Skills Test Surname
1-2 Fila A
1-2 Fila B
0 What’s the new volunteer’s name? 4 Rileggi il post e rispondi alle seguenti domande.
It’s Paolo. 0 Who is Selena Gomez?
1 What’s Paolo’s nationality? She’s an actress and a singer.
2 Where is Paolo’s dad from? 1 Is she from Mexico?
3 Is his mum Italian? 2 Are Selena’s songs famous?
4 What’s Paolo’s phone number? 3 What’s her father’s name?
5 What are Paolo’s favourite hobbies? 4 What’s her father’s nationality?
6 Has Paolo got a new rucksack? 5 What’s her mother’s name?
........... /6 6 Is Serena plump or slim?
7 What colour is Selena’s hair?
Listening ........... /12 8 Has Selena got any brothers?
9 Is Selena a volunteer for pets?
Reading ........... /9
3-4 Fila A
Listening raw1 fish and rice and it is really healthy. Italian pasta
1 238 Ascolta il preside Mr Custer e completa is very popular too because it is easy to prepare and
le frasi. with vegetables it is also OK for vegetarians, but not
for vegans. Spaghetti bolognese is the favourite food
School Rules of a lot of young people and adults, but also vegetable
at Saint James’s Comprehensive School lasagne is very popular. Indian curry is with or without
0 Don’t be late for school! meat so it is good for a lot of people. There are also
1 in the corridors! people allergic to gluten and the percentage in Europe
2 during tests and exams! is 1%. These people are very careful about their diets
3 a snack in the cafeteria! because gluten is a problem for them, so gluten-free
4 football in the playground! foods are now also in school canteens2 and in some
5 your things in your rucksack restaurants. The EU Commission’s interest is that EU
at the end of the school day! people’s diets are healthy because a healthy diet is
6 your mobile phones in class! important for the present and future generations’
........... /6 1
raw: crudo 2
canteens: mense
2 238 Riascolta Mr Custer e indica se le frasi sono 0 The EU report about EU people’s eating habits
Vere (T) o False (F). is / isn’t worrying.
T F 1 Sweet snacks, hamburgers, hot dogs, chips, sweet
0 The end of the school day is at 4. ✗ drinks have / haven’t got an excess of calories.
1 The cafeteria is in front of the school. 2 Pizzas and kebabs are / aren’t expensive.
2 The boys’ toilets are behind the cafeteria. 3 In France milk, butter and cheese are / aren’t
3 The library is upstairs. very popular.
4 In the library there are 50 computers. 4 Sushi is / isn’t unhealthy.
5 The language laboratory is upstairs. 5 Pasta is / isn’t difficult to prepare.
6 The teachers’ names are next to 6 Pasta is / isn’t good for vegans.
the classroom doors. 7 Spaghetti bolognese isn’t / is very popular.
8 Indian curry is / isn’t only for vegetarians.
........... /6 9 People allergic to gluten are / aren’t 2%
Listening ........... /12 of the population.
........... /9
4 Rileggi il report e rispondi alle domande.
3 Leggi il report sulle abitudini alimentari
0 Are the EU results about people’s eating habits
degli europei e scegli l’alternativa corretta.
worrying? Yes, they are.
The results of a European Union Survey about EU 1 Why are many EU teenagers’ diets unhealthy?
people’s eating habits are not very good. A lot of EU 2 What are the European northern countries’
teenagers have got unhealthy diets because in their favourite foods for breakfast?
diets there are a lot of sweet snacks, hamburgers, 3 What are popular ethnic restaurants?
hot dogs, chips, sweet drinks with a lot of calories 4 What is sushi?
and not many vegetables and fruits. Pizzas and 5 What Italian food is popular with young people
kebabs are very popular too because they are quick and adults?
and cheap. Milk, butter and cheese are the favourite 6 Is vegetable lasagne good for vegans, vegetarians
foods, especially for breakfast, in countries like the UK, or people allergic to gluten?
Ireland, Germany and the Scandinavian countries, but 7 Why are people allergic to gluten careful about
also in France. Fruit and vegetables are not popular their diet?
only in Spain, Portugal, Italy and Greece, but also in 8 Are there gluten-free foods in restaurants?
