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What Is Tone

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What is tone?

Tone is the attitude of the author towards his subject or audience. The tone can be identified by
looking at the word choices and phrases used by the author. The tone can be formal, informal,
serious, comic, sarcastic, sad or cheerful or may be any other existing attitude.
What is mood?
Mood is the feeling you get while reading a story. This could be happiness, sadness, darkness,
anger, suspicion, loneliness, or even excitement. You can think of mood as the atmosphere of the
story. To describe mood, you should think of the setting of a scene or story and the language used
by the author.
What is technique of the author?
Author’s technique is the style of the author in writing and it varies from author to author. It
depends on one’s choice of words. There are four basic literary styles used in writing.
1. Expository or argumentative writing style
is a subject-oriented style. The focus of the writer in this type of writing style is to tell the
readers about a specific subject or topic and in the end the author leaves out his own
opinion about the topic. For example, the issue about wearing helmet. There are two
opinions pro and anti. In an argumentative writing the author presents two sides and at the
end of his/her writing, he also presents his opinion about an issue.
2. Descriptive writing style
the author focuses on describing an event, a character or a place in detail. Sometimes,
describing writing style is poetic in nature wherein the author specifies an event, an object
or a thing rather than merely giving information about an event that has happened. Usually
the description incorporates sensory details or words that are connected with our sense of
sight, hearing, smell, touch, smell, and taste.
3. Persuasive writing style
is a category of writing in which the writer tries to give reasons and justification to make the
readers believe his point of view. The persuasive style aims to persuade and convince the
readers. Speeches and propagandas use this style.
4. Narrative writing style
Is a type of writing where the writer narrates a story to audience or readers. It includes short
stories, novels, novellas, biographies and poetry.
What is author’s purpose?
Author’s purpose refers to his/her reason for writing. There are three main purposes for writing: to
inform, to entertain and to persuade.
To inform
The primary purpose of text that are written this way is to enlighten the reader or provide the
reader with information about a topic. Example of texts that are written to inform: Expository
essays or articles, instructions or directions, Encyclopedias or other reference texts.
To entertain
The main purpose of text written in this style is to amuse readers. This does not mean that the
text must happy, the text could be a tragedy, but the main reason for writing the text is to amuse
readers. Examples of text that are written to entertain: stories, poems, dramas, songs.
To persuade
In a text that is written to persuade, the author’s primary purpose is to compel readers into
action, convince them of an idea through argument, or to reaffirm their existing beliefs. Examples
of these are: advertisements, campaign speeches, persuasive letters or notes.
To better understand the topic and connect with the text, study the explanation
presented in the table below.
Example 1 Example 2
Mood Sympathetic and sad, Hopeful, and inspiring the
(This is what the the author uses words use of dream, tomorrow
reader feels while like tattered, callous, means there is hope even in
reading the text) barren to show hardest situations in life

Tone There are two subjects The author’s use of dream and
(The author’s here. Let’s focus to the rise up indicate hope and
attitude towards child. The author’s words positivity
his/her like God indicate
subject/character positivity and
) forgiveness. The use of
will also shows
determination. In other
words the tone is
positive and
determined. Note: It is
possible that the tone
and mood are the same
or similar in a text. It all
depends on the author’s
choice of words.
Technique Narrative writing style, Persuasive writing style with
the author uses narration the use of repetition (dream)
and descriptive words to to emphasize his thoughts.
express her thoughts
Author’s Purpose To amuse the readers The author wants to persuade
and to touch them to be his audience to stand and live
sympathetic of others his dream.
Social Issue The issues found in the The issues tackled here is
example is child racial discrimination, civil
abandonment and rights and inequality.

NAME: _________________________________ SECTION: ___________________

I. Directions: Match the tone with the situation using an arrow sign from Column A to Column B.
Column A Column B
1. Happy A. Students, make sure that when I come back,
2. Formal you are already done with your output for
3. Playful reporting.
4. Assertive B. See pops, I told you I can do it. I want you to
5. Informal check it yourself. It’s an A!
C. I’m gonna tell you-- You ain’t going anywhere without me.
D. Sir, good morning. May I ask you to validate
and sign these papers required by the office?
E. Okay Anna, I want you to wear this blindfold
and follow my lead. Do it right to get the
II. Directions: Write TRUE if the statement is correct. If FALSE, change and cross out ( ) the word/s that
make the statement FALSE.

