MCN401 M5
MCN401 M5
MCN401 M5
Syllabus : Hazard and risk, Types of hazards -Classification of Fire, Types of Fire
extinguishers, fire explosion and toxic gas release, Structure of hazard identification and risk
assessment. Identification of hazards: Inventory analysis, Fire and explosion hazard rating of
process plants The Dow Fire and Explosion Hazard Index, Preliminary hazard analysis, Hazard
and Operability study (HAZOP)) methodology, criticality analysis, corrective action and
follow-up. Control of Chemical Hazards, Hazardous properties of chemicals, Material Safety
Data Sheets (MSDS).
Hazard is a source or a situation with potential to cause harm in terms of human injury or ill-
health, damage to property or environment or both. Hazards are identified in the performance
of various activities, storage and handling of materials, and operation and maintenance of plants
and equipment's.
Hazard control is that function which is oriented towards recognizing, evaluating and working
towards eliminating hazards and destructive effects found at the work-place.
A hazard is something that has the potential to cause harm while risk is the likelihood of harm
taking place, based on exposure to that hazard. A hazard is something that can cause harm, e.g.
electricity, chemicals, working up a ladder, noise, a keyboard, a bully at work, stress, etc. A
risk is the chance, high or low, that any hazard will actually cause somebody harm.
Hazards may be classified as under:
• Mechanical Hazards.
• Electrical Hazards.
• Chemical Hazards.
1. Mechanical Hazards:
These are responsible for the majority of the accidents in work situations, therefore every
workplace and equipment should be properly examined for identifying mechanical hazards and
for taking mitigating measures.
3. Chemical Hazards:
The usage of chemicals with the resultant hazardous gases, vapours and fumes is one of the
most dangerous industries.
While fire can seem like one big threatening force, it's important to know that there are actually
several classes of fires. A fire's class can determine how quickly it burns, how dangerous it is,
and the best way to suppress or put it out. The 5 different classes of fires each have their own
best approach to put them out safely and effectively.
The 5 main classes of fires are categorized by what caused the fire or what the fire uses as fuel,
and are as follows:
Class A: solid materials such as wood or paper, fabric, and some plastics
Class B: liquids or gas such as alcohol, ether, gasoline, or grease
Class C: electrical failure from appliances, electronic equipment, and wiring
Class D: metallic substances such as sodium, titanium, zirconium, or magnesium
Class K: grease or oil fires specifically from cooking
Class A fires are the most common type of fire. They are produced from common combustible
materials including wood, paper, fabric, rubber, and plastic. Class A fires have relatively low
ignition temperatures, and once the fuel or oxygen has been depleted, the fire will burn out. A
garbage fire is one example of Class A fires. Generally speaking, if the fire leaves ash behind,
it's likely a Class A Fire.
Water and foam agents are most often used when fighting Class A fires.
Class B Fire
Class B fires occur when flammable liquids or gases such as alcohol, kerosene, paint, gasoline,
methane, oil-based coolants, or propane ignite. Class B fires are most common in industrial
settings, but they may also occur in residential or commercial settings. Class B fires have a low
flashpoint, which means they burn easily at any temperature if exposed to a fire source. Class
B fires also spread rapidly and produce a thick black smoke as they burn.
Water is not effective when dealing with Class B fires. Instead, Carbon Dioxide (CO2) or dry
chemical agents are often used to fight these fires.
Class C Fire
Electrical fires cannot be fought with water-in fact, it can make it worse. Instead, a non-
conductive chemical agent, including clean agents, should be used to put out the flames.
Class D Fires
Class D fires describe those fires that occur with a ombustible metal fuel source. Common
combustible metals include aluminum, lithium, magnesium, potassium, titanium, and
zirconium. These types of combustible metals are most often used in laboratories and in
manufacturing, so the biggest danger for Class D fires occurs in these industries.
Water can cause some combustible metals to explode, so it should not be used to fight Class D
fires. Instead, dry powder agents can be used to absorb heat and smother the flames by blocking
off the fire's oxygen supply.
Class K Fire
Finally, Class K fires are cooking fires that occur as a result of the combustion of a cooking
liquid like grease, oil, vegetable fat, or animal fat. Class K fires are technically a type of liquid
fire, but they are separated out as their own class because of their unique setting. Class K fires
are most common in the food service and restaurant industry, but can occur in any kitchen.
Like other liquid fires, water should not be sprayed onto Class K fires. Instead, wet chemical
agents are the best method to use.
