Cbcs For BSC Comp Sc. Syl Submitted Copy To COE 2018-Footer-Updated
Cbcs For BSC Comp Sc. Syl Submitted Copy To COE 2018-Footer-Updated
Cbcs For BSC Comp Sc. Syl Submitted Copy To COE 2018-Footer-Updated
Bharathidasan Government College for Women (Autonomous)
Lateral Entry
The course shall be of three years duration spread over six consecutive
semesters. The maximum duration to complete the course shall be 5 years .
S.No Component Marks
1. CIA Test 5
2. Model Examination 10
3. Assignment 5
4. Attendance 5
Total 25
S.No Component Marks
1. Model Practical 15
2. Skill & Observation in Lab 5
3. Attendance 5
Total 25
Semester I II III IV V VI
Part-I-Language 3 3 6
Part-II-English 3 3 3 3 12
Core- Theory 7 10 8 13 38
Core/DSE-Practical 4 4 4 4 4 2 22
DSE (Discipline Specific
13 14 27
Core-Allied 5 5 10
SEC (Skill Enhancement
2 2 2 2 8
Compulsory Course) - 2 2 4
EVS & Public
22 22 22 22 21 18 127
Total Credits 127
Architecture &
Introduction to
Core Course-V- Microprocessor 2 2 25 75 100
Practical Lab
Core Course-VI Computer 4 4 25 75 100
Ability Environmental 2 2 25 75 100
Enhancement Science
Total 22 25 Hrs 5 Hrs 800
3. Introduction to
Hardware & 3
(Elect 1 out of 3)
Total 22 21Hrs 9 Hrs 700
3. Tally 3
(Elect 1 out of 3)
Total 22 21 Hrs 9 Hrs 600
5. Cloud
6. Software
7. Data Mining
and Warehousing.
(Elect 3 out of 7)
Skill Enhancement 1. Introduction to 2 4 25 75 100
Course-III DTP using
2. Python
Programming 4
3. Android
Programming 4
(Elect 1 out of 3)
Discipline 5 5 25 75 100
4. Mobile
Specific Elective Computing.
5. Basics of Cyber
6. E-Commerce
Discipline 5 12 25 75 100
Specific Elective 7. Project
–VI Work/Dissertation
(Elect 3 out of 7)
18 10 Hrs 20 500
Credits Hrs
S.No Subjects
1 Page maker
2 General Aptitude
3 Tally
S.No Subjects
1 Introduction to DTP using Photoshop
2 Python Programming
3 Android Programming
2. Non Major Electives for other Courses in Sixth Semester: Elect 01 Paper
S.No Subjects
1 Animation using Flash Player
2 Web Designing using HTML
Practical – 45 hrs Core Course -II –Practical – Office Automation Lab
Reference Text Design and Analysis of Algorithms by Aho A.V. & Hopcraft .J.E.Addison
Books Wessley.
Text Books Erach Bharucha “Text Book of environmental studies for undergraduate courses” – for UGC.
Core Course
Text books VII– Practical - Data Structure
Fundamental Lab Data structure by Ellis
of Computer 45 hrs
Horowitz and
Sartaj Sahni, Galgotia Publications Pvt.Ltd.
Core Course VIII Practical – Object Oriented Programming in C++ Lab 45hrs-
1. Programs using classes. 6.Implementation of Array of Objects
2. Implementing function Overloading 7. Implementation of Constructors and Destructors
3 Implementation of Operator 8. Implementation of Pointers
Overloading 9. String Handling
4.Implementing multiple inheritance 10. File handling
5.Creation of virtual function
II Trial Balance- Trading and Profit & Loss a/c and Balance Sheet –
Income & Expenditure a/c – Data Maintenance.
III Trial Balance- Trading and Profit & Loss a/c and Balance Sheet –
Income & Expenditure a/c – Data Maintenance. 15
Objectives To enable the students to learn the latest web programming technique
Web Applications Development.
