Thermodynamics 2
Thermodynamics 2
Thermodynamics 2
Pure Substance
A substance that has a fixed chemical composition throughout is called a pure
substance such as water, air, and nitrogen.
A pure substance does not have to be of a single element or compound. A mixture
of two or more phases of a pure substance is still a pure substance as long as the
chemical composition of all phases is the same.
3. Sub-cooled or compressed liquid (means it is not about to vaporize)
4. Wet vapor or saturated liquid-vapor mixture, the temperature will stop rising until
the liquid is completely vaporized.
5. Superheated vapor (a vapor that is not about to condense).
Fig. 2-1: T-V diagram for the heating process of a pure substance.
♦ At a given pressure, the temperature at which a pure substance starts boiling is
called the saturation temperature, Tsat.
♦ Likewise, at a given temperature, the pressure at which a pure substance starts
boiling is called the saturation pressure, Psat.
♦ During a phase-change process, pressure and temperature are dependent
properties, Tsat = f (Psat).
♦ The critical point is the point at which the liquid and vapor phases are not
♦ The “triple point” is the point at which the liquid, solid, and vapor phases can
exist together. On P-v or T-v diagrams, these triple-phases states form a line
called the triple line.
Table 2-1: Critical and triple point for water and oxygen.
Vapor Dome
The general shape of a P-v diagram for a pure substance is very similar to that of a
T-v diagram.
critical point
sat. vapor line VAPOR REGION
T2 = const. >T1
liquid REGION T1 = const
Property Tables
For most substances, the relationships among thermodynamic properties are too
complex to be expressed by simple equations. Thus, properties are frequently
presented in the form of tables, see Table A-4.
The subscript “f” is used to denote properties of a saturated liquid and “g” for
saturated vapor. Another subscript, “fg”, denotes the difference between the
saturated vapor and saturated liquid values of the same property.
For example:
vf = specific volume of saturated liquid
vg = specific volume of saturated vapor
vfg = difference between vg and vf ( vfg = vg – vf)
Enthalpy: is a property defined as H = U + PV (kJ) or h = u + Pv (kJ/kg) (per mass
Enthalpy of vaporization (or latent heat): represents the amount of energy needed
to vaporize a unit mass of saturated liquid at a given temperature or pressure. It
decreases as the temperature or pressure increase, and becomes zero at the
critical point.
P critical point
or T
sat. vapor
sat. liquid
Fig. 2-4: The relative amounts of liquid and vapor phases (quality x) are used to
calculated the mixture properties.
u ave = u f + xu fg
have = h f + xh fg
Or in general, it can be summarized as yave = yf +x.yfg. Note that:
0 ≤ x ≤1
y f ≤ y ave ≤ y g
Example 2-1: Saturated liquid-vapor mixture
A closed, rigid container of volume 0.5 m3 is placed on a hot plate. Initially the
container holds a two-phase mixture of saturated liquid water and saturated water
vapor at P1= 1 bar with a quality of 0.5. After heating, the pressure in the container
is P2=1.5 bar. Indicate the initial and final states on a T-v diagram, and determine:
a) the temperature, in °C, at each state.
b) the mass of vapor present at each state, in kg.
c) if heating continues, determine the pressure, in bar, when the container holds
only saturated vapor.
1. Water in the container is a closed system.
2. States 1, 2, and 3 are equilibrium states.
3. The volume of container remains constant.
Two independent properties are required to fix state 1 and 2. At the initial state, the
pressure and quality are known. Thus state 1 is known, as shown in the figure.
The specific volume at state 1 is found using the given quality:
v1 = v f 1 + x1 (v g1 − v f 1 )
From Table A - 5 at P = 1 bar
v1 = 0.001043 + 0.5 (1.694 − 0.001043) = 0.8475 m 3 / kg
At state 2, the pressure is known. Volume and mass remain constant during the
heating process within the container, so v2=v1. For P2= 1.5, Table A-5 gives vf2=
0.001053 and vg2=1.1593 m3/kg. Since
vf2 < v2 < vg2
State 2 must be in the two-phase region as well. Since state 1 and 2 are in the
two-phase liquid-vapor region, the temperatures correspond to the saturation
temperatures for the given. Table A-5:
T1 = 99.63 °C and T2 = 111.4 °C
To find the mass of water vapor present, we first find the total mass, m.
V 0 .5 m 3
m= = = 0.59kg
v 0.8475m 3 / kg
m g1 = x1 m = 0.5(0.59kg ) = 0.295kg
P2 = 1.5 bar
P1 = 1 bar
The mass of vapor at state 2 is found similarly using quality x2. From Table A-5, for
P2 = 1.5 bar, we have:
v −vf2
x2 =
vg 2 − v f 2
0.8475 − 0.001053
x2 = = 0.731
1.159 − 0.001053
mg 2 = 0.731 (0.59kg ) = 0.431 kg
2- Superheated Vapor
Superheated region is a single phase region (vapor only), temperature and
pressure are no longer dependent. See Table A-6 for superheated vapor
If T>> Tcritical or P<<Pcritical, then the vapor can be approximated as an “ideal gas”.
The property most affected by pressure is enthalpy. For enthalpy use the following
h ≈ h f @ T + v f (P − Psat )
Compressibility Factor
The assumption of ideal gas relation implies that:
¾ the gas particles take up negligible volume
¾ the intermolecular potential energy between particles is small
¾ particles act independent of one another
However, real gases deviate from ideal gas behavior. This deviation at given
temperature and pressure can be accurately accounted for by introduction of a
correction factor called the compressibility factor Z.
Z= or Pv = ZRT
or Z = vactual / videal. Obviously, Z=1 for ideal gases.
Gases behave very much the same at temperatures and pressures normalized
with respect to their critical temperatures and pressures.
PR = and TR =
Pcr Tcr
Here PR and TR are called the reduced pressure and temperature, respectively.
By curve-fitting all the data, the general compressibility chart is obtained which can
be used for all gases.
[ ]
0.0815 kPa.m 3 / (kg.K ) (323 K )
= 0.02632 m 3 / kg
P (1000 kPa )
Comparing with the tabulated value, using ideal gas equation one would get an
error of (0.02632-0.02171)/0.02171=0.212 or 21.2%.
(b) To determine the correction factor Z,
P 1MPa
PR = = = 0.246
Pcr 4.067 MPa
T 323K
TR = = = 0.863
Tcr 374.3K
From Fig. A-13, Z= 0.84. Thus,
v=Z videal = 0.84 (0.02632 m3/kg) =0.02211 m3/kg
The error is less than 2%.
Therefore, in the absence of exact tabulated data, the generalized compressibility
chart can be used with confidence.