The Depositional Record
The Depositional Record
The Depositional Record
DOI: 10.1002/dep2.228
Juan J. Kasper-Zubillaga, Instituto Abstract
de Ciencias del Mar y Limnología This work investigates how the surface textures and morphology of pyroxene
(ICMyL), Unidad Académica de
grains evolve during their source-to-sink history. This study applies to detrital
Procesos Oceánicos y Costeros,
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de clinopyroxenes concentrated in coastal dune sands of the Gulf of Mexico which
México (UNAM), Ciudad Universitaria were sourced in the Trans Mexican Volcanic Belt then transported and deposited
s/n, 04510 CDMX, Mexico.
in environments subject to limited chemical weathering. The composition and
morphology of the pyroxenes was characterised using single-grain geochemical
Funding information analysis and surface texture imagery with a novel approach based on the com-
Universidad Nacional Autónonoma de
Mexico, Grant/Award Number: PASPA/ pactness property to assess the shape of minerals. This reveals heterogenous
DGAPA/UNAM diopside-augite populations, displaying mineral morphologies dominantly con-
trolled by impact breakage along cleavages, little physical abrasion along their
edges and with limited evidence for chemical weathering. Mechanical surface
textures dominate over mechanical/chemical and chemical surface textures.
These mechanical surface textures are preserved primarily as flat cleavage sur-
faces and rounded edges inherited from fluvial-intertidal and aeolian transport,
respectively. Mechanically/chemically induced surface textures are preserved as
elongated depressions. Chemical surface textures are sparse and mostly repre-
sented by mammillated textures that suggest local dissolution under subaqueous
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided
the original work is properly cited.
© 2023 The Authors. The Depositional Record published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of International Association of Sedimentologists.
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clinopyroxene, coastal dune sands, compactness, Mexico, surface textures, weathering
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way to describe the shape of the grains utilising the prop- in the western Gulf of Mexico is negligible. Tides of diur-
erties of sphericity and convexity (see Bufham, 2000; nal and mixed-diurnal types have an average tidal range of
Zhao & Wang, 2016). This approach can be regarded 0.30 m. Winds come from the north, east, north-east and
as an alternative to Fourier coefficient image analysis south-east with maximum velocities of 4–5 m/s (Mejía-
(Diepenbroek et al., 1992; Resentini et al., 2018; Thomas Ledezma et al., 2020; Pérez-Villegas, 1990).
et al., 1995) and fractal analysis of grains (Hyslip
& Vallejo, 1997; Maria & Carey, 2002, 2007; Zhou
et al., 2018) to quantify the shape of sediment particles. 2.3 | Geological setting
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F I G U R E 1 Geology (modified from Ortega-Gutiérrez et al., 1992) and location of coastal dune sand samples (n = 56). The western Gulf
of Mexico coastal area includes the north-central sites: Istirinchá (I), Lechuguillas (Le), El Morro (EM), Palma Sola (PS), Boca Andrea (BA)
and the south sites: Villa Rica (VR), Farallón (F), La Mancha (LM) and Chachalacas (CH). TMVB, Trans Mexican Volcanic Belt.
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F I G U R E 2 Dominant north-westerly, south-easterly winds, long shore drift and fluvial network along the Gulf of Mexico coastal plain.
Cazones and Actopan are perennial rivers whereas Boca de Ovejas, Palma Sola and El Viejón are intermittent rivers (modified from Kasper-
Zubillaga et al., 2022).
sediments were collected away from anomalous heavy- The centre of each pyroxene crystal was then analysed
mineral lag-concentration deposits (Garzanti et al., 2015b). twice by electron microprobe (n = 66) (Figure 4A through
E). The geochemical characterisation of pyroxene miner-
als in sand samples can be carried out by EDS or WDS.
