
the times | Thursday February 29 2024 2GM 9
Sunak ready to
protect landlords
with weaker bill
Chris Smyth Whitehall Editor ability to introduce compulsory licens-
ing for landlords, and allowing land-
Rishi Sunak is preparing to overrule lords to opt out of a redress scheme.
Michael Gove and offer a string of con- MPs say that the changes are
cessions to Conservative MPs on laws “designed to strike the right balance so
to protect renters, prompting claims we don’t scare people out of the long-
that he is backing down on a manifesto term let market” but insist that they are
promise to ban no-fault evictions. not trying to weaken reforms, pointing
Backbenchers pressing to relax out that only 11 MPs backing the
requirements on landlords say they changes are landlords.
have reached agreement on a series of “The government has listened,” one
changes needed to avoid “scaring MP backing the changes said. “We’ve
people out of the long-term letting got a groundswell of support and have
market”. reached agreement on some of it. I
Campaigners say the changes would don’t want to say we’ll get it all, but
betray renters and in effect kick a ban on we’re making progress. If these amend-
no-fault eviction into the long grass, ments are accepted we can get [the bill]
with some in government believing that done quite quickly.”
the prime minister is putting party unity However, campaigners say the
over proper protections for renters. changes would “kill the spirit of the bill”
Allies of Sunak deny this, insisting by delaying the end of no-fault eviction
that changes are part of the normal for years and leave tenants in fear of
process of legislative scrutiny designed losing their home on flimsy evidence.
to improve the private rented sector. Gove is said to be unhappy with some
Gove has championed the govern- changes but is likely to accept some
ment’s Renters (Reform) Bill, which softening of the bill as the price of get-
enacts a manifesto promise of a “better ting a law through before the election.
deal for renters”, including banning Polly Neate, chief executive of the
landlords from evicting tenants with- housing charity Shelter, said: “It is un-
out cause. He is said to regard the forgivable that with an election on the
reforms as crucial to Tory hopes of horizon, MPs would choose to so overtly
winning over young people priced out betray renters and squander the chance
of the housing market, and this month to improve renting for everyone.”
promised the laws would take effect Warning Sunak that 11 million renters
before the election. would punish him at the ballot box, she
However, the reforms are “toxic” urged his government not to “bow to
among many Conservative MPs, some vested interests”, adding: “It must grasp
of whom are landlords, and others who the nettle and oppose attempts to weak-
believe the government should not en the bill from within its own ranks.”
interfere so drastically with owners’ Angela Rayner, Labour’s deputy
property rights. leader, urged Sunak to “give cast-iron
About 60 Tory MPs have put forward public assurances that he won’t give in
amendments to the bill, which would to vested interests on his backbenches
delay the end of no-fault evictions until and rip up his promises to renters. This
a review of how the courts would deal ban was promised five years ago, but
with possession claims, continue to renters are still being failed.”
allow fixed-term tenancies if landlords A spokesman for the Department for
and tenants agree, and make other Levelling Up, Housing and Communi-
changes to help property owners. These ties said: “Our Renters (Reform) Bill will
include requiring tenants to have lived deliver a fairer private rented sector for
in a property for at least four months tenants and landlords. It will abolish
before giving notice, allowing hearsay section 21 evictions, giving people more
evidence to be used in evictions for anti- security in their homes and empower-
affair even by recent standards as Rishi Sunak and Sir Keir Starmer clashed over their tolerance towards their predecessors social behaviour, abolishing councils’ ing them to challenge poor practices.”
The lighthouse on
the Cape of Trafalgar
Wealthy art
in southern Spain
would be converted
into an information
centre and
restaurant on the
theme of Lord
son ‘stabbed
Nelson’s victory, to
the consternation
of locals and
live-in maid’
David Woode Crime Correspondent
The son of a wealthy art collector tried
to kill a live-in maid at his family’s
multimillion-pound home in west
London, a court was told.
Maximillian Bourne, 25, is said to
have repeatedly stabbed Joselia Pereira
Do Nascimento at the five-bedroom
property in Chelsea on Sunday. He was
Spanish in second arrested and later charged with one
count of attempted murder.
Battle of Trafalgar
He is the son of Graham Bourne, a
property developer, and Sylvia Pessoa
Bourne, a philanthropist and art collec-
Bourne appeared at Westminster
or more than of Diario de Cadiz, a local magistrates’ court on Tuesday. He did
200 years the newspaper. not enter or indicate a plea during
wind-beaten Although outnumbered, the hearing.
headland off which Nelson’s fleet defeated He told the court: “I’m a nice, very
the Battle of Napoleon’s Franco-Spanish good-looking white boy from Chelsea,”
Trafalgar raged has force, eliminating the according to the Evening Standard.
remained largely French navy and assuring Pereira Do Nascimento sustained
undisturbed (Isambard the dominance of the several stab wounds to her face and
Wilkinson writes). British navy for decades to back. She is expected to remain in hos-
Plans by authorities to come. Mortally wounded in pital for a week while she recovers.
convert Cape Trafalgar’s the battle, “the noble Kalsoom Shah, for the prosecution,
19th-century lighthouse commander-in-chief ” was said: “The victim was critical but her
into an information centre placed in a cask of brandy injuries are now not life-threatening.”
about Lord Nelson’s victory and HMS Victory was Bourne was remanded in custody
in 1805 and a restaurant, towed to nearby Gibraltar. until his appearance at the Old Bailey
however, have prompted The engagement was one next month.
outrage from locals and of the most decisive The 5,400 sq ft family home, in an
ecological groups. victories in the history of affluent neighbourhood known as Old
Dubbing it the “Second naval warfare as 18 of the Chelsea, is a former courthouse which
Battle of Trafalgar”, 10,000 33 French and Spanish dates from the 18th century. It once
locals have signed a petition vessels were captured or housed convicts who were summoned
to block the development sank, while the British lost to be sent to Australia. The building was
on a protected area that is none. The Spanish formerly used by wine merchants.
home to a rare coastal contribution is often The Bournes converted the building
formation — a “double overlooked: 15 of the enemy in the late 1990s with the help of artist
tombolo”, a sandy isthmus. fleet belonged to Spain. A Mauro Perucchetti, a former interior
“The citizens of the area common Spanish view of designer. Parts of it are said to have
want the lighthouse to the battle is that their been inspired by the Amanpuri hotel in
remain as it is today, with fleet was ill-prepared Thailand, where Mrs Bourne stayed
its well preserved dune and led by the French. just before the renovations on the
system, vegetation, lagoons Plans for the centre house began. The property was valued
and birdlife, and with non- show a model of the at £14.5 million in 2014.
motorised access,” Lola battle and signs Carlos Alberto Pessoa Pardellas, the
Yllescas, of Ecologistas en explaining the Trafalgar and with the gathered the signatures defendant’s maternal grandfather, was
Acción, an environmental formation of the two possibility of carrying out against the project, said: a prominent diplomat who served as an
pressure group, said. opposing fleets. “We additional outdoor “The Trafalgar Lighthouse ambassador to the UK. He also served
The plan has also excited offer a complete package activities taking advantage is more than just a as ambassador to Iran, China, Costa
anger as it is perceived by to the visitor of the emblematic natural lighthouse for those of us Rica, Bulgaria and Belgium, according
some as celebrating a complemented with a and cultural environment who were born, have lived to a report in Hello magazine.
Spanish defeat. “As always gastronomic offer in the that this exclusive location or have ever enjoyed the Maximillian Bourne is also said to be
praising the defeats of our restaurant with the offers,” states the proposal. natural paradise. It is a a great-great-grandson of Epitácio
country,” noted one reader atmosphere of the Battle of Los Caños, a group that symbol of local identity.” Pessoa, the president of Brazil between
1919 and 1922.
F1 team boss cleared of misconduct staff members, dismissed the grievance. parties who assisted in the investi- the complainant had continued to work schitz, the Red Bull co-founder, who
Matt Lawton
Horner’s wife Geri, the former Spice gation, and therefore we will not be together while the investigation was was a powerful ally of the man who has
Christian Horner, the Red Bull For- Girl, is expected to join him in Bahrain commenting further out of respect for conducted was an extra cause of dis- masterminded seven F1 drivers’ cham-
mula One team principal, has been this weekend for the opening race of the all concerned. Red Bull will continue comfort. pionships in 19 years at the helm.
cleared of misconduct by an independ- Formula One season. Although the striving to meet the highest workplace Pressure from sponsors escalated the Although Horner is also said to retain
ent investigation after it was alleged complainant has the right of appeal, standards.” situation. Ford, which has signed a support from Chalerm Yoovidhya, who
that he acted inappropriately towards a Horner arrived in Bahrain yesterday Horner had consistently denied the £200 million partnership with the all- owns 51 per cent of Red Bull, opinion of
female employee. afternoon determined to begin repair- allegations of controlling, coercive conquering team to develop a hybrid the team principal is said to be divided
Horner, 50, and his family have been ing the damage caused by the case. behaviour, declaring at the launch of engine for 2026, called on Sunday for a among some senior figures and there
under intense scrutiny since Oracle A statement issued by GMBH, Red the new Red Bull car at the team’s head- swift resolution to the matter. could yet be a reshuffle instigated by
Red Bull Racing’s parent company in Bull Racing’s Austrian parent company, quarters in Milton Keynes that he was A report in the Dutch newspaper De Red Bull Austria.
Austria revealed this month that he had said: “The independent investigation confident he would be exonerated. He Telegraaf claimed that the grievance Last night sources insisted that
been the subject of a complaint from a into the allegations made against Mr also said that his wife and family had extended beyond controlling behav- Horner would remain both team prin-
woman working for the world Horner is complete, and Red Bull can remained hugely supportive. iour and contained an allegation of cipal and chief executive of the F1 team,
champions. confirm that the grievance has been Horner endured ten hours of ques- sexual misconduct, based on messages but there are certain problems that
However, a barrister appointed to dismissed. Red Bull is confident that the tioning by a KC in London as part of the allegedly sent by Horner. Sources have remain.
conduct the inquiry and produce a investigation has been fair, rigorous process, and the situation appeared to since suggested that no such evidence On Wednesday the world champion
report that is understood to have run to and impartial. The investigation report be taking its toll when he faced further was submitted in the complaint itself. Max Verstappen, a Red Bull driver,
about 150 pages, based on more than 60 is confidential and contains the private questions from the media at pre-season Horner has been more exposed since refused publicly to back Horner.
hours of interviews with Horner and information of the parties and third testing last week. The fact that he and the death in 2022 of Dietrich Mate-
the times | Thursday February 29 2024 13
The princess appealed to the camera not only because of her looks but also through her deeds, say Anwar Hussein and his sons Samir and Zak, below
“The ones which hold
lone at the Princess Diana: the most meaning are
Taj Mahal, Accredited Access will when she showed her
striding from open at St Katharine empathy with people,
the gym and Docks in London on especially children,”
cradling a May 25, after runs in the Samir said, adding that
sick child: these images United States, Canada, Diana’s favourite of
of Diana, Princess of Australia and beyond. It Anwar’s pictures was
Wales, are part of royal is curated by a family taken in Pakistan, when
history, and they are to that has taken official she cradled a child who
feature in an exhibition photographs of five was sick with cancer.
that will tell the stories generations of royals. “She broke the mould.
behind them (Jack Anwar Hussein and She was so tactile and
Blackburn writes). his sons Samir and Zak hands-on.”
Family time Sir Quentin Blake, the illustrator of children’s books, has produced a
series of drawings for the family visit halls of prisons in England and Wales
ate Blanchett now want to make
has been changes to an
accused of additional plot of Magwan Porth
destroying land bought in 2021
family holidays involving a new
amid a new row over the entrance to the CORNWALL
luxury eco-home she is property and a
building in Cornwall parking area.
(Charlotte Wace writes). Karen St Ives Truro
The Australian Burgess, a
actress, 54, and her holiday let Falmouth
playwright and owner, claimed
screenwriter husband, there had been “a 10 miles
Andrew Upton, 58, total disregard”
own a £1.6 million over the noise that
cottage in Mawgan had “destroyed the Buildling noise at Cate Blanchett and Andrew Upton’s home has upset residents of Mawgan Porth, top left
Porth, a picturesque family holidays” of
seaside town once her guests last year. work should “to severely restrict the clients’ property has the latest application as
dubbed “Hollywood-on- “The losses are not be days in which this work been mistaken for other “a blatant attempt to
Sea” following an influx more than £60,000 permitted can take place, if indeed works going on in erode an
of celebrity guests. Since and still we are during holiday it is ever approved”. Mawgan Porth. We have environmentally
buying it four years ago, having to advertise ... season. Never ... But Watershedd, the been in regular important piece of land
they have demolished as a property have we architects, denied the communication with by stealth and
the original structure to [affected] by building experienced such claims, saying the noise friendly and incorporate it”.
create a five-bedroom noise,” she wrote in a blatant disregard must have come from accommodating Situ8, the planning
eco-home. an objection lodged for the people who other developments. neighbours to ensure consultancy that made
Cornwall council to the council last flock here,” she said, “She cannot be referring they are aware of works the application on the
granted planning month. “We thought adding that her to our clients’ property starting, and to alleviate couple's behalf, said the
permission in 2022. An the [work] was over property was one of where there were no any concerns regarding loss of green space
additional application and now there is a many holiday lets and noisy works during the ... noise or disturbances.” would be “minimal”.
was submitted last year. new application for hotels in the area and peak holiday period last Another neighbour, The application will be
Blanchett and Upton groundworks. This she expected the council year. Once again, our Helen John, described ruled on at a later date.
defuse perils
for dolphins
Tom Whipple Science Editor
Sea mines designed to blow a massive
hole in Nazi vessels have been cleared
so quietly 80 years later that they barely
bothered nearby dolphins.
British scientists working with the
Danish navy have shown that a process
Tractor blockade of deflagration, where undersea bombs
Farmers are combusted using a small shaped
gathered in charge rather than exploded using a
Cardiff to protest larger one, produces one hundredth of
against the Welsh the noise. The findings, published in the
government’s journal Marine Pollution Bulletin, point
Sustainable to a way of building offshore wind farms
Farming Scheme, without harming cetaceans’ hearing.
set to replace The seas have been treated as a muni-
direct farm tions dump for two centuries but in
payments. The recent years this has become increas-
consultation for ingly inconvenient.
the scheme ends “Usually, you leave the bombs alone,”
on March 7. Stephen Robinson, principal scientist at
A long line of the National Physical Laboratory, said.
tractors shut a “But if you are building a wind farm you
key road into the have no choice because the cable-laying
Welsh capital, and construction of the turbines will
where thousands disturb them. The traditional way is to
joined the blow them up with another bomb.”
demonstration, As well as cratering the sea bed, this
while dairy makes one of the loudest man-made
farmers held sounds in the ocean. Marine biologists
banners outside have estimated that marine mammals
the Senedd within a mile or more of the blast could
be deafened by the shockwave.
Power plant burns rare forest wood logical functions”. The disclosure link to old growth forest destruction by the carbon absorbed by trees grow- could receive about £2.5 billion a year
Adam Vaughan Environment Editor
comes as a group of 30 MPs urged the matters because Drax has said its gov- ing. However, experts argue that the under the proposed new subsidies,
An energy company has been found energy secretary to withdraw her plans ernment support was justified because speed at which trees grow means bio- more than double the most it has been
taking timber from ecologically impor- to extend biomass subsidies beyond it sources wood sustainably. mass energy is not green and may even awarded in a single year. Polling of 102
tant forests and burning the wood in 2027, when existing incentives expire. In the same 2017 report, Drax said: be making climate change worse. MPs found just 5 per cent supported
one of the UK’s largest power stations. Drax and other biomass energy com- “Generators should not receive subsidy In a new letter organised by Sir Peter more subsidies for burning trees in
Drax, which is seeking to extend the panies would not be viable without the when the biomass used could cause Bottomley, the longest continuously power stations.
£6 billion of subsidies it has received as “transitional support mechanism” put long-term carbon stock decreases in serving MP in parliament, MPs said In a statement on its website, Drax
a renewable energy generator, used forward by Claire Coutinho last month. ecosystems; biodiversity loss; soil ero- they had “serious concerns” about a did not deny clearing old growth forest
wood from forests it had previously Drax’s clearing of old growth forest in sion; or depletion of water sources.” consultation which would extend bio- for its power station. However, the
deemed “no-go areas”. British Columbia is not illegal. How- Drax has been receiving two sets of mass subsidies beyond 2027. company said its 2017 report was “not a
Documents obtained by the ever, in a 2017 sustainability report the government subsidies because the “Continued wood burning biomass policy and is now obsolete”, having
BBC show that last year the British company vowed not to take timber electricity produced by its biomass harms forests, communities and con- been superseded by a 2019 document. A
company took more than 40,000 ton- from no-go areas. It listed those as “pro- power station near Selby in North tributes huge amounts of carbon emis- Drax spokesman said: “We are confi-
nes of wood from old growth forests in tected forests, old growth or primary Yorkshire is deemed renewable and sions to the atmosphere,” the group dent our biomass is sustainable and le-
Canada which are considered home to forest, sites that have been classified as carbon neutral, with the carbon from wrote in a letter to Countinho, seen by gally harvested and meets the require-
“unique habitats, structures and eco- having a high biodiversity value”. The burning wood in theory cancelled out The Times. The MPs noted that Drax ments of our 2019 sourcing policy.”
the times | Thursday February 29 2024 17
TMS | @timesdiary
but were all of a
Yves Saint Laurent transparent
nipple count.
heer silk dresses, choose to do so in real More fun was a
transparent life remains to be seen. giant fluffy coat
pussy-bow After last season’s of lilac marabou
blouses and haute boilersuits, chinos feathers, and a
seamed bustiers and utility jackets, few streetwise
so delicate they Vaccarello’s latest came leather jackets.
resembled high-rise, as a volte face for Paris Given this label’s
low-denier tights more Fashion Week. Turning 1 per cent client list
than a garment (Anna away from the house’s is stuffed with rock
Murphy and Harriet habit of borrowing from stars and
Walker write). Had Yves menswear, he pursued supermodels the
Saint Laurent’s Anthony another strand of its regulars shouldn’t
Vaccarello presented sartorial DNA: the be too fazed by
Tuesday night’s winter seamier, Helmut Vaccarello’s flirtation
2024 collection a year Newton-flavoured side. The Yves with transparency next
earlier, images of it The show was held in a Saint season. The rest of us
might well have been boudoir-esque marquee Laurent might want to stock up
censored by Instagram’s next to the Eiffel Tower. show, on sensible vests.
strict nudity policy but, Of the collection’s 49 watched by At Dries Van Noten,
since the platform looks, 40 shared the Eva Herzigova, the emphasis was more
dropped its rule in June, gossamer-thin, silk- featured on the wearable —
the selfie set and fashion gauze theme. The transparent mundane, even: jeans
designers alike have blouses, gowns, pencil outfits. Van and grey marl hoodies.
finally been allowed to skirts and cocktail Noten gave Was this the first time
“free the nipple”. frocks came in shades of us athleisure that a pair of fleecy
Whether Saint cappuccino, mossy tailoring joggers graced the Paris
Laurent customers will green, rust and indigo — catwalks?
A love letter to
community with
backbone of steel
Theatre Clive Davis reaches the 21st century, when,
after a long period of neglect, the
“man-made monolith” was
Standing at the Sky’s Edge redeveloped as a gentrified enclave.
Characters from different eras
There’s no shortage of passion in the performances, including that of Elizabeth Ayodele, right, who impresses as Joy Gillian Lynne, WC2 rub shoulders, delivering songs
(170 min, with interval) drawn from the back catalogue of
HHHII the Sheffield singer-songwriter
Richard Hawley.
There’s certainly no shortage of
It’s an odd hybrid, part musical, part passion in the performances, even if
soap opera. Weaving domestic the script sometimes resembles a
incident around the history of conscientiously assembled checklist
Sheffield’s Brutalist landmark, the of social issues. Laura Pitt-Pulford
Park Hill estate, this Olivier-winning gives the stand-out vocal display as
show — first staged at the city’s Poppy, a middle-class Londoner who
Crucible Theatre in 2019 and revived has fled north after breaking up with
there to great acclaim in 2022 — is a her laddish fiancée. Elizabeth Ayodele
sincere if uneven love letter to the impresses too as Joy, a young Liberian
power of community. girl trying to build a new life on the
After a run at the National last concrete walkways
year, Robert Hastie’s production As the Dawn Breaks strikes a
has now settled into a new gently pastoral note as the
home in the West End. characters assemble on
Jarvis Cocker, one of Ben Stones’s high-rise
Sheffield’s most set, which looks more
famous sons, was intimate in the
in the audience Gillian Lynne
on press night. than it did at the
The common South Bank.
people, subject If there’s a
of his classic problem with
song, were out in many of the
force on the other polished
stage. songs, it’s that they
In a way, the sometimes seem to
show is the blue- have been inserted into
collar equivalent of the action almost at
Plaza Suite, the venerable random. As much as you
Neil Simon comedy currently admire the musicianship of the
being revived at the Savoy. band, tucked away on the first and
Where Simon builds an evening’s second floors, you are often left
entertainment from three separate wondering how exactly the numbers
playlets, all set in the same hotel move the story on.
room, Chris Bush, writer of Standing An awful lot of incident is crammed
at the Sky’s Edge, has devised a into a confusing final quarter.
series of interwoven vignettes set Bush is less than subtle, too,
in the same flat but separated when it comes to explaining how the
by decades. advent of Thatcherism affected the
The narrative opens at the dawn of local community. There’s a Storm a
the 1960s, when Park Hill was the Comin’ is the cue for a contrived
pristine symbol of a modernist future, outbreak of mass mayhem.
and moves back and forth until it To August 3,
Inside story of
the documentary
about the
What parents
need to know
the times | Thursday February 29 2024 21
Farage comeback tour
Iain Martin
Page 23
n some ways, all you need to uncanny ability to mimic a real-life ideological fashions. This is why I discerning moral truth or predicting
know is that it made black Nazis. progressive anxiety death spiral. become uneasy when I see politicians which scientific theories will be
And black Vikings. And a female Still, if a picture is worth a and others calling for technology correct than anyone browsing
Pope. But really, black Nazis. thousand words, how many does an companies to clamp down on YouTube. They are operating from
Google Gemini, the company’s AI image generator contain? “misinformation”. One day’s inside the US’s own peculiar political
artificial intelligence tool, has Gemini’s problem with “whiteness” is misinformation is another’s revelation, debates, exporting its culture wars and
suspended its image-generating just the visible expression of the code as the pandemic amply demonstrated. neuroses freely enough to the world
function. Over a few weeks, users underneath it. It raises the question The scientific consensus at first without being further empowered by
uncovered a peculiarly stubborn of what other biases lie buried, emphasised symptomatic spread, then misguided regulations.
aversion in Gemini’s code to creating invisible, in the models powering the asymptomatic; it was first against Rather than expecting foreign
any images of white people. It would tool. Some of those biases are still on masks, then in favour; at first, the lab multinationals to be the guardians of
create images of ancient Chinese or display in the Gemini chatbot. Ask it leak origin was a conspiracy theory, our moral or political standards, we
African kings with the relevant whether it is “OK to be black”, for whereas now it’s more likely than should focus on transparency and
ethnicities, but ask it for any white example, and it delivers a lecture on not. This isn’t because scientists are accountability. That means in part
figure, like a 1940s German soldier, why “the question is deeply flawed fools. It’s because that’s how the making it possible to query models
and it “diversified” them. and unnecessary”. Ask it whether it truth often is. It isn’t handed down Google Gemini would “diversify” white when they go wrong, but most
It did so even when the prompt was is “OK to be white” and it says on a tablet or AI “tuning” exercise. It figures such as a 1940s German soldier importantly, it means fostering a
explicit. Ask it for an image of “a black emerges from trial and error, from diverse array of models that compete
family” and you’d get a stylised image
of a beautifully muscled black man
The geeks are capable exposure of corruption, from
contradictions challenging other
what the UK’s new regulatory
framework does, as dictated by the
and contradict one another. The
difference between Google messing
and woman meditating under an
array of sunbeams. But ask for “a
of being stupendously, contradictions.
Clearly, there are specific
Online Safety Act. The legislation
isn’t yet in force, mainly because it
up in the West and the Chinese
censorship system removing all
white family” and it declared: “It’s
against my guidelines to create
humiliatingly wrong categories of content out there that
require suppression and we can
requires Ofcom to acquire such a
vast array of powers and capacities
content that is negative about its
economy is that Google can be
content that could be discriminatory,” “absolutely”, but caveats the answer: expect AI tools to do much of the that it includes a several-year ridiculed, out-competed and
offering to create instead “images of “The phrase ‘it’s OK to be white’ has screening. Illegal content like child transition period and will probably financially punished for its errors,
families that celebrate diversity”. been used by white supremacist abuse or terrorism videos, legally never actually be enforced. It will whereas Beijing can’t.
The company’s explanation of what groups to promote racist and risky content, like copyright certainly never achieve its aim of In the end, perhaps we should be
happened raises more questions than harmful ideologies.” Most of the infringement or libel, and content making the internet safe for children grateful for Gemini’s black Nazis.
answers. The problem, according to biases fuelling the technology, that’s just not appropriate or decent, (and as I’ve written, smartphone They’re a reminder that no matter
the Google exec Prabhakar however, will not be so obvious. like the promotion of suicide or self- ownership and social media are both how clever the geeks building the
Raghavan, was that the AI was It’s worth noting, of course, that AI harm or — unless it’s actually on a inherently bad for children). models, no matter how righteous the
“tuned” to produce results relevant has often been accused of porn site — porn, are all fair game for What it does do is introduce a diversity officers filling up the
for anyone all over the world, demonstrating bias in the other varying degrees of censorship. system of incentives that make it more meeting rooms and no matter how
presumably so that its default image direction. Facial recognition software But what we should not try to do is likely that large tech companies deep the company’s pockets, they are
of a person wouldn’t be a white, has been shown to be less accurate somehow create a “safe” or “moral” headquartered thousands of miles still capable of being stupendously,
all-American Joe. when it comes to identifying ethnic version of the internet through the away and stewed in Silicon Valley humiliatingly wrong. And no one
But this “tuning” in fact seems to minority faces. In China, the imposition of sweeping principles. All culture will introduce excessive and should imagine that giving these
have involved the imposition of a government uses surveillance tools this will do is centralise control over wrong-headed censorship regimes. companies more responsibility for
full-on, all-American, ideological that identify any ethnically Uighur information and reduce pluralism. That is because the Act imposes large shaping society is the answer to any
neurosis filter, one that, true to its face as a person of interest. Gemini’s Unfortunately, this is precisely fines for letting “harmful” content of our problems.
22 Thursday February 29 2024 | the times
ho could have Indeed, despite having no discernible teenagers for eternity) is a symptom illustration of the problem. And after a he landmark Times Health
predicted Hollywood’s creative skill, Meghan has earned of a cultural ecosystem that period of tolerating weird, dangerous Commission lays the ground
sudden literary millions in contracts for encourages attachment not to geniuses, the music business is now for political consensus on
flowering? When documentaries, dramas, podcasts and particular songs or books but to reverting to a safer 1950s-style sensible reform of health
Keanu Reeves a children’s book. Her “platform” is the personalities. A coincidence of strategy of having attractive and and care in England. High
publishes his debut novel, The Book only qualification required. nomenclature means I am closely charismatic young people perform among its calls is a plan to drive up
of Elsewhere, in July, he will join a Once, creative success led to fame. familiar with the career of a YouTuber tunes written by anonymous teams student nurse numbers and keep staff
swelling cohort of celebrity writers. Now fame is becoming a necessary named James Marriott. Originally of middle-aged songwriters. working in the NHS.
Tom Hanks, Sean Penn and Millie condition of creative success. Film famous for vlogging, he is New technology promises to Across England’s NHS, services
Bobby Brown have all published directors in search of funding and transforming himself into an indie devalue talent even further. Many are overwhelmed, a fact that won’t
novels in recent years. The millionaire singer despite — and here I feel a have lauded the way AI — which is surprise the six million people on
model Emily Ratajkowski has rather
startlingly reinvented herself as a
Influencers can pretend betrayal of the strange loyalty that
binds you to a person with whom you
already being used to produce cheap
romance and fantasy — will
treatment waiting lists, the many
others being cared for in corridors, or
left-wing essayist (even sympathetic
reviewers were perplexed by her
to be authors for fans share a name — not really being able
to sing. It hardly matters. His fans’
“democratise” fiction (and perhaps
film-making and songwriting). Soon,
those waiting hours to be seen in
overflowing emergency departments.
complaints about “rich people” and
feeling “trapped” by capitalism).
who pretend to read existing attachment to his personality
is the guarantee of his success.
not being able to write will no longer
be an “unfair barrier” excluding the
It is a desperate picture. But it could
yet worsen, driven by an ever-growing
The reason is not, I think, a sudden younger audiences are increasingly Indeed, talent is a positive affront to talentless from the satisfactions of crisis in the nursing workforce.
upgrade in the intellectual calibre of compelled to cast influencers in roles the spirit of our time. Because talent authorship. Of course, the result will The latest figures from the
our celebrities — though it is pleasant that would have once gone to actors. is unequally distributed through the be far from democratic. When anyone university admissions service show
to imagine the cafés of Beverly Hills Recently, an essay by a young author population, it offends the progressive is capable of “writing” a novel, the that in only two years, the number of
filled with talkshow hosts and in the American magazine Vox notion that everybody’s self-expression books that emerge as bestsellers will people applying to study nursing in
supermodels urgently debating lamented the pressure on aspiring is equally valuable. I was recently be those attached to celebrated England has fallen by a quarter.
autofiction and free-indirect style. writers to build “personal brands” on upbraided by The Bookseller magazine personalities with platforms. The Some 42,000 nursing posts are
The relevant factor is a new and TikTok and Instagram. For nowadays, for my “belief that some writing is talented but anonymous will find sitting empty. Care is going
extreme deference to the power of a lucrative book deal depends as simply ‘better’”. This, I was sternly themselves surplus to requirements. undelivered, patients are suffering.
the “personal brand”, which originated much on a writer’s “following” as the informed, is “inherently damaging I think we are losing our respect The alarm bells should be sounding
on social media but now pervades our quality of his or her prose. and marginalising”. One consequence for the beautiful illogic of talent — across Whitehall.
culture. Possession of a “platform” or I suspect the unspoken gamble of this dismayingly popular idea is the sense of awe as well as When Jeremy Hunt was health
a “following” is now a licence to do behind the many publishing that where influencers and celebrities resentment at the cosmic unfairness secretary, his Treasury predecessor,
pretty much whatever you like contracts handed out to talentless would once have felt some humility that means otherwise odd and George Osborne, removed the nurse
creatively, regardless of your talent. influencers is that their armies of about the limits of their powers they unprepossessing human beings find training bursary, a subsidy for those
Consider publishing. Modern followers will buy the resulting book all now feel entitled to the prestige of themselves in command of abilities wanting to join the profession.
Britain’s bestselling novelist, Richard not to read but to display online as a creativity. To object would be elitist. that far exceed our own. To me that Ministers also made nursing students
Osman, is loved as a writer but it is way of projecting their own personal Everyone’s voice matters! mystery is infinitely more exciting subject to tuition-fee loans of more
relevant to his success that he was a brands as consumers of culture. And The other problem is that because than mere celebrity. than £9,000 a year. Numbers fell
instantly. They’re still falling.
Much greater care should have
Janice Turner Notebook been taken when overhauling
recruitment into a profession as vital
as this, and it soon became clear the
t’s no surprise to me that friend commented sadly on a addicts and be paying Court Road to Marble Arch.) potent and cost-effective tool in
nine million Britons have eaten red carpet parade of the same “aesthetic” Culture gave us permission to visit tackling the shortage of nurses.
the exact same breakfast for at young female stars: quacks to fatten them Malaga, but it turned out the Picasso Those who work in the NHS or
least five years: mine hasn’t “more buccal fat removal — up again. Cosmetic was mid-rehang, the best Russian art wider public services for five years
changed for decades. In fact, why do they do it?” These surgery on young was repatriated after the war in post-graduation could see 50 per
who are these anarchists, rising beautiful women, none women: what a Ukraine began, and there was a cent written off their loans, rising to
without a plan to gobble random out of their twenties, grotesque grift. queue for the Pompidou. Oh no, 100 per cent for those who stay for
food at dawn? were now barely what a terrible shame. And so, like ten years. Enticing the nurses of
Mornings are about order, routine, recognisable. Their Culture shift Torremolinos’s finest, we just basked tomorrow to join and stay working in
rebooting the brain, chivvying the once full, youthful faces long weekend in in the sun. the NHS should be a priority for the
still-half-abed body back to life, had turned angular and Malaga, a city I’d chancellor in next week’s budget.
putting the correct fuel in the tank. sunken like women a never have Sherry in the mix Those who educate, employ and
For me, eggs on toast would be like decade older. For once this contemplated until outhern Spain offers unlimited represent nurses are calling on the
filling a diesel car with unleaded. In wasn’t about extreme recently, travel snob that opportunity to drink sherry. But government to take immediate
the evening, sure, go wild. Try every dieting: instead plastic I am, its reputation which one? I find Manzanilla action and boost nurse recruitment.
damn thing from any world cuisine: surgeons had removed being no more than the and Fino a bit dry. So our barman at We enjoy the support of the myriad
be an adventurer, not a fusspot or a the pad of puppy fat in gateway to high-rise the Ultramarinos then gave me a policy experts, clinicians and
Gwynnie. their lower cheeks. Torremolinos tourism dark, rich one, which was too sweet. academics who drew up the Times
But mornings are not open to Modern body and villas for Sexy Beast Something in between, I said, and I commission’s recommendations. Can
discussion or innovation, let alone fashions are driven by crims. Seville, Valencia, started searching the menu for a Hunt, the chancellor who best
Instagram foodie fashion. On holiday two disastrous beliefs: Madrid: great. But perfect medium. The barman understands the NHS and who
I’ll improvise, but a €30 hotel buffet that the human body Malaga was for the full chuckled and just mixed the first two knows the rarity of consensus in
is always a waste. What I eat is is as plastic and English breakfast together. It was just right. healthcare, easily cast it aside?
embarrassingly particular, refined tweakable as an online brigade.
over 20 years, and being denied it avatar, and that the only Then 20 years ago
can throw me into a filthy mood. moment in time that Malaga’s mayor @victoriapeckham
the times | Thursday February 29 2024 23
Buy prints or signed copies of Times cartoons from our Print Gallery at or call 020 7711 7826
ne of the ironies of Nigel Farage may just have been gifted the chaos, Islamist aggression and populists will be annoyed. appointed Lee in the first place. You
Farage being the most route to do exactly that. mainstream media hysteria. The At the weekend, when Anderson have to choose and lead. We can’t
consequential British At prime minister’s questions Reform team, led for now by Richard made his initial comments, Sunak appeal to the hard right and the
politician of the past 20 yesterday, Sir Keir Starmer asked Tice, has been looking for exactly this, was contacted by One Nation Tory centre right.” A worried MP says
years is that he achieved Rishi Sunak if he would welcome the ingredient, the fuel to supercharge local polling shows he will be lucky
this status without ever becoming a
member of the House of Commons.
Farage back into the Tory fold, 30
years after he quit over Maastricht.
their insurgent party. They are polling
at 10 to 12 per cent, enough if
For Sunak, a decision to get a majority of 5,000 in his
hitherto ultra-safe seat, so weary are
Goodness knows, he had a good go,
standing for Ukip seven times from
An angry Sunak dodged because he is
in a bind: trying to persuade
replicated in sufficient seats at a
general election to turn a Tory loss
like the one he faces voters of Tory infighting against a
backdrop of cost of living pressures.
the Eastleigh by-election in June
1994 (952 votes) to South Thanet at
Anderson, a former deputy party
chairman, not to defect to Reform
this autumn into a heavy defeat.
If they can persuade Farage to put
doesn’t come naturally What it all represents is the utter
disintegration of the cross-class
the 2015 general election (16,026 his highly paid job with GB News on MPs saying he must withdraw the coalition of voters constructed
votes and a narrow second place).
In the years between, Farage was
Farage is Starmer’s hold, front the Reform campaign, tap
into more of the angry, populist-
whip or they would publicly criticise
his inaction. Having acted, the
between Brexit and Boris Johnson’s
election victory in 2019 with which
the progenitor of an enormous shift
in this country, channelling anger
route to a 200-seat adjacent section of the electorate
and push the vote share up towards
leadership hoped the row would fade
and there would be scope to
the Tory party could command the
south and the red wall.
over rising immigration and EU
integration for which no democratic
Labour majority 15 per cent, then a heavy Tory defeat
tips into potential extinction-level
rehabilitate Anderson. Hence the
awkwardness of ministers criticising
Sunak is a good man, working
hard trying to rebuild confidence
permission had been sought. while under pressure from Tory territory for the Conservative Party. Anderson without explaining why after Covid and energy shocks. He’s
Whether we agree or disagree with moderates to kick him out completely. This is why Starmer made such a what he said was wrong, or calling running a sensible foreign policy and
his world view (even as a Brexiteer, I If you don’t know by now why thing of the Farage component of him, as the media demanded, racist. the economy may be on the turn. Yet
very much don’t) is not the point. In Anderson has had the Tory whip this row: Farage is Starmer’s route to Meanwhile, a bruised Anderson has decisions like the one he may yet
applying such pressure on the withdrawn, your television and a 200-seat Labour majority. been having talks with Reform. have to make over Anderson do not
Conservatives and forcing the party radio must be broken. News of the Farage and his supporters simply do “Rishi is stuck, party management come naturally. Increasingly, the
to commit to holding a referendum, Islamophobia affair and its “he not care. They think the Tories must has broken down, Reform are coming,” man’s electoral task looks impossible
he made history. Britain’s departure said, he said” details led broadcast be punished for their failure on says a weary minister, who accuses when the right of British politics has
from the EU would not have bulletin after bulletin for days. Less immigration and driven from office. Sunak of prevarication for failing to decided it wants to split and is
happened without him. prominent was a considerably From the wreckage they hope to get kick out Anderson completely. A prepared to hand a super-majority
At Westminster, they have started more important development, the proportional representation (they colleague is more charitable, saying and too much power to the left.
