DLL Lesson 52 Day 1
DLL Lesson 52 Day 1
DLL Lesson 52 Day 1
Third Quarter
Recognize and draw perpendicular lines, parallel lines, and intersecting lines.
Week 5 March 10, 2021 Wednesday
Demonstrates understanding of lines, symmetrical
A. Content Standards: designs, and tessellation using square, triangle and
other shapes that can tessellate.
Is able to recognize and represent lines in real objects
and designs or drawings, complete symmetrical
B. Performance Standards:
designs, and create patterns of designs using square,
triangle and other shapes that can tessellate
Recognizes and draws parallel, intersecting and
C. Learning Competencies
perpendicular lines. M3GE-IIIf12.1
1. Recognize and draw perpendicular lines, parallel
lines, and intersecting lines.
Objectives (Optional) 2. Draw different kinds of lines
3. Value Focus: Industry
E. Discussing new concepts and practicing Group Mathsipag: Identify parallel lines, perpendicular
new skills #2 lines, intersecting lines in the given sets of line.
(Guided Practice)
Group Mathbilis: Identify parallel lines, perpendicular
lines, intersecting lines in the given illustration.
F .Developing Mastery
(Independent Practice): Who wants to volunteer in front to form parallel,
perpendicular and intersecting lines using the sticks?
H. Making generalizations and abstractions What are parallel, perpendicular and intersecting
about the lesson lines?
I. Evaluating learning Identify whether the lines are parallel,
(Evaluation) perpendicular and intersecting.
1. 2.
3. 4. 5.
J. Additional activities for application or (LM p. 264 , Activity 4)
remediation Identify parallel lines, perpendicular lines
(Assignment) and intersecting lines shown in the picture.