7T04 CM 00 PC 012 Checmical Cleaning Procedure
7T04 CM 00 PC 012 Checmical Cleaning Procedure
7T04 CM 00 PC 012 Checmical Cleaning Procedure
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Chemical Cleaning Procedure
$ TsuI s CO.,Lrt Date : 3 Sep. 2 0 1 6
\ / A
l. [«'
« Ii4 ,
0 3 Sep 2 0 1 6 For Approval K-H CHOI J.S.Park S.Prinsloo S.I.Lee
G s Engineering 8Construction
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Chemical Cleaning Procedure
@ IrsuIs Co., LTD
Date : 3 Sep. 2 0 1 6
1. Purpose 3
2. Scope 3
3. Reference 3
4. Responsibilities 3
5. Definition 4
6. Planning 4
7. Procedure 6
9. Reinstatement 9
10. E q u i p m e n t Lay-Up , 9
11. Documents 9
12. Recordkeeping 9
13. Attachments 10
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Chemical Cleaning Procedure
$ wrsuIs c0., urn Date : 3 Sep. 2 0 1 6
1. Purpose.
The purpose of this procedure is the establishing of the basis of the detailed procedures which w i l l be
used to carry out the chemical cleaning activities to clean the newly constructed p i p e l i n e s or the new
equipments. This procedure will be used as a general procedure for the chemical cleaning to remove the
foreign material, dirt, dust, rust .. . etc. which are easy to be removed from the pipelines by chemical
cleaning in order to avoid its harmful effect especially on the rotating equipment such as the compressors.
2. Scope.
T h i s document covers the application of the chemical cleaning at site for the utility and process pipelines
or the equipments such as compressors suction lines, lube oil interconnect lines . . . etc. for ERC refinery in
Egypt. Detailed chemical cleaning method statements w i ll be prepared for the chemical cleaning of each
3. Reference.
(2) 7T04- PM-00-PC-0 1 6 Project specification for field pressure testing of piping.
4. Responsibilities.
(1 ) The CONTRACTOR is responsible for the chemical cleaning of all lines and equipment in
(2) The CONTRACTOR shall submit to the COMPANY a detailed method statement for chemical
cleaning for each specific chemical cleaning package with its attached marked up P&ID.
(3) The CONTRACTOR shall provide all materials and services to carry out the chemical cleaning
(4) The CONTRACTOR shall scan and record all approved Pre-commissioning check sheets related to
the completed chemical cleaning activities until turnover be completed and transferred to the
(1) The COMPANY shall review and approve the general chemical cleaning procedure.
(2) The COMPANY shall review a l l chemical c l e a n i n g detailed method statements and the marked up
P&!Ds related to the chemical cleaning activities and the C O M P A N Y has the right to comm ent on
(3) The COMPANY shall witness the chemical cleaning activities and confirm the cleanliness after j o b
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Chemical Cleaning Procedure
@y T s u I s c0., LrL
Date : 3 Sep. 2 0 1 6
5. Definition.
(3) System; subdivision of a plant Unit, either processing or utility or offsite, which performs a
(4) Sub-system; further s u b d i v i s i o n of a system which performs a given operational function that may
(5) Chemical Cleaning Package; Part of system or sub-system or more than one sub-system w i ll be
(6) Plant; means the hydro-cracker plant complex which is to be designed, engineered, procured,
6. Planning.
According to the notes in P & I D ' S and the guide and specification on line cleaning method and criteria,
piping for the compressor suctions are planned to be cleaned basically by chemical cleaning. In
addition, lube oil interconnecting piping constructed at the field w i l l be chemical cleaned.
Process/ Service
Description Cleanliness Drying Remarks
Utility fluid
p p Process hydrocarbon F D/E Suctions (as per
attachment # 1 3 .4 )
CCR( K - 1 3 0 1 A/ 8 )
p N Nitrogen F F
& HPU (K-1602)
Interconnecting pipe
p LO Lube Oil F E
C l e a n l i n e s s Specs Description
Fine (F) A l l foreign material removed to a target specification, chemical analysis, or particle count.
D Drain and dry. Dry with o i l free air Dew point of lower than O deg. C
E Drain and dry. Dry with o i l free air Dew point of lower than -20 deg. C
F Drain and dry. Dry with nitrogen Dew point of lower than -30 deg. C
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Chemical Cleaning Procedure
$Tsu1s CD., LTD
Date : 3 Sep. 2 0 1 6
(1) Where o i l , grease, carbon, or other organic compounds are present, these must be removed
during cleaning.
(2) Soda ash (Na2C03) degreasing is a m i l d treatment used where contamination is primarily
(3) Caustic degreasing (NaOH) is the treatment used for all new equipment, and where mill scale
is present.
(4) Permanganate (KMn04) degreasing is used where organic contamination is heavy (> 25%)
and carbonized.