Poland and Germany. 9 Why is a healthy diet important for the EU
Now in a lot of EU countries there are also a lot Commission?
of ethnic restaurants: Indian, Chinese, Greek, ........... /9
Japanese, Italian. Japanese sushi is famous: it is
Reading ........... /18
Skills Test 3-4 Class
Fila A Date
Writing Speaking
5 Scrivi un post in cui descrivi la tua casa ideale. 6 Descrivi la tua ricetta preferita specificando:
Fornisci le seguenti informazioni:
1 gli ingredienti e le quantità;
1 descrizione generale (piccola, grande, moderna, 2 il costo approssimativo dei vari ingredienti;
antica…) e numero dei piani; 3 il procedimento (almeno tre istruzioni).
2 che stanze ci sono e dove si trovano;
3 i mobili principali di ogni stanza; Speaking ........... /10
4 la tua stanza preferita e perché;
TOTAL ........... /50
5 se c’è il giardino o il garage e dove si trovano.
3-4 Fila B
........... /6 1
raw: crudo 2
canteens: mense
2 238 Riascolta Mr Custer e indica se le frasi sono 0 The EU report about EU people’s eating habits
Vere (T) o False (F). is / isn’t worrying.
1 In EU teenagers’ diets there are / aren’t many
T F fruits and vegetables.
0 The end of the school day is at 4. ✗ 2 Milk, butter and cheese are / aren’t popular in
1 In the cafeteria there are tables and chairs. some countries in North Europe.
2 The girls’ toilets are behind the cafeteria. 3 Fruit and vegetables are / aren’t popular in Poland.
3 In the library there are 14 computers. 4 Irish restaurants are / aren’t famous ethnic
4 The gym is next to the school. restaurants.
5 The gym is modern. 5 Spaghetti bolognese is / isn’t the favourite food
6 The teachers’ names are above only of young people.
the classroom doors. 6 Vegetable lasagne is / isn’t good for vegetarians.
7 Indian curry is / isn’t only with meat.
........... /6
8 In some canteens there are / aren’t gluten-free
Listening ........... /12 foods.
9 A healthy diet is / isn’t important for the EU
Reading ........... /9
Skills Test 3-4 Class
Fila B Date
Writing Speaking
5 Scrivi un post in cui descrivi la tua casa ideale. 6 Descrivi la tua ricetta preferita specificando:
Fornisci le seguenti informazioni:
1 gli ingredienti e le quantità;
1 descrizione generale (piccola, grande, moderna, 2 il costo approssimativo dei vari ingredienti;
antica…) e numero dei piani; 3 il procedimento (almeno tre istruzioni).
2 che stanze ci sono e dove si trovano;
3 i mobili principali di ogni stanza; Speaking ........... /10
4 la tua stanza preferita e perché;
TOTAL ........... /50
5 se c’è il giardino o il garage e dove si trovano.
5-6 Fila A
Skills Test 5-6 Class
Fila A Date
Writing Speaking
5 Scrivi un post di risposta a quello dei tre ragazzi 6 Intervista un familiare o un amico seguendo
dell’esercizio 3. Fornisci le seguenti informazioni: le indicazioni date, poi racconta la sua routine
1 se ricevi la paghetta e quanto ricevi in genere;
2 che cosa comperi di solito; 1 a che ora si alza, a che ora fa colazione e che cosa
3 che cosa fai di solito nel tempo libero; mangia;
4 se in casa aiuti e che cosa fai; 2 che cosa fa di solito in mattinata durante
5 che cosa ti piace o non ti piace fare. la settimana e nel weekend;
3 a che ora pranza, dove e con chi;
4 che cosa fa nel pomeriggio e la sera;
5 che cosa fa di solito alla domenica e nei giorni
di festa.
5-6 Fila B
Skills Test 5-6 Class
Fila B Date
Writing Speaking
5 Scrivi un post di risposta a quello dei tre ragazzi 6 Intervista un familiare o un amico seguendo
dell’esercizio 3. Fornisci le seguenti informazioni: le indicazioni date, poi racconta la sua routine
1 se ricevi la paghetta e quanto ricevi in genere; quotidiana:
2 che cosa comperi di solito; 1 a che ora si alza, a che ora fa colazione e che cosa
3 che cosa fai di solito nel tempo libero; mangia;
4 se in casa aiuti e che cosa fai; 2 che cosa fa di solito in mattinata durante
5 che cosa ti piace o non ti piace fare. la settimana e nel weekend;
3 a che ora pranza, dove e con chi;
4 che cosa fa nel pomeriggio e la sera;
5 che cosa fa di solito alla domenica e nei giorni
di festa.