Total Instruction hours: 75
Unit Contents Hours
I Introduction to internet – resource of internet H/W & S/W requirements of internet – 15
Domain naming system registering our domain name – URL protocol server name
port relative URLs overview of web browsers – ISDN dialup of leased line
connection - internet service providers – internet services protocols concepts, internet
client and internet servers, introduction to TCP / IP FTP SMTP POP3(Brief
II Introduction to HTML – elementary tags in HTML – list in HTML - displaying text 15
in lists – using ordered lists – using unordered lists – directory list. Definition lists –
combining list types graphics and image formats – graphics and HTML
documents .Images and Hyperlink anchors – image maps – tables – frames – forms –
background graphics and color. Introduction to style sheets.
III Overview of Java Scripting language – Data Types – Variables – Methods – Control 15
structure – Using java Script for Validations – Event handling.
IV Overview of ASP.NET – Standard ASP.NET Namespaces – Web Controls and 15
Server Controls – The structure of an ASP.NET Page – Building Forms with Web
Server Control.
V Database Processing with ASP.NET – Database Access with ADO.NET – Binding 15
Data to Web Controls – Using the DataList and DataGrid Controls.
Discipline Specific Elective Paper– Web Design Lab 45
1.Create a simple page HTML Page 2. Create a Table in a web page
3. Design a web page using Frames 4. Design an interactive web page using Java Script
5. Design an input screen with validation using Java Script.
6. Design a simple calculator using ASP.NET
7. Design a web page with various web controls
8. Design a web page with various server controls
9. Design a web site for payroll using ADO.NET
10. Design a web page using DataList and DataGrid Control.
Textbooks 1.HTML 4.0 source book
2.Learning to use Internet:Ackermann
3.Web Technology:N.P. Gopalan and J. Akilandeswari
4. ASP.NET Unleashed : Stephen Walther
Objectives To develop the design and editing skill in print publication using “Photoshop”.
III Understanding the Intent Object - Using Intent Filters – Adding Categories -
Displaying Notifications - Android User Interface - Understanding the
Components of a Screen - Adapting to Display Orientation - Managing Changes to
Screen Orientation- Utilizing the Action Bar - Creating the User Interface
Programmatically – Listening for UI Notifications - Designing Your User
Interface with Views - Using Basic Views- Using Picker Views - Using List
Views to Display Long Lists
Text 1. Wei - Meng Lee, “Beginning Android Application Development”, 2nd edition, John
Books: Wiley,2012.
2. Reto Meier, “Android 6 for Programmers: An App-driven Approach”, 3rd edition,
Pearson Education, 2016.
3. Deital & Deital, “Android for Programmers: An App-Driven Approach”, 1st edition,
Pearson Education, 2012.
1. Develop an application that uses GUI components, Font and Colours
2. Develop an application that uses Layout Managers and event listeners.
3. Develop a native calculator application.
4. Write an application that draws basic graphical primitives on the screen.
5. Develop an application that makes use of database.
6. Develop an application that makes use of RSS Feed.
7. Implement an application that implements Multi-threading
8. Develop a native application that uses GPS location information.
9. Implement an application that writes data to the SD card.
10. Implement an application that creates an alert upon receiving a message.
Reference 1. A. R. Tyagi, Public Administration, Atma ram sons, New Delhi, 1983.
Books 2. Appleby P.H, Policy and Administration, The University of Alabama Press, Alabama,
3. Avasthi and Maheswari,Public Administration in India,Agra:Lakshmi Narain Agarwal,
4. Gerald.E. Caden. Public Administration. Pablidas Publishers, California, 1982.
Reference 1. http://cic.gov.in/
Sites 2. http://www.mha.nic.in/
3. http://rti.gov.in/
4. http://www.cvc.nic.in/
IV Game playing: the mini max search Procedure – Adding Alpha – Beta cutoffs.
Planning: Overview – An example Domain: The Blocks world – Components of 75
a planning –Goal stack planning.