3.2 | Scanning electron The EDS technique is relatively fast and enables almost
microscopy analysis simultaneous determination of the chemical elements
that compose a mineral sample, although with lower pre-
3.2.1 | Sample preparation and cision. However, the WDS analysis is more suitable for fer-
geochemical analyses romagnesian phases because more detailed information is
obtained in terms of chemical composition that can be re-
Samples were cleaned and rinsed with distilled water, lated to the source rock of the pyroxene grains. The WDS
avoiding chemical solutions that might remove adhering analysis is not as fast as EDS but has better precision since
particles since they provide valuable information on the sur- only one element can be monitored at a time in each spec-
face texture attributes of the grains (Vos et al., 2014). After trometer, although the parallel acquisition of n elements
cleaning, the sands were dried in an oven at 50°C. A small (n … number of spectrometers) is achieved.
amount of the whole bulk sand sample (ca 0.5 g) was placed An automated JEOL JXA8900-R electron microprobe
in a Petri-like dish under a binocular microscope objective with five WDS and one EDS was employed (Laboratorio
4X-Velab-VES1 for separation of pyroxene grains by hand- Universitario de Petrología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma
picking based on their noticeable green and dark green de México, UNAM). An acceleration voltage of 20 keV
colour and shape. Pyroxene grains ranging from 100 μm to and 20 nA current with a 1.0 μm beam diameter was used.
2 mm, suitable for assessing the prevailing surface textures Quantitative analyses were carried out by WDS with a
(Vos et al., 2014), were separated from bulk samples of very peak counting time of 10 s for Na and K, and 30 s for the
fine to fine sand (from 2.5 to 3.0 ɸ). This grain size consid- other elements. Calibration was performed using interna-
eration was achieved after most of the grains observed were tional standards (United States Geological Survey; USGS)
bigger than 100 μm (e.g. 2.5–3.0 ɸ; very fine to fine sands). and internal standards (Division of Structure Probe, Inc.;
A selection of separated crystals were mounted on SPI). Matrix effects were corrected for using the JEOL-ZAF
organic resin slides, polished, and coated with graphite. protocol, with the maximum analytical error in oxides
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C = 4𝜋A ∕ P 2
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F I G U R E 4 (A) Geochemical composition of pyroxene grains by electron microprobe (n = 66) (Morimoto et al., 1988). Magmatic
differentiation of source rocks based on the geochemical composition of calcic clinopyroxenes (see Leterrier et al., 1982), (B) Mg versus Ti
(cpfu), (C) Ca + Na (cpfu) versus Ti (cpfu), (D) Ca (cpfu) versus Ti + Cr (cpfu), (E) Al (cpfu) versus Ti (cpfu).
in 8-pixel connectivity and black regions the background objects from the grain's border contour and surface holes
pixels in 4-pixel connectivity. and (e) the image threshold operation to convert the origi-
A database of compactness resulted from: (a) the spa- nal greyscale image into a binary image (see Roduit, 2019).
tial calibration of the grains in microns; (b) the extraction Compactness measurements range from 0.00 to 1.00, de-
operation to configure the grain images (image segmenta- fined as low to high compactness (Li et al., 2013; Montero
tion); (c) adjustment of the surface filters to ensure a 1000 & Bribiesca, 2009; Roduit, 2019). Limitations with the
pixel value to compute the descriptors of the grain's shape; compactness measurements of particles in the digital
(d) removal of the border and fill filters to avoid adjacent domain still remains a problem as they present fractal
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patterns which might lead to dissimilar compactness val- The measurements were first obtained from a scale cal-
ues (Bribiesca, 2000; Rosenfeld, 1974). To ensure as much ibration set up in millimetres on the image. The contour-
as possible the consistency of this compactness data, a ing of each individual grain was achieved manually by
visual inspection calibration of the grains was performed drawing an iterative selection of a subset of points as verti-
providing a full catalogue of dissimilar shapes of clinopy- ces of a polygon on the silhouette image for each pyroxene
roxene (see Supplementary data available at https://hdl. image using the 2D setup tool from the J Microvision v. 1.3.4 software (Roduit, 2019). The same contouring pro-
Additional shape parameters like sphericity, convexity cedure was applied for each surface texture covering the
and roundness were obtained to observe any significant grain's surface. Finally, for each surface texture, a percent
changes in the grain shape patterns of the clinopyroxenes proportion expressed as a percent value of the area covered
and evaluate the value of the compactness parameter rela- is obtained for each pyroxene grain (Figure 5A through J).
