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Target Operating Model Customer Service 17

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Introduction Executive Summary Vision & alignment High-level design Operational improvement CS Transformation KPIs People & culture

KPIs People & culture Next Steps Appendix

Create a "Voice of the Employee“ (VoE) platform and process of

soliciting ideas across the organization
Sponsor: PERSON Owner: TBC Kickoff: 20Q1 Duration: Medium
Hypothesis Potential Solution Activity timeline Status Owners
Validate scope and requirements for
VoE platform  -
§ The Customer Services TOM objective states that service starts
§ Create a “voice of the employee” Identify solution (e.g. integrate with
with trusted team members who are empowered to help  -
platform and process to solicit ideas VoC or source new VoE platform)
customers the first time
across the organization. This would
§ Soliciting ideas and suggestions across the organization Integrate inputs from VoE platform
through a structured and formalized process/platform
serve as an input for the identification
into TOM delivery methodology  -
of initiatives under the target operating
provides the opportunity to receive input from employees and Measure adoption and success of VoE
model deliver methodology.
drive empowerment (e.g. number of submissions, etc)  -

 Need identified
◔ Owner defined
◑ Work initiated
◕ Early rollout
● Full rollout

Risks Dependencies Impacts

H Cost (e.g. materials, systems, labor) H Benefits (customers, employees, business)

§ Some dependency with IT; however, § Initial system / resource investments § Potential lift in employee engagement
varies based on support of existing vary based on solution (e.g. integration (e.g. retention, efficiency, sentiment,
§ No major risks identified with VoC or sourcing new platform) morale, etc.)
Voice of Customer platform currently
under development § Resources required for determining § Identification of additional operational
solution and supporting / customer benefits (e.g. operating
implementation of VoE platform efficiencies, customer sentiment)

We believe service starts with trusted team members who are empowered to help customers the first time

Introduction Executive Summary Vision & alignment High-level design Operational improvement CS Transformation KPIs People & culture Next Steps Appendix

Provide opportunities for employees to shadow, visit other

departments, attend offsite, conduct field ride alongs
Sponsor: PERSON Owner: TBC Kickoff: 19Q2 Duration: Short
Hypothesis Potential Solution Activity timeline Status Owners
Identify key business impacts to
operationalizing initiative  -
§ Providing learning and development opportunities to
employees – such as job shadowing, visiting other § Develop a formal, structured process Design solution to manage employee
departments, and conducting field ride alongs – would that provides the opportunities for requests and  -

support the empowerment of employees, while providing employees to shadow, visit other Work across departments to enable
additional insight and context into other department activities departments, attend offsites, conduct opportunities for employees  -
§ Currently, ENTITY has no formal way to manage and support field ride alongs Measure employee engagement scores
such employee requests and assess ongoing feedback  -

 Need identified
◔ Owner defined
◑ Work initiated
◕ Early rollout
● Full rollout

Risks Dependencies Impacts

H Cost (e.g. materials, systems, labor) H Benefits (customers, employees, business)
§ No major costs estimated for § Potential lift in employee engagement
§ Potential impacts to managing staffing operationalization of initiative; (e.g. retention, efficiency, sentiment,
§ Opportunities will depend on however, ongoing resources required morale, etc.)
/ resourcing if volume of requests
availability among other departments to develop and maintain process § Potential improvement in training /
becomes significant
§ Once live, initiative could present learning proficiency
some ongoing costs, as resources are § Supports identification of new
pulled from day-to-day activities initiatives

We believe service starts with trusted team members who are empowered to help customers the first time

Introduction Executive Summary Vision & alignment High-level design Operational improvement CS Transformation KPIs People & culture Next Steps Appendix

Implement an automated process to measure days elapsed to

deliver certain offerings, communications, rates
Sponsor: PERSON Owner: TBC Kickoff: 20Q2 Duration: Long
Hypothesis Potential Solution Activity timeline Status Owners
Understand existing metrics captured
§ ENTITY’s Customer Services organization has defined
today related to organizational agility  -
organizational agility (e.g. the ability to quickly react to
customer needs and changing market conditions) as a Design methodology and attributes for
component of its TOM § Implement an automated process to capturing each associated metric  -
§ Developing a measurement framework for assessing measure key agility metrics, including
Begin capturing metrics, working with
organizational agility performance requires many components, days elapsed to deliver certain offerings,
one of which includes speed to market for relevant products communications, rates and training
IT to automate certain aspects where  -
and services
§ ENTITY’s Customer Services organization currently does not Refine measurement process (ongoing)  -

