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CHRS Hous en 01

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Nº 08.19.11


Using 3.5mm hook and C1, make 29ch
INTE R M E DIATE 1st row – 1tr in 4th ch from hook, 1tr in each
ch to end ... 27 sts.
WHAT YOU’LL NEED 2nd row – 3ch (counts as 1tr throughout), 1tr
• ‘4 Seasons’ Brighton Cotton Blend 8ply in each st to end.
50g: 2 x Colour 1 (C1), 1 x Colour 2 (C2), 1 x 3rd - 11th rows – Rep 2nd row.
Colour 3 (C3), 1 x Colour 4 (C4), 1 x Colour
Change to C2
5 (C5), 1 x Colour 6 (C6), 1 x Colour 7 (C7)
12th - 13th rows – 1ch, 1dc in same st, 1dc in
• 3.5mm crochet hook
each st to end.
• Hobby Fill
• Cardboard or ice cream container plastic BEGIN ROOF TILES

• Scissors 14th row – 3ch, 1tr in each of next 2 sts, * 2tr

in next st, 1tr in each of next 3 sts, rep from
• Yarn needle
* to end.
• Tape measure
15th row – 1ch, fpsl st around first 2 sts, *
miss 1st, 4fptr working down around next st,
4fptr working up around next st, miss 1 st,
Approx 16cm high, 17cm wide and 14cm
fpsl st around next st, rep from * to last st,
fpsl st around last st.
TENSION Change to C3
Correct tension is not essential for this item. 16th row – Work into the sts two rows below
(14th row) – 1ch, sl st into 3rd of 3ch, 3ch, 1tr
INSTRUCTIONS: in each of next 2 sts, * miss 1 st, 2tr between
the 2tr in the centre of the roof tile, miss 1 st,
SPECIAL ABBREVIATIONS 1tr in each of next 3 sts, rep from * to end.
fpsl st – front post slip stitch – work a slip 17th round – Rep 15th row.
st around the body of the stated st on the
Last 2 rows form patt.
front of the work
Cont in patt, changing colours every two
fptr – front post treble – work a treble
rows using C3, C4 and C5 until 3 rows of
around the body of the stated st on the
tiles in each colour are worked. Work 2 more
front of the work
rows in the same way, using C2. Fasten off
SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS first section, but do not fasten off second
The roof is made with pockets to slip
cardboard or plastic into. Cardboard or JOIN ROOF SECTIONS
plastic is also used on the base to keep
Holding roof sections tog with right sides
it flat.
out, cont with C2, make 1ch, then 1dc
through both layers in each st to end.
Fasten off.

The information on this project sheet is presented in good faith, but no warranty
is given, nor results guaranteed. Quantities and selections may vary at each store.
Copyright Spotlight 2018.
Using 3.5mm hook and C2, make 56ch 7th row – 1dc in each of first 9 sts up one
1st row – 1dc in 2nd ch from hook, * miss long side, 3dc in 10th st, rotate to work
2ch, 5tr in next st, miss 2ch, 1dc in next ch, across short side, work 5dc evenly across
rep from * to end. Fasten off, leaving a tail short side, rotate to work down long side,
for sewing. 3dc in first st on long side, 1dc in each st to
end, turn.
8th row – 1ch, 1dc in each of next 11 sts, (2ch,
Using 3.5mm hook and C1, make 24ch 1 dtr in 4th st on short side) 4 times, 2ch, 1dc
1st row – 1dc in 2nd ch from hook, 1dc in in middle st of 3dc on corner, 1 dc in each of
each ch to end ... 23 sts. next 10 sts.
2nd row – 1ch, 1dc in each st to end. Fasten off, leaving a long tail for sewing.
3rd - 15th rows – Rep 2nd row.
16th row – 1ch, miss 1 st, 1dc in each st to last
Using 3.5mm hook and C7, make 6ch, sl st
2 sts, dc2tog ... 21 sts.
into first ch to form a ring.
17th row – 1ch, 1dc in each st to end.
1st round – 1ch, 9dc into ring, sl st into dc at
Rep last 2 rows until 3 sts rem, ending with beg.
the dec row, 1ch, dc3tog.
Fasten off, leaving a tail for sewing.
Fasten off, leaving a long tail for sewing.
SHUTTERS (make 4)
SIDES (make 2)
Using 3.5mm hook and C6, make 4ch.
Using 3.5mm hook and C1, make 30ch
1st row – 1dc in 2nd ch from hook, 1dc in
1st row – 1dc in 2nd ch from hook, 1dc in
next 2ch.
each ch to end ... 29 sts.
2nd - 7th rows – 1ch, 1dc in each st to end.
2nd row – 1ch, 1dc in each st to end.
Fasten off, leaving a tail for sewing.
3rd - 15th rows – Rep 2nd row.
Fasten off, leaving a long tail for sewing. BACK WINDOW
Using 3.5mm hook and C2, make 20ch, sl st
into first ch to form a ring.
Using 3.5mm hook and C1, make 24ch.
1st round – 1ch, 28dc into ring, sl st into dc
1st row – 1dc in 2nd ch from hook, 1dc in at beg.
each ch to end ... 23 sts.
Fasten off, leaving a tail for sewing.
2nd row – 1ch, 1dc in each st to end.
3rd - 33rd rows – Rep 2nd row. CANDY CANES (make 2)

Fasten off, leaving a long tail for sewing. Using 3.5mm hook and C2, make 20ch.
1st row – 1dc in 2nd ch from hook, 1dc in
DOOR each ch to end ... 19 sts.
Using 3.5mm hook and C6, make 11ch 2nd row – 1ch, 1dc in each st to end.
1st row – 1dc in 2nd ch from hook, 1dc in Fasten off, leaving a tail for sewing.
each ch to end ... 10 sts.
2nd - 6th rows – 1ch, 1dc in each st to end.
Fasten off.