Water is the primary liquid used in these extinguishers, although sometimes other additives are
also included. A drawback for pure water fire extinguishers is that it is not suitable for use in
freezing conditions since the water inside will freeze and render the extinguisher unusable.
Certain types of water fire extinguishers contain antifreeze which will allow the extinguisher
to be used in freezing conditions. Water type fire extinguishers which are designed also
sometimes contain wetting agents fire. These extinguishers are intended primarily for use on
Class to help increase its effectiveness against A fires.
Water mist extinguishers are a type of water fire extinguisher that uses distilled water and
discharges it as a fine spray instead of a solid stream. Water mist extinguishers are used where
contaminants in unregulated water sources can cause excessive damage to personnel or
equipment. Typical applications include operating rooms, museums, and book collections.
AFFF (aqueous film-forming foam) and FFFP (film-forming fluoroprotein) fire extinguishers
are rated for use on both Class A and Class B fires. As the name implies, they discharge a foam
material rather than a liquid or powder. They are not suitable for use in freezing temperatures.
An advantage of this type of extinguisher when used on Class B flammable liquid fires of
appreciable depth is the ability of the agent to float on and secure the liquid surface, which
helps to prevent reignition.
The principal advantage of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) fire extinguishers is that the agent does not
leave a residue after use. This can be a significant factor where protection is needed for delicate
and costly electronic equipment. Other typical applications are food preparation areas,
laboratories, and printing or duplicating areas. Carbon dioxide extinguishers are listed for use
on Class B and Class C fires. Because the agent is discharged in the form of a gas/snow cloud,
it has a relatively short range of 3 ft to 8 ft (1 m to 2.4 m). This type of fire extinguisher is not
recommended for outdoor use where windy conditions prevail or for indoor use in locations
that are subject to strong air currents, because the agent can rapidly dissipate and prevent
extinguishment. The concentration needed for fire extinguishment reduces the amount of
oxygen in the vicinity of the fire and should be used with caution when discharged in confined
i. Halon
The bromochlorodifluoromethane (Halon 1211) fire extinguisher has an agent that is similar to
carbon dioxide in that it is suitable for cold weather installation and leaves no residue. It is
important to note that the production of Halon has been phased out because of the
environmental damage it causes to the earth's ozone. Some larger models of Halon 1211 fire
extinguishers are listed for use on Class A as well as Class B and Class C fires. Compared to
carbon dioxide on a weight-of-agent basis, bromochlorodifluoromethane (Halon 1211) is at
least twice as effective. When discharged, the agent is in the the agent is in the combined form
of a gas/mist with about twice the range of carbon dioxide. To some extent, windy conditions
or strong air currents could make extinguishment difficult by causing the rapid dispersal of the
There are several clean agents that are similar to halon agents in that they are nonconductive,
noncorrosive, and evaporate after use, leaving no residue. Larger models of these fire
extinguishers are listed for Class A as well as Class B and Class C fires, which makes them
quite suitable for use on fires in electronic equipment. When discharged, these agents are in
the combined form of a gas/mist or a liquid, which rapidly evaporates after discharge with
about twice the range of carbon dioxide. To some extent, windy conditions or strong air
currents could make extinguishing difficult by causing a rapid dispersal of agent. Clean agent
type extinguishers don't have adetrimental effect on the earth's ozone so these are more widely
available than Halon type extinguishers.
The fire extinguishing agent used in these devices is a powder composed of very small
particulates. Types of agents available include sodium bicarbonate base and potassium
bicarbonate base. Dry chemical type extinguishers have special treatments that ensure proper
flow capabilities by providing resistance to packing and moisture absorption (caking).
Fire extinguishers of this type contain an ammonium phosphate base agent. Multipurpose
agents are used in exactly the same manner as ordinary dry chemical agents on Class B fires.
For use on Class A fires, the multipurpose agent has the additional characteristic of softening
and sticking when in contact with hot surfaces. In this way, it adheres to burning materials and
forms a coating that smothers and isolates the fuel from air. The agent itself has little cooling
effect, and, because of its surface coating characteristic, it cannot penetrate below the burning
Wet chemical
The extinguishing agent can be comprised of, but is not limited to, solutions of water and
potassium acetate, potassium carbonate, potassium citrate, or a combination of these chemicals
(which are conductors of electricity). The liquid agent typically has a pH of 9.0 or less. On
Class A fires, the agent works as a coolant. On Class K fires (cooking oil fires),forms a foam
blanket to prevent reignition. The water content of the agent aids in cooling and reducing the
temperature of the hot oils and fats below their auto ignition point. The agent, when discharged
as a fine spray directly at cooking appliances, reduces the possibility of splashing hot grease
and does not present a shock hazard to the operator. Wet chemical extinguishers also offer
improved visibility during firefighting as well as minimizing cleanup afterward.