______1. There are three main purposes of an author when he/she writes: to entertain, to inform, and to criticize.
______2. In order to establish mood and tone, the author must have a good choice of words and a wide vocabulary.
______3. Tone is the way the author sees his/her audience.
______4. In argumentative writing, the author explains a particular topic and gives
his /her own opinion in the end.
______5. In stories, the mood of a story is developed in the setting.
______6. Social issues are always the topic of literature.

III. Directions: Read and analyze the question then encircle the letter of your answer.

1. What part of a text is built when an author’s choice of words is used to develop the setting to let the readers feel
a particular emotion while reading a text?
A. Tone B. Mood C. Technique D. Style

2. This refers to the speaker’s attitude toward his/her subject.

A. Tone B. Mood C. Technique D. Style

3. All of the following are considered to find the tone in a particular piece of writing EXCEPT ________?
A. The speaker’s choice of words.
B. The syntax or sentence connection used.
C. The feeling of the author while writing.
D. The feeling of the readers while reading.

4. What tone does the picture indicate?

A. Happy B. Positive C. Hopeful D. Appreciative

5. What is NOT true about the author’s technique in writing?

A. An author’s technique is seen on how he/she presents his/her writing.
B. An Author uses different style in writing prose and poetry.
C. To help an author develop his/her technique, one has to consider his/her topic and expected readers
D. An author’s technique is the most important one to consider in writing.

6. Based on the excerpt, what is the author’s purpose?

Now is the time to make justice a reality for all of God’s children. It would be fatal for the nation to overlook
the urgency of the moment. This sweltering summer of the Negro’s legitimate discontent will not pass until there
is an invigorating autumn of freedom and equality-1963 is not the end but a beginning.
A. To command B. To persuade C. To amuse D. To inform

7. What is the purpose of the author in this excerpt?

Bullying is one of the social issues that most students experience in school. According to Republic Act
No. 10627 or the Anti-Bullying Act of 2013, bullying refers to any severe, or repeated use by one or more
students of a written, verbal, or electronic expression, or a physical act or gesture, or any combination thereof,
directed at another student that has the effect of actually causing or placing the latter in reasonable fear of
physical or emotional harm or damage to his property; creating a hostile environment at school for the other
student; infringing on the rights of another student at school; or materially and substantially disrupting the
education process or the orderly operation of a school.
A. To command B. To persuade C. To amuse D. To inform

8. What is the tone of the son in this conversation?

Father: I know today is summer and we need some break. Even I want our family to have vacation this year, it can’t
be. My company needs me. Maybe next year.
Son: That’s good news. It’s the same as last year.
A. Happy B. Sarcastic C. Disappointed D. Sad

9. Following is saving a life. During Covid-19 pandemic, safety and health are the most important matters to put
in mind. The World Health Organization and the Department of Health remind people of what to do to avoid
getting the virus. Some of the preventive precautions are:
1. Maintain 1-meter or 3 feet distance from yourself to others.
2. Keep your hands clean all the time. Do proper handwashing or apply alcohol-based sanitizers all regularly.
3. Avoid touching your face esp. your eyes, nose, and mouth.
4. When sneezing or coughing cover your nose and mouth with tissue.
5. Keep a healthy body and strong immune system.
6. Go out only for important purposes like buying essential things and foods.
7. Always wear a mask when you go out.
 By strictly following these simple guidelines, you save not only your life but also other’s lives from the virus.
What technique did the author use in developing the text?
A. Comparison and contrast
B. Narration of events
C. Persuasion by presenting facts.
D. Exposition of reality

10. Though life is totally different from then, there are certain things that haven’t changed for example social
issues like racial discrimination, poverty, social injustice etc. History tells how racial discrimination dreadfully
affected the lives of many especially the Negroes, but even today that dream of Martin Luther King of one day
men become equal is still unrealized. History speaks of slavery but until today such idealism still exists only in a
more systematic way. History tells of social caste that brought two separate worlds-the rich and the poor, but
even today this unjust system ceases opportunity for both parties to meet at the middle and to be equal in life
Aside from using example in her text, what other technique is used by the author to develop her text?
A. Comparison and contrast
B. Narration of events
C. Persuasive words
D. Exposition of reality

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