Migration Drivers Chapter 3
Migration Drivers Chapter 3
Migration Drivers Chapter 3
Growing social and economic inequalities, and consequently, unfulfilled life aspi-
rations trigger the migration intentions of millions, if not billions of people around
the world. Surveys by Gallup World Poll suggest that more than 750 million adults
would like to migrate if they had the chance to do so (Esipova et al., 2018). Hence,
globally ‘only’ one in eight adults express a desire to migrate. This is a surprisingly
small fraction given the fact that a much larger but unknown number of people
would have good reasons to migrate in order to realise economic, professional,
political, or social opportunities elsewhere. At the same time, only small fractions
of those who aspire to migrate are actually able to realise it.
However, why do people want to migrate in the first place? At specific moments
in people’s lives a number of factors come together and stimulate migration inten-
tions, which, given some achievable livelihood opportunities, may end up in tem-
porary or permanent moves to another domestic or international destination. Factors
that drive both migration intentions (and aspirations) and actual moves are manifold
and multifaceted, and over the past decades, migration researchers have been
identifying and describing numerous factors and contexts that shape both individual
migration trajectories and broader migration processes. Researchers studying drivers
of migration are hereby asking: what are relevant factors that are driving migration,
and how do these drivers operate in time and space? To what extent and in what
ways do they influence, i.e. trigger or hinder, migration decision-making of some
people but not of others? Moreover, how do multidimensional migration drivers
interact and create complex driver configurations that may affect some people more
than others in aspiring and realising migration as a viable behavioural option?
A term that is often used in migration studies is migration determinants,
suggesting a structural and ‘deterministic’, i.e. causal, relationship between some
The reasons why people migrate have been theorised and studied for decades and the
scientific literature has identified a number of fundamental dimensions of migration
drivers including economic, political, social, cultural, demographic, and ecological
factors (for comprehensive reviews see Ghatak et al., 1996; Hagen-Zanker, 2008;
King, 2012; Massey et al., 1993). We briefly outline some influential theories of
migration including functional perspectives of migration being instrumental for
income maximisation or historical-structural theories explaining migration as the
result of class-based deprivations in (global) capitalist systems.
Neoclassical migration theory, based on Sjaastad’s (1962) cost-benefit model and
Lee’s (1966) push-pull model of migration, suggests that individuals migrate due to
the discrepancy in economic opportunities between those available at a destination
and a lack thereof at the place of residence. The interrelated decisions of whether and
where to migrate are linked to existence of substantive income or utility differentials
between places. People tend to move if expected returns to migration are beneficial.
Although Lee’s push-pull model, as well as the augmented gravity model, explain
overall migration flows between locations relatively well, these models have also
been criticised for failing to explain why the majority of people do not migrate
despite severe income differentials (Bogue, 1977; Hagen-Zanker, 2008). One reason
for immobility is the fact that migrants are not simple pushed and pulled between
places according to wage gaps or livelihood differentials, but people’s own agency
and self-determination decides whether and where to relocate (Bakewell, 2010).
Another critique of the neoclassical migration model is that it suffers from
methodological individualism, i.e. it assumes that individuals are the main
decision-making units. However, individuals belong to households and communities
who influence or even take the decisions, or people may even move as a family.
Scholars have therefore urged for a reconsideration migration decision-making, and
two perspectives on the role of households have emerged (Boyd, 1989; Sell & De
Jong, 1978). First, family structure and functions have both direct and indirect
effects on migration decision-making but the individual remains the decision-
maker, and secondly, the family is the ultimate migration decision-making unit.
Harbison (1981) argues that family structure and function are not merely addi-
tional explanatory variables. Families transmit information and shape individuals’
motivations, values, and ultimately migration norms, thereby directly and indirectly
affecting migration decision-making. Further, structural and functional family char-
acteristics affect the perceptions of costs and benefits associated with migration.
However, it is unclear how potential intra-family dissent affects migration decision-
making processes. Bargaining models explain family migration decisions by inter-
related utility maximisations at the household and the individual level, respectively
(Abraham & Nisic, 2012). However, bargaining do often not consider coordination
and communication problems (Kalter, 1998).
52 M. Czaika and C. Reinprecht
The new economics of labour migration (Stark & Bloom, 1985) put the house-
hold or family at the centre of migration decision-making, arguing that households
are able to diversify income risks and control uncertainty by allocating individual
household members to specific income sources, and therefore, alternative migration
options (Haug, 2008; Massey et al., 1993). Family ties embody important social
externalities, which affect migration decision-making (Mincer, 1978). For instance,
negative externalities, represented by strong ties to the place and people at origin,
decrease the likelihood of migration. At the same time, family and friends living
elsewhere establish positive externalities by transmitting valuable information that
reduces migration-related uncertainty (Stark & Bloom, 1985). Externalities are also
the driving force behind migration when relative rather than absolute deprivation is
spurring migration aspirations, as people compare their own well-being, income and
living standards to others around them (Stark & Taylor, 1989, 1991). More recent
migration decision-making models have been adapted as they combine individual
factors with a focus on the family or household (Anam & Chiang, 2007).