tive to more traditional approaches. Sphericity values were
obtained following the sphericity index Is = AI/A, where AI
is the area of the maximum inscribed circle obtained from 4 | RESULTS
the width of the particle (minimum radius) and A the par-
ticle area of the covering circle computed by the length 4.1 | Geochemical composition of
of the particle (maximum radius; see Mo, 2020) (Table 1). pyroxenes
Convexity values were obtained from the JMicrovision
software descriptor shape output data based on the con- Among the 66 analysed pyroxenes, 64 are clinopyrox-
vexity hull (Zhao & Wang, 2016; Table 1). Roundness val- enes ranging in composition between diopside and au-
ues were obtained by visual inspection of the SEM images gite, and two are enstatites (Figure 4A). The Mg# (Mg/
based on the chart by Resentini et al. (2018, from figure 4; Mg + Fe × 100) of the clinopyroxenes ranges between 70
Table 1; Supplementary data available at https://hdl.han- and 92 (Figure 4B), consistent with the provenance of the minerals from basaltic to andesitic volcanic sources.
Titanium increases gradually from approximately 0.003–
0.05 cpfu (cation per formular unit), or from 0.1 to 1.7 wt%,
3.2.3 | Scanning electron microscopy with decreasing Mg# (Figure 4B). This trend is consistent
imaging of pyroxenes with crystallisation in mafic to intermediate melts without
the abrupt appearance of Fe-Ti oxides during magmatic
A total of 337 pyroxene grains from 32 samples were ob- differentiation. Variability of Ti at a given Mg# suggests
served using a SEM-Jeol-JSM 6360LV at the Instituto de distinct sources for the clinopyroxenes. Accordingly, dis-
Ciencias del Mar y Limnología, UNAM, Mexico. crimination of magmatic series using the approach by
Grains were mounted on a specimen holder to be ob- Leterrier et al. (1982) indicates that the clinopyroxenes
served on an X-Y-Z tilt rotation stage and coated with gold predominantly sourced in a volcanic arc, with a subset of
for the best resolution (i.e. when compared to other metals grains originating from an alkaline source (Figure 4C,D,E).
or carbon; Krinsley & Doorkamp, 1973). A working dis- This is consistent with provenance of the studied volcani-
tance of 15 mm was used for 200× magnification. A volt- clastic sand from the Trans Mexican Volcanic Belt. No ob-
age of 10 kV was obtained using a tungsten filament in vious compositional difference was observed between the
high vacuum mode. pyroxenes from distinct sampling localities.
The percentage of total grain's pixel coverage area for each The average compactness for all coastal sites for the
surface texture on the pyroxene crystal was assessed by clinopyroxene grains is 0.71 ± 0.10, the average sphericity
the JMicrovision v. 1.3.4 software. This was done by using value for most of the clinopyroxene grains is 0.46 ± 0. 20,
one single polygon interaction around the image's exter- and the average convexity value for most of the grains is
nal boundary to reduce the number of edges and preserve 0.93 ± 0.06. Significant correlations for La Mancha, Villa
the grain's contour as much as possible (see Chaudhuri Rica, Chachalacas, El Moro Farallon and Lechuguillas
et al., 2012; Ramer, 1972; Roduit, 2007). Each polygon rep- between compactness and sphericity for clinopyrox-
resents the surface area on the grain's total area equivalent ene grains are observed (Figure 6A, see Table 1 for the
to 100% of the pyroxene crystal. number of samples). A lack of significant correlations
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TABLE 1 Average and SD of compactness, sphericity, convexity and roundness in pyroxene grains (n = 332).