Inhibited hydrochloric acid is a most widely used acid since it produces good solubility with a
wide variety of scales, is economic, and is easy to handle. It exhibits good corrosion
characteristics when correctly inhibited and the process is controlled within the accepted
li m it s .
Citric acid is compatible with alloy steels, requiring low chloride contents and presents good
aggressive in its attack of some iron oxide scales and therefore usually requires higher
(II) Rust removal, neutralization and passivation can be carried out using a single solution,
thereby considerably reducing cleaning time by eliminating the need to drain, flush,
(1) Following acid cleaning, it is essential that the equipment be thoroughly neutralized. This is either
achieved by neutralization alone, usually with 0 . 5 % sodium carbonate, or during the passivation
(2) The select i o n of passivation treatment is so m eti m es governed by the selection of the acid. W here
c i t r ic acid process has been used, t hese are extended to effect neutralization and passivation by a
nitrite/phosphate treatment.
181.130/2016.09.03 14:47/EC Refinery Project(0I{IE)/Mohamed Ado not distribute this m a t e ri al without permission
Doc No : 7T04-CM-0O-PC-012
� GSE&C Rev. : 0
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Chemical Cleaning Procedure
@ TsuIs CD., LTD
Date : 3Sep.2016
7. Procedure
It is necessary to c l e an some new equipment initially before they are put into service. Cleaning is
- Mechanical Cleaning.
- H o t Alkaline Treatment.
- A c i d C l e a n i n g and Neutralization.
- Passivation.
- Flushing.
- Drying and/or l n e rt i n g .
For some equipment it may not be necessary to use all of the above steps since the degree of
contamination and the equipment configuration will vary from unit to unit.
This is to mechanically remove, using power brushes or reamers as much of the rust, scale, and
HPWJ can be used alone or to supplement the chemical cleaning to remove the rust or deposits if
access is a v a i l a b l e .
This i s used to chemically remove mill scale, mineral deposits and corrosion products.
Neutralization is used to neutralize acids and passivation to form a strongly adherent protective oxide
(2) Install all necessary temporary piping, sacrificial valves, pressure, temperature and level
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Chemical Cleaning Procedure
@srsus ca., LTD Date : 3 Sep. 2 0 1 6
instruments. Do not use instruments and valves with copper or copper alloys, or austenitic stainless
(3) Install b l i n d s , and adequately sized temporary drain valves, and vents to permit rapid dumping of
acids. Use temporary plugs or s l i p blinds to isolate sections that do not require cleaning.
( 4) Instruments such as control valves, orifice plates . . . etc. shall be removed to protect them as per the
(5) Store all chemicals needed for the procedure on-site prior to commencing cleaning, including
(6) Install fittings for liquid sampling, flow elements, temperature probes, pipe-spools with on-line
(8) Plan for the disposal of waste water and chemical solutions.
(9) Ensure that an adequate supply of utility water is available for fl u s h i n g and c l e a n i n g .
( I 0) Perform checks on valve l i n e u p s as required for each major flush and circulation path.
(1 1 ) Perform checks on valve lineups as required for flushing and reversing circulation.
( 12) Check and ensure that the flow design includes: flow reversal manifold and valves, control valves and
bypass to control circulation within specified limits, blend filling of corrosive chemicals without exposure to
the atmosphere.
(1 3 ) Test the cleaning circuit hydrostatically at 1.25 times the dead head discharge pressure of the circulating
pump, after installation of all temporary piping and connections, prior to chemical cleaning.
( 14) Ensure that an external heat source is available to maintain the cleaning fluid temperature, within the limits
( 1 5) Ensure spare pumps are available in case of a pump failure to maintain circulation.
( 16) Ensure sufficient holding tank capacity is available for draining and neutralizing cleaning solutions if
( 17) Ensure, using standard samples, that on-site chemical analytical procedures and laboratory analytical
( 18) Determine the v o l u m e of the equipment by fil l i n g water and d ra i n i n g it through a flow meter installed in the
(19) Ensure that the chemical cleaning contractor is on-site with m i x i n g tanks, chemicals, flow meter, corrosion
monitoring equipment, pH and temperature probes, and pumping equipment to blend fill and circulate
(20) Flush the equipment with water until it runs clear to remove all loose and soluble materials.
(21) Use commercial grade quality for all chemicals except where austenitic materials are present in the
e q u i p m e n t to be cleaned. In this case, the total chlorides of a l l the chemicals in the mixture must not y i e l d a
GSEsC Rev. : 0
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Chemical Cleaning Procedure
$ wrsuIs Ca., LTD
Date : 3 Sep. 2 0 1 6
(22) Install at least one corrosion probe in the circulating loop for on-line monitoring and control of the corrosion
(23) Flow restriction such as orifices and probes must be removed to obtain optimum velocities during cleaning.
All equipment removed shall be tagged and inventoried for later reinstallation into his proper location.