Network theory claims that migration as a social outcome is based on the complex
interplay of decisions taken by individual actors, family and friends, migrant orga-
nisations, and other economic and political factors (Boyd, 1989). Social networks
hereby influence not only whether and how migration takes place, but also where
migrants are predominantly moving to (Haug, 2008). Ritchey (1976) states that
people with access to relevant social capital incentivises migration by providing
information, financial assistance, and practical support. However, Heitmueller
(2006) adds that network effects can go in both directions, that is information
provided through networks is not necessarily only positive but can also discourage
migration. More migrants at a particular place has a positive community and family
effect attracting more migrants to this destination. At the same time, local labour
markets may saturate and wages might in turn decrease. Therefore, there might be a
point where migrants in destination countries either withhold information or send
even negative messages ‘[. . .] to hamper further migration’ (Heitmueller, 2006,
p. 706).
Network theory is also a useful perspective to understand the perpetuation of
migration (Massey et al., 1993) and destination choice once migrant networks are
established. However, network theory does also not explain migration when migrant
networks are absent, or how migrant networks dissolve (de Haas, 2010). Epstein
(2008) distinguishes between network and herd effects. Herd behaviour means
discounting or disregarding private information to follow the behaviour of others.
This is rational given the assumption that others base their decisions on better
information (Epstein, 2002). Herd behaviour results in migrants following the flow
rather than the stock (i.e. established network) of previous migrants. While herd
effects cannot account for new, pioneering migration, they can explain migrant
clustering in destinations when network effects are still likely to be small.
As emigration may continue over time, a “culture of migration” might emerge
that changes a society’s values and perceptions associated with migration (Massey
et al., 1993). The culture of migration manifests at the individual level—people who
have migrated in the past are more likely to migrate in the future—and the
3 Migration Drivers: Why Do People Migrate? 53
Migration theories establish multiple reasons of why, when, where, and how people
migrate. They attribute different forms and levels of agency to individual migrants.
While some theories point to specific factors that drive migration, others remain
vague about the actual factors that drive migration. The circumstances, the ways and
54 M. Czaika and C. Reinprecht
modes, and the extent to which a set of driving factors may influence migration
(decision-making) processes are dependent on the functionality of migration drivers,
which is a central aspect in understanding the specific role (single or combinations
of) migration drivers may play in migration. What almost all migration theories have
in common is that migration, as both an individual behavioural option and a broader
collective action, is highly context-dependent. Consequently, the interplay of factors
and configuration of complex driver environments the effect on migration outcomes
is very specific to the time and space in which migration decisions are taken.
Context-specific functionalities of migration drivers can be distinguished along
some key functions (cf. Van Hear et al., 2018). Predisposing factors reflect funda-
mental societal structures and structural disparities and define the broadest, most
fundamental layer of opportunity structures (cf. de Haas, 2010). As a basic method-
ological premise, we may assume that people respond to extrinsic or intrinsic
predisposing stimuli when deciding about migration (Czaika & Reinprecht, 2020).
Predisposing factors do not directly, nor in an ‘unfiltered’ manner, affect people’s
decision-making but are mediated by drivers that facilitate, constrain, accelerate,
consolidate, or diminish migration (Van Hear et al., 2018). For instance, structures of
economic and social inequalities may be mediated by cultural norms (e.g. class-
based, social status) or provisions of political and civil rights, which may absorb or
neutralise the migration-stimulating effect of inequality structures. Similarly, drivers
of immobility constrain migration and stimulate individuals to stay put (Schewel,
Proximate drivers ‘downscale’ and localise predisposing macro-structural factors
bringing them closer to the immediate ‘decision context’ of a potential migrant.
Macro-structure context and developments are disaggregated and translated into
situational triggering factors of migration that establish the actual reasons for
migrating, including unemployment, job offer, marriage, persecution, flooding,
etc. Beyond the degree of immediacy, migration driver functions can further be
characterised by their temporality, selectivity, and geography. Temporality refers to
the permanent or transitory character of a driver. For instance, demographic transi-
tions or adaptations of cultural norms are usually slow-changing and therefore
relatively inelastic (‘resilient’) structural drivers while natural disasters, or a coup
d’état, are phenomena resulting in rapidly changing driver environments (‘shocks’).