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TABLE 1 (Continued)
is determined for Boca Andrea, Istirinchá and Palma to the Trans Mexican Volcanic Belt and the alluvial de-
Sola (Figure S1). Nonetheless, a significant correlation posits in the south-eastern area of the coast. The pres-
is achieved for most of the samples (Figure 6A). Strong ence of angular to subrounded monocrystalline quartz
correlations between compactness and convexity are ob- largely concentrated in the dune sands suggests that
served for each separate site and for all the sites together fluvial input, and probably aeolian input, increase
(Figure 6B; Figure S2). Finally, a lack of significant cor- quartz with angular and subrounded morphologies, re-
relations exists between compactness and roundness for spectively (Mendieta-Lora et al., 2018). However, sub-
the clinopyroxene grains at each site and most of the stud- rounded quartz commonly occurs in coastal areas like
ied areas (Figure 6C; Figure S3). To compare the values of Namibia after fluvial transport (Garzanti et al., 2012).
compactness, sphericity and convexity, three images with Plagioclase, volcanic fragments with lathwork > micro-
dissimilar shapes are presented in Figure 7A through C. lithic > glassy textures and subordinate minerals like
ilmenite, andesine, albite, augite and fayalite are de-
rived from intermediate volcanic sources of the Trans
4.3 | Surface textures in pyroxene grains Mexican Volcanic Belt (Gómez- Tuena et al., 2007;
Mejía-Ledezma et al., 2020; Mendieta-Lora et al., 2018;
For each site, values for the average surface area cover- Negendank et al., 1985). In the study area, plagioclase
age (%) are represented by mechanical and mechanical– is commonly embedded within volcanic fragments with
chemical features limited to flat cleavage surfaces with low lathwork textures but does not occur as single crystals,
features Chachalacas (17 ± 16), high features Boca Andrea probably because of the proximity of the source rock.
(77 ± 23); bulbous edges, low features Palma Sola and Boca This is similar to volcanic island environments, where
Andrea (7 ± 13); high features Chachalacas (50 ± 22) and plagioclase is more commonly observed in the ground-
elongated depressions, low features Palma Sola and Boca mass of volcanic lithics (Le Pera et al., 2021). The scar-
Andrea (2 ± 6); high features Chachalacas (22 ± 19). city of olivine grains in the dune sands is probably due
The contribution resulting from grouping mechanical, to the lack of released monomineralic crystals after
mechanical–chemical and chemical surface textures for rapid fluvial and marine transport. This is suggested
most of the locations, that is Istirincha + Lechuguillas + El by observations from volcanic environments associated
Morro + Palma Sola + Boca Andrea + Villa Rica + Farrallón with small drainages, where durable retention of olivine
+ La Mancha + Chachalacas, is limited to coverage by the occurs in the groundmass of volcanic lithics with glassy
high percentage of flat cleavage surfaces (48 ± 30%), bul- textures (Le Pera et al., 2021). This is distinct from the
bous edges (24 ± 26%) and elongated depressions (10 ± 15%) widely held idea that low concentrations of olivine in
compared to the rest of the surface textures area coverage. sands may be a direct consequence of depletion and
even elimination of detrital olivine after long subaque-
ous transport (Garzanti et al., 2015a; Shukri, 1950).
