FOE Rev v4
FOE Rev v4
FOE Rev v4
In the hands of a trained person, portable fire extinguishers are great tools to protect people and property from fire during early stages. When using an extinguisher or
selecting an extinguisher to install, it’s important to know the characteristics of different fire extinguishers. This blog will address the different types of fire extinguishers by
breaking them down by their extinguishing agent, which is the material inside the extinguisher that gets applied to the fire.
Water is the primary liquid used in these extinguishers, although sometimes other additives are also included. A drawback for pure water fire extinguishers is that it is not suitable for use in freezing
conditions since the water inside will freeze and render the extinguisher unusable. Certain types of water fire extinguishers contain antifreeze which will allow the extinguisher to be used in freezing
conditions. Water type fire extinguishers can also sometimes contain wetting agents which are designed to help increase its effectiveness against fire. These extinguishers are intended primarily for use
on Class A fires.
Water mist extinguishers are a type of water fire extinguisher that uses distilled water and discharges it as a fine spray instead of a solid stream. Water mist extinguishers are used where contaminants
in unregulated water sources can cause excessive damage to personnel or equipment. Typical applications include operating rooms, museums, and book collections.
Wet chemical
The extinguishing agent can be comprised of, but is not limited to, solutions of water and potassium acetate, potassium carbonate, potassium citrate, or a combination of these chemicals (which are
conductors of electricity). The liquid agent typically has a pH of 9.0 or less. On Class A fires, the agent works as a coolant. On Class K fires (cooking oil fires), the agent forms a foam blanket to prevent
re-ignition. The water content of the agent aids in cooling and reducing the temperature of the hot oils and fats below their auto-ignition point. The agent, when discharged as a fine spray directly at
cooking appliances, reduces the possibility of splashing hot grease and does not present a shock hazard to the operator. Wet chemical extinguishers also offer improved visibility during firefighting as
well as minimizing cleanup afterward.
Class A: solid materials such as wood or paper, fabric, and some plastics
Freely burning
Class A Water, Smothering ABC/powder, water, water mist, foam
Class B Burning liquid or gas Smothering ABC/powder, CO2, water mist, clean agent
Class C Electrical fire Non-conductive chemicals ABC/powder, CO2, water mist, clean agent
Smothering, wet
Class K Cooking or grease fire Wet chemical, water mist
Application for any type of leave shall be made on this Form and to be accomplished at least in duplicate with documentary requirements, as follows:
1. Vacation leave*
It shall be filed five (5) days in advance, whenever possible, of the effective date of such leave. Vacation leave within in the Philippines or abroad shall be indicated in the form for
purposes of securing travel authority and completing clearance from money and work accountabilities.
2. Mandatory/Forced leave
Annual five-day vacation leave shall be forfeited if not taken during the year. In case the scheduled leave has been cancelled in the exigency of the service by the head of agency, it
shall no longer be deducted from the accumulated vacation leave. Availment of one (1) day or more Vacation Leave (VL) shall be considered for complying the mandatory/forced leave
subject to the conditions under Section 25, Rule XVI of the Omnibus Rules Implementing E.O. No. 292.
3. Sick leave*
• It shall be filed immediately upon employee's return from such leave.
• If filed in advance or exceeding five (5) days, application shall be accompanied by a medical certificate. In case medical consultation was not availed of, an affidavit should be
executed by an applicant.
d. In the absence of the BPO/TPO/PPO or the certification, a police report specifying the details of the occurrence of violence on the victim and a medical certificate may be considered,
at the discretion of the immediate supervisor of the woman employee concerned.
Spalling is a physical process of the breakdown of surface layers of masonry (typically concrete) which crumble into small pebble-like pieces in
response to high temperatures and/or mechanical pressure. The physical appearance of spalling may also include striated lines, discoloration of the
masonry and pitting or rough texture to the concrete that remains attached to the slab. Spalling is caused by heating, mechanical pressure, or
both. This heat and/or pressure causes uneven expansion of the materials that make up the concrete (such as sand and gravel), the reinforcing
steel and the concrete mix, or the surface and subsurface layers of the concrete. Alternatively, the heat may release the water in the concrete.
Pressure created by rapid changes in temperature, such as application of cold water to the heated concrete surface during firefighting
operations, can also cause spalling. These processes break the bond that holds the solids together and thus cause the concrete to crumble.