Selectivity refers to the fact that broader social, economic, or political transforma-
tions do not normally homogeneously affect all societal groups in the same way and
to the same extent. Business cycles, for instance, can affect societal groups in very
different ways and to an extent that depends on the age, gender, ethnicity, social
status, or profession of the potential migrant. Finally, the geography refers to the
locus and scope of a migration driver. The geographical scope of a macro-structural
driver can be anything between local and global, while the locus of a migration
driver refers to the geographical location of a migration journey where a driver may
be operating (origin, transit or destination).
3 Migration Drivers: Why Do People Migrate? 55
Table 3.1 Migration driver taxonomy: driver dimensions and driving factors
Driver dimensions Driving factors (with link to migration research hub index)
Demographic Population Dynamics
Family Size & Structure
Economic Economic & Business Conditions
Labour Markets & Employment
Urban / Rural Development & Living Standards
Poverty & Inequality
Environmental Climate Change & Environmental Conditions
Natural Disasters & Environmental Shocks
Human development Education Services & Training Opportunities
Health Services & Situation
Individual Personal Resources & Migration Experience
Migrant Aspirations & Attitudes
Politico-institutional Public Infrastructure, Services & Provisions
Migration Governance & Infrastructure
Migration Policy & Other Public Policies
Civil & Political Rights
Security Conflict, War, & Violence
Political Situation, Repression & Regime Transitions
Socio-cultural Migrant Communities & Networks
Cultural Norms & Ties
Gender Relations
Supranational Globalisation & (Post)Colonialism
Transnational Ties
International Relations & Geopolitical Transformations
findings from the scientific literature across multiple domains of migration drivers.1
To evaluate the driving factors of why people migrate, we consulted a vast amount of
the empirical academic literature on migration drivers. The total number of studies of
migration drivers has increased more than eightfold since 2010 with an average
annual growth rate of over 12%.2 In an attempt to structure this knowledge accu-
mulation on the drivers of migration, we have developed a taxonomy consisting of
nine driver dimensions and 24 driving factors that may all play a direct (independent)
or indirect (conjoined) role in enabling or constraining migration processes at
different analytical levels (Table 3.1). The dimensionality of migration drivers refers
At this point, we acknowledge that the vast majority of the world’s population never migrates, at
least not internationally. While this may be partly due to the absence of one or a combination of the
migration drivers reviewed in this study, there may also exist drivers of immobility (Schewel,
2019). However, we only review and synthesise existing knowledge of the circumstances under
which people do, or intend to, migrate.
This figure is based on a calculation of the total population of journal articles covering migration
drivers in the IMISCOE Migration Research Hub (http://migrationresearch.com/) database
since 2000.
3 Migration Drivers: Why Do People Migrate? 57
to the nine societal areas a migration driver belongs to, each comprising a number of
driving factors further specifying these broader dimensions. An extensive literature
review has revealed that these 24 driving factors are not only priority areas of
migration driver research but also play a key role for a more fundamental under-
standing of the dynamics of migration processes.
We identified driving factors both deductively through our and experts’ knowl-
edge of the migration literature, and inductively using a rapid evidence assessment
(REA) of almost 300 empirical studies of migration drivers in 2019. The analysis
builds on a rapid evidence assessment of this vast amount of scientific literature
published until 2019.3 We have not attempted to systematically assess the quality of
the studies analysed but trust that collectively these studies are authoritative for
understanding the role, effects, and functions of driving factors in migration pro-
cesses. Figure 3.1 displays the share and distribution of reviewed empirical and
non-empirical studies by driver dimension. On average, we identified 2.5 migration
drivers per empirical study, which explains why the total number of drivers exceeds
the total number of studies analysed (463). Economic and socio-cultural drivers
hereby outnumber the other driver dimensions while environmental drivers have
received relatively little attention. While this might reflect a biased selection of the
literature, we believe that our extensive literature search is broadly representative of
the core body of literature on migration drivers.
Figure 3.2 displays the distribution of the reviewed empirical studies according to
driver dimension, method and level of analysis, locus of the migration driver, and
data sources used. Almost half of all studies evaluate economic and socio-cultural
The synthesis of research on migration drivers is based on a widely organized collection and
assessment of over 660 research documents that we collated between February and April 2019. The
compilation of this comprehensive (though not exhaustive) repository of English-language studies
includes articles in peer-reviewed journals, particularly empirical ones, but also books, book
chapters, reports, and working papers published and indexed. Other rapid evidence assessments
of migration studies include Cummings et al., 2015 (138 documents, focus on irregular migration to
Europe) and EASO, 2016 (195 documents, focus on asylum migration).
