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Math 4 Week 2

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Teaching Dates &
Time: FEBRUAY 19-23, 2024 (Week 2) Quarter: THIRD


A. Content Standards Demonstrates understanding Demonstrates understanding Demonstrates understanding of Demonstrates understanding Demonstrates understanding
of the concepts of parallel of the concepts of parallel the concepts of parallel of the concepts of parallel of the concepts of parallel
and perpendicular lines, and perpendicular lines, and perpendicular lines, angles, and perpendicular lines, and perpendicular lines,
angles, angles, triangles, and quadrilaterals. angles, angles,
triangles, and quadrilaterals. triangles, and quadrilaterals. triangles, and quadrilaterals. triangles, and quadrilaterals.
B. Performance Is able to describe parallel Is able to describe parallel Is able to describe parallel and Is able to describe parallel Is able to describe parallel and
Standards and and perpendicular lines, angles, and perpendicular lines, angles,
perpendicular lines, angles, perpendicular lines, angles, triangles, and quadrilaterals perpendicular lines, angles, triangles, and quadrilaterals
triangles, and quadrilaterals triangles, and quadrilaterals triangles, and quadrilaterals
C. Learning Describes and illustrates Describes and illustrates Describes and illustrates Describes and illustrates Describes and illustrates
Competencies/ different angles (right, acute, different angles (right, acute, different angles (right, acute, different angles (right, acute, different angles (right, acute,
Objectives and obtuse) using models. and obtuse) using models. and obtuse) using models. and obtuse) using models. and obtuse) using models.
( Write the Lode for M4GE-IIIb-14 M4GE-IIIb-14 M4GE-IIIb-14 M4GE-IIIb-14 M4GE-IIIb-14
II.CONTENT Kinds of Angles Kinds of Angles Triangles and Quadrilaterals Triangles and Quadrilaterals
( Subject Matter)

A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s Material
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials Modules Modules Modules Modules
from Learning
Resource LR portal
B. Other Learning Audio-visual presentations, Audio-visual presentations, Audio-visual presentations, Audio-visual presentations,
Resources pictures pictures pictures pictures
A. Reviewing previous Identify each as parallel, Match the different kinds of Group the figures below into Fill in the blanks. Write your CATCH UP PLAN
Lesson or presenting intersecting or perpendicular angles listed in Column B triangles and quadrilaterals by answer on a separate sheet
new lesson lines. with writing the figure number in the of
the angles shown or correct column of the table. paper.
represented by the pictures Write 1. Triangles are _______
in your answer on a separate with ___ sides and ___
Column A. Write the letter of sheet of paper. corners.
the correct answer on the 2. Quadrilaterals are
blank provided in your ___________ with ___ sides
answer sheet. and ___ corners.

B. Establishing a purpose To maintain their healthy Ray is a part of a line that Do you like patterns? Look at Polygons are everywhere.
for the lesson bodies, Lola Remy, Lola has one endpoint and goes the patterns above. Which one They have different sizes,
Inday and Lola Nancy drink infinitely in only one do you prefer? What shapes do shapes and number of sides.
their vitamins everyday. Lola direction. When two rays you see in the first pattern? Triangles and quadrilaterals
Remy drinks her vitamins at meet at a common endpoint, What about in the second? How are examples of polygons. In
exactly 9:00 in the morning, angles many sides and corners does this lesson you will learn
Lola Inday at 2:00 and Lola were formed. each shape in the first pattern how to describe triangles
Nancy at 5:00 in the In this lesson you will learn have? What about in the and quadrilaterals by their
afternoon. to describe and illustrate second? properties.
angles ( right, acute and
obtuse ) using models.

Look at the hands of the

How many rays does it
C. Presenting examples/ a. Who drink their vitamins Let us label each ray as ray Twin brothers Larry and Garry Study the following figures:
instances of the new everyday? Why do they drink AM and ray AY. bought shirts out of their
lesson. their vitamins everyday? Ray AM meets with ray AY savings.
b. At what time do they drink at point A. When two rays Although they were twins, they
their vitamins? meet at a common endpoint, have their own favorite designs.
c. Draw the positions of the they form an angle. The Larry bought the one on the left
hour and minute hands of the common endpoint, Point A, while Garry bought the one on
clock at those times given is called the the
below. vertex. An angle is right. What do you think is Can you describe each
1. 9:00 measured in degrees(0). Larry’s illustration? Say something
about the shape, number of
2. 2:00 We can name angles in 3 sides, corners, and the kind
3. 5:00 ways. of lines it is made of.
∠ MAY ∠ YAM ∠ A

D. Discussing new Let’s take a look at the clocks - At 5:00, the minute and The shirt Larry bought shows a The pattern in the shirt Garry
concepts and practicing showing the respective times hour hands of the clock form pattern consisting of 3-sided bought shows four-sided
new skills. #1 Lola Remy, Lola Inday and an angle which measures polygons. These 3-sided polygons. Four-sided
Lola Nancy take their 150˚. This is between 90˚ polygons are called triangles. polygons are called
vitamins. and Triangles quadrilaterals.
180˚ The angle here, like all also have three corner points. Quadrilaterals also have four
other angles which measure Below are some examples of corners. There are different
between 90˚ and 180˚, is triangles with different sizes and kinds of quadrilaterals. Here
called an obtuse angle. shapes. are some more examples.