These fire extinguishers and agents are intended for use on Class D fires and specific metals,
following special techniques and manufacturer's recommendations for use. The extinguishing
agent can be applied from a fire extinguisher or by scoop and shovel. Using a scoop or shovel
is often referred to as a hand propelled fire extinguisher.
One of the "root causes" of workplace injuries, illnesses, and incidents is the failure to identify
or recognize hazards that are present, or that could have been anticipated. A critical element
any effective safety and health program is a proactive, ongoing process to identify and assess
such hazards.
To identify and assess hazards, employers and workers:
Collect and review information about the hazards present
Collect or likely to be present in the workplace.
Conduct initial and periodic workplace inspections of the workplace to identify new or
recurring hazards.
Investigate injuries, illnesses, incidents, and close calls/near misses to determine the
underlying hazards, their causes, and safety and health program shortcomings.
Group similar incidents and identify trends in injuries, illnesses, and hazards reported.
Consider hazards associated with emergency or non routine situations.
Determine the severity and likelihood of incidents that could result for each hazard
identified, and use this information to prioritize corrective actions.
How to accomplish it
Collect, organize, and review information with workers to determine what types of hazards
may be present and which workers may be exposed or potentially exposed. Information
available in the workplace may include:
Equipment and machinery operating manuals.
Safety Data Sheets (SDS) provided by chemical manufacturers.
Self-inspection reports and inspection reports from insurance carriers, government
agencies, and consultants.
Records of previous injuries and illnesses.
Workers' compensation records and reports.
Patterns of frequently-occurring injuries and illnesses.
Exposure monitoring results, industrial hygiene assessments, and medical records
(appropriately redacted to ensure patient/worker privacy).
Existing safety and health programs (lockout/tagout, confined spaces, process safety
management, personal protective equipment, etc.).
Input from workers, including surveys or minutes from safety and health committee
Results of job hazard analyses, also known as job safety analyses.
Information about hazards may be available from outside sources, such as:
National Safety Council, and Department of Labour & Employment websites,
publications, and alerts.
Trade associations.
Labor unions, state and local occupational safety and health committees/coalitions and
worker advocacy groups.
Safety and health consultants.
Hazards can be introduced over time as workstations and processes change, equipment or tools
become worn, maintenance is neglected, or housekeeping practices decline. Setting aside time
to regularly inspect the workplace for hazards can help identify shortcomings so that they can
be addressed before an incident occurs.
How to accomplish it
Conduct regular inspections of all operations, equipment, work areas and facilities.
Have workers participate on the inspection team and talk to them about hazards that
they see or report.
o General housekeeping
o Slip,trip,fall hazards
o Electrical hazards
o Fire protection
o Work organization and process flow (including staffing and scheduling)
o Work practices
o Workplace violence
o Equipment operation
o Equipment maintenance
o Ergonomic problems
o Lack of emergency procedures
Note: Many hazards can be identified using common knowledge and available tools. For
example, we can easily identify and correct hazards associated with broken stair rails and
frayed electrical cords. Workers can be a very useful internal resource, especially if they are
trained in how to identify and assess
Identifying workers' exposure to health hazards is typically more complex than identifying
physical safety hazards. For example, gases and vapors may be invisible, often have no odor,
and may an immediately noticeable harmful health effect. Health hazards include chemical
hazards (solvents, adhesives, paints, toxic dusts, etc.), physical hazards (noise, radiation, heat,
etc.), biological hazards (infectious diseases), and ergonomic risk factors (heavy lifting,
repetitive motions, vibration). Reviewing workers' medical records (appropriately redacted to
ensure patient/worker privacy) can be useful in identifying health hazards associated with
workplace exposures.
How to accomplish it
Workplace incidents -including injuries, illnesses, close calls/near misses, and reports of other
concerns- provide a clear indication of where hazards exist. By thoroughly investigating
incidents and reports, we can identify hazards that are likely to cause future harm. The purpose
of an investigation must always be to identify the root causes (and there is often more than one)
of the incident or concern, in order to prevent future occurrences.
How to accomplish it
Develop a clear plan and procedure for conducting incident investigations, so that an
investigation can begin immediately when an incident occurs. The plan should cover
items such as:
o Who will be involved
o Lines of communication
o Materials, equipment, and supplies needed
o Reporting forms and templates
Train investigative teams on incident investigation techniques, emphasizing objectivity
and open- mindedness throughout the investigation process.