The information on this project sheet is presented in good faith, but no warranty
is given, nor results guaranteed. Quantities and selections may vary at each store.
Copyright Spotlight 2018.
FLOWERS (2 sizes – make as many as desired TREE
in C3, C4, C5 and C6)
Note – the tree is made of stacked discs of 8
Small – Using 3.5mm hook, make a magic different sizes.
ring, 1ch, 10dc into ring, sl st into dc at beg. Using 3.5mm hook and C7, make the foll
Fasten off, leaving a tail for sewing.
SIZE 1 (make 1)
Large – Using 3.5mm hook, make a magic
ring, 2ch, 12htr into ring, sl st into 2nd of 2ch Make a magic ring, 1ch, * sl st into ring, 3ch, rep
at beg. Fasten off, leaving a tail for sewing. from * 5 times, sl st into sl st at beg. Fasten off.


Note – Sew all embellishments in place on Make a magic ring, 1ch, * 1dc into ring, 3ch, rep
house sides before assembling house. from * 5 times, sl st into dc at beg. Fasten off.
Sew door, wreath and back window in
SIZE 3 (make 3)
place as shown. Sew flowers on as desired.
Make a magic ring, 6ch, * 1htr into ring, 4ch,
Embroider flower stems using C7. Embroider
rep from * 5 times, sl st into 2nd of 6ch at
side windows in C2 as pictured, then attach
beg. Fasten off.
shutters to each side of these windows.
Sew up long edges of candy cane strips.
SIZE 4 (make 3)
Wrap C6 around the canes, passing yarn
under a stitch on one of the long edges on Make a magic ring, 7ch, * 1tr into ring, 4ch,
each wrap to secure stripes in place. Sew rep from * 9 times, sl st into 3rd of 7ch at
canes into place on front of house as shown, beg. Fasten off.
shaping the ends into a hook.
SIZE 5 (make 3)
Fold C1 pockets on roof piece so that the
Make a magic ring.
edge tiles project over the straight edge of
the fold. Stitch into place. Cut cardboard or 1st round – 3ch, 13tr into ring, sl st into 3rd
plastic to size to fit into pockets and insert of 3ch at beg.
them into pockets. Stitch the Front and Back 2nd round – * 3ch, sl st into next st, rep from
Roof Edging into place as shown, ensuring * around, 3ch, sl st into base of first 3ch
the middle scallop is positioned at the loop. Fasten off.
centre roofline (this scallop will get tucked
behind when the roof is in place). SIZE 6 (make 3)

Cut a piece of cardboard or plastic slightly Make a magic ring.

smaller than base piece of house. Sew house 1st round – 3ch, 13tr into ring, sl st into 3rd
sides to each other and to base piece. Stitch of 3ch at beg.
the two sides and the front of house to the 2nd round – 1 ch, 1dc in same st, 4 ch, * 1dc
roof, noting that the roof will overhang the in next st, 4ch, rep from * around, sl st into
house a little all the way around. Insert base dc at beg. Fasten off.
cardboard/plastic in place through opening
that is left at the back and stuff with hobby SIZE 7 (make 3)
fill – do not overfill. Stitch up opening. Make a magic ring.
1st round – 3ch, 13tr into ring, sl st into 3rd
of 3ch at beg.

The information on this project sheet is presented in good faith, but no warranty
is given, nor results guaranteed. Quantities and selections may vary at each store.
Copyright Spotlight 2018.
2nd round – 7ch, * 1tr in next st, 4ch, rep
from * around, 4ch, sl st into3rd of 7ch at
beg. Fasten off.

SIZE 8 (make 3)
Make a magic ring.
1st round – 3ch, 9tr into ring, sl st into 3rd of
3ch at beg.
2nd round – 3ch, 1tr in same st, 2tr in each st
around, sl st into 3rd of 3ch at beg.
3rd round – 1ch, 1dc in same st, 4ch * 1dc in
next st, 4ch, rep from * around, sl st into dc
at beg. Fasten off.

Sew in ends of all discs. Using 40cm of
C7, anchor end in centre of one of the size
8 discs. Pass thread through the centres
of each disc in decreasing sizes until all
are loosely spaced on the thread. Pass
thread slightly off-centre of size 1 disc,
back through the centres of all discs to the
bottom. Tighten thread so discs are gently
stacked, but not so tightly as to squash the
tree too short. Fasten off and sew in ends.

The information on this project sheet is presented in good faith, but no warranty
is given, nor results guaranteed. Quantities and selections may vary at each store.
Copyright Spotlight 2018.

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