7-8 Fila A
Skills Test 7-8 Class
Fila A Date
Writing Speaking
5 Immagina di trascorrere una vacanza al mare con 6 Parla del tuo personaggio famoso preferito.
i tuoi genitori. Scrivi un'e-mail a un amico/amica Fornisci le seguenti informazioni:
e racconta la tua vacanza. Fornisci le seguenti
1 la professione del tuo personaggio famoso
1 dove ti trovi e se alloggi in albergo o in campeggio; 2 che cosa sta facendo in questo momento il tuo
2 cosa fai durante il giorno e alla sera; personaggio preferito;
3 l’attività che preferisci fare e perché; 3 che cosa fa di solito nel suo tempo libero (sport,
4 che tempo fa di solito e che tempo fa adesso; hobby...);
5 che cosa stanno facendo in questo momento i tuoi 4 che cosa fa di solito per le vacanze e che tipo
familiari. di vacanze preferisce (estive o invernali).
5 Descrivi le tue vacanze ideali.
From: Speaking ........... /10
Object: TOTAL ........... /50
7-8 Fila B
Listening You can also score at the two ends of the court! The
attacking team can make only three passes3 and then
1 240 Ascolta l’intervista televisiva e completa
they can try to score. You can’t touch the ball with your
le frasi.
feet and you can only hold the ball for three seconds.
0 The name of the programme is Today’s Young The player of the attacking team can take three steps
Champions. with the ball and then he can try to score a point
1 Karim is training for . shooting4 the ball against the frame.
2 Karim is staying in a room . I like this sport because you can’t touch other players,
3 Karim can play . in fact it’s a ‘non-contact’ sport.
4 Karim’s mother works as a . And you? What sports can you do? Do you prefer
5 Karim can see his parents . playing or watching sports? What are the most popular
6 Every day Karim chats with sports in your country?
. Bye for now,
........... /6 Leo
1 3
frame: pannello passes: passaggi
2 4
2 240 Riascolta l’intervista televisiva forbidden: proibita shooting: colpendo
e indica se le frasi sono Vere (T) o False (F).
T F 0 Leo lives in a small village in the northwest /
0 Karim is training for the next competitions. ✗ northeast of England.
1 The sport facility is near Karim’s house. 1 Leo can swim and do snowboarding / swim and ski.
2 Athletics and running are part of the 2 The number of players in Tchoukball can / can’t
training. change.
3 Karim can play basketball too. 3 Men and women can / can’t play together.
4 Karim’s parents are happy about his life. 4 Playing on the beach is / isn’t possible.
5 Karim is not training hard in this period. 5 The frame is / isn’t important to score a point.
6 Respect for the rules and other people 6 You can / can’t hold the ball for four seconds.
is important for Karim. 7 Players can / can’t kick the ball.
8 The attacking team can try to score shooting
........... /6 the ball under / against the frame.
9 In Tchoukball there is / isn’t contact between
Listening ........... /12 the players.
........... /9
4 Rileggi l’e-mail di Leo e rispondi alle domande.
3 Leggi l’e-mail in cui Leo descrive uno sport e scegli
l’alternativa corretta. 0 What does Leo like doing in his free time?
He likes playing sports.
Hi, I’m Leo. 1 What team sports does Leo do?
I live in a small village in the northwest of England. 2 What sport is similar to Tchoukball?
In my free time I like playing sports, I play basketball 3 Can you play Tchoukball only in a court?
and football. 4 How many players are there in a team?
I can swim and also ski in winter. Now I’m learning a 5 Can the ball touch the ground inside the forbidden
new sport: Tchoukball. It’s a very strange name! area?
Tchoukball is a team sport, very similar to handball. 6 Where can you also score a point?
There are two teams with seven players each and men 7 How many passes can a player make?
and women can play together. They usually play in a 8 Can players take many steps with the ball in their
court, more or less the same size as a basketball court. hands?
You can also play it on the beach, but with only five 9 What does ‘non-contact’ sport mean?
players. ........... /9
At the end of the two parts of the court there is a
small frame1: you score a point when the ball hits the Reading ........... /18
frame and touches the ground outside the forbidden2
area. This is the area around the frame.
Skills Test 7-8 Class
Fila B Date
Writing Speaking
5 Immagina di trascorrere una vacanza al mare con 6 Parla del tuo personaggio famoso preferito.
i tuoi genitori. Scrivi un’e-mail a un amico/amica Fornisci le seguenti informazioni:
e racconta la tua vacanza. Fornisci le seguenti
1 la professione del tuo personaggio famoso
1 dove ti trovi e se alloggi in albergo o in campeggio; 2 che cosa sta facendo in questo momento il tuo
2 cosa fai durante il giorno e alla sera; personaggio preferito;
3 l’attività che preferisci fare e perché; 3 che cosa fa di solito nel suo tempo libero (sport,
4 che tempo fa di solito e che tempo fa adesso; hobby...);
5 che cosa stanno facendo in questo momento i tuoi 4 che cosa fa di solito per le vacanze e che tipo
familiari. di vacanze preferisce (estive o invernali).
