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Correlation Between Gravitational and Inertial Mass:

Theory and Experimental Test.

Fran De Aquino physics/0205089
Maranhao State University,
Physics Department,
65058-970 S.Luis/MA, Brazil.

The physical property of mass has two distinct aspects, gravitational mass and inertial mass.
The weight of a particle depends on its gravitational mass. According to the weak form of the
equivalence principle, the gravitational and inertial masses are equivalent. But, we show here
that they are correlated by a dimensionless factor, which can be different of one . The factor
depends on the electromagnetic energy absorbed or emitted by the particle and of the index of
refraction of the medium around the particle. This theoretical correlation has been
experimentally proven by means of a very simple apparatus, presented here.

The gravitational mass, mg , produces δmβ represents also the inertial mass
and responds to gravitational fields. It shift . It can be seen by repeating the
supplies the mass factors in Newton's renormalization of the external
famous inverse-square law of electromagnetic vertex at finite
Gravitation (F12 = Gmg 1mg 2 r12 ). Inertial
2 temperature. On the other hand, it is
easy to see that the inertial mass shift
mass mi is the mass factor in Newton's
is related to inertial Hamiltonian shift
2nd Law of Motion (F = mi a ). δΗ . Thus we can obtain the general
Several experiments1-6, have expression of δmβ by means of the
been carried out since Newton to try to inertial Hamiltonian shift δΗ ,i.e.,
establish a correlation between
gravitational mass and inertial mass. δΗ c δp 2 + mi2c 2 − mi c 2
δ mβ = 2 = =
Recently J.F.Donoghue and c c2
B.R. Holstein7 have shown that the 2
 δp 
renormalized mass for temperature = mi 1 +   − mi [1]
T = 0 is expressed by mr = m + δm0  mi c 
where δm0 is the temperature- where δp is the correspondent
independent mass shift. In addition, for particle's momentum shift.
T > 0 , mass renormalization leads to Consequently, the general
the following expressions for inertial and expression of correlation between
gravitational masses, respectively: gravitational and inertial mass can be
mi = m + δm0 + δmβ ; mg = m +δm0 −δmβ , write in the following form
  2 
δm β   δp  
mg = mi − 2δmβ = 1 − 2 1 +   − 1mi [2]
where is the temperature- 
dependent mass shift given by î   mic  
 
δmβ = παT 2 3mi .
We can look on this change in
This means that a particle’s momentum as due to the
gravitational mass decreases with the electromagnetic energy absorbed or
increasing temperature and that only emitted by the particle ( absorbed or
in absolute zero (T = 0 K ) are emitted radiation by the particle and/or
gravitational mass and inertial mass Lorentz's force upon charged particle
equivalent. due to electromagnetic field).
The expression of δm β In the case of radiation,
obtained by Donoghue and Holstein according to Quantum Mechanics, we
refers solely to thermal radiation. But, can write
δp = N k = N ω /( ω / k ) = U /( dz / dt ) = speed of light is reduced to <0.1m/s,
=U / v [3] the Eq.(7) tell us that the gravitational
masses of the atoms of the Bose-
Where U is the electromagnetic
Einstein condensate become negative.
energy absorbed or emitted by the If the incident(or emitted)
particle and v is the velocity of the radiation is monochromatic and has
electromagnetic waves, which can frequency f , we can put U = nhf in
be write as follows
Equation(7), where n is the number of
[4] incident (or radiated) photons on the
ε r µr 
 1 + (σ ωε ) + 1
 particle of mass mi . Thus we obtain

2  
 2 
ε ,µ and σ, are the electromagnetic   nhf  
characteristics of the medium in which mg = mi − 2 1 +  2 r
n − 1m [8]
 î mi c  
the incident (or emitted) radiation is î 
propagating ( ε = ε r ε 0 where ε r is the In that case, according to the Statistical
relative electric permittivity and Mechanics, the calculation of n can
ε 0 = 8.854 × 10 F / m ; µ = µ r µ0 where be made based on the well-known
µ r is the relative magnetic permeability method of Distribution Probability . If all
the particles inside the body have the
and µ 0 = 4π × 10 −7 H / m ). For an atom
same mass mi , the result is
inside a body , the incident(or emitted)
radiation on this atom will be n=
a [9]
propagating inside the body , and S
consequently , σ = σbody , ε = εbody, where N / A is the average density of
µ =µbody. incident (or emitted) photons on the
From the Eq.(3) follows that body; a is the area of the surface of a
U U c U
δp = =   = nr [5] particle of mass mi from the body.
v c v c Obviously the power P of the
where nr is the index of refraction, incident radiation must be
given by P = Nhf / ∆t = Nhf 2 , thus we can write
εµ N = P / hf 2 . Substitution of N into
nr = = r r  1 + (σ ωε ) + 1
c 2
v 2   Eq.(9) gives
a  P a
c is the speed in a vacuum and v is n=  = D [10]
the speed in the medium. hf 2  S  hf 2
By the substitution of Eq.(5) where D is the power density of the
into Eq.(2), we obtain incident( or emitted) radiation. Thus
  2 
    Eq.(8) can be rewritten in the following
mg = 1 − 2 1 +  2 nr  − 1mi [7] form:
î   m c  
   