24 Thursday February 29 2024 | the times
Easing the mental health crisis in the young VIPs’ tax hotline
Sir, It is not only VIPs who have a
Sir, Fuelled by a burgeoning industry increase the level of intervention and their way or not: Stan Barstow’s A special line to contact HMRC:
of therapeutic practitioners, the young support or try to make learning less Kind of Loving, Keith Waterhouse’s authorised tax agents also have a
people whose mental health problems “stressful”. Instead, we need a root- Billy Liar, John Braine’s Room at the “priority number”, for the same reason
are now a disability have experienced and-branch rethink about how Top, or many of the other coming-of- that taxis can use bus lanes (“Taxman
myriad interventions (“Poor mental therapeutic education has contributed age novels I devoured in my youth. lets wealthy use VIP helpline to avoid
health keeps young adults out of to a huge social problem. These show that early adult life long waits”, Feb 28). On Monday I
Science snubbed work”, Feb 26). From primary school
they have been made aware of their
Kathryn Ecclestone
Ret’d professor of education, Sheffield
misery is nothing new and that poor
opportunities, bad relationships and
listened to the recorded message
saying “Your call is important to us”
mental health, encouraged to seek University; Martindale, Cumbria boring jobs are part of the common (while getting on with something else)
Sir, Religion is not the only omission help for stress and anxiety, and taught currency for most of us. for 44 minutes. I was then able to
in the Media Bill’s obligations for “resilience building” and a vocabulary Sir, Alice Thomson advises that The generations who lived through discover that HMRC has indeed
public service broadcasters to provide of emotional wellbeing. Five-year-olds “some stress is normal” and that we the 20th century’s two world wars received the letter I sent about a client
programming (letter, Feb 27): science are given plasticine or worry beads as only grow and develop personal were damaged too, arguably more on August 29, 2023, but as the section
has also been snubbed. Science is soon as they feel “uncomfortable”, resilience by overcoming life’s slings deeply, and yet had somehow to find concerned has only reached May
shaping people’s lives, from schools and universities offer therapy and arrows (“Gen Z need life lessons a way to survive. Human beings are, 2023, I should ring again in another
understanding the world around us to pets, mindfulness sessions, emotional more than therapy”, comment, after all, amazingly resilient. three to four months’ time to find out
tackling problems such as climate wellbeing weeks, and train students Feb 28). I do not disagree but would Stephen Chappell their answer to my query. I am
change and pandemics. It also creates as “mental health ambassadors”. The counsel that reaching a consensus on Malvern disappointed to learn from The Times
jobs and drives growth. list is endless. this in the workplace is likely to be a that the public seem to get through to
Although there are no quotas for It is no surprise that serious challenge. Older generations seem to Sir, Alexander Browder’s Thunderer an adviser quicker than I do.
the amount of science coverage, its problems overwhelm some young find younger colleagues’ willingness “Help my generation to escape the Mike Thexton
place in public service broadcasting people to the point of disability. Yet to prioritise their mental wellbeing social media vicious circle” (Feb 28) Richmond, Surrey
has been enshrined in the social contagion and suggestibility are somewhat bewildering. was splendid. If I had a 14-year-old
Communications Act 2003. The also overlooked factors. A growing Sarah McKenna grandchild who could express Sir, Nice to know that our high-
Media Bill going through parliament number of children and young people Barnet themselves so clearly and succinctly earning ministers and civil servants
abandons that important recognition actively seek a therapeutic diagnosis; I would be extremely proud and have can save precious minutes when
and should be amended. In a world some 15-year-olds press their parents Sir, I was immensely saddened by renewed hope for the future. As he calling their tax office. They would
where science is at the heart of so to allow anti-depressants because their your report “Young, anxious and writes, online platforms must be save more minutes (and possibly tax)
much, we should expect public peers have them. Others have learnt to signed off sick” (Times2, Feb 27). I properly controlled and algorithms by using the services and expertise of a
service broadcasters to help to inform, use mental health difficulties to gain certainly think social media is a form regulated. Tech companies should practising accountant (who will be less
educate and entertain the public with an advantage; some define everyday of socially acceptable mental abuse, in be subjected to much harsher likely to need to call HMRC anyway).
good science programmes. apprehension as full-scale “panic that it fosters unrealistic expectations penalties, ones that would really Peter Castle
Sir Adrian Smith attacks”, and others ask potential and plays up setbacks as disasters. affect them. Young people should not Ret’d chartered accountant,
President of the Royal Society employers how many “mental health It occurred to me that it could be be subjected to such online bullying Gillingham, Kent
days” they are allowed. helpful for some of the Gen Z-ers to and distress.
We cannot dismiss all this as read some good novels about the Irene Hinshelwood
Defence weakness “snowflakery”. Nor should we simply struggles of young people finding Bishop’s Stortford, Herts Early doors
Sir, Your report (Feb 28) that Admiral Sir, Susie Goldsbrough thinks retired
Sir Tony Radakin has reprimanded
General Sir Patrick Sanders for Post Office blame company to Amazon for £1”, Feb 28).
But I am not sure that Amazon’s
for the state to get tougher in the
fight against nicotine addiction and
people like early curtains (“You’re
already pricing us out of theatre, don’t
making a speech warning that the
army was at risk of becoming static game over Horizon culture would be an improvement.
Surely it would be better to give the
obesity. However, I do not understand
the omission of alcohol from this list.
time us out too”, Notebook, Feb 26).
Not me. We elderly retired people like
and domestically focused raises Post Office to an organisation with a With the number of deaths from to eat before, not after, the play.
important points. It is a fact that the Sir, What an unedifying sight: well- record of supporting networks of alcohol-related liver disease rising Hence 7.30pm starts are perfect.
British Army can no longer deploy a paid executives blaming each other small independent businesses? The and deaths from alcohol-specific Dinner at 6pm somewhere nice and
fully supported mechanised division and making excuses in the Post Office best contenders would be the family causes at an all-time high, surely the quiet, done by 7pm, walk very slowly
abroad. It is a concern to serving and Horizon scandal, when the problem is brewers, whose culture has always case for government measures is to the theatre, eventually find the
retired officers that our politicians are that they did not bother doing the been centred on supporting their equally as urgent? Having just bloody tickets on our phones, time for
failing in their duty to ensure that our homework for which they were being independent pub tenants. Combining attended the Royal College of a trip to the lavatory, and settle into
army has sufficient resources to deter paid (“Badenoch has smeared me, the income streams of village pub and General Practitioners’ conference on our seats. Just right.
our enemies, secure our borders, assist says sacked Post Office chief”, Feb village post office could help both to drugs and alcohol where the alarming Moira Yip
the civil power in an emergency, 28). Someone cunningly invented the survive. Shepherd Neame first floated statistics were presented and every London SW6
support our allies and to honour our phrase “Horizon is a robust system” this idea more than 30 years ago, clinician in the room shared stories of
treaty obligations. The US has made and rather than look into why dozens when I was vice-chairman. If Bates is alcohol harm, I am puzzled by the
its concerns about our diminished
defence capabilities clear several times
of postmasters were being sacked they
simply trotted out this phrase. These
right, and the Post Office should be
given away, then it is important to
silence on this matter. I suspect it is
due to fears that policy in this area
Ungrateful episode
but with no substantive response from “fat cats” should be made to feel pain give it to the organisations best suited would be vote-losing. Sir, My “I said something wrong”
our ministers. There is little hope that and anguish comparable to that to running it, with the greatest benefit Dr Rachel Turner moment (Giles Coren, Feb 27)
next week’s budget will do anything which the postmasters have been to rural communities. Overton, Hants occurred when I was about six: on
but reinforce the fact that our feeling over the past 20 years. Stuart Neame Christmas morning I tore open the big
politicians are in denial in failing to Maeve Hamilton Hercod Faversham, Kent present — a very nice train set. I
acknowledge or meet the new Bath immediately said: “I would rather have
challenges we and our allies face, and Letters of the week had a Scalextric.” I can still see the
the manifest implications this has for
the resourcing of our armed services.
Sir, Alan Bates is right to say that the
Post Office culture will never change
Health strategy Listen to the Letters Editor of The Times
read out his pick of the week’s letters
crestfallen look on both parents’ faces.
Jeff Cornacchia
Patrick Watson to support a network of small Sir, I agree with your leading article at 8.25am today on Times Radio Henley-on-Thames, Oxon
Former Black Watch officer; businesses properly (“Bates: Sell “Health Kick” (Feb 28) on the need DAB radio, online, smart speaker and app
London SW8
Parker’s fruitiness
Corrections and VITRIOL- destroyed and his face badly injured.
Three other men sustained slight
wanted no more to do with her she
cut his throat with a razor. In 1910 Sir, Your editorial “Parker’s Piece” (Feb
clarifications THROWING injuries. Thompson said he had not
spoken to the prisoner when she
she married a man named Bassett,
who joined the Navy when the
26; letters, Feb 27-28) made me smile
and reminded me of one of Dorothy
Leading articles
Nature notes
Now is a good time
to experience the
distinctive shape of
Demonstrating Restraint
the truly wild crab
apple tree. For a The schism over Israel’s reaction in Gaza to the October 7 atrocities has created a
start, they are often
far bigger than climate of fear in Britain. Pro-Palestinian marchers should dial down their protests
expected, and their trunks, never straight,
snake out, indeed almost writhe. Frequently These are uneasy times for British democracy. brium for failing to back a SNP motion calling for serves. The freedom to protest is a cornerstone of
these trunks divide, and two separate spurs Some MPs now live and work in fear for their lives. a ceasefire. Sir Lindsay said the physical threat to democracy. To ban the marches that now bring
arc out extravagantly like the pincers of a Menacing protestors lay siege to their homes and members was such that he had no option but to London to a standstill several times a month
crab. The canopy is riotous, with the intimidate them as they go about constituency agree. would be wrong. But, as Mr Cleverly rightly told
branches forming dense whorls of twigs. business. Three women parliamentarians have In Rochdale, where Labour’s parliamentary this newspaper, taxpayers who expect a basic stan-
They are not long-lived, rarely reaching past already been given bodyguards. Taxpayers will candidate for today’s by-election has been dis- dard of policing are being forced to shoulder the
a century, but even in middle age they have now fund security for the rest. So febrile and ran- owned for spreading antisemitic conspiracy cost of controlling the crowds. It is money that
an ancient look. Unfortunately, wild crab corous is the atmosphere that has hung heavily theories about October 7, a divided community ministers do not have and diverts officers from
apples are extinct in lowland Britain, having over this country’s streets since the Hamas attacks has become a playground for George Galloway. fighting crime. Notwithstanding the fact that the
long since hybridised with orchard trees. But of October 7 that, privately, many politicians con- For a war thousands of miles away to pose a threat vast majority of marchers are peaceful, there is an
in the hills of Scotland and northern fess they no longer feel able to vote with their con- to MPs and warp domestic politics to such an obvious reason why these demonstrations require
England you can still find them lingering in science. The prime minister warns that Britain is extent is shocking. Any responsible citizen who heavy policing. Using the throng for cover, hate
remote woodland. jonathan tulloch descending into “mob rule” and the police risk los- cares for the health of British democracy — and groups and extremists have celebrated the murder
ing public confidence if they fail to use the powers many of those who march weekly in London to of Jews and called for the eradication of Israel. Six
granted to them to protect democracy. This support Palestinians clearly do — must work to hundred protestors have been arrested. Decent
Birthdays today assault on our national life cannot continue. ease rather than exacerbate tensions. It is time, as people need to consider the company they keep.
Nearly five months on from Hamas’s bloody James Cleverly, the home secretary, said this Ministers are considering recommendations
Sir Lucian Grainge, incursion into Israel, provoking a brutal response week, for protestors to reflect on the consequen- from the home affairs select committee, which
pictured, chairman and in Gaza, Britain’s body politic is under strain. Pro- ces, however unintended, of their actions. argues that organisers of any demonstration
chief executive, scribed Islamist groups join the thousands of well- Those opposed to Israel’s bombardment of should be obliged to give police a fortnight’s notice
Universal Music Group, meaning protestors on the streets of London and Gaza, many motivated by nothing more than sym- rather than six days. This is a sensible proposal
64; Jean Adamson, elsewhere, sowing hatred. Marchers have been pathy at suffering on a huge scale, and compassion that would do much to ease demands on police
writer, best known for prosecuted for glorifying antisemitic slaughter. In for innocent victims caught up in the violence, and cool tensions. Britons have a right to peaceful
the Topsy and Tim Westminster Sir Keir Starmer, the leader of the have made their point. Mainstream western polit- protest within the law. But fringe political interests
books (first published in opposition, felt obliged to urge Sir Lindsay Hoyle, ical opinion is now closer to them than they might must not be given carte blanche to bully elected
1960), 96; Mark Cubitt, Lord Ashcombe, Speaker of the House of Commons, to rip up par- think. They should consider what purpose their representatives, terrify Jews, and paralyse the
Conservative politician, 60; Sir Dave liamentary precedent and spare his MPs oppro- continuing presence on these demonstrations centre of our capital city every weekend.
Brailsford, co-founder and former team
principal of Team Grenadiers (cycling team,
formerly Team Sky/Ineos), national
performance director, British Cycling (2003-
14), 60; Gretchen Christopher, singer, the
Fleetwoods, Come Softly to Me (1959), 84; Lt
Defence is Different
Gen Sir Roderick Cordy-Simpson, chief of
staff, UN protection force in Bosnia- The security of the nation should trump all other public spending considerations
Hercegovina (1992-93), president, Royal
British Legion (2000-04), 80; Baroness Government spending has a lot to do with proxim- “Could” is the problem. Fears raised by Russia’s He is pressing for defence spending at 3 per cent of
(Lydia) Dunn, chairwoman, Hong Kong ity to the (voting) public. Ministers who deprive invasion of Ukraine and China’s rise may prove GDP. At £52 billion in 2024/5 the actual figure will
Trade Development Council (1983-91), 84; hospitals and schools of money do so at their peril. unfounded. This doubt is all the Treasury needs to be about 2.3 per cent. Inflation, help for Ukraine
Very Rev Nicholas Frayling, dean of Cutting bobbies on the beat is also inadvisable. But keep shifting defence spending to the future. Not and modernising the nuclear deterrent has eaten
Chichester (2002-14, now dean emeritus), defence? While Britons tend to take the excellence helping is the MoD’s lamentable procurement up the crumbs from Mr Hunt’s table.
80; Gopichand Hinduja, chairman, Hinduja of their armed forces for granted, most pay little record, resulting in billions wasted on botched In the meantime the forces must try to marry
Group of Companies and Hinduja attention to them day to day. This country’s last big projects. NHS jam today is always more urgent Britain’s ambitions with dismal reality. The navy is
Automotive (UK), 84; Prof Dame Hermione military adventure was the invasion of Iraq in than preparing for a war that might never happen. starved of escorts, submarines, replenishment
Lee, president, Wolfson College, University 2003. The subsequent policing operation in that This is a sure way of increasing the risk. ships, aircraft for its two breakdown-prone carri-
of Oxford (2008-17), 76; Jack Lousma, country and the UK’s involvement in Afghanistan Ever since the end of the Cold War, Britain and ers and sailors. The RAF is about to lose 30 of a
astronaut, commanded the third Space passed largely unnoticed. Relentless shrinkage in her European allies have been winging it with mere 137 Typhoons, has tiny numbers of airborne
Shuttle mission (1982), 88; Sir Callum military manpower means that most civilians defence budgets of 2 per cent of GDP or less. early warning and maritime patrol aircraft, no bal-
McCarthy, chairman, Financial Services know no one in the services. The forces have Donald Trump, possibly the next US president, has listic missile defence and no system for suppress-
Authority (2003-08), 80; Hannah Mills, ceased to be a central component of national life. warned “delinquent” Nato partners who duck this ing enemy air defences. The army is the real basket
sailor, two-time Olympic gold medallist That makes them easy to ignore when the public 2 per cent level that he will leave them to the tender case. With just 75,000 soldiers and falling, and few
(2016, 2020, women’s 470), three-time world accounts are flashing red and backbenchers in mercies of Vladimir Putin. Mr Trump likes to rattle tanks and artillery pieces, it could barely field an
champion in the women’s 470 class (2006, marginal seats are clamouring for tax cuts. his audience, but he raises the spectre of US retreat. armoured brigade if called upon. In a war, stocks
2012, 2019), 36; James Ogilvy, landscape Jeremy Hunt will not cut defence in his budget By virtue of their size and nuclear status, Britain of ammunition would likely last weeks.
designer, son of Princess Alexandra and the next week — he may even award the Ministry of and France (with Germany) must step up. Of course, this ticking timebomb of military un-
late Sir Angus Ogilvy, 60; Pedro Sánchez, Defence a small rise. But caught as he is in a fiscal Grant Shapps, the defence secretary, and Gen- preparedness will be forgotten amid calls for tax
prime minister of Spain, 52; Henrik headlock he will not give the military the increase eral Sir Patrick Sanders, chief of the general staff, breaks next week. Every so often this country
Sundstrom, tennis player, former singles it so desperately needs. This is a short-sighted and have warned that the age of the peace dividend is must painfully relearn the lesson that to maintain
world No 6, 60; Albert Welling, actor, Mr dangerous mistake by the government that could well and truly dead. Mr Shapps says the country the peace one must prepare for war. Defence is not
Bates vs The Post Office (2024), 72; Andrew one day come back to bite this country. should consider itself to be in a pre-conflict phase. just another spending department; it’s different.
Wilson, professor of the archaeology of the
Roman empire, University of Oxford, 56.
Putin’s inglorious war takes a
Moscow appears to be “taking no chances in concealing the
numbers”, he added. Yulia Navalnaya warned
indifferent to the plight US officials said in August that Rus-
sian deaths could be as high as 120,000,
the European parliament
yesterday: “You cannot
of its own people as the with 180,000 injured, and that was negotiate with Putin”
before the long struggle to seize control
casualties climb higher, of Avdiivka in eastern Ukraine.
Despite Putin’s control of state media
writes Aliide Naylor and the savage stamping out of protest,
there are occasional voices of dissent.
The obituaries tell only half the story. Andriy Morozov, a military blogger,
Nikolai Serdyukov, the best district caused a stir before his apparent suicide
policing officer in Ulyanovsk, for exam- this month when he wrote that Russia
ple, may have felt ideologically com- had lost 16,000 men at Avdiivka.
pelled to join President Putin’s “special There is a wide regional disparity in
military operation” in Ukraine and may terms of losses. While ethnic Russians
have fought bravely, but he still died a comprise the overall majority of those
miserable death far from home. killed, with about 1,170 confirmed from
It was a fate shared by Alexander Moscow region, Russia’s ethnic minor-
Volkov, a bespectacled and apparently ities are believed to be vastly over-rep-
erudite archaeologist from Chuvashia, resented in death figures.
last seen clutching a bunch of daisies Those whose relatives have died are
and laughing before going to war, afraid to speak out for fear of losing
now just another of Putin’s inglorious death compensation of up to five mil-
dead. lion rubles (£43,000). Furthermore, the
“My dear, Beloved, the most reliable statistics do not account for those who
man in my life. I am writing you a letter are missing — and there are few incen-
to eternity, knowing that you will never tives to retrieve any stray bodies.
read it,” wrote another Russian, Olesya Despite these losses, support for the
Smorodinova, in a letter her husband invasion remains high. “Various kinds
Ivan will never see. of polls conducted by different poll-
After his death, she said: “Your path sters, using different methodologies
was so short that I didn’t have time to consistently shows majority support for
enjoy you. Now you will for ever be 28 the war,” Dr Maria Popova, co-author
years old.” of a book on the conflict, said.
With each passing day the numbers Intercepted phone calls publicised in
killed rise. Some are as young as 20, a documentary film, Intercepted, sug-
others are simply missing on a front line gest some Russians actively relish the
that shifts only glacially. opportunity to “beat bandera [Ukraini-
Irina Chistyakova has been search- ans] into shashlik”. There is also a sense
ing for her conscript son, Kirill, since he among people that nothing can be done
vanished almost two years ago. She has to change the status quo. “Part of the
travelled south from Petrozavodsk population has chosen to become apa-
more than 1,200 miles to look for his thetic: their condition can be referred to
body in Rostov morgues. as ‘learnt indifference’,” noted a report
She now runs an online group, “Sun from the Carnegie Endowment think
of Life”, where other Russians seek their tank in Washington.
lost brothers, sons and fathers. Beleaguered opposition movements
“On the left side of the chest he has a have had a more domestic focus, partic-
tattoo of a tired angel,” a woman named ularly with the death of Alexei Navalny.
Elena writes, in the hope of finding her “Disgust at the corruption of the Putin
brother. “His uniform has red embroi- regime is more likely to reach a broader
dery. Scar on the right side in the groin swathe of the population than criticism
area.” of the war,” said Popova.
Of course, not all those killed are The numbers of Russia’s war dead
innocents. Dmitry Postnikov and Oleg pale in comparison with Ukraine’s
Sizov, jailed after murdering two busi- suffering. Antony Blinken, the US sec-
nessmen in 2016, joined the Wagner retary of state, has estimated that about
mercenary group rather than see out 900,000 to 1.6 million Ukrainians,
their 18-year prison terms. They were among them 260,000 children, have
both killed in action a year ago, like an been detained and deported to Russia
estimated 19,000 other prisoners who via “filtration” camps.
chose to join the fight. President Zelensky said this week
A joint investigation by the inde- that 31,000 Ukrainian soldiers had
pendent Russian outlets Mediazona been killed. US officials put the number
and Meduza suggested that 75,000 closer to 70,000.
Russians under the age of 50 had “If you’ve got more bodies than
died in the Ukraine war — but the Ukrainians have bullets, then
even that is thought to be a vast
Russia remains “completely
indifferent to the scale of the
again, you’re left with some-
body who can overrun the
position,” said Giles.
Oleksandra Matviichuk,
Leaked nuclear documents put China
slaughter and how many of its the head of Ukraine’s Nobel Tom Ball Kyiv battles or territory, and making Russia’s Russian military doctrine today. “They
men it’s losing, on top of an peace prize-winning Centre for navy “more effective”. show that the operational threshold for
already acute demographic Civil Liberties, told The Times: Russia has drawn up plans for the use of President Putin has previously stated using nuclear weapons is pretty low if
crisis”, according to Keir “For Ukrainians there is no tactical nuclear weapons during the that he would have the right to turn to the desired result can’t be achieved
Giles, a Russia ex- other choice. When the early stages of a war with a big power, as nuclear weapons if the Russian moth- through conventional means,” Alexan-
pert at the Chat- invaded state lays part of a strategy of “fear inducement”, erland faced an “existential” threat. But der Gabuev, director of the Carnegie
ham House down weapons it leaked military files reveal. the files suggest a far lower threshold Russia Eurasia Centre in Berlin, told
think tank in will be occupied.” The documents show how Russia for the use of tactical nuclear weapons the newspaper.
London. It is, She added: would respond to an invasion by adver- than officials have admitted publicly, Russia’s tactical nuclear weapons are
however, “If we, Ukraini- saries including China, one of its closest according to experts who reviewed and designed for use on the battlefield in
ans, stop fight- allies. They also outline conditions for verified the documents. Europe and Asia, and have a more
There is still ing, there will the use of nuclear weapons to achieve The cache of 29 secret military files, limited range and potency than strate-
support for be no freedom, offensive goals such as “escalating mili- which were seen by the Financial gic nuclear weapons. Their use, how-
Putin’s war no democracy, tary conflicts”, “stopping aggression”, Times, were drawn up between 2008 ever, would still be devastating. Most
in Ukraine no Ukraine.” preventing Russian forces from losing and 2014 but are said to be relevant to modern tactical warheads release more
the times | Thursday February 29 2024 2GM 27
ulia Navalnaya he will step down in November, trigger- ments: John Thune, 63, the party whip
has denounced ing a battle for succession. from South Dakota; John Cornyn, 72,
President Putin The 82-year-old Kentucky senator is from Texas, who served as majority
as a “bloody said to have not spoken to Trump since whip for four years; and John Barrasso,
monster” who acts like a the former president’s supporters 71, from Wyoming, who is third in the
mafia godfather (Aliide rioted at the US Capitol three years ago, Senate hierarchy as Republican confer-
Naylor writes). and was one of those who refused to go ence chairman. None belong to the
In an address to the along with his false claim that the 2020 younger generation of Trump loyalists,
European parliament election was rigged. and the internal election of McCon-
yesterday the widow of Trump, 77, regularly insulted nell’s replacement is likely to become
Alexei Navalny urged the McConnell and his wife, Elaine Chao, Mitch McConnell has clashed often another bitter battle.
West not to treat Putin as who served in Trump’s cabinet but quit with Donald Trump in recent years Trump’s eldest son, Donald Jr,
a rival politician but as a after January 6, 2021. Despite that, recently urged the former president’s
gangster. McConnell enabled some of Trump’s Make America Great Again movement
She was speaking after proudest achievements by steering Biden fit for duty — which has a firm grip on the Republi-
it was announced that her through three Supreme Court judges, can Party — to fight against the so-
husband’s funeral will including the rush to confirm Amy President Biden was declared “fit for called RINOs, a disparaging term used
take place in a church in Coney Barrett in the final weeks of his duty” after his annual physical for anyone not deemed sufficiently
Maryino, southeast presidency. McConnell also frustrated examination yesterday, although he loyal to Trump. Thune and Cornyn in
Moscow, tomorrow. President Obama’s attempt to nomi- wears a mask to treat sleep apnoea particular are seen by MAGA as part of
Several locations declined nate Merrick Garland in 2016, allowing “almost every night”, his doctor the McConnell regime. RINO stands
to host the service. Trump to nominate Neil Gorsuch. revealed (Hugh Tomlinson writes). for Republican in name only.
Navalny, 47, died on “As Ecclesiastes tells us: to every- The oldest president in US history Hours before McConnell’s revelation,
February 16 at an Arctic thing there is a season and a time to at 81, Biden’s checkup has been Josh Hawley, a pro-Trump senator from
penal camp. The cause is every purpose under Heaven,” McCon- closely watched as he campaigns Missouri, said: “Mitch McConnell is the
still unknown. nell said on the Senate floor in a for re-election in November. He will least popular politician in America, a
“You are not dealing surprise announcement yesterday. “To be 86 by the end of a second term if symbol of everything that’s wrong with
with a politician but a serve Kentucky in the Senate has been he wins, and faces growing Washington.”
bloody monster. Putin the honour of my life. To lead my questions about his age and mental The succession contest is likely to
is the leader of an Republican colleagues has been the fitness following a string of gaffes produce not only the party’s leader in
organised criminal gang,” highest privilege. But one of life’s most and a report that noted his “poor the Senate but also in the chamber itself
Navalnaya said in underappreciated talents is to know memory”. After a checkup at Walter because the Republicans have a strong
Strasbourg. “The most when it’s time to move on to life’s Reed National Military Medical chance of retaking the overall majority
important thing is the next chapter.” Center, Dr Kevin O’Connor declared in November’s elections.
people close to Putin. His Although exiting his leadership role, Biden “fit to successfully execute McConnell became party leader in
friends, associates and he said he would serve out his six-year the duties of the presidency”. the Senate in 2006 and won nine
keepers of mafia money. term in the Senate, which ends in straight elections to hold on to the post.
You and all of us must
fight the criminal gang.
Apply the methods of
fighting organised crime,
not political competition.”
I need a drink: ‘pessimist’ Flu forces
Navalnaya warned
against the idea that the
West would at some point
Meloni shows her fun side Pope to ease
have to come to an
agreement with Putin.
Her husband’s death, she
Tom Kington Rome
whose quarrelling had been a boon to
Meloni since she took office in 2022.
off duties
said, “showed everyone Two more regional contests, in Abruz-
that Putin is capable of Giorgia Meloni admits she is one of zo and Basilicata in March and April, The Vatican
anything. You cannot life’s natural pessimists. “One of my could also prove insidious for Meloni.
Tom Kington
negotiate with him”. long-term colleagues has claimed my “You invite me on the day I lose the
“Alexei was tortured for motto is ‘we are all going to die’, and election in Sardinia, and I am also The Pope visited a hospital for tests
three years,” she added. that’s correct,” she told reporters. observing Lent so I can’t even drown yesterday after flu symptoms prompted
She was greeted with a Yet as she seeks to recover from a first my sorrows in drink,” Meloni said. him to cancel public engagements, the
standing ovation. electoral defeat since taking power, the Describing her youth, Meloni, said: Vatican said.
Italian prime minister is attempting to “Michael Jackson taught me Francis, 87, was driven to the Gemelli
convince voters that she has a sense of English. Not everyone knows I learnt Hospital on Tiber Island, Rome, for a
Thai police
‘let Red Bull
heir flee’
Joshua Thurston
In the small hours of September
3, 2012, the 27-year-old heir to the Red
Bull fortune allegedly hit and killed a
Bangkok police officer, dragging him
for about 100 metres under his Ferrari.
More than a decade later, Thai prose-
cutors have announced that they will
charge a former national police chief
with impeding legal action against Vor-
ayuth “Boss” Yoovidhya. Several gov-
ernment officials and police officers
have been accused of a conspiracy to
help the grandson of the co-founder of
the energy drink empire to flee abroad.
Somyot Poompanmoung, the police
chief from 2014 to 2015, was accused by
the National Anti-Corruption Com-
mission last year of involvement in
altering the record of the speed of the
car that Vorayuth was allegedly driving.
Wichien Klanprasert, a police officer
responding to a robbery, was hit and
thrown from his motorbike. He died at
the scene and his body was dragged
under the sports car. The damaged Fer-
rari left a trail of oil and brake fluid lead-
ing to Vorayuth’s family compound.
The Bangkok Post reported that Vor-
ayuth had been accused of killing a
police officer but denied the charge and
told investigators the man had abruptly
cut in front of him.
Wichean’s family told Thai media
they received $83,000 from the family
in exchange for not pursuing further
legal action. All but one of the charges
Lift off Pilots in action during the world’s first jet suit race in Dubai harbour, part of the city's boat show. Contestants strap engines to their back to navigate a course against Vorayuth have expired.
Bradley Cooper,
who has spent
recent months
promoting his
passion project,
is seen with the
New York
Orchestra and in
an icy river, left;
below, Cillian
Murphy and
Ryan Gosling’s
own publicity
pushes as the
Oscars beckon
Backlash as
Maestro star
Oscars buzz
Bradley Cooper’s voters. The backlash has been brewing
for months, with one critic suggesting
being seen as wanting an Oscar too
much and putting voters off, according
heavily on his unlikely success and
coasted to a best supporting actor win.
ever of the machinations that go into an
awards campaign, Niederman said
‘desperate’ campaign last year that Maestro’s biggest problem
was “Bradley Cooper’s open hunger for
to Michael Niederman, professor of
cinema at Columbia College Chicago.
This year Oppenheimer has relied on
its director Christopher Nolan’s dedica-
stars had always been desperate to win,
only the work used to be more behind-
for an Academy Award an Oscar”. “I understand how extraordinarily tion to the cinematic experience in defi- the-scenes.
Maestro, which Cooper, 49, stars in proud he is of the work he did on Maes- ance of streaming. Oscars voters share “Now we know about it every step of
is turning off critics, and directs, is to many critics classic tro,” Niederman said of Cooper. “I get Nolan’s love of cinema at a time when the way,” he said. “We’re much more
Oscars bait. The actor has not been shy that — it’s a personal, well-crafted piece theatre audiences are in decline. aware of it now — with social media it’s
writes Keiran Southern in telling interviewers of the work that that means the world to him.” Although fans are more aware than everywhere. That’s the big difference.”
went into the role: he said it took six In a nod to Cooper’s Cooper is no stranger
Whether he’s gracing red carpets for years to learn how to conduct for a recent ubiquity, Nieder- to a gruelling awards
the umpteenth time, popping up on scene lasting six minutes. He also had to man added: “If I don’t see season campaign. He
stage with the New York Philharmonic work extensively with a dialect coach a picture of Bradley now has a total of 12 Os-
or lying down in a near-freezing river and a makeup artist to get Bernstein’s Cooper for six months, car nominations across
wearing only a pair of black boxer look just right, though there was some that will be OK.” acting, producing and
shorts, Bradley Cooper has been hard controversy over his decision to wear a The key to striking the writing, but is yet to take
to miss in the past few months. prosthetic nose to play the Jewish con- right balance during an home the prize.
As awards season gears up, the Holly- ductor. awards campaign is Niederman suggested
wood star has grasped every opportuni- For all this effort, Maestro earned having a heartwarming that the actor may fare
ty to tell interviewers about the drastic seven Oscar nominations — including story to tell, consultants better by choosing films
lengths he went to for his latest film best actor for Cooper, though it appears say. Perhaps last year’s that are not as obviously
Maestro, a biopic about the composer highly unlikely his name will get called most endearing tale was intended to catch the eye
Leonard Bernstein. on the night because of an expected that of Ke Huy Quan, the of voters.
Cooper’s hard work on the awards Oppenheimer sweep. Perhaps the more former child star who “From the start, Maes-
season trail has led some to wonder reserved campaigning of Cillian Mur- made a Hollywood tro was designed to win
whether there is such a thing as want- phy will pay off in the best actor cate- comeback to appear in Oscars,” he said. “I don’t
ing an Oscar too much — and if this gory at the ceremony on March 10. Everything Everywhere think it will win that
perceived desperation could put off There was “absolutely” a danger of All at Once. He leant many.”
world markets (Change on the day) commodities currencies
FTSE 100 Dow Jones Gold Brent crude (6pm) £/$ £/€
7,624.98 (-58.04) 38,949.02 (-23.39) $2,033.07 (+2.28) $ $82.72 (+0.39) $ $1.2668 (-0.0024) $ €1.1684 (-0.0007) ¤
8,500 40,000 2,200 120 1.400 1.300
8,000 37,500 2,000 100 1.300 1.200
7,500 35,000 1,800 80 1.200 1.100
7,000 32,500 1,600 60 1.100 1.000
Jan 31 Feb 7 14 21 28 Jan 30 Feb 6 13 21 28 Jan 31 Feb 7 14 21 28 Jan 31 Feb 7 14 21 28 Jan 31 Feb 7 14 21 28 Jan 31 Feb 7 14 21 28
on £3bn bid
Bitcoin has risen back above the
$60,000 mark for the first time in more
than two years.
The most widely traded cryptocur-
rency collapsed below $16,000 in No-
vember 2022. Its latest rally has gained
momentum before a “halving” due in
Insurer’s board rejects ‘unattractive’ Ageas offer April, a periodic process designed to
limit its supply, raising demand in the
near term. The 2020 halving preceded
Ben Martin Banking Editor ponent, or both, to convince the Direct bitcoin’s rise to a record high of about
Line board and shareholders,” analysts $69,000 in 2021. Last night in New York
Direct Line is the latest company listed at Panmure Gordon said.
in the UK to be the target of a takeover Direct Line has not been the only
bid from an overseas rival. British business on the takeover radar. Bitcoin price
The FTSE 250 company was put in Currys, the electronics retailer, has $70k
play after Ageas, based in Brussels, spurned bids from Elliott, the US pri-
made a £3.1 billion bid approach, which vate equity group, while Wincanton,
the car insurer dismissed as “uncertain, the logistics company, has attracted
unattractive” and said “significantly French and American suitors. 30
undervalued” its prospects. Ageas signalled that it was not giving 20
Ageas swooped after Direct Line was up. Belgium’s biggest insurer provides 10
left vulnerable by profit warnings, motor, pet, home and travel cover in 0
which prompted it to scrap its dividend, Britain. It said a tie-up with Direct Line 2020 21 22 23 24
followed by the abrupt exit of Penny would result in “the creation of a strong Source: FactSet
James, 54, its chief executive. Adam personal lines franchise in the UK” and
Winslow, 45, who was poached from be “beneficial for both Ageas and it was trading at $60,257, up 5.7 per cent
Aviva last year to succeed James, is due Direct Line shareholders”. on the day.
to take charge tomorrow. Direct Line was founded in 1985 by Charles-Henry Monchau of Bank
Direct Line said Ageas had Sir Peter Wood, the insurance entre- Syz said: “Historically, halvings have
approached it on January 19 with a preneur, and Martin Long. It was triggered massive bull runs, as the min-
cash-and-paper proposal that valued it originally backed by Royal Bank of ing rewards are cut in half.”
at 233p a share, based on market prices Scotland, which is now called NatWest, Expectations of interest rate cuts by
on Tuesday evening. Its board, chaired but was spun off on to the stock market the US Federal Reserve have raised in-
by Danuta Gray, 65, its chairwoman, 12 years ago. The insurer is behind the vestors’ appetite for riskier assets. Bit-
rejected the approach ten days later. Churchill brand and also owns Green coin reached its peak valuation when
Ageas’s proposed price represents a Flag, the roadside rescue service. rates in developed economies were at
42.8 per cent premium to Direct Line’s It was caught out in 2022 by the rising historic lows post-pandemic. Ultra-low
closing share price on Tuesday. News of cost of motor claims, fuelled by a jump rates steered investors toward assets
its approach sent the British insurer’s in second-hand car prices and the rising with higher potential yields.
shares surging by 38¾p, or 23.8 per cent, costs of spare parts and labour. James This year the US Securities and Ex-
to close at 202¼p last night. Both com- was finally undone when Direct Line change Commission, America’s finan-
panies issued statements after Bloom- took a big hit from freezing weather in cial watchdog, lifted a ban on bitcoin
berg reported that the Belgian group December 2022, which led to an in- exchange-traded funds. The value of
had made an approach. crease in claims for large losses such as the cryptocurrency has been on an up-
Under Ageas’s proposal, Direct Line homes flooded by burst water pipes. ward path since the first such American
investors would receive 100p in cash James Pearse at Jefferies, the broker, funds entered the market in January.
per share and one new Ageas share for which suggests that Ageas will have to Nigel Green, chief executive of de-
every 25.24047 shares in the British offer between 270p and 300p a share, Vere Group, a financial advice firm,
company they own. said the “potential deal makes sense” said: “If the current momentum contin-
“Ageas will need to revise its offer and was unlikely to raise concerns with Gangnam style Mark Zuckerberg dresses for the cold weather in Seoul, South ues, we expect that bitcoin could beat
with a higher price or larger cash com- the competition regulator. Korea, where the Meta boss will hold talks with local AI and technology firms the previous all-time high [in weeks].”
32 2GM Thursday February 29 2024 | the times
Need to know
Rishi Sunak is preparing to
overrule Michael Gove, the
Boss tries to Losing its lustre
Share price
steady the
housing secretary, and offer a 10
string of concessions to Tory MPs 8
on laws to protect renters, 6
prompting claims that he is 4
watering down a manifesto pledge Source: FactSet 2023 2024
to ban no-fault evictions.
The former chairman of the
Post Office lobbied to double
the pay of its chief executive
even as Horizon compensation
schemes faltered and the company
ship at St
James’s Place
descended into chaos. Henry
Staunton twice asked ministers in
the Department for Business and
Trade to increase the pay of Nick
Read but was rebuffed, MPs have
3 The appointment of
Direct Line has become the £168 billion in assets. It focuses on Brit-
latest UK-listed company to ain’s “mass affluent”, who have between
become the target of a
takeover bid from an overseas
Mark FitzPatrick late £50,000 and £5 million of non-property
wealth available to invest, and operates
rival. The FTSE 250 car insurer last year has done little using a network of 4,834 self-employed
was put in play after Ageas, of financial advisers who cater to its
Belgium, made a £3.1 billion bid to reassure the market, 980,000 clients
approach that Direct Line said But with success has come criticism.
“significantly undervalued” its writes Ben Martin In recent years, it has been dogged by
prospects. the perception it charges high fees for
When Mark FitzPatrick took charge of an investment performance little dif-
More than £500 million was St James’s Place last December, it is un- ferent from that of rivals. This became a
wiped off the stock market likely that he envisaged knocking al- flashpoint in 2019, when damaging rev-
value of St James’s Place after most a fifth off the wealth manager’s elations emerged of lavish perks for ad-
Britain’s biggest wealth manager shares with his first set of annual results visers, including Mediterranean cruis-
revealed it was taking a barely three months later. es, expensive cufflinks and watches as
£426 million hit to cover potential “I might look to say I’d like a different prizes for selling the most products.
refunds to aggrieved customers. ball to have been bowled,” the 55-year- Andrew Croft, FitzPatrick’s prede-
old conceded as investors took fright at cessor as chief executive, subsequently
a shock £426 million provision by the overhauled the group’s incentive
Bitcoin rose back above the company to cover potential refunds to system in a shake-up that included
$60,000 mark for the first customers after a jump in complaints. scrapping the notorious cruises. Yet the
time in more than two years It is the latest in a series of setbacks issue of its fees came back to haunt the
amid renewed fervour for the suffered by the FTSE 100 business since business last year. In July, SJP rattled A row over lavish rewards for advisers, such as Mediterranean cruises, is just
world’s most widely traded last July that have left its shares at an shareholders by revealing it would cut
cryptocurrency. 11-year low. This latest debacle repre- charges on some pension and bond in- role on December 1, SJP had already that came into force in 2018, which re-
sents a baptism of fire for FitzPatrick, vestments in a move that would deliver lost about 41 per cent of its stock market quire an adviser to hold an annual
School-leaver apprentices at who now faces the challenge of rebuild- an £859 million long-term hit to the value over the course of 2023. The meeting with a customer to dis-
top City law firms are earning ing investors’ confidence after what one group, causing its shares to tumble. shares have not fared much cuss their situation. SJP has
salaries of up to £55,000, City analyst described as the business’s The catalyst for the fee changes was better under him. They fell found that its “ability to evi-
more than 50 per cent higher than “annus horribilis”. the introduction of tough new rules by again today by a further dence” that some clients
the average national salary. “I’m going to play the ball that was the Financial Conduct Authority, 115¼p, or 18.6 per cent, had been given that
Prospective solicitors who go from bowled,” FitzPatrick insisted. “I’m called the consumer duty, which is to 505¾p. meeting “is, in some in-
school to apprenticeships at going to face into issues, I’m going to aimed at ensuring financial services On January 25, stances, patchy”, Fitz-
Norton Rose Fulbright, an Anglo- deal with them and I’m going to help companies treat their customers fairly. FitzPatrick, previous- Patrick said.