5 | DI S C USSION Alternatively, the scarcity of olivine grains could be due
to their low abundance in the Tans Mexican Volcanic
5.1 | Sand petrology Belt, where differentiated (olivine-poor) igneous rocks
are abundant (Gómez- Tuena et al., 2007). Biogenic
Petrology of the dune sands from the Gulf of Mexico carbonate grains are deposited as fine- grained frac-
coastal plain is markedly controlled by their closeness tions during vigorous transport by longshore currents
F I G U R E 5 (A through I) Average percentages of surface texture coverage in pyroxene grains versus surface texture classes for each
locality; (J) for the whole site. Surface texture classes are 1 = collision point (cp), 2 = remaining particles (abrasion) (rp), 3 = conchoidal (C),
4 = arcuate steps (as), 5 = straight steps (st), 6 = flat cleavage surfaces (fcs), 7 = upturned plates (up), 8 = bulbous edges (be), 9 = elongated
depressions (ed), 10 = arcuate/circular/polygonal cracks (acpc), 11 = microbox (mb), 12 = cornflake (ck), 13 = mammillated (mam),
14 = denticulated (den), 15 = imbricated wedge marks (iwm), 16 = lenticular edge pits (lep), 17 = solution pits (sp); n = number of grains.
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F I G U R E 9 Surface textures catalogued in pyroxene grains: Grain samples are: (A) I-c2-6, (B) EM-l2-5, (C) BA-c-6, (D) I-s1-11, (E) I-c2-7,
(F) CH-s5-3, (G) PS-s1-5, (H) I-c2-5, (I) Le-c1-2, (J) EM-l2-3, (K) I-l-11, (L) Le-s1-5, (M) LM-s3-7, (N) I-s1-7, (O) PS-c1-9. Full imagery set
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(Figure 9D). As observed in quartz and other mineral abundance of weak cleavages in these minerals (Le Pera
classes, upturned plates (up) (Figure 9E) and bulbous & Morrone, 2020). As also commonly observed in quartz
edges (be) endure on clinopyroxene grains (Figure 9F). and ilmenite (Cheng et al., 2017; Itamiya et al., 2019;
Mechanical/chemical surface textures on clinopyrox- Mejía-Ledezma et al., 2020; Vos et al., 2014), cleavage sur-
ene grains are dominated by elongated depressions (ed) faces observed in the studied clinopyroxenes indicate they
(Figure 9F) and small arcuate/singular/polygonal cracks are features produced during high-energy fluvial trans-
(acpc) (Figure 9G). Finally, chemical surface textures are port and grain-to-grain collisions in the intertidal zone.
sparse and inherited as microboxwork (mb) (Figure 9H), However, unlike quartz, flat cleavage surfaces in clino-
cornflake particles (ck) (Figure 9I), mammillated (mam) pyroxenes are almost exclusively observed in larger gains
(Figure 9J), denticulated (den) (Figure 9K), imbricated (>100 μm).
wedge marks (iwm) (Figure 9L), lenticular etch pits (lep) Upturned plates are surface textures typical of ae-
(Figure 9M) and (xvii) solution pits (sp) (Figure 9N,O). olian environments (Costa et al., 2013; Krinsley &
Cavallero, 1970; Mahaney, 2002), but they are poorly de-
veloped in the studied clinopyroxenes. This suggests that
5.2.3 | Interpretation rapid aeolian transport occurs from the beach deposits
onto the dunes in the study area, without any time to
Collision points and remaining particles probably devel- evolve upturned plates as part of a long-term aeolian pro-
oped following processes similar to those that led to the cess. Alternatively, upturned plates (and other small tex-
formation of elongated depressions and abrasion fatigue tures) might have developed on the clinopyroxenes before
surface textures observed in quartz (Immonen, 2013; being removed/obscured during the development of flat
Krinsley & Donahue, 1968; Kuenen, 1960; Vos et al., 2014) cleavage surfaces during aeolian transport. This process
and ilmenite (Makvandi et al., 2015; Mejía-Ledezma could hide some textural features commonly developed
et al., 2020) from this and other study areas (Costa during vigorous subaqueous and aeolian multicycles of
et al., 2013; Krinsley et al., 1976). Both surface textures sand transport. A relatively significant average percentage
are probably produced by high energy collisions dur- increase in bulbous edges on the clinopyroxene surfaces
ing aeolian transport analogous to the abrasion fatigue at the Chachalacas site is a response to the dominantly
surface textures resulting from grinding particles (Costa aeolian transport with the mineral's physical attributes
et al., 2013; Mahaney, 2002; Vos et al., 2014). and larger grain sizes >150 μm (Folk, 1980; Garzanti
Larger size conchoidal fractures resulted from a highly et al., 2015a; Resentini et al., 2018; Vos et al., 2014).