◔ ◑ ◕
measure metrics related to organizational agility
 Need identified Owner defined Work initiated Early rollout
● Full rollout

Risks Dependencies Impacts

L Cost (e.g. materials, systems, labor) H Benefits (customers, employees, business)

§ Potential dependency on IT if § Some resource costs required to

§ Consistent and effective measurement identify and design methodology for § Faster speed to market (for new
measurement and tracking of KPIs is
methodology across each metric measuring delays elapsed to deliver services, offerings, etc)
necessary for assessing performance for certain processes § Better tracking of operational and
§ Some agility KPIs could be impacted by
of TOM achievement § Depending on desire level of organizational efficiencies (e.g.
organizations outside of CS
automation, some IT resources could identification of backlog)
also be needed

We are an agile organization that reacts quickly to customer needs and changing market conditions

Introduction Executive Summary Vision & alignment High-level design Operational improvement CS Transformation KPIs People & culture Next Steps Appendix

Establish a performance framework – including KPIs – across the

business to deliver the CS vision
Sponsor: PERSON Owner: PERSON Kickoff: 19Q1 Duration: Medium
Hypothesis Potential Solution Activity timeline Status Owners
Establish primary / secondary KPIs that
will be used to deliver the CS vision ◕ SC

§ A handful of KPIs that capture
§ In order to achieve the target operating model, a set of critical
operational metrics across the business
KPIs should be measured to track and assess performance Define and identify necessary data and
to support the achievement of the CG
§ These KPIs should also capture operational metrics that metrics across the business

target operating model
support TOM initiatives and projects
§ An automated dashboard that Develop dashboard that captures and
§ In addition to developing the KPIs, a structured process and CG
integrates with existing governance socialized KPIs and metrics identified
governance framework needs to be established to support the
forums to help measure performance
rollout of the performance framework in a sustainable manner Deploy, integrate, and operationalize
and drive change across the business  -

◔ ◑ ◕
dashboard across the business
 Need identified Owner defined Work initiated Early rollout
● Full rollout

Risks Dependencies Impacts

L Cost (e.g. materials, systems, labor) H Benefits (customers, employees, business)
§ IT to support capturing and measuring
§ Some KPIs could take additional time § Continuous tracking of critical KPIs
some KPIs § Some technology resources including
to define and capture given their supports reporting efficiencies (both
§ Data scientists to support data labor to develop the dashboard
§ Decentralized data across the business ad-hoc, TOM, and BAU)
management § System / infrastructure costs expected
could increase measuring and § Rapid identification and tracking of
§ Data analysts to drive analysis and to be marginal given existing
reporting complexity initiatives to drive KPI performance
reporting environment
across the business

We are an agile organization that reacts quickly to customer needs and changing market conditions

Introduction Executive Summary Vision & alignment High-level design Operational improvement CS Transformation KPIs People & culture Next Steps Appendix

Consider the use of multi-skilled vs specialized agents

Sponsor: PERSON Owner: PERSON Kickoff: 19Q2 Duration: Medium

Hypothesis Potential Solution Activity timeline Status Owners
Identify potential benefits and use
cases for more specialized agents  -

§ ENTITY currently handles approximately 1.5M calls a year § Perform an analysis to determine the Determine additional costs and
through its contact center, primarily using multi-skilled agents benefits and operational feasibility of training requirements  -
to handle a variety of calls using multi-skilled vs specialized agents
Understand and map skills-based
§ There could be a potential opportunity to handle some calls § Identify potential use cases to use
routing capabilities of existing IVR  -
through more specialized agents that can provide more specialized agents vs multi-skilled
tailored service due to their expertise in a specific skill set agents Develop formal business case,
including cost-benefit analysis of  -

◔ ◑ ◕
operational metrics/KPIs
 Need identified Owner defined Work initiated Early rollout
● Full rollout

Risks Dependencies Impacts

M Cost (e.g. materials, systems, labor) H Benefits (customers, employees, business)
§ No major risks if performing initial
assessment; however, full rollout § Moving to more specialized agents
§ Skills-based routing would require § Resource costs required to perform
would introduce operational risks to could result in greater customer
some dependency on systems (e.g. IVR) analysis of using multi-skilled vs
the contact center including potential sentiment as agents can provide full
§ Additional training would be required specialized agents
for higher number of transfers and issue resolution in one call
to develop required specialization § Additional costs would be required as
increased staffing / work force § Less training required for specialized
part of full deployment (e.g. systems,
management coordination agents on an ongoing basis given their
training, etc)
more narrow scope

We are an agile organization that reacts quickly to customer needs and changing market conditions


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