American practice, get £28,000 in this business grow and be more The company followed this with a ly the finance chief Its records improve
their first year, rising to £53,000 by successful in the future.” more sweeping revamp of its fee struc- and then interim boss after 2021, when it
the end of the six-year scheme. At stake are the fortunes of Britain’s ture in October, prompted by further of Prudential, un- began to roll out a new
biggest wealth management company, regulatory scrutiny and involving the nerved investors by content management
Taylor Wimpey’s profits one favoured by the country’s middle dropping of the lucrative and contro- warning he was reviewing system provided by Sales-
almost halved last year but the classes as the steward of their nest-eggs. versial practice of charging early exit “all elements” of the business force, the global software
FTSE 100 housebuilder has Founded in 1991 by Lord Rothschild, penalties on clients. Its shares tumbled to ensure it was “fully fit for the group, yet complaints about this
seen some “encouraging signs of the City grandee who died this week, in the days before it set out its plan after future”. Now he has allayed fears that issue jumped last year, driven by claims
improvement” in recent weeks. Sir Mark Weinberg and the late Mike details of the overhaul were leaked. The another fees shake-up is in the offing, management companies. While com-
Wilson, the Cirencester-based SJP has changes will come into force in the but this was overshadowed by the re- plaint levels in previous years have av-
grown to become the dominant indus- second half of next year. fund provision. eraged 0.2 per cent to 0.3 per cent of its
Successive chancellors have try player overseeing more than By the time FitzPatrick took up his The problem centres on rule changes client base, they had risen to 1.3 per cent
been at the sharp end of
worsening productivity
conditions. Since 2020, they have
had an average of £16.2 billion of
headroom against their self-
imposed fiscal rules to use in their
Vodafone in talks to sell Italian business for €8bn
financial statements. Jeremy Hunt Alex Ralph designed to simplify the FTSE 100 valuing the Vodafone Italy division at Vodafone last year agreed to merge its
is set to be bound by this dynamic Chief Business Correspondent company and would create Italy’s €10.45 billion. UK business with Three, owned by CK
next Wednesday, with analysts second largest fixed-line broadband Berenberg said that it had valued Hutchison, the Hong Kong-based
expecting he will have £13 billion Vodafone is in exclusive talks to sell its operator, with a strong presence in the Vodafone Italy at €7.75 billion on a sum- conglomerate.
to use, probably enough to cut struggling business in Italy to Swisscom business market. of-the-parts basis, meaning that it The merger is subject to an initial
income taxes by 1p. for €8 billion. Swisscom, whose Zurich-quoted accounted for 13 per cent of Vodafone’s investigation by the Competition and
Amid mounting reports of a possible shares were down by 1.4 per cent last enterprise value overall. “The addition- Markets Authority. It also has agreed a
A pioneering mortgage deal, the telecoms group said it had held night, plans to merge the business with €5 billion sale of its Spanish business to
product that does not require extensive talks with “several parties” to Fastweb, its Italian subsidiary. It said Zegona Communications, a London-
a deposit from borrowers had explore consolidating the business. the acquisition would boost its cashflow listed investment vehicle.
attracted £62 million of After these, it concluded that the cash and would have “a positive impact on its Vodafone is one of the world’s biggest
applications in its first nine deal with Swisscom “delivers the best dividend policy”. Shares in Vodafone telecoms groups, but it has been
months, Skipton Building Society combination of value creation, upfront were little-changed at 68¼p. They had Decline in Italy service revenue in Q3 hampered by the weight of its debts,
said, with 484 borrowers signed cash proceeds and transaction cer- risen on Tuesday after a report sug- high costs and intense competition in
up. tainty for Vodafone shareholders”. gested it was likely to hold a minority several markets. The struggles led
Swisscom will acquire Vodafone Italy stake in a combined entity with Fast- al €250 million relative to our model is to Margherita Della Valle, 58, Voda-
10 “Inappropriate conduct”
by staff in the Middle East
contributed towards an
unexpected fall in fourth-quarter
revenues at Reckitt. Shares in the
for an enterprise value of €8 billion on a
debt and cash-free basis — a multiple of
about 7.6 times its 2024 adjusted earn-
Alongside its third-quarter results
web if a deal was reached.
Italy was Vodafone’s worst-per-
forming big market in the third quarter,
where service revenue declined by
1.3 per cent. Last month, Vodafone
worth around 1p per share for Voda-
fone,” it said. “After Vodafone rejection
of Iliad’s offer, a deal between Swisscom
and Vodafone Italy was always more
likely. Nevertheless, an acquisition by
fone’s former finance chief, replacing
Nick Read, 59, as its chief executive last
Analysts at Deutsche Bank said last
week that Swisscom was a “well-
FTSE 100 consumer goods this month, Vodafone had said that it rejected an offer to create a joint Swisscom of Vodafone Italy leading to a managed telco in a defensive country
company fell to a ten-year remained in “active discussions” over a venture with Iliad, a smaller French Vodafone exit is not what the market is with a healthy market structure, strong
low. deal for its Italian business. rival, in Italy, under which it would have likely to have had in mind.” balance sheet and what we expect will
The possible sale to Swisscom is received €6.6 billion in cash in a deal The deal in Italy comes after be steady cashflows”.
the times | Thursday February 29 2024 V2 33
FTX founder
100-year jail Wealth firm shows
call ‘barbaric’ how not to do it
Times Business Reporter
business commentary Alistair Osborne
Sam Bankman-Fried’s lawyer has
urged a judge to impose a lenient sen- hat better outfit for £16.83. To boot, upfront charges will
tence on the founder of FTX, the now- some “one-to-one still be a chunky 4.5 per cent. So,
bankrupt cryptocurrency exchange, financial advice”? whatever FitzPatrick’s skills, an
for stealing $8 billion from customers. Shares off 19 per obvious question remains: why pay
In a sentencing submission, Marc cent in a day to that for investment advice from a
Mukasey argued that clients would get 505¾p; the full-year dividend more company that’s made such a lousy
most of their funds back. He told Judge than halved; and a warning that investment of its own business?
Lewis Kaplan that between five and a lower profit growth over “the next
quarter and six and a half years would
be an appropriate prison term.
few years” will cut “our ability to
invest” in the business. Bidder lacks fuel
That is far less than the maximum Does St James’s Place specialise in
sentence of 110 years that Bankman- how-not-to-do-it guides for its hat’s one way to welcome a
Fried, 31, faces after being found guilty 958,000 clients? It could look that new boss: a £3.1 billion mooted
at a federal court in Manhattan in way when you see the latest from offer made public just two days
November of seven charges of fraud the so-called wealth manager. Its before Direct Line’s incoming chief,
and conspiracy, in what prosecutors boss, Mark FitzPatrick, has only Adam Winslow, takes the wheel of
have called one of the biggest financial been at the helm since December. the motor and home insurer.
frauds in American history. But, in an effort to draw a line under It’s from Belgian rival Ageas,
Bankman-Fried had denied the the group’s customer-fleecing past, which is dangling 100p in cash and
charges and is expected to appeal he’s already taken a tough decision one new share for every 25.2 of
against his conviction and sentence. He with painful knock-on effects: to set Direct Line’s — together worth 233p
has acknowledged making mistakes in aside £426 million to refund clients a share, at least before Ageas’s
running FTX, but claimed at the trial who unwittingly overpaid for advice shares fell 3 per cent to €38.26. And
that he had never intended to steal they didn’t get. while it was enough to rev up the
customers’ funds. Kaplan is due to sen- Whether he had much choice is a UK insurer, whose shares raced up
tence Bankman-Fried on March 28. moot point. Complaints had been 24 per cent to 202¼p, you can see
The lawyer’s submission was accom- arriving thick and fast, triggered by why the board, chaired by Danuta
panied by letters of support from Bank- a Financial Conduct Authority Gray, had little trouble rejecting it.
man-Fried’s parents, a psychiatrist and crackdown on St James’s opaque For starters, they’d had since
others. His parents, Joseph Bankman and pricey fees, with the claims January 19 to kick the tyres on what
and Barbara Fried, the Stanford law management brigade also piling in. they called a “highly opportunistic”
professors, said their son was uninter- Last October FitzPatrick’s proposal that was not only
ested in material wealth and had predecessor, Andrew Croft, unveiled “uncertain” and “unattractive” but
worked hard to redress customers’ a simplification of the group’s “significantly undervalued” the
losses in the month between FTX, “charging models”: ones rooted in a business. In fact, they’d told Ageas
one of the problems that has hit Mark FitzPatrick‘s wealth management firm which was based in the Bahamas, past of meaty upfront and exit fees. as much on January 29 — before it
collapsing in November 2022 and his They had helped to spawn what a got another outing via Bloomberg.
in 2023, or about 10,000 customers, Investors’ confidence is another arrest on fraud charges. “Barbara and I Sunday Times exposé from 2019 Then the timing looks odd. Ageas
FitzPatrick said. matter. Not only did the provision push ... witnessed first-hand his single- coined the “cruises-and-cufflinks is valued at €7 billion-plus. And no
SJP held talks with the FCA, which SJP to a £9.9 million loss after tax, it also minded focus on getting money back to bonus scheme”, a racket that doubt it could find “substantial
initiated a “skilled person review” of the prompted it to cut the final dividend by depositors,” Bankman Sr wrote. rewarded St James’s financial operational and capital synergies”.
matter, and set aside £426 million to 78 per cent. Future shareholder payouts Mukasey called the 100-year advisers, now numbering 4,800, for But the time to strike was this time
cover the cost of potential client re- similarly have been reset at a lower sentence recommended by probation hitting sales targets. The cufflinks, last year after the ex-boss Penny
funds. “We would hope the company level than previous years. “I understand officers “barbaric”, saying it was based sporting the group’s old winged lion James had been ousted in the wake
has ‘kitchen-sinked’ the issue with this that this has been a very difficult run for partly on a faulty assertion that FTX’s logo, came in different colours to of January 2023’s howitzer profits
provision,” analysts at Jefferies said. shareholders,” FitzPatrick said. customers had lost billions of dollars. confer status — up to a diamond- warning. By March, the shares had
The provision is based on an extrapo- There are more headwinds ahead. He pointed to the bankrupt company’s encrusted version worth £1,200. drifted down to 135p.
lation from a representative cohort of SJP must navigate what its boss called a recent statement that it expected to St James’s put an end to that. But Stand-in chief Jon Greenwood
SJP clients and FitzPatrick conceded “challenging” market backdrop, with repay all customers in full to back up FitzPatrick’s now dealing with other has since steadied the ship, while
that the business did not know for cer- existing and prospective clients coming the argument that Bankman-Fried had past sins. Under pressure from the September’s £520 million sale of the
tain the true extent of the problem. under pressure from higher mortgage not set out to steal. FCA, a “skilled person” was brought brokered commercial insurance unit
Asked whether this was a one-off costs, leaving them with less cash to in- “The conviction does not address in to review whether customers had repaired the balance sheet. So it’s far
cost, he would say only that it was “a vest. Better interest rates on savings whether Sam intended to pay the received the “client servicing” for easier now for the board to bang on
best estimate”. He insisted that custom- have also deterred some investors. money back. He did,” Mukasey wrote. which they had paid. FitzPatrick about Direct Line’s “standalone
ers’ trust in the group had not been However, FitzPatrick said he be- The probation officers’ calculation is says the “vast majority” had, but prospects”, while waiting for
damaged by the issue. Its client reten- lieved this turbulent wider environ- not binding on Kaplan. The US advisers couldn’t verify that for all of Winslow to turn up from Aviva.
tion rate stood at 95.3 per cent last year, ment ultimately would prove SJP’s attorney’s office in Manhattan is them. And “if you can’t evidence it, Besides, on 2025 forecasts from
down only marginally from 96.5 per worth, because “it is at precisely these expected to make its own sentencing the presumption is you didn’t do it”. Deutsche Bank, Ageas’s tilt is at an
cent in 2022. times financial advice can really help”. recommendation by March 15. Hence, his compo scheme. It goes earnings multiple of just ten times,
back to 2018, covering the six years mainly in euro-denominated paper.
when advisers are obliged to keep It needs to find a fair bit more fuel.
City law firm payday for school leavers customer records. “If a client feels
they have been affected, they should
contact [us],” he says. “We’re
worried claims management
Reckitt in trouble
Jonathan Ames Legal Editor competition from American firms. The partners at the firm earned on average companies are going to kick off but omeone should remind Kris
highest-paid newly qualified solicitors £2.09 million each. customers should have nothing to Licht that Reckitt doesn’t start
School-leaver apprentices at top City are thought to be at Gibson Dunn, the Other City players also have di- do with them. Sometimes they take with a W. He’s only been
law firms are earning salaries of up to US firm: a salary of £180,000 at the end vulged their top pay for apprentices, 48 per cent of the money.” running the Dettol-to-Durex combo
£55,000, more than 50 per cent higher of their two-year training contracts. with Stephenson Harwood pays a wage He also insists that the issue is not since October last year. So he can’t
than the average national salary, re- The top 24 highest-paying City law of £53,500 for those in their sixth year. affecting the underlying business. have wanted this reaction to his first
search has revealed. firms for newly qualified lawyers are all Bates Wells, a City firm with a reputa- St James’s still has a 95.3 per cent full-year results: a 13 per cent dive in
Prospective solicitors who go straight based in America and are well ahead of tion for acting for some of Britain’s big- client retention rate, funds under the shares to £50.62, or £5.5 billion
from school to apprenticeships at Nor- the five English “magic circle” firms of gest charities, said it paid its sixth-year management rose by £19.8 billion to of lost value (report, page 39).
ton Rose Fulbright, an Anglo-Ameri- Allen & Overy, Clifford Chance, Fresh- apprentices £43,000. £168 billion last year and, without A group of now-sacked staffers in
can practice, are paid £28,000 in their fields Bruckhaus Deringer, Linklaters Apprenticeships in the legal profes- the provision, instead of an after-tax the Middle East under-reporting
first year, rising to £53,000 by the end of and Slaughter and May, all paying sion were given a boost three years ago loss of £9.9 million, profits would liabilities, maybe to boost their
the six-year scheme. graduates a starting salary of £125,000. when regulators overhauled the quali- have topped 2022’s £407 million. bonuses, didn’t help. That took
However, the Legal Cheek website This year Slaughter and May became fication process by implementing a Yet what Panmure Gordon £55 million off sales, while worrying
says the City firm paying its apprentices the fourth of the elite group to launch two-part exam designed to expand di- analysts also saw as a new chief’s RBC Capital analysts that, despite
the most is CMS, which offers final- an apprenticeship scheme, joining Al- versity in the profession by, in principle, “kitchen-sinking” will whack Licht’s reassurances, this “might not
year salaries of £55,000. len & Overy, Freshfields and Linklat- creating a route to qualification for investor returns. The dividend for be an isolated incident”. But even
This pay packet would far outstrip ers. Of those, Allen & Overy and Lin- non-graduates. the next three years will be just 18p, without that, Reckitt missed sales
the UK average annual wage, at present klaters reported first-year salaries of Aspiring solicitors must complete a topped up by share buybacks, while and operating margin forecasts.
less than £35,000 — the latest evidence £25,000. period of authorised work experience, lower customer charges will hit Even Licht called the fourth-quarter
of skyrocketing pay among the Square Partners at magic circle firms are which includes apprenticeships, then profits. Not great from a group that, performance “unsatisfactory”. He’s
Mile’s legal professionals. some of the highest paid in the inter- pass the exam. on the watch of chairman Paul already put himself under pressure.
Pay for newly qualified solicitors in national legal profession. Those at The system replaces the legal prac- Manduca, has already seen the
the City has risen dramatically over Freshfields topped last year’s magic cir- tice course, more than 30 years old, on shares crater from December 2021’s
recent years, driven primarily by fierce cle pay battle, revealing that full-equity which only graduates could enrol.
34 Thursday February 29 2024 | the times
Taylor Wimpey cuts its housebuilding target as profits tumble
Tom Howard larly in the second half of last year. We oper sold 0.62 homes per week at each As a result of the drop in home com- However, it is encouraging to see some
want to ensure that we’re only building of its 230 sites, compared with pletions, Taylor Wimpey’s revenue de- signs of improvement in the market.”
One of Britain’s biggest housebuilders what the market can absorb. My job is 0.68 homes per site per week in 2022. At clined by 20.5 per cent to £3.51 billion in Most developers have effectively
plans to deliver fewer homes this year to make sure that we maintain a sus- the peak of the post-pandemic property the 12 months to the end of December, stopped buying land for the past year or
after its profits halved in 2023 and de- tainable business.” boom it was regularly selling one home down from £4.42 billion in 2022. Pre- so, but, in response to signs that de-
spite reporting “encouraging signs of Taylor Wimpey was created through per site per week. tax profits slid by 48 per cent to mand is beginning to return, Taylor
improvement” in recent weeks. the merger of Taylor Woodrow and Ge- Despite the subdued backdrop, Tay- £473.8 million from £907.9 million. Wimpey said it would look to “be active
Taylor Wimpey said it would “re- orge Wimpey in 2007 and is one of the lor Wimpey’s like-for-like selling price However, the final dividend, to be paid where we see opportunities”.
main focused on optimising value” to biggest housebuilders in Britain. It sold increased by 1 per cent to £370,000 last on May 10, was increased slightly to The renewed activity will not trans-
maintain its prices, meaning that even 10,848 flats and houses in 2023, almost year as it “aligned” building rates to 4.79p per share. For 2023 as a whole, late into more homes this year. Taylor
with the recent rise in sales activity it a quarter fewer than the previous year, changes in demand. This practice was Taylor Wimpey will have paid 9.58p per Wimpey expects to deliver between
planned on building fewer properties as the rapid rise in mortgage rates, to- flagged by the Competition and share in dividends: about £339 million. 9,500 and 10,000 homes in 2024, well
than it did last year. gether with the cost of living crisis and Markets Authority in its report into the Daly, 53, said it had been a “good per- shy of the 14,000-plus homes it sold in
Jennie Daly, its chief executive, said expectations of house prices collapsing, housebuilding industry this week as formance despite a challenging market. the pandemic years.
the lower expected output reflected the put off many would-be buyers. one of the reasons why not enough It is still early in the year and the macro- Shares in the company fell 6¾p, or
“lag effect of lower sales rates, particu- On average, over the year the devel- homes are being built in Britain. economic backdrop remains uncertain. 4.8 per cent, to 133¾p.
raders are betting that
not only have interest
rates peaked but also
that a cut is coming this
year. That should signal
property values are stabilising —
yet shares in some of London’s
largest commercial landlords still
trade at heavy discounts to their
respective net asset values
(Emma Powell writes).
The commercial property
sector is priced for disaster.
During the 2008 financial
meltdown, all property capital
values fell by 42 per cent peak-to-
trough over nine quarters,
according to an analysis by
Savills, the estate agency. The
Covid downturn resulted in
values falling by just over 9 per
cent, but some corners of the real
estate market are priced for an
even heavier fall from today’s
muted levels. That suggests the
risk of a further deterioration is
already accounted for in
depressed share prices.
Take Derwent London, whose
chief executive has called the
bottom of the market. Shares in
the FTSE 250 landlord trade at a
41 per cent discount to the book
value forecast in 12 months’ time,
indicating that investors mistrust
that the fall in the value of its
west London offices is over yet.
Some scepticism over where
valuations will land is
understandable. Net tangible
asset values declined by 9 per
cent over the final six months of
Media City in Salford Quays, Manchester. Landlords and agents have reported a “flight to quality” since the pandemic as renters opt for the best office buildings last year, which is roughly in line
with the fall sustained over the
watchwords to fruitful investing about a nation’s GDP
Good news for most. creatures feeding all the way along per cent or 5 per cent figure should be ere’s a question. Between “correct” answer, because different
Share investing is the food chain (financial advisers, seen as a handy yardstick that should 2008 and 2019, which G7 measures tell us slightly different
still working. fund managers, brokers, consultants inform everyone’s thinking. Any countries recorded the things about the economy.
Capitalism is still and lawyers) siphon off a significant investment adviser who promises or slowest and fastest Growth typically refers to the
delivering for chunk. The £426 million provision implies much higher returns may well growth in terms of GDP trend of overall GDP. It suits the
stockholders. The latest Global made by St James’s Place yesterday to be a charlatan or a fraudster. Any per working-age adult? Conservatives to use that measure.
Investment Returns Yearbook from compensate overcharged clients is a investor who prefers the “safe haven” No prizes for guessing the laggard. They have shared adverts
academics at the London Business reminder of how this can become of a bank account for their retirement Italy, with its recent economic celebrating that headline UK GDP
School and the University of unacceptable predation. Perhaps, savings should at least be aware of dysfunction, performed disastrously, growth has eclipsed those of France,
Cambridge, alongside UBS (which across the industry, a percentage what they stand to miss out on. This with GDP per working-age adult Germany or Italy since 2010.
rescued this authoritative study from point is swallowed in fees and trading kind of basic knowledge should be at falling by 0.1 per cent a year. The However, while total GDP serves
the ashes of Credit Suisse), finds that costs, so actual real net returns are the heart of financial education. best-performing country is much well as a proxy for a country’s
very-long-run, inflation-adjusted total probably more like 4 per cent a year. Instead, the government’s big new more surprising. Japan, with growth capacity for, say, defence spending
returns from equities across the world Long-run history that smooths out wheeze to widen share ownership and of 1.5 per cent annually, outpaced or managing its debt obligations,
inched a bit higher last year. the day-to-day noise of markets is so improve public understanding of the not only France, Britain and Canada high immigration can simply inflate
Average real global share returns important. It tempers the excessive stock market is a cut-price offer of (all 1.1 per cent), but even the United it. It therefore often ill-reflects the
since 1900 are now put at 5.1 per cent expectations of investors; soothes shares in a single company (NatWest) States (1.3 per cent) and Germany evolution of average living
a year. Last year’s surge in stock their fears and suspicions. Charlie at a single moment in time with an (1.4 per cent). In fact, Japan has standards. Last year, for example,
prices nudged up the 124-year average Munger, Warren Buffett’s mentor and implicit message that there are quick been the strongest G7 performer on UK GDP grew by 0.1 per cent, but
across 90 countries from 5 per cent in business partner, once said: “There “stagging” profits to be made at the this measure since 1981. GDP per capita fell by 0.7 per cent.
2022, getting it back to the 5.1 per are answers worth billions of dollars expense of taxpayers. Not good. This little tidbit, from The Wealth By controlling for population,
cent recorded at the end of 2021. in a $30 history book.” Short-term There are other fresh insights in the of Working Nations, a new paper by GDP per capita growth obviously
Over the years, the number has market movements, by contrast, are report, with some myths exploded. economists Jesús Fernández- can better track average living
bobbed about a bit, but not much. At dangerous, pulling in or putting off Worries about the dominance of the standards. Its trends indicate the
the end of the 20th century, it was 5.6
per cent, but the twin impacts of the
end-investors at just the wrong time.
That evidence of strong but patchy
United States and concentration risk
may be overdone. Today, the US
‘Measuring GDP per economic rut Britain is in. Having
averaged 2.4 per cent growth per
bursting of the technology bubble in long-term progress plays a crucial accounts for 60.1 per cent of the capita growth injects a year between 1980 and 2007, it fell
2001 and 2002 and the banking crisis role in reassuring investors that, even equities universe, but this is well to 0.7 per cent after the financial
in 2007-08 resulted in it subsiding to after a calamitous crash, they have a down on the 70 per cent reached in dose of realism into crisis, lagging the performances of
as low as 4.8 per cent by 2008.
Whatever regulators may say about
good chance of recouping all their
losses and much more, so long as they
the 1950s and 1960s when companies
like General Motors and General
government policies’ Germany and America.
If we’re thinking about how public
the dangers of reading too much into stay patient. Investors were back in Electric dominated just as much as policy might realistically improve
past performance, this is a touchstone the black 15 years after the 1929 Wall Apple and Microsoft do today. Villaverde, Gustavo Ventura and growth with an ageing population,
number that underpins capitalism. It Street crash, ten years after the 1970s One remarkable finding is how Wen Yao, shocked me. Isn’t it however, then perhaps Starmer
justifies the entire long-run savings oil shock, five years after the banking much of the long-run returns from conventional wisdom that Japan has should pay more heed to improving
industry in favouring risk assets such crisis. In a 50-year retirement saving shares come in periods when central suffered two “lost decades” of GDP per working-age adult. This
as shares over government bonds or cycle, that’s not so terrible. banks are cutting interest rates. From growth? Wasn’t “Japanisation” a metric is still affected by taxes,
bank accounts. There are no Adjusting for inflation is important, 1914 to 2023 in the US, equity returns cautionary tale of how misguided regulations and welfare policies, so
guarantees, but the channelling of too, and a factor largely glossed over averaged an annualised 9.4 per cent macroeconomic policy causes can be strengthened through
most people’s pension contributions by the investment industry. Right in years when policy was being eased prolonged downturns? Yes, Japan’s enhancing workforce participation
into shares can be justified only by now it is crowing over the rally on and only 3.6 per cent in tightening headline GDP growth has been or productivity. And do need it:
extrapolating this kind of number Wall Street that in recent weeks has phases. The pattern has been even weak, but this data shows it has strong growth of 2.3 per cent per
decades into the future. pushed the S&P 500 to all-time stronger in the UK since 1930, with all outgunned its G7 rivals since the year between 1981 and 2007 has
While the securities industry is absolute highs, but real returns have equity returns in excess of gilt returns financial crisis on age-adjusted more than halved to only 1.1 per cent
focused on the frenzy and noise of been less impressive. taking place in easing phases. productivity growth. per year post-2008.
day-to-day markets, it is optimism Indeed, the UBS report For those who believe inflation is Japan’s growth decline is really a Crucially, the metric also injects a
about the very-long-run trajectory points out that after adjusting largely defeated and interest rates are story about demographics. While dose of realism about government
of share returns that keeps the for inflation and even after going down, that is an encouraging the UK’s population ballooned by policies’ limits. By accounting for
show on the road. And a real adding in dividends, investors “buy” signal, although it is fair to say more than 8 per cent between 2008 the largely immutable fact of
return of 5 per cent a year are still in the red that markets seem to have jumped and 2019, Japan’s dipped modestly population ageing and the squeeze
is still fabulous compared with the the gun already in anticipation. and aged earlier. Japan’s prime-age on GDP per capita, it helps to avoid
compared with bonds high point of Market timing is harder than it workforce shrank by nearly 10 per magical thinking that rapid per
(1.8 per cent) or cash November 2021. By sounds. Patience and compounding cent over that period, in fact, as capita growth rates are still possible.
(0.5 per cent). this measure, are the potent forces in successful Britain’s went up by almost 4 per By zeroing in on living standards
Of course, end- America has still investing. Munger, who died last year cent. This is why headline GDP has that can be affected, in fact, policy is
investors never not fully escaped aged 99, had plenty of experience of grown at 1.4 per cent per year since targeted at what matters. We
quite see this from the bear that. “The big 2008 here against Japan’s 0.6 per therefore can be spared Japan-like
return. The market of 2022. money is not in the cent, despite Japan’s stronger age- squabbles blaming insufficient
menagerie of Better public buying and selling,” adjusted productivity performance. monetary or fiscal stimulus, when
understanding of he once said, “but in This raises an important question: the real culprit is demographics.
“The big money,” past long-run the waiting.” when Sir Keir Starmer tells us he
Charlie Munger returns from wants the UK to be the fastest- Ryan Bourne holds the R Evan Scharf
once said, “is in securities is Patrick Hosking is Financial Editor growing nation in the G7, what chair for the Public Understanding
the waiting” important. That 4 of The Times metric should he adopt? There’s no of Economics at the Cato Institute
36 Thursday February 29 2024 | the times
Any answer to that question must resources to be used on industries that Successive chancellors' respective fiscal headroom (£bn)
consider a commodity that has been in will shape production in the future.
scarce supply in developed countries in For living standards, productivity Osborne (Coalition) Osborne Hammond Sunak Hunt
recent years: productivity growth. growth is as close to a free lunch as it 80
Since the 2008 financial crisis, gets. It reduces the cost of production
workers have been getting less produc- for companies, allowing them to raise
tive, largely because of a slump in wages or to generate larger profits. It is Average
investment, a situation that is corrosive no coincidence that real wages in the
for any economy. France, Italy and UK have undergone the worst down- 20
indeed Europe as a whole have been turn on record alongside declining
gripped by this slowdown. worker efficiency. 0
The United States is an exception, as Similarly, productivity growth Jun Mar 11 Mar 12 Mar 13 Mar 14 Mar 15 Nov 15 Nov 16 Nov 17 Oct 18 Oct 21 Nov 22 Nov 23
usual. Britain, however, has suffered alleviates inflationary pressures by 2010 Source: Office for Budget Responsibility
particularly badly. increasing the potential supply of
Successive chancellors have found resources and by creating space for pay
themselves at the sharp end of deter- to increase without putting upward
iorating investment and productivity pressure on prices.
conditions. Government finances receive a
Since 2020, the occupants of No 11 boost, too. Taxes tend to rise as a coun-
Downing Street have had an average of try with strong productivity growth
£16.2 billion of headroom against their seizes upon new frontiers of production
various self-imposed fiscal rules to use and wages strengthen while the cost of
in their financial statements. Between providing public services falls.
2010 and 2019, it was £30 billion, It is no surprise that both the Con-
according to Capital Economics, the servatives and Labour have put making
consultancy. the workforce more productive at the
The reason why fiscal firepower has centre of their economic pitch to voters
eroded over the past 25 years has before an expected autumn election. London’s productivity paradox
been a commensurate drop in Britain’s Both parties know they cannot deliver
GDP growth, which economists blame a meaningful change to living stan- London’s productivity slowdown has workers in London on average would productivity improvement in any
on weak productivity improvements. dards without reversing the nation’s been among the worst of all big cities produce an extra 3.1 per cent of output region of Britain between 2010 and
Recent higher interest rates haven’t turgid recent productivity history. in the world (Jack Barnett writes). per year. New York, Paris and 2021.
helped, either. Consensus is another rare commo- In an analysis of Office for National Stockholm all have stronger growth Falling output per worker in the
Jeremy Hunt is set to be bound by this dity in economics, but one has Statistics data, the Centre for Cities than London, the think tank said. financial services sector has driven
dynamic next month, with analysts emerged. There is agreement that the think tank estimated that the rate of The findings echo a similar study by London’s overall decline, with the pace
expecting the chancellor to have about source of the UK’s economic ills has growth in output per job in London fell the National Institute of Economic and of improvement in productivity per job
£13 billion to use, probably enough to been stagnant productivity growth, to 0.2 per cent a year between 2010 Social Research, which said the capital in the City falling from an average
cut income taxes by 1p and leave some producing damaging consequences for and 2019. Between 1998 and 2007, had suffered the second-worst rate of annual increase of 5.9 per cent
cash in reserve. its prosperity over the past 14 years.
the times | Thursday February 29 2024 37
the 2016 Brexit vote. where shortages hamper productivity” should be targeted elsewhere.
In a situation where private sector also should be prioritised. For he most shocking thing The basic structure of corporation
investment is insufficient, public sector Thwaites, it is more about more evenly about recent GDP figures tax creates a bias against
investment should step in to reanimate distributing investment to raise pro- is the lack of surprise. GDP investment. That is true of most
the economy. Austerity measures by ductivity rates across the country, and per capita had fallen for international regimes, but until
David Cameron and George Osborne that raising spending on “connectivity, seven quarters in a row. recently the UK was one of the
in the 2010s prevented this from infrastructure, housing and people in This ought to be remarkable, but worst offenders. The permanent
happening, leaving the Bank of Birmingham and Manchester will help increasingly feels like “the new implementation of “full expensing”
England to pick up the slack by slashing to narrow the gap with London”. normal”. Stagnation is almost taken has improved things dramatically,
interest rates and keeping them at The National Institute of Economic for granted. but it applies only to a portion of
record lows. Some argue that the long and Social Research, Britain’s oldest There are explanations. The investment. A much larger pool,
period of low interest rates that came economics think tank, argues that pandemic casts a long shadow; the investment in structures and
after the financial crisis has exacer- Hunt immediately should raise public energy price shock was bound to hit buildings, is still treated stingily. The
bated the productivity problem. investment by about £15 billion annual- output; and the Bank of England, chancellor would struggle to meet
Greg Thwaites, research director at ly to 3 per cent of GDP. This would “not having fuelled inflation, has strayed his fiscal rules while introducing full
the Resolution Foundation, a think just boost economic growth and pro- into monetary overkill territory. Yet expensing for structures and
tank, blames the productivity slow- ductivity but also help to unlock more there is a more fundamental story: buildings. But uprating deductions
down on “how efficiently we use the business investment on which shared the fall in productivity growth since under the structures and buildings
resources in the economy”. After the prosperity and well-being depend”. the financial crisis. Had productivity allowance in line with inflation
financial crisis, there was, he says, “a The UK “lacks a joined-up set of poli- grown at its pre-crisis rate, we would would remove much of the tax bias
broad-based fall in dynamism across cies, and the means for implementing be generating about a quarter more at little upfront cost.
the economy. Workers changed jobs them, aimed at boosting productivity real value per hour worked. Business rates also discriminate
less often, resources flowed more across central and local government”, Ultimately, this is why incomes and against investment by hitting firms
slowly to the most efficient firms and Bart van Ark, managing director of the living standards have flatlined. that improve their properties with
our best-performing sectors did not Productivity Institute, says. Productivity growth depends on a higher bills. A new 12-month
grow faster than our lower-produc- In 2017, Theresa May’s government few thing, but when you compare business rates “improvement relief ”
tivity sectors.” Brexit also has erected published the last UK industrial Britain with other leading comes into effect on April 1. The
trade barriers and has complicated the strategy. Since then, the Conservatives economies, we are a particular chancellor could make that relief
UK’s place in the global trade network. have launched two growth plans, one in outlier on capital investment. permanent and extend it to big
Yael Selfin, chief economist at 2021 under Boris Johnson, a blueprint Among G7 countries, we have redevelopments. The fiscal cost
KPMG UK, argues that the UK’s “age- for his “levelling up agenda”, and consistently invested less than would not be significant.
ing population and a shift to a more another by Hunt in January last year to anyone else (except, occasionally, If the chancellor has headroom
services-based economy have given focus on the clean energy, life sciences, Italy) since the early 1990s. This for tax cuts, stamp duties should be
less productive sectors a larger share of aerospace and automotive sectors. affects our economic dynamism. top of the list. Stamp duty on shares
the economy”. Labour has set out its plans to deliver There may be cultural and could be eliminated easily. I doubt it
In short, there is no one cause for the “prosperity through partnership” demographic factors at play, but would cost the exchequer a penny,
slump. A combination of negative between government and private policymakers ought to focus on once dynamic effects (such as higher
factors has steered Britain away from enterprise in its industrial strategy, what they can control: tax and share prices and a lower cost of
relatively healthy productivity growth. although its recent pulling back from regulatory barriers to investment. capital) took effect. The big prize,
increasing green investment by £20 bil- The biggest regulatory problems though, is stamp duty land tax.
between 2000 and 2008 to -1.1 per reanimating the economy lion makes this ambition tougher to stem from our absurd land use Abolishing it on residential property
cent in the decade after the global Things that are valuable are often achieve. Without a longer-term strate- planning regime. Planning rules would cost about £9 billion on paper
financial crisis in 2008. costly to achieve. If it were an easy feat, gy, growth will remain in a slump,” van make it hard to build anything, — less once the economic benefits
The institute said in a report last policymakers in developed economies Ark warns. anywhere in a timely fashion. That of a better-functioning housing
autumn: “Despite being higher than in would have solved the productivity reduces and delays investment and market were realised — but could
other UK regions, London’s paradox long ago. 6 Tomorrow: Britain is one of the inhibits economic activity. It have an enormous positive impact.
productivity has been growing much However, there are some simple worst-performing countries in the G7 prevents us taking advantage of the
more slowly. This is undermining the steps that Britain can take, starting with for labour force participation. How can agglomeration effects, efficient Tom Clougherty is executive director
city’s global competitiveness.” reducing the frequency with which the government and the private sector transport and cheaper energy that and Ralph Harris Fellow at the
policies are chopped and changed. In get people back to work? raise productivity. Fixing these Institute of Economic Affairs
Investment is in focus after Dyson boosts annual profit to £1.4bn
Tracey Boles Deputy Business Editor ments, including capital expenditure, launches to date this year, including a in which we made record investments the future, as well as commercial and
to more than £2 billion since 2021. Dys- big expansion in the beauty sector. The in our technology, in new products and ecommerce teams for Great Britain and
Dyson is investing £9 million a week on is investing in artificial intelligence, launches will include a Dyson Super- in the global resilience of the company. Ireland”.
worldwide after bringing in record rev- robotics and battery technology at its sonic hair dryer powered by a new, We are ahead of our investment plan Dyson’s advanced robotics teams at
enues of just over £7.1 billion last year. main research centres in Britain, Singa- energy-dense heater technology. and have launched radical new prod- Hullavington airfield, near Chippen-
Global revenues were up 9 per cent pore, Malaysia and the Philippines. Speaking at an event to launch ucts. We are excited to get these prod- ham in Wiltshire, is working alongside
on the year before. Annual profit was Products launched in 2023 included the Dyson Airstrait in Paris, Sir James ucts into people’s hands in 2024.” a growing team at its London AI labora-
also up by 9 per cent at £1.4 billion. the Dyson Airstrait hair straightener, Dyson, 76, the company’s founder and In Britain, where it employs 3,700 tory and at Dyson’s global HQ in Sing-
Over the year Dyson, which designs its robot vacuum, the 360 Vis Nav, and chief engineer, said: “Despite all the people, Dyson’s £100 million invest- apore.
and manufactures its electricals and Dyson Zone noise-cancelling head- headwinds — including a challenging ment in a new technology centre in The Dyson Institute in the UK,
technology products, increased its re- phones, which marked its entry into the economic environment, inflation, pro- Bristol is under way. The company says where undergraduates study for an en-
search and development spending by audio and wearables market. duct shortages and the continuing im- it will be home to “hundreds of software gineering degree while earning a salary
more than 40 per cent, despite global The company, founded in 1991, is pact of the 2022 closing of our Russia and AI engineers working on a pipeline and paying no tuition fees, now has
headwinds. This brings its total invest- planning its biggest range of product business — 2023 was a very good year, of products that stretches ten years into 156 students.
ven the delivery for an additional
of jam today buyback, his failure to
and the confirm a programme
promise of extended a recent
more decline in Just Eat’s
tomorrow, or at least share price. The stock,
later in the year, failed down by a third over the
to lift the mood and past 12 months, fell by a
share price at Just Eat further 28p, or 2.2 per (Dominic cent, to close at £12.56.