active fluvial transport, following a morphological response Bulbous edges have also been reported in quartz, ilmen-
similar to that commonly observed in other detrital miner- ite and zircon from aeolian environments and sandstones
als like quartz, ilmenite, garnet and zircon found in mod- (Costa et al., 2013; Mejía-Ledezma et al., 2020; Moral-
ern and ancient sandstones (Kasper-Zubillaga et al., 2005; Cardona et al., 2005).
Madhavaraju et al., 2022; Mejía- Ledezma et al., 2020; In summary, surface textures on the studied clinopy-
Moral-Cardona et al., 2005; Reddad et al., 2016; Varghese roxene grains preserve signals acquired predominantly
et al., 2016). The largest conchoidal fractures were proba- during subaqueous transport in the fluvial to intertidal
bly generated on large, exposed areas and acquired by the beach zone environments, with subsequent minor over-
clinopyroxenes during transport and depositional episodes prints during subaqueous to aeolian transport to coastal
in a similar manner to that observed in coarse-sized quartz sand dunes. Cleavage breakage is common in larger clin-
grains (Vos et al., 2014). This is because clinopyroxene opyroxenes and can obscure the details of these signals.
breaks easily along its flat cleavage surfaces and crystal- A mix of physical and chemical processes acting on the
lographic structure. Both physical properties induce the grains are represented as elongated depressions derived
development of large conchoidal fractures during grain-to- from the grain-to-grain collisions during sand saltation or
grain subaqueous collisions in coarse to medium-fine sands creeping (Mahaney, 2002). Commonly, they are preserved
(e.g. poorly sorted sands) (Andò et al., 2012; Folk, 1980; together with bulbous edges in grains >150 μm in size.
Le Pera & Morrone, 2020; Velbel, 2007; Vos et al., 2014). Arcuate/circular/polygonal cracks result from physical
Arcuate and straight steps commonly reported for quartz, or chemical weathering, including the crystallisation of
ilmenite, garnet and zircon evolve as features associated salts (Krinsley & Doornkamp, 1973; Krinsley et al., 1976;
with conchoidal fractures (Itamiya et al., 2019; Krinsley & Vos et al., 2014). They can be attributed to minor chemical
Donahue, 1968; Madhavaraju et al., 2022; Mejía-Ledezma weathering and/or early diagenesis with a short residence
et al., 2020; Moral-Cardona et al., 2005). time of the grains under intense chemical weathering
Flat cleavage surfaces can form most of the surface conditions. In addition, arcuate/circular/polygonal cracks
texture on detrital clinopyroxene grains due to the high have not been reported in quartz from coastal sand dunes
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(Vos et al., 2014), which may suggest efficient removal of inscribed circle and convexity is the ratio of the particle
these textures during the breakage and surface abrasion related to the convex hull (polygon). The low average
of grains affected by fast-paced multicycle transportation/ value of sphericity and the high convexity value suggests
reworking (Mejía-Ledezma et al., 2020). an irregular shape for the clinopyroxene grains, closer to
There is little evidence of incipient microbox and a polygon rather than a circle (see Zhao & Wang, 2016;
cornflake textures in the clinopyroxenes (Velbel & Figure 7A–C). Compactness is not correlated to the equiv-
Barker, 2008), as chemical weathering is negligible de- alent diameter or particle size (R2 = 0.11). Furthermore,
spite their vulnerability to chemical alteration (Buchs since compactness correlation is higher to convexity
et al., 2015; Morton & Hallsworth, 2007). Mammillated (R2 = 0.59) than to sphericity (R2 = 0.11), it is clear that
surface textures likely reflect subaqueous alteration, compactness measurements in the studied pyroxenes are
where surface material was dissolved to form pinnacle generally determined by the irregular shape of the grain
features similar to those observed previously on olivine rather than its approximation to a circle. Conversely, com-
grains (Grandstaff, 1978; Velbel & Ranck, 2008). pactness is not correlated to roundness. This is due to the
Early stages of weathering are evidenced by the pres- fact that compactness is a measure of the global shape of
ervation of denticulated surface textures, defined as the grain whereas roundness is a mesoscale shape descrip-
retreating or remnants of initial void spaces (Velbel & tor that only quantifies the sharpness of the grains.