V Expert Systems – definitions of Expert Systems – Characteristics of an Expert
Systems –Architecture of Expert Systems – role of expert system knowledge
acquisition – advantages and limitation of expert system – example of expert
systems: MYCIN
Text Artificial Intelligence - By Elaine Rich, Kevin Knight. Shivashakar B Nair (Publisher: McGraw
books –Hill edition)
Refer 1. Foundations of Artificial intelligence and expert systems By V.S. janakiraman,
ence K.Sarukesi, Gopalkrishnan.P(Publishers: Macmillan Series)
Books 2. Artificial Intelligent By Dr .P. Rizwan Ahmed ( Margham Publisher)
III Data security- Mobile Device Security- User Security- File Security- 15
Password Security-Encryption-Decryption- Firewall- Configure
firewall-Antivirus-Cyber Security Policies.
Text Book Chuck Eastton “ Cyber Security Fundamentals”, Pearson Second Edition.
Reference James Graham, Richard Howard, Ryan Olson, “Cyber security Essentials”, CRC
Text Books Press.
The objective of the project is to motivate them to work in emerging/latest technologies, help
the students to develop ability, to apply theoretical and practical tools/techniques to solve real
life problems related to industry, academic institutions and research laboratories.
1. Create a PHP page using functions for comparing three integers and print the largest number.
2. Write a function to calculate the factorial of a number (non-negative integer). The function accept the
number as an argument.
3. WAP to check whether the given number is prime or not.
4. Create a PHP page which accepts string from user. After submission that page displays the reverse of
provided string.
5. Write a PHP function that checks if a string is all lower case.
6. Write a PHP script that checks whether a passed string is palindrome or not? ( A palindrome is word,
phrase, or sequence that reads the same backward as forward, e.g., madam or nurses run)
7. WAP to sort an array.
8. Write a PHP script that removes the whitespaces from a string.
Sample string : 'The quick " " brown fox'
Expected Output : Thequick""brownfox
9. Write a PHP script that finds out the sum of first n odd numbers.
10. Create a login page having user name and password. On clicking submit, a welcome message should
be displayed if the user is already registered (i.e.name is present in the database) otherwise error message
should be displayed.
Text Book: 1. David Flanagan, “JavaScript: The Definitive Guide, Sixth Edition”, O'Reilly
Media, 2011.
Reference Book: 1. Thomas A Powell, Fritz Schneider, “JavaScript: The Complete Reference”, Third
Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 2013
SEC- IV - Java Script
1. Write a java script program to create HTML tags using document object.
2. Write a java script program to sort the given numbers in ascending and descending order.
3. Write a java script program to find the Factorial of a number using functions.
4. Write a java script program to display largest and smallest numbers from the given list.
5. Write a java script program to display a digital clock.
6. Create a web page to display the text “WELCOME TO COMPUTER SCIENCE” as a heading and
change its color from black to white and then to red at an interval of 1000 milliseconds.
7. Create a document and a link to it. When the user moves the mouse over the link, it should load the
linked document on its own (user is not required to click on the link)
8. Create a document, which opens a new window without a toolbar, address bar.
9. Create a web page for getting personal details using form controls
10. Write a java script program to design a simple calculator using form fields. Have two fields for input
and one field for the output. Allow user to be able to do plus, minus, multiply and divide.
Title of the Paper Fundamentals of Computers and Maximum Marks Theory Practical
Office automation
Hours of Instruction Theory 3 Credits CIA 10 10
per week Practical 2 Credits ESE 40 40
Practical –2 hrs, Total 50 50
Theory -3 Hrs
Objectives: To learn about the basic concepts of Computers and to know about the elementary operations
Total Instruction hours: 45 hrs
Unit Contents Hours of
No. instruction
Introduction to Computers - Generation of Computers - Classification of Digital 9
Computer - Anatomy of Digital Computer.Introduction : Introduction to
I computers-generation of modern computers- classification of digital computers-
anatomy of a digital computer-memory units- auxiliary storage devices- input
and output devices
Windows OS – control panel- desktop- folder. Introduction to word processing - 9
II Microsoft word: format- table –mail merge-macro-templates- symbol- drawing.
Introduction to electronic spreadsheet - Microsoft excel-formatting- function and 9
III formula- chart-pivot table- freeze pane-protect sheet- external data-sort and filter
Introduction to presentation software- Microsoft power point- create, customize 9
IV and show a presentation.
LAN and WAN - Internet and world wide web –e-mail –computers in office 9
V automation- introduction to e commerce.