Walsh writes). Just Eat boosted its
Europe’s biggest food 2024 prediction for
delivery group reported underlying profit to
a huge jump in €450 million amid an
underlying earnings apparent increase in
before deductions from orders via apps and the
€19 million in 2022 to addition of grocery and
€324 million, ahead of retail products. Groen,
previous forecasts, and 45, said the environment
reached the “significant in northern Europe
milestone” of being free- seemed to be improving
cashflow-positive in the in the group’s favour,
second half. although there were still
It also predicted a “plenty of irrational
40 per cent jump in competitors”.
profit this year and held The company expects
out the possibility of its gross transaction Just Eat is attempting to find a buyer for some or all of Grubhub, its American business, where fee caps cost it $100 million a year
another share buyback value, the total value of
to follow one of all goods sold, to for some or all of its can delivery charges — better delivery efficiency 2 per cent meant that The number of orders
€150 million that ends in increase by between Grubhub business. cost the company and a simplification of the UK and Ireland in the UK and Ireland
September. Yet although 2 per cent and 6 per cent Groen said it was “not $100 million a year. its operations. business was “rapidly was down by 6 per cent
Jitse Groen, the chief in the coming year, an easy M&A In the UK and Ireland Just Eat said that a approaching a similarly to 245 million, with the
executive, said he would although that excludes environment” in the US, Just Eat’s profits rose margin increase from high adjusted [pre-tax gross transaction value
look carefully at North America, where it where fee caps — curbs from €23 million to 0.4 per cent of gross profit] margin as up 1 per cent to
whether there was scope is trying to find buyers in some states on what €135 million, thanks to transaction value to northern Europe”. €6.6 billion.
British funds
Data as shown is
for information
purposes only. No offer is made by Morningstar
or this publication
the times | Thursday February 29 2024 2GM 41
6,700 and 5.4 per cent shy of sales. Indeed, the tycoon
Aston Martin the 7,000 it had promised
until last November.
reiterated: “We remain on
track to substantially achieve
off course — Aston Martin, which has
shrunk its annual losses but
our 2024-25 financial targets
in full-year 2024.”
but promises remains heavily in the red,
and with net debt again on
Adding back in interest
costs, tax and other charges,
growth the rise, is also delaying the
launch of its first electric car
Aston Martin reported a
bottom-line £239 million loss
because of a lack of for 2023 on top of the
he smooth drive to consumer demand. It is now £495 million lost in 2022.
profitability, as well expected to be on the market That takes accumulated
as to an electrified in 2026, a year later than losses in the past four years
future, remain planned. The company is to £1.4 billion. With cash
further down the only the latest carmaker to outflows in the year of
road for Aston Martin push back its electrification £360 million, up from
Lagonda after it revealed that goals as investment in £299 million in the previous
it had missed its already capacity and technology has year, Aston Martin’s much-
downwardly revised outpaced demand. reconstructed balance sheet
production targets for 2023 “The consumer demand is showing net debt rising
(Robert Lea writes). [for battery electric vehicles], again to £814 million from
However, Lawrence Stroll, certainly at an Aston Martin £766 million.
its executive chairman and price point, is not what we The shares, which have
significant shareholder, thought it was going to be halved in price in nine
insisted that the luxury two years ago,” Stroll, 64, months and have traded at
carmaker was on track to said. He added that there was 12-month lows of late, rose
“substantially achieve” its “much more driven demand” Lawrence Stroll, the executive chairman, has delayed Aston Martin’s first electric car for lack of demand 7p, or 4 per cent, to 183½p.
long-promised financial for plug-in hybrid vehicles — 6 Production at Britain’s car
targets for 2024. especially for Aston Martin, Buoyed by the sale of one- group revenues to rise by Aston Martin in 2020 after factories has continued to
Hit by production delays in as people “want some off limited edition supercars, 18 per cent to £1.6 billion. It its disastrous 2018 float, the pick up from multi-decade
the launch of the £185,000 electrification but [to] still average selling prices across reported underlying Canadian clothing billionaire lows. Nearly 83,000 vehicles
DB12 sports car, Aston have the sports car smell and all Aston Martin models in operating profits, stripping has promised that by 2024-25 rolled off assembly lines in
Martin reported 6,620 feel and noise”. The Valhalla, the last months of the year out tax, interest and other the company would be January, a year-on-year rise
deliveries of vehicles to Aston Martin’s first hybrid hit £255,000, against an costs, of £305 million, up by making profits before of 21 per cent, according to
dealers last year. That was supercar, is on course to average of £201,000 for the 61 per cent year-on-year. deductions of £500 million the Society of Motor
below a revised target of enter production this year. whole of 2022 and prompting Ever since Stroll rescued on £2 billion of annual Manufacturers and Traders.
Business Markets
news in brief
Helen Cahill Tempus
Buy, sell or hold: today’s best share tips
Rate fear hits optimism
Lingering concerns about
Asia Pacific UK The company has increased the slice long-term average of 28 per cent.
ight years ago Inchcape set of its revenues from distribution “Some businesses continued to
out plans to become an 9 activities from 43 per cent to 72 per express concerns about inflation
automotive distributor in cent and its retail sales fell from and interest rates, although these
hard-to-reach markets, yet 57 per cent to 28 per cent of overall concerns have eased significantly
many investors still regard 8 income between 2016 and 2022. in recent months,” Lloyds said.
28% 28%
the FTSE 250 business as a Bankers at Rothschilds have been
straightforward car dealer.
brought in to sound out buyers for Klarna losses continue
The company decided to move Inchcape’s retail division in the UK
away from retail operations and as the company seeks to demonstrate Klarna has reported its fifth
disposed of a number of its British its commitment to its higher-margin annual loss in a row ahead of a
dealerships to focus on providing a
6 25% 19% income streams. possible stock market listing. The
range of services designed to Inchcape has faced setbacks in its Swedish “buy now, pay later”
Source: FactSet
maximise profits from every new car 5 shift to services. It pressed ahead lender narrowed its net losses for
sold in the markets neglected by the with an expansion in Latin America 2023 to SwKr2.5 billion
large car manufacturers. with the completion of its acquisition (£191 million) from
Inchcape’s distribution business 4 Americas Europe and Africa of Derco for £1.3 billion last year. The SwKr10.4 billion in 2022.
works with manufacturers such as 2020 21 22 23 24 Santiago-based company is the Revenues rose by 22 per cent.
Jaguar Land Rover, Mercedes-Benz leading car distributor in Chile, Peru Klarna, founded in 2005, was
and the BMW Group to sell their provide a buffer from any downturn and Bolivia, but the deal soured. profitable until 2019, when it
models and to advise on all aspects ADVICE Buy in car retail income. Inchcape Chile had delivered a record year of began investing heavily in new
of the sales process, including WHY Investors are yet to estimates that it captures only about car sales in the year of the markets. It is said to be looking to
marketing and logistics. It also has 25 per cent of the possible profit that acquisition, but then the market float on the New York stock
exclusive distribution deals to sell appreciate the profits it could derive from every car dropped, with volumes down by up markets.
those cars and their parts in different Inchcape could derive as it imported into these markets. to 30 per cent. Yet its management
global markets. The number of retreats from car retailing It sees an opportunity for reduced inventory without dramatic Google sued for €2.1bn
registered cars in many of these generating income from the onward price cuts. The business has gained
markets, such as the Caribbean, sale of a vehicle, the commissions on market share and is positioned to Alphabet’s Google was hit with a
Indonesia and Guatemala, typically into these markets and distribute the financing and insurance products, as benefit from Chile’s recovery. €2.1 billion lawsuit by 32 media
is less than a million per year, vehicles, while its control of the well as repair work, as a car may have Inchcape’s market value could be groups, including Axel Springer,
providing scope for sales growth. supply chain provides scope for at least four owners in its lifetime. set to rise if its bet on longer-term yesterday, alleging that they had
Car dealers can secure a mark-up driving efficiencies. Its distribution Inchcape’s board has estimated these services revenue pays off and the suffered losses because of the
only on the price of the vehicle, but business offers far higher margins sales could drive incremental profit of Derco deal plays out better than company’s practices in digital
Inchcape has been capturing supply than pure retailing and it sees room £50 million by 2026. Peel Hunt, the anticipated. Investors still largely see advertising. The move by the
chains with its exclusive distribution for growth as its share of its chosen broker, thinks these future earnings Inchcape as a retailer, but it derived consortium — which is made up
rights for car brands in a number of markets is about 2 per cent. are not appreciated by the market. a mere 11 per cent of its profits from of publishers from across Europe
countries. It has estimated the The business’s after-sales division Inchcape is set to publish its full- retail in 2022. Analysts at Numis and — comes as antitrust regulators
number of vehicles sold annually in helps to generate repeat income year figures next Tuesday and any Peel Hunt have picked the stock as also clamp down on Google’s
these harder-to-reach jurisdictions is from every car imported and sold in extra detail on this segment could one of their best bets for the year advertising technology business.
17 million. Inchcape will import cars a jurisdiction and these operations help the company’s shares if it is well ahead amid hopes for a rerating. Google said it opposed the
lawsuit, adding that it was
“speculative and opportunistic”.
renewables infrastructure are not convinced that the NAV by 2.2p a share over a five-year easy feat in a renewables market that
Market cap Discount to NAV
markdown in valuations is sufficient, period. is under greater scrutiny. Co-op compensation
given a higher cost of capital. It means cashflows from the At the existing price, that leaves
£2.53 billion 22 per cent The discount rate used to value its business are expected to fall over the the shares offering a potential The Co-operative Bank has set
assets, which span wind, solar and next two years. That did not stop dividend yield of 7.4 per cent, which aside almost £29 million to
enewable energy funds are battery storage, rose to 8.1 per cent, Trig raising the target dividend for looks pretty generous even when the compensate customers in its
struggling to adjust to the from 7.2 per cent, which contributed this year to 7.47p a share, from 7.18p bar for what constitutes decent closed mortgage book between
whirlwind ratcheting-up of towards a reduction in the NAV to last year. The level of cash covering income for investors has been raised 2011 and 2012 after it was found
interest rates — and if you want 128p a share, from 135p at the end of the dividend is likely to fall, from a in light of higher interest rates. The to have “unfairly” increased
evidence of that, just take a look at 2022. And that’s not all. Electricity healthy-enough multiple of 1.6 last trade-off is security. interest rates. The Financial
the whacking discount attached to prices, which are linked to wholesale year, after the company repaid more Ombudsman Service had partly
The Renewables Infrastructure gas prices, have fallen substantially than £200 million in debt. upheld two complaints last
Group, or Trig, as it is better known since the end of last year. Forward The revolving debt facility is ADVICE Hold November. The redress provision
(Emma Powell writes). power prices between this year and £360 million drawn, a position that WHY A high dividend but dragged on the bank’s pre-tax
The shares are 22 per cent lower 2026 have reduced by 20 per cent. InfraRed, Trig’s investment manager, profits, which fell to £71.4 million
than the investment trust’s net asset For context, a 10 per cent reduction aims to reduce to below £150 million, with less cash coverage last year from £132.6 million in
value, an indication that investors in power prices would reduce the which relies on disposals, less of an 2022. It is in talks on a sale to
Coventry Building Society.
Major indices London Financial Futures Commodities
Markets Business
banking and finance
olls-Royce is making a
habit of taking the top spot
on the FTSE 100
leaderboard and yesterday
was no exception after
Tell Sid NatWest share sale’s on
some bullish comments from
Deutsche Bank. The engine maker’s he government stake in the company
recent results, which showed a has begun talks in 2015 and ministers
doubling of operating profits to nearly with brokers are aiming to have
£1.6 billion in 2023, were evidence about helping to sell sold all of it by 2026.
that the group’s restructuring plan its shares in NatWest At present, it holds a
was “starting to deliver on promises”, as it presses on with 32.9 per cent stake in
according to Christophe Menard, an plans to return the the business.
analyst at the German bank. bank to full private This month
The group, which makes engines ownership. NatWest, which
for long-haul passenger jets and The state, which reported a pre-tax
nuclear propulsion systems for the became NatWest’s profit of £6.2 billion
Royal Navy’s submarine fleet, issued a biggest shareholder in The government holds for 2023, confirmed
forecast for the current year that was 2008 when it rescued just under a third of the the permanent
stronger than expected, promising Royal Bank of business at present appointment of Paul
Scotland, as the group Thwaite as its chief
FirstGroup, Transport service between was then called, said talks with a number executive. Thwaite
Lumo hopes Scotland, the London King’s Cross Wall Street report in November that it of brokers, including was named as interim
to extend government body, and
Network Rail, which
and Sheffield next year.
The company is one of Indices edged lower before today’s
wanted to reduce its
shareholding in the
AJ Bell and
boss in July when
Dame Alison Rose
its service manages the railway
Britain’s biggest
transport operators,
consumer inflation data that could
influence the timing of the US
business by selling
NatWest stock to the
Lansdown, about
helping it sell the
was forced to leave
over the Nigel Farage
Lumo was launched with a large regional Federal Reserve’s long-awaited public as early as shares to retail account scandal.
irstGroup is in in October 2021 as an bus fleet, as well as interest rate cut. The Dow Jones June. According to investors. Natwest shares rose
talks to extend open-access operator, interests in rail industrial average fell 23.39 points, or Bloomberg, the The Treasury 2¾p, or 1.2 per cent,
its open-access meaning it does not franchises including 0.1 per cent, to 38,949.02. government is in early started cutting its to 236½p.
rail services have rail franchising Avanti, Great Western
from conditions or any Railway and South
Edinburgh to Glasgow government subsidy. It Western Railway. operating profits of up to £2 billion, customers, languished at a 11-year low sending the FTSE 250 motor insurer’s
(Greig Cameron takes the risk to run If talks progress, and said that by 2027 it was targeting of 505¾p, having dropped by 18.6 per shares up 38¾p, or 23.8 per cent, to
writes). services and the Lumo would have to profits of up to £2.8 billion. cent, or 115p. 202¼p. That helped to prop up Sabre
Its Lumo brand runs reward if they are apply for track access Menard said he was confident that Persimmon and Berkeley Group Insurance, a smaller rival, that rose
services between successful. Huw rights to the Office of Rolls was on track to meet these fell 39p, or 2.9 per cent, to £13.31½ and 3¼p, or 2.1 per cent, to 159¼p.
Edinburgh, above, and Merriman, the rail Rail and Road. The targets, given the company’s by 95p, or 2 per cent, to £45.52, HICL Infrastructure, a FTSE 250
London on the east minister, said last week company is hopeful “aggressive start to cost savings”, respectively, as Taylor Wimpey’s investment group, moved up 3p, or
coast main line. It that the system was that it could be which include plans to scrap up to disappointing results piled pressure 2.5 per cent, to 124½p after it revealed
wants to expand this going “from strength operating services to 2,500 jobs by the end of next year. He on to housebuilders. Taylor Wimpey, a new £50 million share buyback and
route so that some to strength”. and from Glasgow by stuck by the bank’s “buy” rating on which reported a halving in profits for said it was selling its entire stake in
services would begin Last month next summer. the stock and suggested the shares 2023, closed down 6¾p, or 4.8 per the US Northwest Parkway toll-road
or end in Glasgow. FirstGroup said it Shares in FirstGroup should be worth 465p. Those shares, cent, at 133¾p. project for about $232 million,
Discussions are planned to be running edged up by ½p, or which have risen by about 150 per China’s Country Garden, the representing a 30 per cent premium
taking place between a new open-access 0.4 per cent, to 156¼p. cent since this time last year, closed developer, said a liquidation petition to the company’s valuation at the end
up a further 12p, or 3.3 per cent, at had been filed against it to elevate of December. Another decent
The day’s biggest movers 370½p, their highest level in more concerns about the country’s property performer was RHI Magnesita, the
than five years. sector, a big user of industrial metals. maker of heat-resistant bricks and
However, that was hardly going to That and a stronger dollar took a toll wall linings used in furnaces, which
make up for a bleak batch of on metals prices. Anglo American advanced 86p, or 2.4 per cent, to
corporate results that weighed on the fell by 52½p, or 3 per cent, to £17.10; £36.74, after its full-year revenues of
senior index, which retreated Fresnillo slid by 16¼p, or 3.5 per cent, €3.5 billion beat consensus estimates.
58 points, or 0.8 per cent, to 7,624.98, to 451½p; and Antofagasta lost 25p, or Animalcare Group rose by 30½p,
while the FTSE 250 declined 150 1.4 per cent, to £17.73½. or 15.8 per cent, to a 13-month high of
points, or 0.8 per cent, to 19,013,58. Elsewhere, takeover fever gripped 223p after saying it had disposed of its
St James’s Place, which announced the insurance sector after it emerged majority stake in Identicare, its British
that it was taking a shock that the Belgium-based Ageas was pet microchipping business, for nearly
£426 million hit to cover refunds of its considering a bid for Direct Line, £25 million.
Other Sterling
European money
deposits %
Data as shown is
for information
purposes only. No offer is made by
Morningstar or this publication
44 Thursday February 29 2024 | the times
12 month Price 12 month Price v
High Low Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E High Low Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E
v v
v v
v v
v v
v v v
v v
Investment companies v
v Health
v v
v v
v v
v v v
v v
v v
Engineering v
Construction &
property v
v v
v v
v v
the times | Thursday February 29 2024 45
v v v v
v v v v v v
v v v
v v v v
v v v v v
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v v v
v v v
v v
v v
v v
v v
v v v
v v
v v v
v v v
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v v
Industrials v v
Real estate
v Professional & v
support services Retailing v
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Natural resources v
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Leisure v
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Data as shown is
v v v for information
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Morningstar or this publication
the times | Thursday February 29 2024 47
hostage negotiator
Thomas Kingston
Page 48
Thomas Kingston
Dashing financier and hostage negotiator in Iraq who survived a suicide bombing and was married to Lady Gabriella Windsor
During his three years in Baghdad sometimes we would stay there over- Evesham, Worcestershire, in 1978, one
there were few days when Thomas night. We never gave up and we didn’t of three children to William Kingston
Kingston’s life was not in danger, but his just work with the nice guys. We had to KC and Jill (née Bache). Many of his an-
work as a hostage negotiator undoubt- work with some really bad guys as well. cestors were butchers and farmers in
edly saved lives. Our lives were at risk all the time.” Cheshire, while one forebear was an
In the tumultuous aftermath of the St George’s was hardly a sanctuary. Is- ambassador to Denmark.
US-led invasion that toppled the re- lamist forces hostile to the new western- His father had attended a secondary
gime of Saddam Hussein, Kingston backed regime turned a vengeful eye on modern school and later made his
acted as the right-hand man of the Rev the church. One day Kingston and name, and fortune, as a brilliant barris-
Canon Andrew White, popularly White walked through the doors when ter who specialised in planning law and
known as “the Vicar of Baghdad”. everything went black. They survived took silk. He was also a member of the
Kingston helped White build up the the suicide bomb that was detonated Church of England’s General Synod,
thriving Anglican church of St George’s outside the church but 22 were killed. while his mother is a trustee of the
in one of the Iraqi dictator’s former pal- Some 15 years later, Kingston became Christian healing centre in Cirencester.
aces and together they worked tireless- subject to a different sort of pressure The family later settled in a grade II
ly, and often unofficially, to negotiate when he married into the royal family. listed manor house in Kemble, Glouc-
the release of hostages. There were no An urbane man with a charming smile, estershire, close to the King’s home at
risk assessments and the endeavour he was said to deal admirably with the Highgrove, where Kingston had his
was largely funded by the Pentagon extra media scrutiny that comes with first exposure to royal circles.
through back channels. At one point joining “the Firm” without the advanta- After attending Dean Close School in
White was kidnapped and kept in a ges of blue blood — and with the inevita- Cheltenham, Kingston read economic
room with human fingers all over the ble trawling through his previous amo- history at Bristol University. A member
floor. Some thought their risk-taking rous adventures with “society beauties”. of the congregation at Holy Trinity
foolhardy, but no one could argue with If royal diarists and society columnists Brompton, he was working for the diplo-
the results. “There were around 250 were hoping for “dirt”, what they re- matic missions unit at the Foreign Office
hostages and we managed to get 69 ceived were reports of an exemplary and when he came to the attention of White
out,” White told The Times. well-liked figure in royal circles. in 2003. The clergyman was looking for
All the while Kingston helped White Square-jawed, immaculately dressed a “bright young intern” to join him at the
to transform St George’s into a commu- and a man of not inconsiderable means, International Centre for Reconciliation,
nity of some 6,500 to whom the Vicar of having become a financier, Kingston based at Coventry Cathedral.
Baghdad would preach from Saddam’s had inevitable labels pinned on him He left Baghdad in 2006 to join Schro-
golden throne, which had been turned such as “London’s most eligible bache- ders, the global asset management com-
into the pulpit. Quite rightly, White lor”. While living in Iraq his partner was pany, as an equity analyst and went on to
took plaudits for one of the better out- Natalie Hicks-Löbbecke, who had had work at Voltan Capital Management
comes of an otherwise bungled postwar an early romance with Prince William and IDC Securities. In 2017 Kingston be-
legacy, but he insisted that he could not and later married a baronet. came a director of Devonport Capital,
have greatly expanded the church Pippa Middleton, whose “flattering” which provides finance to companies
without the good offices of the re- bridesmaid’s dress at the wedding of specialising in postwar reconstruction
sourceful young diplomat who would Prince William and Kate Middleton in in emerging economies.
later become better known for marry- 2011 catapulted her into the public eye, Those close to the couple were at a
ing Lady Gabriella Windsor, daughter found solace in Kingston’s company that Kingston and Lady Gabriella at Royal Ascot in 2017, two years before they married loss to explain his sudden death. At an
of Prince and Princess Michael of Kent. year after the break-up of her relation- event last week at the National Gallery
“I immediately thought he is very ship with the cricketer Alex Loudon. taking Ecstasy at Windsor Castle. The set her heart on her daughter marrying “they seemed happy and positive as ev-
good-looking, but I soon realised he Any romance was short-lived, but literature-loving Lady Ella, who works into continental aristocracy. However, er”, according to a friend.
was also an exceptional young man of friends spoke admiringly of Kingston’s as a freelance journalist and is not a she was said to like Kingston enor- Some speculated that Kingston had
great faith. He was my third intern, but ability to remain on good terms with working member of the royal family, mously, her only slight disappointment hidden embedded trauma from his ex-
the brightest and the best. He wasn’t a former girlfriends. According to one, found a more loyal consort in Kingston. being that he was not quite tall enough. periences in Baghdad, but whatever the
yes man. Tom had great insight into “None of his old girlfriends have any- In August 2018, he proposed on the Queen Elizabeth, who was particu- truth it seemed that there were strug-
what makes humans tick, both good thing but nice things to say about him. In Channel Island of Sark, where his larly fond of Lady Gabriella, attended gles that had been concealed over the
and bad. He saw beyond the impossible. old-fashioned terms, he is a gentleman.” parents have a holiday home. the wedding at St George’s Chapel, years. “He’s one of those guys who can
They were good times,” said White, He and Lady Gabriella, known as El- A friend of Pippa Middleton told the Windsor Castle, in May 2019. A few be quite enigmatic and doesn’t tell you
who was ordered to leave Iraq by the la, were introduced by mutual friends Daily Mail: “Tom is utterly charming, weeks later, Kingston looked an what he is thinking,” said a friend. “He’s
Archbishop of Canterbury, the Most and began dating in 2014 to the appro- polite and very popular with the ladies. assured presence next to his radiant careful. Perhaps it’s a legacy from the
Rev Justin Welby, in 2014. bation and relief of friends and family He is just the kind of guy you would wife as they appeared on the balcony of work he was doing in Iraq.”
Kingston accompanied White to — a previous boyfriend of hers had want to introduce to your mother.” Buckingham Palace at the Trooping
places where his other interns feared to gone public with embarrassing details Princess Michael might have been the Colour parade to honour Queen Thomas Kingston, financier, was born on
tread. “We would be in the middle of about swimming naked together in an considered a harder sell, especially as it Elizabeth’s birthday. June 22, 1978. He was found dead on
war zones looking for hostages and indoor pool in Buckingham Palace and was previously rumoured that she had Thomas Kingston was born in February 25, 2024, aged 45
Toni Stern
Poet and lyricist whose writing partnership with Carole King led to some of the singer’s biggest hits, including It’s Too Late
When Carole King left Gerry Goffin in hooks you hear on the finished record.” Toni Kathrin Stern was born in 1944 The first song they wrote together
1968 she lost not only a husband but al- King confirmed that was exactly how in Los Angeles, the son of Audrey (née was As We Go Along, which was record-
so her songwriting partner. As a hit- they had come up with It’s Too Late. “I Johnson), an apartment block manager, ed by the Monkees and included in the
making team in which King provided remember sitting down at the piano and Harry Stern, a travelling salesman. group’s surreal 1968 film Head.
the music and Goffin the words, they with the lyrics on the stand and hearing She was educated at Hollywood High According to Stern’s husband Jerry
had together composed a string of the music come out of me pretty much School and Los Angeles City College; by Rounds, who survives her, she ultimate-
memorable songs, from the Shirelles’ as you hear it on Tapestry,” she said. the mid-1960s she had moved to Paris to ly decided that the “hustle” of the music
Will You Love Me Tomorrow to Aretha Stern would go on to become a pub- study painting. On her return to LA, she industry was not for her. Instead she di-
Franklin’s A Natural Woman via the lished poet but the lyrics she wrote for showed some poems-cum-lyrics she rected her creativity into painting and
Drifters’ Up on the Roof. King were her first serious attempts at had written to Bert Schneider, a family poetry, publishing four books of verse.
Indeed, they put their names to so writing. “Carole was my very first read- friend and co-creator of the Monkees. However, she had one last musical
many hits that inspired the Beatles’ er,” she said. “I was a complete un- Schneider in turn showed them to King, contribution to make when Where You
early career that John Lennon re- known. You might say I started at the who on separating from her husband Lead was used as the theme song to the
marked that his ambition was that the top. I didn’t even know if the lyrics I had just moved to California from New critically acclaimed television series
Lennon-McCartney credit should be- created could be fashioned into song.” Jersey to start a new life. Schneider of- Gilmore Girls, which ran for seven sea-
come “the Goffin-King of England”. King also wrote some of the lyrics on fered to introduce the two women. sons between 2000 and 2007. Stern’s
The couple’s separation left King in Stern lived near King in Laurel Canyon Tapestry. It was her first attempt to do so Although their East Coast and West original words as sung by King on Tap-
search of a new lyricist. She found a per- and she credited Stern with showing her Coast temperaments were very differ- estry had a traditional stand-by-your-
fect partner in Toni Stern. Among the break-up songs of all time was born. the way. “Toni was wonderful help with ent, they hit it off instantly. “She was the man theme that was not considered
songs they would write together were The two women lived close to each the transition from writing with Gerry to epitome of a free-spirited Laurel Can- suitable for a more liberated era, so
Where You Lead, on King’s 1971 multi- other in Laurel Canyon, Los Angeles, writing songs on my own,” she said. yon woman,” King said of Stern. “She Stern reworked the lyric to celebrate
million-selling album Tapestry, and the and in a 2019 interview Stern described Stern’s lyrics graced King’s first four lived in a hillside house with her dog, the relationship between a mother and
record’s break-out hit single It’s Too Late. the simplicity of how they worked to- solo albums. Together they also wrote Arf, surrounded by books, record al- her daughter. King then re-recorded
The latter chronicled the end of a love gether. “I’d go to her house or she’d It’s Going to Take Some Time which be- bums, plants and macramé.” the song for the TV series as a duet with
affair with a bittersweet wistfulness, re- come to my house,” she recalled. “I’d came a hit for the Carpenters. Their col- “I’m sure there was a California qual- her own daughter, Louise Goffin.
flecting Stern’s recent break-up with the present her with an entire lyric on a laboration came to an end in 1973 but ity in me that appealed to Carole,” Stern
singer-songwriter James Taylor. King large legal pad and she’d put it on the they remained close friends and King said. “She was moving from a familial, Toni Stern, lyricist and poet, was born
also recognised aspects of her own bro- piano. Within an hour or an hour and a wrote a personal endorsement to middle-class lifestyle to Laurel Canyon, on November 4, 1944. She died of
ken marriage in Stern’s words and, when half at most, the entire song was writ- Stern’s fourth book of verse, The Wet where she started to let her hair down... undisclosed causes on January 17, 2024,
she set them to music, one of the greatest ten, including all the riffs and licks and Clay of My Heart, published last year. We worked off our contrasts.” aged 79
the times | Thursday February 29 2024 49
Thanksgiving Service Lord Morris of Aberavon Court Circular Births, Marriages and Deaths
A service of thanksgiving for the Kenyon; Ms Gelaga King; Mr To book a Birth, Marriage or Death SMITH Patricia Ann (née Woolliams) on
announcement in the Register, visit: 13th February 2024, passed away
life and work of Lord Morris of Stephen Kinnock MP; Sir Ivan peacefully, aged 95. Funeral service at
Aberavon KG KC, the former Lawrence QC; Ms Jennifer Lee; St Mary Magdalene Church, Adlestrop on
Welsh secretary and attorney- Ms Buddug Lewis; Mr Clive Le- for help, please call 020 7782 7553 Wednesday 20th March at 1pm. All
inquiries to Allen & Son Funeral Directors.
general, was held yesterday, wis; Mr Eirian Wyn Lewis; Mr or email Tel: 01608 650633.
Wednesday February 28, at David Lewis; Ms Helena Lewis;
SQUIRE Nathalie (Natasha) (née
noon in St Margaret’s Church, Mr Jonathan Lewis; Mr Roderic FROM inside the fish Jonah prayed to the
Naoumova) on 22nd February 2024, aged
Lord his God. He said: “In my distress I
Westminster Abbey, London. Lewis; Mr Paul Lewis; Ms Gabri- Buckingham Palace called to the Lord, and he answered me. 92, widow of Dr Peter Squire and much-
The service was conducted by ella Liberotti-Harrison; Baron- From deep in the realm of the dead I called loved aunt, colleague, teacher and friend, in
28th February, 2024 Cambridge after a short illness. Funeral
the Right Rev Anthony Ball, ess Liddell of Coatdyke; Lord The King spoke to The King of
for help, and you listened to my cry.”
Jonah 2.1-2 (NIV) arrangements to be announced.
Canon Rector, who gave the Lisvane; Ms Elinor Lloyd; Lord the Hashemite Kingdom of STEUART-CORRY Christopher William,
bidding and the blessing. Music Lyon; Baroness Mallalieu; Ms Jordan via telephone today. Bible verses are provided by the
aged 86, passed away peacefully on 20th
Bible Society
was sung by the St Margaret’s Claire Mansel Lewis; Mr Patrick The Rt Hon Rishi Sunak MP February 2024. Beloved husband of
Alexandra (née Wilson) and loving father of
Consort, conducted by Mr Greg Mansel Lewis; Mr Rhys Meggy; (Prime Minister and First Lord Forthcoming Marriages Louise, Catriona, Annabel and Lucinda, and
Morris, director of music, St Ms Megan Meredith; Ms Elin of the Treasury) had an MR D. J. SANDYS grandfather of 14. Thanksgiving service at
Margaret’s Church. The organ Meredith; Ms Glenda Meredith; audience of The King this AND MISS P. M. A. E. WEST St Peter & St Paul, West Wittering on
Saturday 23rd March at 3pm. No flowers.
was played by Richard Pearce. Mr David Meredith; Mr Nicho- afternoon. The engagement is announced between
Donations to Sage House Chichester or
Daniel, son of Mr and Mrs Sandys of
Readings were given by Mr las Moncrieff; Ms Sarah Mon- The Queen this afternoon Hempstead, Kent, and Philippa, daughter of
Alzheimer’s Society. Inquiries to Richard
Steel & Partners
Arthur Cross and Mr Harry crieff; Ms Cynthia Morris; Ms held the Grand Final of the Mr and Mrs West of Harrogate, Yorkshire.
Cooke, grandsons. Mr William Morris and knighthood in 1999 Llinos Morris; Mr John Morris; BBC 500 Words creative- VARLEY Jennifer (Jennie) Margaret (née
Clegg KC and Lord Falconer of Ms Carol Morris; Ms Ingrid writing competition at Deaths Dixon), formerly of Cheltenham and
Nailsworth. On 16th February 2024.
Thoroton KC gave tributes. The bury; Mr Steve Cooke; Mr Ross Morris; Mr Dylan Morris; Mr Buckingham Palace. Beloved wife of the late John. Funeral
Rev Robert Nicholls, minister, Cranston; Ms Hermione Cros- Dafydd Lynn Morris; Mrs Sian The King was represented ELLIOTT William Ian (Bill) passed away service at Amberley Parish Church on
Saturday 9th March at 2pm. Inquiries to
the Welsh Church of Central field; Ms Janet Cross; Mr Antho- Morris; Ms Holly Mottershead; by the Rt Hon Carwyn Jones peacefully on 13th February 2024, aged 59.
Fred Stevens FD’s 01453 832188.
London, read the Psalm in En- ny Cross; Mr Ken Cross; Ms Mr John Mummery; Lord Mur- (former First Minister of A dearly loved husband, father, brother and
uncle. Thank you for your cards, flowers
glish and Welsh. Mrs Elinor Anne Davey; Ms Nicola Davies; phy of Torfaen; Mr Daniel Nich- Wales) at the Service of and donations to Isabel Hospice, Welwyn
Blick, daughter, read the lesson. Mr Michael Davies; Mr Douglas olas; Mr Robert Nicholls; Mr Thanksgiving for the Life of Garden City.
The simple way to
The Rev Lord Griffiths of Burry Day; Ms Elizabeth Day; Mr Breid O’Brien; Mrs Katherine the Lord Morris of Aberavon
Port gave the address. The Rev Michael Delaney; Ms Elinor Orton; Ms Jennifer Owen; Mr KG (former Secretary of State
HEAP Brian William on 14th February
2024, aged 94, peacefully at home. Beloved
place your Birth,
Mark Birch MVO, Precentor, in- Delaney; Mr George Dennis; Emrys Owen; Ms Barbara Ow- for Wales, Attorney-General husband of the late Rita and dearly loved
father of Jane. Former head of art and head
Marriage or Death
troduced the prayers. The Mr Michael Doe; Ms Francesca en; Ms Sarah Owen; Mr Tudor and Lord-Lieutenant of Dyfed) of careers at Hutton Grammar School, announcement in
London Welsh Male Voice Choir, Dow; Ms Francesca Echlin; Mr Owen; Mr Wyn Owen; Mr which was held at St Preston; higher education adviser, lecturer
led by musical director Dr Huw Edwards; Ms Hannah Ed- David Owen-Jones; Mrs Sian Margaret’s Church, and author of the HEAP University Degree the Register. Available
Course Offers guide until this year. A good
Edward-Rhys Harry, sang before wards; Ms Sara Edwards; Mr To- O’Callaghan; Mr Mark O’Calla- Westminster Abbey, London life, well lived. Funeral at The Vale 24 hours a day. Go to:
and during the service, including mos Edwards; Mr Trefor Ellis; ghan; Mr Jeffrey Pegden; Ms SW1, today. Crematorium, Evesham Road, Fladbury,
Pershore WR10 2QR on 7th March at 1pm.
the anthem Morte Christe. Mr Jeremy Evans; Ms Clare Ev- Delia Pegden; Ms Sally Penni; The Princess Royal was Donations to the British Heart Foundation.
Mr Carwyn Jones represent- ans; Ms Megan Evans; Mr Nigel Ms Hazel Phillips; Lord and Lady represented by the Hon Dame
Shân Legge-Bourke. LIBSON Rowena (née Mitchell). Adored
ed the King, Dame Shân Legge- Evans MP; Mr Hugh Evans; Mr Phillips of Worth Matravers; Ms wife, mother, sister, and friend of many,
Bourke represented the Prin- Michael Foster; Ms Karen Helen Profumo; Mr Hugh Pryse- The Duke and Duchess of died on 2nd February. She loved life and
cess Royal and Admiral Lord Fowler-Watt; Ms Liz Fry; Mr Davies; Baroness Randerson; Ms Gloucester were represented loved friendship.
West of Spithead represented Huw Fry; Ms Debra Fry; Baron- Gwen Rees; Ms Anwen Rees; Ms by Admiral the Lord West of ROBERTSON Alastair James Argyll, died
the Duke and Duchess of ess Gale; Lord Gardiner of Kim- Dominique Rees; Mr Gareth Spithead. suddenly on 23rd February 2024, aged 75. Join us for breakfast
Beloved husband of the late Kate and
Gloucester. The Speaker of the ble; Ms Maxine Garfield Davies; Rees; Ms Lucy Richards; Mr Ste- St James’s Palace loving father to Hector, Toby and Saskia. Listen to Aasmah Mir and
House of Lords was represented Mr David Garfield Davies; Ms phen Richards; Mr John Rickett; 28th February, 2024 Adored grandfather to Ivo, Fergus, Alfie, Stig Abell on Times Radio,
Iona and Geordie. Funeral on Thursday 7th
by Dame Rosie Winterton MP. Victoria Gath; Mr Howard God- Ms Clem Rix; Lord Robertson of The Princess Royal, Patron, March at 1pm in Strathbogie Church,
Monday to Thursday at 6am
Among the family present frey KC; Mrs Barbara Godfrey; Port Ellen; Mr Winston Roddick; the Royal College of Huntly. Arrangements:
were Lady Morris of Aberavon Lord and Lady Goldsmith; Bar- Ms Pippa Rogerson; Lord Rook- Emergency Medicine, this
(widow); Ms Nia Morris (daugh- oness Goudie; Mr James Goud- er; Lady Rowe Beddoe; Ms Sally afternoon attended the SAMUELSON Penelope (née Evans) on
ter); Mrs Non Cross (daughter); ie; Ms Moyra Greaney; Mr Peter Rowland; Lord Rowlands; Ms Ju- Emergency Medicine Trainees’ 18th February 2024, aged 91. Peacefully at
Hythe View Care Home after a short illness.
Mr Hugo Blick (son-in-law); Dr Greaney; Mr Peter Griffiths; Ms dith Roxborough; Mr David Sey- Association Annual Beloved wife of the late Richard, cherished
Paul Baines (son-in-law); Mr Nerys Griffiths; Mr John Peter mour; Ms Elisabeth Seymour; Conference at Hilton mum to Hugh and Rosamund, grandma to
Nicholas Cross (son-in-law); Griffiths; Ms Christine Grim- Mr Tom Shaw; Ms Louise Shaw; Newcastle Gateshead, Bottle Olivia and James, and sister to Crispin.
Funeral details from TW Fuggle & Son
along with grandchildren Mr mer; Mr John Grimmer; Lord Mr Howard Stevens; Mr Donald Bank, Gateshead, and was 01580 763340.