Barker, 2008). In addition, little development of imbri- In detail, compactness measurements combine some
cated wedge marks on the surface of the studied clinopy- of the key morphological characteristics associated with
roxene grains suggests that the minerals were affected by the larger-scale shape of the mineral grains. In this study,
the dissolution of their original crystal boundaries rather this is exemplified by changes in the relative control of
than grain enlargement produced by crystal overgrowths. sphericity and convexity on the compactness values
Similar observations were previously made for detrital between two groups of localities. At the Boca Andrea,
garnet (Salvino & Velbel, 1989; Velbel et al., 2007), sug- Istirincha and Palma Sola sites, sphericity is poorly cor-
gesting this may be a recurring feature of ferro-magnesian related to compactness (R2 = 0.01–0.08), but these two
minerals not encountered as commonly in quartz. parameters are correlated at the six other studied lo-
Although the abundance of lenticular etch pits in- calities (Figure S1). In contrast, convexity at the Boca
creases slightly at the Istrincha sampling site, these Andrea, Istirincha and Palma Sola sites is systematically
textures and solution pits are generally negligible on clin- better correlated to compactness than at other localities
opyroxene grains in the study area. Lenticular etch pits (R2 = 0.70–0.95 vs 0.20–0.63) (Figure S2). This supports
typically result from the formation of pore voids, with stronger control of convexity relative to sphericity in
the development of vermiform corrosion features within the compactness values at Boca Andrea, Istirincha and
resistant material (Velbel, 2007; Velbel & Barker, 2008). Palma Sola. Compactness results show that most clino-
In contrast, solution pits occur during chemical weather- pyroxenes display low compactness (Table 1), suggesting
ing occasionally set on imbricated wedge marks (Velbel limited abrasion of their edges and possible retention of
et al., 2007). their original forms despite their susceptibility to abra-
Overall, limited chemical surface textures on the stud- sion (Folk, 1980; Resentini et al., 2018). However, low
ied clinopyroxene indicates moderate chemical weather- compactness values can also be controlled by cleavages
ing of grains. Instead, the morphology of retrieved grains in the grains, which can facilitate breakage, rather than
was mainly controlled by cleavage breakage and other me- significant smooth abrasion, of clinopyroxenes under
chanical features developed during the highly energetic both subaqueous and subaerial conditions (Folk, 1980;
fluvial, marine and aeolian transport of their sedimentary Le Pera & Morrone, 2020). The preservation of surface
cycle. textures like flat cleavage surfaces is plausible evidence
of clinopyroxene breakage. Some grains might have
achieved relatively higher compactness (e.g. at sites VR
5.3 | Compactness measurements: and CH) probably due to long aeolian transport and
Implications of pyroxene breakage minor breakage, because clinopyroxene are abraded
faster than most other heavy minerals (e.g. amphibole,
The significant correlation between compactness versus garnet and zircon; Resentini et al., 2018). Conversely,
sphericity and convexity values suggests that the shape unlike the results reported here, the behaviour of clin-
of the clinopyroxene is controlled by its original form, an opyroxene along the coastal sands of South-West Africa
irregular polygon, rather than being abraded to adopt a draws attention since rounded clinopyroxene endures
circular form. This is because sphericity accounts for a in beach and dune sands even after a long distance of
ratio of the area of the particle related to an enclosed and littoral transport and fluvial control of the Orange River
20554877, 0, Downloaded from by Universidad Nacional Autonoma De Mexico, Wiley Online Library on [25/07/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
input seaward (Garzanti et al., 2014, figure 2; Garzanti to understanding clinopyroxene behaviour during its