A key selection criterion was that these studies present empirical evidence or have been
influential in the migration studies field and/or come from respected organizations (e.g. King,
2012; EASO, 2016). Of the 660 studies that we identified using various search engines (such as
Google Scholar and Scopus), authors’ literature databases, documents’ cross-references, and
through an expert workshop in June 2019, about 200 documents have been excluded, as they
were not relevant or inaccessible. As a consequence, we reviewed a sample of 463 studies, of which
293 were empirical ones using primary and/or secondary data (72 studies employing qualitative
methods, 198 studies using quantitative methods, and 23 mixed methods studies). The remaining
studies were either theoretical (64), experimental (3), or qualitative but non-empirical (125). The
total number exceeds 463, as studies can be both theoretical and qualitative or quantitative. For each
study we coded the type and year of publication, driver dimensions (9 codes), driving factors
(24 codes), methodology, type of data source, migration form addressed, locus of study, level of
analysis, observation period, and geographical coverage of study. We further extracted the main
findings of each study to synthesize the state of evidence-based knowledge on migration drivers.
Obviously, studies are of different quality in terms of the justification and application of the
methodological approaches, but also with regard to their external and internal validity and
58 M. Czaika and C. Reinprecht
Fig. 3.1 Number and distribution of empirical and non-empirical studies, by migration driver
dimension (n ¼ 463)
drivers. Two thirds use quantitative methods and only 8% mixed methods. Micro-
level studies dominate in our review, accounting for two thirds of all studies while
meso-level studies merely representing a small minority of 3%. The level corre-
sponds to the study, which is not necessarily the same level the driver operates.
There is an almost equal proportion of studies evaluating migration drivers that
operate at the origin, destination, or at origin and destination. Merely 1% focuses on
drivers in transit contexts. Almost half of all studies use surveys with administrative
records and interviews accounting for almost a quarter each. Other methods
(e.g. experimental, participant observation) account for 4%.
Figure 3.3 shows that the distribution of migration driver studies across the nine
driver dimensions has remained relatively stable over time with economic drivers
accounting for around a quarter of all migration drivers. The relative importance of
socio-cultural and demographic drivers has decreased while that of individual and
environmental drivers has increased.
As an indication of the relevance of complex migration driver configurations,
Table 3.2 shows the existing coverage of empirical studies in the migration driver
literature that address more than one specific driver. Note that the percentages in
rows and columns do not add up to 100, as on average one study elaborates on 2.5
3 Migration Drivers: Why Do People Migrate? 59
Fig. 3.3 Distribution of migration drivers in empirical studies, 2000–2018, 5-year rolling averages
(n ¼ 271)
driver dimensions. For instance, the first row indicates that 69% of all empirical
studies of demographic drivers also evaluate economic drivers. Demographic studies
are almost equally likely to be examined conjointly with socio-cultural drivers (66%)
but a lot less likely with security (9%) and have never been examined conjointly with
environmental drivers in our sample. The column on the far right indicates that 9% of
all studies that examine demographic drivers do so without reference to any of the
other eight driver dimensions.
Table 3.2 demonstrates that the dominance of economic drivers stems not from
the fact that many studies only examine economic drivers but that they are analysed
conjointly with many other migration drivers, for instance in 51% of the studies with
individual-level drivers or in 80% of the studies with factors representing human
60 M. Czaika and C. Reinprecht
Material and non-material personal and household resources, or lack thereof, can
facilitate or constrain migration. Such resources include financial assets and property
(Kley, 2011; Zijlstra & van Liempt, 2017) but also information and access to
information and communication technologies (Dekker et al., 2016; Farré & Fasani,
2013; Muto, 2012). These resources not only affect whether individuals migrate and
which channel they choose but also are particularly important during the migration
journey. The lack of financial resources constrains the poorest who might not be able
to afford relocation costs (De Jong et al., 2005), paying for visas, or if necessary, to
hire smuggling services (Düvell, 2018). At the same time, wealth can also be
associated with smaller emigration rates from more developed countries compared
to less developed middle-income countries (Clemens, 2014, Dustmann & Okatenko,
2014). Thus, the nexus between economic resources and migration propensity
follows a non-linear, often inverse U-shaped relationship. For instance, small but
growing landholdings increase migration inclinations but only until they are large
enough to sustain a regular income from farming (Oda, 2007).
3 Migration Drivers: Why Do People Migrate? 61
As already indicated in the theoretical part, and in accordance with the new eco-
nomics of labour migration (Stark & Levhari, 1982), several studies find evidence
for the effect of household size and family structure on migration patterns as well as
the influential role the family can play in migration decision-making (Meyer, 2018).