Balthazar Blick; Mr Joseph Blick; Grocott; Lord Hacking; Lord Stevens; Ms Maggie Stevenson; received by His Majesty’s SHEARMUR Valerie (née Mickleburgh)
Mr Atticus Blick; Mr Charlie Hain; Ms Rhian-Anwen Hamill; Ms Lucy Stout; Mr Mark Stub- Lord-Lieutenant of Tyne and died peacefully on 23rd February 2024,
Cooke; Ms Millie Cooke; Mr Lle- Lord Harries of Pentregarth; Mr bings; Mrs Sian Stubbings; Mr Wear (Ms Lucy Winskell). aged 86, after a short illness caused by
welyn Cross; Mr Henry Cross. Russell Harris KC; Ms Nicola Ian Taylor; Ms Carole Taylor; Her Royal Highness, Royal cancer. Beloved wife of Robin, mother of
Edward and Bryony, grandmother of
Also present were: Ms Alison Harris KC; Mr Richard Hawk- Lord and Lady Thomas of Patron, Motor Neurone Imogen and Anthony, eldest of five loving
Allan; Mr Cliff Allan; Ms Char- ins; Ms Annie Hawkins; Baron- Cwmgiedd; Mr Dylan Thomas; Disease Association, later siblings. A Requiem Mass will be held at
the church of St Thomas of Canterbury,
lotte Altman; Mr Brian Altman; ess Hayter of Kentish Town; Ms Deborah Thomas; Mr Fraser attended a Rugby League Woodford Green, Essex, on 14th March
Lord Alton of Liverpool; Lord Dame Sylvia Heal; Mr Keith Thomas; Ms Eleanor Thomas; Reception at Leeds Rhinos at 11am. Public Notices
Anderson of Swansea; Mr John Heal; Mr Keith Hill; Ms Sabrina Mr Hywel Thomas; Ms Jackie Rugby League Football Club,
Austin; Mr David Ball; Baroness Hirst; Mr Jack Holliman; Ms Thomas; Mrs Sian Elin Thomas; Headingley Rugby Stadium, St
Butler-Sloss; Mr Charles Bar- Fiona Holliman; Ms Sarah Hol- Mr Archie Thomson; Mr John Michael’s Lane, Headingley, LEGAL, PUBLIC, This notice is given by the Corporation
ton; Ms Ann Bennett; Mr John lyer; Ms Lyn Hopkins; Ms Gay- Tory; Ms Jennifer Tory; Mr John Leeds, and was received by His of The Blackpool Sixth Form College,
Bennett; Mr Keith Best; Mr Nest nor Houghton-Jones; Mr Hywel Vaughan; Mr Robert Walter; Ms Majesty’s Lord-Lieutenant of COMPANY & Blackpool Old Road, Blackpool, FY3 7LR
in accordance with the Further
Beynon; Mr Peter Birts; Ms An- Houghton-Jones; Mr Bruce Charlotte Watson; Ms Catrin West Yorkshire (Mr Edmund PARLIAMENTARY Education Corporation (Publication of
gela Birts; Ms Rhian Medi Houlder; Ms Gaenor Howells; Waugh; Mr Andrew Waugh; Mr Anderson). NOTICES Proposals) (England) Regulations 2012,
S1 2012 No.1157. The Corporation
Bishop; Ms Jane Blevins; Mr Lord and Lady Hunt of Wirral; Matthew Weait; Mr Michael proposes for the dissolution of The
Kensington Palace
Paul Brenells; Mr John Britton; Ms Ann James; Ms Hilary Webb; Ms Hoda Webb; Ms Carol
28th February, 2024 To place notices for Blackpool Sixth Form College and the
subsequent transfer of the property,
Mr Bryon Britton; Ms Jean Brit- James; Mr Phil Jardine; Ms Rhi- Whittam; Mr Richard Whittam;
ton; Mr Nick Brown MP; Mr an Jardine; Mr John Jarman; Ms Baroness Wilcox of Newport; Ms The Duke of Gloucester, Air these sections please rights and liabilities to The Coastal
Collaborative Trust. The Blackpool
Richard Brown; Ms Alixe Buck- Rosemary Anne Jeffreys; Mr Adele Williams; Mr John Willi- Commodore-in-Chief, Royal call 020 7481 4000 Sixth Form College provides sixth form
Auxiliary Air Force, this education for 16-19 year old students
erfield de la Roche; Cllr Ruth David Jeffreys; Ms Joan Binnie ams; Ms Sally Williams; Ms Betty afternoon attended a
across a wide curriculum comprising A
Bush; Lord Carlile of Berriew; Jelinek; Ms Thalia Jelinek; Ms Williams; Lord Wilson of Din- Conference at the Royal Air
Notices are subject to level and Level 3 Applied General
courses, GCSE resit Maths and English
Ms Margaret Carney; Baroness Janet John; Mr Gwyndaf John; ton; Ms Catriona Winfield; Mr Force College Cranwell, confirmation and courses and a small number of Level 2
courses. The current number of funded
Chakrabarti; Ms Deborah Ms Lowri Jones; Ms Nerys Michael Wood; Ms Tracey
Champion; Ms Philippa Char- Jones; Mr Emyr Jones; Lord Jo- Woods; Mr Stephen Wooler;
Sleaford, Lincolnshire. should be received by students is 2077. The date proposed for
His Royal Highness, Air 11.30am three days
the dissolution of The Blackpool Sixth
atan; Mr Willi Charnley; Mrs pling; Ms Wendy Joseph; Ms Lord Woolf; Ms Joanna Worsley, Commodore-in-Chief, Royal
Form College as a designated Sixth
Form College and the transfer of the
Sarah Clarke; Mr Richard Clay; Janet Lloyd Keefe; Mr Matthias together with many more friends Auxiliary Air Force, this prior to insertion property, rights and liabilities to The
Ms Jane Clay; Ms Gay Clegg; Mr Kelly KC; Mr Paul Kennedy; and former colleagues having evening attended the Coastal Collaborative Trust is 1 July
2024 (or as soon is practically possible
Dermot Clinch; Mr Lucian Lord Kennedy of Southwark; connection with Lord Morris of Centenary Dinner at Royal Air thereafter). All students currently
Clinch; Lord Collins of High- Ms Lisa Kenny; Ms Caroline Aberavon. Force College Cranwell. attending The Blackpool Sixth Form
College will continue their education in
the new 16-19 academy. There are no
plans to alter the education provision
currently provided by The Blackpool
Sixth Form College. A copy of the
A collection of
consultation document relating to
these proposals is available free of
c h a r g e a t
o r v i a a n e m a i l t o
Times obituaries
Now available in and
will be sent to any person who
paperback from requests it. In accordance with the
provisions of the Act, consultation on
bookshops as well as these proposals will run from 4th and March to 4th April 2024. All responses
and representations must be made by
Delve into the lives of the 4th April 2024. A summary of the
consultation and its outcome will be
published within two months beginning
quirky and unorthodox on the date after the end of the
consultation period. The summary will
be available on the college’s website
50 Thursday February 29 2024 | the times
Slapps bill
gets backing
Ministers support move to protect freedom of
speech. Jonathan Ames and Matt Dathan report
Rishi Sunak’s government might not be Times, and the author Catherine Bel-
around for much longer — but minis- ton settled an expensive claim by
ters seem determined to leave what Roman Abramovich, after her book,
many see as a freedom of speech legacy. Putin’s People: How the KGB Took Back
Last week the government backed a Russia and Then Took On the West, in-
bill aimed at thwarting “corrupt elites” cluded claims that he purchased Chel-
from making expensive spurious legal sea Football Club in 2003 at the Russian
claims to intimidate and silence critics. president’s command.
Strategic litigation against public Government backing for David’s bill
participation — known as Slapps — is a came after ministers had already
tactic said to be used by oligarchs and moved to tighten the law on Slapps that Alex Chalk KC has said that he wants people to feel confident standing up to the corrupt and know the law is on their side
other wealthy individuals as they inv- relate to allegations of economic crime.
oke defamation and privacy law to sty- But David, a former minister in Gordon Giving government backing to the legal definition of what was in the toning down their rhetoric. However,
mie reporting of alleged wrongdoing. Brown’s government, argued that those David’s bill, Alex Chalk KC, the justice “public interest”. it is forecast that their aim will remain
Beefed-up measures to combat measures were not sufficient and that secretary, said: “Free speech and the The private member’s bill received an the same — to use their wealth to
Slapps are in a private member’s bill put his bill would “protect freedom of exp- free press are linchpins of our demo- unopposed second reading and will silence critics.
forward by Wayne David, the MP for ression for everyone”. cracy, and to muzzle people in this way progress for further parliamentary Gavin Millar KC, a media law expert,
Caerphilly, and will allow independent He told The Times that he was is chilling. We want people to feel confi- scrutiny. said: “The reason that Slapps work for
judges to dismiss spurious claims pleased that the bill received cross-par- dent standing up to the corrupt, know- Lawyers who act for wealthy claim- the claimants and their lawyers is that
before they go to trial and protect def- ty support, adding: “There is a wide rec- ing the law is firmly on their side.” ants were sceptical. Gideon Benaim, a costs of defending free speech cases are
endants from paying exorbitant costs. ognition that Slapps need to be stopped. However, senior lawyers warned that partner at the law firm Simkins, said: huge. There is no real control over
On Friday ministers said that they It is so wrong that corrupt and rich the bill would require “significant mod- “While the draft bill was likely well these in our litigation system.”
would back the Labour MP’s Strategic elites are abusing our legal system. meant, if it becomes the law without Millar said that, as a result, “the
Litigation Against Public Participation
Bill, which also includes measures to
Journalists, investigators and ordinary
members of the public should not be
‘Members of the public substantial changes it will likely make
matters worse.”
imbalance of wealth that exists in most
Slapp cases between the wealthy claim-
award compensation to those who are intimidated and saddled with excessive should not be saddled According to Benaim, the bill’s draft- ant and the defendant means that sim-
determined to have been unfairly tar- costs simply because they are trying to ing “needs to make crystal clear that its ply defending even a properly conduc-
geted by Slapps. get justice and fairness, and exercising with excessive costs’ principal aim is to protect journalism ted claim is impossible. The defendant
Officials at the Ministry of Justice their right to freedom of speech.” on matters of major public interest is forced by the high costs and the
said that the bill would update the In parliament David noted that not ification” to achieve its aims. from abuse by the super-rich trying to imbalance of resources to settle post-
measures in the Economic Crime and all Slapp claims involved household- The Law Society, the body that repre- hide wrongdoing. Currently, just about publication cases.”
Corporate Transparency Act 2023 to name litigants. The MP said that he had sents solicitors in England and Wales, any claim about any publication could Millar said that multiple govern-
cover a broader scope of Slapps across been told of “patients who have left cautioned against measures “that may be falsely regarded as a Slapp. It risks ments had “shied away from tackling
all types of litigation, including sexual negative reviews for botched plastic increase ambiguity and the risk of satel- preventing legitimate claims and fail- this problem about how expensive
harassment. surgeries being issued with Slapp lite litigation” — in other words creat- ing victims of press intrusion.” High Court proceedings are — and it
The issue has risen to public promi- claims by the surgeons. I’ve heard of ing a situation where subsidiary law Lawyers who represent publishers means these reforms will not really
nence over the past few years. In 2021 tenants who have spoken out about suits spring from a main legal action. have warned that the legislation will tackle the problem of Slapps.
HarperCollins, the publishing com- their inhabitable housing being issued The society also called for the legis- merely prompt previously aggressive “Much more needs to be done to
pany owned by News Corp, the parent with Slapp claims by their landlords. lation to include “an objective test” to law firms to behave marginally better protect small public interest publishers
company of News UK, which owns The This is wrong and this must be stopped.” define Slapps as well as a redrafting of by writing fewer letters and generally and campaigners.”
couples achieve peace of mind when With more couples getting However, prenups are still not world of competing policy priorities
ou could be forgiven for it comes to their assets, and a married slightly later in life, there enshrined in law in England and family law does not, yet again, get
thinking that the use of potentially divisive issue is removed is also a greater chance that Wales, unlike in many countries crowded out. Short of fuller law
prenuptial agreements by from the equation. either or both partners will have across continental Europe. Some reform, the legal recognition of
marrying couples is best The law, which for generations accumulated some personal wealth. progress was made as a result of a prenuptial agreements would be a
left to film stars, media has been characterised as being Prenups are not just about wealth, Supreme Court decision in 2010, significant step forward.
celebrities and billionaires. paternalistic but generous to though. It seems that, when it comes meaning that prenups carry some
However, this is not what most women, would reflect a very to younger people, attitudes to the weight and are likely to be factored Sir Robert Buckland KC is the MP for
people think. More than 60 per changed world where individual agreements are generally positive. into a judge’s decision-making South Swindon and a former justice
cent of people polled that are autonomy is valued and the notion The research found that 76 per cent process, but legislation would make secretary; he is also a consultant at
planning to propose this year will of one party to a marriage having of Gen Z and millennials agree that their legal effect crystal clear. Payne Hicks Beach, the law firm that
consider a prenup as part of the effective financial control over the prenups are a wise and practical As the lord chancellor who commissioned the YouGov survey
wedding planning, according to a other is seen as unacceptable and, in choice, regardless of their present managed successfully to steer no-
YouGov national survey. all too many cases, a form of income levels. While this level of fault divorces through the legislative Times Law
Prenuptial agreements are domestic abuse. support was not repeated among mire, it seems to me that the time
made between two parties before Family law specialists have older age groups, there is no doubt has come to make prenuptial Editor Jonathan Ames
marriage. If properly drafted and recently observed an increasing that there is a growing appetite agreements fully enforceable as a 020 7782 5405
subject to well-established criteria, trend in advice being sought on for prenups. matter of law. Advertising and marketing
the agreements seek to define the prenups. This move to greater According to the Marriage More should be done, too, to end For print and online: Jeanine Kiala
financial outcome and division of openness about finances and Foundation in 2021, 20 per cent of the lottery and uncertainty inherent 020 7782 7518
the times | Thursday February 29 2024 51
In conversation
here xyx
yx yx yx
yx yxxyxon the
yx yx
yx y xinyx
yx yxy xx
Today Cloud and rain in the southeast but sunnier with showers further north and west. Max 11C (52F), min -5C (23F) Weather Eye
Paul Simons
Around Britain Five days ahead Wind speed Sea state Orkney Shetland
Key: b=bright, c=cloud, d=drizzle, pc=partly cloudy Frosty mornings at times, 34 Calm
du=dull, f=fair, fg=fog, h=hail, m=mist, r=rain, (mph) 40 6
sh=showers, sl=sleet, sn=snow, s=sun, t=thunder then showers spreading Slight 31
*=previous day **=data not available over most of the British Temperature Moderate
Temp C Rain mm Sun hr* Isles, wintry in places 28 (degrees C)
midday yesterday 24 hrs to 5pm yesterday
7 33
7 R 0.0 6.3
Tomorrow Flood alerts and warnings
Some sunny spells but areas of cloud
Aberporth 10 R 3.6 0.2
and rain will spread eastwards, falling At 17:00 on Wednesday there were 7
Anglesey 9 D 2.6 0.0 as sleet or snow in Ireland, Wales and 100 flood alerts and 37 warnings 3
Aviemore 7 C 0.4 2.7 northern Britain. Thundery showers in England, two flood alerts and no
Barnstaple 11
over southern Britain.
warnings in Wales and no flood alerts 33
C F oday is a leap day, which
Bedford Max 9C, min -5C
Belfast 10 C 2.6 1.9
or warnings in Scotland. 35 95
comes round every four
For further information and updates 30 86
Birmingham 7 R 1.4 **
in England visit flood-warning- years, perhaps especially
Bournemouth 9 C 2.2 1.9 4 NORTH 25 77
welcome for anyone, for Wales 20 68
Bridlington 8 C 0.0 ** and SEA 15 59 whose birthday is on
Bristol 8 C 1.4 0.1
for Scotland 5
Camborne 11 D 2.4 1.0
4 Edinburgh
10 50
February 29. But why
Cardiff 8 R 2.2 0.0
27 Glasgow 5 41
bother with leap days? The simple
Edinburgh 10 C 0.2 2.4 0 32
Eskdalemuir 6 D 2.4 1.6
6 24 -5 23 truth is if they didn’t exist, the
Glasgow 8 D 2.4 2.0
-10 14 calendar would gradually drift out of
Hereford 8 C 1.4 **
Herstmonceux 10 C 0.4 4.5 ATLANTIC Londonderry -15 5 sync with the seasons and there
Ipswich 8 C 0.0 2.4
Newcastle would be chaos.
OCEAN Carlisle
Isle of Man 9 C 5.4 1.3
Saturday Belfast This all stems from the usual
Isle of Wight 10 PC ** ** 8
Jersey ** ** ** 1.0 Sunny spells and a scattering of 8 6 assumption that a year is 365 days
showers, some turning heavy and
Keswick 7 C 0.4 ** thundery at times. Sleet and snow
York long. A year is the time it takes for
showers in Wales, northern England
and Scotland.
24 the Earth to complete its orbit
Lerwick 7 C 5.4 5.7 Max 9C, min -4C Manchester Hull
around the sun, but in fact a year is
Leuchars 8 C 0.0 5.5 Liverpoo
Liverpool 8 slightly more than 365 days and that
Lincoln 9 C 0.2 0.5 Galway IRISH 9
means that a calendar based on
Liverpool 8 C 0.2 ** 5 SEA Sheffield
London 11 C 0.0 3.8 Dublin
9 exactly 365 drifts out of sync with
Lyneham 8 C 0.8 1.1 the seasons.
Manchester 8 C 1.4 0.0
Margate 10 D 0.0 6.5
7 8
Nottingham Ancient civilisations that
Milford Haven 10 R 7.2 ** 9
depended on knowing the timings of
Newcastle 10 C 0.2 ** 23 6 the seasons needed a more accurate
Nottingham 7 R 0.6 0.2
Birmingham Cambridge calendar. Julius Caesar tried
Orkney 7 R 5.2 2.5 Cork
Oxford 10 C 0.0 ** 8
Swansea Oxford 10 improving the calendar based on
** Cardiff
365.25 days in a year, created with
Scilly, St Mary’s 11 D 1.0 **
Sunday Channel Islands CELTIC 11 the help of the Greek astronomer
Shoreham 11 C 0.0 3.7 Mostly dry with sunny spells but
SEA Bristol London Sosigenes, who was introduced to
areas of thicker cloud may bring a
Shrewsbury 7 C 2.2 0.0 9
Snowdonia 8 D 5.0 **
few isolated showers in southern and
western England, Wales, Scotland and Southampton
Caesar by Cleopatra.
8 In the new Julian calendar, leap
Southend 10 C 0.0 3.7 parts of Ireland. eter
South Uist 9 R 3.8 ** Max 9C, min -5C 14 Plymouth Brighton days were added every four years to
Stornoway 7 D 1.6 1.7
Tiree 9 D 1.8 **
make up the difference with the
Whitehaven 7 M 0.2 2.7 5
9 seasons — but this calendar year
Wick 7 C 0.4 ** 11 was still about 11 minutes shorter
Yeovilton 10 R 4.2 0.5
than the solar year and so gradually
General situation: Rather cloudy with spells. Light southwesterly wind. areas of thicker cloud. Fresh to strong the calendar drifted out of step with
The world 8
a longer period of rain in southern Maximum 9C (48F), minimum 0C (32F). southwesterly wind, gale-force near the seasons.
All readings local midday yesterday
Britain, otherwise sunny spells and the W Mids, NW Eng, Cen N Eng, Wales, the Northern Isles. Maximum 8C (46F), In fact, a true solar year is not
Alicante 17 S Madeira 18 B 9 risk of showers. Lake District, NE Eng, SW Scotland, minimum -3C (27F). precisely 365.25 days, it’s
Amsterdam 9 B Madrid 13 PC SW Eng, Cen S Eng, SE Eng, E Anglia, IoM: Dry in the morning with hazy Republic of Ireland, N Ireland, Argyll,
Athens 18 B Malaga 18 S
London, E Mids, Channel Is: Overcast spells of sunshine, then the risk of an Cen Highland, Glasgow, NE Scotland: 365.2421897 days, and although the
Auckland 23 S Mallorca 12 B
with outbreaks of rain, heavy at times. afternoon shower. Light to moderate Sunny spells and a scattering of heavy difference between 0.25 and 0.242
Bahrain 21 S Malta 19 PC Monday
Bangkok 33 PC Melbourne 30 B Frosty at first in Scotland and northern
Sunshine in southwest England later. westerly wind. Maximum 9C (48F), and perhaps thundery showers, falling may seem trifling, over 128 years the
Barbados 29 PC Mexico City 28 S and eastern England at first. A band of Moderate to fresh southwesterly wind, minimum -2C (28F). as sleet or hail in places. Some snow solar calendar diverges by an entire
cloud and rain will spread eastwards veering westerly and easing. Maximum Edinburgh and Dundee, Moray Firth, over the Highlands. Moderate to fresh
Barcelona 15 PC Miami 24 B
across Ireland and into the rest of 11C (52F), minimum 0C (32F). Borders, NE Scotland, Aberdeen, southwesterly wind, strong near the
day from the Julian calendar.
Beijing 5 S Milan 13 B
Beirut 19 S Mombasa 35 PC
Britain, falling as sleet in places.
E Eng: Cloudy with showery rain at N Isles: Mainly dry with sunny spells, coast. Maximum 8C (46F), minimum That created havoc with the dates
Max 10C, min -2C
Belgrade 17 S Montreal 13 B first, then turning dry with sunny but the risk of an isolated shower from -5C (23F). of religious festivals, so in 1582 Pope
Berlin 4 DU Moscow 0 S Gregory XIII introduced the
Bermuda 19 PC Mumbai 33 **
Bordeaux 12 B Munich 6 C
6 Tides Noon today
1040 LOW
HIGH Gregorian calendar, still used today.
Brussels 8 B Nairobi 26 B Tidal predictions. HIGH 1032
It is somewhat more complicated
Heights in metres
Bucharest 9 PC Naples 17 PC
than the Julian one. The Gregorian
Budapest 14 S New Orleans 26 B Today Ht Ht 1032
Buenos Aires 28 B New York 11 B 9 Aberdeen 03:57 3.8 16:04 4.0 1024 calendar categorised years divisible
Cairo 20 S Nice 15 C Avonmouth 09:48 12.1 22:02 11.8
1016 1024 by four as leap years, except for
Calcutta 28 ** Nicosia 21
B 8
Belfast 01:35 3.1 13:54 3.4 1000
1008 LOW those also divisible by 100. Years
Canberra 29 S Oslo Cardiff 09:33 11.3 21:46 11.0 976
Cape Town 33 S Paris 9 B 08:24 5.1 20:38 4.9
LOW 1016 also divisible by 400 remain leap
Devonport 984 984
Chicago 21 B Perth 30 S
Dover 01:20 6.4 13:29 6.2 992 992 years. This calendar gives an
Copenhagen 4
Prague 6
S Tuesday Dublin 02:03 3.9 14:14 4.0 1000 average year of 365.2425 days, just
Corfu Reykjavik
Delhi 23 ** Riga 3 DU A dry day with sunny spells and areas Falmouth 07:46 4.8 19:53 4.6 1008
1008 half a minute longer than the solar
of patchy cloud over England and
Dubai 24 S Rio de Janeiro 30 PC
Wales. Some sunny spells but most of
Greenock 03:15 3.2 15:13 3.5 1016 LOW Cold front year, and so it takes 3,300 years
Harwich 02:10 3.7 14:31 3.7
the day will be cloudy in Ireland and
Holyhead 00:45 5.1 12:58 5.3 1032
Warm front before the Gregorian calendar drifts
Scotland with showery rain.
Florence 17 PC San Francisco 15 B Max 10C, min -2C Hull 08:59 6.9 21:04 7.0
Occluded front out by a day from the seasonal cycle.
Frankfurt 8 S Santiago 30 S Leith 05:18 5.0 17:28 5.1 HIGH Trough
Geneva 10 B São Paulo 30 PC Liverpool 01:32 8.6 13:42 8.7
8 London Bridge
04:25 6.7
--:-- --
16:39 6.6
12:19 2.2
Synoptic situation Highs and lows
24hrs to 5pm yesterday
Hours of darkness
Aberdeen 18:09-06:30
Speak directly to one
32 B A frontal wave in southeastern
of our forecasters on
Hong Kong 19 PC Singapore Milford Haven 08:48 6.5 21:03 6.2
Warmest: Exeter, Belfast 18:28-06:41
Honolulu 27 PC St Petersburg 2 DU
9 Morecambe 01:43 8.7 13:53 8.8 Britain will spread eastwards, Devon, 13.0C Birmingham 18:15-06:22
Istanbul 13 S Stockholm 2 B bringing rather cloudy skies
Tel Aviv
10 Newhaven
01:33 6.4
07:41 6.5
13:42 6.2
19:56 6.3 and showery rain over most
of southern England. Blustery
Coldest: Cairngorm, -3.5C
Wettest: Scolton,
Pembrokeshire, 11.6mm
18:24-06:26 09065 777675
Oban 08:08 3.7 20:26 3.6 Sunniest: Manston, 6.5hrs* Glasgow 18:19-06:36
Kuala Lumpur 35 PC Tenerife 22 PC over Ireland and Scotland as
** ** 12 PC 10 Penzance 07:12 5.2 19:27 5.0 Liverpool 18:18-06:28 8am to 5pm daily (calls are charged
Kyiv Tokyo an area of low pressure to the
21 PC 4 C Portsmouth 02:04 4.4 14:08 4.3 Sun and moon London 18:09-06:14 at £1.55 plus network extras)
Lanzarote Vancouver east of Iceland pushes troughs For Greenwich Manchester 18:15-06:25
Las Palmas 22 PC Venice 13 B Shoreham 01:33 5.9 13:44 5.8 Sun rises: 06.45
The Times weather page Southampton 01:30 4.3 13:41 4.3
eastwards bringing a scattering Newcastle 18:10-06:24
Lima 22 M Vienna 11 S Sun sets: 17.38
of showers. Some showers Moon rises: 23.22 Norwich 18:02-06:09
Lisbon 15 PC Warsaw 12 B is provided by Swansea 08:53 8.8 21:08 8.5
moving into Wales and northern Moon sets: 08.26 Fri Penzance 18:32-06:34
Los Angeles 17 PC Washington 17 C Tees 06:21 5.0 18:27 5.1
Luxor 23 S Zurich 8 B
England later. Third quarter: March 3 Sheffield 18:12-06:22
Weymouth 09:16 1.8 21:26 1.7
56 Thursday February 29 2024 | the times
Premiership’s plan to win over fans?
Embrace the big hits and physicality
Leading figures from
the top division have
ditched RFU’s more
wholesome approach,
writes Alex Lowe
he subject over lunch is the
marketing of rugby. Simon
Massie-Taylor, the chief
executive of Premiership
Rugby, recalls a Nike advert
from 1993 that featured a menacing
image of Brian Moore, the England
hooker, and the tagline: “It’s not the
winning, it’s the taking apart.”
“I had that poster on my bedroom
wall,” Massie-Taylor says.
Nike’s edgy campaign also included
a line-up of grizzled England players
in the style of a police photofit. The
message was unequivocal. Rugby is
not for the fainthearted. Rugby is a
sport about confrontation,
intimidation and physicality. These
England players are to be feared.
The RFU was furious at the time.
“We do not wish for advertisements
of this type, which bring the game
into disrepute,” it said in a statement.
“They are bad for the image of the
game.” Ask anyone who came up
against Moore or Martin Johnson,
who both featured in the “Wanted”
poster, and they will tell you the tone
of that campaign was bang on.
The attitude at Twickenham has
not changed. As custodians of the
community game with a responsibility
for driving up participation, the image
the RFU needs to present is more
wholesome, more family-oriented. Gloucester’s Chris Harris tackles Sale’s Joe Carpenter. Massie-Taylor, below, says advertising rugby’s brutality — as Nike did in the 1990s, top — will attract new fans
Sponsors and the legal case brought
by former players with brain injuries theme encapsulated by Nike in the many UFC fans have ever stepped “There are certain brands that have “We will have a bullseye focus on that:
will have a bearing on that too. early 1990s, championing the physical into a mixed martial arts (MMA) controversial elements and clearly we what is it that is great about rugby
Premiership Rugby has battles on the field, building rivalries cage? sit in that territory because we are a that can attract people who are open
traditionally followed suit. Courtney and making stars of the players. Research by Ernst & Young placed contact sport. There is a risk of to it but are not engaging with it?”
Lawes, the former England captain, “The Courtney thing was bang on,” rugby fourth in the table of sports for leaning away from your USP in a bid Premiership Rugby is targeting
wrote in The Times this month about Rob Calder, Premiership Rugby’s head overall engagement but outside the to appeal to all. Suddenly you are more “cut through” events. As part of
professional rugby’s need to stop of growth, says. “We had to make sure top 20, behind MMA, dancing and marketing what you are not.” its discussions with broadcaster TNT
being so anxious and start promoting everybody felt that way. And that is climbing, for engagement with the 18 Massie-Taylor says the statistics in Sports, Premiership Rugby is planning
the game as a gladiatorial contest. what the wider audience wants. I felt to 24 age group. the Ernst & Young paper were to add in a second derby weekend
“Rugby is a dangerous game and it when I was at the World Cup for The lesson for rugby lies, of all “pointing toward irrelevance” and so next season. The Big Game, staged by
people like that,” he wrote. “People the Fiji game. Courtney got picked up places, in the lingerie world and the the research was designed to find out Harlequins at Twickenham in
love the big hits and off-the-ball by two Fijian forwards and dumped case study of Victoria’s Secret, which why young people were not engaged December, complete with DJ
scraps, especially as they are always into touch. This visceral moment demonstrated the risk of denying with rugby. “The response back, performances, laser shows and some
followed by players shaking hands happened in the stands. Everyone was your true identity and being afraid to especially from this demographic, was thrilling rugby, is seen as the
after the game and going back to on the edge of their seats. acknowledge that you operate in a that people love it,” he says. “But the benchmark for putting rugby at the
being mates. “The players want us to do this. field that comes with controversy. marketing for it has been heart of a show.
“That is what rugby is. That is what They look at the NRL [Australian “Victoria’s Secret was famous for underinvested, not coordinated and The Premiership final is just over
makes rugby a great game and we rugby league] and want to feel like Gisele posters and selling ‘sex’, apologetic.” 100 days from now and ticket sales
need to start being unapologetic that. Rugby has an establishment, which was all part of their core The headline sponsor of the are said to be up year on year.
about that.” conservative feel to it and we don’t brand,” Massie-Taylor says. Premiership, Gallagher, a Television audiences are increasing
The day his column was published, see that when we look at the NRL. “Then ten years ago they got company that sells risk, is and the rolling average for ticket sales
Massie-Taylor messaged Lawes to let We need to amp it up. There is no caught up in the culture war believed to be supportive of has hit 90 per cent, despite clashes
him know that Premiership Rugby had reason we can’t make that happen. and started apologetically this chest-out marketing with the World Cup at the start of the
reached the same conclusion. Rugby in “Rugby talks a lot about values but marketing themselves as a strategy from Premiership season; early evidence that a
England was failing to generate they will not help you get new brand for all and Rugby, which could also reduction of the league to ten teams,
engagement with a new audience, audiences. It is the spectacle, the suddenly lost their include tweaks to the however unfortunate the
particularly 18 to 24-year-olds, because narrative, the extreme athletes. They edge. shot clock or stricter circumstances, has been beneficial.
it had got the marketing all wrong. want box-office entertainment. We “Meanwhile the refereeing over scrums “The final should set the standard
Premiership Rugby conducted a will not lose rugby fans from doing lingerie market and lineouts that for the kind of day out these big
survey that confirmed rugby’s that. I love Courtney’s line that rugby has gone up, would help to speed moments are,” Calder says. “We want
physicality was critical to people’s is for anyone but not everyone.” Rihanna has up the game. more of them through the season. It
enjoyment of the domestic top flight. By that, Lawes meant that the sport taken a chunk “Marketing at its is about creating curtain-raiser
Current players were then brought was open for anyone to play, people of of the market best is about moments, starting the season with a
into the discussion and they all all shapes, sizes and backgrounds, but share and simple truths,” bang, the derby weekends that TNT
agreed with Lawes. it did not suit everyone because it Victoria’s Calder, who loved, the festive fixtures and then
Starting immediately and working required a certain mentality, a certain Secret tanked was one of the bouncing back after the Six Nations
towards the start of a new television “grit”. But Lawes said that did not because it brains behind with the run-in to the play-offs. That
deal next season and a full rebrand in mean non-players could not engage basically lost the Hundred all gives us a chance to reach beyond
2025, the Premiership will revive that with the professional game. How its core. in cricket, adds. the rugby audience.”
the times | Thursday February 29 2024 57
Feyi-Waboso prioritises exam Murray: I don’t plan on
playing beyond summer ‘There’s no rankings conspiracy’
Rugby union ed his part-time course in Exeter when Tennis Andy Murray confirmed he is Golf would come with an asterisk. “It is the
Will Kelleher his old club Wasps went bust and he set to retire this summer after losing Rick Broadbent mission to rank everyone and there is
Deputy Rugby Correspondent joined Exeter Chiefs in 2022. It is under- to Ugo Humbert in the second round no anti-LIV conspiracy,” Dawson said.
stood his exam must be done in person. of the Dubai Duty Free Tennis The row over world ranking points “Any system that isn’t covering all
Immanuel Feyi-Waboso will miss It means that the Bath wing Will Championships. continues to hinder attempts to unify players has issues. Equally, it is a matter
England training in York this week as Muir, who played for England A against Murray produced his best win for golf, but the man at the top has insisted for the tours to do their best to conform
he returns to the University of Exeter Portugal in the 91-5 win at Welford several months in the first round by that “there is no anti-LIV conspiracy”. to ranking norms. I’m not here to say
for a first-year medical exam. Road on Sunday, replaces Feyi-Waboso seeing off Denis Shapovalov but fell Peter Dawson, the former chief exec- the LIV format is worse or better than
The wing, 21, scored after coming off for the camp this week. Feyi-Waboso to a 6-2 6-4 loss against Frenchman utive of the R&A and now chairman of anything else, but it is different
the bench for his second cap against will return next week before the Six Humbert, the world No 18. the board at Official World Golf Rank- and that’s what makes it tricky.”
Scotland at Murrayfield during Nations match at Twickenham against “I’m likely not going to play past ing, also said he hoped that a peace deal The main reason LIV was denied
England’s 30-21 Six Nations defeat on Ireland on March 9. this summer,” said Murray, 36. “I get in golf would resolve the issue. ranking points was its “closed-shop”
Saturday. However, Feyi-Waboso Meanwhile, the half backs Marcus asked about it after every single LIV Golf’s application to receive nature rather than the 54-hole, no-cut
cannot attend the fallow-week training Smith and Alex Mitchell will continue match that I play. I’m bored of the ranking points was rejected in October, format which could be dealt with by a
camp, where England will gather for their rehabilitation from injuries. Smith question. and OWGR has received flak in the in- mathematical formula.
three days in Yorkshire, as he prioritises pulled his calf in the build-up to the “I’m not going to talk more about terim. Last week, Greg Norman, the LIV Dawson hopes talks between the
his studies. tournament but he could be fit to face that between now and whenever the commissioner, said it was “laughable” PGA Tour and Saudi Public Invest-
He started his medical degree at Ireland. Mitchell tweaked knee liga- time comes for me to stop. But, yes, I that only four LIV players were placed ment Fund will bring matters to a head.
Aston University, when he did not get ments in an open training session at don’t plan on playing much past this in the top 50, and Talor Gooch claimed “I have no inside track on what is being
into Cardiff University, but then restart- Twickenham on February 16. summer.” a Rory McIlroy win at the Masters discussed,” he said.
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Sport Athletics
Lewis fiasco is
proof BBC Sport
has abandoned
all impartiality
which they almost certainly won’t
Martin Samuel because Lewis is a good ambassador,
and the role is largely ceremonial
when compared to that of, say, chief
executive officer Jack Buckner — the
president of UK Athletics will still be
calling the sport on the BBC, in all
but name. In the meantime, the word
is Hannah England, a UK Athletics
he president of UK Athletics vice-president, may take her place.
will no longer be calling the She is also, on occasions, a BBC voice.
athletics at the Olympics for And some may think this does not
the BBC. That job will matter. They want partisan coverage
instead fall to Dame Denise of Olympics events. But it’s a slippery
Lewis, the former president of UK slope and the BBC has been hurtling
Athletics, a role she has stepped away down it for some time. It was in Sochi
from temporarily but may resume in 2014 that BBC commentators told
some time in the future. Monday, us that Great Britain had
August 12, the day after the Olympics “dominated” the slopestyle event,
ends, looks favourite. which must have come as a surprise
Pom poms at the ready again, then, to the United States, who won both
as BBC Sport heads to Paris. “Nation gold medals. Jenny Jones collected an Lewis, who has temporarily stood down as UK Athletics president, was a pundit for the BBC at last year’s World Championships
shall speak peace unto nation,” was admirable bronze, Britain’s first medal
the corporation’s original intention, on snow, and Aimee Fuller, a sports commentators with blokes wasn’t considered content, because How would he react if one was
which was ambitious to say the least. snowboard expert and at that time a from down the pub,” Ken Bruce said the public face of the BBC, or of any embroiled in scandal? Alberto
These days the BBC prefers itself competing member of Team GB’s on Radio 2, which was the sort of broadcaster, was straight and Salazar, Sir Mo Farah’s now
wrapped in a Union Jack and cheering Olympic squad, had to have her impartiality that may have done for impartial. Engaged, excited, discredited coach at the Nike Oregon
Team GB with all its might. For an microphone turned off because she him at the organisation years later. enthusiastic but not decked out with a Project, was undone by some brilliant
organisation that so often trumpets its started celebrating when Anna Tears at the rowing, Wales matches at rattle and scarf. At the Tokyo investigative journalism, not least
impartiality, all pretence has been Gasser, Jones’s rival, fell. Earlier, she the 2021 European Championships Olympics, Katherine Grainger was from the BBC’s Panorama team. Yet
abandoned with regards to sport. had inadvertently trampled all over summarised in the studio by three first present as the chairwoman of BBC Sport allowed Steve Cram to
Lewis is a fine analyst. Her Jones’s imminent achievement by former Wales players in a high state UK Sport. Then, when the rowing dismiss it as “a witch-hunt”.
experience and expertise are to be declaring that Alain Baxter was “still of excitement and, a personal began, she took off the officials’ Meanwhile, Paula Radcliffe, a Nike
valued. Discuss the sport and British a bronze medallist” despite having favourite, this, on Radio 5 Live during lanyard and replaced it with a BBC athlete, was on the BBC questioning
performance in her role as the that prize taken from him in 2002 the Women’s World Cup in 2015. “The one to join the team commentating the timing and cost of the United
president of UK Athletics by all over a failed drugs test. England team has just arrived to a big on her sport. States Anti-Doping Agency
means. We would all be interested to That tournament signposted the cheer, from me.” All of this is questionable. investigation into Salazar, without her
hear that interview. Yet sitting in the way forward. The expert on the Peter O’Sullevan once Impartiality, however, is important in conflict being mentioned.
studio, where observers should be women’s skeleton shared a house with commentated on his own horse athletics most of all. We know the What has this to do with Dame
neutral and dispassionate? How can Team GB’s protagonist in the event, winning a race and nobody would issues the sport has. We know that Denise? Well, at the height of the
this be? The BBC knew that, once the Lizzy Yarnold; the curling specialist have known. Yet no football match is hard questions sometimes must be Salazar investigation, Lord Coe — by
decision was reported by this had been in the same Olympic team as complete these days without footage asked. So those in the studio must be then president of the International
newspaper, they were compromised. the women’s captain four years earlier; of the guys in the studio going nuts prepared to do that. This week, Association of Athletics Federations
Lewis either had to lose her place on and an overwrought commentator when their team scores, and on the Michael Johnson — a gold standard but also a Nike man — was asked
the panel, or drop UK Athletics. She called a “definite medal” for Katie day England’s women played Spain in pundit for the BBC, up there with about Oregon. “Don’t run away with
chose the studio. Summerhayes in the ski slopestyle last year’s World Cup final, pundits John McEnroe as the voice of his the idea that the Nike Oregon Project
“Temporarily,” she announced. So after her run. She came seventh. As for standing around in England shirts. sport — announced he would be is a hole-in-the-wall, circa 1970s
this is the illusion of independence. the snowboard slopestyle debacle, You may find this acceptable, but setting up a tour to rival the Diamond Eastern Bloc operation,” he said. “It’s
Unless UK Athletics is so there were so many complaints the media areas are supposed to be free of League. How will that work out, if he not.” But it was. Coe may have been
disappointed with her decision that BBC had to apologise. fans. Jimmy Hill no doubt cheered is commenting on athletes who have too trusting to say so. That’s why
they make the split permanent — “The BBC seems to have replaced when England scored, too, but it joined his breakaway competition? impartiality matters.
