NCM 105 Prelim Notes Nutrition and Diet Therapy
NCM 105 Prelim Notes Nutrition and Diet Therapy
NCM 105 Prelim Notes Nutrition and Diet Therapy
Nutritionist - person who specializes in the Malnutrition - the condition of the body
study of nutrition specifically in the resulting from a lack of one or more
applications of principles of nutrition in the essential nutrients or due to excessive
maintenance of health and prevention and nutrients supply
treatment of diseases
Calorie - fuel potential in a food
Nutrients - chemical nutrients that is - 1 calorie represents the amount of
present in food and delivered in body heat required to take 1 liter of water
Body system
• Marasmus is a severe form of malnutrition ✓ Acute illness/infections, measles,
that consists of the chronic wasting away of AGE, trauma, sepsis are some causes
fat, muscle, and other tissues in the body. ✓ Protein is principal nutrient
• Malnutrition occurs when the body does ✓ 18 months to 3 years
not get enough protein and calories. ✓ Rapid, acute onset
• This lack of nutrition can range from a ✓ Some weight loss
shortage of certain vitamins to complete ✓ High mortality
• Marasmus is one of the most serious MARASMUS
forms of protein-energy malnutrition (PEM) ✓ Severe prolonged starvation,
in the world. chronic/recurring infections
✓ Calories and protein are principal
✓ 6 months to 2 years
✓ Chronic, slow onset
✓ Severe weight loss
✓ Low mortality unless related to
underlying disease condition
MARASMIC KWASHIORKOR ➢ Edema, pot belly, swollen legs
A malnutrition disease, primarily of children, ➢ Mild to moderate growth retardation
resulting from the deficiency of both calories ➢ Weight masked by edema
and protein. The condition is characterized ➢ Low subcutaneous fat
by severe tissue wasting, dehydration, ➢ Muscle atrophy
loss of subcutaneous fat, lethargy, and ➢ Round face (moon face)
➢ Dry, flaky peeling skin
➢ Thin dry easily plucked hair
• Identification of mothers at risk –
malnutrition, heavy workload, infections,
PREVENTION disease, and high BP
• Oral rehydration therapy helps to prevent • Increasing food intake of mother,
dehydration caused by diarrhea
Overweight and obesity are defined as PREVENTION AND CONTROL
abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that ✓ Administering large doses of vitamin
presents a risk to health. A crude population A orally on a periodic basis
measure of obesity is the body mass index ✓ Regular and adequate intake of
(BMI), a person’s weight (in kilograms) vitamin A ✓Fortification of certain food
divided by the square of his or her height (in with vitamin A – sugar, salt, tea and
meters). A person with a BMI of 30 or more skimmed milk
is generally considered obese. A person
with a BMI equal to or more than 25 is NUTRITIONAL ANEMIA
considered overweight. Nutritional anemia is a condition where the
hemoglobin content of blood is lower than
XEROPHTHALMIA normal as a result of a deficiency of one or
Xerophthalmia i.e., dry eyes refers to all the more essential nutrients, regardless of the
ocular manifestations of vitamin A deficiency cause of such deficiency.
in man It is the most widespread
and serious nutritional disorder leading to
✓ Poor SE status
✓ Faulty feeding practices
✓ Weaning
✓ Infections
▪ Inadequate diet
▪ Insufficient intake of iron
▪ Iron malabsorption ▪ Pregnancy
▪ Excessive menstrual bleeding
▪ Hook worm infestation ▪ Malaria
▪ Close birth intervals ▪ GI bleed
➢ Hypothyroidism
➢ Subnormal intelligence
➢ Delayed motor milestones
➢ Mental deficiency
➢ Hearing defects
➢ Speech defects
➢ Mental retardation
➢ Neuromuscular weakness
• Increases risk of maternal and fetal ➢ Endemic cretinism
morbidity and mortality ➢ Intrauterine death
• Abortions, premature births, PPH, low birth
weight are associated with anemia during PREVENTION
pregnancy • Iodized salt
• Iodine monitoring
PREVENTION • Public awareness and education
✓ Estimation of Hb to assess degree of
✓ Blood transfusion in severe cases of • Thyrotoxicosis
• Iodide goiter
• Iodinism
• Vitamin C prophylaxis
• Banning the crop
• Removal of toxin
• Education and awareness
• Genetic approach – producing low toxin
variety of crop
• Socio economic changes
• Changing the water sources NUTRITIONAL PROGRAMS
• Chemical defluorination • Vitamin A Prophylaxis Program
• Anorexia nervosa is an eating Nutrients are defined as the substances
disorder characterized by immoderate food found in food that keep your body
restriction, inappropriate eating habits or functioning.
rituals, obsession with having a thin figure,
and an irrational fear of weight gain, as well Body needs nutrients to:
Food Sources:
● Pasta, breads, cereals, grains, rice,
fruits,milk, yogurt and sweets.
Required Intake
● Total dietary fiber intake
should be 25 to 30 grams a
day from food, not
● Constipation/Bloating
● Hunger after meals
Simple Carbohydrates ● Lack of energy
● High cholesterol levels
Food Sources: ● Blood sugar fluctuation
● Fruits, juices, milk, and yogurt.
● Candy, soda, and jelly. These uncomfortable side effects of
excessive fiber can occur when someone
- These simple carbohydrates have a eats more than 70 grams (g) of fiber a
bad reputation because they are day.
high in calories and low in nutritional
3. Threonine:
- plays a role in fat metabolism and
immune function
4. Tryptophan:
- regulates your appetite, sleep and
5. Methionine:
- necessary for tissue growth and the
absorption of zinc and selenium, Kwashiorkor
minerals that are vital to your health 8). - also known as “edematous
malnutrition” because of its association with
6. Leucine: edema (fluid retention).
- helps regulate blood sugar levels,
stimulates wound healing and Kwashiorkor is caused by a lack
produces growth hormones of protein in the diet.
7. Isoleucine:
- important for immune function,
- The most concentrated form of food
hemoglobin production and energy
energy (calories).
Body mass index (BMI) is a quick tool that healthcare providers can use to assess your risk for
certain health conditions. However, BMI is not always an accurate measurement of body fatness
and is not the sole determiner of your general health. If you have any questions or concerns
about your weight or your risk for developing certain health conditions, such as heart disease,
talk to your healthcare provider. They’re available to help.