Household size is found to affect (internal) migration of family members to other
rural or urban locations, aiming to work in different economic sectors than other
family members to diversify risk and smooth household income (Gubhaju & De
Jong, 2009; VanWey, 2003). International migration is often driven by similar goals
(Constant & Massey, 2002), but often with a gender-specific effect on the migration
propensity. The presence of children or elderly dependents generally increases male
migration but decreases female migration, highlighting the gendered division of the
work-care nexus (De Jong, 2000). In contrast, the presence of elderly non-dependent
family members increases female migration, as they are enabled to participate in the
labour market (Danzer & Dietz, 2014). Life course events, such as retirement and
62 M. Czaika and C. Reinprecht
one’s children leaving the house spur migration, as spouses are not constrained by
employment or educational responsibilities (Stockdale, 2014). In contrast, being in
marriage and in a dual breadwinning household decreases the likelihood of migra-
tion (Etling et al., 2018).
Gender affects migration at the macro-level (differential labour demand,
e.g. domestic work vs. construction), meso-level (work-care nexus), and micro-
level (family roles) (Lutz, 2010). Gender roles and norms, such as caregiving and
breadwinning, affect men and women’s propensities to migrate (Danzer & Dietz,
2014) as well as the types of migration networks and channels that are available and
migrants’ use thereof (Heering et al., 2004; Hoang, 2011). People may both migrate
to conform to gendered cultural norms (Hernández-Carretero & Carling, 2012;
Kandel & Massey, 2002), but also to escape these norms (Rutten & Verstappen,
2014). Gender-based discrimination might hence be both an incentive and obstacle
to migrate (Ruyssen & Salomone, 2018). In this context, marriage is an important
factor in explaining migration patterns. While it has mostly been confined to women
to look for or join their spouses (Czaika, 2012), in some contexts it is increasingly
also men who migrate to urban areas or abroad to look for wives due to distorted sex
ratios. Marriage is often used to circumvent other barriers to migration, such as
poverty (Rao & Finnoff, 2015) or migration policies, and of the only opportunity to
realise international migration (Böcker, 1994). At the same time, in families that are
more egalitarian it is also the employment opportunities status of wives that drives
migration decisions (Cooke, 2008).
Moreover, migrant networks and transnational communities have long been
recognised as important drivers of migration, as they facilitate and sustain migration
by providing information and hands-on assistance (Boyd, 1989). Migrant networks
are often measured as the number (or, stock) of previous migrants from the same
family, town, region, or country at the destination. The importance of networks and
social ties has repeatedly been empirically confirmed for explaining alternative
migration forms and patterns (Bertoli & Ruyssen, 2018; Düvell, 2018; Haug,
2008; Havinga & Böcker, 1999). However, people also migrate in the absence of
networks, highlighting the importance of other migration drivers (Gilbert & Koser,
2006; Sue et al., 2018). The importance of networks increases with restrictive
migration policies, as settled migrants may act as gatekeepers and bridgeheads
(Carling, 2004). However, networks may be irrelevant if migration is deemed too
difficult (Collyer, 2005). As already mentioned, networks do not necessarily increase
migration, as new migrants may compete for jobs and other resources with already
established migrants (Heitmueller, 2006). The relation between migration flows and
stocks might hence follow an inverse U-shape (Bauer et al., 2009). Flows of
migrants also affect subsequent migration, as potential migrants get inspired to
follow prior migrant though a ‘herd effect’ (Epstein & Gang, 2006). Networks
also affect the gender and skill composition of migration flows (Hoang, 2011;
McKenzie & Rapoport, 2010).
With growing numbers of migrants worldwide, migrant networks also grow in
prevalence. Migration often becomes self-perpetuating and a cultural norm (Alpes,
2012; Castle & Diarra, 2003), in particular when migration becomes ingrained in the
3 Migration Drivers: Why Do People Migrate? 63
local culture and a rite of passage (Massey et al., 1993). Emigrants are social role
models and individuals migrate due to the inability to fill a social role (Hernández-
Carretero & Carling, 2012). Because of social norms and pressure, people may
migrate even if they would have greater economic opportunities at the place origin
(Ali, 2007). However, those who stay put are often seen as lazy, losers, failed,
undesirable as potential mates, and experience feelings of shame and embarrassment
(Heering et al., 2004; Kandel & Massey, 2002). Men are disproportionately affected
by this cultural shame, as migration is often linked to masculinity (Maroufof &
Kouki, 2017).
The Economy Historically, economic hardship and downturns in rural and semi-
urban areas have led to internal migration to urban areas but has also resulted in
international migration, for instance from Europe to the North America in the
nineteenth century (Massey, 1988). Deteriorating economic conditions tend to
push people to migrate (Kunuroglu et al., 2018). Short to medium-term changes
and fluctuations in macroeconomic conditions, particularly growth of gross domestic
product (GDP) and a country’s business cycle, are robust drivers of migration (Beine
et al., 2019; Docquier et al., 2014). By trend, GDP growth in sending countries
decreases migration while GDP growth in receiving countries increases migration.