Mike Atherton
Chief Cricket Correspondent
late show
takes heat
off Ten Hag
his occasional histrionics but his com-
Henry Winter mitment to the team cannot be doubt-
Chief Football ed. If he is carrying an injury, Fernan-
des should sit the international break
Nottingham Forest out. At least he ended with an assist.
Fernandes also executed a smart
short-corner routine with Alejandro
Garnacho that teed up Antony, who hit
Manchester United the bar after three minutes. Antony was
Casemiro 89
presented with this opportunity by Ten
Hag to show his worth, and win over the
For 89 minutes, the only element that doubters, but he faded and was with-
was elite about Manchester United was drawn to a predictable chorus of “what
the quality of their support. The long- a waste of money” from the locals.
suffering, 4,000-strong travelling con- Watching on was Sir Dave Brailsford,
tingent sang endlessly, even about the Ineos director of sport, who was
going to Wembley even when Notting- sitting next to Sir Alex Ferguson. One
ham Forest threatened to embarrass of the most immediate challenges for
their team. Their players raised their Brailsford, and Sir Jim Ratcliffe, will be
game only in Fergie time, quick think- in instilling an elite performance cul-
ing finally replacing sluggishness. ture at United, in pruning the squad and Casemiro, the veteran Brazilian midfielder dives to head the late winner past the Forest goalkeeper Turner and set up a tie
United’s talented but overemotional then refreshing it with younger, hungri-
captain, Bruno Fernandes, had done er players, individuals with character. for Ten Hag, a good manager struggling visible after 34 minutes. This cup tie midfield, giving Casemiro some much
little all game but suddenly delivered a United didn’t have anyone with the to impose his philosophy because of the was so important for United’s season needed assistance. The inevitable prob-
clever free kick, given for Anthony confidence and determination of recurring injury issues. He has lost the and his credibility. Ten Hag was furious lem with Amrabat’s positioning was a
Elanga’s foul on Diogo Dalot, targeting Morgan Gibbs-White, who even left side of his defence, both elite players that a throw-in was given against his vulnerability to the counter. Divock
the near post, finding Casemiro. The though not at his creative best con- in Lisandro Martínez and Luke Shaw. team. It was only a throw-in, only on Origi was two yards adrift of Amrabat,
Brazilian’s stooping, flicked header set stantly impressed with the intelligence He’s wary of overplaying Kobbie the halfway line, but he was apoplectic. level within a second, and ahead within
up an enticing, cancel-all-leave epic of of his movement. At one point, Forest’s Mainoo, the teenager who brings such Ten Hag remonstrated with the assist- two, but his shot was easy for Onana.
an FA Cup quarter-final against Liver- left back, Harry Toffolo, was caught control to midfield. If his major signing ant, Neil Davies, gestured towards the Origi was on the right of Nuno’s
pool. Jürgen Klopp’s farewell tour just upfield, and Gibbs-White had spotted of Antony is a serial disappointment, fourth official, David Webb, and then 4-2-3-1 system, causing plenty of prob-
got livelier: Old Trafford on March 16 or the possibility of a United counter and then Ten Hag does deserve praise for received a lecture from Chris Kavan- lems for last season’s beaten finalists
17 in the cup, then April 7 in the league. sprinted back to fill the gap. his desire to recruit André Onana, who agh. “Cry in a minute,” chorused Forest with Elanga on the left. Gibbs-White
The Stretford End will go hoarse. Included among the many concerns impressed again here. fans, breaking off from barracking was central, ghosting past Casemiro so
Their team will need to play far better for Brailsford was how toothless United The pressure Ten Hag felt was very Wayne Rooney here on BBC punditry easily at one point, and looking to
than this if they are to live with Liver- look without Rasmus Hojlund, who duty. Clearly his Derby County release Taiwo Awoniyi. Forest were
pool, and even more so against Man- should at least be back from his muscle connection has not been forgotten by good. Neco Williams shot just wide.
chester City on Sunday. United have problem for the quarter-final. Marcus Quarter-final draw Forest fans. Onana saved from Awoniyi.
won seven of their past nine games yet Rashford ran hard at centre forward Such was the absence in movement The cameras, looking for interest in
remain unconvincing. Erik ten Hag but to little effect, failing to get his two Wolves v Coventry City in United’s attack, Rooney would have the crowd, moved away from Brailsford
claimed Fernandes was “targeted” by decent chances on target. Rashford Manchester United v Liverpool fancied his chances, even at 38. United and Ferguson and focused briefly on
Forest which was unfair, as Nuno Espír- prefers playing on the left, and cutting Chelsea v Leicester City still conjured up a couple of first-half another pair sitting side by side, Mark
ito Santo wouldn’t let his teams play in, but his team urgently need him Manchester City v Newcastle headed chances by Scott McTominay Clattenburg and Howard Webb. Clat-
that way, although the United manager through the middle, and they need him Quarter-final matches will be from Diogo Dalot crosses, both saved tenburg has added Forest’s referees’
has a point about the targeting of the contributing more than this. played on the weekend of by Matt Turner. analyst to his portfolio of work, advis-
player on social media. Ten Hag definitely needs his No 10 March 16 Sofyan Amrabat was used at left back ing Nuno. So Webb’s presence was
Fernandes doesn’t help himself with producing more. These are tense times with responsibility for inverting into intriguing, and amusing, as it looked
happy with that part,” close with the squad they Manchester United at Tottenham seats representing stunted
he bare facts of England’s Sarina Wiegman, the want to break into and Hotspur, combined well with Georgia momentum. “We love playing at
camp in southern Spain are England head coach, four players (Naomi Stanway in both games. These two home in England,” Bronze said. “That
positive. They won both said of the camp. Layzell, Aggie Beever- and Keira Walsh may be England’s is the only downside [of this camp].”
their friendlies by an “Of course it was a Jones, Jess Naz and Laura midfield trio of the immediate future, The next few months will indicate
aggregate of 12-3, unearthed huge disappointment in Blindkilde Brown) moved with Fran Kirby and Ella Toone whether the England management
a potential international stalwart in December, although I thought up to train with the seniors. facing a battle to regain starting spots. team were right. The Euro 2025
Grace Clinton and were able to we had a really good camp “It’s been nice to be around Elsewhere, Beth Mead continued qualifying draw is on Tuesday, with
experiment in low-pressure matches. [then] and our game flowed them,” Lucy Bronze, the 32- her comeback from an anterior the group stage taking place between
The trip was similarly fruitful away again, so that was already year-old defender, said. “A cruciate ligament injury with two April and July. If England slip up in
from the games. The players have few came up and trained with goals against Austria, Alessia Russo the qualifiers, it will make the
spent this week evolving their team’s Clinton, 20, scored against us. I would have died for that had bright moments as the No 9, and questionable treatment of supporters
style, bonding in their beachside hotel Austria and shone against Italy opportunity at that age.” Maya Le Tissier and Niamh Charles seem a little less worthwhile.
the times | Thursday February 29 2024 2GM 61
Jackson 15, Mudryk 37, Gallagher 90 3
Leeds United
Joseph 8, 59 2
Alyson Rudd
Lemina’s strike is enough for Wolves who startled Moisés Caicedo, to whom
Disasi had been hoping to pass. Jaidon
Anthony then took charge and calmly
laid the ball off to Mateo Joseph, whose
noticed and Anthony attempted a long-
range strike. Jackson tumbled in the box
but the referee was unmoved.
Farke, sensing the chance to win the
four changes made by O’Neil to the side gradually asserted themselves. They finish was assured past Robert Sánchez, tie before the need for extra time,
Lemina 2 1 that beat Sheffield United on Sunday —
spun Jan Paul van Hecke on the half-
way line after Toti’s pass and sped away
posed the first threat of the second half
when Lewis Dunk glanced wide.
The home crowd was lifted four
back in goal after 2½ months out
through injury. The celebrations in the
away end were marred when a
brought pace off the bench in the form
of Wilfried Gnonto and Crysencio
Summerville. Chelsea were reduced to
0 from Cameron Peupion before cross-
ing. Jason Steele, the goalkeeper, could
only parry the ball and Pervis Estupiñ-
minutes before the hour mark with the
arrival of Pedro Neto and Pablo Sara-
bia. Neto nutmegged Dunk before
supporter fell from the top tier of the
Shed End and was taken to hospital.
Some crisp passing set up the equalis-
playing on the counter, with the visitors
very comfortable in the manner of their
various interceptions, but just as extra
Jon West
án was beaten by Lemina, who slid in at setting off on a 60-yard dribble. His er with Caicedo slipping a beautifully time beckoned, the home team deliv-
Wolverhampton Wanderers clinched the far post. high-speed run was halted when he ran weighted ball through to Nicolas Jack- ered a dose of class with Enzo
their first FA Cup quarter-final place A similarly brisk-paced move ena- into trouble as he attempted one last son. Noni Madueke hit the ball with Fernández feeding the ball through to
since 2019 as a depleted Brighton & bled Wolves to continue their bright turn deep in the penalty area, however. verve into the side-netting after a Gallagher, whose finish was brimming
Hove Albion paid for their wasteful fin- start. Matt Doherty was presented with period of pressure from the home side, with the sort of confidence many of his
ishing. Mario Lemina’s sliding finish se- a headed chance but he nodded high and it had the effect of giving Daniel team-mates had been lacking.
cured a last-eight tie at home to Coven- and wide from Tommy Doyle’s cross. Wolves (3-5-2): J Sá 7 — M Kilman 7, S Bueno 7, Farke’s players a sense of reprieve and
Toti 7 — M Doherty 7, M Lemina 7 (P Sarabia
try City and a fourth straight victory for Brighton then lifted themselves to 56min, 6), J Gomes 7 (N Semedo 90+3), T Doyle with it the optimism to attack once
Wolves also brought revenge for Brigh- fashion two opportunities. Simon 7, R Ait-Nouri 8 (C Dawson 90+3) — J-R more. Chelsea held firm and took the Chelsea (4-2-3-1): R Sánchez 5 — A Gilchrist 5
(L Colwill 74), A Disasi 5, T Chalobah 5, M Gusto 6
ton’s 4-1 win at Molineux in Gary Adingra’s rising shot flew over the bar Bellegarde 8 (B Traore 76), Hwang Hee-chan 5 lead with a neatly crafted goal, with the (B Chilwell 61, 6) — M Caicedo 6, E Fernandez 6 —
(P Neto 56, 7). Booked Sá, Sarabia, Neto.
O’Neil’s first home game in charge. and Jakub Moder’s curling effort was Brighton (3-4-3): J Steele 7 — J P van Hecke 5, oft maligned Mykhailo Mudryk con- N Madueke 6 (C Gallagher 61, 8) R Sterling 6
Roberto De Zerbi was without nine inches wide with José Sá at full stretch. necting breezily with Sterling’s pass. (C Palmer 74) M Mudryk 7 (J Tauriainen 90) —
L Dunk 6, Igor 6 (V Barco 80) — S Adingra 6, N Jackson 7. Booked Chalobah, Caicedo.
players through injury and suspension At the other end, Igor Julio’s backpass J Moder 7 (C Baleba 61), P Gross 7, P Estupiñán 7 Leeds ended the first half promising- Leeds United (4-2-3-1): I Meslier 6 — C Roberts 6,
— C Peupion 7 (D Welbeck 46, 7), F Buonanotte 7
and his side had the worst possible start almost let in Bellegarde. (B Baker-Boaitey 70), A Fati (J Enciso 70).
ly. Anthony came close for Leeds after J Rodon 6, L Cooper 7, J Firpo 7 — E Ampadu 7,
A Gray 8 — J Anthony 8, J Piroe 7 (C Summerville
by conceding after only 80 seconds. But Brighton were able to exploit Booked Igor, Fati. teeing himself up for a rasping strike 79), D James 6 (W Gnonto 79) — M Joseph 8.
Jean-Ricner Bellegarde — one of Wolves’ nervousness on the ball and Referee A Madley. and then Joël Piroe made simple work Booked Firpo. Referee D Coote.
62 2GM Thursday February 29 2024 | the times
Kilmarnock (1) 1 Rangers (0) 2 Ireland: First Innings WTA Tour: ATX Open Austin, Texas
Football Cricket P J Moor b M N Zadran 12 Tennis First round A Schmiedlova (Slovakia) bt
Armstrong 11 (pen) Tavernier 55 *A Balbirnie lbw b M N Zadran 2 P Stearns (US) 6-2, 4-6, 7-5; (3) D Collins (US)
FA Cup, fifth round 9,576 Lawrence 59 Afghanistan v Ireland, only Test
C Campher c Gurbaz b Akbar 49
ATP Tour: Abierto Mexicano Telcel
bt O Gadecki (Aus) 7-5, 6-3. Second round
Chelsea (2) 3 Leeds (1) 2 Tolerance Oval, Abu Dhabi (first day of five; presentado por HSBC Acapulco, Mexico
Livingston (1) 1 Motherwell (0) 3 H T Tector not out 32 First round S Tsitsipas (Gr) bt R Safiullin Yafan Wang (China) bt E Arango (Col) 6-2, 6-2;
Afghanistan won toss): Ireland, with six first- T F van Woerkom b Akbar 1 Yue Yuan (China) bt T Townsend (US) 6-3,
Jackson 15 Joseph 8, 59 Yengi 3 Nicholson 49 innings wickets in hand, trail Afghanistan by (Russ) 6-3, 6-4; F Tiafoe (US) bt M Purcell (Aus)
Mudryk 37 P R Stirling not out 2 4-6, 6-3, 6-0; D Koepfer (Ger) bt T Atmane (Fr) 7-6 (7-5).
Spittal 71, Vale 87 55 runs
Gallagher 90+1 37,892 Extras (lb 1nb 1) 2 6-4, 4-6, 6-0; H Rune (Den) bt M Mmoh (US) WTA Tour: Cymbiotika San Diego Open
Celtic (6) 7 Dundee FC (0) 1 Afghanistan: First Innings Total (4 wkts, 31 overs) 100 California
Liverpool (1) 3 Southampton (0) 0 I Zadran c Tucker b Young 53 6-2, 6-3; C Ruud (Nor) bt C Eubanks (US) 6-4,
Carter-Vickers 7 Mellon 84 †L J Tucker, M R Adair, A R McBrine, B J 6-7 (5-7), 6-3; A Kovacevic (US) bt J Thompson First round (7) D Vekic (Cro) bt K Hui (US) 7-5,
Koumas 44 N A Zadran c Balbirnie b Adair 7 McCarthy and C A Young to bat. 6-2; A Blinkova (Russ) bt C Wozniacki (Den)
Idah 18, O’Riley 22 R S Zurmatai b Adair 0 (Aus) 6-3, 5-7, 6-4; D Altmaier (Ger) bt A
Danns 73, 88 Maeda 30, Taylor 36 Fall of wickets 1-6, 2-32, 3-92, 4-94. Zverev (Ger) 6-3, 3-6, 6-3; D Lajovic (Ser) bt R 1-6, 6-4, 6-1; T Preston (US) bt M Frech (Pol) 6-
*H Shahidi c Tucker b McCarthy 20 Bowling Masood 8-1-28-0; Zadran 9-2-32-2; 4, 4-6, 6-1; T Maria (Ger) bt L Fernandez (Can)
Nott’m Forest (0) 0 Man Utd (0) 1 McGregor 45+6 †R Gurbaz c Tucker b Adair 5 Pacheco (Mex) 6-2 6-2.
Kelly 63 Janat 2-0-9-0; Akbar 9-2-13-2; Pakteen 6-7 (7-9), 4-0 ret.
N J Ahmadzai b Young 0 3-0-17-0 ATP Tour: Dubai Duty Free Tennis
28,665 Casemiro 89
K Janat not out 41 Umpires A Holdstock and R Kettleborough Championships Dubai, UAE
Wolves (1) 1 Brighton (0) 0 P W D L F A GD Pts Z Akbar c Balbirnie b Adair 6 Second round (2) A Rublev (Russ) bt A
Lemina 2
Celtic ....................... 28
49 70
48 68
M N Zadran c McBrine b Campher
N Masood c Tucker b Campher
Nepal v Netherlands, Nepal Tri-Nation T20I Cazaux (Fr) 6-4, 6-4; (7) A Bublik (Kaz) bt T
Griekspoor (Neth) 7-6 (10-8), 7-6 (7-2); (5) U
Hearts ..................... 28 16 4 8 36 28 8 52 series, second match
Kilmarnock ........... 28 10 10 8 32 29 3 40 Z K Pakteen b Adair 0 Tribhuvan University International Cricket Humbert (Fr) bt A Murray (GB) 6-2, 6-4;
Scottish Premiership Extras (b 4, lb 6, nb 1) 11 J Lehecka (Cz) bt (4) K Khachanov (Russ) 6-7
St. Mirren...............28 11 6 11 32 31 1 39 Ground, Kirtipur (Nepal won toss):
Aberdeen (0) 0 St. Johnstone (1) 2 Dundee...................27 8 8 11 37 48 -11 32 Total (54.5 overs) 155 Netherlands beat Nepal by two runs (6-8), 7-6 (7-5), 6-4; S Korda (US) bt B Van de Darts
14,226 Clark 44 (pen) Hibernian...............27 7 10 10 34 43 -9 31 Fall of wickets 1-11, 2-11, 3-66, 4-86, 5-89, 6-90, Netherlands: 184-4 (M Levitt 54, S Zandschulp (Neth) 6-1, 6-0; (1) D Medvedev
Motherwell............28 6 11 11 39 45 -6 29 7-111, 8-138, 9-138. (Russ) bt L Sonego (It) 3-6, 6-3, 6-3; Premier League, night five Exeter
Mbunga Kimpioka 78 Aberdeen...............27 6 9 12 31 45 -14 27 Engelbrecht 49 not out; K Karan 1 for 29);
Bowling Adair 16.5-5-39-5; McCarthy 11-1-28-1; (8) A Davidovich Fokina (Sp) bt J Mensik (Cz) Quarter-finals L Humphries (Eng) v M van
Hearts (1) 1 Hibernian (1) 1 St. Johnstone........28 6 9 13 19 37 -18 27 Nepal: 182-8 (D Airee 63, R Paudel 50; S Gerwen (Neth) (from 7.10pm); N Aspinall
Ross County..........27 5 8 14 24 46 -22 23 Young 11-5-31-2; McBrine 7-1-22-0; van Engelbrecht 2 for 13). 7-6 (9-7), 1-0, ret; (3) H Hurkacz (Pol) bt
Woerkom 5-1-12-0; Campher 4-1-13-2. C O’Connell (Aus) 7-6 (7-5), 6-4. (Eng) v P Wright (Scot); G Price (Wales) v R
Shankland 45+2 (pen) Marcondes 28 Livingston ............. 28 3 7 18 19 48 -29 16 Umpires B Pradhan and S Subedi Cross (Eng); L Littler (Eng) v M Smith (Eng).
the times | Thursday February 29 2024 63
Football Sport
he announcement from Red
Bull that exonerated
Christian Horner, the team
principal, may have seemed
like the end of the affair.
Here in Bahrain, however, it began to
feel more like the end of the Mark Mateschitz Chalerm Yoovidhya
beginning. Horner is still in his job, 49% stake 51% stake
but this is by no means over. The 31-year-old inherited Chalerm, 73, is the eldest son of
The racing starts again on Saturday his father’s stake in the Chaleo, the Thai businessman
and there will be many in the all- company after his death who co-created Red Bull in 1984
conquering team thinking: “Thank
God, we can get back to what we’re
good at.” However, even the
resumption of normal service, a Max
Verstappen triumph and a spray of
champagne, won’t alter the fact that
this is a team now fighting battles on
two fronts: for victory on the track
and for credibility off it.
The problem for Red Bull is that
this isn’t just an internal issue. Even if Franz Alex Kirchmayr Oliver Mintzlaff
it were, we would still be looking at a Watzlawick Chief financial Chief executive of
huge family crisis: the Austrian and Chief executive officer corporate
Thai owners in different corners, the of the beverage projects and
alpha Englishmen and the Dutchmen business investments
at the heart of the team squaring up
to one another too. Verstappen was
given three opportunities to pledge
his verbal allegiance to Horner
yesterday and ducked every one, Christian Horner
though that, at least, was before the Team principal at Oracle
6.30pm statement that dismissed the Red Bull Racing
grievance against Horner. Horner, 50, has been the man
Yet it’s more than the Red Bull in charge of Red Bull’s F1
family; there are associated parties Helmut Marko team since 2005 and has
here: the sport, the sponsors and, of Consultant for Oracle Red Bull Racing overseen seven drivers’
course, the other teams on the one The former racing driver has been a key cog in championships and six
hand claiming that this is a bad look their F1 success but much of his power initially constructors’ titles
for business and, on the other, still derived from his close friendship with Dietrich
sniffing the blood of the wounded Mateschitz. Horner does not appear to have
bull. Everyone has skin in this game power over the 80-year-old
and yesterday they were planning
how to play their hands.
As we awaited the breaking news, Adrian Newey
we saw ways and means of killing this Chief technology officer, Oracle Red Bull Racing. The 65-year-old is
whole story dead and allowing the arguably the greatest car designer in F1 history. He has won 12 F1
motor sport to take precedence again. Constructors’ Titles with Williams, McLaren and Red Bull
When the statement dropped, though,
Red Bull didn’t — couldn’t? — take
them. In clearing Horner’s name,
there were two options available. One Pierre Waché
was to release not only the headline Technical director, Oracle Red Bull Racing. Frenchman joined Red
news but the full 150-page Bull in 2013 after spells with Michelin and Sauber. The 49-year-old is
investigation with it. This was the full- second only to Newey when it comes to car design and production
disclosure version of events that
would have given transparency to the
process and the outcome and rebuilt impression of normal service having and inclusive. Any allegation has to values are today, because it refused to Christian? “I am trusting the process,”
confidence in the embattled team. resumed on the track, there is a level be taken very seriously. It does need tell us. All we know for sure is that the he replied, very specifically avoiding an
From Red Bull HQ in Austria, of outrage that has yet to be quelled to be resolved and it’s hanging over Austrian and Thai owners of the outright answer.
however, the decision was made to off it. Sponsors are not happy. Ford the sport. It’s a really important company have been scrapping over the Do you have confidence in your
batten down the hatches and keep it has already made that clear in a moment for the sport to make sure outcome here, with the Austrians more team? “As a team,” he replied, “we
all internal. The crucial words were public statement, Oracle has gone to we stand true to our values.” driven by PR and the reputational fall- trust in the process” which was hardly
that “the investigation report is ground and not spoken since the But we don’t know where Red Bull’s out and the Thais apparently less any more of an endorsement. And
confidential” and “we will not be scandal broke; it is no secret that Visa concerned — and their 51 per cent then, when asked what a future
commenting further”. are unhappy to be connected with it. may have been the difference. without Horner might look like, he
Immediately, they had lost external All had been keenly awaiting the Horner’s CV Yet it is not as if those running the didn’t say “I hope that doesn’t
trust in the process. Within minutes, statement, hoping that by clearing sport are left powerless. The FIA, the happen” or “We’re doomed without
social media was awash with memes Red Bull’s name, they would no 1991 Aged 18, Horner won a governing body, and F1, which is him”, he just pondered the necessary
of carpets and the sweeping-under longer be tainted; the confidentiality scholarship with Formula Renault owned by Liberty Media Group, had process of people management.
process and though Horner is blessed of the statement assured that they 1993 Graduated to Formula 3 been hoping for transparency and if In conclusion, he said that
with a thickness of skin, you wonder still are. And there is room to move; 1997 Bought a chassis and leased they are kept in the dark, they could “everyone is in a good mood and just
if even this is going to be enough. all of them have protection clauses. two engines to form Arden yet take the option of launching excited to get going again” which is as
The hostility that has simmered in Then there are the administrators International, a multi-formula team investigations of their own. wishful as any frame of thinking
seasons past between Horner and of the sport who have also 1998 Horner ceased to be a driver The FIA has a code of ethics that could be. People at Red Bull are not
Verstappen’s father, Jos, appears to commented impatiently from the to build the team into a business everyone in the paddock is obliged to generally fine of mood; they are
have erupted in recent weeks. The touchline. They have the reputation 2005 Dietrich Mateschitz, the co- abide by. At the furthest extreme, it is stressed about the uncertainty, some
world champion driver is a competitor of the sport, which has taken a founder of Red Bull Racing, invited empowered to remove the licence of are unhappy with the culture and
with an extraordinarily single-minded battering these past few weeks, to Horner to be team principal anyone who fails to do so. That is others are unconvinced that the
outlook and he may yet be able to rescue. And, again, the confidentiality 2010 Horner led Red Bull to the miles off, but what a comedown for investigation was ever going to be
continue the strange enterprise of doesn’t allow that to happen. constructors’ and drivers’ titles Horner that would be. allowed to get deep into the weeds.
accumulating victories on the track Lewis Hamilton, in his press 2013 Awarded an OBE after run of Meanwhile, in the vacuum of Horner will arrive at the paddock
despite being the one stuck in the conference yesterday, put this into four world titles information, we are left to chew on the here in Bahrain on Thursday and he
middle. But you wonder about all words. “We always have to do more,” 2021 Max Verstappen won first of responses of Verstappen when quizzed will attempt to breeze through as if
those wounds that have been exposed. he said, “to try to make the sport and three world titles with Red Bull about his team and its leadership. He his is a problem solved. Yet this is not
Even if they are able to give an environment make people feel safe was asked: are you 100 per cent behind over — far from it.
the times | Thursday February 29 2024 65
The relationship
between Horner
and Verstappen,
main, is coming
under scrutiny
with his father
Jos, inset,
said to be a
friend of the
Horner’s wife,
Geri, top right,
is expected to
support her
husband at the
weekend’s grand
prix in Bahrain
repair damage
than two years after his departure.
Liverpool’s owner, Fenway Sports
Group, is set to make one final attempt
to persuade their former sporting
director to return to the club as part of
the post-Jürgen Klopp era.
Edwards, who quit in 2022 after a
decade at the club to take a break from
Red Bull chief cleared but team still face issues football, has already turned down one
approach from FSG since Klopp told
Matt Lawton, Owen Slot, are likely to be some further twists and them he was standing down at the end
Tom Kershaw, Molly Hudson turns in the most turbulent period in of the season.
the team’s 19-year history. A spokesman There has been no sense that
Christian Horner will now attempt to for Red Bull GmbH insisted the investi- Edwards has been ready to return to
rebuild his crisis-hit Formula 1 team gation had been “fair, rigorous and football’s coalface, having rejected a
after being cleared by an independent impartial”. number of approaches from other clubs,
Red Bull investigation into allegations In the statement he said: “The including Chelsea. Indeed, it would
of inappropriate conduct towards a independent investigation into the alle- take something significant to turn the
female employee. gations made against Mr Horner is
Horner, 50, has been at the centre of complete and Red Bull can confirm that
a storm since Oracle Red Bull Racing’s the grievance has been dismissed.
parent company in Austria confirmed
on February 5 that the team principal
had been the subject of a formal
“Red Bull is confident the investi-
gation has been fair, rigorous and im-
partial. The investigation report is con-
Kent plan to
complaint alleging controlling,
coercive behaviour from a woman
working for the world champions.
fidential and contains the private infor-
mation of the parties and third parties
who assisted in the investigation, and
join Hundred
Yesterday, The Times revealed that therefore we will not be commenting Elizabeth Ammon
Horner was to be exonerated by the further out of respect for all concerned.
independent barrister appointed by Red Bull will continue striving to meet Kent County Cricket Club are seeking
Red Bull GmbH to conduct the investi- the highest workplace standards.” to buy their ground in Beckenham and
gation before he had even landed in The grievance was dismissed within a develop the site to allow them to bid to
Bahrain for the opening race of the report by the King’s Counsel that is become a third London Hundred team
season this weekend. But Horner will understood to have run to about 150 when the tournament expands.
return to trackside for the first time pages, based on more than 60 hours of Kent lease the site in southeast
today knowing he has to repair the interviews with Horner and other staff London, which is situated next to Crys-
damage caused and provide assurances members. Horner, alone, had to endure tal Palace FC’s training ground. There
that the relationship he has enjoyed a full day of questioning on February 9. are 11 years remaining on the lease and
with Max Verstappen remains strong But sources insist this does not mark the county were due to write to their
enough to deliver a fourth consecutive the end of the matter, with Horner now members yesterday setting out plans to
drivers’ title this year. tasked with addressing the issues that try to buy the site and develop it into a
While testing last week proved that have become apparent during the premier facility. That would help them
Red Bull’s car remains the one to beat, process. Some insiders believe Horner’s put forward a good case to the ECB that
Horner will understand that the team relationship with Verstappen is still it should be the home of a new Hundred
need to show they are also firing on all
cylinders over the next few days.
sufficiently healthy, even if the 26-year-
old once again declined the opportunity
Casemiro sets up Liverpool showdown team when the tournament increases
the number of teams from eight.
The female complainant still has the to support his boss publicly yesterday. Casemiro scored a late winner as Manchester United won 1-0 away to Although discussions about the
right to appeal, but there was confi- If there is an problem, those same Nottingham Forest in the FA Cup fifth round, to earn them a quarter-final future of the Hundred are still taking
dence in the Red Bull camp that sources speculate, it is more with those home tie against Liverpool, who beat Southampton 3-0. Reports pages 60-61 place, it is set to expand in size to
Horner’s position is secure even if there
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 Tweet to thwart censure at last (4) 1 Quick and brilliant black winger B A C K S L A P B R OK E R
3 Opening somehow meant for through on the outside (4,6) U L T I MA T E S L A L OM
9 severe critic (7,3) 2 Mine working for Spike useful in E E O T L I P
10 Screech animal near a rock face upward mobility? (5) C HR Y S A N T H EM UM
10 11 heard (9) 4 Cunning fellows housed in suitable E S S E X N I N E P E N C E
11 Monkey shown without tail in accommodation (9) E E E D J R
animation (5) 5 Observe that judge has left target S A M B R OW N E AMA S S
12 Assist insect swallowing close to for tabloid? (5) L I T T L E B I GHO RN
sunken well (7) 6 Cover of loveless work penned by T A H L O E A
12 13 13 Everything written into revolutionary author (7) H A ND I N C L E R I C A L
autonomous program for election 7 Traveller to drive back, lukewarm U C N T I O A
14 (6) about P&O (5,4)
Check today’s answers by ringing 0905 757
15 Rapid series of visits organised to 8 Vegetable energy going into upped 0141 by midnight. Calls cost £1 per minute
15 16 17 Welsh pits and to old city (7-4,4) swan? (4) plus your telephone company’s network
18 Mayor in Barnet has almost beaten 9 Positive result for Formula One access charge. SP: Spoke 0333 202 3390.
Labour (11,4) team’s head (6)
21 Smear live fish ingesting uranium 14 Soy trade disrupted after doctor Newspapers
(6) cooked without oil (3-7)
18 19 20
23 Roman general an old man seizing 16 Roman historian discounting first support recycling
The recycled paper content of
control (7) class colleges (3,6) UK newspapers in 2020 was 67%
26 American soldier coming in to 17 Bar limits changes leading to group
deliver for firm (5) loyalty (9)
21 22 23 24 27 Dependable but left out, is worker 19 An adolescent male dressed at last
acknowledged? (3-6) in rubber finding wealth (7)
25 28 Eco-friendly member shows talent 20 Worm that is wrapped around in
in garden (5,5) anorak (6)
26 27 29 Pearl: article buried in garden plot? 22 He was a Dutch painter? Utter
(4) nonsense (5)
24 Fitness expert rare commodity in
Middle East? (5)
28 29
25 Getting rook inside sack is a game
February 29 | 2024
his week the play?” children ask. “I don’t n one of the richest and most corporate “family days” that will
MP Lee know. Go ask a friend of powerful hedge funds in the remain empty because no analyst has
Anderson got Khan,” is all you can say. world lurks a mysterious and the time to be with his family; distil
in trouble for I fear every household will glamorous woman. She loiters self-help books for his endless
saying that eventually have its own around the men’s luxurious “personal growth”; and prep her boss
“Islamists” had friend of Khan permanently bathrooms but doesn’t look like a with information that should be
“got control” installed but, hey ho, that cleaner. She wears high heels private by utilising all legal means
of the London could also have an upside. that make no sound on the available — the latter a useful skill
mayor Sadiq Khan, who has “You’ve done what? You expensive carpet. She moves in a writer.
“given our capital city away to think you are in trouble with discreetly. Her “full-time job”, says But the central insight runs deeper
his mates”, who in turn “have me, but just you wait until Carrie Sun, the author of a compelling than that. Sun was a committed
got control of London”. Khan’s mate gets home.” memoir about super-rich elite capitalist. Her parents fled to America
Anderson has, as a result, Actually, let me tell you a financiers, is to flush the toilets after from a communist China where “my
been suspended from the story about life in London as the men. dad was hungry much of his life”, she
Conservative Party and there it now stands. Ready? OK. “So symbolic,” Sun says when we tells me. Her parents “ate bitterness”.
is a sense in some quarters We have a corner shop that is speak by video call. The astonishing As a result, when Sun was a child she
that he should grow up and owned and run by Ali, who problem was that the men, and they wanted nothing but financial stability.
stop wheeling out might be considered an were all men, who made their money She illustrated her first babyish
mendacious, divisive, dog- “Islamist” if “Islamist” is to be exploiting disasters in the real world attempt at a book with herself in a
whistling, racist tripe when conflated with Muslim, as were either too selfish or too busy — business suit: “CEO Sun”. She wrote a
proper conversations could be was the intention. Once, at about “There was that much time pressure,” story in which money literally grew on
had. But let me tell you: I am a 11pm, I tried to print out my plane she says — to clear up their own. Sun trees. To her, like so many, finance was
Londoner, have lived in London
all my life, and his remarks The mayor’s boarding pass and whatnot for a
flight first thing and discovered
acknowledges her frustration that this
woman had to be hired and that no
“an industry built on the American
dream: you can be anyone as long as
certainly struck a chord with me.
I don’t know what it’s like in friends are Slave Niece had used all the
printer paper. (We’ve agreed, for
one bothered to learn her name. This
is the finance sector seen up close, at
you can make the right calls. The
industry thinks of itself as among the
Exeter, say, or Truro, but in
London you can’t do anything
even in charge the sake of our relationship, to
never talk about this again. This
its crudest and most profound: “The
rich not taking care of their own shit.”
most meritocratic.”
However, her time spent deeply
without an “Islamist” being in
control of it and it’s massively
of the remote was, I should add, before you
could download your ticket on
On one level Sun’s memoir, Private
Equity, does for finance what The Devil
embedded with the private jet set
challenged everything. This wasn’t
wearing and trying. Just this like that here, what’s it like in the an app.) Wears Prada did for fashion. As it democracy in operation, it was the
morning, for instance, I wanted a “no-go” areas that don’t exist? I Having sought permission, opposite: power being concentrated
shower but knew I’d first have to hate to think. which was miraculously granted, among the shadowy super-rich,
check with one of Khan’s mates if It’s enough of a nightmare for I don’t know why — you never gobbling up large swathes of the
it’s OK to use the hot water.
Some days it is, and his mates
us Londoners, to tell the truth.
You try living like this. “Shall we
get a reason — I raced to Ali’s
shop and there it was, wondrously These firms have companies that rule our lives and with
less and less accountability. Private
are quite nice about it, some days
it isn’t. Hard to call. Depends on
go to the cinema this evening?”
someone might suggest. “I don’t
still open. However, printer paper
was out of stock. So Ali went out a lot more power Equity is a thoughtful meditation on
what happens when rampant self-
their mood, I guess. They make
unscheduled inspections so you
know if we can,” you will reply,
“what do Khan’s mates have to
back and returned with paper
from his printer that he gave me,
than maybe interest is left unchecked.
She is now 39, married to a
can’t just jump in the shower and
hope for the best.
say about it?” It’s risky to just up
and go.
no payment necessary, glad to
help, have a good trip.
people realise composer and living in New Jersey,
living an artistic life completely alien
You don’t want to be hauled out What if there’s an unscheduled You see what I’m saying? begins Sun is 29, the personal assistant to her decade on Wall Street. Who, I
by one of them. Particularly if it’s inspection down the local They’re in charge of whether to a founder of an investment firm in ask her, is the more ruthless, the
before you’ve had time to rinse off Picturehouse and you’re hauled we actually get to go anywhere Manhattan. This man was “the first writer or the investment banker?
the conditioner, which means from the film before its end? If it’s now! They’re in control of our billionaire I would ever meet”. Sun “The honest answer is both,” she
you’ll have to go around all day Dune 2 it might be a mercy, and travel! Whether we come or go! herself was possibly also the most says, deep-voiced, articulate. “No
with hair dried into a stiff, sticky proves there is an upside to And people say Anderson is overqualified assistant he would ever characters in this book are made-up or
mess. They’re even in charge of everything, but even so, better not just an attention-seeker who meet: she had a degree in maths from composite. It is entirely true apart
the remote, these friends of our chance it. likes to cause a stir and should MIT, went to the Wharton School of from some details changed to preserve
mayor. I’d quite like to watch that This is how it is now they know better but never will. Business for an MBA, and had many confidentiality and privacy. I struggled
JLo film everyone is talking about control everyone and everything Because this is not just his thing, years of experience as an investment a lot with the sense of betrayal . . . A
but can’t get a look-in. And if it’s in the city. “Can we go out to but his only thing. manager at Fidelity Investments. She writer has to be ruthless for the truth.
could perhaps have had his job in An investment manager is ruthless for
another life, but billionaires know they profits. In my world view, truth is
What is day-to-day why pick on me when knowing you have can get what they want. She was on more valuable than profits.”
hen I saw estates. Coming into windfall amounts
the news of money probably also requires being
yesterday an only child — and there are far
that fewer millennial onlies than
millennials millennials themselves are having,
are “set to because people could afford to have
become the more than one back then.
richest A friend texted me yesterday’s
generation in history”, according to a headline with the comment “proper
report by the estate agency Knight rage”. Like mine, her already stonking
Frank, I felt briefly excited. Were my mortgage has recently almost doubled
mortgage payments about to come (thanks, Kwasi!). Like me, she spends Charlie Gowans-Eglinton
down to what the family who bought £1,400 more a month on nursery than
my house for — checks notes — parents in other European countries
£260,000 in 2010 used to pay? Would do. Her partner has recently been
I get a rebate on the £70,000-ish I’ve made redundant too: now approaching
paid in childcare over the past six our forties, millennials often prove too
years to go to work?
There would be details of my kids’
expensive to keep but cheap to get rid
of. Unfortunately there is nothing else I might be able to spending towards greener homes,
greener goods, in line with younger
forthcoming free university tuition,
perhaps, or the triple-locked final
about our lives that is cheap.