  aD  
Recently, L.V. Hau et al.,8 mg = mi − 2 1 +  − 1m [11]
succeeded in reducing the speed of  î i 
m cvf  
light to 17 m/s by optically inducing a î 
quantum interference in a Bose- For σ >> ωε Eq.(4) reduces to
Einstein condensate. This means an
enormous index of refraction ( nr ≈ 107 ) v= [12]
at ~1014Hz. µσ
Light can be substantially slowed By substitution of Eq.(12) into Eq.(11)
down or frozen completely 9. If t he we obtain
  π 
Rr = (∆z ) [17 ]
  aD µσ  
 σ i µ i f
3 3

mg = mi − 2 1 + 3
− 1mi [13] 9
 î mi c 4πf   The ohmic resistance of the dipole is 11
î 
This equation shows clearly that, Rohmic ≅ RS [18]
atoms (or molecules) can have their 2πr0
gravitational masses strongly where r0 is the dipole radius, and RS
reduced by means of Extra-Low is the surface resistance ,
Frequency (ELF) radiation.
ωµ dipole
We have built an apparatus to RS = [19]
produce ELF radiation ( transmitter and 2σ dipole
antenna) and to check the effects of Thus,
this radiation upon the gravitational
∆z µ dipole f
mass of a material surrounding the Rohmic ≅ [20]
antenna ( see Fig. 1). r0 4πσ dipole
The antenna is a half-wave Let us now consider the
dipole, encapsulated by a iron sphere apparatus ( System H ) presented in Fig.1.
(purified iron, 99.95% Fe; µi = 5,000µ 0 ; The wavelength through the
σ i = 1.03 × 107 S / m ). dipole must be the same of the
The radiation resistance of the radiation emitted from the dipole. This
antenna for a frequency ω = 2πf , can means that the material of the dipole
must be the same of the encapsulating
be written as follows 10
( µ dipole = µ i ; σ dipole = σ i ).
ωµ i β i 2
Rr = ∆z [14] The radiated power for an

where ∆z is the length of the dipole and effective (rms) current I is then
εµ P = Rr I and consequently

β i = ω i i  1 + (σ i ωε i ) + 1 =
P (∆zI )  π 
 
2 D= =  σ i µi f
3 3
ω ε ri µ ri  S S 9
=  1 + (σ i ωε i ) + 1 =

c 2   where S is the effective area. It can be

easily shown that S is the outer
ω ωc  ω
= (nr ) =   = [15] area of the iron sphere, i.e.,
c c  vi  vi S = 4πrouter
= 0.19m 2 .
where vi is the velocity of the radiation The iron surrounding the dipole
through the iron. increases its inductance L . However,
Substituting (15) into (14) gives for series RLC circuit the resonance
2π  µ i  frequency is f r = 1 2π LC , then when
Rr =  (∆zf )2 [16]
3  vi  f = fr ,
Note that when the medium 1 L L
X L − X C = 2πf r L − = − = 0.
surrounding the dipole is air and 2πf r C C C
ω >> σ ε , β ≅ ω ε 0 µ0 , v ≅ c and Rr Consequently, the impedance of the
reduces to the well-know expression antenna, Z ant , becomes purely
Rr ≅ (∆zω ) 6πε 0 c 3 .
resistive, i.e.,
Here, due to σ i >> ωε i , vi is Z ant = Rant + (X L − X C ) = Rant = Rr + Rohmic .
2 2

given by the Eq.(12). Then Eq.(16) can For f = fr = 9.9mHz the length
be rewritten in the following form of the dipole is
∆z = λ 2 = v 2 f = π µiσ i f = 0.070m = 70mm.
Consequently, the radiation resistance Above this critical current, mgi
Rr , according to Eq.(17), is becomes negative.
Rr = 4.56µΩ and the ohmic The Table 1 presents the
resistance, for r0 = 13mm , according to experimental results obtained from the
System H for the gravitational mass of
Eq.(20), is Rohmic ≅ 3.73µΩ . Thus,
the iron sphere, mg (iron sphere ) , as a
Z ant = Rr + Rohmic = 8.29 µΩ and the
function of the current I , for
efficiency of the antenna is
miron sphere = 60.50kg ( inertial mass
e = Rr Rr + Rohmic = 0.55 (55% ).
The radiation of frequency of the iron sphere ). The values for
f = 9.9mHz is totally absorbed by mg (iron sphere ) , calculated by means of
the iron along a critical thickness Eq.(24), are on that Table to be
δ = 5 z = 5 π fµ iσ i ≅ 0 .11m = 110 mm . compared with those supplied by the
Therefore, from the Fig.1 we conclude
that the iron sphere will absorb
practically all radiation emitted from the
dipole. Indeed, the sphere has been 1. Eötvos, R. v. (1890), Math. Natur. Ber.
designed with this purpose, and in Ungarn, 8,65.
such a manner that all their atoms 2. Zeeman, P. (1917), Proc. Ned. Akad. Wet.,
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this way, the radiation outside of the 3. Eötvos, R. v., Pékar, D., Fekete, E. (1922)
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according to Eq.(13), become 5. Roppl, P.G et. al. (1964) Ann. Phys (N.Y),
 2 
 µiσ i  ai  2 
 D − 1mi [22]
mgi = mi − 2 1 +   6. Braginskii, V.B, Panov, V.I (1971) Zh.
2 3 
î 4π c f  i
m 
Eksp. Teor. Fiz, 61,873.
7. Donoghue, J.F, Holstein, B.R (1987)
Substitution of (21) into (22) yields European J. of Physics, 8,105.
  2 2 2  8. L. V. Hau, S. E. Harris, Z. Dutton, and C.
  µi σi   ai 
mgi = mi − 2 1+ 

 
 (∆zI) −1mi [23]
H. Behroozi (1999) Nature 397, 594.
î  6cS   mi   9. M. M. Kash, V. A. Sautenkov, A.
S. Zibrov, L. Hollberg, H. Welch, M. D.
Note that the equation above
Lukin, Y. Rostovsev, E. S. Fry, and M. O.
doesn't depends on f . Scully, (1999) Phys. Rev. Lett. 82, 5229 ; Z.
Thus, assuming that the Dutton, M. Budde, Ch. Slowe, and L. V.
radius of the iron atom is Hau, (2001) Science 293, 663 ; A. V.
riron = 1.40×10 m ; airon = 4πriron
= 2.46×10−19m2 Turukhin, V. S. Sudarshanam, M. S.
and miron = 55.85(1.66×10−27kg) = 9.27×10−26kg
Shahriar, J. A. Musser, B. S. Ham, and P.
R. Hemmer, (2002) Phys. Rev. Lett. 88,
then the Eq.(23) can be rewritten as 02360]
follows 10. Stutzman, W.L, Thiele, G.A, Antenna
{ }
m gi = mi − 2 1 + 2.38 ×10 − 4 I 4 − 1 mi [24] Theory and Design. John Wiley & Sons,
The equation above shows that 11. Stutzman, W.L, Thiele, G.A, Antenna
the gravitational masses of the iron Theory and Design. John Wiley & Sons,
atoms can be nullified for I ≅ 8.51A . p.49.
APPENDIX: A Simple Derivation of the Correlation between
Gravitational and Inertial Mass.
We start with the definition of inertial Hamiltonian, H i , and gravitational
Hamiltonian, H g :
H i = c pi2 + mi2c 2 + Qϕ = mi c 2 + Qϕ ; H g = c pg2 + mg2 c 2 + Qϕ = mg c 2 + Qϕ [I ]
where mi and mg are respectively the inertial and gravitational relativistic masses.
The momentum pi is given by : pi = miV ; and pg = mgV ; Q is the electric charge
and ϕ is an electromagnetic potential.
The inertial Hamiltonian shift , δH , presented in Eq.[1] of this paper can be
written in the following form:
 
( )
 δp 
δH = (H i + δH ) − Hi = c δp + mi c + Qϕ − (mi c + Qϕ ) = mi c 1 + 
2 2 2 2 2
 − 1 [II ]
  mi 
c 
 
Note that the term inside the bracket is always positive. Thus, except for anti-matter
( mi < 0 ), the δH is always positive.
It is well known that the free energy of a system-F is related to inertial
Hamiltonian, H i , by means of
Hi = F [III ]
On the other hand, we can say that its internal energy U − which
is given by the component T00 of the energy-momentum tensor Tµν ,i.e., T00 = U , is
related to gravitational Hamiltonian, H g , in similar fashion
Hg = U [IV ]
These energies are related by Thermodynamics
U = F − T (∂F ∂T ) [V ]
U = F −W [VI ]
where W can be interpreted (by analogy to the 1 principle of Thermodynamics) as
the work carried out by the system.
Note that Eq.[VI] has a general form(not only for thermal energy). On the other
hand, the most general representation of W is obviously, given by means of the
inertial Hamiltonian shift δH . Therefore, we can write Eq.[VI] in the following form:
U = F − δH [VII ]
Substitution of Eqs.[III] and [IV] into Eq.[VII] gives
δH = H i − H g = 12 (mi c 2 + Qϕ ) − 12 (m g c 2 + Qϕ ) = (mi − mg )
Comparison of Eqs.[II] and Eq. [VIII] shows that
 2 
 δ 

mg = mi − 2 1 +  
 
 − 1 mi [IX ]
  m i 
 
Which is the Eq.[2] of the this paper.


coiled spring
iron µ i σ i
(dipole + wires)
Cross section



Front view

Fig.1 - Schematic diagram of the System H


mg (iron sphere )

I ( kg )
theory experimental

0.00 60.50 60.5

1.00 60.48 60.(4)

2.00 60.27 60.(3)

3.00 59.34 59.(4)

4.00 56.87 56.(9)

5.00 51.81 51.(9)

6.00 43.09 43.(1)

7.00 29.82 29.(8)

8.00 11.46 11.(5)

8.51 0.0 0.(0)

9.00 -12.16 -12.(1)

10.00 -40.95 -40.(9)

Table 1

Note: The inertial mass of the iron sphere is miron sphere = 60.50kg

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