5 Descrivi le tue vacanze ideali.
From: Speaking ........... /10
Object: TOTAL ........... /50
The UK and Great Britain
1 Completa per formare i nomi che si riferiscono 5 Indica se le seguenti frasi sono Vere (T) o False (F).
alle isole britanniche.
0 The Republic of Ireland. 0 A lot of tourists go to London. ✗
1 The British . 1 The International Edinburgh Festival
2 Great . is in July.
3 The United . 2 During the Edinburgh Festival there
4 Northern . is music in the streets.
........... /4 3 The Centenary Walk is in Edinburgh.
4 The Welsh have Celtic origins.
2 Completa il testo. 5 The red dragon is a Scottish symbol.
6 People go to Belfast Titanic to learn
• The British Isles include (0) Great Britain
about the story of the ship.
and (1) and six thousand small
(2) . 7 Belfast is near the mountains.
• Great Britain includes (3) , ........... /7
(4) and (5) .
• In Ireland there are the (6)
and (7) .
6 Completa il testo parlando del tuo Paese.
Segui le indicazioni.
........... /7
I’m from (1) (your country).
3 Indica se le seguenti frasi sono Vere (T) o False (F). It is a (2) (big / small) country.
There (3) (is / isn’t) the sea and/but
T F there (4) (are / aren’t) the mountains.
0 British and English are synonyms. ✗ My country is a (5) (republic / monarchy).
1 In England there are Wales and Scotland. The national flag is (6) (colours).
2 The UK includes England, Wales, Scotland The capital city is (7) .
and Northern Ireland. It is (8) (old / modern).
It is famous for (9) .
3 The majority of the British population
are in Scotland.
........... /18
4 Northern Ireland is a monarchy.
5 UK people are not proud of their nations. TOTAL ........... /50
6 The people of the Republic of Ireland
are English.
........... /6
4 Completa il testo.
• London is famous for the (0) Tower of London,
Buckingham (1) , and Westminster
(2) .
• Edinburgh is famous for its (3)
and the Edinburgh International (4) .
• Cardiff is famous for its (5)
and historic (6) .
• Belfast is an (7) city and is famous
for (8) Belfast.
........... /8
An Englishman’s home
is his castle
1 Completa il testo con parole che si riferiscono 4 Scegli l’alternativa corretta.
alle tipologie di case.
0 British houses are small / big compared to houses
In the UK a lot of people live in (0) houses. Only some in other European countries.
people live in blocks of (1) . There are 1 The average British house size is 72 / 108 square
different types of houses, (2) : metres.
for two families; (3) : identical houses, 2 15 / 82 percent of British families live in a house.
in long lines; (4) : large houses 3 Carpets are / aren’t useful to keep the houses
separated from the others; (5) : country warm in winter.
houses. 4 Some people usually park their car at the
back / front of the house.
........... /5
5 In country villages there are terraced houses /
2 Riscrivi le frasi correggendo le informazioni errate. 6 Home is a building / my house.
0 In the UK the houses are very big. ........... /6
In the UK the houses are not very big.
1 Blocks of flats are popular with families.
5 Completa il testo descrivendo le abitazioni tipiche
del tuo Paese o del luogo in cui vivi. Segui
2 Typical British houses have three floors.
le indicazioni.
3 The bedrooms are downstairs.
In (1) (your country) most people live
in (2) (type of homes / in the country
4 There are carpets in all the rooms.
/ in the cities / towns / villages).
The houses have (3) (number of floors).
5 The windows have curtains and shutters.
Families with children like to live in (4)
(residential areas / city centre / countryside).
6 British houses haven’t got a garden.
Young people and students like to live in (5)
(residential areas / city centre / countryside).
7 British houses have balconies.
In my country most of the houses (6)
a garden.
........... /14 There (7) a garage.
On the floors (8) carpets and the
windows (9) (curtains / shutters).
3 Indica se le seguenti frasi sono Vere (T) o False (F).
T F ........... /18
0 Tall blocks of flats are usually in the
country. ✗ TOTAL ........... /50
1 Families like to live in the suburbs.
2 Residential areas are usually outside
the city centre.
3 Terraced houses have got a garage.
4 Terraced houses have got doors
of different colours.
5 Detached houses are two houses
joined together.
6 Detached houses are usually in
suburban areas.