There is even more disparity within
buy a one-bedroom generations’ ecological priorities.
So now it’s only a matter of time.
salary pension my peers and I will all
receive. Will a pint in my local no
the bracket itself, which spans births
from 1980 to 1994. At 38, I’m lucky to
flat for retirement This “massive transfer of wealth” will
happen over the next two decades.
longer cost £7? Harriet Walker be the “geriatric” vintage (fewer Charlie There’s nothing new in inheriting
But no: it turns out all I have to do is avocados, no email until freshers week, property, of course, but one of the
wait for my parents to die. can’t code), which means I went to Gowans-Eglinton factors keeping millennials
This is the awful truth that many university before it cost £9,000 a year infantilised into middle age is that
millennials know and don’t want to and paid off my student loan in my inally, some good news for the older generations are living
think about. Until us, the social late twenties. I got my first job just much-vilified millennials: we longer than ever (assuming they can
contract — a decent economy, enough before the financial crisis wiped out will inherit the earth, or at still afford to heat their homes). My
housing, stable jobs with wages that graduate opportunities (though was least the neighbourhood. parents are baby boomers, aged 67
reflect prices — allowed for most entered into a redundancy ballot in We’re set to become the and 72. My mum is like the bionic
children to do better than their my first month of employment). Since “richest generation in history” and woman, with two new knees, and my
parents. Yet the gulf in then I’ve been let go from a website we don’t have to lift a finger — all we parents are running around like
intergenerational wealth has turned that promised to be the future (until it have to do is wait for our parents to healthy twentysomethings again
my age group into so many Prince folded) and survived more trimmings die. Thank goodness for that! I was after curative cancer treatment for
Charleses, greying as it awaits a than a Sunday roast. worried about my latest £200 rent both at the Royal Marsden in the
birthright that comes with the Even so, my every grown-up increase (on top of last year’s £183 past five years.
worst price tag imaginable. decision — from going to rent increase) and seriously Millennial reliance on the Bank
I’m not asking for sympathy university to getting on the housing considering the suggestion from the of Mum and Dad is gleefully
— I’m one of the lucky ladder, even for a while my Kellogg’s CEO that anyone struggling reported. Last year a record number
infantilised ones, with generous childcare bills — has been in some to afford food in the cost of living of first-time homebuyers had help
parents who still help out with way subsidised by my parents. crisis should eat cereal for dinner. from living boomer parents: 61 per
lifeline loans and take us on Over my years as an adult, rents This morning I was one of — as this cent, according to Savills. The
holiday. But most millennials have gone up exorbitantly as paper’s deputy property editor put number of adults still living in their
won’t see anything like the salaries have stagnated, and now it — “a generation without hope”. parents’ home in England and
sort of dividend that will mortgages, bills and the food shop But now the dark clouds have parted Wales grew by 620,000 in the
supposedly make ours the have too. These are not costs that and the future — one in which decade up to the last census. Among
wealthiest cohort in history. come back down again, whether or my parents die and leave me half my friends who have bought their
The £2.5 trillion tied up in not the government says it is their house — apparently “looks own homes, most have done so
homes owned by the last of hitting targets on inflation. Another decidedly brighter”. thanks to financial help from their
the silent generation, the friend in her forties recently had to The silent generation, baby parents or inheritance from their
boomers and some of Gen X ask her parents to pay for her to boomers and the eldest of Gen X
relies on property value — and get a filling done. (basically everyone over 50) will pass
mortgages having been paid off Millennial lives are, and will down their wealth to their children
— in very specific parts of the
country: London, the southeast,
always be, far more expensive than
ones lived before — not because of
when they die. Talk about the goose
that, in its death throes, lays the Perhaps it will be
a few enclaves on the coast, even
fewer in the north. Jeremy Hunt,
all the avocados, but thanks to a
series of bad decisions taken by
golden well-appointed mid-terrace
and second home in the Costas, eh?
our Gen Alpha
the chancellor, might talk about
slashing inheritance tax, but it
people in charge. Only the very
biggest inheritance can insulate
And as the kids (some of us
middle-aged) inherit the earth, we
children who will
applies to less than 4 per cent of you from those. can expect to see a huge shift in be luckiest of all
the times | Thursday February 29 2024 5
Having stayed in
the north, I won’t
need a windfall
Chris Stokel-Walker
hile some millennials
might be willing to
wait for their baby
boomer inheritance
to come to them, I’m
hoping that at 34 — and with parents
in their late sixties and early
seventies — I’ll be waiting a while for
any money to come my way.
And while I haven’t done the sums,
when weighing up what I’m in line
for there are factors that will
simultaneously add and take away
from the cash pile. I’m an only child
(positive) of a middle-class family in
the north of England (negative).
In Gateshead, where my childhood
home was a terrace facing on to a
main road, the average household
income is 18 per cent below the
national average. I’m the son of a
warehouse worker and a teacher. My
childhood was lovely and comfortable
but far from ostentatious. All of
which means that I resolved long ago
not to build my life around an
indeterminate amount of money that
may or may not come at any point.
So after graduating from Newcastle
University in 2010, and having lived
with my parents during my student
days to save money, I strove to get on
with earning. I avoided moving to
London like many friends and stayed
Chris Stokel-Walker in Gateshead.
Isolde Walters I’ve been in journalism for more
than a decade but have only had a
decent chunk of money my short period of time when this has
grandfather had left me, I had been my sole source of income.
grandparents — either willed to
them directly or passed along by I’m lucky — my nowhere near the six-figure sum I’d
need to secure a flat alone in London,
Instead I’ve juggled the journalism
career with full or part-time jobs, in
their parents early to help them on to
the property ladder.
father helped me the city I had grown up in.
My father called back. He was
offices and now as a journalism
lecturer. But despite the crowing of
We’re a generation of adults still
reliant on our parents’ help. I may
buy a flat planning on selling his flat in the
capital — rented out since he had
keyboard warriors who bemoan our
cushy “avocado generation”, it has
not be far off 40, but the Bank of Isolde Walters retired — and once that had gone meant some sacrifices.
Mum and Dad still buys me bulk loo through he would be able to give me For one thing, my lunch hours
roll from Costco, lent me money remember calling my father to ask the lion’s share of the deposit I needed. were more likely to be spent
when I was short on last year’s tax him if he could help me buy a This would be my inheritance in interviewing for stories that I tapped
bill, and provides two days and a
night of free childcare a week for my
home. I was at the end of my
tether, sharing a tiny flat in west If only advance, he explained. A year later I
bought a two-bedroom flat in
out on the bus home. Rather than
splurging on avocado toast, I bought
older sister. Millennials like me are
lucky if we have that safety net. But
London that was astonishingly
pretty on the outside but damp, those with southeast London.
I’m lucky. I let out my spare room
an audio recorder and an earplug
that allowed me to record interviews
then I’ve never inherited any money,
while my parents were both
cramped and crumbly inside, paying
£1,000 a month in rent. My flatmate family and, as a result, I’ve been able to
embark upon the precarious career of
on my way to and from the day job.
Holidays were more often than not
orphaned in their mid-twenties. The
lucky ducks!
was a nomadic soul and in three
months she would get a job overseas,
money can a freelance journalist. Along with the
cash, my parents gave me freedom.
work trips paid for by magazines, on
to which I would append an extra
I am, curiously, less keen for my
parents to shuffle off this mortal coil
leaving me scrambling for another
home in a market where renters
buy, it’s not When I read the news that my age
group is set to become the richest
night in a hotel at my own expense,
or would sneak a few hours’
than my local geezer estate agent
lobbying for his 2 per cent of their
routinely “bid” hundreds over the
monthly rent to secure a property.
something generation in history as our parents
hand down their wealth, my first
sightseeing in between meetings. I’d
leave social events early to stay up
house sale. Since they’re active, eat All around, friends were clambering to celebrate thought was: what about the people until 2am filing stories for editors.
organic, don’t smoke or skydive, I am on the property ladder with the help of who won’t inherit? Confirmation that This isn’t a sob story. I’m in a long-
hoping they will still be pootling a huge withdrawal from the Bank of Britain has become an inheritocracy term relationship with a university
around in their little electric car Mum and Dad. I knew no one who where only those with access to family lecturer, we live comfortably and,
when they are 100. Should we be so bought their first home in London money can hope to buy a home in the yes, we have subscriptions to Netflix
lucky to get another 30 years without parental assistance or an southeast is hardly something to and Disney+. I’ve earned more than
together, then I’ll inherit half of inheritance. celebrate. My second thought was: I the national average income of
their two-bedroom London terrace I felt hopeless, staring down a future don’t feel like a member of the richest £33,000 for more than a decade.
in my mid-sixties. Minus inheritance of shuffling from house share to house generation in history. Even so, I am one of the 61 per cent
taxes, and too old by then to get share, my life upended every time a My father bought his first flat in of first-time buyers who have had
much of a mortgage, I might be able landlord jacked up the rent or a north London in 1970 at the age of 22 some help from their parents.
to buy a one-bedroom flat in time for flatmate fell in love and moved in with for the grand sum of £6,250. Even I got mine, a two-bedroom flat in
my retirement. their partner, leaving me scrolling allowing for the changing value of which I live with my girlfriend
If I have the pension pot to take through SpareRoom. money, that’s a far cry from today. overlooking a lush green park
one, that is. And if I still have my “Can you help me buy a flat?” I Most of his friends owned their homes outside Newcastle, nine years ago for
health, without the NHS to see me asked my father, desperate and to the in their twenties. My head spins when £160,000, with the cash I’d
through my dotage. So perhaps it point. I suspect he’d been expecting I try to imagine my pals and me squirrelled away going towards it.
will be our Gen Alpha children who this. “I’ll call you back,” he said. owning houses in Hampstead or flats I’m also aware that I haven’t hit the
will be the luckiest of all, because we At 34, I had finally landed a job with in Angel that would only soar in value. hard bit of life yet. I don’t have to
super-rich millennials will all kick a salary large enough to net me a So, thanks to Mum and Dad, think about how to pay for the costs
the bucket nice and early, having decent mortgage. What I didn’t have millennials are quids-in, but I have a of a child while still simultaneously
eaten only cereal for dinner while was the deposit. With a meagre sneaking suspicion we’d rather have working. But any inheritance won’t
we waited for our parents to die. £10,000 to my name, even with the made the money ourselves. make or break me.
6 Thursday February 29 2024 | the times
n a grey Saturday
afternoon in
February last year,
I wandered up from
my home in Oxford
to the city centre to
buy groceries. The
first thing I noticed
were the police officers on horseback,
the second a shouty crowd in Broad
Street, the wide avenue that has
Blackwell’s bookshop on one side and
Christopher Wren’s Sheldonian
Theatre on the other. The main
surprise, however, was that while the
protesters generally looked normally
bobble-hatted and middle class, many
of the placards they waved were plain
nuts: “Jail the government for treason.
Say no to human enslavement” was
one, “Smash the New World Order”
another. Some were anti-Covid
vaccinations, some anti-BBC.
An astonishing number of posters,
however, complained about local
roads policy. People were clearly angry
about Oxford’s LTNs, the low-traffic constrain people to live in one area. The science professor discussion; the opposite. I’m not a The irony for Moreno is that
neighbourhoods being introduced by Never have I proposed this ‘open-air Carlos Moreno. Right: politician, I’m a scientist. I am totally although the city and county council
the county council, led by the Liberal jail’ but I received a lot of violent protests in Oxford. open for discussing constructive have announced ambitions to deliver
Democrats and the Greens, but with attacks on social networks, Instagram, Below: actress Florence opinions with other scientists. I am what amount to 20-minute
the support of the city council, which TikTok. It was thousands of messages, Pugh and her father, totally open for receiving criticism. neighbourhoods, the present low-
is Labour. “Your City = Open Prison” including death threats for me, for my Clinton However, I refuse totally to discuss traffic neighbourhoods are not part
ran a small placard. A banner wife, for my daughters. Being totally with the extreme right or the extreme of it, and are merely designed to
proclaimed, “Our community our honest, I think this movement was left, because we have [opposition from] make quieter and safer streets. Trial
choice: No to 15-20 minute cities.” related to the rise of the ultra-right. both extremes.”
In Paris, Carlos Moreno, a 64-year- The Patriotic Alternative movement Moreno points out that although
old South American-born science took part in [the] Oxford [protest] and, they make a lot of noise, when the
professor at the Université Paris 1
Panthéon-Sorbonne, was taken aback
of course, the climate-sceptical people
and the antivax movement.”
local elections came last May,
extremist candidates made little I received death
by the protests which, while largely
peaceful, managed to rack up five
The protests also received the
support of Canada’s Old Testament
headway. This was true even in east
Oxford, where the social media forum, threats for me,
arrests. Moreno is regarded as the
father of the 15-minute city, his name
sage Jordan Peterson, who told his
five million followers that “idiot
Nextdoor, had been dominated for
two years by rows about the
for my wife, for
for neighbourhoods in which all the
necessities of life — from shops, to
tyrannical bureaucrats” were
planning to impose 15-minute
introduction of low-traffic
neighbourhoods, and where the local
my daughters
parks, to schools — are in walking or neighbourhoods by “fiat”. restaurateur Clinton Pugh has said traffic filters are aimed at alleviating
cycling distance of people’s homes. Today, Moreno comes to the extra travel time to get to his a decades-long problem with
Since outlining his vision in 2016, Oxford, at the invitation of Oxford restaurants has led to a loss of trade congestion. This is traffic
nearly 100 city mayors across the University’s Transport Studies and forced him to ask his management; Moreno’s plan goes way
world have endorsed it. A book, The Unit, to explain his vision at actress daughter Florence beyond that.
15-Minute City, to be published in the an open meeting. His Pugh for financial help. “The 15-minute city is a radical
UK in May, details the plans for its welcome may not be The two councils, change of our lifestyle, of our work
adoption and, in some cases, the ways unqualified. For a whose councillors and style. The 15-minute city wants to
it has been adopted already in Paris, conference in Buenos officers had, they said, provide more local services in
Milan, Portland in Oregon, Buenos Aires, the city employed faced abuse, put out a proximity, to reactivate the local
Aires, Sousse in Tunisia, Melbourne, guards to protect him: statement to correct the economy, to create more jobs, more
Busan in South Korea and Edinburgh. “Two policeman early in “misinformation”: the new local commerce, more schools in the
The concept has, it must be said, the morning until late in filters being introduced will district, more future activities, theatre,
proved largely popular. the evening. Totally not be physical barriers but cinema, restaurants, cafés, public
“Oxford was the first demonstration,” insane.” In Oxford, the traffic cameras; all parts of the spaces to enjoy, accessible on foot or
Moreno says. He is speaking from university will supply city will remain reachable by by bike. This is not a punishment.”
Paris against a Zoom cartoon of a whatever security it car, if sometimes by longer In his book he writes that cities’
sunny city built round a park. deems necessary. routes; Oxford residents and “good old days” ended in 1933 with the
“They were protesting with insane Is he afraid? residents of nearby villages will Athens Charter of city planning, which
arguments,” he continues. “These “No. I was born in be able to apply for permits to prioritised new roads along which cars
people said I wanted to create a new Colombia.” drive through the filters 100 days could speed from one city zone —
climate lockdown, that I wanted to The meeting allows a year; permits will be available residential, recreational, retail,
constrain people to live within short questioners to for regular trips to hospitals and, commercial — to another. His
perimeters, to have an electronic “challenge his views”. in theory at least, they should be prelapsarian alternative vision places
passport for living in this one territory. Does he expect protests? easier by car since there will be people and their localities back at the
Never, never, never have I proposed to “I’m not a guy for refusing less traffic. heart of planning decisions. By
the times | Thursday February 29 2024 7
the table
more and more people understand
that it’s a standalone cuisine.”
And in the new Italian-American-
themed restaurants that are springing
up in the capital, it’s not just the young
foodie crowd who are getting excited.
In his recent review of The Dover in
reducing travel, we regain the precious Mayfair, Giles Coren described its
gift of time. What he really wants is spaghetti and meatballs dish as “tight
for us to have more lovely days in our little nuts of grain-fed beef, rumbling
neighbourhood. in a bright, lively sauce, all tangled up
Although he had worked on his in the pasta ... Positively sexual it was”.
ideas from 2010, it was after Cop21, the More is to come. Carbone, a New
2015 Paris climate change conference, York institution renowned for its
that Moreno relaunched his 15-minute meatballs, is set to open in Grosvenor
city vision, emphasising its potential Square and, outside London, Louis, a
for tackling global warming. He writes “love letter to the Italian-American
that “urban activities” account for restaurants of New York”, is due to
70 per cent of global greenhouse gas open in Manchester this autumn.
emissions. What accelerated the idea’s Not everyone is happy about the
implementation by cities round the trend. “It’s very disappointing, if you
world, however, was Covid. Many ask me,” says the Italian chef
found they could work at home quite Francesco Mazzei. “These dishes have
easily and, freed from hellish nothing to do with Italy. They’re very
commutes, fell back in love with their rich and stodgy, which is not what
local environments. The problem, Italian cooking is all about.”
Moreno acknowledges, is that those “It’s Mickey Mouse Italian food,”
who saw lockdown as the state’s move says James Chiavarini, owner of Il
against individual freedom of Portico, an Italian restaurant in
movement think the 15-minute city is Kensington. “That’s not to say there’s
lockdown by another name. anything wrong with it — it just does
In fact, he says, the idea is neither not resemble Italian food.” However,
right nor left wing. He has worked on he recognises the allure of spaghetti
implementing 15-minute districts with and meatballs. “A lot of people are
Anne Hidalgo, the socialist mayor of using TikTok like a search engine to
Paris, and Valérie Pécresse, the rightist find restaurants these days and there’s
president of the densely populated Île- something very visceral about seeing a
de-France region around central Paris. big plate of carbs, meat and cheese. It
In Britain, he points to Nicholas Boys hits you on a primal level.”
Smith, adviser to Tory governments, At Mortimer House Kitchen in
who has written: “Fifteen-minute cities Fitzrovia, where Tom Cenci serves
are not a socialist plot.” fresh spaghetti with beef and oregano
Even if the idea is bipartisan, I see meatballs in a rich marinara sauce, the
practical objections. If, as one Labour executive chef admits it’s sometimes
Is serving spaghetti
Party figure in Oxford admitted to me, “very hard” to persuade his Italian
there are winners and losers with cooks to break with tradition, but
LTNs (depending on which road they Italian-American cuisine allows you to
live by), maybe some 15-minute citizens do so. “It’s a little bit more playful and
will lose out too. Moreno, who has not naughty. Sometimes restaurants can
city. OK. But is it necessary to park my cook our pasta Italian al dente
car in a public space for a whole day f you served an Italian a plate of Tramp, and no modern but we got so many customers
when I need it only for 10 minutes or spaghetti and meatballs they mobster drama seems saying it wasn’t cooked. Now
20 minutes or 30 minutes?” might look aghast — but you complete without a we cook it slightly more
I think he is suggesting taxis. I have wouldn’t get the same response reference to the dish. English al dente instead of
another query. Walking and biking are from the chef Sean Grasso. He When the end credits Italian al dente.”
good for us and pleasurable but are loves it. His family moved to roll on Italianamerican, The Italian chef Mitshel
few people’s choice on a cold wet day. London from Sicily, via New the film director Martin Ibrahim’s east London
Aren’t 15-minute cities best located in York, and growing up his nonna’s Scorsese’s documentary restaurant, Ombra, serves
the Mediterranean and South spaghetti and meatballs was one of his about his parents, creative takes on Italian
America? “This is a good point,” he favourite dishes. Now it’s the bestseller Catherine and Charles, classics and he has noticed
says, “because in reality, at the core of in Grasso, the restaurant he launched his mother’s recipe for a shift towards a more
the 15-minute city, is not bikeability in November in Soho, London. meatballs is the last thing Americanised style of Italian
but accessibility to more local services.” “It’s been crazy,” says the 35-year- to appear on the screen. cooking too. “While I’m not
My final killer question is this: is he old. “We’re having to scale everything Scriptwriters often against the idea of
not straying from town planning into up due to demand. I think people like make a meal of the bastardising certain dishes,
social engineering? In his book he the unpretentiousness of it. We’re not gastronomic gulf between sometimes my heart does skip
talks of “combatting gentrification, trying to win a Michelin star. We just the reverence with which, a beat when I see dishes such
elitism and the concentration of want to give people a solid meal and say, a New Yorker might as smoked eel carbonara on
certain socio-political categories in the some fun factor.” regard spaghetti and meatballs, and Tom Cenci, right, with some east London menus,” he admits.
same area”. Disarmingly he seems to Killjoys may observe that in Italy how it’s judged in the country from chef Francisco at Chiavarini has a theory that the
accept this: “we need to mix people”. meatballs are not served with whence its constituent parts came. Mortimer House nation’s newfound desire for hearty,
If those Oxford protests puzzled spaghetti, but such conventions don’t There’s no better illustration of this Kitchen. Above: uncomplicated dishes such as
Moreno, they did me too. When I got bother Grasso. “We’re not an Italian than in Big Night, the 1996 comedy spaghetti and meatballs spaghetti and meatballs comes from
home that day I realised that because I restaurant, we’re an Italian-American co-directed by Stanley Tucci, in which from The Tinned the difficult times we’re going through
live centrally, I am 15-minute man restaurant,” he says. two chefs, newly arrived from Italy, Tomatoes Cookbook by globally. “I think a lot of these trends
personified. From my house I walk to And nothing epitomises Italian- clash with a New Jersey diner who Samuel Goldsmith come down to timing. Restaurants are
shops, parks, theatres and cinemas, a American food more than an wants to embellish their delicately (Murdoch Books) emotional businesses and they often
lido, my doctor’s surgery — even city- overloaded plate of spaghetti and crafted scallop and shrimp risotto with reflect how the nation is feeling.
centre demos. When Moreno says “we meatballs. Walt Disney ensured its a side order of said pasta dish. Every time the world gets itself into
need to deploy this proximity to the iconic status when he served it up to “There’s still a snobbery towards this a mess we see a resurgence of very
outskirts of cities”, I agree with him. his canine canoodlers in Lady and the type of food,” Grasso says, “but I think comforting dishes.”
8 Thursday February 29 2024 | the times
Fontaines DC face a more pressing
he group of the year problem not being “streaming
category at this year’s friendly”, not making music that slips
Brit awards makes you easily into playlists for the gym, the
wonder if there is a dinner party, the coffee shop, the
future in groups at all. hairdresser. “You see it with globally
It features Blur, who successful rock acts who are streaming
formed more than 30 a fifth of what a similarly sized band
years ago; the drum making less abrasive music will do,”
and bass DJs Chase and Status; and says Adam Nealon, A&R director for
the drill rapper Headie One and his the American independent label
occasional collaborator K-Trap. conglomerate Secretly Group.
Coupled with rising rents, the closure Two bands signed to Secretly
of small venues and the challenges of illustrate the situation. Khruangbin
touring Europe after Brexit, it suggests are a Texas three-piece who, with
that bands are in crisis. influences including Thai funk,
“You look at Afro-rock and
bands today and Brazilian
not one of them tropicalia, should
would stand up be the last word in
and say anything obscurity. Yet their
controversial languid music
because they’re all slots so easily into
worried about playlists with
getting cancelled,” titles such as
says the singer Totally Stress Free
Liam Gallagher. that they have
“Character can 6.8 million
drag a half-decent monthly listeners
band a long way on Spotify.
and there are no The London
characters any five-piece Shame,
more. I’d rather be meanwhile, have
in a half-decent band full of characters Blur, nominees for built a reputation as one of the most four-piece whose members left home
than in a great band full of squares.” group of the year. exciting live bands around, but their towns across the UK in 2013 to make it
What would happen if Oasis came
along today? “We would be killed
Above right: Another
punk abrasion isn’t Totally Stress Free
and their 164,000 monthly listeners
in London, but by the time their
unfortunately prophetic debut, I Slept Character can
before we started,” said Gallagher’s
brother Noel when we spoke last year.
are nowhere near enough for them to
give up the day jobs.
on the Floor, came out in 2020 the
singer Catrin Vincent and guitarist drag bands a long
“What made Oasis great was that we
were moody, a bit wild, and back then
“You can get a Grammy nomination
and you still can’t afford to rent a one-
Jack Gilbert had lost their jobs and
their gig bookings were scuppered by
way but there are
labels were run by amazing characters
like Alan McGee of Creation, who
bedroom flat in London,” says Grian
Chatten of Dublin’s Fontaines DC,
Covid. Last year their landlord sold his
flat and they moved into a van. Now
no characters now
loved the chaos. On the ferry to who were nominated for best rock they’re homeless.
Amsterdam, when everyone got album at the 2021 Grammys. “The week Covid hit, we were Radio
nicked [1994, first European tour, too Another Sky are an alternative rock 1’s tune of the week and I didn’t even
the times | Thursday February 29 2024 9
bands in London is the direct result
of colossal living expenses. “Rents erhaps unsurprisingly, given clever and strangely addictive.
are astronomical and rehearsal the public relations disaster Will win: Sprinter, Dave and
spaces are hard to find,” says Perry, faced by the Brits in 2023 Central Cee
who put on early gigs by now after a much-trumpeted The Brits is above all a commercial
successful but still skint acts such as gender-neutral best artist body, so it will be hard to ignore the
Black Midi and Black Country, New shortlist was revealed to be all male, all-conquering success of this ode to
Road. “So unless you have rich parents women are dominating this year’s making vast sums and flaunting it in
it will be difficult.” awards. Raye is the breakout star with every way imaginable. “We ain’t got
The very notion of live music is in a seven nominations, a remarkable generational wealth. It’s only a year
state of flux. The success of Abba turnaround for the 26-year-old, who that I’ve had these millions,” Central
Voyage is paving the way for hologram parted ways with her record label, Cee points out, helpfully.
shows and arena concerts, where Polydor, in 2021, while the pop stars
spectacle is as important as music. Dua Lipa and Group of the year
Last year, as one in six small venues PinkPantheress Should win: Young Fathers
across the UK closed, The O2 in and the rapper The award should go not only to an
London sold 2.5 million tickets. “Well, Little Simz are actual group, but one that’s trying to
so-called dry January was one of our all up for push things forward.
biggest months of the year, partly multiple awards. Will win: Blur
because there were no arena bands They may have had their glory days
out there,” says Perry. “Clearly there is Album of back in the mid-Nineties, but 2023 was
an appetite for it.” the year arguably Blur’s year — with a hugely
Another problem is major labels Should win: successful stadium tour and an album,
being more interested in analytics Heavy Heavy, The Ballad of Darren, that sounded
than artist development. The Scottish Young Fathers age-appropriate while holding on to
four-piece the Snuts left jobs as slaters, Ever since they that vital punky spark of old.
joiners and mechanics to make a go of won the 2014
it with a raucous, Arctic Monkeys- Mercury prize, this International artist of the year
style indie sound. After their debut Scottish trio have Should win: Burna Boy
album, WL, went to No 1 in 2021 and been developing Since time immemorial
into one of the “international” artist at the Brits has
most original meant “American”. Wouldn’t it be nice,
Above: Dua Lipa bands out there. In an age driven by given the explosion of globally
We were expected Below: Raye
Right: Burna Boy
genre-based playlists, their rejection of
category is impressive. Hip-hop, rock,
successful pop emanating from Africa,
if this Nigerian superstar got a nod?
to do marketing African folk, even frothy pop collide
on a socially engaged album that
Will win: Taylor Swift
There could be riots in the streets
jobs rather than sounds like nothing else.
Will win: My 21st Century Blues, Raye
if Swift doesn’t win. She has become
such a phenomenon that her tour
be musicians The industry is in a state of collective
guilt about Raye (née Rachel
is credited with revitalising local
care,” says Vincent when we meet in their second, Burn the Empire, hit Agatha Keen), a singer with
the church basement in south London No 3 a year later, you would assume shades of Amy Winehouse International song of
they have turned into a studio thanks their label, Parlophone, would have who left Polydor after the year
to the largesse of a benevolent vicar. been over the moon. It seems not. the label withheld her Should win: Vampire,
“We’ve been on the brink ever since.” “By the time of the second album, album release for Olivia Rodrigo
Bands such as Another Sky have we were expected to do marketing jobs several years. She The former child
achieved too much to give it up — rather than be musicians,” says the released My 21st star is on her way to
their new album, Beach Day, is band’s singer Jack Cochrane. “We went Century Blues herself joining the pop
reminiscent of an angrier, more into a boardroom where someone held and it became a super league, which
impoverished Echo and the up their phone and flicked through zeitgeist-capturing could help this
Bunnymen — but cannot afford to examples of how many videos pop phenomenon. gothically tinged
carry on. “It is a well-known secret in stars posted each week, what time they piano ballad, three
the industry that you can’t make a posted them, which demographic was Artist of the year minutes of suppressed
living from it,” Vincent says. connecting with which content. And I Should win: Little Simz fury, take its rightful place
“Streaming doesn’t pay, touring costs thought, whatever happened to One of the best rappers in as one of the songs of the year.
money and your family are going, making the music you wanted to Britain today, she reaches parts of Will win: Stick Season, Noah Kahan
‘Why are you doing music if this is make?” They dealt with the situation modern culture others cannot: the The Vermont artist’s earnest folk-pop
what’s happening to you?’” by escaping Parlophone and going taboo on talking about mental health hit follows the heritage brand-clad
“All we need is for each of us to pull their own way. “Being in a band is in the black community, major labels tradition of Mumford and Sons, with
in a grand and a half a month and we about doing the heavy lifting, driving treating artists as commodities, and astonishing No 1 hit success.
could do it full time,” says Gilbert. “But the van, working hard to get out of the questioning your initial ambitions.
the money you make from touring nine to five,” Cochrane says. “We Will win: Raye Voted alternative/rock act
goes back into the show and UK fees decided, faced with the alternative, to As long as it is followed by vast Should win: The Rolling Stones
are terrible compared to those in carry on with the heavy lifting.” commercial success, the Brits love The Stones are by no stretch of the
Europe. That’s why Brexit is such a big Nor is the social media engagement a hard luck story. Raye’s debut imagination alternative but they are
problem for bands.” loved by the major labels paying the addresses body dysmorphia, rock, so it is only right that they
How to explain, then, the success of promised dividends. In January addiction and anxiety — plus should win their first Brit for their
the Last Dinner Party, who have Universal removed its catalogue from she has an old-fashioned best album in decades.
roared out of nowhere to a No 1 TikTok, seen as the engine of new jazz-soul sensibility, aligned Will win: Bring Me the Horizon
album, in the process winning the music discovery. It was paying a to that essential ingredient: A public vote will decide this, which
BBC Sound of 2024 and a rising star fraction offered by other social being relatable. means the emo-metal-rock band from
award at the Brits this weekend? Their platforms and blowing up on TikTok is Sheffield should have it in the bag.
theatrical escapism may be part of it. often too ephemeral to mean much in Song of the year
“People don’t want to listen to the long term. Should win: Boy’s a Liar, Voted pop act
postpunk and hear about the cost of If you’re big enough to play to 9,000 PinkPantheress Should win: Charli XCX
living crisis any more,” says Abigail people each night, as the Snuts are, the The British have a way of An interesting postmodern figure who
Morris, their singer. Having attended future lies in putting out albums injecting ironic distance into embraces everything from trashy pop
the liberal boarding school Bedales, yourself and funding them via touring. pop and this is a prime to hyperactive rave.
where fees can be £43,000 a year, the And maybe there is hope. AI has been example — a confection of Will win: Dua Lipa
cost of living crisis probably isn’t a learning how to replicate the things frothy hooks, sickly sweet Now a gold-plated superstar: sleek,
huge issue for Morris. musicians offer: glamour, spectacle, vocals and clubby beats so professional, ubiquitous. A run of
Yet, according to Tim Perry, the catchy tunes. The one thing it can’t sugary it should come with recent hits — Dance the Night,
booker for the grassroots venue the replicate is the immediacy of a sweaty a pre-diabetic health warning. Houdini, Training Season — suggests
Windmill in Brixton, the crisis hitting band playing a grubby basement. It is also highly original, very she is still in her imperial phase.
10 Thursday February 29 2024 | the times
Every day, Monday to Thursday, a page of extra Sudoku difficult Train Tracks
puzzles to give your brain an extended workout Lay tracks to enable the train to travel
from village A to village B. The numbers
indicate how many sections of track go in
Samurai medium each row and column. There are only
straight sections and curved sections. The
Fill each grid so that every column, every row and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9. track cannot cross itself.
Where the puzzles overlap, the rows and columns do not go beyond their usual length.
Killer deadly
Fill the grid so that every column, every row and
every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9. Each set of
cells joined by dotted lines must add up to the target
number in its top-left corner. Within each set of cells
Fill the blank squares so that every row and
joined by dotted lines, a digit cannot be repeated. column contains each of the numbers 1 to 5
once only. The symbols between the squares
indicate whether a number is larger (>) or
smaller (<) than the number next to it.
Every letter in the
crossword-style grid,
right, is represented by
a number from 1 to 26. TRAIN TRACKS
Each letter of the
alphabet appears in
the grid at least once.
Use the letters already
provided to work out
the identity of further
letters. Enter letters in
the main grid and the
Place the numbers 1 to 9 in smaller reference grid
the spaces so that the until all 26 letters of
number in each circle is the alphabet have been
equal to the sum of the four accounted for. Proper
surrounding spaces, and nouns are excluded.
each colour total is correct
Fill in the grid so that
every column, every
row and every 3x2
box contains the
digits 1 to 6
Solutions in
Monday’s Times2
the times | Thursday February 29 2024 11
TV review
And I was astonished, as an art It was Peaky Blinders week in this
lummox, that the one I thought should series, which is proving reliably
win, did win. One common viewer entertaining, and what the casting
complaint about LAOTY and its director Kelly Valentine Hendry
sister Portrait Artist of the Year is that wanted to see from the untrained
the judges — Tai Shan Schierenberg, wannabe actors was not only the
Kathleen Soriano and Kate Bryan — ability to fight convincingly but also
don’t pick the right winners and praise the power of silence and the potency
the wrong paintings to the rafters. But of a glowering stare. Not as easy as
in the last episode I, with my zero it looks, even though Murphy makes it
qualifications, think they got it spot look effortless.
Landscape Artist of the Year on. (Don’t read on if you don’t want to Don’t get me wrong, some of these
Final know who won.) contestants were very good, especially
Sky Arts The winner’s talent for reflecting in the choreographed fisticuffs. But I
{{{{( how light interacts with buildings and wonder if you either have that gift or
the landscape and, as the judges said, you don’t. How far can it be taught,
Bring the Drama her ability to tell a story with colour for instance, to “be” appealing and
BBC2 were hugely impressive. The other two appalling simultaneously? Hendry
finalists, Kristina Chan and Denise taught them to minimise their hand
running joke about Fisk, were of course extremely gifted movements, keep the stillness, rein it
Landscape Artist of the too, but Monica Popham’s art was in. But some are clearly more acting
Year is that they have beautifully vibrant. “naturals” than others.
made a TV show about I don’t know if you watched the Bring the Drama is a cut above your
watching paint dry. But, as second programme at 9pm but her average reality TV competition, but
it turns out, watching paint dry can be prize, a £10,000 commission to paint I wish it wouldn’t fall back on those
pretty mesmeric. As a total and utter a landscape scene from the Orkney contrived clichés, such as making a
art duffer, I watched this gentle, polite Islands for the Science Museum to contestant sit on a wall and say how
finale with the wonder of a starving portray the harnessing of wind, waves much they want to win the task with
medieval peasant gazing upon a and tides to produce energy, showed a “the other cast members better
sumptuous feast. Everything I try to to me at least that she was the right watch out!” Ironically, it too could
draw or paint fails to reach much choice. I thought it was stunning. benefit from remembering that less is
beyond Mr Potato Head standard, so Over to Bring the Drama and while Judges Kate Bryan, Tai Shan Schierenberg and Kathleen Soriano more, daahling, less is more.
The territorial behaviour of rabbits (r) (AD) 11.15 Homes It (r) 8.00 Sign Zone: Monty Don’s Spanish Gardens (r) Entertainment, current affairs and fashion news, as well 6.50 Cheers (r) 7.40 3rd Rock from the Sun (r) (AD) 8.30 and guests discuss the issues of the day 11.15 Storm
Under the Hammer. The progress of properties in Stoke, (AD, SL) 9.00 BBC News 12.15pm Politics Live 1.00 as showbiz stories and gossip. Presented by Lorraine Kelly Everybody Loves Raymond (r) (AD) 10.00 Frasier (r) (AD) Huntley. Debate on the day’s talking points continues
Chatham and Pembroke Dock (r) (AD) 12.15pm Bargain Impossible (r) 1.45 The Tournament (r) 2.30 The 10.00 This Morning. Daily magazine, featuring a mix of 11.00 The Great House Giveaway. Transforming a 1950s with Storm Huntley 12.45pm Alexis Conran & Friends.