For instance, the 2008 financial crisis and its aftermath caused considerable but
diverse macroeconomic changes and fluctuations in European Union countries. Its
impact on migration varied with both a potential migrant’s main reason for migration
and employment status (Beets, 2009). For instance, students preferred to study in
countries less affected by the crisis and the wish to emigrate was stronger in
countries that suffered more (Van Mol & Timmerman, 2014). However, the effect
of negative economic shocks on migration is not necessarily the inverse of positive
shocks. Their magnitudes might differ considerably, in line with a “migration
prospect theory” by which potential migrants value losses more than equal-sized
gains and respond accordingly in their migration propensity (Czaika, 2015).
Neoclassical migration theory suggests that individuals migrate due to economic
opportunities at the destination and/or lack thereof at the origin in order to maximise
expected income (or utility). Macro-level quantitative studies consistently find that
bilateral migration flows respond to unemployment rates and differentials (Migali
et al., 2018; Geis et al., 2013), job opportunities (Baizán & González-Ferrer, 2016),
and wages (Beine et al., 2014; Grogger & Hanson, 2011). The magnitudes differ
across individuals and countries. For instance, high-skilled migrants respond more
strongly to wage differentials than low-skilled ones (Grossa & Schmitt, 2012) and
higher origin wages decrease emigration from developed countries but not from
developing countries (Ruyssen et al., 2014). Micro-level studies add that individual
unemployment, employment satisfaction, and anticipated career opportunities drive
64 M. Czaika and C. Reinprecht
migration (Hoppe & Fujishiro, 2015; Zaiceva & Zimmermann, 2008). However,
when the effect on income dominates the spatial substitution effect, unemployment
may also decrease emigration due to poverty constraints (DeWaard et al., 2012). A
number of qualitative studies confirm the explanatory power of the economic factors
in migration processes a variety of contexts (Afifi, 2011; Bal, 2014). While employ-
ment opportunities are per se primary drivers for economic migrants, they have also
been found to affect migration decisions of other migrant groups including asylum
seekers, refugees, and irregular migrants (Dimitriadi, 2017; Van Hear et al., 2018).
For these groups, however, economic factors are often of secondary importance
compared to other factors.
The migration-development nexus has been widely studied with a majority of
studies concluding that development will not stop migration, at least not in the short
term (Castles, 2009; de Haas, 2007). In fact, development - generally proxied by
GDP per capita—might initially increase internal migration from rural to urban areas
or across international borders, as immobile potential migrants overcome poverty
constraints (Czaika & de Haas, 2012, Clemens, 2014). According to this so-called
migration hump –an inverse U-shaped relation between migration and develop-
ment—rising income levels lead an increase in emigration from developing coun-
tries, that is in particularly from Asia and Africa, while the opposite is true from more
developed countries (Czaika & de Haas, 2014; Hatton & Williamson, 2005;
Sanderson & Kentor, 2009, Migali et al., 2018). Wage differentials and higher
income levels at destination attract migrants (Ortega & Peri, 2013; Palmer &
Pytliková, 2015). This effect seems to be particularly strong for migrants from
developing countries (Ruyssen et al., 2014), but the same logic applies to internal
migration (Guriev & Vakulenko, 2015). Discrepancies in living costs and condi-
tions, housing standards, as well as broader in the quality of life and lifestyles drive
migration in a variety of forms, including both internal and international migrants,
regular and irregular migration, of low-skilled as well as highly skilled migrants
(Baizán & González-Ferrer, 2016; de Haas & Fokkema, 2011; Péridy, 2006).
While there is rather mixed evidence on the exact relation between migration and
poverty (Black et al., 2006; Skeldon, 2002), consensus emerged regarding the fact
that it is generally not the poorest who migrate. Similar to the migration-
development nexus, poverty and migration might follow an inverse U-shape
(Du et al., 2005). Material and non-material relocation costs are the reason why
the poor are constrained to migrate, even in times of severe crisis (Danzer & Dietz,
2014). However, not just absolute deprivation and poverty shape migration patterns,
but also relative deprivation and the feeling of being deprived in comparison to an
internal or international peer or reference group (Czaika, 2013; Stark & Taylor,
1989). The relation between internal relative deprivation, or within-country inequal-
ity, and migration is ambiguous with studies suggesting that it is positive (Stark
et al., 2009), negative (Czaika & de Haas, 2012), or, mirroring the
migration-development nexus, following an inverse U-shape (Péridy, 2006). Rela-
tive inequality between sending and receiving countries has been found to affect the
self-selection of migrants according to Borjas’ (1989) theoretical propositions
(Mayda, 2010). Higher inequality in receiving countries may hereby attract
3 Migration Drivers: Why Do People Migrate? 65
migrants, as it signals social mobility (Czaika & de Haas, 2012) but might deter
those who favour social justice and are averse to the risk of income losses. While
neoclassical theory predicts that people migrate to places where returns to skills and
education is highest, empirical evidence often finds that people migrate to places and
countries with lower expected returns, suggesting that other drivers are also at play
(Belot & Hatton, 2012; Brücker & Defoort, 2009).
