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Organizational Culture of Schools

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Republic of the Philippines

Philippine Normal University Visayas
The National Center for Teacher Education
City of Cadiz

Pangalan: Johnmar D. Tacugue OV III-3 BFE

Organizational Culture of Schools:

1. Description:
Organizational culture in schools refers to the shared values, beliefs, norms, and practices
that shape the behaviors and interactions within the school environment. It encompasses
the collective identity of the school community and influences how members, including
students, teachers, administrators, and staff, perceive and respond to various aspects of
their educational experience.
The culture of a school is often reflected in its traditions, rituals, symbols, and the way
members communicate and collaborate. It plays a crucial role in shaping the learning
environment, affecting both academic and social outcomes.

2. Levels:
Organizational culture in schools can be observed at different levels:

Visible Artifacts: These are the tangible aspects of culture, such as physical structures, dress
codes, ceremonies, and symbols,that are easily observable.

Espoused Values: These are the stated beliefs, principles, and philosophies that guide
decision-making and behavior within the school community. They are often articulated in
mission statements, codes of conduct, and educational philosophies.

Underlying Assumptions: These are the deeply embedded beliefs and unconscious values
that influence the way people think and act in the school. They may not be explicitly stated
but are evident in the patterns of behavior and decision-making.

3. Functions of Culture:

Social Cohesion: Organizational culture fosters a sense of belonging and community within
the school. Shared values and norms create a cohesive environment where individuals feel
connected to a common purpose.
Identity and Purpose: Culture helps define the identity and purpose of the school. It
communicates the school's mission, vision, and goals, providing a sense of direction and
unity among the members.

Guidance and Control: Culture serves as a guide for behavior and decision-making. It
influences how conflicts are resolved, how authority is exercised, and how individuals
interact with one another.

Learning and Adaptation: A positive school culture encourages continuous learning and
adaptation. It promotes innovation, resilience, and a willingness to embrace change in
response to evolving educational needs.

Communication: Culture establishes the norms and channels for communication within the
school. Effective communication is essential for collaboration among staff, students, and

Organizational Culture Worksheet for Schools

School Name: Philippine Normal University Date:

1. Visible Artifacts:
- Identify visible elements that represent the culture of the school.

Logos or symbols

Inang Pamantasan
2. Espoused Values:
List the stated values and principles that guide decision-making and behavior.

• Philippine Normal University Mission

Philippine Normal University is committed to lead innovative, responsive and
sustainable teacher education programs that set the standards of future-ready
teachers and education leaders.

• Philippine Normal University Vision

A leading future-ready teacher education university responsive to national
and global development goals and directions.

• Philippine Normal University Visayas GOALS

In pursuit of its vision, the PNU Visayas Campus shall;
1. Offer quality and relevant pre-service, in service, graduate and continuing education
programs with emphasis on environment and green technology education:
2. Undertake research-based teacher-training programs, extension services and
establish linkages with other institutions locally, nationally and globally;
3. Conduct quantitative and qualitative researches aimed at improving basic teacher
4. Produce effective, efficient and empowered teachers who will implement
innovations in the delivery of relevant, functional and quality basic education; and
5. Establish and maintain an environment management system that integrates
sustainability practices.

• Philippine Normal University Philosophy

Education is anchored on Personal Sustainable and Social Transformation.

3. Underlying Assumptions:
Explore the unspoken beliefs and unconscious values that influence behavior.
• Philippine Normal University Visayas believe that Let there be an education wherein
the Filipinos would believe in themselves, and be confident in their future.

4. Emotional Tone:
Describe the prevailing emotions and feelings within the school community.

• Challenge
• Proud
• Happy

5. Interpersonal Relationships:
Assess the quality of relationships among members of the school community.

• Collaboration among teachers

• Teacher-student relationships
• Relationships wCommunicatication

6. Communication Patterns:
Evaluate how information is shared and received within the school.
• Communication channels (meetings, emails, newsletters)
Recieve emails for announcements, Philippine Normal University has official
Facebook page where they post also announcements, information that are needed to relay.
• Openness to feedback
Everytime there's a program they created Google form where students can they
observed and say about the programs.

7. Leadership Style:
Identify the leadership approach adopted by administrators and its impact.

• Supportive leadership
• Transformational leadership
• Authoritative leadership

8. Innovation and Creativity:

Assess the extent to which the school encourages innovation and creativity.

9. Safety and Well-being:

Explore the emphasis on physical and emotional safety within the school.
❖ Examples:
• Safety protocols
• Wellness pprogras
• Support for mental health

10. Celebration of Success:

Evaluate how successes and positive contributions are acknowledged.
❖ Examples:
• Recognition programs
• Awards ceremonies
• Positive reinforcement

11. Professional Development:

Explore the opportunities provided for professional growth and development.
❖ Examples:
• Professional development workshops
• Training programs
• Opportunities for teacher collaboration

12. Student Involvement:

Assess the level of student involvement in decision-making and activities.
❖ Examples:
• Student councils
• Student-led initiatives
• Involvement in school governance

13. Parent and Community Involvement:

Explore the engagement of parents and the wider community.
❖ Examples:
• Parent-teacher associations
• Community events
• Collaborative projects with local organizations

14. Continuous Improvement:

Identify efforts to continuously monitor and improve the school culture.
❖ Examples:
• Feedback mechanisms
• Adaptation of strategies
• Commitment to ongoing reflection

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