- At 9:00, the minute and hour

hands of the clock form
an angle which measures
90˚. This angle, like all angles
which measure 90˚, is called - An angle greater
a right angle. than a right angle
- An angle that forms a - is an obtuse angle.
square - An obtuse angle
- corner is a right measures more
angle. - than 90 but less
- A right angle than 180.
measures 90. - Angle AGL is an
- Angle PIA is a right obtuse angle

E. Discussing new An angle is formed by two A triangle is a polygon with 3 Quadrilaterals are polygons
concepts and practicing rays with a common sides and 3 angles. with 4 sides and 4 angles.
new skills #2. endpoint. Rectangle, square, rhombus,
In the figure below, Rays BA parallelogram and trapezoid
and BC have B as their are examples of
- At 2:00, the minute and hour common quadrilaterals.
hands of the clock form an endpoint and they form
angle which measures 60˚. angle ABC. Using symbols,
This is between 0˚ and 90˚ we write ,
The angle here, like all other which is read as “angle
angles which measure ABC”. The angle may also
between 0˚ and 90˚, is called be called CBA.
an acute angle.
- An angle less than a right
is an acute angle.
An acute angle measures
than 900.
Angle SEB is an acute angle. The angle above may also
be named as 1, or simply B.

F. Developing Mastery Identify each angle as acute, Draw the required angle. Activity . “Draw Up” Activity . “Draw Up”
(Lead to Formative right or obtuse. 1. acute angle NOP Draw 5 objects which show Draw 5 objects which show
Assessment 3) 2. right angle PQR triangles. Write your answer on quadrilaterals. Write your
3. obtuse angle HIJ a separate sheet of paper. answer on a separate sheet
4. right angle ABC of
5. acute angle JKL paper.

G. Finding practical Tell what kind of angle is What kind of angles are the Activity . “TriQuad” Arrange the polygons inside
application of concepts shown by the following following? The polygons inside the box the box so that it is
and skills in daily living pictures. Write your answer 1. EAB _________________ below include triangles and completely
on a separate sheet of paper. 2. GAC quadrilaterals. covered and no shapes
_________________ overlap. Write your answer
3. CAH on a separate sheet of
_________________ paper.
4. DAI _________________
5. GAB _______________

Which of the polygons in the

box are triangles and which are
quadrilaterals? Group the
triangles together and the
quadrilaterals together by
writing their polygon numbers in
the correct figure below. Write
your answer on a separate
sheet of paper.

H. Making Generalizations A right angle measures An obtuse angle measures TRIANGLES are three-sided QUADRILATERALS are
and Abstraction about exactly 90˚. between 900 and 180 polygons with three corners. four-sided polygons with four
the Lesson. An acute angle measures Some triangles have two equal corners. Some quadrilaterals
between 00 and 90. sides, while others have three. have sides which are equal
But some have no equal sides while some do not. Still
at all. others have sides which are
parallel, while some have
sides which are
I. Evaluating Learning Draw the following angles on Fill in the blanks with the Answer the following questions Fill in the blanks with the
a separate sheet of paper. correct word/s to complete below. Draw a triangle if your correct word to complete the
1. ∠ KLG – acute angle the statement. answer is YESand a square if statement.
2. ∠ RZL – right angle Write your answer on a your answer is NO. Write your answer on a
separate sheet of paper. 1. Do all triangles have three separate sheet of paper.
Angle is formed when sides and three angles? Polygons are 2-dimensional
_________ rays meet at a 2. Do all triangles have four shape. Triangles and
common endpoint. Angles sides and four angles? quadrilaterals are examples
can be classified according 3. Is any three-sided polygon a of polygons. Triangles are
to its measures. A triangle? polygons with ____ sides
____________ 4. Is any four-sided polygon a and 3 angles.
measures 90. It forms a quadrilateral? _____________ are
square corner. __________ 5. Can a quadrilateral be polygons with 4 sides and 4
measures less than 90. It is divided into two triangles? angles. Rectangle,
smaller than a right angle. __________ , rhombus,
____________ measures ________________, and
more than 90 trapezoid are examples of
but less than 180. quadrilaterals.
J. Additional Activities for
Application or

A. No. of learners earned
80%in the evaluation.
B. No. of learners who
required additional
activities for remediation
who scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial lesson
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learner who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
used/discover which I wish
to share with other

Submitted by: Checked by:

Subject Teacher Elem. Dept. Head/MT-II
Noted and verified by:


HT VI – School-In-Charge

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