Public Policies The claim that the welfare state affects the scale and composition of
migration flows (Borjas, 1999) has been at the heart of many political and academic
debates. The ‘welfare magnet effect’ assumes to attract low-skilled migrants—due to
generous social benefits of a well-established welfare state—but to deter high-skilled
migrants—due to high income and wealth taxation for funding public spending.
There is some evidence for such a selection and attraction effect (Belot & Hatton,
2012; De Jong et al., 2005; Fafchamps & Shilpi, 2013). However, while higher
welfare spending at both origin and destination increases migration from developing
to developed countries, as they relax financial constraints and provide a safety net,
they rather decrease migration between affluent countries due to high tax rates
(Palmer & Pytliková, 2015; Ruyssen et al., 2014; Yoo & Koo, 2014). Other studies
rather question the centrality of the welfare state and highlight the importance of
other economic and socio-cultural drivers (Giulietti, 2014; Nannestad, 2007).
Labour market protection and social insurance systems may for instance rather
deter immigration as they create insiders and outsiders (Geis et al., 2013). Overall,
the effects of welfare systems differ across countries as it depends much on the type
and structure of those systems.
The effect of public infrastructure on migration is also rather ambiguous. A well-
developed and functioning public infrastructure might increase migration (and
mobility) by decreasing the cost of transportation but may also decrease migration
propensities by providing more and better economic opportunities (Gachassin,
2013). Contentment with local public services has been found to explain variations
in migration intentions in developing countries (Dustmann & Okatenko, 2014).
The educational infrastructure, in particular the quality of higher education, is a
primary but not the only driver of student mobility. Students migrate internally or
internationally due to the quality and reputation of universities but also due to
available scholarship and costs of living (Beine et al., 2014; Findlay et al., 2011).
Cities and regions with good universities attract students and retain graduates,
potentially due to available jobs and employer-university interactions (Ciriaci,
2014). Educational opportunities for oneself or one’s children in receiving countries,
and lack thereof in sending countries, drive international migration of students
(Timmerman et al., 2016), unaccompanied migrant minors (Vervliet et al., 2015),
and asylum seekers, refugees, and irregular migrants (Day & White, 2001;
McAuliffe, 2017). However, study opportunities are often secondary to other fac-
tors, including security or labour market considerations, or prospects for residency
and citizenship (Dimitriadi, 2017). Professional training and professional education
to advance one’s career are the main driving factors for high-skilled migrants, such
as health professionals (Awases et al., 2004), academics (Czaika & Toma, 2017) and
66 M. Czaika and C. Reinprecht
consistently rank among the top reasons mentioned for emigration (Bartolini et al.,
We have not identified a study that mentions the healthcare system as the sole or
main driver of migration. However, there is ample evidence that the situation of the
healthcare system acts as a push factor for healthcare professionals from developing
countries plagued by HIV/AIDS (Aiken et al., 2004). Health risks, such as malaria
and dengue, drive emigration from developing countries (Marchiori et al., 2012).
Health considerations, often associated with a better climate and the availability of
quality healthcare, are central to retirement migration for residents of developed
countries, such as North-South migration in Europe or retirement in Mexico for US
Americans (Rodriguez et al., 2004; Sunil et al., 2007). Well-developed healthcare
systems can act as attracting factors for different forms of migration (Narayan &
Smyth, 2006).
Migration Policies and Human Rights Migration scholars often argue that social
transformations, globalisation, and transnationalism, as well as political regime
transitions drive migration processes and are therefore rather sceptical about the
ability of more specific migration policies to affect the volume and composition of
migration flows (Castles, 2004a, 2004b). Empirical studies find rather mixed evi-
dence in favour or against this proposition, partly due to difficulties measuring
migration policies (Migali et al., 2018; De Haas & Czaika, 2013). Restrictive
migration policy is generally associated with fewer asylum applications (Hatton &
Moloney, 2017; Thielemann, 2006) and less international migrants (Fitzgerald et al.,
2014). Migration policies may also deflect some migrants to alternative destinations
(Barthel & Neumayer, 2015; Crawley & Hagen-Zanker, 2019) or merely change
their migration route while they are not important for other migrants (Gilbert &
Koser, 2006). Migration restrictions seem to reduce emigration and circular migra-
tion and promote permanent settlement of migrants, which may even result in the
unintended consequence of even higher net migration (Czaika & de Haas, 2017).
