Understanding Switched Reluctance Motor Analysis Using ANSYS/Maxwell
Understanding Switched Reluctance Motor Analysis Using ANSYS/Maxwell
Understanding Switched Reluctance Motor Analysis Using ANSYS/Maxwell
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2 authors, including:
All content following this page was uploaded by Necibe Fusun Serteller on 31 August 2020.
Abstract— This study focuses on the understanding of and the targeted application [5],[7]. Here, we are interested in
switched reluctance motor design and operation theory. It is the studying an 8/6 SRM structure as shown in Fig. 2(a). The 8/6
one of the most popular electric motor among the modern SRM configuration was selected due to its more common
electric machines. The analysis of the motor is conducted by usage both in industry and in research areas like universities.
using the ANSYS/Maxwell software program. Our aim is not
The methodology of the study is organized as follows;
only to understand the theory of the motor but also the meaning
of the analysis the flux path , the magnetic field lines, the flux 9 the mathematical model
density, the vector potential and the effect of all these factors on 9 the visualization of the model (FEM analysis)
the discussed motor. Also in this study, the type of material used 9 magnetic field analysis and discussion.
in rotor design is changed and the effect of this difference is 9 student response
reflected in the figures. 9 findings and results
Keywords—switched reluctance motor, education, A. Dynamic Model of SRM
ANSYS/Maxwell, magnetic field. The operating basics of the SRM is based on the so-called
rule of maximum-minimum reluctance–in other words, a
change in reluctance (inductance). When exciting the stator
With the increasingly wide use of the switched reluctance winding, the rotor teeth are attracted in order to maximize the
motors (SRMs) in various industries, the SRM has become the flux in the circuit. The basic SRM electrical equivalent circuit
subject of research for students in electrical engineering [1], is shown in Fig. 1. The dynamic model of the SRM is
[2], [9]. However, it is difficult for beginners to gain a deep obtained as in the following equations. The applied voltage
and intuitive understanding without studying simulation to a phase is equal to the sum of the resistive voltage drop,
programs due to its visual effect and analysis [7]. In the and the rate of the flux linkages is given as below:
literature, motor analysis is mentioned in magnetic field
studies of the electric machines, but it is not available as an
educational study. This paper firstly aims to enhance the
theoretical understanding of switched reluctance motor
principles and concepts using the basics, secondly; to learn,
study and explore ANSYS/Maxwell software for subject
matter, lastly; to examine and improve knowledge of the
design of different SRM models. ANSYS/Maxwell software
is a software package that solves the problems of the
electromagnetic field in a limited area by using Maxwell's
equations. The ANSYS/Maxwell software is utilized for
understanding electric machines and magnetic field effects in
engineering fields [10]. The SRM is one of these electric
machines. Maxwell program offers that detailed design steps, Fig. 1. SRM Electrical Equivalent Circuit.
analysis and solve problems easily using program tools. So it
is usable to understanding SRM too. The program uses the d ( L(T , i ) i) di dL(T , i )
V Rsi Rsi L(T , i ) i Zm (1)
finite element method (FEM) to analysis SRMs that have dt dt dT
strongly designed computation software to solve calculations
in electromagnetic systems for engineers and scientists. where ܴ௦ ሺߗሻ is the resistance per phase, i (A) is the phase
Today, through the development of high- speed computers, current, θ(rad) is the rotor position and L ( H ) is the self-
the use of this modeling is very commonly used in analyzing inductance depends on the rotor position and phase current.
electrical machines and the results have been accepted as
Zm is the angular velocity in (rad / s ) . The mechanical
having a high level of precision [4], [6], [11].
equation is [3]:
d Zm
There are different topologies of SRMs, depending on the Here, J ( kg .m 2 ) is inertia moment, b is the friction
number and geometry of the stator and rotor poles, the
coefficient, Te is induced torque and TL is the load torque.
