TORRENT DHE Architecture
Authored by:
Mark Hunten & Peter Moore
2. Area of application:
2.1. This self contained detector controller shall have sufficient functionality to
replace actual detector controllers in use through the astronomical
community without compromising existing performance.
3. Advantage / motivation:
3.1. Replace unreliable or high maintenance hardware.
3.2. Replace hardware that cannot be repaired because of obsolete components.
3.3. Unify detector controller architectures to reduce maintenance burden.
3.4. Applied to new instrumentation without risk of ‘single source’ components.
4. Generic qualities:
4.1. The application of the controller to specific functionality shall be through
selection of a board suite, hardware configuration, and ‘runtime’
configuration options. The hardware assembly shall be called the Detector
Head Electronics (DHE) package. Current plans for board suite selection for
the DHE are:
4.1.1. Generic Local Control Board.
4.1.2. N Channel CCD Analog Front End board.
4.1.3. P Channel CCD Analog Front End board.
4.1.4. IR Analog Front End board.
4.1.5. Power supply board.
4.1.6. Utility Board (Temperature control, Shutter).
4.1.7 Preamp board (or Current Source board for IR).
4.2. The cost to purchase shall be consistent to the required capabilities i.e. cost
should scale with number of video channels, etc. Baseline cost for a four
channel VIS system is $10k
4.3. The controller hardware will be compatible with existing Pixel Acquisition
Node (PAN) hardware and software.
4.4. Support for card serial numbers, self-configuration, and self-calibration using
expanded NOAO software suite..
4.5. Support for comprehensive telemetry sensing.
4.6. Support for card temperature sensing.
8. Project lifecycle:
Figure 1 shows the relative timing of the project lifecycle.
Project Phase FY 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Operational Life
8.2. The product shall minimize the total number and types of electronic
components used in the design to reduce the risk of component failure.
Conservative design practice and quality component selection will be use to
reduce stress on the electrical components.
8.3. The product shall utilize the layered architectural model of MONSOON. This
will relieve obsolescence management tasks by defining all modules
(Software/firmware/hardware/mechanical) within well defined boundaries
described by the interface control documents. This allows renovation of
obsolescent components by module replacement without disturbing other
aspects of the system function.
9. Project deliverables:
Each delivered product shall be consist of three packages as described below:
9.1. Generic hardware and software package
9.1.1. One PAN Software package for installation in a LINUX
9.1.2. One PAN interface card for the DHE communications link (if
9.1.3. One PAN to DHE communications link cable or fiber (10mtr or
custom length).
1. The sequencer control program and configuration package is intended to
emulate current or specified detector operating environments only.
2. The configuration package is offered as a starting point for detector
optimization. It does not guarantee optimum detector performance with the
3. At this level of support the product become a turnkey, detector optimized