Whether or not concrete will spall when heat is applied is highly variable and depends on the complex interaction of
the composition of the masonry material, temperature and temperature change from burning fuel load, configuration
of materials, pressure on the concrete and local conditions. If the concrete is “green,” meaning recently poured, it is
more susceptible to spalling because its water content is higher than concrete that has cured. If the concrete is
reinforced with rebar, it may also be more susceptible to spalling because applied heat is absorbed at different rates by
the metal and by the surrounding masonry; the metal heats faster and expands, putting pressure on the concrete that
may cause it to fracture. How well the surface absorbs liquid may also be a factor in whether or not spalling is
The presence of spalling at a fire scene was traditionally seen as an indicator that the fire had burned very hot, which could
only occur if an ignitable liquid was used. However, physics and research have not borne this out to be fact. When an ignitable
liquid is poured, it pools on the hard surface, such as a concrete floor. When the pool is ignited, what is burning is the vapors
being given off by the flammable liquid, not the liquid itself. This burning can only occur where the vapors mix with oxygen
and have access to flame—namely on the top of the pool and at the edges of the pool. The bottom of the pool, the part in
contact with the masonry, does not burn. The burning does heat the liquid, but the maximum temperature of the liquid
cannot reach higher than the liquid’s boiling point, which in the case of gasoline is 300ºF—typically not hot enough to cause
the expansion of water in the concrete that creates spalling. In addition, an ignitable liquid pool on concrete burns quickly,
only a few minutes, which is typically not long enough to heat the concrete to temperatures conducive to spalling.
In fact, it has been shown that spalling is more likely to occur from radiant heat released by burning materials over a
period of time than from the comparatively short burn period of a pool of ignitable liquid. This excessive radiant
heat can be created by a variety of conditions, including burning of modern furnishings and collapse bringing hot
materials into contact with the masonry.
However, none of this should be taken to mean that spalling is never related to use of an ignitable liquid. Two examples are
illustrative. First, radiant heat from a burning ignitable liquid pool can heat the concrete around the edges of the pool more
significantly than the concrete under the pool, which is protected by the liquid’s inability to heat beyond its boiling point.
Therefore, spalling may occur around the edges of the pool, and therefore a “protected” area with spalling around its edges
MAY indicate that an ignitable liquid was present. This spalling may extend to the areas with cracks or joints where the
ignitable liquid might have seeped. The second example requires the presence of a floor covering to increase the radiant
heat output. If an ignitable liquid is poured on carpet that covers a concrete floor, the intense radiant heat from the burning
carpet in close contact with the concrete surface may cause spalling, something that may not have happened if the
ignitiable liquid had not been present. Close-up of the spalling of the concrete pad in
the four-story apartment building under
The presence of spalling at a fire scene cannot be taken as a definitive indicator that an accelerant was used in the fire. Rather, the presence of the spalling should be explained, if possible, and then
treated as one of many factors that enter into assessing the totality of the circumstances at the scene and their relationship to determining the heat source and first material ignited.
Does a mezzanine count as a storey?
A mezzanine floor does not count as an extra storey within a building. Why Build a Mezzanine Floor? Mezzanine floors are the perfect way to create additional floor space within
large, high-ceilinged spaces. They allow you to take advantage of a room's height and can be used for lots of purposes.
There is no minimum standard height for a mezzanine. However, it should be optimised for its intended use. For example from our experience, in retail settings, the most common
height is 3.4m.
What are some other design and construction requirements for exit routes?
• Exit routes must be permanent parts of the workplace.
• Exit discharges must lead directly outside or to a street, walkway, refuge area, public way, or open space with access to the outside. These exit discharge
areas must be large enough to accommodate the building occupants likely to use the exit route.
• Exit stairs that continue beyond the level on which the exit discharge is located must be interrupted at that level by doors, partitions, or other effective means
that clearly indicate the direction of travel leading to the exit discharge.
• Exit route doors must be unlocked from the inside. They must be free of devices or alarms that could restrict use of the exit route if the device or alarm fails.
• Side-hinged exit doors must be used to connect rooms to exit routes. These doors must swing out in the direction of exit travel if the room is to be occupied by
more than 50 people or if the room is a high-hazard area.
• Exit routes must support the maximum permitted occupant load for each floor served, and the capacity of an exit route may not decrease in the direction of exit
route travel to the exit discharge.
• Ceilings of exit routes must be at least 7 feet,
6 inches high.
• An exit access must be at least 28 inches wide at all points. Where there is only one exit access leading to an exit or exit discharge, the width of the exit and
exit discharge must be at least equal to the width of the exit access. Objects that project into the exit must not reduce its width.
• Outdoor exit routes are permitted but must meet the minimum height and width requirement for indoor exit routes and must
− have guardrails to protect unenclosed sides if a fall hazard exists;
− be covered if snow or ice is likely to accumulate, unless the employer can demonstrate accumulations will be removed before a slipping hazard exists;
− be reasonably straight and have smooth, solid, substantially level walkways; and
− Not have a dead-end longer than 20 feet.
Fact Sheet
What are the requirements for exits?
• Exits must be separated by fire resistant materials—that is, one-hour fire-resistance rating if the exit connects three or fewer stories and two-hour fire-
resistance rating if the exit connects more than three floors.
• Exits are permitted to have only those openings necessary to allow access to the exit from occupied areas of the workplace or to the exit discharge. Openings
must be protected by a self-closing, approved fire door that remains closed or automatically closes in an emergency.