Conduct investigations with a trained team that includes representatives of both
management and workers.
Investigate close calls/near misses.
Identify and analyze root causes to address underlying program shortcomings that
allowed the incidents to happen.
Communicate the results of the investigation to managers, supervisors, and workers to
prevent recurrence.
Action item 5: Identify hazards associated with emergency and nonroutine situations
How to accomplish it
Identify foreseeable emergency scenarios and nonroutine tasks, taking into account the
types of material and equipment in use and the location within the facility. Scenarios
such as the following may be foreseeable:
Fires and explosions
Chemical releases
Hazardous material spills
Startups after planned or unplanned equipment shutdowns
Nonroutine tasks, such as infrequently performed maintenance activities
Structural collapse
Disease outbreaks
Medical emergencies
Weather emergencies & natural disasters
Workplace violence
Action item 6: Characterize the nature of identified hazards, identify interim control
measures, and prioritize the hazards for control
The next step is to assess and understand the hazards identified and the types of incidents that
could result from worker exposure to those hazards. This information can be used to develop
interim controls and to prioritize hazards for permanent control.
How to accomplish it
Evaluate each hazard by considering the severity of potential outcomes, the likelihood
that an event or exposure will occur, and the number of workers who might be exposed.
Note: "Risk" is the product of hazard and exposure. Thus, risk can be reduced by controlling
or eliminating the hazard or by reducing workers' exposure to hazards. An assessment of risk
helps employers understand hazards in the context of their own workplace and prioritize
hazards for permanent control.
Risk assessment tools, sometimes called "risk assessment techniques," are procedures or
frameworks that can be used in the process of assessing and managing risks. There are many
ways to assess risk, making risk assessment tools flexible and
There are four commonly used risk assessment tools in different businesses. All of them are
used often and are easily applicable to different situations. These tools are:
1. Risk matrix
3. Decision Tree
4. Bowtie Model
1. Risk Matrix
A risk matrix is a visual representation of risks laid out in a diagram or a table, hence its
alternate name as a risk diagram. Here, risks are divided and sorted based on their probability
of happening and their effects or impact. A risk matrix is often used to help prioritize which
risk to address first, what safety measures and risk mitigation plans to take, and how a certain
task should be done. Risk matrices can come in any size and number of columns and rows,
depending on the project and risks being discussed.
The Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) risk assessment tool was first discovered in
the 1940s by the US military to identify all possible issues or failures in a design, process,
product, and service. This tool is often used during a product or service's design or proposal
stage to actively study possible risks and discover their effects. FMEA has two parts to it:
3. Decision Tree
The decision tree risk assessment tool works by providing project managers a template to
calculate and visualize the values of different results and the likelihood of achieving them. In
some cases, a decision tree is also often used to help calculate the value of a project, product,
or service.
To use this tool, one starts with one element, product, or service they want to evaluate, and
then creates different branches from it with different goals. When carried out, the final product
looks like a flowchart similar to a tree with different branches, hence the name.
4. Bowtie Model
The Bowtie Model risk assessment tool aims to show the causal links between different sources
of risks and their consequences. The left side of the diagram shows what causes the risk, the
right shows their potential outcomes, and then both sides meet in the middle with a single risk
Risk assessment tools are an essential part of performing risk assessments and risk management
tasks. Not only do they make risk assessments easier, but they also help put different risks into
perspective and help create contingency plans better.
In assessing the consequences of a hazard, the first question should be asked "If a worker is
exposed to this hazard, how bad would the most probable severe injury be?". For this
consideration we are presuming that a hazard and injury is inevitable and we are only concerned
with its severity.
It is common to group the injury severity and consequence into the following four categories:
To illustrate how this can be used in the workplace we will use the example of a metal shearing
task. A hazard involved could include a piece of metal flying out of the equipment while in
use. In this example the probable most severe injury would be "Major or Serious Injury" with
the possibility of bruising, breakage, finger amputation.
In assessing the likelihood, the question should be asked "If the hazard occurs, how likely is it
that the worker will be injured?". This should not be confused with how likely the hazard is to
occur. It is common to group the likelihood of a hazard causing worker injury into the following
four categories:
In the metal shearing example, the question should not be "How likely is the machine expected
to fail?" but instead "When the machine fails and causes metal to fly out, how likely is the
worker expected to be injured?". If in our example we observe a safe distance between the
machine and worker and proper PPE being worn, we could rate it as "Unlikely" given our
It is a method for ranking the relative fire and explosion risk associated with a process.The
index is developed by the Dow Chemical Company and published by the American Institute
of Chemical Engineering, Dow (1994) (, evaluating the potential risk from a
process and assessing the potential loss. A numerical "Fire and explosion index" (F&EI) is
calculated, based on the nature of the process and the properties of the process materials. The
larger value of the F&EI, the more hazardous the process.