operating mode, the power supply, the load characteristics
Authorized licensed use limited to: ULAKBIM UASL - MARMARA UNIVERSITY. Downloaded on August 28,2020 at 08:42:15 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
In equation (3) where K b is back-emf constant and the After designing the Rmxprt model shown in Fig. 2 (a),
induced emf e (V) that can be expressed briefly as: one can design the transient model with which to analyze the
dL(T , i) motor. To create the transient model, the RMxprt model is
e Zm i K b Z m i (3) analyzed from the analysis section under the Rmxprt project
dT tree. One can set the analysis values of the motor using the
B. Design of SRM interface which is shown on Fig. 5 using the setup tab under
The priorities of any SRM design are the demanded power the analysis tree. After the finishing the analysis with a right-
for the application and the frame size. The starting point for click on the setup section under the analysis tab and selecting
the design was to determine the specifications of the the create Maxwell design at the bottom, the transient model
dimensions and parameters [8]. In this study, an 8/6 SRM was designed accordingly and Fig. 2(b) is obtained.
model was used since it is in the ANSYS/Maxwell program
examples under the RMxprt folder as an SRM which is seen
in Fig. 2(a). However, to analyze it in more detail, a transient
regime should be used as shown in Fig. 2(b). Here, the
transient regime analysis has been activated.
Authorized licensed use limited to: ULAKBIM UASL - MARMARA UNIVERSITY. Downloaded on August 28,2020 at 08:42:15 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
To analyze the Transient 2D model, we began the flux lines of the motor on the rotor poles, the stator poles and
analysis by clicking the analysis tab at the bottom of the the rotor core.
Maxwell 2D Design (Transient) project tree.
In our second analysis, we select the steel type that we
The results of the analysis can be seen under the use in rotor design as M15_26G. The results are shown in Fig.
Maxwell 2D design (transient) project tree under results and 10, Fig. 11 and Fig. 12. If we compare the results of the two
the field overlays tabs. For the magnetic analysis results we different material, we can easily see the difference in the
have examined in this study, with the right-click on the field crossing path. Especially Fig. 8 and Fig. 11 rotor-stator
overlays tab and select the results we want to see from the crossing path coloring shows the magnetic field flux density
fields’ option. difference visually.
Fig. 8. 8/6 SRM Flux Density. Fig. 11. 8/6 SRM Flux Density.
Authorized licensed use limited to: ULAKBIM UASL - MARMARA UNIVERSITY. Downloaded on August 28,2020 at 08:42:15 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
1) Is the Maxwell software easy to use for motor [10] N.F.Oyman Serteller, G.Karri, “Understanding the Foundations of
Electromagnetic Field Theory with Computer Software” Education
design and analysis? Engineering (EDUCON), IEEE,2019.pp.755-760.
2) Do you think that the tools of Maxwell are [11] O. A. Mohammed, J. Castro, Abd A. Arkadan, “A Real-time
satisfactory to design electric machine? Electromagnetic Analysis of Electric Machines for Educational
3) Have you understood the SRM after this study? Purposes and Laboratory Implementation”, International conference on
Engineering Education July 21–25, 2003, Valencia, Spain.
For this mini survey, five MSc degree students including
the one of author, who were studying at Marmara University
Electrical-Electronic Engineering department, replied the
questions. The survey was realized for consecutive last two
terms for different students. They remarked that the learning
flux and magnetic field analysis of SRM with the basic visual
expressions and by using ANSYS/Maxwell features
reinforces their understanding of theoretical principles and
increases their interest in the subject matter. It is believed that
the students replied the questions honestly.
In this study, the basics and the analysis of SRMs which
belong to a class of special electrical machines was introduced
in ANSYS/Maxwell program step by step. Our focus was on
a flux analysis of motors but other motor parameters can
analysis using this software program easily. This study did not
aim to provide information at the entrance stage in terms of
magnetic and dynamic analysis studies of electrical machines,
but it was shown through a survey study that took the
investigation further. As can be seen from the figures obtained
from the second analysis, the magnetic flux values reached
higher levels in the motor with the M15_26G rotor structure.
Basic subjects of this study is applicable to general electrical
Authorized licensed
View publication stats use limited to: ULAKBIM UASL - MARMARA UNIVERSITY. Downloaded on August 28,2020 at 08:42:15 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.