The deterrence effect of migration policies varies with specific policy instruments:
visa restrictions, for instance, may simultaneously deter regular entries while
increasing attempts for irregular entry (Czaika & Hobolth, 2016).
Besides policies that aim to deter unwanted immigration, many countries have
implemented policies that target certain types of migrants including skilled workers
or students (Czaika & Parsons, 2017). Despite the continuous proliferation of such
skill-selective migration policies, the degree to which such policies are effective
remains contested (Bhagwati & Hanson, 2009). Czaika and Parsons (2017) find that
supply-driven systems (points-based systems) increase both the absolute numbers of
high-skill migrants and the skill composition of international labour flows. Con-
versely, demand-driven systems—usually based on the principle of job contin-
gency—are shown to have a rather small, even negative effect. Doomernik et al.
(2009) suggest that the potential of attracting high-skilled migrants largely depends
on broader socio-economic and professional factors rather than immigration policies
per se. More generally, a generous and welcoming treatment of migrants and lenient
migration policies attracts migrants (McAuliffe & Jayasuriya, 2016). Other
3 Migration Drivers: Why Do People Migrate? 67
2003; Davenport et al., 2003; Migali et al., 2018; Moore & Shellman, 2007).
However, war and conflict also drive migration indirectly through its effect on
infrastructure, economic opportunities, and ultimately livelihoods (Khavarian-
Garmsir et al., 2019). While conflict might trigger migration, environmental or
political drivers might cause conflict itself (Moore & Shellman, 2004; Naudé,
2010). Most studies in this area have focused on sending countries in Africa and
the Middle East, particularly Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria, with a substantial number
also examining European destinations.
Political factors in sending and receiving countries that drive migration include
repression, persecution, political terror, and political freedom (Hatton & Moloney,
2017; Narayan & Smyth, 2006), military conscription (Mallett et al., 2017), political
instability (Naudé, 2010), democracy differentials and satisfaction with democracy
(Moore & Shellman, 2004), corruption (Lapshyna, 2014), and regime transitions,
political protests, and dissidents (Davenport et al., 2003). Individuals migrate
because they are directly affected (e.g. through conscription), fear that they might
be affected in the future, or due to the insecurity created by the general political
situation. Factors more closely linked with conflict and with implications for phys-
ical security, such as political terror, and forced military conscription seem to better
explain migration intentions and behaviour than lack of democratic rights. The latter
have been linked to non-conflict induced migration and might be particularly
relevant for the young and high-skilled migrants who face fewer barriers to emigra-
tion (Etling et al., 2018). Political factors in receiving countries that have been
looked at are right-wing populism and electoral outcomes, which result in fewer
asylum applications (Neumayer, 2004) and smaller bilateral migration flows
(Fitzgerald et al., 2014).
Environmental Change Climate change and environmental degradation as a fun-
damental predisposing driver of internal and international migration has been studied
extensively at the macro- and micro-levels by qualitative and quantitative research,
although almost exclusively for countries in the global South (Migali et al., 2018).
The majority of quantitative studies find that slow-onset changes in temperatures and
precipitation are associated with emigration, particularly from more agricultural
countries and rural areas (Berlemann & Steinhardt, 2017; Neumann & Hermans,
2017). However, if climatic factors are evaluated alongside economic factors, the
latter affect migration in a stronger and more direct way (Joseph & Wodon, 2013).
Those most adversely affected by environmental degradation are also those most
financially constrained and therefore unable to move (Veronis & McLeman, 2014).
That is, migration as an adaptation strategy is not available to this deprived and
therefore trapped group (Cattaneo et al., 2019). Some studies conclude that climatic
factors do not directly explain migration intentions and behaviour (Beine & Parsons,
2015; Mortreux & Barnett, 2009). Climate change affects migration mostly indi-
rectly through multiple transmission channels including its impact on economic
factors, such as incomes, livelihood opportunities, and food security (Black et al.,
2014; Khavarian-Garmsir et al., 2019), health-related risks, such as malaria and
dengue (Marchiori et al., 2012), or conflict (Abel et al., 2019). While climatic factors
3 Migration Drivers: Why Do People Migrate? 69
3.4 Conclusion
This chapter has set out to give an overview of the conceptual understanding
of migration drivers as well as the state of knowledge in the empirical assessment
of migration drivers based on a comprehensive evidence assessment of the drivers of
migration. We propose a migration typology based on 9 driver dimensions and
24 driving factors of migration and emphasise the fundamental importance of
studying migration driver environments as complex configurations of drivers. Schol-
arship on complex driver configurations is still in its infancy as most studies—
although, as we have seen, they assess on average 2.5 drivers per study—hardly
consider complex interaction, nor cascading and feedback effects between multiple
drivers. Thematically, besides rising research output on environmental drivers,
3 Migration Drivers: Why Do People Migrate? 71
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