APC - Chapter 5 - Part 1 SP22
APC - Chapter 5 - Part 1 SP22
APC - Chapter 5 - Part 1 SP22
Chapter 5
(part 1)
In this chapter, the following topics will be discussed
• Thermodynamics of simple mixtures can be applied to
discuss the physical changes of mixtures when they are
heated or cooled and when their compositions are
Phases, components, and degrees of freedom
1. A phase is a state of matter that is uniform, not only in
composition but also in physical state. The number of
phase in a system is denoted P.
Phase Rule
• The number of phases, is denoted P.
• The number of components, is denoted C.
• The variance (degree of freedom) of the system, denoted F is
the number of intensive variables (e.g. p and T) that can be
changed independently without disturbing the number of
phases in equilibrium.
• This is not an empirical rule based upon observations, it can
be derived from chemical thermodynamics .
• For a one component system F = 3 – P
• When only one phase is present, F = 2 and both p and T can
be varied without changing the number of phases.
C: Number of components
c : Number of constituents
r : Number of reactions (+ the electrical neutrality reaction in the case of aqueous
F = C – P + 2 = (c – r) – P +2
1) Perfect gas : F = 1 – 0 – 1 + 2
4 independent intensive parameters can be chosen arbitrarily without changing the
number of phases present.
F = 6 – 3 – 2 +2 = 3
Only 3 independent intensive parameters can be chosen arbitrarily without changing the
number of phases present.
• When two phases are present, F = 1 which implies that only
one variable can be varied independently (p or T). This is
why at a given temperature a liquid has a characteristic vapor
One Component Systems
The location of phase boundaries for monocomponent diagrams P = f(T)
when two phases are in equilibrium, their chemical potentials must be equal. Therefore, where
the phases α and β are in equilibrium,
μ(α; p,T) =μ(β; p,T)
dμ(α) = dμ(β).
where Sm(α) and Sm(β) are the molar entropies of the phases and Vm(α) and Vm(β) are their
molar volumes. Hence
The Clapeyron equation is an exact expression for the slope of the tangent to the boundary
at any point and applies to any phase equilibrium of any pure substance. It implies that
we can use thermodynamic data to predict the appearance of phase diagrams and to
understand their form. A more practical application is to the prediction of the response of
freezing and boiling points to the application of pressure.
The solid–liquid boundary
We can obtain the formula for the phase boundary by integrating dp/dT, assuming that ΔfusH
and ΔfusV change so little with temperature and pressure that they can be treated as constant.
If the melting temperature is T* when the pressure is p*, and T when the pressure is p, the
integration required is
This expression is the equation of a steep straight line when p is plotted against T
For a gas : ΔvapV ≈ Vm(g). if the gas behaves perfectly, Vm(g) = RT/p. These two
approximations turn the exact Clapeyron equation into
which rearranges into the Clausius–Clapeyron equation for the variation of vapour pressure
with temperature:
where p* is the vapour pressure when the temperature is T* and p the vapour pressure
when the temperature is T. Therefore, because the integral on the left evaluates to ln(p/p*),
the two vapour pressures are related by:
Equation 4.12 is plotted as the liquid–vapour boundary in Fig. 4.17. The line does
not extend beyond the critical temperature Tc, because above this temperature
the liquid does not exist.
The solid–vapour boundary
The only difference between this case and the last is the replacement of the enthalpy of
vaporization by the enthalpy of sublimation, ΔsubH.
One Component Systems
Given below the diagram of pure water (F = 3 - P)
The phase diagram for water , T3 marks the temperature of the triple
point, Tb the normal boiling point (p = 1atm), and Tf the normal
freezing point.
• When only phase is present F = 2, (p and T can be varied
independently without changing the number of phases). A
single phase is represented by an area on a phase diagram.
• Thermal analysis: a sample is allowed to cool and its
temperature is monitored. When a phase transition occurs,
cooling may stop until the phase transition is complete and
is easily observed on a thermogram.