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UMHS. S.2 Class 2024 BIO HOLIDAY WORK Final Dec Jan 2023

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▪ Attempt all the Work in your
S.2 CLASS 2024 class Exercise Book.
▪ You are encouraged to do
BIOLOGY HOLIDAY WORK. Dec/Jan 2023/24. research online & in Text books
Theme: Diversity of Living Things
Chapter 6: INSECTS

Key Words Learning Outcomes:

• Head By the end of the chapter, you should
• Thorax be able to:
• Abdomen a) Identify the observable external

• Dorsal, Ventral and Lateral View features of a housefly, cockroach,

• Specimen mosquito, termite, bee and butterfly

• Texture b) Construct a dichotomous key

c) Appreciate the useful and harmful
• Mandibles, Proboscis, Antennae,
effects of a housefly, cockroach,
Compound eye and Simple eyes.
mosquito, bee and butterfly
• Dichotomous key
d) Know the different methods of
• Pest
controlling the harmful stages of a
housefly, cockroach, mosquito and
Classification of Insects:
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta

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Subtopic: The External Features of An Insect: The Head, Thorax and Abdomen
Activity 6.1:
1) You are provided with the following specimens K and M. Use them to answer the
questions that follow.
 Describe the structural features (Characteristics) on the head, thorax and
abdomen of each specimen.
Use the following Support Information to describe the features of insects
Head Region Thoracic Region Abdominal Region:
i) Type of eyes possessed: iv) Number of thoracic i. Shape e.g. cylindrical,
Compound or simple or segments possessed; flattened (or Dorso-
both; How many of each Name the segments ventrally flattened)
type of eyes. Compound (Research their names ii. Length: Short or
eyes: (How many); Are from the internet; or elongated
they small or large from text books) iii. Texture: Smooth or
ii) Antennae: How many; v) Wings: How many hairy
Long or Short; Hairy or pairs?; Texture: Hairy iv. Special features: e.g.
Smooth; Segmented or or Smooth; (If there possessing a pair of
Not segmented; Texture: are 2 pairs, Name each anal cerci (For
Smooth or Hairy; Shape pair) cockroaches); A pair
iii) Mouth Parts: Possess vi) Legs: How many of styles (For male
Mandibles (“Chewing” pairs?; Texture/ cockroaches)
Mouth Parts) or features on the legs
Proboscis e.g. Possess hairs;
(“Suctorial/Sucking” Spines/Smooth legs;
Mouth Parts).

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Specimen K Specimen M

Structural Characteristics on head

Structural Characteristics on Thorax

Structural Characteristics on Abdomen

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Activity 6.2: Identifying the external structures on the head of an insect

Key question: What are the structures found on the head of an insect
What you need: Adult houseflies, Cockroaches, Mosquitoes, Bees, Butterfly and
Termites (These will simplify your work-Handlens/Internet Images)
What to do:
i. Observe specifically the mouth parts, antennae and compound eyes
ii. Describe the observed structures on the head of different insects in the table
Key Words & Aspects to Consider:
▪ Compound Eyes; Simple Eyes: Number, Size and Shape (Where necessary)
▪ Mandibles: Presence & Number
▪ Proboscis: Presence & Shape
▪ Antennae: Presence, Number, Length, Segmented/Not, Texture and Shape
(Where applicable/Necessary)
▪ Texture of Head
▪ Piercing Mouth Parts/Stylets
You can use the following photos to complete the table that follows below:
House Fly

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Insect Description
Antennae Eyes Mouth Parts
Housefly Number Number Type

Length & Type Shape


Mosquito Number Number Type

Length & Type Shape


Cockroach Number Number Type

Length & Type Shape


Butterfly Number Number Type

Length & Type Shape


Worker Number Number Type

Length & Type Shape


Termite Number Number Type

Length & Type Shape


Caution: Wash your hands thoroughly with clean water and soap after the activity
(if you touched the specimens)

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Activity 6.3: Identifying the structures on the thorax of an insect

Key question: Which structures are found on thorax of an insect?
What you need: Adult cockroaches, house flies, mosquitoes, worker bees, butterflies
and soldier termites (These would simplify your work-A hand lens and internet
What to do:
i. Study the collected adult insects listed above
ii. Observe the structures on the thorax, particularly the wings and legs (If you can
access the hand lens, it makes the observations easier; If you fail to get a
specimen try using an internet image of it)
Insect Description
Cockroach Legs Number

Texture Texture

Mosquito Legs Number

Texture Texture

Housefly Legs Number

Texture Texture

Butterfly Legs Number

Texture Texture

Termite Legs Number

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Texture Texture

Activity 6.4: Constructing a dichotomous key

Key question: How can you use a dichotomous key to identify different insects?
What you need: Specimens or internet images of insects (Butterfly; Cochroach;
Mosquito and Soldier Termite)
i. List 4 external observable features of each insect
ii. Using the features you have listed down, construct a suitable dichotomous
key to identify the insects

Subtopic: Economic Importance and Control of Harmful Insects

2) Complete the following Table
Insect How it’s helpful How its harmful

House fly


Honey Bee

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Butter fly


N.B: Put into account the different stages of life cycles of theses insects

Methods of Control:
 Questions
i) What is a pest?
ii) Which of the above insects are pests?
Complete the following table:
Insect/Pest Harmful Control Methods Which Method is
Stage harmful to the

House fly


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