Quantify: The expected damage potential due to fire & explosion incidents in realistic terms
It is tailored for the storage, handling, and processing of explosive and flammable
material in the chemical industry. Process
It uses a systematic approach based on the rating form.
Suitable to be used at an early stage of a project and for auditing the existing plant.
The final rating number (ie F&EI) provides a relative ranking of hazards.
It is also used for estimating damage radius (using Dow correlation) and estimate the
financial loss in the event of an accident (using consequence analysis form).
Assessment of hazards:
To assess the potential hazard of a new plant, the index can be calculated after the Piping and
Instrumentation and equipment layout diagrams have been prepared. In earlier versions of the
guide, the index was then used to determine what preventative and protection measures were
needed. In the current version, the preventative and protection measures that have been
incorporated in the plant design to reduce the hazard-are taken into account when assessing the
potential loss: the form of loss control credit factors.
The procedure for calculating the index and the potential loss is set out. The first step is to
identify the units that would have the greatest impact on the magnitude of any fire or explosion.
The index is calculated for each of these units.
The basis of the F & EI is a Material Factor (MF). The MF is then multiplied by a Unit Hazard
Factor, F3 to determine the F & El for the process unit. The Unit Hazard factor is the product
of two factors which take account of the hazards inherent in the operation of the particular
process unit the general and special process hazards.
Material factor
The material factor is a measure of the intrinsic rate of energy release from the burning
explosion or other chemical reaction of the material. Values for the MF for over 300 of the
most commonly used substances are given in the guide. The guide also includes a procedure
for calculating the MF for substances not listed from knowledge of the flash point, (for dusts,
In calculating the F&EI for unit the value for the material with the highest MF, which is present
in significant quantities is used.
The general process hazards are factors that play a primary role in determining the magnitude
of the loss following an
Exothermic chemical reactions: the penalty varies from 0.3 for a mild exotherm, such
as hydrogenation, to 1.25 for a particularly sensitive exotherm, such as nitration.
Endothermic processes: penalty of 0.2 is applied to reactors only. It is increased to 0.4
if the reactor is heated by the combustion of a fuel.
Materials handling and transfer: this penalty takes account of the hazard involved in the
handling, transfer and warehousing of the material.
Enclosed or indoor process units: account for the additional hazard where ventilation is
Access of emergency equipment. areas not having adequate access are penalised.
Minimum requirement is access from two sides.
Draining and spill control: penalises design conditions that would cause large spills of
flammable material adjacent to process equipment such as inadequate design of
The special process hazards are factors that are known from experience to contribute to the
probability of an incident involving loss.
Toxic materials: the presence of toxic substances after an incident will make the task of
the emergency personnel more difficult. The factor applied ranges from 0 for non- toxic
materials, to 0.8 for substances that can cause death after short exposure.
Sub-atmospheric pressure: allows for the hazard of air leakage into equipment. It is
only applied for pressure less than 500 mmHg (9.5 bar).
Operation in or near flammable range: cover for the possibility of air mixing with
material in equipment or storage tanks, under conditions where the mixture will be
within the explosive range.
Dust explosion: covers for the possibility of a dust explosion. The degree of risk is
largely determined by the particle size. The penalty factor varies from 0.25 for particles
above 175 µm, to 2.0 for particles below 75 μm.
Relief pressure: this penalty accounts for the effect of pressure on the rate of leakage,
should be a leak occur. Equipment design and operation becomes more critical as the
The basic safety and fire protective measures that should be included in all chemical process
design are listed below. This list is bases on that given in the Dow Guide, with some minor
c) Pressure-relief devices.
j) Fail-safe instrumentation.
The Preliminary Hazard Analysis (PHA) is usually the first attempt in the system safety process
to identify and categorize hazards or potential hazards associated with the operation of a
proposed system, process, or procedure. The PHA may be mary Haz preceded with the
preparation of a Preliminary Hazard List (PHL). It provides rationale for hazard control and
indicates the need for more detailed analyses, such as the Subsystem Hazard Analysis (SSHA)
and the System Hazard Analysis (SHA). The PHA is usually developed using the system safety
Preliminary hazard analysis (PHA) is a semi-quantitative analysis performed with the intention
of identifying all potential hazards and accidental events that can cause an industrial
accident.This type of analysis ranks the identified accidental events according to their severity
and proposes hazard controls and follow-up actions.