et al., 2018). Alternatively, several studies outline how source-to-sink history in coastal dune sands since it
clinopyroxene endures in different areas with different considers the overall shape of the grain, that is spheric-
climates and topographic settings (Garzanti et al., 2021, ity and convexity, rather than the measurements of the
2022) with evidence of roundness and preservation of particles based solely on the sphericity or roundness as
chemical surface textures (Garzanti, et al., 2015a). individual parameters. Compactness measurements of
However, in this study little evidence of abrasion of grain particles in the digital domain should be visually
clinopyroxene grains remains after high energy sub- inspected referencing a complete catalogue of images to
aqueous and subaerial transport. Breakage along clino- ensure compactness measurements are consistent with
pyroxene cleavage surfaces is probably the main reason the shape of the grain particles leading to a more objec-
for the low preservation of abraded grains. Nonetheless, tive interpretation of the shape of detrital clinopyroxene
these results show that angular to subrounded clino- grains in coastal dune sands.
pyoxene grains indicate the dominance of river control
over aeolian influence on the grains. Finally, compact- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
ness is not correlated to the equivalent diameter or par- Final draft of the manuscript was completed during a
ticle size (R2 = 0.11). Sabbatical Year at the School of Earth and Environmental
Sciences Cardiff University, Wales, United Kingdom. The
authors thank PASPA/DGAPA/UNAM for their financial
6 | CO N C LUSION S support during the Sabbatical Year's Project ‘Preservación
del piroxeno en ambientes sedimentarios recientes:
Heavy minerals in backshore dunes of the Gulf of Implicaciones geoambientales de su concentración en pla-
Mexico coastal plain are mostly clinopyroxenes (augite yas y dunas costeras de México y Nueva Zelandia’. We are
and diopside) derived from basalts and andesites of the truly grateful to Laura Elena Gómez Lizárraga and Carlos
Trans-Mexican volcanic belt. The cleavage properties of Linares López, for Scanning Electron Microscopy and
clinopyroxenes determines the low compactness values Microprobe Analyses at the Instituto de Ciencias del Mar
in clinopyroxene grains with breakage under vigorous y Limnología and Laboratorio Universitario de Petrología,
subaquatic conditions generating minor abrasion along Instituto de Geofísica, respectively at the Universidad
their edges. Flat cleavage surfaces and bulbous edges Nacional Autónoma de México, México. This manuscript
represent the dominant average surface coverage per- has largely benefited from the constructive review by
centages of mechanical surface textures on retrieved Eduardo Garzanti.
detrital clinopyroxenes. The former texture suggests
highly active fluvial transport and grain-to-grain colli- FUNDING INFORMATION
sions in the intertidal zone. In contrast, bulbous edges Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Project
were produced by aeolian transport. In addition, slight PASPA/DGAPA/UNAM, México.
preservation of elongated depressions associated with
bulbous edges in the clinopyroxenes is produced dur- CONFLICT OF INTEREST STATEMENT
ing high energy aeolian transport. Chemical surface The authors declare that they do not have competing fi-
textures are almost non-existent on the studied clino- nancial interest nor conflict of interest.
pyroxenes except for rare mammillated surface textures
derived from dissolution under subaqueous conditions. DATA AVAILABILITY STATEMENT
The limited preservation of chemical surface textures Data are available at the following links: https://hdl.handle.
is probably due to fast and energetic transport during net/20.500.12201/11352;
their sedimentary cycle, which led to their morphol- 11368 (Figure S1);
ogy being dominated by mechanical processes. Notably, 11369 (Figure S2);
these results clearly show that the cleavage properties of 11370 (Figure S3).
these minerals had a significant control on their shape.
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