7 Cottages haven’t got a garden.
........... /7
Festivals all year round
1 Inserisci le parole del riquadro nella colonna 4 Indica se le seguenti frasi sono Vere (T) o False (F).
Guy Fawkes bank holiday fireworks 0 British people have some very unusual
Maypole guys dance bonfires festivals. ✗
1 Bonfire Night commemorates an attempt
to blow up the Parliament in Edinburgh.
BONFIRE NIGHT MAY DAY 2 On May Day people choose a King
Guy Fawkes and a Queen of May.
3 Notting Hill Carnival is only for people
of Caribbean origins.
4 Burns Night is a very important English
5 Burns Night celebrates the poet
........... /6 Robert Burns and Scottish culture.
6 People of Scottish origins celebrate
Burns Nights all over the world.
2 Rispondi alle seguenti domande.
........... /6
0 What do British festivals celebrate?
They celebrate historical events.
1 When is Bonfire Night?
5 Riscrivi le frasi correggendo le informazioni errate.
0 Bog Snorkelling is a Scottish Festival.
2 What do children make for Bonfire Night? Bog Snorkelling is a Welsh Festival.
1 On May Day people sing around the Maypole.
3 What do people do on Bonfire Night?
2 On the first Monday of May students go to school.
4 When is May Day?
3 The Notting Hill Carnival parade is very quiet.
5 What are the origins of May Day?
4 On Burns Night there are special breakfasts.
6 What does May Day celebrate?
5 On Bonfire Night when ‘haggis’ is on the table
7 How do people decorate a young tree? the host sings a song.
Meals in the UK
1 Inserisci i cibi del riquadro nella colonna 4 Indica se le seguenti frasi sono Vere (T) o False (F).
toast salad marmalade meat cereal 0 British people have afternoon tea. ✗
bowl of soup fish roast beef sandwich 1 Coffee is not very popular in the UK.
fried eggs vegetables bacon sausages 2 Trendy coffee shops are only in the big
BREAKFAST LUNCH DINNER 3 British people like to eat porridge when
it's cold outside.
toast 4 Brunch is popular with young people.
5 Lunch is usually a big meal.
6 British people don’t have lunch in
restaurants during the week.
7 For dinner people usually have pasta.
........... /7
1-8 Fila A
4 When the sun is
it’s sunny.
Grammar and Vocabulary
5 When there is not rain for some time it’s .
1 Completa la tabella con le parole del riquadro. ........... /5
2 Completa le attività con i verbi del riquadro. 6 Scrivi le domande sulla casa di Mattia
con le frasi dell’esercizio precedente.
play switch off listen get In Mattia's house ...
watch walk catch lay chat 0 due camere da letto? Are there two bedrooms?
1 un salotto?
0 walk the dog
2 quattro sedie nella sala da pranzo?
1 dressed 5 the phone
3 dei quadri in cucina?
2 the guitar 6 a film
4 uno specchio nel bagno?
3 the bus 7 to music
5 una pianta nella stanza di Mattia?
4 on social 8 the table
6 una lavatrice nel bagno?
........... /8 7 un armadio nella stanza di Mattia?
8 una lavastoviglie in cucina?
........... /8
3 Completa le frasi con parole relative alle vacanze.
0 During this holiday you sleep in a tent. 7 Completa i mini-dialoghi con la forma corretta di be
You go camping.
o have got.
1 During this holiday you usually learn a foreign
language. It’s a . Dialogue 1
2 During this holiday you swim, play beach games A (0) Are you hungry?
and sunbathe. You go to . B Yes, I (1) very hungry but
3 During this holiday you usually go hiking. I (2) a snack.
You go to .
4 During this holiday you usually visit cities. Dialogue 2
You go . A (3) you a sandwich?
5 During this holiday you move from one place B Yes, I (4) a sandwich and a can
to another. You go . of orange juice.
........... /5
Dialogue 3
A My sister (5) short and slim and
4 Completa con parole relative al tempo atmosferico. she (6) short curly hair.
0 The wind is blowing, so it’s windy. B (7) she blue eyes?
1 The temperature is 38°, so it’s . A No, she (8) . She and I (9)
2 It is because it’s raining. green eyes.
3 At 0° it is not rain but . ........... /9
End of Year Test 1-8 Class
Fila A Date
End of Year Test 1-8 Class
Fila A Date
End of Year Test 1-8 Class
Fila A Date
1-8 Fila B
End of Year Test 1-8 Class
Fila B Date
End of Year Test 1-8 Class
Fila B Date
End of Year Test 1-8 Class
Fila B Date