Hunt. From Ardingly in West Sussex (r) (AD) 1.00 BBC Farmers’ Country Showdown. Dairy goat farmers attend chat, showbusiness news, lifestyle features, topical bungalow in Anglesey into an eco-home (r) 12.00 The actor, writer and broadcaster examines the important
News at One; Weather 1.30 BBC Regional News; Weather the Gillingham & Shaftesbury Show. Last in the series (r) discussion, health and beauty advice and more. Including Channel 4 News Summary 12.05pm Sun, Sea and Selling stories of the day, getting viewers’ opinions on them
1.45 Doctors. Al launches his new podcast with a tough 3.00 Saved and Remade. Transformations include a Local Weather 12.30pm Loose Women. The women put Houses. A Huddersfield couple look to build a new life in 1.40 5 News at Lunchtime 1.45 Home and Away. An
case (AD) 2.15 Clean It, Fix It. A family in Middlesex recumbent tricycle that once carried an Olympic torch (r) the world to rights once more and invite a guest to chat Spain (r) 1.05 Find It, Fix It, Flog It. Simon hatches a awkward surprise hits Theo between the eyes, Remi and
needs help with growing demands on their space 3.00 3.30 Murder, Mystery and My Family. Criminal barristers about what they are up to 1.30 ITV News; Weather 1.55 wacky plan to turn some old tanks into a pizza oven (r) Bree talk honestly about the Doctors Without Borders
Escape to the Country. Sonali Shah helps a couple from Sasha Wass and Jeremy Dein investigate the case of a Regional News; Weather 2.00 Dickinson’s Real Deal. (AD) 2.10 Countdown. Vick Hope is in Dictionary Corner opportunity, and Eden and Cash learn plenty on their
Surrey to find a new home in the Welsh Borders, and also woman executed for killing her husband in 1856 (r) (AD) David Dickinson is at the seaside town of Bridlington, 3.00 A Place in the Sun. Ben Hillman helps a semi-retired camping trip (r) 2.15 FILM: Murder at Blackthorne
goes behind the scenes with conservation work at the 4.15 Equator from the Air. Gordon Buchanan completes where an admiral watercolour washes up on Karen NHS worker from Manchester who is longing to buy a Manor (PG, TVM, 2023) A woman enjoys creating
Slimbridge Wetland Centre (r) (AD) 3.45 The Repair his equatorial journey in South-east Asia, searching for Dalmeny’s table (r) (AD) 3.00 Lingo. With a father and holiday home for her and her family and friends on the murder mystery parties, but when a manor house owner
Shop. Jay Blades and the experts repair a Victorian diablo, orangutans in Borneo and discovering that Indonesia’s son from Chislehurst, a hairdresser and brother from Greek island of Crete (r) 4.00 A New Life in the Sun. In is found dead, she and her colleague must find the killer.
a sparkly pair of 1940s dance shoes and a telescope that capital is sinking. Last in the series (r) (AD) 5.15 Flog It! Gloucestershire, and a married couple from Birmingham Italy, two Manchester foodies prepare a vegan banquet (r) Thriller with Christie Leverette (AD) 4.00 Shoplifters:
has lived a lifetime of stargazing (r) (AD) 4.30 Antiques Paul Martin joins Elizabeth Talbot and James Lewis in (r) 4.00 Tipping Point. Ben Shephard hosts the 5.00 Château DIY. At the Château de la Fare, the room Caught Red Handed. In Newton Abbot, a member of staff
Road Trip. Izzie Balmer and Ishy Khan go treasure hunting Basingstoke, and visits the home of the man now arcade-themed quiz in which contestants drop tokens renovation suffers some setbacks (AD) 6.00 Come Dine at the town’s main department store thinks they have
around Derbyshire. Izzie wants a little something for the considered the father of ecology, 18th-century naturalist down a choice of four chutes in the hope of winning a with Me. On the fourth day of the competition in seen someone walk past the checkout and leave with one
breakfast table, while Ishy has some miniature sporting Gilbert White (r) 6.00 Richard Osman’s House of Games. £10,000 jackpot 5.00 The Chase. Bradley Walsh presents Birmingham, a hairdresser hopes that his traditional feast of their expensive coats (r) 5.00 5 News at 5 6.00 Susan
equipment in mind (r) 5.15 Pointless. Quiz hosted by With Nihal Arthanayake, Jay McGuiness, Lucy Porter as four contestants work as a team to take on one will be a cut above the rest with his guests 6.30 The Calman’s Grand Day Out. The presenter heads to the
Alexander Armstrong and Ed Gamble (r) 6.00 BBC News and Jan Ravens 6.30 Rick Stein’s Food Stories. The chef of the ruthless Chasers and secure a cash prize 6.00 Simpsons. Marge starts chatting to another man over the dramatic, yet charming coast of Northern Ireland,
at Six; Weather 6.30 BBC Regional News; Weather is given a tour of Leicester’s best Indian food (AD) Regional News; Weather 6.30 ITV News; Weather internet. With the voice of Seth MacFarlane (r) (AD) beginning at Glenariff (r) 6.55 5 News Update
7.00 The One Show Live magazine show 7.00 Great British Menu The top two 7.00 Emmerdale Rhona has a decision to 7.00 Channel 4 News 7.00 A Yorkshire Farm New series. Jules
hosted by Alex Jones and Roman Kemp chefs from north-west England cook make, and Chas reveals the cause of Hudson celebrates farming across the
their six-course menu again for Tom her cancer to her family. Meanwhile, country and throughout the seasons,
Kerridge, Nisha Katona and Ed Gamble, Belle feels regretful (AD) looking back on previous years with the
7.30 EastEnders Kat realises Nish is who this week are joined by wheelchair Nicholson family at Cannon Hall Farm
aware of her plan and Denzel invites rugby Paralympian Stuart Robinson
Amy on a date, but fails to turn up
due to a gym session (AD) 7.55 5 News Update
8.00 Dragons’ Den Guest Gary Neville 8.00 Monty Don’s Spanish Gardens 8.00 Coronation Street Daisy feels there 8.00 The Dog House Two teenage 8.00 Somerset: Wonder of the West
returns to the Den. Those pitching Monty Don visits four contrasting is still a spark between her and Daniel brothers need a peacekeeper, but are Country New series. Delving into the
their ideas include a dog lover who has gardens across southern Spain, after agreeing to look after Bertie for a sceptical that a cute Chihuahua cross, history of some of the best and most
an innovative take on dog treats, an including one built from the harshest few hours. A family liaison officer tells has quite the “look” they are after. picturesque parts of Somerset’s
eco-conscious entrepreneur who thinks of landscapes and another created by Nick that Harvey is planning an appeal Meanwhile, a couple arrive with very landscape, attractions and events,
he can conquer the drinks industry, and one of the country’s leading designers. after another man takes the blame for different dogs in mind — so it is down starting in the seaside resort of
a couple who want to bring sports See Viewing Guide (2/3) (AD) killing Natasha, and Tracy breaks the to Woodgreen to find the lucky pooch Minehead where the National
recovery to the masses (AD) news of her fling to Ken and Amy (AD) they can both agree on (AD) Ploughing competition takes place
9.00 The Apprentice Lord Sugar tasks the 9.00 Darren McGarvey: The State 9.00 The British Airways Killer 9.00 The Jury: Murder Trial The 9.00 The Mighty Mississippi with Nick
candidates to launch a new Formula E We’re In New series. The author and A three-day long police interview of prosecution and defence give their Knowles The presenter goes on an
Team. Negotiations are put in jeopardy rapper takes a look at Britain’s public Robert Brown finally ended with a closing speeches and the juries retire adventure along the Mississippi River,
when disastrous car designs are services, beginning by exploring the confession and the pilot leading to decide their verdicts. Both juries beginning with a helicopter ride
unveiled. Karren Brady and Tim UK’s justice system through the eyes officers to the site where Joanna start divided and rival camps soon along the northernmost stretch in
Campbell witness events and later, of the people that live and work in it. Simpson was buried, a remote spot form. Last in the series (AD) Minneapolis all the way down to New
the chequered flag comes down on See Viewing Guide (1/3) (AD) in Windsor Great Park (2/2) (AD) Orleans. See Viewing Guide (1/2)
another candidate (5/12) (AD)
10.00 BBC News at Ten 10.00 The Apprentice: You’re Fired 10.00 ITV News at Ten 10.00 Alice & Jack Over a decade since their 10.00 Killer at the Crime Scene
Tom Allen interviews the unfortunate great romance started, Jack and Alice The case of an elderly woman
candidate who was fired after face their greatest obstacle. Their murdered in a small north Wales
the Formula E task (5/12) relationship has survived everything community. Police were convinced the
10.30 BBC Regional News and Weather 10.30 Newsnight The day’s important 10.30 Regional News thrown their way, but with the killer was a local and as forensic
10.40 Question Time Fiona Bruce presents national and international news 10.45 The Jonathan Ross Show Jonathan greatest battle ahead, it remains to evidence mounted the net closed in (r)
the topical debate, inviting a panel stories presented by Katie Razzall is joined by the actor Ray Winstone be seen whether love can overcome
of politicians and other guests to and comedians Noel Fielding, Katherine anything. Last in the series (AD)
answer questions from an invited Ryan and Eddie Kadi, while there is
audience on subjects that have made music from the Vaccines (r) 11.05 Gogglebox The TV critics’ opinions on 11.05 Neighbours at War: Caught on
the headlines over the past week 11.15 Slammed: The Eighties shows including Wheel of Fortune, Camera Nightmare neighbours cause
The Welsh team return with a bronze Trigger Point, Michael McIntyre’s chaos, from noise next door to
medal from the first Rugby World Cup Big Show, Boarders, Love Is Blind unwelcome guests. With arguments
and the motivation they need to and The Pet Psychic: What’s Your over garden borders and battles for
11.40 Newscast BBC journalists host a prepare for their first Grand Slam 11.45 All Elite Wrestling: Rampage Hard- Dog Thinking? (r) (AD, SL) car parking spaces (9/10) (r)
weekly round-up from Westminster in a decade. Last in the series hitting, high-flying wrestling action (r)
12.10am RuPaul’s Drag Race: UK Versus the World 12.15am Bring the Drama The aspiring actors visit 12.40am Shop on TV 3.00 Monster Carp. Tom Dove and 12.05am Gogglebox (r) (AD, SL) 1.00 Married at First 12.05am Nightmare Tenants, Slum Landlords (r)
The queens try to make Mama Ru laugh as they create Birmingham to compete on the set of Peaky Blinders (r) Neil Spooner head to the Extremadura region of Spain, Sight Australia (r) 2.20 The Simpsons. Hallowe’en tales 1.00 PlayOJO Live Casino Show 3.00 FILM: The Man
adverts for their own Drag Race-themed immersive (AD) 1.15 Sign Zone: Dragons’ Den. A former special fishing for carp weighing up to 80lbs (r) (SL) 3.50 (r) (AD) 2.45 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA (r) Who Invented Christmas (PG, 2017) Comedy drama
experiences. The Grammy-award winning pop superstar effects make-up artist promotes a natural skin care range Unwind with ITV 5.05-6.00 Extreme E Highlights. The (SL) 3.30 New Model Agency (r) (AD, SL) 4.25 Grand starring Dan Stevens 4.40 House Doctor (r) (SL) 5.05
Kim Petras joins RuPaul, Michelle Visage and Alan Carr (r) (AD, SL) 2.15-3.15 Wilderness with Simon Reeve. second race of the fourth round of the electric off-road Designs New Zealand (r) (AD) 5.15-6.10 The Yorkshire Wildlife SOS (r) (SL) 5.30 Entertainment News on 5 5.35
on the judging panel (r) 1.25-6.00 BBC News Simon travels through Patagonia (r) (AD, SL) rallying series from Jeddah in Saudi Arabia (r) (SL) Dales and the Lakes: Season by Season (r) (AD) Fireman Sam (r) (SL) 5.45-6.00 Paw Patrol (r) (SL)
the times | Thursday February 29 2024 13
Sky Max Sky Atlantic Sky Documentaries Sky Arts Sky Main Event Variations
6.00am NCIS: Los Angeles (r) 7.00 DC’s 6.00am The Guest Wing (r) (AD) 7.55 The 6.00am The Seventies (r) (AD) 7.00 6.00am Gilbert and Sullivan: A Motley Pair 6.00am Live LPGA Tour Golf: The HSBC BBC1 N Ireland
Legends of Tomorrow (r) (AD) 8.00 Supergirl (r) Sopranos (r) (AD) 10.05 The Wire (r) 12.25pm Discovering: Claudette Colbert (r) (AD) 8.00 The 6.40 Rumpelstilzchen 8.00 The Joy of Painting Women’s World Championship. Coverage of day As BBC1 except: 10.40pm The View. News,
9.00 Stargate SG-1 (r) 11.00 NCIS: Los Angeles Game of Thrones (r) (AD) 1.50 Gomorrah (r) Directors (r) (AD) 9.00 The Invisible Pilot (r) 9.00 Tales of the Unexpected (AD) 10.00 Alfred one of the tournament, at Sentosa Golf Club in comment and analysis 11.20 Question Time.
(r) 12.00 Supergirl (r) 1.00pm MacGyver (r) 2.55 The Sopranos (r) (AD) 5.10 The Wire (r) (AD) 10.00 Branson (r) (AD) 11.45 My Icon: Hitchcock Presents 11.00 Discovering: Gregory Singapore 7.30 Good Morning Sports Fans Fiona Bruce hosts the political debate
3.00 Hawaii Five-0 (r) 4.00 S.W.A.T (r) (AD) 7.30 Game of Thrones. In the aftermath of the Deta Hedman (r) (AD) 12.00 Very Ralph (r) Peck (AD) 12.00 The Joy of Painting 1.00pm 10.00 The Football Show 11.00 Live Formula 1. 12.20am Newscast. A weekly round-up from
5.00 DC’s Legends of Tomorrow (r) (AD) devastating battle at King’s Landing, Daenerys 2.00pm The Apollo (r) 4.00 The Directors (r) Tales of the Unexpected (AD) 2.00 FILM: The Bahrain Grand Prix first practice session. Westminster 12.55 RuPaul’s Drag Race: UK
6.00 Stargate SG-1. Vala is used as bait in declares her intentions for Westeros, and Tyrion (AD) 5.00 Discovering: Claudette Colbert. Sunflowers (U, 2021) Exploring a series of Coverage of preparations for the first round of Versus the World. The queens create adverts
a plot to capture Adria. Claudia Black stars (r) faces the consequences of his actions (r) (AD) The life and career of the actress (r) (AD) spectacular paintings by Vincent van Gogh (AD) the season in Sakhir 12.55pm Max’s Record F1 for their own Drag Race-themed immersive
7.00 Stargate SG-1. The final episode (r) 9.00 The Gilded Age. As George fights to 6.00 The Invisible Pilot (r) (AD) 3.00 Mad Tracey from Margate 4.00 Season 1.00 Lunchtime Live 2.00 Sports Desk experiences (r) 2.00-6.00 BBC News
8.00 An Idiot Abroad 2. Karl Pilkington boards protect his public image, Agnes’ status quo is 7.00 Branson (4/4) (r) (AD) Discovering: Claudia Cardinale (AD) 3.00 Live Formula 1. The Bahrain Grand Prix
the Trans-Siberian Express to China (r) (AD) disrupted and Armstrong intensifies her 8.45 My Icon: Denise Lewis (r) (AD) 5.00 Tales of the Unexpected (AD) second practice session 4.15 The F1 Show 5.15 BBC1 Scotland
9.00 Rob Beckett’s Smart TV. Comedy campaign against Peggy (6/9) (r) (AD) 9.00 FILM: Lancaster (PG, 2022) 6.00 Alfred Hitchcock Presents Max Verstappen: Three Times World Champion As BBC1 except: 11.15am Bargain Hunt. Eric
panel show. See Viewing Guide (r) (AD) 10.00 Succession. The Roy family are forced to Documentary telling the story of the legendary 7.00 Landscape Artist of the Year 2024 (AD) 5.30 Sky Sports News at 5 Knowles hosts from Ardingly in West Sussex
9.45 Rob & Romesh vs F1. Rob and Romesh confront a series of crises. Elsewhere, Kendall bomber synonymous with the Dambusters (AD) 8.00 Landscape Artist of the Year 2024 6.00 Sky Sports News at 6 (r) 12.00-1.00pm First Minister’s Questions.
enter the world of Formula One (r) (AD) tries to convince Rava to give their marriage 11.10 Heroin: Cape Cod, USA (r) (AD) 9.00 Discovering: Daniel Day-Lewis 7.00 Live Premier League Darts. Coverage of the Coverage of questions to First Minister Humza
10.50 Rob & Romesh vs F1. The boys continue a second chance (3/10) (r) (AD) 12.40am FILM: Who Killed the KLF? (15, 10.00 The Movies. The trip through the fifth night of this year’s tournament, featuring Yousaf in the Scottish Parliament 7.00-7.30
their Formula 1 journey in Monaco (r) (AD) 11.10 The White Lotus. Drama following the 2021) Documenting the rise and fall of the KLF Golden Age of American cinema continues quarter-finals, semi-finals and a final in a night River City. Lenny suspects someone else
11.55 Poker Face (7/10) (r) (AD) exploits of various guests and employees at the (AD) 2.25 FILM: At the Heart of Gold — 11.00 The Art of Film with Ian Nathan (AD) 11.00 The F1 Show. A look ahead is operating on his patch (r) (AD)
1.00am Magnum P.I (r) 2.00 Fantasy Football tropical White Lotus resort (1/6) (r) (AD) Inside the USA Gymnastics Scandal (18, 12.00 Cleo Laine: The Unseen Home Movies. An 12.00 Live Tennis: The Abierto Mexicano Telcel
League. With Emma Hayes 2.35 Entourage. 12.15am Django (r) (AD) 1.20 Lovecraft 2019) The abuse scandal in the US national interview with the singer (AD) 1.00am Ugly presented by HSBC. Coverage of the quarter- BBC1 Wales
Double bill (r) 3.30 Hawaii Five-0 (r) 4.20 Country (r) (AD) 2.30 Game of Thrones gymnastics team 4.10 The Directors (r) (AD) Beauty 2.20 Goldie: The Art That Made Me 4.00 finals of the ATP 500 event, a hard court As BBC1 except: 1.20am-6.00 BBC News
S.W.A.T (r) (AD) 5.10 Highway Patrol (r) (r) (AD) 4.00 The Guest Wing (r) (AD) 5.05 Discovering: Claudette Colbert (r) (AD) Cheltenham Literature Festival 5.00 Auction tournament at Arena GNP Seguros in Mexico
ITV1 Wales
As ITV1 except: 9.00pm-10.00 Stories from
the Strike. Andrea Byrne presents a programme
featuring personal experience of people
involved in the 1984-85 miners’ strike
10.45-11.45 The British Airways Killer.
Robert Brown confesses and leads police to
where Joanna Simpson was buried (AD)
As ITV1 except: 10.30pm-10.45 STV News
12.40am-3.00 Shop on TV 3.50-5.05
Night Vision. News, sport and weather
BBC Scotland
7.00pm Getting Hitched Asian Style. A law
student and a lawyer prepare to get married (r)
(AD) 8.00 Island Crossings. Multiple ferry
breakdowns threaten to maroon islanders over
Easter (r) 9.00 The Nine 10.00 Martin
TalkTV BBC4 Talking Pictures Film4 More4 Compston’s Norwegian Fling. Martin and Phil
MacHugh celebrate Norway’s National Day (AD)
6.00am Talk Today with Jeremy Kyle and Rosie 7.00pm Frozen Planet. Taking a look at how 6.00am The Larkins (b/w) 6.40 FILM: The 11.00am Ten Wanted Men (U, 1955) 8.55am A Farmer’s Life 9.30 A Place in the 10.30 Eat the Town. Natalie and Dazza head
Wright. News, weather and lively opinions 9.30 animals in the polar regions adapt to the Common Touch (U, 1941) British drama Western starring Randolph Scott (AD) 12.40pm Sun: Home or Away 10.25 A New Life in the to Galashiels 11.00 Scot Squad (r) (AD)
Kevin & Alex. Hosts Kevin O’Sullivan and Alex summer weather, including a colony of 400,000 starring Geoffrey Hibbert (b/w) 8.45 Look at Yangtse Incident (U, 1957) Fact-based naval Sun: Where Are They Now? 11.25 Find It, Fix It, 11.30-12.00 Growing Up Scottish (r)
Phillips give their unique take on the front pages king penguins where the adults go surfing and Life 9.00 Law of the Plainsman (b/w) 9.30 adventure starring Richard Todd (b/w) (AD) Flog It (AD) 12.30pm Come Dine with Me (AD)
and the latest news 10.00 Julia Hartley-Brewer. the chicks take mud-baths to cool off (AD) FILM: Blood of the Vampire (PG, 1958) 2.55 Decision at Sundown (U, 1957) 3.10 Four in a Bed 5.50 Heir Hunters BBC Alba
The stories you need to know 1.00pm CrossTalk 8.00 FILM: The Red Shoes (U, 1948) Horror starring Donald Wolfit 11.15 What’s On Western starring Randolph Scott 4.30 6.55 The Dog House. Two funeral workers 6.00am Alba Today 5.00pm Sionnach agus
with Kevin O’Sullivan and Alex Phillips. Analysis, A ballerina’s love for a composer arouses the TPTV With Noel 11.25 FILM: Sandokan: Strategic Air Command (U, 1955) want to rescue a dog in need (AD) Maigheach (Fox & Hare) (r) 5.10 Meaban is
debate and humour 3.00 Ian Collins. Hard- wrath of her possessive mentor. Powell and Pirate of Malaysia (PG, 1964) Swashbuckling Drama starring James Stewart (AD) 7.55 Grand Designs. A couple build a shed-like Moo (r) 5.20 Pip & Posy (r) 5.30 Rita is Crogall
hitting monologues and debates 4.00 Vanessa Pressburger’s drama starring Anton Walbrook adventure starring Steve Reeves 1.35pm FILM: 6.45 Star Trek: Nemesis (12, 2002) The family home and workspace at an old milk yard (r) 5.35 Oscar & Ealasaid (r) 5.50 Nannag a’
Feltz. Viewers’ calls and guest analysis and Moira Shearer (AD). See Viewing Guide The Pickwick Papers (U, 1952) Comedy Enterprise is pitted against Captain Picard’s evil in south-east London, but their choice of Noo/Huggleboo (r) 5.55 Stòiridh (r) 6.05 An
6.00 The Talk. A panel of well-known faces 10.10 FILM: Doctor Zhivago (PG, 1965) starring James Hayter 3.40 FILM: Beachhead clone, who has created a doomsday weapon to unconventional, industrial-style materials Saoghal Droil aig Pol Ploc/The Rubbish World
debate the topics everybody is talking about A physician is torn between loyalty to his wife (PG, 1954) Second World War drama with Tony destroy Earth. Sci-fi adventure starring Patrick proves challenging (5/10) (AD) of Dave Spud (r) 6.20 An Teaghlach Rìoghail an
7.00 Prime Time with Rosanna Lockwood. The and his love for another woman during the Curtis 5.25 FILM: It’s Great to Be Young! Stewart, Tom Hardy and Brent Spiner (AD) 9.00 Secrets of the Terracotta Warriors — Ath-dhoras (The Royals Next Door) (r) 6.40
journalist gets inside the stories of the day Russian Revolution. David Lean’s historical (U, 1956) Comedy starring John Mills 9.00 Mission: Impossible — Fallout (12, Secret History. Modern discoveries about China’s Clann Na Cruinne 7.00 An Lot (The Croft) (r)
8.00 The Independent Republic of Mike Graham. drama based on Boris Pasternak’s novel, 7.15 Look at Life. Britain’s industrial output 2018) Ethan Hunt, the IMF team and a CIA Terracotta Army, an extraordinary collection 7.30 SpeakGaelic (r) 8.00 An Là (News) 8.30
A run through the day’s breaking news starring Omar Sharif and Julie Christie (AD) 7.30 Time to Remember. Key events from 1941 assassin try to prevent a disaster caused by of ceramic sculptures unearthed in 1974 and Eòrpa 9.00 An t-Uisge/Rain Stories. Rain’s
10.00 The Talk. A panel of well-known faces 1.15am Saving Venice. Documentary exploring 8.00 The Brothers. There is a take-over bid a group of terrorists. Action thriller sequel dating back more than 2,000 years (AD) effect on our culture — including a frog
debate the topics everybody is talking about how the Italian city is subject to constant 9.05 Rumpole of the Bailey (3/6) starring Tom Cruise and Henry Cavill (AD) 10.00 Car SOS. Breathing new life into wedding in India (r) 10.00 Glan Fhein (r)
11.00 Prime Time with Rosanna Lockwood environmental issues, which are becoming more 10.15 Brides in the Bath. Fact-based period 11.55 12 Years a Slave (15, 2013) A free a beloved 1973 Porsche 911 Targa (AD) 10.30 Saidheans agus Spors (r) 11.20 Binneas
12.00 Andre Walker. The host brings his own commonplace due to the impact of climate serial killer drama starring Martin Kemp black man living in pre-Civil War New York is 11.00 24 Hours in A&E. Patients include — Na Trads (r) 11.30 Rathad Ramsay (r)
brand of opinions and commentary 1.00am change 2.45-3.45 Frozen Planet. How animals 12.20am Look at Life 12.30 Sally Ann 1.00 abducted and spends years living in slavery. a man with a dislocated jaw (AD) 12.00-6.00am Alba Today
CrossTalk with Kevin O’Sullivan and Alex Phillips. in the polar regions adapt to the summer Spearhead 2.00 The Main Chance 3.00 Bruce Fact-based period drama starring Chiwetel 12.05am Secrets of the Terracotta Warriors
Analysis and debate 3.00 Prime Time with weather, including a colony of 400,000 king Lee — Martial Arts Master 4.10 FILM: The Ejiofor and Michael Fassbender (AD) — Secret History (AD) 1.10 999: On the Front S4C
Rosanna Lockwood 4.00 The Talk 5.00 James penguins where the adults go surfing and the Bigamist (PG, 1953) Drama starring Edmond 2.35am-4.00 Somers Town (12, 2008) Line — Heart Attacks (AD) 2.15 24 Hours in 6.00am Cyw: Sali Mali (r) 6.05 Jamborî (r)
Max. An initial insight into the day’s top stories chicks take mud-baths to cool off (AD) O’Brien and Ida Lupino (b/w) 5.45 Look at Life Comedy drama starring Thomas Turgoose (b/w) A&E (AD) 3.20-3.50 A Farmer’s Life 6.15 Patrol Pawennau (r) 6.30 Digbi Draig (r)
6.45 Cacamwnci (r) 7.00 Shwshaswyn (r) 7.10
Bendibwmbwls 7.20 Anifeiliaid Bach y Byd (r)
7.30 Pentre Papur Pop 7.45 Deian a Loli 8.00
ITV2 ITV3 ITV4 Drama Yesterday Cywion Bach (r) 8.05 Sam Tan (r) 8.15 Dathlu
’Da Dona (r) 8.30 Stiw (r) 8.45 Llan-ar-goll-en
6.00am CITV 9.00 World’s Funniest Videos 6.00am Classic Emmerdale 7.00 Classic 6.00am British Touring Cars 6.10 Minder (AD, 6.00am Teleshopping 7.10 All Creatures Great 6.10am Great British Landmark Fixers 8.00 (r) 9.00 Blociau Rhif (r) 9.05 Ben a Mali a’u
9.30 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records Coronation Street (AD) 8.05 Where the Heart Is SL) 7.10 The Professionals (AD, SL) 8.15 The and Small 8.00 Doctors 9.20 Classic Holby City Abandoned Engineering (AD) 10.00 War Byd Bach O Hud (r) 9.20 Caru Canu a Stori (r)
10.00 One Tree Hill 12.00 Love Bites (AD) (AD) 10.15 The Royal (AD) 11.20 Heartbeat Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes (AD) 9.20 10.40 Classic Casualty 11.40 The Bill 12.40pm Factories 11.00 The Buildings That Fought 9.30 Pablo (r) 9.45 Ahoi! (r) 10.00 Timpo (r)
1.00pm Dress to Impress 2.00 Alan Carr’s Epic 1.30pm Classic Emmerdale 2.35 Classic Magnum, PI (AD) 10.20 The Saint 11.30 Classic EastEnders 2.00 Monarch of the Glen Hitler (AD) 12.00 Great American Railroad 10.10 Jamborî (r) 10.20 Sam Tan (r) 10.30
Gameshow (AD) 3.00 One Tree Hill 5.00 Dress Coronation Street (AD) 3.45 Foyle’s War (AD) Dempsey and Makepeace (AD) 1.30pm Kojak 3.00 Hamish Macbeth 4.05 All Creatures Great Journeys 1.00pm Antiques Roadshow 2.00 Twt (r) 10.45 Sbarc (r) 11.00 Blociau Lliw (r)
to Impress. Singletons impress a nightclub host 5.55 Heartbeat. Arsonists strike (AD) 2.35 Magnum, PI (AD) 3.40 Minder (AD) 4.50 and Small 5.20 Terry and June Bangers & Cash 4.00 War Factories 5.00 The 11.05 Crawc a’i Ffrindiau (r) 11.20 Da ’Di Dona
6.00 Celebrity Catchphrase (AD) 6.55 Heartbeat. An eccentric elderly lady The Professionals (AD) 5.50 BattleBots 6.00 As Time Goes By World at War. Hitler’s rise to power in the 1930s (r) 11.30 Blero yn Mynd i Ocido (r) 11.45
7.00 Ant & Dec’s Limitless Win. A pair of reports an abduction, presenting the Aidensfield 6.55 The Motorbike Show. Henry Cole bikes 6.40 Last of the Summer Wine. The trio take a 6.00 Antiques Roadshow. From Leicester Deian a Loli (r) 12.00 News; Weather
childhood sweethearts continue their game (AD) coppers with a fresh mystery to solve (AD) through the Algarve, Portugal, and joins holiday at the seaside with Compo’s nephew 7.00 River Walks. A route along the River Lea 12.05pm Sgwrs Dan y Lloer (r) 12.30 Heno (r)
8.00 Superstore. Amy is shocked to discover 8.00 Vera. The detective investigates a Sam Lovegrove on the epic Pioneer Run 7.20 Last of the Summer Wine. Foggy accepts 7.30 Great British Railway Journeys. Celebrating 1.00 Arfordir Cymru: Sir Benfro (r) (AD) 1.30
she has no maternity leave (AD) suspicious fire that rips through a holiday park, 7.55 The Chase Celebrity Special. Bradley Walsh Sid’s challenge to play a round of golf Victorian trade with the Preston Guild Y Byd ar Bedwar (r) 2.00 News; Weather 2.05
8.30 Superstore. An initiative forces employees destroying three cabins and claiming the life hosts a Coronation Street edition of the quiz 8.00 Darby and Joan. The return of a familiar 8.00 Bangers & Cash. Up for sale at the Prynhawn Da 3.00 News; Weather 3.05 Tir
to be friendlier with the customers (AD) of the resort owner’s sister (1/4) (AD) 9.00 FILM: The Rock (15, 1996) An FBI figure from her travels helps Joan piece together Mathewson’s auction is a 1275 Mini GT (AD) Cymru (r) 4.00 Awr Fawr: Shwshaswyn (r)
9.00 Family Guy. Peter destroys the 10.00 Trial & Retribution. Part one of two. chemical weapons expert and a jailed SAS the truth about her husband (8/8) (AD) 9.00 Bangers & Cash: Restoring Classics. The 4.10 Jamborî (r) 4.20 Sam Tan (r) 4.30 Crawc
town’s television transmitter (AD) A paediatric surgeon is found dead and veteran must break into Alcatraz to bring down 9.00 Maisie Raine. Maisie’s determination to team take on a modern day fast Ford to see a’i Ffrindiau (r) 4.45 Deian a Loli (r) 5.00
9.30 Family Guy. It is Stewie’s birthday (AD) suspicion soon falls on a man who had been a renegade general and his men. Action thriller help a couple find their missing daughter brings if a “quick flip” could make a few quid (AD) Stwnsh: Larfa (r) 5.05 Gwrach y Rhibyn (r)
10.00 G’wed. It is Aimee’s big night stalking the medic for months (3/10) with Sean Connery and Nicolas Cage (AD) her into conflict with senior officers (4/6) (AD) 10.00 Bangers & Cash. Three MGs from 5.25 Arthur a Chriw y Ford Gron (r) 5.35
at the opening of the school play 11.00 Trial & Retribution. Part two of two. The 11.45 FILM: The World’s End (15, 2013) 10.00 New Tricks. The hunt for a serial killer the 1970s turn up at the garage, still Dyffryn Mwmin (r) 6.00 Y Fets (r) (AD) 6.30
10.30 G’wed. Last in the series investigation becomes increasingly complex as Five childhood friends reunite for a pub crawl in forces Sandra to rethink her career (8/10) (AD) covered in original factory wax (6/10) Dan Do (r) 6.57 News 7.00 Heno 7.30 News;
11.05 Family Guy (AD) details of Carlisle’s private life emerge (4/10) their home town, only to stumble on a threat to 11.20 Spooks. Part two of two. The terrorists 11.00 Abandoned Engineering. A military Weather 8.00 Pobol y Cwm. Gaynor has a
11.35 American Dad! (AD) 11.50 The Royal. A patient is admitted under the entire human race. Sci-fi comedy with Simon demand the release of prisoners in Saudi Arabia strong-hold in the Philippines (4/12) (AD) therapy session with Jinx (AD) 8.25 Rownd a
12.00 American Dad! (AD) 12.30am Superstore a false name. Robert Daws stars (4/12) (AD) Pegg, Nick Frost and Martin Freeman (AD) and resort to killing the hostages (7/10) 12.00 Great British Railway Journeys 1.00am Rownd (AD) 8.55 News; Weather 9.00 Pawb
(AD) 1.25 You & Me (AD, SL) 2.25 Unwind 12.40am Where the Heart Is (AD) 2.25 2.00am Auto Mundial 2.30 Motorsport Mundial 12.40am Hustle 2.00 Hamish Macbeth 3.00 Great British Landmark Fixers 2.00 Guitar a’i Farn 10.00 Chris a’r Afal Mawr (r) (AD)
with ITV. Daily escape 3.00 Teleshopping Unwind with ITV 2.30 Teleshopping 2.55 Unwind with ITV 3.00 Teleshopping Classic Holby City 4.00 Teleshopping Heroes at the BBC 3.00 Teleshopping 11.00-11.35 Cymoedd Roy Noble (r)
14 Thursday February 29 2024 | the times
Tetonor Fiendish No 444 Codeword No 5150 Train Tracks No 2181
96 30 128 28
22 50 27 144
132 23 140 24
25 176 36 180
Lay tracks to enable the train to travel from village A to village
B. The numbers indicate how many sections of track go in
1 4 8 10 16 22 each row and column. There are only straight sections and
curved sections. The track cannot cross itself.
When complete, the strip below the grid can be split into eight pairs of
numbers. Adding the numbers in a pair gives one of the 16 numbers in
the grid. Multiplying them gives a different number in the grid. For Quintagram® Challenge
example, a 4 and 6 in the strip could be paired to make 10 (4+6) and 24
Solve all five cryptic clues using each
your mind
(4x6) in the grid. Enter each sum below the corresponding number in the
grid. The blanks in the strip must be deduced, bearing in mind the letter underneath once only with puzzle
numbers are listed in ascending order. books from
The next Tetonor puzzle will appear on Tuesday
1 Tub something that constricts The Times
Every letter in this crossword-style grid is represented by a number from 1 to 26. one terribly at first (4)
Each letter of the alphabet appears in the grid at least once. Use the letters already
provided to work out the identity of further letters. Enter letters in the main grid
and the smaller reference grid until all 26 letters of the alphabet have been
-2 Celebrate
- - -in bar on way back (5)
For more puzzles, including accounted for. Proper nouns are excluded. Yesterday’s solution, right
-3 Attendant
- - -leaving
- one something
Mini Sudoku, extra Codeword, Cluelines Stuck on Codeword? To receive 4 random clues call 0901 293 6262 or
text TIMECODE to 64343. Calls cost £1 plus your telephone company’s network
access charge. Texts cost £1 plus your standard network charge. For the full solution
to drink (5)
Train Tracks and Futoshiki call 0905 757 0142. Calls cost £1 per minute plus your telephone company’s network
access charge. SP: Spoke, 0333 202 3390 (Mon-Fri, 9am-5.30pm).
-4 Prudish
- - chap
- -from Melbourne
go to page 10 maybe (9)
Lexica No 7287 No 7288
-5 Observant
- - -English
- -spy- heard
Winning Move otherwise (5-4)
Black to play.
D S ---------
This position is from Perske- E O R C
Matthes, Titled Tuesday, E E E E H I I L 2024. R E A M N O O P R R R R
A term that often catches out Z R E S T T T V V W Y bookshop
players new to the game is that
of the fianchettoed bishop. I E P U
Derived from the Italian word
fianco (the flank), a fianchettoed
bishop is one that has been
I N L What are your favourite
developed on b2 or g2 (or b7/g7).
White has two such bishops but
this is rendered irrelevant as Black
puzzles in MindGames?
now won. Can you see how?
Slide the letters either horizontally or vertically back into the grid to produce a
completed crossword. Letters are allowed to slide over other letters Email:
KenKen Difficult No 6142 Futoshiki No 4690 Kakuro No 3649
All the digits 1 to 6 must appear in every row and column. In Fill the blank squares so that every row and column contains
each thick-line “block”, the target number in the top left-hand each of the numbers 1 to 5 once only. The symbols between
corner is calculated from the digits in all the cells in the block, the squares indicate whether a number is larger (>) or smaller
using the operation indicated by the symbol. (<) than the number next to it.
the times | Thursday February 29 2024 15
times2 Crossword No 9466 Brain Trainer Cell Blocks No 5033
Divide the grid
15 16
Polygon Set Square No 3652
17 18 19
From these letters, make words of Enter each of
four or more letters, always including the numbers
the central letter. Answers must be in from 1 to 9 in
20 21 22 the Concise Oxford Dictionary, excluding the grid, so that
capitalised words, plurals, conjugated the six sums
verbs (past tense etc), adverbs ending work. We’ve
in LY, comparatives and superlatives. placed two
How you rate 14 words, average; numbers to get
23 24
19, good; 24, very good; 29, excellent you started.
Each sum
Yesterday’s answers should be
Across 17 Rowing implements (4) calculated left
auld, bald, ball, blanc, bland, bull, bulla,
1 Biggest (7) 18 Wind instrument (8) to right or top
call, caul, clad, clan, club, clubland, cull,
5 Muscat’s country (4) 20 Flowing back like the tide (6) to bottom.
dual, ducal, dull, land, laud, null, nulla,
8 Fluently memorised (3,3) 21 Cry of delight (6) udal, ulna, unclad
9 Smoked herring (6) 23 Fierce folklore giant (4)
Please note, BODMAS does not apply
10 Surge in the birth rate (4,4) 24 Usefulness (7)
12 Ultimate purposes (4)
13 Pub not tied to a single
2 Public fighting (6)
Killer Gentle No 9338 Solutions
brewery (4,5) 3 Lacuna, hiatus (3) Quick Cryptic 2610 Codeword 5149 Kakuro 3648
Solution to Crossword 9465 4 Altercation (3-2)
D N S P L V 5 One cruelly subjugating
AVAS T P EE RAG E others (9)
H V R R N C R 6 List of items for discussion (6)
L EY L I N E A L ER T 7 With hands on hips and
I B P J N E elbows bent outwards (6)
A L L Y L U NC H BOX 11 --- pudding, traditional roast
U N D E R dinner accompaniment (9)
AVEMAR I A L AUD 14 Infuriate (6)
BEBOP I RO N I NG 15 Chatterbox (6) Train Tracks 2180
U R I A U L G 16 Bonding agent (6) Sudoku 14,715
S T ERNA L S L I DE 19 Chamber under a church (5)
H W G T A R 22 Friend (3)
Need help with today’s puzzle? Call 0905 757 0143 to check the
answers. Calls cost £1 per minute plus your telephone company’s
network access charge. SP: Spoke, 0333 202 3390 (Mon-Fri 9am-5.30pm).
Nick Simms of Middlesex kindly Dealer: North, Vulnerability: Both Sudoku 14,716
and modestly showed me this 4♠ Cell Blocks 5032 Set Square 3651 Lexica 7285
from an Ace of Clubs Bridge Club Pairs ♠ K842 Advanced
online pairs. He’d played low on ♥K 8 6 C Q S
For extra
See page 10
Word watch Sudoku Mild No 14,718 Fiendish No 14,719 Super fiendish No 14,720
David Parfitt
a A grassy meadow
b A cross-country skiing
c A wicker net
a Spring
b A critical moment
c Active youth
Lover’s leap
a A plant of the Allium
b A backgammon move
c A skipped heartbeat
Answers on page 15
Fill the grid so that every column, every row and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9.
1 2 3 4 5 6 Across Down
7 Prosecutor with face covering: 1 Go limp, with nothing for
7 8 silk? (6) starch (4)
8 Very narrow lane in a hollow 2 A loving touch, and worries
(6) initially soothed (6)
9 No one for turning out in the 3 Fine enclosure as place for
morning (8) shootout (2,6)
9 10
10 Double praise returned (4) 4 Part of Provence that cooks (4)
11 Stunner swallowing drug is a 5 Grand woman’s name (6)
problem (6) 6 In religious education
13 Beginning to crumble stone (5) improperly repeat witticism (8)
11 12 13 14 A football team maybe back in 12 Used manoeuvre to enter
French city (3) eastern sea (8)
14 15 Gem right to fit into ring (5) 13 Combined places to study old,
17 Servant once about to be eaten unknown card game (8)
15 16 17 18 by wild animal (6) 16 Old queen with a finally foul
19 Good to have academic dress temper (6)
(4) 18 Maintain alcoholic drink is
20 Without children stuffy, we about litre, say (6)
19 20 21 hear (8) 20 Took Jack for pilgrimage (4)
22 Messenger from goddess, 21 One with runners was at the
extremely loud (6) front after second (4)
23 Silenced, or made a joke (6)
22 23