There are several formats of preliminary hazard analysis that can be used under different
names, such as Rapid Risk Ranking and Hazard Identification (HAZID). PHA should be
carried out in the early stages of a project and continue throughout the system or product's life
cycle to identify those accidental events that should be subject to a more-detailed risk analysis.
As a broad, initial study, the preliminary hazard analysis focuses on identifying immediate
hazards, assessing the severity of potential accidents that could occur because of these hazards,
and identifying safeguards for reducing the risks associated with the hazards. By identifying
weaknesses early in the life of a system, PHA aims to save time and money that here. LE COP
might be required for ajor redesign if the hazards were discovered at a later date.
Characteristics of PHA
It relies on brainstorming and expert judgment to assess the significance of hazards and
assign a ranking to each situation.
It is typically performed by one or two people who are knowledgeable about the type
of activity in question.
It is applicable to any activity or system
It can be used as a high-level analysis early in the life of a process.
It is used to generates qualitative descriptions of the hazards related to a process.
Provides a qualitative ranking of the hazardous situations; this ranking can be used to
prioritize recommendations for reducing or eliminating hazards in subsequent phases
of the life cycle.
Quality of the evaluation depends on the quality and availability of documentation, the
training of the review team leader with respect to the various analysis techniques
employed, and the experience of the review teams.
The procedure for conducting a preliminary hazard analysis consists of the following steps.
Each step is further explained on the following pages.
1. Define the activity or system of interest: Specify and clearly define the boundaries of the
activity or system for which preliminary hazard information is needed.
2. Define the accident categories of interest and the accident severity categories. Specify
the problems of interest that the risk assessment will address (e.g., health and safety concerns,
environmental issues). Specify the accident severity categories that will be used to prioritize
resources for risk reduction efforts.
3.Conduct review. Identify the major hazards and associated accidents that could result in
undesirable consequences. Also, identify design criteria or alternatives that could eliminate or
reduce the hazards.
4. Use the results in decision making. Evaluate the risk assessment recommendations and the
benefits they are intended to achieve (e.g., improved safety and environmental performance,
cost savings).
Intended functions. Because all risk assessments are concerned with ways in which a system
can fail to perform an intended function, clearly defining these intended functions is an
important first step in any risk assessment. This step does not have to be formally documented
for most preliminary risk assessments,
Boundaries. Few activities or systems operate in isolation. Most interact with or are connected
to other activities or systems. By clearly defining the boundaries of an activity or system,
especially boundaries with support systems such as electric power and compressed air, the
analysis can avoid (1) overlooking key elements of an activity or system at interfaces and (2)
penalizing an activity or system by associating other equipment with the subject of the study.
Functions of interest
Safe handling and use of fuel oil for an LNG cargo ship
2. Define the accident categories of interest and the accident severity categories
Accident categories: The following paragraphs describe three of the most common types of
accidents of interest in a PHA:
Safety problems: The risk assessment team may look for ways in which improper performance
of a marine activity or failures in a hardware system can result in personnel injury. These
injuries may be caused by many mechanisms, including the following:
Person overboard
Exposure to high temperatures (e.g., through steam leaks)
Fire & explosions
Environmental issues. The risk assessment team may look for ways in which the conduct of
a particular activity or the failure of a system can damage the environment. These
environmental issues may be caused by many mechanisms, including the following:
Economic impacts. The risk assessment team may look for ways in which the improper
conduct of a particular activity or the failure of a system can have undesirable economic
These economic risks may be categorized in many ways, including the following:
Some risk assessments may focus only on events above a certain threshold of concern in one
or more of these categories.
During a PHA, a team assesses the severity of the various accidents that can occur with each
of the hazards. Establishing severity categories with definitive boundaries allows the team to
3. Conduct review
Performing a PHA identifies major hazards and accident situations that could result in losses.
However, the PHA should also identify design criteria or alternatives that could eliminate or
reduce those hazards. Obviously, some experience is required in making such judgments. The
team performing the PHA should consider the following factors:
Hazardous vessel equipment and materials, such as fuels, highly reactive chemicals,
toxic substances, explosives, high pressure systems, and other energy storage systems
Safety-related interfaces between equipment and materials, such as material
interactions, fire or explosion initiation and propagation, and control or shutdown
Environmental factors that may influence the vessel or facility equipment and materials,
such as vibration,flooding, extreme temperatures, electrostatic discharge, and humidity
Operating, testing, maintenance, and emergency procedures, such as human error
potential, crew functions to be accomplished, equipment layout and accessibility, and
personnel safety protection
Vessel support, such as storage, equipment testing, training, and utilities
Safety-related equipment, such as mitigating systems, redundancy, fire suppression,
and personal protective equipment.