(24) Warning tags should be installed on components which are isolated from the piping during chemical
Log Sheets of cleaning operations are maintained by Subcontractor to record temperatures, pressures,
time and date of cleaning process, chemical additions, and results of chemical cleaning analysis.
(1) Keep operational and tested, permanent or temporary eye wash fountains and safety showers
within 1 5 meters and accessible in 1 0 to 1 5 seconds of the work site, prior to commencement of
chemical cleaning.
(2) Keep connected to an operable water supply, hoses adjacent to the equipment and systems b e i n g
(3) Rope off the area where the blending and heating of chemical solutions is performed and post
"DANGER" signs.
(4) Ensure all nitrogen cylinders if in use, have individual regulators and are adequately secured.
Also, ensure the nitrogen manifold has a safety relief valve attached.
(5) All personnel handling chemicals shall wear protection equipment required by the Chemical
(6) The Subcontractor shall supply adequate portable fire extinguisher for its equipment.
(7) When nitrogen is being used or has been used for draining chemical solutions or for any other
purpose during cleaning, nitrogen shall be vented to a safe place or sufficient ventilation shall be
(I) V i s u a l and/or video borescope inspections are carried out to determine the effectiveness of c l e a n i n g .
(2) No v i s i b l e traces of water, loose or adherent scales/deposits inside the equipment are acceptable.
Water, after flushing, shall be thoroughly drained from the lines. All low point drains and the
required vents to drain water from any p i p i n g or equipment which may retain water must be opened.
Other necessary steps for complete water removal such as air blowing shall be carried out where
(3) Lines shall be dried to reach the dew point level as per the required dryness level.
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Chemical Cleaning Procedure
$TsuIs Ca., LTD Date : 3Sep.2016
(4) COMPANY, CONTRACTOR, and Subcontractor w i ll attend the inspection after cleaning.
9. Reinstatement
by Construction P i p i n g t e a m .
(1 ) On the completion of the cleaning, remove the temporary spools and spades.
(2) Install all the dropped items such as orifice plates, control valves, strainers, relief valves . . . etc.
(3) Reconnect the l i n e s or instrument which were disconnected for the operation.
If the startup of the equipment after cleaning is likely to be delayed by more than 60 days, dry it with
nitrogen to a dew point of -30 deg C and store it under a positive pressure of nitrogen for corrosion
1 1. Documents.
The following documents shall be prepared for the chemical cleaning packages for each System or Sub
(I) Method statement for the designated chemical cleaning package based on the general chemical
cleaning procedure.
(2) Marked up P&IDs define the chemical cleaning packages and the pipelines and the chemical solution
inlet and outlet points and define the boundary isolation and the temporary installed items (spading,
12. Recordkeeping.
(1) Signatures shall be obtained on the check sheets from the CONTRACTOR representative and the
(2) Signed check sheets w i ll act as the approval records for the acceptance of the chemical cleaning
(3) Approved chemical cleaning completed check sheet for each package should be recorded to go
( 4) A l l approved check sheets for the task c o m p l e t i o n should be scanned and registered at U N I C C S .
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Chemical Cleaning Procedure
$ TSuI& C0., LTD Date 3 Sep. 2 0 1 6
13. Attachments.
Egyptan ehnwng Company '
ERG 1ll Au=e4 dlull
Chemical C l e a n i n g
@ mrsus 0., urn.
1.7.4 Chemical circulation loops were installed firmly and leak tested
1.7.9 Cleaned surface was flushed with water and water has been completely drained
Comments :
Q P P - O 1 7 Rev. O
dGs Engineering 8Construction
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Chemical Cleaning Procedure
$ Tsu1s a., LrD
Date : 3 Sep. 2 0 1 6
13 . 2 Blind List .
Unit Subsystem Equipment Package
Package Line No P&ID No Class Size Paddle
No No No No F-8(0pen
No (Spacer/
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Chemical Cleaning Procedure
@x wrsus co., urn Date : 3 Sep. 2 0 1 6
To Be
Removed For
No ITEMS Notes
Blowing And
3 Regulators YES
5 S a m p l e Valves YES
22 Thermocouples YES
23 Thermowells - Flanged NO
25 G au g e g lasses NO
26 Pressure switc h es Y ES
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Chemical Cleaning Procedure
@x rsus ca., LrD
Date : 3 Sep. 2 0 1 6
Reformer(12) K - 1 2 0 1 Suction
K-1202A/B Suction
K-1302A/B Suction
CCR(13) K - 13 0 1 A / B Suction
K - 1 3 0 3 A / B Suction
K - 1 5 0 1 A / B / C Suction
H C U ( l 5)
K - 1 5 0 2 Suction
DCU(22) K-2201
Reformer (1 2 ) K-1201
HCU(IS) K-1502
Jet Pump
181.130/2016.09.03 14:47/EC Refinery Project(0I& E)/Mohamed Addo not d i s t ri b u t e this m a t e r i al without permission