Week2 14to20october
Week2 14to20october
Week2 14to20october
1707 Mughals
The British
Conquest of India
1857 Political Integration
Mercantilism Phase
Submission of European
Regional States
ऐसा कैसे तुसी ग्रेट
हो... Portuguese- 1498
Dutch – 1605
English- 1608
Conspiracy or coincidence ?
- Very ambitious
- Wanted to become Peshwa Vishvas rao Madhav Rao Narayan Rao
- Becam Peshwa for a brief (Died @
period but Barbhai Conspiracy Panipat)1761 - Was made 5th
- Became 4th
took place Peshwa after Peshwa
- Hence Raghunath rao – death of Nana - Killed by
Revolted sahib Raghunath rao
- When the wasn’t given - 1772 – Death - His son whose
Peshwaship got killed by posthomouscy
- Went to Surat in search of help Raghunath was made
- Signed Treaty of Surat,1775 @ rao peshwa
EIC. - Name madhav
Narayan rao
By 1775
- Contemporary times
- Regulating Act(1773)
- Gov. general of Bengal
- Supervisory power
- st
1 Anglo-mysore war(1766-69)
- Anglo-Maratha alliance
- Peace Maintain
- Raghunath Rao – Surat
- Poone to give him pension
By (Around) 1800-1803
- From 1816 to 1818
- Maratha Confederacy
- Insulted, humiliated, defeated
weakened due to internal
- Peshwa Baji Rao – II – Thought of
Getting powerful
- 3rd Anglo-Marath War
- Negotiate with Maratha sardars
- Baroda Minister killed by Peshwa minister
(Gangadhar shastri) (Trimbakji)
- British Resident Elphinstone intervened
- Peshwa revolted, Leading to 3rd Anglo-
Maratha war.
June 1817 Defeat of Peshwa Poona treaty
Peshwa Holkar
Conspiracy or coincidence ?
(1839-42) Why?
Afghanistan - Part of Great Game
- Russian Threat
- Can be useful for future
- No future invasions
How to counter
1806-13 - Lord Minto sent diplomatic Mission to Afghanistan
Elphinstone (Kabul)
By 1840
1 2 3 4
- Came to power
- Char yaar called Them selves as “AMIRS.”
- Captured Amarkot, Jodhpur, Karachi, Shikharpur
Financial Crisis | Political Instability Internal Changes done by in 1843
Rani Jindan
Army(₹) Succession Wars
1. 1844-46 2. 1848-49
Henry Lawrence
(King of Punjab)
1848 Lord Dalhousie Sent new official to Multan Got killed by Mulraj’s soldier
3 Main Battle
Punjab - Governance
12 March 1849 - Sikh surrender @ Rawalpindi “Aaj Ranjitsingh Mar Gaya” Henry John Charles
Lawrence Mansel Mansel
28 March 1849 - Annexation of Punjab
- Dalipsingh sent to London| (pensioned off)
Political Revenue Judiciary
- Kohinoor
British- Smart Tools
Post 1848-1856 Conquest continued
Annexation of Awadh
By 1774 - Raised Army got French help – Attacked Rohilkhand & Etawah
- 1775 – Death of Shuja ud daula
1775 - New nawab – Asaf ud daula- EIC tried to Control - Wajid ali Shah
- Accused of mac-
By 1801 - Wellesley – Subsidiary alliance with saadat ali khan 1856 administration
- Sent to Calcutta
- Estates confiscated
1848 - Dalhousie Sent sleeman wrote @ misgovernance - State annexed
- Reaction? – 1857
- 1854 Sent Outram Report, Based on that Annexation Revolt
Court of proprietors
- Main Decision taken by court of directors
Called as Governors
- Role of Governors
- Plassey (1757) - Robert Clive
- Buxar (1764)
1767 - 1772
- Reasons Dyarchy.
- Clive’s corruption
- People in England getting Jealous “The New Nabobs”
- EIC @ financial loss 6 Million Debt
- Went to Parliament For help
- Lord North select committee Recommended to help EIC
- But protest within parliament
- EIC Corruption in the parliament
- From 1773 certain events took place during the tenure of Hastings resulting into
passing of a new act in 1784
To Recall Hasting
Bribes Why?
- Hastings COD
haha Pitt’s India Act (1784) Conflict with Hastings
- Act of 1786
- Lord Cornwallis made the governor general & commander in chief.
- Over riding power in council Cornwallis will stay till 1793.
- Lost in USA.
- Foundation of administration in India.
- Reforms
3. Police Reforms
Chowki/ Station
5. Revenue Reforms
- Reorganisation
- Division of areas & putting them under collector
- Zamindars were recognised as owners of land (1790)
10 Years settlement
- 1793 Permanent settlement
2 persons – John shore – Give them perm settlement
James grant – Against that.
4. Commercial Reforms
This treaty was signed by the British with almost every native state of India
A device for establishing Indirect Control & British hegemony on Indian states
In context of the eminent dangers from France because of Napoleonic wars & increasing hostility of
Indian states towards EIC
Under this system a treaty was signed between the native states & EIC.
Q. What is it?
According to this treaty, EIC would assume responsibility of native states from Internal & External Dangers
EIC was relived from the possible threat of the French as the Indian
states which accepted the Subsidiary Alliance would not at least employ
European or enemy of the Company
Stage 2 EIC +friendly Indian State will fight for a common cause
6. Lord Minto – I (1807-1813) By the year 1813, 20 years completed from 1793
- Charter Act of 1613.