Judge acceptability. Decide whether the estimated performance for the activity or system
meets an established goal or requirement.
Identify improvement opportunities. Identify the elements of the activity or system that are
most likely to contribute to future problems. These are the items with the largest percentage
contributions to the identified risks.
Equipment modifications
Procedural changes
Administrative policy changes, such as planned maintenance tasks or personnel training
A HAZOP is a systematic assessment tool used to identify and address potential hazards in
industrial processes before an incident occurs that could affect the Safety of people or assets
while hindering Productivity. HAZOP studies are typically performed while new facilities are
being designed and constructed, when new processes are added or when processes change.
Most regulatory agencies also require periodic HAZOP studies on existing processes.
The HAZOP assessment is typically performed by a small team that breaks each step of a
process down for individual review to identify potential deviations from the original process
design. Like all PHAs, HAZOPs go beyond the review of how a process is supposed to operate
in order to identify unintended outcomes and explore their potential ripple effects on health
and safety.
A Hazard and Operability Study systematically investigates each element in a process. The
goal is to find potential situations that would cause that element to pose a hazard or limit the
operability of the process as a whole. There are four basic steps to the process:
Once the four steps have been completed, the resulting information can lead to improvements
in the such as adding caution signs or traffic signs. The best way to apply the results of a
HAZOP study will depend on the nature of the system.
2. Identify Each Element and its Parameters : The HAZOP team will then create a plan for
the complete work process, identifying the individual steps or elements. This typically involves
using the piping and instrument diagrams (P&ID), or a plant model, as a guide for examining
every section and component of a process. For each element, the team will identify the planned
For each parameter, the team considers the effects of deviation from normal. For example,
"What would happen if the pressure at this valve was too high? What if the pressure was
unexpectedly low? Would the rate of change in pressure (delta- p) pose its own problems here?"
Don't forget to consider the ways that each element interacts with others over time; for example,
"What would happen if the valve was opened too early, or too late?"
Where the result of a variation would be a danger to workers or to the production process,
we've found a potential problem. Document this concern, and estimate the impact of a
failure at that point. Then, determine the likelihood of that failure; is there a real cause for
the harmful variation? Evaluate the existing safeguards and protection systems, and
evaluate their ability to handle the deviations that we've considered.
In existing facilities, a HAZOP may be ongoing, working to improve the process without
a any specific end date. Instead of a single, large assessment, the study's results will be
released a as a stream of action items, as each problem is identified and a solution is
A chemical hazard is any substance, regardless of its form- that can potentially cause
physical and health hazards to people, or can result in harm to the environment. It can also
be defined as the actual risk associated with specific chemicals, such as skin burns, long-
term negative impact to health, lasting environmental damage, fires, or even explosions.
Health hazard :This symbol shows a person with damage Health hazard - and pertains
to chemicals that can cause serious and long-term negative impacts on health.
Carcinogens are also substances that are known to be cancer-causing chemicals. They are
categorized as either natural or manmade, but it is crucial to note that even a small amount
of this type of chemical can severely damage human health.
Flammable - The symbol for this is a flame and it pertains to chemicals or highly
flammable gases that may catch fire or ignite once exposed to air or other ignition sources
or elements.
Corrosion - This pictogram shows corrosion of material and skin. It refers to chemicals
that can cause severe skin burns and damage to the tissue once contacted with.
Oxidizers - This pictogram shows a flame over a circle and symbolizes chemicals or
substances that, under certain conditions or exposure to other chemicals or elements, can
cause severe physical hazards such as fires or explosions.
Hazardous to environment – the symbol for this is a dead tree and fish. It refers to
chemicals that can cause lasting damage to the environment.
Toxic - This pictogram shows a skull and crossbones, and symbolizes chemicals that even
at a very low exposure-can cause irreversible changes or mutations to a person's DNA,
damage to health, or even fatality.
Once the hazards involved in the handling and use of chemicals are identified, the next
stage is to put control measures in place. This includes,
1. Elimination
The risk control measure that has the greatest level of effectiveness is elimination. Before
any other control measures are considered, elimination must be applied first. Elimination
is the method of totally removing a hazard or hazardous practice from the workplace.
Some examples of eliminating the use of a hazardous chemical in the workplace include:
Eliminating the use of chemical adhesives by using fasteners such as screws or
Eliminating the use of flammable forklift gas by using electric power forklifts
instead of LPG powered forklifts.
