J Unit Benefit Summary She
J Unit Benefit Summary She
J Unit Benefit Summary She
General Employees
Paydays: Biweekly on Fridays Health Insurance: Available to eligible employees and dependents.
Cafeteria style benefit plan is available offering a variety of pre- and
Floating Holiday: 1 per calendar year post-tax options including health, dental, and vision insurance, and
private supplemental insurance policies. Coverage is effective the 1st
Paid Leave: All Departments except NMC of the month following hire date, subject to timely enrollment.
Elective county contributions (flex credits) vary. Access to, and use
Type of Paid Leave: Annual Leave
of, flexible credits is contingent upon enrollment into a medical plan.
Years of Completed Continuous County Accrual
Service Medical: CalPERS Health Insurance Program
• Preferred Provider Organization (PPO)
Zero to 2 years 22 days • Health Maintenance Organization (HMO)
After 2 years 25 days
After 5 years 28 days Dental: Pacific Health Alliance
After 10 years 30 days • $2,000 annual max. per covered person
After 18 years 33 days
After 21 years 34 days • Orthodontia - $1,500 lifetime max. per covered person
After 25 years 35 days
Vision: Vision Service Plan (VSP)
Accrual Maximum: 390 hours • Exam, lenses, and frames available every 12 months
Cash Out: Up to 60 hours per calendar year • Computer vision glasses available, subject to eligibility
PLEASE NOTE: The information listed above is intended to provide a general summary of benefits available to Monterey County employees and is not legally binding.
The benefits to which an individual is entitled vary depending on bargaining unit. Contact Employee Benefits at (831)755-5004 for additional information.
*Water Resource Agency (WRA) employees if hired after or opted in prior to 01/01/2011.