- Passive phase
- Sending & Missions
Court of proprietors
- Main Decision taken by court of directors
Called as Governors
- Role of Governors
- Plassey (1757) - Robert Clive
- Buxar (1764)
- Act of 1786
- Cornwallis becoming the GGB & Commander in Chief
- Stays in power till 1793
This treaty was signed by the British with almost every native state of India
A device for establishing Indirect Control & British hegemony on Indian states
In context of the eminent dangers from France because of Napoleonic wars & increasing hostility of
Indian states towards EIC
Under this system a treaty was signed between the native states & EIC.
Q. What is it?
According to this treaty, EIC would assume responsibility of native states from Internal & External Dangers
EIC was relived from the possible threat of the French as the Indian
states which accepted the Subsidiary Alliance would not at least employ
European or enemy of the Company
Stage 2 EIC +friendly Indian State will fight for a common cause
6. Lord Minto – I (1807-1813) By the year 1813, 20 years completed from 1793
- Charter Act of 1613.
- Passive phase
- Sending & Missions
Changes in England
Ideological Influences
3.Liberals Liberalism
British administrations task was to civilise rather than
Changes in India
5.A sum of Rs.1 Lakh was set aside for promotion of education
- Nepal(1814-16)
- Marathas(1816)
- Anglo-Maratha war (1817-18)
- Rajputs
- Mughals.
Charles Metcalfe Udaipur
Independce swept away
2) Administrative Reforms
Role of different administrators
Governor of Madras (1820) - Bombay Governor (1820) Defeated Marathas - Resident @ Delhi
- Treaty with Rajput states
3. Socio-Cultural
- Enlightenment in the society Rajaram Mohan Roy
- 1813 Charter Act Education - ₹ 1 lakh Atmiya Sabha
- Establishment of 2 colleges.
Calcutta Agra
- Patronised Hindu college, which was formed during 1817, by David hare.
- Relaxed press restrictions abolished pre-censorship rule
d. Lord Hastings
a. Lord Cornwallis felt that the district collector‟s efficiency of revenue collection would enormously increase
without the burden of other work
b. Lord Cornwallis felt that Judicial power should compulsorily be in the hands of Europeans, while Indians, can be
given the job of revenue collection in the districts
c. Lord Cornwallis was alarmed at the extent of power concentrated in the District Collector and felt that such
absolute power was undesirable in one person
d. The judicial work demanded a deep knowledge of India and a good training in law and Lord Cornwallis felt that
District collector should be only a revenue collector
- Nepal(1814-16)
- Marathas(1816)
- Anglo-Maratha war (1817-18)
- Rajputs
- Mughals.
Charles Metcalfe Udaipur
Independent swept away
2) Administrative Reforms
Role of different administrators
Governor of Madras (1820) - Bombay Governor (1820) Defeated Marathas - Resident @ Delhi
- Treaty with Rajput states
3. Socio-Cultural
- Enlightenment in the society Rajaram Mohan Roy
- 1813 Charter Act Education - ₹ 1 lakh Atmiya Sabha
- Establishment of 2 colleges.
Calcutta Agra
- Patronised Hindu college, which was formed during 1817, by David hare.
- Relaxed press restrictions abolished pre-censorship rule
Period 1823-1828
- Was in Army
- 1796 became MP
- 1803 – Appointed Madras Governor
- 1806 – Vellore mutiny
- Called Back.
- 1812 – Went to Italy – Sicilly
- 1828 – Sent to India
3. Supreme of Thugi
Thugs aka phawsigar
Role of colonel William sleeman
8. Judicial Reforms
Cornwallis Gov. General
- Abolished court of appeal
- Cumber some procedure
- Delay & Uncertainity
- Persian as lower court language
Provincial Court of Appeal
- English in higher courts
- Qualified Indians @ munsiff position
Diwali Adalats
9. Princely states
- By 1835 – Bentinck Became the last governor general of By 1836 - Lord Auckland came to power
Bengal the 1st governor general of India
- In the year 1835, Due to ill health Bentinck Resigned & his - Lord Auckland (1836-42)
lieutenant Charles Metcalfe came to power 1st Afghan war – Defeated
Q. Dalhousie is known as the maker of the modern India. Explain (10m, 2013)
Q. Why?
British Exports were suffering due to mal administration by native rulers
Hence, Annex/Control that state so that British exports can get good market
Doctrine of Lapse
Tradition of Adoption Very Ancient
Adopted Son Inherited all rights/properties from his patron Father
Doctrine of Lapse
Tradition of Adoption Very Ancient
Satara (1848)
Bhagat (1850)
Udaipur (1852)
Jhansi (1854)
Nagpur (1854)
1. Administrative Reforms
2. Military Reforms
Bengal Placed under charge of Lieutenant Governor
Foundation of Modern Education in India Planning of Strategic lines to facilitate east movement
of goods and troops
Anglo-Vernacular Schooling
Used for Defense Purpose
Administrative Changes & Role Of Governor Generals
Introduction of Postage Stamps Harbours of Karachi, Bombay and Calcutta were developed
and light houses were also constructed
Civil Servants
(10 Years exp.)