3. Isolation
If it's not possible to substitute the use of a hazardous chemical with another chemical that
is less hazardous, we must then isolate the hazardous chemical from people and other
incompatible substances.
This can be done in a number of ways, for example: If one part of a manufacturing process
involves the use of a hazardous chemical, we could build a ventilated enclosure over this
part of the manufacturing process. This enclosure would stop the airborne contaminants
from this area moving into other areas of the manufacturing facility where people are
present. The airborne contaminants that are generated inside this enclosure should be
vented to the outside atmosphere in a safe location where people don't congregate.
If large quantities of hazardous chemicals are stored in the workplace, we could isolate
these hazardous chemicals from people by storing them outdoors in a compliant chemical
storage container. Isolating hazardous chemicals from people by storing them outdoors
reduces the risk of harm to people in the event of a workplace fire or chemical spill.
4. Engineering Controls
If isolation cannot be achieved, you can implement a range engineering controls to reduce
the risk associated with hazardous chemicals. of
Engineering controls are physical in nature. They are devices or processes that eliminate
exposure to hazardous chemicals.
Engineering controls can be used to:
5. Administrative Controls
If there is still a chemical risk once higher order controls are implemented, then you must
work to reduce this by developing administrative controls.
Administrative controls aren't as effective as other controls, because they don't control the
hazard at its source. Administrative controls rely on human behaviour and supervision,
therefore, they aren't as consistent or reliable as other controls.
Administrative controls are generally written policies and procedures that outline the best
work practices to minimise exposure to hazardous chemicals.
Instead, PPE should only be used as a last resort when other more effective control
measures have been used and the risk has not been eliminated. PPE can also be used as
interim protection until higher level controls are fully implemented. PPE is also a useful
way to supplement higher level controls when carrying out high-risk work such as spray-
painting and abrasive blasting.
Some examples of PPE can include:
Toxic :
A toxic substance is a substance that can be poisonous or cause health effects. Chemicals
can be toxic because they can harm us when they enter or contact the body. Exposure to
a toxic substance such as gasoline can affect your health. Since drinking gasoline can
cause burns, vomiting, diarrhea and, in very large amounts, drowsiness or death, it is toxic.
Some chemicals are hazardous because of their physical properties: they can explode,
burn or react easily with other chemicals
Since gasoline can burn and its vapours can explode, gasoline is also hazardous. A
chemical can be toxic, or hazardous, or both.
Explosive, any substance or device that can be made to produce a volume of rapidly
expanding gas in an extremely brief period. Basically, chemical explosives are of two
types: (1) detonating, or high, explosives and (2) deflagrating, or low, explosives.
Detonating explosives, such as TNT and dynamite, are characterized by extremely rapid
decomposition and development of high pressure, whereas deflagrating explosives, such
as black and smokeless powders, involve merely fast burning and produce relatively low
Self-reactive chemicals are thermally unstable liquid or solid chemicals that can undergo
exothermic decomposition without interacting with oxygen.
Oxidizing chemicals are materials that spontaneously evolve oxygen at room temperature
or with slight heating or promote combustion. This class of chemicals includes:
Strong oxidizers are capable of forming explosive mixtures when mixed with
combustible, organic or easily oxidized materials.
Corrosive chemicals are defined as chemicals that can cause damage to body tissues.
These chemicals can be dangerous if they come into contact with user's skin, tissues, eyes,
and body parts. Corrosive materials can irritate eyes, burn skin, irritate and burn the inner
lining of the nose and throat if inhaled, and have other negative effects if users are not
careful when handling these chemicals.
Common corrosive chemicals include acids and bases. Hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid,
and hydrofluoric acid are examples of common corrosive acids, while ammonium
hydroxide, potassium hydroxide, and sodium hydroxide are examples of bases.
A Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) is a document that contains information on the
potential hazards (health, fire, reactivity and environmental) and how to work safely with
the chemical product. It is an essential starting point for the development of a complete
health and safety program. It also contains information on the use, storage, handling and
emergency procedures all related to the hazards of the material. The MSDS contains much
more information about the material than the label. MSDSs are prepared by the supplier
or manufacturer of the material. It is intended to tell what the hazards of the product are,
how to use the product safely, what to expect if the recommendations are not followed,
what to do if accidents occur, how to recognize symptoms of overexposure, and what to
do if such incidents occur.
The purpose of a safety data sheet is to act as a quick reference for safely storing, handling,
and transporting the chemical product.
The specific contents of the document vary depending on the nature of the substance and
the manufacturer. It will, however, typically include the following information: